THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT April 28, 1898 Bf Nebraska 3nbcpcnbcnt CimtoliJalhn of TUB WEALTH MAKKKS tni LINCOLN lNDS.PS.NDf.NT. rUrJLISHEI) EVERY THURSDAY y 111 IndepEijderjt Publijshiqg Go. At 1120 M Btrt, LINCOLN, - NEBHASKA TELf PHONE 638. $1.00 VtH YliAK IN AbVANCh A'l'lnn Mill i-oiiiiiiuiilrHllon In, ui'l 111 11 k nil dralla, iui,B- onli-i te., iiivhIjI lo TDK INUKI'K.Mil-.Mr I I II, CO., l.liriM , St.H. Tbe jirt'crnt, war I not for compient but for 1j utiiaiiily and Phrintla.11 civi ligation, Claim aggregating $10,000,000 have already been preferred by American citizen ngnlnnt Hpain. jTonenty Im the bent policy, even In (he lale university. The people v!II not anpport 11 nhiim, and nunpicion in ulready arouned, The I nlted ritefc nuprcme court liu decided that children born of (Jhl ih'mb parent in thi country aro 011 titled to citlennhip, flreenbnck hear no intercut, and by giving employment to the people., create wealth, while Intercut bearing lawl are fax-enter whkli drain the country's wealth. A dlHpateh from Karma (,'ify iey that the government tin advertised there for 1,H00 mule and the patriotic mule dealer have combined to nine price 25 per cent. And yet the gov ernment canotit rnlne price :n we Jmve ho freotiently la-en told wi debate 011 the money tpientlon. It in ntiited that the Hpnnlnh army 1 laying wante the Interior of Cuba mar the fortlfled town and that lire in canning: untold ilcvnnlatloii in the amuller town and plantation. H In , feared that the once fertile inland of Cuba will a want of tire nwept lb-Id and ruined home before the Ameri can force can land and drive out the r!pan!h army. If anyone had predicted tliirly neven vt'ti i-m nto uhAn vtiiiNir inkh uhpa crowding the recruiting olllce to fight for the union that la-fore the clone of thin century a power would urine In America that would forbid the country butcher from eluugbteiing hi own lieef and dictate who nliould nell pro vlaions and what he nhould get for nelllng them how many of thone young, men eager to light the nlave power would have believed Jt? If'klM 'illtnlr tl.. u. .m... I ........ st n urn rw in mi in Ri,ri lllMHI the opportunity prenctited by a wave of popular nynipathy for Cubnii nuf ferlng to advance their pet. projet't for Increaning the regular army to 1t,0(iO men. The emphatic protect of .Adjoin ant (leiKKil liarry ami other Ncbrunka military men voiced not only the mili tary but the citizen Hciitinieiit, of the went. There in not now and never will be need of increaning the nie of our utanding army. The defence of thin nation 1 her noldiery and their n (Tec tum for their country. They fought and won in the revolution, In tin; war of 1S12, In the Mexican war. in the re bellion, Whenever the life or peace of thl country I threatened they will protect It. Jlut they want no incrciotc 01 tlie Mtamllng army. 1 hey iln not intend that the time nhall come in thin country an in (iermauy when very wnrkliigiiian xluill enrry on hl lm'k a regular noldicr. The people who are punning thin ni'Iicuic for a large ntwnding army have in mind an entlre.y different purjone than foreign defence, HKNA Mill Al.l.t. MllM Heliator Allen ha done the rlflit thing. Without waiting for the Intro duction of a ImmuI bill providing for a pular Uwn" of 1oo.imm.mmki or 'km,. (MMI.UOU of Interest U-Miiug IhmhU he promptly moved hint week the itdopl toil of the folluwing rvwilultoiu That In the opinion of th wimte no rlreiiintiiee can arUe In the relation of the 1' tilled Mute of Aiueilia and the klngdoiii of HhIii thi will war rant au iuerraae of the inlen nt U-r-log tHMldeti of till gnv trituient, or that wilt hi any manner Interfere with the rrfotiu of the It nun tint affair of (he l'nli.-.l M,ii line laid down In the ioilton Ml pie' mrty plittfollii of July. IV1, (If t-otitM the umiftl ol.)t,.n w utte to IliiUmlWU tiidtfutlu and nbr (he eiiat rule I ho ivw.IuM.mi Went titer fT lulutt action. I uviih for the pivMnl. Nutu-e h.t Wen yitea thvl Uiol toll. of thi loiintrjr ami of i:iroe tht wl.-n thy In lag thrlr Uiik heiii Il.t.i (mgrraa lh Mho Mill opite It ai already thre, Na 11 of -tit e tim kttttl Im Made of totiiif for inoie latere! Waring Uad, Tbl I a war for freedom Hot tor tMMwUg. WAB awhpolitich. A great amount of tincaInca In ing manifested by tli(e whoae friend and relative have nlgnlflcd their In tcntlon of collating for the war, There l no call for excitement. Thin war I not to be nettled In a day or month, unli-a all algn fail. There I too much at ntnka, It I generally J, lievel by thone in a jKinition to know that our fleet now blockading Havana could nhell that and other Cuban cit- le and by co-op-rating with the innur gent priwtically free (!uba In nhort or der, but thin i evidently no part of the admlnlntratiori'a plan. Thin war ipiea- (ion i bio nearly' nilled" in a politlea) iwmie to be nummarHy aefteld, Theri' are IW.OOO voluiteer called for and it will be obnerved t hat the time of en llntiuent in olaced at two yearn, are ncorcn of opjiointnient U lx; iitwp, each worth thounand of dollar per year. There In much lionor to be gain ed and much booming to ) done, Huch an op(orl unity doe not come In every generation. The piencnt admin inti-ation wan becoming unpopular even among it former friend aid wan raoldlv loninif cante throughout fh country Member of the cabinet wen resigning and city and town elcclionn In all part of the, UniteI Htae nhow ed lartfe democratic gain and the caune of free nilver wa daily gaining ground. Now all I changed and war in for the preaent dwarfing all other Innucn and uniting all faction. Duo advantage will be taken of all thin. barice bodie move nlowly; care munt be, token in the appointment of gem r- aln, colonel, ma lor and a nont of other; a plan of campaign fount be mapped out; raw recruit munt lie drilled; hot weather and yellow fever are coming on in Cuba, All thin mean delay. Meanwhile our fleet can make hontilo demonntrationn, capture a few prize, maintain a peaceful, blockade of Cuban porta If ponnlblc, and tier- tin jim have a bnmh with the .enemy, lint our land force will hardly move upon Cuba until next fall and during the interim an attempt will be made to innue Ixnid and Irolntcr tip the gold ntandiird, After troop begin to move the war may drag along In diiMiiltory fanhioii for another year and then will ome the prcnidcutial campaign and McKinley will lx- hailed an the great war prenident whone wine and careful ntatenmaunhip naved the nation from Imoending dianter. lie will have the active nupport 'if hi army appointee both civil and military and the j-cpuli- lieau party prenn will declare that the money iicMion I a dcal Innue and that war innue and war record atoms liniht. be dincunncd. Tlii Inlhc preMcnt outlook, t-t the common ja-ople govern themnclven im: cordingly that they be not deluded by falne Innue a in the pant, l-t every move to Innue bond lie fought to the bitter end. Make free nilver the battle cry and demand non-fiitcrrnt bearing greenback an againnt intercnt, la-ar-lug homln, WKtKHMH Will K IV II I 1 1 K, The rcnigiiiition of ,bdiu HhcruiiLU, wcrefary of Mate mark the begin ning of tin- dii.iiiti (Tiilion of McKin ley' cabinet. Kheriuan n-nigned by reipient. That in 1111 lunger in iloiibt. lie vviih cnjfileil into giving up will, in I he nenate to make room for Mark Milium 11 im I now he in gently but none the lesn forcibly removed from the cabinet and bin political nlur in forvo er net. Thin will not cannc much nor nor to a majority of tin- American peo ple an liin policy wan roundly Condemn ed, but the hiiril of fairnem will iro tent againnt the (Ungraceful trick play ed upon an old man who lum xerved bin iart,v and bin uianler only too well iIii-kc many yearn. I'oNtuuo-ler iener al 1 11 rv ban alno handed in hi renig nation, giving an a itio.oii that bin lieallh in breiikiug ilovvu. Tln-re may Im oilier I'i'Iihoiih eiiiully an goinl but they are not given. Heeretary of War li. A. Alger and Heeretary of the Treas ury by 1 111 1 1 .1. liucc are iiIno reported an about to renig 11 bei aum- t lit-1 r vtcvtn do not coincide with the prcniili-iit' poHiiiou on the wur iiienliou. Alger in for a vlgorou policy while Mi Kin ley neeiu to favor delay and In trying to condui t a weeeful war on a wait ing plan, tinge I M-emlugly poxneint ml of one Idea. The gold ktaiuhiril In the Alpha and ibui-gn of hi olllelitl life and he rid.-, hi hobby ... every Imanlble iNraioii, In ninwiu and out of teuton. He I not even in ecoNud with the uienila-r of hi own party In coiigrea and hi obnliuaey and In tolerance of the opinion of Id col hiiguea ha kept til tn practically alone In hi plan and theorir for nnatu 11 re a. rm. Ill withdrawal will prolatldy be animiimed in a few day and the plfialdent HHialeil cabinet will h ma tiilrtlly I'lianui-tl nltoo.t wttbin I lie Hiat )r of hi tcini Mit U tha liniibleV V (he cabinet win or waa the loan who a. Uileil It Wrukf ii in in iitfc aria. The counlry l-aitker heitiM-li Ifla In w aliiln. At the met tluil of lha w V the prenlileict of the - hI.o ha lnrii a alronrf upiHitrr tf,l,' lh gold klandartl ul It touaia pioj ml for rvUiiny lha (fivmlMnk. ! riniily warned tha aMllloa Ida! It w lha Itniitetlial hmoii uly of rjr eountry baaker to beat Ik tup reocy bill prepared by the lndianapo- Wfljjj. monetary eomminnlon and recently introduced Into congrcna. Haid be, - J "'J'bat bill provide for the etablih- tMUt t,f branch lauik. Lnder It 00- leiktlonn everv nmnll lianker In the a country would m crowded out by the big financial Jnntltutlon etablinhing- brancbe," l)r. Hall, of the lat laink- ing lmard, who wa preaent aniiled 11a he remarked, "I am glad that nome of (he rent of you are finding that out. I learned it wyaeJf aeveral year ago when thin movement for 'nound cur- rency' wa nutneo, neon- 01 muw try banker Inive yet Ut learn that the vurri-wy commnnion plan jor ninjinn- ( 4 4 M M t 1 . lag fhl country with "nound curren cy" Include not only the dentruction of irovernment miner money, but the I. , . . . . ,..,...,...(. I conwilioaiiou 01 me oauniug Miinunn of the nation into the hand of a few great bonne. The plan I to nyndicntc the banking and money function the name a me meai, jnouniry na o--u . , , ..... , . .. nyndicated. Then the Country banker who have gone out and pounded on their little financial dinh-pan and whooped for "nound money" whenev er the gong noiinded In Wall a tree t will be little clerk for the Anglo-Ameri can Money Hyiidfeate, And nerve them rltfbt, ncMonr hmvm m i n Honthern railroad emtlnue Ut pnnb hard for the f rannporlalion of Nebra- ka product. The ojenlng of the pitta- burg fiulf road from Kannaa (ily to Port Arthur and It nubm-ipient ex tension to Omaha ha already brought Into the field a force that i bound to bring better freight rate to the farm er of N'elraaka, f,ant week the Miouri I'aelfie, an- other of the nouthern roiul, ntartiel the old Chicago line by the announce ment of a deep cut In rate on packing bonne product and frenh meat. Kffee- five April 2:i the rate on packing bonne product and frenh meat from Omaha, Nrbranka City and lower Mlnnourl riv er point to Kt, t,oui will be 15 M-nt per 100 xiundn. Prom f;maha, e broeka t'ity and lower Minnonri river point to Kant Kt. 1iid the rate will be 7 cent. The rate from Uncoln will be 'A cent higher than the rate from Omaha, or H cent cr 100 pound. Thi I believed to have been precip itated by the pron.jiei't of war on the gulf count and fhe need of moving large quantitic of provMon from the wentern piuking center feed trooii. It i believed that other roa will follow and make a niunlar reduc tion. Tic effect, of thin reduction ought, to be realized by wenteru farm er In latter price for their ntoek whicb goe through the piuiking boue. The nouthern railroad outlet are the Nebraska farmer' bent hope for heller price on grain and nlock. Hith erto eombiualiop of railway line have prevented eonnidcrable, reduc tion in through rate. Jdit lhene noullicru railway are owned by dif ferent intercnt and are concerned In building up dilTcrcent cilie from the old granger line. They have a route li the nea 1000 mih-n nhorb-r than Ho old linen. They are in the buhim-n to j;el trade. Pit her new niilwuy com bination will be formed large enough to lake in lhene noullicru roadn or lliey will cut through freight rale in two. Waiihii k H .i mo. hm, maaagi-r of tin- Ni'blllHkll Iteloriil I'l'XH ,xnociatiou ready print hoil, han gone to Wanh- iagton with the view ol neeiiriag the co oicrnllon ol the national poiiilint. aud nilver roiuiuiltcit In extending it er vice atnl enlarging lln Held of operation. The iantitution ha already over one hundred reform iicmcr for ahich it in luriiinliiiig ready priutn- nearly all it can handle with it pri-Kcnt faeilitie. Morn than that, the new Iioiimh in ur ninhing n flmt-elnn ready print, lull of Iivh nca ol the reform movement, giv ing tha (leopla III" fact from which they enti draw their own puht leal and noelnl eoacblioan. TllK Imii i-km NT net It own t,Vie, with (iccaxloiial um of i lew eoluilili of plate nen ice. The mim-ci-nm ol the reliirui ready print Immihii ha no linaiieial relation to anyone eonneeteil with thU pita-r. Hut tlm niieei-H of the uiovi-iiieiit of which the relorm ready print in a part ha a vital relation to thi paper and every other paper of the nine ronv letion. W recall how in the vry hrnl and tn- of tln cniniiiga of , H,j , ,,,,, b ready print I,o.iai ran hi the now on the timid page of nearly evnry country pn-r la tin html column ol matter calculated toiliaerrdlt Ih pop uhnt and be nilver raune. Koum ol tin matter a ppt ared In (lie very alroiup-al piipiilit pa i la th land. It may m that llu-ae eat aer "lalnlake," hat miaiiike of ilutt kind liava a terv I In-ly ,u...,...t..... kiiL ,1... VI...L II . WMIh,lM, i" " won n.n ami a 1 1 a ii iot rn in- plta bind, 'Ih editing ol th ana mailer lor Io.imhic ualry aeapnHr ta Amoraa I ealirvly Ion ik I In 114 In l overlook d by Ih inoiii-piily 11014 aata aim rua lit "aouad inna.-j" bur ary bur vi , Th iiurm pira read print liouaa tiuli In I uatainm by lina kiia prlaelplva It alaada lor, V r tody al Hi U kIuuIh- ol Ih la luiar eaiiiiMti tha rvfurtu le 11 t ka a radi prit nervk-a Ibal raa W rhl apoa, Tan ln ralfeif Mwve S hra lot e h ay iMM raui li nk. - f It to r! ata(iaf, Month, Yen, lr-, 1 fought ftllh Htonll, And )d Ui Unlit wit tm; liat U tbm br I'oioa io,m to war, . Uk on in or na lor m. I didn't ulirliin from brins An hi rllo(id lo lb mii; Hot If tbli br Union to wr, Mk on inoron Uir mt. I mi with V t MnM 'I a bmir ti'f. In uritf, I ti-srd th lboii(r tuttrtn' l(,n( m,ii,.Mil J in k'i,' wr, And in mi f a tlma Ihln nword iH minx, fin lilnwd tbw rout- lut m lint if tan old iiftiion K'" to war, Mak o mora uo lor mi. I'm not ii folio' fl-tillri, Hut lecf no fun 'ii Inn, A I bi k In Hi" iiciH, Wlion I nip old fun, It in t r l thwi n,r boir In hli Maeh lliiriKK, on know, munt b Jin' If thla old lulon'a In lor war, M'tka on nioro itmi tor mn, i hnlu't forot air otlnln Her how In aiatr-iwo Or tlc-rDiiliowm, lb ImiHa aboola (lifd l ha l,, In ulna; And I r f limitUi null Mionanall, And l.ldid ili r for l,e; loo If ilea old I nlon'a In for r, Mk ou morn nn for Inn - Ailiinl ' oimUluUoii. I Nortli, Jimt ninkall fwo, old ft-llo; I lo ainnd o'i mora Ijnuanib fli old flux elili foil, A In Id dura of ror Our fHir xlood vivni And foiiidit on land mid 'Hi Imttl n-rc Mini ui'l na A liniloii of Ilia Im, t nliliuwd von down l. VIckalairK, ton llikud in i It oil lime, iin intuit it flld aifiunl'i'l, M Ik-ii uniilinr a tu lorf mnu Von nor ll,a uinf ill M,ul,bland, I mum Id noriln-ri liin. I,lk w did our Aniy, WIjii awlfi Mi l,illt.a H-, goiir ruiim tutiitlil Ilk dvl)a, liill wle-n lb r wna don your bund inl lien In frindl fa, Our twotinri lotl a on, And now Kiwi duir llirAf"ii, Ho world, wo aoutli know, On' mo' aOin , t' Ktlir 'lit flgbl lb iiiiiiiiiiiii t'Ki. Mt bAd, llk- font, la front Old K I' '-f-',lo on; l,)f'a iiii la lor aliiking, Mr dr im emu a on, lint If our loaniry' honor da oni nid in ii hr aoii, I'm rdr loo, old (allow Mot noi hr d nn. MlfuiAollM Juiiruut, 'J'he main Job I in making the jn-o- people of the P'dled Htiite free, ,nnt a noon a we get, through gfvint the Cuban political Jilerty we nlutii re turn to the, main job, tn the meantime keep your eye on the dealer, HARDY'S COLUMN, John Hherman War Thing Wore '1 ban H'ar-liig nud Hhort-Ibittle Cry Who Hiia-hea the Oovcrnmciit Pay Kilver I'.rynn mid Ie Cut JJowii Halarien Hoelal Pvil. .John Khennaii, necretary of nfale, and ,la me A, fbiry, jiontmanter general, have r'-nigiii-d. It I nuid one doe not like wifr and the other' health In poor, II Klieruiaa had nnigmd in )l72or)l lightning had ntruek within forty mile of him and reared him to death, thi country would be much betb-r off to day, lie lot done tin country more harm than nny other living man. lie wa the necnt agent of the money power fo nlrike down the nilver dollar, Tlma every time the iph-ntioil bun been brought Up nince he hnn been the comproinim-r and go-betwien, War, war, the very air neem full of war, Patriotixm bubble up through every nt rat 11 of noeiety, Not n dime-nl.- ing voice 1 heard, not it copperhead to be found. War ha it terrible meaning taxation, blood, death, w idow and orphan, and yet. for al! thi there are tiling worn 1I11111 war. Htarving of women mid children in worm, Opprnnioii and nlav cry I wor". "( ii vo me bbert v and jiH tine or give me l-tb." l't, it Im known and rend ol nil nation that thi conti nent in dedicated to liberty and juxticii. Any infringement upon thin do rtrimi 1 an iniill to our nation, I 'mh-r the Mon roe doctrine un make ournelvo prolcc- tor of tlm weak on thi continent. W hoi every nword, every gna, every nhip and every man will lie put into tlm ner viceof tlm government againnt Spain and let I he war bit big a poMnibla and nhort a ponnlbhf. ftiir navy men are red hot for n fight with any Hpaaixli intfl that nhow a head and t hern i goo-l reitNou for that leeluig. Two hundred find nixty of their eotnritde went down 111 Havana harbor through HpaniNli treachery. "Itetiambi-r tier tlm Mmnii" will Im 1 Im Iml tie cry. a a It turn out that llaaiin and theoil king owned tlm two grey hound that were old to lhn government fori( mil hull, The panneiiger bllniuen would h be worth much 011 Aiuerienn veel dur ing the war. a We how I he ncaatc. will not eonwlit to inntin of on dollar of bond a long a tlo-re I on ounce of nilver loeoiu, l oin what la in th tn-aaiiry ami limn coin a laat na It ran b dug and pay It out a It I lieedud lor the war, Tlm republican have l'it dlaeoverml thai Mryaa la green with jnal may ! a ard .ee, tearing h may citidur tlm deiuiN-ratie parti In I lain, nut ball a imicti a ihunoi ral a I levelaad I republa-aa; In be t I h-velaa l ami l are party lliello Hryau ha hut lo km p up In 1 roii gallop to arrive at Ih Iron t gate ol Hi nlilt. lioiian early In Ih morning, March i, IUH, A a a lt orl I ImiuK mad lo rmtuee h aUrte ol niy otliivra, Iml lha city eoan- rll will probably iml nt a our biat lal balnlalur did la trying turdc INaaalarie of slat appoiutmNi. lb hill id III lobby I heitrd 11 her Ih pleMibaa id the Uioatrr, II a elty idtim-r eta affiril to af Ih may or limy or llv aundrx dollr lor lo oli any raa he hot atf inl lit pat la nlf thai much, la a (dai'iioa id aarjT n rat Ih atiua id all tdt,ra, ily, ruuaiy and , and val tlu-iii no low tlmy ran ant eflord In imy lor Iheir lob or iHa. na e lownr-l rarrying na au Wiiol by luiulil a lrmr a oik ftuatiutf fur ail or ujbl tiuta lo pay treasurer for one day'a work counting money? Why nliould ha plow nix or eight day to pay a clerk for one day' writing? (live alinont any of our oflloer or judge a good farm with team and tool aud they ouh not make half a miifili money a they get by holding olllce, j?ut they ay wehuve got lo pay nig naiarle pi order to get good men That really mean we have got to pay lag in order to get big rancal and thieve, Jt ha ttlwuy been een that raacnia work harder to get olfiee of big- gent nalary. Pay no more than n man can earn in biminen ami w would have lea trouble. We were in Halt Lake a few veitr ago and aw ninety men In lh jieniteiitiary for unlawful cohabitation. Not a aiiighi woman fooj ever bien arretcd. In On cola it in the women who are a r re ted Why not try the Halt Lake method", nr ret t ,i, men and let the women go? Try the men under their rlubt name and let tne paper publinh the trial. I lni. 'I l, HoiiiJ lu, The bill to innllii f.",0 I. DO'.OOO war iionu brought 011 a hot debate in the lloune of lleprewntaf ve. Weduedav It wa bitterly opponed bv democrat arm popuni who declared for an in come tax, the coinage of theeilver eig nolrage and the luw of legal tender note. A I' rum fit f()oa, Wit hln an hour after he had received Ilia official notice from the war deoari- luoiit, on Monday, Governor llolcomb had enl out the call over f he ntale, ''lie bov la blue were ipnck to renpond. Lin coln eompnnle, l ol the Hrt iti-giment. aim r 01 the eeonl, went out to the old ntale fair ground Tuenday morning and went Into camp. The encampment ha wee 11 nnnieii i.ainii A v in Knum er In honor of iv-branka war governor ol 151 to I'iTt, ' uendav. Wednendnv and Thurn- day companie olniiltla were arriving from all part id the ntate and fhe en tire enlintj ntrength ,f bo national guard which In between i'J'10 and J70 men are now on fhe tented fie d. I he force now here make 110 the two regiment under the call with the excep tion that preent companie conlnt of (Jo men each and under nrmv nun alion i-iu-U will probably be Incraem-d lo J 00 men making Nebranka ipola about moo. J hey will probablo remain la camp at l,incolu a week or fen dav af ter which they will be ordered to Omaha and there mutered into the regular ar my and be under the direct control of the war deparnmeiit, 'he cavalry company at Milford and the battery of artillery at Wymore were not called out and may not go to the iront unie a necond call for volunteer i deemed ndvinable or they cna tn-r-euade the department fo accept their cr vice in addition to the regular nuota from thi ntate. OFF FOH TiE WAff. Many Viintr t n Koiit to I'olnta of l(nlxvou. CiucAoo, April 2X liver ,ooo flbt mg men ma rched out of ( 'locago lent night bound for the war. Hi nee the rurly day of li'H no u-b neenwer witnenned In till city a Irininplri-d in the regimen talarmoriea, in thentreet through which the column marched, and around the train winch bora them lo the camping ground at fwingflah!. The regiment winch went to the front were the pirnt, Necond aud Hev enlh regiment of infantry and tbo nrnt cavalry. Ivteli regiment wai re- cruite-J to t. full ntrength, and car- ried bealde u number of recruit wbu will take the pla-.-e of surd nn-u u may In cotopullvd to drop oulfroitr an y caune. TO MUSTLM VOLUNTEEffS. J(gulr Arinf Oniera Ailiit to Hi lt llinlvoiia Waiii.'oio, April ,eirretary Alger ban detailed the following named ofllccr to tiiunUr Into Hie ner vice of tlm I ,' ni led htate for thu ttate and at the ntatioa opponite their name, the troop called out by the Prcnhleiit' prod Munition: Kanna Port Lnnveii worth, Pirat Lieutenant Harry A. Kmith, J'ifth In fantry. Mlnaourl- .St I,oul, Pirat Lieuten ant ltc-licr llardumau, Tenth cav, alrg TO GAHCIA'S CAM P. I lriitcnant Itiiwan, I,', , A, , l'rrla for l.ainllu Oof 7ro In ( iili K I mi I oh, Jamalcn, April I'M, - Pirt l.leu titiaii t Andrew H liowan, of tlm Niueleenlh iafutry, under ordur from the war ilopurtuient, una lauded on th I ii ban count noinewhere went of Kntle;o prubiibly before dawn on Mouility. Ill Cuban guide ami nn open a -1 boat Wrre naed. 'i'he gulden have not returned, Lieutenant Itowau I on hi way to tlm camp of liein-ritl ( nllnto linrclii. II will repreaeat tli war department In rriiging for Ilia cieoperilou of tha Inaiirgi-nU In th lnvlou of ;l era Cub by th force of th liilted Mate The tlm mid pliii-d of lav bin will l controlled by vvtuil and the character of LleuUmaal l!owu' diapAtehea l.teuleuaat Ituwaii lft Washington uioUr llialalit order on April II l w illri-(rd to wall hare, prnpiv In go to Porto II t"i ur ta ( lib. A ho wut lo Laaiern I m', It I lnfrred that a blow will l atrai-k Ihwr b- fur on I ttrei k nt porlu Itleo Tlm ntM-eUloMi it that liennial CalUto iiro wilt ilii.. hi forma to cowr , .. .... a laud iu of I nUt htt tr.,.ip w, prerrui;d 'I lua Union Moron Jiiarau i Iroi ha. aeriM I'urbi l'rinin pruvlu, from ihhiii lt ocaa, baa Imu abandoned bi Ih liiatirg-tHita l! titaal I alaa HKit. A pill r - I h Id that A in He ley ldnkd th Philip (IM i t-aiiv-'d grant lillelnra lambiirg, Hr II I iiiurUd lli bl.M'.l would ilama J .iltt u I llarinaa lutwrwil far iimh IUa iiii-tab, HOG PATERNALISM. GOVERNMENT TO IMPROVE PRIVATS PROPERTY FOR PRIVATE CAIN. Vratncbiac Worth Mil I loci Cllvco t a My od It at Conioacd of llleli Man, Who How vtab Vur Ounmruumut Aid In Cotav pMltig TUnlw Ulf kliow. There U Noruethitig uucontli and even contradictory about thi beading for an article in Tha New Time, but it no nearly fit tha occanion we venture, to Una it. Thone who admire and enjoy till kind of putcrnaliKm are full be liever jn tha Lalnnez Puire doctrine, "liiut the !;it government govern leant" and la Mow It largcnt gift to lha frmulhnt; nuiuliir of ll citien. 1'rotn the crudJu to the grave they wor ry about the woe to coma from a pater Dal or fraternal government whicb would give i-itiality of opporlutiltlc to all it people. It i not wliut the bog palernalint nuy that cuticerii tin par ticularly, but what he in continually taking and doing that give juntcuunw of alarm, The particular group of which wo wow fpe-ak i anking congreM to give 11,000,000 to cmbcllinh their inland iu Niagara river. The leading bcncflciarici of thi group are. I, J', Morgan, Vumlcr billn, Antor and JtockcfeiJi th. In thene faiiiilh-N brotlu in In law aud aoiH-iu-law are included, O'My and Lrinker of tle Ptandard trui-t, Lclmont, Kclig- man, JJepew, 'Jhoitia, J I, O, Mill uml A few other colonnal beggar and pen nloiiern, together with a nmall and pow erful eb-meiit from Pulfulo and Is'lngura l'aJI, have obtained the railroad, tela- graph, telephone, gun, cjectrlo light, beat and power f ranch ine for Kilo and Maguni liouuticn; alno the matcbluna water power of Niagara fall. Ilieno francblni n, worth in the aggre gate hundred of million of dollar, re cently belonging t the whole people, an raprenentiid by our nlate and municipal government, have been donated aftei nome begging and much lobbying through Icginlatiou, both ignorant and venal, for term varying from 60 to 1,000 yearn, to thene few rich men, who never tiro of denouncing paternal gov ernment and dirwt icginlatiou by the people, 'Jim Jurt f 1,000,000 i anked from the national treunury and in radio ited for what they cull a pun American txponitlon. It prenident iJ. M. Prink- t-r of PuU'iilo; the vice prenidcni are C'hauuccy Jjcpcw, ex- Governor Honwel) 1', J 'lower and P. ii, Thoma, prenidcni of thu Krin Ituilroad company, JJcpcw and 'lower are clanncd a itcpuhllcau and Lcmocrat renpcctivcly, J'or huni lu n ream ii they Jiku it i)on)artlnau ju diciary, nound money mid u government that only Untown money and fiauchie im a few nucccKhful meu. Of courne the pun-Amcrlcan corpora tion can laiHiJy build their tiotel and i i errl wheel and equip their Midway j jdninance, hut tlie general aud Home ntato government are ai-ked to aid tbune greedy roul iu making an exhibit oo their 200 acre ialund. Htuteand county fair can noon bo abolinhed, and lpuw and company tan furuinh every thin( the nlmple folk wlnh to aee from au an nual vegetable exhibit to electric ill play that outnliine and outduz.lo tha aurora horculi. How tame and nfutiid the inland Han cho Panzanlghed for compared with the real owe poenned by the iicpewn, Plow ur and O'Lay! The Pan -American company ayn: "We are in the center of a bigger population lure than tliut which tturrnuuil (Jhicago. Within a ra diii of f,00 mile nf Jiullalo ura the chief cith-Nof tiiu United HtutcN. Chlca 'go, Cincinnati, Judiauupolin, Kt. Loul, Clevi-lund, iJetrolt, J'iltabing and 1'hil adclphia, (inatir New Voikand Jlontoi aro all within the radiu. We huve mora than fiC, (100,000 people iiihlde that cir cle, and we have thu gn at lake a well a the railroad to bring people to tin." tiuch great faeilitie and wealth gath ered from common wt alt h may bo unei) and in joyed by all for a connldcrutioii after May, 18SJ0. Vbdur need only provide thcmelve with money. Tha few who abnorh npecial privilege a well a the rcaource of nature havo dining car and hotel an well a rail way and clectrlo linnn, ami no one elm, need get a nickd of your money outnidu of tlie few favored men who own mich fruuchincN, nui li au Inland, ami command the American peophi, The I'an-Amcr-lean coinpauy wan Incorporated iu 1H87 under the reign of plutocracy a admin Inlirnd by (irover Chivchind, ami the nuke wn driven hat fall ,y Willhim WiiKlllley Imallng (In, exponllloii gtouiidn. What could he more appropri ate? Had not lhene ureut abnorher of wealth furiiinhed the fund ncci ury to carry the elect ion in Intni? l 'w will claim tbl Pri-kideut McKinley I any laitter ririaentallvu of the governuiaut of the few, for ami by lha few, than wa hi predeceaaor iii otllce. Hut tha Inertia of liitcllct luul kellUhiie ml orgnied greed la carrying hug pater lialiaiu to higher ihivi lopmi m from day In day. Nurely m h a giiverunieiit a our will not lilgglHi.vtr lmply ,. OOtl, OHO mora o ui li mi u and for auuh a purpoaa. U. II. Matthew In Nw Tlma. Vhara'll II II, , Tlm la Man. We liavn II on rilly fAir mdhoilty Hint t'yru llniid Im tin Ived l.iO.uuo 'Mm Hanua In routml aud i nr t.'u.,...i.i.,,i ' "'" 111111 II Coll 1 1 41 led M,. IiihI Cahlu llmul f, Murri Mi Kllllry Iim li-lnM , ,i jjlv, (BMj lha alNl ilrouga In uau tn l ulhMng up ptraonal mai hlna o t arry nut thu hi ma. Heliator lltktir, wloi Uaueiia Hi Jf of l Um and llinal, act IdeliUlly itlmyriH i,ia a beiu and threaten la In II, ll I tepoltml ial th w iiiI Ui, bat com ludwl lo ipitxt pkr t y yuai lilina llltlanf lha"ii,o 'lU,aAral. In to I ho iiiuimj in Kan Ihli fall, lu wa (but t luitatu MuKtulIU4 will ! aid i mak mj iittwb uf uvwiiitf -.Uviivtr iunv,