The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 28, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    April a8, 1898
He Pays Tribute to a
Worthy Democrat.
The Chicago Platform Good
Enough For xooo.
Culoncl llaatoa of MlMoorl Teoahad lie
hi K. WbH 11 Oppo..a the Kn.
larg.m.nt ol IU lUf ular Army la Cim
of War th I'r.ald.Mt Should Call for
VolauU.r- Why Man KIU Itpre
santatl.s If all's Mil Mot udUa lth,
iftpsclal WsltIfi-ton Utt.r.J
Tlie jgeueral UuynmnUm is that an ex
governor of a state iu tho Union most
be iu ibo very nature of tblugs"a grave
and reverend )lriiur," with half
wbitemwl by tho shows of tunny winters
an J otber visible evidences of sue.
If 11 Mlvr in the gallery, baking
down upon 11 full bouse, imbued witb
the idoa sot forth iu tbo first siiutumio,
werocollwl upon to pick out tboM-Kov-arnors
among tbo Members, one of tho
lait onus bo would aaleot would ho
John Ji. Osborne of Wyoming, for uo
ign (it ago appears about bim, On tho
flODtrory, bo is not only ono of tho
oujigost representatives, but i almost
boyisb iu bio looks, lo in a bondsome,
prepossessing, intelligent, courageous,
clcur beaded, eloquent young man, Ho
baa a pant crowded witb tbrilling events
Md a future brigbt iu prom loo,
Ono of tho inoMt striking soutiinflos
Tr uttered 011 thin continent wum de
livered by Uomxm Conkling iu tbo grout
Republican national convention of ltH0
wben bo wax leading tho old guard,
battling for tho old commander, Iu
speaking of Orent Conkling said, "Hit
it tbo arduous greatness of thing douo. "
Bo i Governor Osborne's, A Oreou
Mountain boy by birth, bo In not yet 80
yearn old, yet bo in a graduate from a
Medirial college, bun practiced medicine,
engaged extensively in ruining live took
upon tbo pen range, nerved iu tbo
Wyoming legislature and an cbuirmau
Of tbo territorial penitentiary building
commission, an mayor of Uawlins, al
ternate to tho Deni(cratio national con
vention of governor of Wyoming,
wan renominated for governor and de
clined, wan a member of thu bimetallio
Ifemocratio national committee for tbo
tatoof Wyoming in 1800, wan chair
mun of tbo Wyoming dub-gatiou to tho
national Democratic) convention at Chi
cago in IHW, and iu tbo autumn of thut
year waa elected to congress, Btatod
without adornment, tbo career of tbis
splendid young Democrat I well calcu
lated to fire tbo heart of every boy in
tbo laud and demonstrates tho inurvel
oun adaptability of the American cltlmi
for gravo responsibility ami for public
life. With ouch ripo experience at bin
time of life the pride of the Democracy
of a nascent commonwealth rich in pos
sibilities what may not Governor Ox
borne iiopo for in tbo duyit that are to
comer One of bl performances particu
larly emleared hi 111 not only to tliu poo
pie of Wyoming und to Democrat every
where, for all men, even coward, ad
mire and revero courage and unoon
quorablo resolution.
When Osborne wa elected governor,
the Republican louder of Wyoming, for
tho purpose inter alia of stenliiig u Unit
ed Htute setmtorsblp, formed a comtpir
acy to keep hint out of the govuruornbip
until tho Republican governor could is
sue certificate of election to certain He
publicau cuudidate for tho leuUluture
who were never elected, thereby con
trolling tho lugiluture and electing a
United Btatee enator, but
Tli bout lit lil aa'buiiiM o' mltw ami men
(Jsiig aft H suluy.
The Republican authorities refund to
rauva, certify and publLb the voto
for governor which howed young (
borue' election. Remember t tit t bo
WB tbeiiMily about IM years old. Wbut
did bo dor Hubmlt to their kuuveryf
Not much, lie n ifnriiitid a tHper wbleh
fiiiiil tbo eye of Ihu euuutry upon him.
o oaiiviiMod tbo return blmvlf, and
when tbo day camo when bl term
bould U'gln bad bimaelf iworu t it a
governor by a nutary pull lo, Imik a lot
of hi geiillo lieplird, prnMlil to
tlm ttulo e pi id, tiMik iMMMtMioii of tho
guveruor'a titllco ami uid iu it every
moitieut, ulgblaud day, fm threw or fnur
wtwi. ttiug ami ilee'hig there, until
Ilia Mi mi blow over. IU ltnl Iho if'
llfttateo of liHitluii In Iho 1"iiiik rtlo
iiiuUi(ir, thmly ihwartiug lh
hwuie lit RepuUloaulill lhl
Unit Thvit Ito ImuhI a pr Uitialiun la
Iho h io at lllug frlli Iho (41. and
Ibry uiUluvl bl aiibm. Nu Hpub
UU l'ltllel fUU vulrM olvelml
io Ibal jubH L mUifito by hi bielu
(hm Iio I iuh'U Ilia MUlof Iho I'uUwl
hUUi lH.wratlt ff l ), !
Ibal. !, al a lluto btu b
.! i t lua old wmuh l l kl l( III"
h(ii biniwlt IU u a lilt ir nuku
, rUeiMl J TiUltiu j.M.i hi
wr ltalhif4l It IUt ul.
Mvur bvo ndu iho ii.u My f
l p a Ht A
Ot.VtliiMf tWt in leml Ht!rtl
iU III Iho h.'OMi iall and w4i
il,uUU4 apUa l'" kit iwi
flat IVilnltilr bo U viiulttl li
iitk f t tiM Katla A b
l4 la ! UMtlUIU t4e0 m H
puaavial iiiii II aiay totl mu
Mll a aa lHvaltiMal at taqiMo
a4whl ftut hi lpt h. Aii( uU
luteal bo Mt4t
" uiiihI, Ml t'kaliHiaM, la tho
t)k MU tV aiolloiHiii en ll
ldo of tbo chamber during tbo debt
on tbo Teller resolution. 1 have mora
recently llituned to tho ipeoch upon tho
financial queition made by tbo dUtln
guiibod gentleman from New York Mr.
Alexander, and I now want to ay that
in my bearing iince I terved a a mem
ber of thl body there ha not been an
argument advanced offering a legiti
mate defonae of tbo linglo gold stand
ard. Wo have heard our great reform
leader mulioioualy traduced, wo have
beard our oauws abuied, we have liiten
ed to unjuitiflublo prediction of dread
ful impending calamltle that will bo
fall u after silver i remonetized, but I
have not heard a Mingle argument baed
on defensible prcmixei, not an argu
nant backed up by hUtorical deduc
tion or logical reaiwjuiug.
"Right iu thi connection, Mr.
Chairman, I want to remark that any
cause which muat be upheld by ridic
ulous untruth or by mystifying half
truth can but prove a menace to tho
libertio of the people and on general
principle, without further argument,
merit the stamp of their rlgbteou con
demnation. Wo have been told repeat
edly that the conservative pcoplo of thl
couutry do not want to experiment witb
any new financial system during these
critical time, a statement which nat
urally conveys tho idea that bimetallism
1 something new, Is an experiment.
Wo deny tbii allegation.
"JJlmetuIlism ha been thoroughly
tried and hu never failed to keep this
body politio sound in wind and limb.
"Wo contend, Mr. Chairman, thut it
is uot uecesNury to ask the consent of
England. Wo contend that it i extreme
Jy unwise to ask tho advice of foreign
er who are not iu sympathy with our
American institutions upon matters per
taining to the welfare of tbo American
people. Kngluud, a creditor nation, will
never give ber consent. Bhe has always
favored scarce and dear money, and
when I say this I do not refer to indus
trial Kugluud. I refer to boudboldiug
" Wo know, however, Mr. Chairman,
that wo can legiloto value into money.
Wo know tbut money bus no value ex
cept by legislation; that tho remoneti
cation of silver will cnuso it to advance
to f 1,2!) per ounce; tbut on soon as it is
rmouetl.od one ounce of silver will be
worth one-sixteenth of au ounce of
gold. We judge tho future by wbut the
history of the past has clearly demon
strated. We want it to advance not be
cause it will benefit tho mine owners,
but because it will benefit iltf per cent
of tho American people.
"To be sure, the mine owners, in
common with others, will bo benefited,
but this is a matter of minor impor
tance. Fifty per cent added to tho value
of our silver output will iucreuso the
mine owner' income but about f UK,
000,000 a year, while 60 per cent add
ed to tho valuu of our wheat and cotton
crop will increaw tbo farmer' income
on tbeso two product alono not less
than $200,000,000 a year.
"If the gold worshiper are jealous
of our western mine owners, they can
go out west and compete with them,
" We aro active, we are persistent,
and wo have met nothing to discourage
us in the work. In the preliminary skir
mish of 1800 our duuntles leader poll
ed 0,600,000 vote. He polled more
vote than had ever before iu tho histo
ry of thi nation boon cust for tho pre
idcntlul candidate of any political par
ty, and thut splendid result was achiev
ed notwithstanding tho fact that the
wealth of two continent wu poured in
here todeprivo the American citizens
of their constitutional riht to cust a
free und uutramineled Lit 1 1' it. " Ap
plause on thu Democratic sido.
HouuU Wanting.
"To bo sure, wo met witb a tempo
rary defeat in that contest, but that du
feut only served let 1110 sound the
warning it only Nerved to morn thor
oughly amulgumute thu coiixeientious
reform force of all thu reform politicul
parties. Let mo say to the geutlemun
further that wo aro today more closely
united than ever, and wo have register
ed a vow never to ceuNe our effort in
thi good work until tho wrong of tho
coin imm people aro righted. Applause
on thu Democratic side, We won a vic
tory iu thut rumpalgu, for we, in the
city of Chicago, after one of thu ilercest
Htruggle ever recorded iu tho history of
American polities, rescued thu standard
of Democracy from the band of the
trultorou lender who hud so Imst ly
prostituted t ltd sacred trust reposed iu
them, and today, thank God, coiuM'criitttd
anew to the principle so fearlessly up
held by Jefferson, lieinotrai-y still live
to hies mankind I Applause ou tbo
Ikmocreliu side.
Itohal Ibal Wu Vlolurr.
"We made Iho Issue iu Ibal content,
ml thai was a victory. Wo Iuw MUkI
upon our lanuer a platform rvoommeitd
iug Iho eiiluraeiiieiit of our primary
money, protesting aaliul placing lh
burden tit U4tloii uiu hu shoulder ol
IIiom l-al abU to Ur Ita platform
In spirit reiterating Iho word of waru
lug ullrl by lmull VUtv, 'Tbo
llUrtle of the 1 ile tanuoi long tu
dure Iu a country where lit it
tu iviievelrsla wtallh Iu Ibo baud t l
the !w. '
"Now, Mr, t'bairioau, in com luio,
a Ibal we our la((oim in lw'l. It t
Mill our pUifotiit aud ill eouiiiiuM to
I out 1 uuiil tin i t 010 no iti
tvsloltol t l Hit D. unity a foefiiluUt
for and t y IIo-m e-mnod
"V 10 inly ti our UtfttM
fimovl Hal t f yen in mit is t ut
tiw A null. i iltt h toiui
tualvil a vaioloMla f f l ii. iy
Hl'otl 1 11 Utl. lO. lUtilbtlWUht
l Will tulitll IU ! llU.
Iimko to bvap yui at uo u blu, il
yotl tstll. but that abuwi ttioUl.t
hiuit bi uuiulliwl .utvituio IU
lUmll U U Awnln'i -1 U
avMlug b talHtittluif Jvlt.i4i,
the of a J , Ibo .tu !
t.f a WiNltf, l IUe vutUu
aM bounty i f an Ai iim l.lmolu
iAppUaso uh the iMum lotto si-lo. 1 b
v I h uiteg It I a t U dtutuy
fiUtok wkitt all Itue Aailau if v
try political oreed, of every class and of
very section will unite in thanking
Ood that there ha been raised from tho
common people a William J, Bryan to
bless tho common people." Applause
on tbo Democratic) sido.
This is a long quotation for these let
ters. I make it for two reasons first,
because it I good stuff for Democratic
tump speakers aud editors to salt dowu
iu their scrapbooks; second, because
witb my large acquaintance witb south
rn and western Dutnocrut I am cer
tainabsolutely certain that it voices
their unalterable resolve not only to in
dorse the Chicago platform in 1900, but
to re-enact it in toto, word for word,
without abating 0110 jot or ono tittlo,
aud to pluce upon it as our standard
bearer our brilliant aud well beloved
leader, William Jennings llryon.
ItemoaraU for National Honor.
Mr. Chairman Hull of the bouse mil
itary committee i a sadder, perhaps
a wiser, man. Ho is ono of tbo putriots
who believed that any sort of a bill
could bo rushed through iu these trou
blous duys by labeling it "emergency
measure" and shouting at the top of
bis voice about patriotism, but bo had
hi eyeteeth cut suddenly when ho
brought Iu his bill increasing tho stand
ing army to about 114,000 men, for
that was wbut it amounted to. It pre
clpltuted a battle royal between tbo ad
vocutesof "the regular army" aud "vol
unteer." Tho latter wero championed
by the Democrat, 1'opullst and some
Republican, and they disemboweled
Hull's bill.
The Democrats aro willing nyo, anx
ious to support any measure to uphold
the honor and dignity of tho nation In
prospect of war, but tbey can't be
wheedled, persuuded or bullied into fas
tening a largo standing army on the
oouutry to bo used by tho Murk Hunno
plutocrats against tho people iu tho
presidential election.
Among those who advocated volunteer
soldiers uouo spoke more tersely or in
terestingly than M. K. Denton, a new
member from Missouri. It Was hia do
but as a parliamentary orator, and he
impressed himself ou the houso very fa
vorably, Ho bears a distinguished name,
being a remote collateral relative of
Colonel Thomas Hart Ronton, who, un
til Justin A. Morrill broko tho record,
was the only man that over served 80
consecutive years in tho senate of the
United Btato. In 1888 Grover Cleve
land unwittingly made Denton popular
by removing him from tbo United Htutes
district attorneyship for making a Dem
ocratic speech, a thing which every well
reguluted Missouriuu deems it bis in
alieuublu right to do.
Tbo pith of thl speech is:
"I am oppoHed to any inoroase in the
regular army at tho present time or at
any time for any purposo. I believe the
true doctrine with reference to tho mut
ter wu enunciated by Mr. JelTerson
When be said that tho best reliance of
republican government wu upon au hon
est soldiery. I believe that under
tho provisions of this bill tho president
of tbo United Btatu can augment the
regulur army over 100,000 inon. Now,
is there any ueccusity for that? Has it
been pointed out or i there any rouson
to assume that it doe exist?
"I believe if there i to be a war the
president should call upon tbo various
states for ii,000, 4,000 or 6,000 men
from the states respectively, a may bo
neccNsury, and which will permit tho
governor of a statu to call tbo regiment
already orguni.od or tbo national guurd
men who have been drilled, who aro
armed, uniformed and equipped to go
Into the ser vice of tbo United Htatcs aud
in thut capacity a voluotner soldier of
thu government. Then when thi clus
of men i colled out you will find inuu
from every city and town throughout
thu broad iimitH of thu United titutu to
bo tho very best, tbo gamest and thu
ablest blood of each neighborhood
throughout tho country. Tho lieuten
ants, orderly sergeunt, captain, major,
ooloncU und other ofllcor are all their
own M'luhlmrH, men who buvo grown up
with them und been aMsociiited with
them In tho ordinary alTiiir of lifa
There Is no mun who ha ever nerved iu
the army of the United ritute who doc
uot know it to bo a fact that men tight
uot beoauso of natural bruvery, but bo
ouusu of thut spirit of neighborly pride
which U in every American beurt when
bin neighbor stuud ut tho right and left
of him."
William Hhukespuiiru, alia Frauci
iiacou, nay:
Wlmt'i In a nanmf TUnl wtiteli wo call a roM
lijf any otto r iisiiin wnultl amell ss svtrmit.
Nevertheless there i n great deal Iu
si namo or a nickname. It may imply
hnuor, a "Old Hickory," for iustauce;
or shuiitti.a "Tho Hutehvr of Cullodeti, "
a title Kiveu In Iho Duke of Cumber
Und; or atTectiou, a "Tbo Little Cor
poral, " which tbo French oldlerlovH
to call Napoluou; or ridicule, a "Tho
Hog," a naiiio iveu to Umt XVIII
of Frauco,
I luring the wrangle over Halley's res
olution rHMuliiiig t'ulmii ludeieiiiuiico
Ilia IrrvprvMiblS Jerry MiupMtii of Kan
sas ti'i aohrhUtl upon tho lUpublto
au majority which fit thiu Itkoaglovo
when bo it t rr in Hu in a "thpk
u recent riituil.'," llwatau Inspire
in u, a palpabU hit, wub h will live iu
but -y It wa a a coup f , r lb
Kausau a lh dlscowiy that Gowtuor
tiitut . Iha s ll nlil l ihaitiploit i4
Aiutrttau UUr, tai a bat with a
U.o.b Uia.ti iiiik,tlouli, U tug IbsUll
lautniu and iiijw lv tula auoihvr itm
Ul (wit, It amy bao Uiltxl tt make
nil pen tin 1 rcMtwtt upon Iba upct
loiial uiitol t u-iuetl I u l It not
bno st Ibal my im.b i nny bao auiiU
IvIsUlO l-t It llctt MiM IU at lU'Mt'
Nui tta to w tu lb Iioumi om our IU
will tmr .acto it m aid at Mr
Km 4 Ittpublkau Hiahiiiy Slot bet
(Moat f J.iiy'ttliarMIatlMtl I low
"iMfiHwultaib "
An investigation has shown that
John Myers, county rlerk, and John
Ktout, county trciitturer of ThurHton
county ure abort In their fiwount
Myero' ehortiige i $952.14, while
8touta uliortiige einounU to $1,2:)3.)3.
John Wiuuunuker auya ho will con
tinue to 1 my the regular salary of any
of hi employe who muy miliat, and
$l.(M)0 to their fuioliies if they are kill
ed in a war with Hpaln.
Hundiiy, the jowdcr work at Hantn
Cruz, Culifornla, sbippctl 100,000
pound of jHiwder eiwt.
The state band at Hustings hnu been
muitteicd Into wrvlce im the accond
regiment bund N. N. O. The cltlwim
of luKtiiiKi rnlwtl over $A()0 for the
purchiiHc o. muHlcal inatrumenta and
Hon, J. N. (in f 11 of KuunderH wa
seen in thl city Haturdny. Ho nH)i-t
crop condition In Haundera county ex
cellent. J In luiH 40 iwrea of hiiiiiII grain
and 75 Here of corn which he I tak
Ing rare of without the asMlHtniico of
a "hired innli." Furmer (liillin ileelln
ed to bit "Interviewed" on the politi
cal situation,
The Oi mid Ian government I giving
crlou coiiMltlenitlon to a projK'wltlon
to own mid operate such portion of
tho Klondike gold Held 11 are on the
Ot-nndhiu Hide, Tho contention is that
11 th mine belong to the wbolo peo
ple they hIiouM bo oiM-ruleil for their
OingreMsinnn H, 1', lilatid, of MIhmoii
rl, ha Introduced a bill rovhllng for
the Inioieilliilf- colnngc of the seignior
11 ge of the itilver bullion piircluotc In
tMirxiuinee of the Hhermiin net and the
iNHlie. of silver certified If (hereon III
ml vii nee of the colnngc of the bullion,
Thl would make Immediately avail
able over I2,000.000 for war puriioHc,
Tho jxipullHt statft convention of
North Carolina will Ut held at Raleigh,
Muy 17th.
The flrxt, move of tho American wire
truwt, lifter getting jmwmcmhIoii of all
thei fiM'forlcN, wn in mi a thirty day
inrtlce of a reduction in wage of from
il to 30 per cent.
The investigation of the city officers
of l'hihulclphiu In showing that munlc
pel ownership of the water plant full
ed there because a prlvut corporation
paid the olllecra to no munngtt it that
it would full,
"WnrH and rumor of wars" do not
interfere with the. working of linn
mi' literary bureau, Tho western and
southern mnilH are loaded with matter
bearing the frank of the Ohio senator.
Free Pleoicai Treaiment
for VeaR men
Who Are Willing to Pay When
Convinced of Cure.
A scientific combined medical and
mechanical cure ha been discovered
for " Weakness of Men." Its success
has been so startling that the proprie
tors now announce that they will send
it on trial remedies and appliance
without advance payment in any hon
est man.
If not all that is claimed all you
wish send it back that ends it pay
nothing I
No sttch offer wa ever made in good
faith Ik-fore; wo believe no other rem
edy would stand such a test.
This combined treatment curesqulck
ly, thoroughly and forever all effects of
early evil habits, later excesse. over
work, worry, etc. It create health,
strength, vitality, sustaining power
and rent ore weak aud undeveloped
portion to natural dimeusluu and
Any man writing in earnest will re
reive description, particular and ref
erence in a plain sealed envelope.
I'rofesiional confidence. No deception
mr imposition of any nature, A na
tional trputation back thi offer. (Cut
out ami send this uotico, or mention
paper.) Address
W ben bilious or ettlte rat a (W
earrt candy atharlU'.etire guarant!,
lot-, V.
tut: u kh. ilvi t: lai vti
W t 1 1 1 1 t nn lo ih II llckrls to li Inn
ler, N V . ami rvltirn, al ont f4n ami
ut- ilnnl for th round trio, on It
li itle, aet-otiiil of ll.iptLi itinvi-r-oHlita,
Mil 141, lttt. Idrrr Ihltoih
rl.ic Irmit bthtr tliltitt'ii dtilt
f, o in I lie Mil Ilium ulre I mu iii r
I,, 1 urn I l linn ami Itml 1 ,im
I ,t ,.iim i,l Itulr aiMMia llin ln - I
I. ,11 i.u ( ,t.r ,1 , t m I . I, a it . I, tu
ii l Nt ol, HI l.ti., M, I hiiii
w Mi ki I. i l ill ;uh
1 It., t.! I.i . II lit ki t lii I fir i
l.t..l anil 11 linn al ol, tri" ami m.
lh'il f' Hi lotiti.l lMt, nti rvillH. t
I I m im . HMO I ol tt-it' lo iiritti t
aiiuiott waUli ol ttti t nilfl 'irl,t
I. H ill I llUllti ol Nut lb Mlflttll. M ;
ti 11 iWti mil Im rl mi attt i.f
iMir I lit. Imlii Waling
I M floltl llt all lOilrvN sltrr I ,
'- cn,-rr olnliiiii al to II 1 m , Ml
i lii ,iil lit t (i. m lirl tU,
r. l.'On tl t,i iimi t 1 l.i nf ,
! l I all tn or aitrv J , I aUltiiH, s
I, rubral ts-vei. 1 1 1 Attain Ml , I nr.
A SPECIAL invitation is extended to the farmers
of Lancaster County and vicinity (since spring
is approaching) to call at our place of business
and get prices for your spring Painting. Our
quotations will surprise you. Why buy in
ferior goods, when the best can be purchased
for the same money? We have it, and give
you a guarantee with every article. j j j
Our past experience has taught us that the farmer
uses as good an article as anybody, and why
not give them the worth of their money? We
guarantee that you will receive the test of
treatment and satisfaction. Respectfully,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
111 !! Illa I IMti
0 :xooooooooo
For Garden
.of And Field
Host Adapted lor tho went or ell ma to. I'rioo Heaannable. Headquarters
for Alfalfa, Clorer, Timothy and Klue (Ira rWds, Heed Wheat, Heed Oate
and all otlmr tWd Grains; Heed Corn. Cane. Kaffir Corn aud other Forape
i'lant Hoed; Vegetable and Flower Heeds our specialties, 4 (u Da 0(
Poultry Satpplles and Remedlei. Catalogue mailed fro on application.
Write fur speciul priooa.
fit w-'fjAftftt4
2asc 0.
MaAt MM"
Hia.fl m lia ttt, bp
For. .
The Finest
Made in America today
The Farrand
. . and Votey
ORGAN has the sweetest tone,
is the most durable in construction, and is the only really
mouse-proof Organ made. Don't forget that we also carry
the finest line of Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, etc., and at
lowest prices.
Matthews Piano Co.,
130 South Thirteenth Street, Lincoln, Nebr.
Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties
14th and Nicholas Sts., - - OMAHA, NEB
- - Established 1893
Save the middleman's profits by buving your
seeds direct from the grower. We will send the
following seeds post paid for FIFTY CENTS:
1 tiki FVaris, Cameron's Wonder Wai...
1 jikt lVaa, Cameron'a Rarlieat ol All ,
1 pit iet, laiwron a fimm C olumbia...,
1 pkt l abc-aae, new r.arij rtriraa
1 pklCoemnbara, Jaiianiwa Climbing
1 pkt lttuea, Caoi.ron'a N.w liUrtJ....M.
1 pkt Wter Mloa, Karllwl ol All..
1 pkt Mask Holloa, I'rldeol tke WmL
1 pk I Onion, Camorna'a Inipro Had
1 pkt Radish, Camaroa'a N.w Rarlbet of All...
1 pkt Tomato, Camaroa'a Ughtalotf Kipreaa
All theabnre aro new Tartatiaa. Alaotwo
largo park af m of lluoar rWile, ach eoalaia
b IS diBKroot klada ol rioef tM....H..
400M M .
$1.70 Worth of Seed for only 50 CtS
You can save $1.20,
the middle man's profit,
by sending in your ordf r at one .
Send for Catalogue.
Mrstioa tali fiMf
ma tun cuho
kj t K4 li)riu 1
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klsTKa tea laatt4 Isi-araaaaat k.a rtui ar a4ttlowfo.