The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 28, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Apr. 28, 1898
Wrk lid kr Bid With TruUi Bank,
kilt the Latter Are Under Maid Bea-ula-tion
Tta Experience of the Paulo ol
! 109 M Unanswerable Argument.
Trumbull White, writing from Ho
bart, Tasmania, to tb Chicago Reoord,
Tasmania is another country in which
postal savings banks and trnitee bankl
are working aide by tide. The latter are,
however, purely local Institutions In
Hobart and Lannoeiton, tbe two lead
Ing cities of the inland, 10 that else
where they do not come In competition
with tbe government bank, which hai
lti branohei In every mouey order post
office. Money ma it be deposited in multi
ples of 1 shilling, and the interest rati
ia8K por cent on sums up to 150, no
Interest being allowed on the excess ol
that amonnt. This bank has followed
very closely the forms of the postal
bank In New Booth Wales, which has by
all means the most practical organiza
tion in the Australian colonic. A de
positor can continue his aooonnt wher
ever be may travel within tbe colony,
whether be is in reach of tbe ofllot
whero bo began bis deposit or not, and
be can withdraw money at any time al
tbe postofllce which happens to be near
est to bim. Postage is not charged on
communications from a depositor to th
bead office at Hoburt any more than on
the replies from that office.
Provision is made with care for tbi
rights of husband and wife, as is thi
case with most of the legislation in th
colonies. Money deposited by the wift
cannot bo paid to tbe husband except
iter a legal process in which ho hai
proved that tbe deposit was made with
bis money and without his consent
This regulation exists because of thi
thrift of some wives who established
practioe of opening bank accounts out
of the money that ought to remain in
the tills of tbe little shops where they
might be assisting tbeir husbands.
.Money deposited by a husband in thi
name of bis wife to defraud his credit
ors may be followed for tbe benefit ol
the creditors.
The Tasmania bank bas adopted tbi
system of enoouragiug small savings by
tbe stamp system, which permits penny
tamps to be purchased at the postoftlce
and affixed to cards furnished for that
purpose, to be deposited when tbe total
on the card reaches 1 shilling. Tbe act
provides that the colonial treasurer
hall keep account of all deposits in the
savings bank which are made in stamps
and shall turn over to the bank from
time to time sums equal to those depos
its from tbo money he bas received for
postage stamps.
The population of Tasmania is a lit
tle less than 170,000. At the end of tbe
last fiscal year there were 8, 176 depos
itors with balances in the postal bank,
an increase of nearly 1,400 in the year.
Tbey bad 183,880 to tbeir credit, an
increase of 10,000, and interest had
betn c redited to thorn nmouuting to 8,
1)0. Interest is compounded semiannu
ally Money deposited in the postal
tiuuk Is invented in government deben
tures Tho trustee bnuks are much older in
stitutions tlmii tbo pontal bunk, that at
llnl iirt having been tbtutjlihbed in 1845
unit Unit ut Lauuueston in 1885. Both
liuvo Ih'cu highly sucxfcHsful us a result
cf curi f ul ami conntirvative management.
They huve toother dopOHitors to the
number of 84,000, with total dopotrfts
amounting to more than 540,000. Both
banks buve largo reserve funds, and
they pay iutercNt at the rate of 4 per
cent. Fuuds are invested in government
debentures and iu real estate mortgages.
Tbe postal suvings banks of New Zea
land are 80 years old, having been es
tablished in February, 1807. There are
also soven trustee sovings banks, each
one, however, a purely local institution
for tbe city iu which it operates. These
are much oldor than tbe postal bauk,
one of them, that of Auckland, having
been established in 1847, when the col
ony was in its pioneer days. For con
venience in operating the postal banks
the culauy is divided into 17 districts,
each district having a chief office, where
account are kept for all the territory
in the dUtrlct, thus lucreaniuM the eaa
ami tbe promptness with whleh with
drawals may be made. lVpoiu are re
reived in multiple of 1 untiling, up to
a maximum f 500, and iuterosi i
computed on all even pound disunited
for eveu mouths, being taluulaUnl at the
cud tt each year aud added to tbe tiu
There are no specially novel fea
tures of lbs aduiiutslratlou of tbe bauk
Iu New Zealaud a dutiuvt from the
tiual ptaulkoa tit lb tlhr lotu,
though lb stamp yluttf saving p'
Bi no a card tnilil tt tclals a billing
Is la titteet.
In Ibe lt year II uw tffWewrr
opd. iiirtklnj a total if , aud the
Haul to wake withdrawal by Wigteh
Was ealatlUbed. New .viuuU wr
tipewed 11 I lie tmwtwf if It.usi, wtin a
total al Ida end if the yt -! Itl.U
The amount dil4 la tbe year waa
4J.MI. IS1, aud lha Mai U tbe rtedlt
fit dtut at tbe end t4 tbe yet it,
I I. ait, wu.a is ait ata tu tbe
ft edit tf save dtlt( 4 m the
ill lutettet Ctvdlled fa dputU M
Ike yeat atMtiate4tull;4l. Ialret
Is Mid l tbe late t4 IS ft tm
Uut f lo tim atd al tbe reel I
ji real m UUaa Imm C too la t Hd,
IbU Is Miltwiii ut tw alf r mil
la eaA a t f Ibeaa ttetus rrtt I be tale vl
tbe pnvWM year. Ibe eiwne wl aee
Meet twt ta yef U etlhMMI m
adredtks i4 I eet After fJ4
al) eipeaee el ui I aud tiedil
tug tbe UUraat In uVpuetrvfe U4 r
uained a balanoe of 78,087 to carry to
the reserve fund and tbe profit and loss
aooonnt Tbe funds are all Invested in
debentures of the New Zealand colonial
government of one form and another
and in municipal corporation bonds and
harbor board debentures.
The seven local savings banks, which
are trustee institutions, pay interest at
tbe rate of K per cent more than tbe
postal bank. The total amount to the
credit of tbeir depositors at tbe end of
tbe year was 754,328.
There is one notable faot that runs
through the savings bank history of all
the oolonies which have postal banks
and trustee banks working side by side.
When tbe puuio of 1808 reaobed Aus
tralia and all sorts of banking and com
mercial concerns were going to smash,
tbe postal banks were tbe institutions
that were never for a moment threaten
ed with a run of any sort. Depositors
in tbe other savings banks crowded to
the counters to get tbeir money, making
in some instances exceedingly dramatio
scenes. But with the money in their
bands they went to the nearest office of
tbe postal banks and deposited it as
promptly as possible. There was never
a time when government security for
repayment was doubted. If the tables
of annual deposits and withdrawals for
the banks of the two systems are put
side by side, the evidence is conclusive.
In the year of tho panio and the next
year the trustee banks, like all other
financial institutions, ran down in tbeir
business very rapidly. But at the same
time the volume of deposits in the post
al banks was increasing more rapidly
than was over known before, the panio
year being the best in their history. In
one or two of tbe colonies where this
occurred it is said that the total amount
of deposits in the savings banks did not
materially alter in tbe panio, tbe post
al bank gaining almost exactly what
tbe trustee bank lost, showing that it
was simply a transfer of accounts for
the additional security. All this was
in spite of the fact that tbe trustee
banks pay higher rates of interest tfaun
do tbe postul banks.
Furthermore, tbe trustee bank in
Australia is much more of a govern
meut institution than are tbe savingi
banks of America. The trustees are ap
pointed by tbe government, and the
most exacting examinations and audits
of account are maintained. Home of
them are indeed actual government in
stitutions, with the security of tho oolo
nlal revenues und credit behind them.
But even those tbut call themselves pri
vate institutions are under rigid inspeo
tion and are in no Instance private in
stitutions as we understand sacb or
ganized for personal profit of the own'
ers. The depositors are the stockhold
ers, tbe banks are managed on an a oho
lutelv mutual basis, and the annual
earnings of the deposits are covered in
to the common fund after expenses are
paid, to be divided as interest
How Cm It lie DoneT
There are five or six reform partios
advocating almost tbe very same, prln
oiples. This is all wrong. Tbey should
all be united. West Plains Ouill,
But how are you going to unite
tbem, Brother Williams?
Nearly every one of these "five or six
reform parties" are spending more time
fighting each other than tbey are fight
ing tbe common enemy.
It seems to frighten some of our ex
eel lent reform brethren if they happen
to uet iu with too many reformers. As
an old YankeeiHtn used to run, "they'd
rather be big toads iu a little puddle
than little toads in a big puddle."
In 189(1 there were 1,000,000 Demo
crats (out of the 4,000,000 voting Dem
ocrats) who got such a dose of Populism
tbut tbey were iu a better mood to stay
with tbe Populist party than to longer
keep company with the Bourbon Demo
crats. But we are afraid that tbe abuse
which has been indiscriminately heupod
upon all Democrats, good, bud and in
different, by a few well meaning (and
possibly a few not so well moaning) re
formers has iiad a tendency to bur the
PouulUt doors. Kveu tbe best of men do
not waut to break iu a wiudow or crawl
dowu tbe chimney iu order to get into
1 reform party.
It strikes us that it is a generous aud
broad minded policy to stop culling
name aud throwing stone: open tbe
front doors ami behave ourstdves iu a
way that luvites and attracts converts
eveu if tbey are not bruuded "middle of
the road." Once get thorn into tbe
rauks aud they will slay iu the middle
of tbe road. Farmer' Siitinel.
fttrnOia the Nallun' Credit."
Under the stove capliuu the Chicago
Tribuue of remit dato tuys:
"During Ibis week a bill will I
drafted to iuMwir thpreld'Ut to ob
taiu money for military purpos by
lb sale of boud. That ( III should pw.
I Ut the amount he rati tx rrow Iu tbut
way It should date also the iulervtl
,i I paid tn ll t oiiiU to l wld aud
tu bow uiauy er tlx Uvome due,
, "that bill kliould det 'tare al thai tt
It tbe IliUtilluu 1 1 lite uvf uutvul that
llee U tid 11I be laid. tln'l al aud
tutriMt, tu iiiutiry a gd a thai
i w till h U received lot IbelU. Tlie ur
1 li rs t Uiw bond are glng I" give
gold Value iik'H.t for Ilium, llmre
iiugbt tu t an uiim llml lin y lll
not t titt. IUt l e t pi at a Ulr
day tbeap it toittaii stint doll?
vottti tly 40 n uu aiix. "
A itattott I to. i'4v,t'Hi 1 1 In
Ibeir 'isuu4 aMH uiioti a a grn
lueal ! lhal a ttm ilvr o lM I
" dvdlar " Xuf iuu tall II
"tbt)" aud tais lhal It la "wotta in
ly 4d ful" I a tutt I a liaitut ti
bit wtlry a If be tttiM al dia
b Aluetuau (Ut
ile ts a II v44.ut a ! Ibe vttlala
aa laed Ibe l tKi baeata Ike
Vetted mat UuWeUiu Malt.
Ilal Ibe adtlot it Ibe t bi t Tb
au talked aUil "4dt4il dulUis" dr
tn IImi Ul tlttlwar a el I bate
t4l Mitel valtl Ibe I'alUd Males
I Ike Urn of I'avte bvi f arias
era' hiim4,
On laveited la Afrloultare, Another la
Manuraetarlnf, and Doth Weal Broke.
The Third Knew HI Muter and Ul
Master' Men and Profited Thereby.
Onoe upon a time, so runs an ancient
parable in its most reoeutly revised edi
tion onoe upon a time a man called
about bim bis servants. To one be gave
ten talents, to another five and to an
other one. And then be departed into a
far country and was gone for many
years. After the many years he return
ed. Again he called bis servants about
bim and asked for an accounting. The
one to whom be bad given ten talents
stood aud said) "Muster, the money
thou didst give me I invested in lands.
Tbey were wide and fertile fields. On
these lands I employed many laborers.
We nsod tbe most modern, most effect
ive machinery. We dug from tbe soli
the raw materials for tbe food ana
clothing of vast multitudes of people.
Mo other company of men ever rendered
a better servioo or hove contributed
more to tbe life of tbe race and to the
joy of life than have we. Put, master,
during the years of your absence u rover
Cleveland, lienjumin Harrison, Orover
Cleveland and now William MoKinloy
have been running the government on a
single gold staiidurd. Tbe purchasing
power of tbe dollur has boon going np.
The purchasing power of our products
bas been going down. AH tbe time our
products have been able to get fewer
and fewer dollars. All the time the
gold standard dollars have boon able to
buy more and more of our products.
Tbe full in the price each year from the
beginning of the year when I mode my
contracts to tbe end of tho your when I
made my settlements the full in the
prioo of each year bas been enough to
absorb all my profits and eunh year to
use np a portion of the original invest
ment And now, after all those years of
toil, after the measureless saorlfion, aft
er the determined struggle, after tbe
sreat blessing we bave wrought for our
country aud for our race, I stand before
you absolutely penniless."
And tbe man to whom be had given
five talents stood and gave an account
ing, and bo said: "Master, the money
tbon didst give me I invested in matin
focturlng. It was in a line of mannfuo
turing wbicb could not be covered by a
trust. I was obliged to submit to tbe
law of surely aud demand. I used tbe
most modern machines. I employed tbe
most skillod labor. Through long bonri
of patient toil, amid tbe buzz and roar
and plunge of these mighty instruments
of industry, we bave toiled on through
the years, producing many things of
beauty and of nse. Put, master, during
tbo yoars that tbon bast been away
Orover Cleveland, Penjomin Harrison,
Orover Cleveland and now William
McKinley bave been running the gov
ernment on a single gold standard. Tbe
dollars bave been getting dourer, tbe
products bave been getting cheaper.
Each year the dollar would buy more of
what we produced. Each year what we
produced would buy fewer dollars. Tbe
fall in tbe price for each year between
the beginning of the year when I made
my contracts and tbe close of tbe year
when I made my settlements bas been
sufficient each year' to use up all the
profits and a portion of tbo original in
vestment And now, after all those
years of toil, after the measureless bless
ing I have wrought to my oouutry and
my ruce, I stand before you absolutely
Aud tbon tho man to whom be had
given tho ouo talent stood to give an ao
oonuting and slipped his long fingers
into bis long pockets and took from its
depths tho original talent tbut had beeu
given him 011 bis master's departure,
and said : "Master, here is thine own. I
knew that thou wi rt a hard master. I
knew that thou wert a gold standard
man. I knew that thou didt gather
where thou badst not sown. I knew it
would not do to take any risk when
dealiug with such a master. I took the
money thou didst give me, wrapped it
in a napkin aud buried it in tbe back
yard. It bas been there all these years
of your absence. It has taken no risks,
it has borne no burdens, It lias employ
ed no worker, it bas taken none of the
clmni'fi of trade, it has borne none of
tbe rixks of the market, it bas reudered
no nervlee of any sort whatsoever all
them year. It ba beou buried away Iu
tbe ground, usulo, worthlen, idle. I
heard you were coming back tbe other
day, and I dug it up again. It U here.
It I tbiutt. Hut, mauler, while you bave
betiu away (irover Cleveland, Iknijaiuiu
lUrrieoii. (irovtr Cleveland and now
William .Mi Kluley bave U-eu running
tbe govtruiut'Ut 011 a siugla gold stand
ard. Tbe ureliiiig power of tbedolla?
bsa been going up, Tbe purchasing
power i f ewrylblug sleeba been going
dowu. Take tbi talent; ll la tblne. II
will buy twlo a much col low, iwiee as
luui h e ru, Iwlee a many ii. twice
a many yard of cloih, Iw lee as much
labor, Iwlee a inueU of all product t4
UUr a wbwti tboti didl give It Iu uie
Hi the ttrl piatw."
Aud lbs lutr Midi "Well dona,
I hou wlikd iot lotttfu! rveuL Ibol
14.I been (aliliful oner a small o., now
tiiou tliali l a in in I r 1 1 WiKuiley
.i " Walter tbotua Mill la
Initio illo AUtfiMliie.
twt Dal ! Vt4
W dt a s'"l liijutllte u rlu la
Ibtukiiig btut wuk'd above all w niUHUt
wkkntluve. lie was ttty a huiiu4
iti.mvy ivnr, ea t like all money lvet
tldu'l uutMtUud CbrUI vli!i't
iwake iu! l te wris tf blut f Ibe
Mtuleg i f tiu, lie dtutt't waul bli
la be fcilivt. I to wt belief tttkwk
be found tbe! t htUI WettM Is killed,
iuiw bis tuuy ewsy ludaully aud
bi..J bluieelf llow uiauy t-l vet pre
al iitty talk. , mI4
lot lb (tat e l Ihnuetlvea, bu
st f was killed Ji bt tUtsiM,
We want to call your attention to our Carpet Department again. It i getting to be a
kind of hobby with us, because it is so big and contains such a fine line of Carpets, Kugs and
Mattings. In fact, we have the biggest and best stock of this kind ever brought to the west
and we take pride in showing our friends that it is no longer necessary to go or send east for
anything in the Carpet line. Our imported stuff will surprise you. To say nothing of Car
pets, our Persian, India and Turkish Rugs are worth seeing. They are marvels of the art
of rug making in oriental countries, where it has reached perfection. The odd and artistic
designs, the brilliant colors, and beautiful tints and combinations must be seen; they cannot
1... Ti J ...Ul. - 'IM- . I .... Ml . .1 ' . ti .
uc piciureu wiiu a pen. 1 nc prices un some 01 me nana-woven rugs win scariie you, uut
we have all qualities at all prices. Our line of imported Japanese Mattings is most complete.
ivuu 1 tun iu visit un ucpurimetu wnue me new siock is practically unuroKen.
No. !0'1. Fancy lted Hooker, ladlos'
mI,d, reed top arms and cane ant,
innple base, a great bar- (Q flil
galu.for fOUU
No. 115. Holld Oak. Ileal
leather seat, embellished
back, splendid tfrj f C
rocker lor... a? Its 1 V
Dii4fYA Mnrrlc Ph HIS to U26 NSt, UI3to UI7 0 St., Lincoln Nebr.
nUOgC tt mUiriO LU Urgest Furniture Market in the west. Office: U 22 N
Over One Acre of Floor Space. 1
We solicit a trial mall order from out-of-town customers. Btrnd for our new Illustrated Catalogue, and If you ean't And
what you want, write to us. Visit our atore when In tbe city. We take pleasure In snowing our stock. Kemembpr, we pay,
tbe frftigbt 100 mllos on out-of-town orders over IS, and we employ a city buyer who will buy anything In otber Hose for you '
and snip wftb any goods you may ordnr from us.
Men's Shoes from 95c to $4
Ladies' Shoes from $1 tO $3
Complete stock of boys' misses
and children's Shoes. If you
are not a customer at our store
ulpase ston in and iret ac.
I rm
quainted' Possibly wc can do
you some good.
208 North Tenth Street, Lincoln.
Go.To.U. J. Martz
For Farm Implements,
Wagons, Buggies, etc.
Wavcrly. - Nebraska
A. H. tt fcllt, AessT.
Coritr n iaj III Stt., LIMCOIN.
rfcoae IS. . . .
Fill Auortntat.Bttt CnJt.
Uttfit rrttrt.
M t'ltl.MK t tH'M II, IIIU HOVAI,
Alt AM M
Mil) tuiUI a l.ti'lil'rf Iu t ietvliMtd, Ubtii,
Ut i n, Ur wbU h the NU krl l'U
Utt( I tlln'Hl U. nil I'tkelt
nt.t- far nut imh-IiIi-I f.i the rtl
ti in tm ivHlHttttw litait. t uetveUnl
lluiutf lar 'rtl,V. tralilitilnl l-
init ur and dav nwfcft aie In t k4re
of riiirl atMe' lie lw-f inau
tm .iar due. 1 brv lbriih Irwtw
Ullt, friiM tbw a I'urea Siiwt I
Mttfvf Ulli, I tli e l. I'lHT tl-lAtU-.l
ItttttruialUiH tl tn nr allta J.
V, laUhatt, tpiel Aftt, III Adam
M. Ihlvan lit II
No. 1108. Large solid comfort arm
Hoeknr, llmt rattan, troll
braced, will lost a lifetime jjj gQ
No. H7.A beauty,
tolid oak, full tize,
leather cobbler seat,
in antique oak or
birch mahogany
E, A. Pegler, 2
Feed of all kinds,
Rock Salt.
Oil Meal, Iie'a Lice Klllnr. IosHot
l'owdnr, Hhells Orlt for Poultry.
J. H. Treniiolm. A. Vancil.
New 2d Hand Store
y.i0 V Htrent, north of rostoflloe.
Now goods exebangod for old.
Highest cash price paid for all
kinds of Btovne aud Furniture
Give us
a Trial
Trenholm & Yancil
COOK e BARLOW, is liar
hi.ii, cell jiuiir etuutiaa
Ol duck, end tb.ireurk, would
iulilklr MiraUuRi
O llriw i HdllM,
ibr mk a lue rate,
Ktlln mtotk ntiMt,
rigbl ep to ilata.
UxktU. d l ap Hub, Wklf.
I'tUa, 4tiiere,
ret due I rlrt, Iu
tan u ue dull'.
pilrma clelr, pruailljr,
emk (. e elll ! MlletMllua
, irtr !' II ' are
b-l tuMwllllue,
I naie ul ie lue.
V Saddle ,
U1S, UtH St .llKeti. Nl.
t ' eik
No. fl0.-Rlld Comfort Iked Rocker,
trong and easy, (He best for the
mouey ever offered, ladles' gQ
No. MB. Hardwood an
tlqus finish, eane seat, em
bellished blgb back,
a splendid value ffQ Eft
.. ......1
lUM liaUr, N. Y., May 16-24, 1808.
Hie Nickel I'lut Hood is authorized
Ui sell tlcki-ii to IUM bster, N. Y. and
return at om fitre arid one-third for
the round trip, on rertlncaie plan, ac
count of above meeting, Ticket (food
on any of our through express) trains
icavinif i niciiiro rroin me van miren
strt-i't pusMifiiKt'r station at 10:35 a, in.
2:55 p. in, and 10:15 p. m. Vcstlbulcd
nli'iln' curs ami uiiHiirpiwisea utntng
cur servlcB. Colored )xrtrs In vluirge.
Hiivk time and money by patronizing
tho Nnekcl Tlato roal. For further in
forinutlon call on or address J, Y.Ciila-
Iiiiii, (Ji-ihtuI Akent, IU Adams Kt,
( bleatro, 111. 2t
for tbe round trip on the certificate
iiluu to t'levelimd, 0 and return, will
lm made by tbe Nickel I'lute Itofwl, ao-
foiint of meeting of Supreme Council
of tbo lloyal Arcanum, May 18-25, 18t8.
Threw tbroutfh iniins ilally with ser
vice eiiiul u that of any other line
lietween same point. Von will save
tlmn and money by patronlzlnfc the
Nickel I'lute HimuI. Try It and lm con
vlniVil of tint ailvantagea afforded the
truvelliifr public J. V, Caluhan, Gen
eml Airent, 111 Atlanta Bt., Chlcairo,
will lie. pleiiNed to furnish 'any informa
tion relative to rutea, eU Tntlna de
part from the Van Ituren Ktrwt l'a
Heucer Klnllon, Chicago, HI, 2t
In the heart
of Chicago.
The Unloa I'aaaeoger Hta
tion ia I'bieago. Into which
all liuriiogton lloute trains
run, is located la the very
heart of tb city.
The prlaelpal hotels, the
largest store, the beat the
atrea, the b!-Mt buslaees
eetablisbaieiila, are only
l blocks dilaat to reach
i hem It lea't tvea awessary
to tahe a street ear.
To react CnleaTO, It IS
axwaaary to tahe the ll ur
inific (toate-ihal la, III
H;o vaallh bevMaereht,
UmiuW tat hi r
reaitiaaT yur alt trip !.
r'ur tivttte appjr at lUr
Uattua depev Tth aad P
si re la, or sity vrtWe, euraf
loih aad O stmts,
cio, w. lomiL.c.r. at, a,,
IIkoIi, NlritU.
OGcndron and Reliance O
Is I iimim aMMie lw it,
Arthur Bcti,,,,:,Wt
wt ) I I
lit nijiii