The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 28, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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April 28, 1898
la tale department w will publish
irMtor. received from enbecrtben to
nwtkm mom tban 800 worm. Manuscript will not b returned.
VTatkla'i to the Journal.
Vmiion, Neb., April 21, 1808.
EWTOII iHDtPKNOKHTI-l ! t tll fol
lowing Inquiry to the mtnl-ww kly Htate
VitiiuoN. Neb.. Avrtt. 1H.-T0 the
Kdltor of tb Htat Journal: I mm by
theHeml. weekly ofthesiBof March an
" editorial in which (lit etateiiient I made
that the United Htatee own about one
billion dollara (1,000,000,000) to for
fStttmn. 1 sunwise thin include Individ
ual an well hn publlo debt. I by nf v-
tlstlciil abstract of th United Htat
nineteenth number, page 01. Mil
And 78, that we hv miiortml since
' 1847 over two billion dollar more of
irolrf. silver and tb product of the farm
and linlory thnn w bav imported In
that tun. Will you kindly oxpluln how
w com to im In debt to foreigner at
all? Alto what we got for (hi debt and
how w got It? It look to in If I am
wiling to other fellow more than I buy
of UiMin and lot thmti hav more money
than the do ni that tbej will Im in dob
to mi and not nt to them, Hy wnllght
Ding ni on th abort you will obllg an
o d subscriber, uko, watkin.
To till limulrv lb Journal replied In
It dally of tli 8th and wmil weekly of
tb J 3 ill, tatlng,flrt, that tny biitiwilng
eiport and Import of gold and llvr
peel and bullion with our tiport and
Import of merchandise misleading,
A 1 gav my authority and wher to
, find tli fuel staled I do not what
reason thn Journal had for being ml
load, but they wnro. They awin to think
I am trying to show lee niwcm per capl
tatbao tb suction of money give,
'i'hi 1 did not think of. My (juration
ar threw in number, Thwir anwr
start out with the statement that
tourlHt, which thy tat number fin,
000 In our morn prosperous your, use i
grt deal of thl amount, fly thl tli
Journal toll what It consider prosier
Ity. In tbeyear 180'J, when labor him
gutting a little something for it service,
' w exported only 405,N7M In eioes ol
our Import of gold, Th unit year,
when labor waa in deplorable condition,
wee portal ij7,ouu,ii) in goia in ex
cos of our Import, to pay tourist ox
pen presumably, W ei ported jut
about enough ailver In rty.J to pity tor
our exoea Import of merchandise, My
object In aklng this question wu to mm
bow It wo pOMlbl to get into debt
when w were winding morn abrond than
w got from lorelyneni and alo to mm
about thl aord honor which I plmlgnd
to pay wim tn eo-caiied oet nioiiev,
A I am nowolfiar on my object, will
trowed to consider tula (juration further,
High there may be a good a place a
any or ma to ay of tli nctofl87i
demonetising ailver, 1 would conidur it
lust a bouorabl for congress to a
mm putting T 10 grain of gold in a dol
lar a tha act of J S7U, Itut all dbt
contrnoied aftr auch a law wn ud
would b binding, both In law and honor,
Ho thn qmwtioii cotnii a to thatlm
tha debt wrteontraotmi, Tha Jour
nal aaya our Import of marchitndi al
waya fxcMxIiid our iort prior to 1847.
Tbi bring a ttma of bl-mtalliNin. tlia
Journal or any other gold-tandiird ad
Tocata would not claim that tha differ.
hio houM b paid lo a double dollar,
From 1847 to lfl8 our ixcn export
of ciwb wa about 1 oo.OOO.OOO mor
than our exec Import of merchnodie,
A tbi wa not a very proHroua ra
according to tlio Journal, titer wa
probably not very much i'nt by
tourint. From 18(S,'I to 1875 we I in
ported over a billion dollar mora mr
chndiM than w exported. We ex
ported half a billion' more gold and nil
ver than w Imported. The gold and
ailver flight be accounted for In tourlt
bill, aleo Mhlpping bill,whicli I another
big item the Journal give to accouut
for thee debt. Hutu everything wn
meuMured In a depmiiated money during
that period, certainly tlia Journal would
not pretend that eacred honor required
o to pay in a 200-cent dollar. Hmue
1875 wa have, la epit of a oonetautly
de!hning market, exported moid two
and a halt billion dollar more of mer
chandiH than w buva imported, beiiidee
bundrtd of million doller of peoie.
Yet w ara indebted o badly that if we
dar to eiuf w hat ehall roimtitute a dol
lar our crfilitor will ruin u. WeaUo
Ton Thousand Woraon Writing
Dr. Hartraan for Medical
At b-nat ten thousand women are In
orrpoRdenr with Ir. Ilartmnn ron
eeruing miiii bodily ailmeut Tele cor
reapondmc I conducted lrs ol charge,
ity aid of qumtlon blank, rhvmical anal.
yi. uilenwroplc exaiuluatlon, th doe
tor I able la inak an act'iiraU illrtmia
U ta a great many ram her even th
attending phyetciaa rould not duo.
Thousand ar eureil; ol Ihoueuud
ar relieved ofaonia dietrvMiug eyni
torn and givu a new lea ol Ills, Any
wuuiaa tan apply, Mr. Molli L xJur
l'iy, Ulan,
let., ay;
May thank
lor yoar kind
advle. My eou
mow h every
apara(ol a
iuud bvaltky
buy. Mr.
I limlwlhilreit,
.Saw Alka,
Ill.,ya "'HI
atiewr billo
I'r, lUrlinaa'a
.b Will t W-H." Mr, linn MtlWr,
lihwereturg, lUrry Hty, Ms.
rile, "t wrwl In i lo advk i
lw gv It. .Sow I bl lm a J
hearty, The wwri.1 . nut buy wy
birl.H Mr, lUtUubeiaw,
1'i.rieiAtflJ, Im,, rt Ul lollo.
leg tMf dw I hwl tll .
hpp.M Mr KM H'tlr, y:
iue trl, t'mvteneti, tl.afilr
r'il yui ibrvriita a4 Ktw haa
th heel tdfclfti,"
Kvery wwwaa fctt h i y il
Iw. llarlHt' tlftiei lik aiilld
'illtb MNit Wttly," It WHII
lrly hr Hkw eJ wul I Um
iw al a4Jre. A4.lrM t Vraa
(rag UmUI4'I l owpey, t'ulma
t, tlW,
eommunleatlooa of ft worth Aad aul table
thla iADr. No oonm unioatio hodxa
lump a arnt deal about foreigner In
vetlng largely In our railroad and
factory took. Jf they ara doing o,
what become of the money they Invent
How do they get It bur in tha fao of the
fuota 1 have atated.
There la on way the debt might
hava uooumulnted that tha Journal did
not mention, I. a,, our big fellow water
ed a lot of toe It and toon It over to
i'urope, old It, and bad a pr without
any cot to theumnlve but let their pat
ron pay it. 1'erNOiiiill. 1 will uy that
It doe not look to me Jik good tute
matiMhlp when we pay .'10,000,000 an
tiunlly to foreign ehio owner for our
currying trad. NeitW do 1 feel under
the lcat obligation to pay two dollar
for on to nay tourlt. indubtndne.
Again what look queer I the bowl aet
up about labor' extravagance if It dar
to buy a 1 50 bugiry for tha old wife'
comfort, and if a fanner darn upend ao
much a a quarter of an hour chatting
politic with a friend, he I Immediately
lusnieed of indolence. Tha money apent
for a buggy I left her at home, yet we
never near that it I extravngunt or ln
luring our country In the leat lor tour
let to Mounnder hundred of million
annually to pay foreign hotel bill and
foreign nerrant, Hah I About thn TJml
of February 1 neked the Journal through
thn Full (ity New how It woepoietllile
If wa were ateudy and economical, Helling
more to foreigner than they did to mn,
how free colling of ailver would deprive
ii oiourgold7 1 ent them a marked
copy, tiiey never have aimwervu mn
uuIcnm I am to take their auewer of the
8th and I V th to be un amwer to tny
II ret quiiNtlou a well n tha laet, o 1
will ak another on or two. If we ar
to continue to hire foreigner to do our
carrying trade and pay them In gold,
Nino lurniNh gold to our tourit to puy
foreign hotel bill to bow will a irold
atandard keen our gold here? Again if
w inner, 11 ther I absolutely no other
way but th above and we ar to be
alway drained of our if old by th
cuuee ahown by th Journal, do w not
need a national eurmwy with which to
do our buNlmm without going to for
elgner to borrow it? I It true that 11
debaeed on I better than none at all7
n proof I only offer I'emmylvanla u
evidence, Th tier capita increase of
wealth wa luet about 10 time a much
from 18(10 to 1870 a from 18M0 to
800, My dear Journal 1 expect I hava
aKcu you everai morn ouetlon than
you win answer, o 1 will bid you good
oye until 1 hear from you again. In th
meantime I am your truly for uoveru-
meut leeue ol all money.
UKO, Watkin.
Many People Cannot Drink
off at night. It apoll tbair alera.
Yoo can drink Gralo-0 when rouplM
and aleep Ilka a top. For (Jraln-0 done
not atimulate; It nourish, ehra and
feed. Yet It look And tata like tbe
beet coffse. For nervou pron. young
people ana niidrn urain-u la the per
'act drink. Mad from pure grain. (Jet
a imckag from your grocer today. Try
in piaoe 01 tone. 10 ana '400,
Jovrainiit Ownership ot ItallrcmiU In
Th railroad problem In Hwitxerlnnd
contains many instruction which are
especially valuuble to the eopU of this
country, a thn railroad problem I a
most Important on which miisi soon Im
Molved In thi country.
lo understand the ml road miemirm
f Hwitzerlaud, first of all we iiiuhI con-
der the physical conditions of that
country. If we look at the maps we find
thut the Alps, a mountain chain like the
llocky mountains, run tlirouuh tint
country from east to west 011 the south.
ern line with a few states on thesi.Lth
de of the mountain. From this
hniit smaller branches run out north
d south so thut all states urn mum nr
ess mountainous.
rorty year nuo when the ini.-nf ion ,.1
building rnilronds iu Swln rluud llrst
cam up, nobody thought that it would
lei possible that thn xoplt ol Switzer
land with only a little over two million
iihutiitHiit could liiiild a riiilruu.l
through the Alps, ths-efore It was geuer-
uy wiieveu unit in Pwilterlaiid only
iurt lines connecting favorably situatm!
own would be built to facilitate local
rulflc, and thi excluded federal owner
hip. Die first road was built In lNKl 0..11.
Meeting t lis towns l.urieh nud lUdun.
nd I nleiut I I to '.'0 milmi lllllkT. N..V.
ernl year niter this Lunch and Winter-
bur wer connected by a railroad and
ii build thi the l.urieh Wg iimiiiiiIuIii
ad to b rut by a tunnel whirl 1. HHiut
Ix mile long. Thi was llm Hrsi turn...!
mill In MwlliMrlaiid.
Py tills, two roads, th fan Ion mi. J
ure h, wn rroemM from east to n bv
railroad, Thea l.urieh wished to u.i
etittiiM'tion with th Uk ol t'onstaue
nd Ihniugh tin, with th ewsleru iMim
I Au.trln. Ilavart. WurlemUra nn.l
linden, am) th natural condition lr
m h a poeurtlioa wrr In Uvor of tb
anion Tburgan, an re ulturl sut
kn hlellieeiiwt lrl InNailMrlnnJ l.ui
further south ln8l. tlnllea. a 1 11 a ul
h)M ol l.ure h. bu th Iowa lata
btwwahigh inuuntwin and Mivill .
lb trrrtlory lrm 8t. tlnltu u, ih k
ol t'owaiant uulavorabl lor rail
road bultdie;, Ibervlor l.ure h bull I the
roA rlM lb ,NttltM.urn, ihrougb
lbt'atoa Tburgaa au tbi prodm.!
(mtlousf aed la ht. tUllH. To
ti I I.e. Nortbwaatifrw rMJ In th wi
llOl Hlll.-fUHd bt IM w
lxet lnHMaitulity, Hi Jura
NiouaUiH vka wbkb run (rum miii
. Iti tirteml, bad to tw rwi bul
a lb m.W nl ibmsi aioiituias,
rtgbl la lb artbM rorr ul Hnr
laed, bit IWtle, lb eb loaa, sd
Ibry r-iliK tuhMiettroM witb
l SottboMtr road hy a Ihhh
lbmuh lb Jra wkmiiiUi, t bi M
aaintii aomairou ib rf,
ImxIv uh Had hmm.rwl wtn.U Ibmr
pbf about lb bole ol be lulur, wb vk
a IIin ib -ro).i uhmvI,Is mirf
all lb ltbst lknl, wbeb to
about lfl aob bg, bu ll,
and Ibrougb Ibi HiKtUnd hal a
I b mn h bi Iron s to -! wbbli
imi wemaa lMlrall 'bal rval, a
t fOUIMe ltvl b rvMOleat imImi .ro
pean etatea of 'Austria, Hungary and
ItUMtla with the Atlantio ocean.
Until now railroad building and man
aging wa only a atate and local matter
In Bwitfterland, but now, the system 1
ucweslully extended in all direction
and therefor federal regulation of tbe
business became a, necessity for having
a control over tbi corporation which
never got o much power a they bave
In thl country,
In Hwltterlund th main principle
alway prevailed that tha main goal of
a railroad la comfortable, cheap and
save transportation of persons and
property, and that to th main goal all
other Interest must be subordinated
van if ahara holder should get no in
terest, and for tbi purpose railroad
coin nan In were put under strict control
of th administration, which In that
country I not aubordlnats to court.
1 remember that th first federal rail
row! law which wo homed contained the
condition that whenever the net earn
bur of a railroad nay mora than 0 per
cent Interest ou the paid up capital,
then pawteiitfer and freight rate must
bo lowered. A the first railroad wer
only built for local trnlflo, the share
wer taken by the states, countleM.towu
ana village, and citizen wnlcn wer
benefitted hy the road, therefore nobody
expected to ha v uny direct profit from
tneee snare.
The law that shareholder were only
entitled to bave Interest on the Invested
money bud the icood effect to prevent
swindle with share right in the start,
that the road wer nut In first class
condition and that employe wer well
paid and vecured f and comfortable
transportation, ho that very aeldoin a
calamity ocourr. Although railroad
building cost enormous sum of money,
transportation I a ureat deal cheaper
in nwitxeriand than n l in thl country,
. 1 . ... . ...
am 1 remember, oaaseiijfcr rate were
about 1 cent of our money mile. Hound
trip ticket good for on day bad 'JO
percent discount. Transport regula
tlonsand tariff for f relit lit bad to be
approved by the federal admlultratioii,
A teach atation you can buy for few
cent a regulation for transportation
and A catalogue of good where you oan
find out under which class a certain kind
of good belong and th ditanoe of
th stations ho that you can exactly
figure out for yourself what It will cost
to wind your good to It destination.
t or good which are charged by car
lllli if, I lib 41 M AiiMliiiii utrisifiMl tknn
but if the freight figure out at th ruul
fn aw aw vti immh BHUUHV l lUU
weight should In thl way amount to
more man car 10110 ireignr, oniy t ins
aiuouiii vun we cuurgmi, iiscnmina-
........... a. ...... 1... itf t
none nnu reuates are uukuowh. uie 1
one who end 100 cur load of a kind
of good ha to puy a much lor a curl
as the one whoaend only one our.
J Im table am changed twice a year
in thn spring and In th full whereby the
administration, especially the post d
partment, provide that comfortable
connection of thn different road can be
mad on nil point and that thn people
niong tli line are accommodated and
It happens very seldom that companies
are urged to put on one more train for
the accommodation of the people.
I nlust competition between the differ.
ent road wan suppressed right In the
start. A said before Ht. Oilen was
cut off from th Northeastern read, but
then Ht, (Jaleiia built a road of their own
from th lake of Constance to Winter
thnr, where it connected with the North
Kastern road, but a l.urieh I the cen
tral railroad point In Hwitxerlnnd, they
wished to have direct connection with
l.urieh, but instead of building a parallel
ii witn in northeastern they Had a
costly tunnel through the Lurich llcrg,
they usserted that railroad are public
highway, and therefore demanded the
right of way over the Northeastern from
ninterthur to l.urieh, which right wa
granted to them by the federal authori
ties, and from that time on they were
not only running their train through on
thi line, but thn employes at the sta
tion of the Northeastern sold their
ticket and handled their goods lust the
same a they eold tickets and handled
the good of their own line.
How railroad employes were protected
against oppression from the co'iipunle.
I . .. Ill 1 II " A I . . .t . "
1 win leu in uie noxi nriicie.
FlIKlf Hciiwkizkii.
Woodlawn, April U, 181)8.
Chronic Rheumatism
from Urn lsilntrlnl News, Jiiikui, Mien.
The subject of thi sketch is llfty-si
yurofage, and actively engaged in
larmliig, When seventeen year old he
hurt Inn shoulder nud a few year after
commenced to have rheumatic pninslu it.
fin taking a slight cold or the lenst
slrniu, sometime without nny apparent
cause whatever, th trouble would start
nud be would suffer the most excruciat
ing pains.
II suffered for over thlrtv venr. and
the Inst dirnde ha ufferd so much
that h was unable to do any work. To
tin the frequent occurrviir of diy
sfieii were added, making him almost a
heliilemi IuvhIiiI.
i ai i. iHT or KitHta
II lrh Ihni l.titainnun Ul m tl at.
nut Iwiun! lwaSm aal hsa ua avrrnl
lin rhsuNialt CUfra, ,u n ii
slxn. A4 ia iar s. ai miohiI.
-vi a rrl la tspir ul a vm ma.
bat urn Inr In bin bi rarrs) k
!r. Williams I'ihk 1'ili auilriMdu.Utl
to trv riNtljr,
AMr tatlwat lb Dmt tmi Ml mi a.
al Iwttaf, a4 wli als tr Ihii
I'Mf ttMM. u ii.ui.
mmi ta-t at mi, abl a ka uw ht wr a
la lirl Irw lrvml iKrtai
l'uutW aal nritwltr u he
ba at kail lumU
II U.a.lin at ul If, h illlaaV
l'ii 1'ilUhir I'aW lvn a4 atll gUPy
rfrlHirat It atMv iltumttu ta
l-al..m- a ltlr4 . StwWf,
lloftiia, Jmtwia t'.lf, Mwaiataa.
All lb vWwtvate ataa4rt ttaiv ba
Its 4 lbsa a lb )m r
timnkatlarv.! ftitn) ' .ktaiarl, la
a niM..t. luriti t J if, SVilltuma' 'm
I'ltl r I) IWpWi, AN tlrHt)ll aall
J I .
ftist Tressar Condition.
The fixed policy of State' Treasurer
Meeerve I to have Invested all perma
nent chool fund and to pay out al
current fund a fat a received from
the county treasure.
We have closely watched tbe conduct
of the atate treaaury and we find that
Mr, Menerve haa faithfully and ably en
lorcea in aoov ruie,
A Htatement received luet Monday by
the Phonograph bowa that Treasurer
Meeerve, since coming Into office, baa
nveeteu permanent lurnl In Interest-
tienrlng aecurltlea to thn amount of
101)2,721.80 ofwbiob i;J01,57.84are
In state warrant earning 0 per cent
The total amount of all fund Invented
up to date la .'l,72fl,177 74, or nearly
three and three fourtha million. Every
dollar in thn permanent school fund 1
now Invested and the current fund are
paid out on warrant o that the treas
ury la now practically empty.
1 ne republican brethren who wereao
terribly anxiou about Menerve' "straw
bond" may now calm their tender so
ft. ... - .
licitude. Though a two-inllllon-dollar
bond may haw been nufflclent to cover
a Hartley shortage of half a million plus
a million of idle fund, It certainly I
more than enouuh to inure an amount
like tbe serni-annual school apportion
nient, and that i all which Mr. Menerve
keep in bin charge. An honest state
treasurer ha solved the problem of Idle
luno much clearer and auier than did
thn mistaken author of the steel vault
bill in the legislature. IJenlrnoly doe
hi duty by paying out and investing
hence there I no Idle funds, Mr, Meserve
not only know thl I thn right course
but he Is energetic and dutiful enough to
carry it out.
J he republican administration con
Bluntly carried from half a million to
one million of Idle fund and during the
latter part of the Hartley rule It exceed
ed one and a half million, Th stale
paid regular Interest ou these Idle
moneys, beoauiei it wa paying Interest,
ou the paper on which they should hava
been paid. For every half million of Idle
fund the atato lost f .'10,000 annually,
lor in iniereMi would at least average
nix percent.
1 lie people can pntty closely figure
out what bn been jnaved the state by
treasurer Meserve, It would beacon.
aiderubla amount annually,
And the creditor the stale-so far
from being ruined Is now above pur,
Ht. I'aul i'honogruph.
meet r .
1 11 r. 1. v iwi,.ti', in the case prove
noons' Marsioar a cure rhHiiiimf, mm.
dyspepsia, catarrh, that tired feeling,
scrofula, salt rheum, boil, humor and
all blood diseases,
IIOOD'H HM.H ar prompt, efficient.
always reliable, easy to take, easy to
operate. 25c.
Lincoln Exchange Milk Z
4 iu norm via 01,
s Cusotm Grinding a specialty s
S ill tb liMt jrrsilM of Cutr m- e
.... wmvww, wv.B WW WfMWmi W9 k
f 00 mousy. c
Black Perchreons,
Liyaes. bnires.
Coachers and Trotters
lAMS'"llor.. Hh(iw"tth. flra lrcst U. a.
HtHK Knlr ol 'M. 'W Ihs SI. l.ouU. III.,
rnjrul, Minn,, U. anil Nh, Huts Kslrs,
iiiiiinnrcu 11 1 i-iiiniii Kirs.
lAMM'llsrtl ol ilrslt buiws. wins Ut urlu fur
n fmr In auwrMluu si tlia Nb. clsu
I AM Imporii anil lirwds bis owp horci No
slslr, ours oat hurMw, m il h wi t ilim at
nn noma iiarna, nu ssl n srt hlrad br
lmnlo iii Inferior lulniua in larmrrs.
No Brtt alSMburiws swh! lis lilll to t
Breed Bit Draft AnJ Flash Coich
HorsesThey Beat Klondike Mines.
1 7H11 10 rniM 1 r oiil, nTr
IS'f ilmM(iHiil m sow Ii latxi in
brmillnrf suit rnmns rluM biirn TK man
Ihnl lirvnla aiMiil ilrsll nsil a.iark kraa aill
ha n Klonitita Misa in Ivun,
I sum niiia-a uiuai i a s?r ana Ikara au
mast .aria In bia liaru.. lama aiikauaaa
noraaa i.i u.nrni uraana, imiii aaaraalwa, na4
Ika naaal aolla. Ili.a ul l.lial In isai lb karaaa In
Nlns-kn lo aria.-i from. I lid'a.ShirM tat Orat
rvrraaruaa ai was mif4 laaa laaa llia.k I'attk
THANK IAMS. St. Paul. Neb.
s. Caul, .b., la un Ika II. A at na4 U. I. Kj a.
Bath House and Sanitarium
faia.l Itta Mil,
Oprn wl All llmir ! aim! Mglit
All l .nnn ul lUllu.
Tuiklih, Husstis, Roman llictdc.
ll t.ll nlt.aiWa Im lb ar'hiiwa ml
miUML Silt UI MtNl
ba laM iia tkaa a ni
ikaiaita, ' a I mum l"
. I tta a. I b -Ut I nS'A Ibtaaia
k aa lnll aa 'I
.,..(, I all hih.i ia ai U... tllf
a IMMItl I i'"l. Ml, I M la Wat
bi4 I "a hk,ii.ii m m
Hi. Mi It. Ai J. (I. Ilvvrvtt,
klaaan a klaH.a
I , -i-y1
Cautei fully half tb dckneit In the world. It
retain th digested food too king In th bowel
and produce lilliouineii, torpid liver, Uidi-
(Uoii, bad tail, eoatetl a
tongu, tick buch, In- I QI
omnia, to. Hood' J'lll I 1 1 1 S
ur constipation and all lit w
reiulU,llyaniltherouKhly. 2M. AlldruggiiitJ.
I'mpared by C. I. Hood Ji Co., Iiwell, Mai.
Tb ouly I'lll to tak with Uood'i Harxaparllla.
ffiWovcn Wire
KMU tig 111.00
or our machine that make fence any
height for 10 to Uc ttt tOi. Kwy
machine guaranteed.
717 H. O.'ld Ht., Omaha
Make Cheese at Home
Hend 1 to C. K. Kittlngor, Ipawlch, S,
l)mk. for 10 reunet with printed inatruo-
tion for making cheeae at borne without
buying ooatly apparatu. Anyone con
Your money refundcl It you fall.
Full Cream Cheese
the Kind Made
Reildtnce Phona 633.
Office) Pbont 656.
Surgeon and
Consulting Physician
Itoome 17,18 A 10, Burr Block,
Office boun: 10 to 12 f .0., 2 to
5 p.m.
Sunday noun: 3 to S p.m.
f eisliliis ui elr sr fmiorr,
InrrlM, . mm. iOOVOl.K YMti
Ut silvurtiM mm,
Kiwr wurk, 110
ka, wrii fur our urtinl i.lTn.
'OK 'yl..k'0 , tm u,rf, 12 M
im, W-71 Ifiwrtli Av Oil lOAOO.
franklin Hi i HttlMruuiu,
Private Diieasei
atHH Wm.1.1 r
9yMrt Eirwrlano.
lUVMrsin Onmlis.
Bisik free. Consult-
tbia rr. lie 706, or
14th and Faroam Bu.
Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company,
Offloc 20th and Uard RU. J'bon 478
WrlU (or I'ric.
OMAHA, ttt: Nrn
Rill all Ha, miua. ! at., en
f ualtrt aa Miurb. tus nana
Mb tha labitr l daallas. t'aaa
la, inplf ar banililaa ulnst.
Uv. Siiaslr nlai ika ruual aulaa
nn saal baia M4 Mil AlUrait.
aaii.f ua ika rX, Ma miiaa
ill Un la aalllaa Hana akaa
Mn Kiuiaiiaaiur la na bfurs
aalima Iba Han. barnt lor llraamr
Ibnl lalla M nknal II. Hail fhi
l a, naa ailaa tba,
At avi a Citv . NiaaAta.
Mb Hit ktl NATK
Ta bn llfnnil knaawnwanl Miming lla
trial, WbmIs(,
Tk t'alua IVlfl atll ll ii kal
im lar hr Ik ruuad IriK Hut V from
i Hiut la K , .alraka, 1 l.ra.
il anil I lab lo IUlius, Wiu, l't
ia wkkk ltkt atll l avM ar Ul aa4
,l Tamtlay la VU, Jena, Jul. Annual.
rWi.l , IM a4 Nov, Mtikal lia .Uilt
iill Himla k y tta IU.
Una anl llraat .iMaiNit
I it 111 iMiurniniu.a tali n or altra
I!. It, ttHwatia, Ua'l A4I , Liiisvl, .Nvt,
Jl tiy 1
Rural ir
i l
ul I vrU, Ik I
w. rvlaiwr
A !! h W4k VuMkV
S'ljwl aawa saanaaf
twibna, l.rt m
annllaaii-wim ii
kltA .NkBitHA hrabat ekt
Till II I 111 ml
il If I I I I I I I IMJ
atur itt;HjtT ,1 JI
Dr. Ketchum
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
and Catarrh, x z z
Spectacles Carefully Fitted.
All Fees Reasonable
226 South 11th
ffceBIgM Bte teXlmeUke.
Whether yoo aelect tbe All-wAter root
by wwy 4 St. Mlehaala, or th overland
rowte vIa DyaA, Bkagway, Cooper river,
Talia at itlklne, yeu mnat flrat rAch a
PaoiAe wort f aaabarkation.
Tn hue Oraxdi Wiitiu Railway,
Ia eoaieetioA with th D. ft R. O., or
Celerado Midland By., It tha hort db
rot And popalar route to Baa Fraaoleco,
FortlAAd, Taooba or BeAttle. Through
eirlag ebawt aad (re reollnlnf chair
am from Denver to 8aa Fra aeiaoo a4
Daaver to Pertlaad. Choloe of three
roatee thro' th Roekiea Aid the moat
manlHoeat aoarr Ia th world. Write
to P. A. Wablhaa, 0. P. A.. Belt Lake
Uty for aopy of Klondike folder.
T Faa-l Soaad a4 AUtka rlat.
Tb NortbwMtero-UnloB raoifle la tb
direct route to tbe Puget Bound and
Alaka point. Morning And afternoon
tralna make direct connection At Fre
mont with through tourist sleepere And
Ire reclining chair car to Portland.
Pur correct information call on A. 8.
Fielding, city ticket Agent, 117 aouth
10th at., Lincoln, Nab.
What doa it coat to get there? Wea
And bow ahouldone go? What abould
one take? Where are tbe mine? IIow
much have the produced? Ia work
plentiful? What worn ar paid? I
living expenaiv? What are one'
chance of "making a atrike?"
Complete And aatiafactor repliee to
the Abovo qnuatlona will be found In tbe
Burlington Itoute'e "Klondike Folder,"
now readj lor distribution. Bixteca
pagea of practical Information and aa
up-to-date map of Alaaka And tbe Klon
dike; Free At Burlington Route ticket
office, or nt on receipt of four onta la
tftmy by J, Francia, (Wl 1'AaaenRer
agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb.
The New-
Union .
It runs on Van Buren St,. Directly
in front of tbe
Rock Island
and Pacific
PaanenKflra arriving in Chicago can, by
tbe new Union Klevated Loop, reach Any
part of tbe city; or, for a flve-oent fare,
ean be taken Immediately to any of tbe
lArge stores in tbe down town district
Ail Elovated Train will stop At th
"Rock Island" Station. Train imr
minute. These facilities ean on It ha nl.
fered by tb "Great Rock Iiland Koute."
11 you win sund a a cunt stamp for
EORtaice we will mail you at once a new
Ird'e uy view of Chicago, jut issued in
flv color, which show you just what
you want to know about Chicago and
th new Loop and Klevated Kvatm
Thl map you should bave, whether 0o
hv out of tbe city arid einect to cAmn
to it, or whether you now live in Chieago
and you or your friend contemplat
making a trip. Addros John Hibak
tian, 0. p. a., Chicago,
Waskly Partonally OondaeUd Kieonloa
to Portland, Ura, via Uarllaatoa
On February 17, and every Tbumday
thereafter at 0;10 p. m., Pullman tourist
leepers, In cbarg of our own eicnrsioo
conductor, are acheduled to leave Lin
coln for Portland via Denver, Loadvili.
Salt Lake City, Ogden and tbe Oregon
Short Line, pausing through the graud
Mttoenery ol tb Ruckle and stopping
several hours in at Halt Lak City to al
low a visit to th many point of luteml
ther. Ilirth. ticket and full Informa
tion may be obtained al II. A M. depot
or city ticket ottlee, eornnrol 0 and lOta
trt. Geo. W. Honnem
C P. U.i,
ear ta ralirurala nat Olkar r
Ifla Caaal traaalnr.
AM a
me above rtxitiftlna ann iaa tn tk.
enrout. i b NorthwanUm.
rnloa Paeifle routs tb lint lonealKhl.
oria hour. Ia tkaa by othar lina.
Thiavsa iiionav, brtb rat aad Ihlr.
l-a hour ol wartaoiu far riding, Al
K ramus I eoaarrtbin ar dirvel wit
lhrnon-h toarial aad Pullman nlM,r.
(hair ear lo (Vtavar, (krdan, Hall Lake
eltv, PurtUnilaad Haa Fraaciewi. hia.
Ia ear Ikmun-k la Ik enani. tlat iwa.
t aad Iwrlk rrarvatlona i. A, 4.
lt.ty llrkal aaat, UT aoulb lUta
al., I.lniHila, Noh,
' I II I II I p,, , ,
rtrisaa Itaai U I kWaaa
I l II lak, II yua feat l.,! M
Ik lUrlitta-tua naa IimI trma al II lw
.ta .a.y da. Ma kan0u( vera. ka.
tire Iraia wl I'atlmaa lir a. rr ran
fliu vkaif nan rb Ji.t l"atajtt
aalua tlaiwil. full i Ii m t a .... .
mi; m.a, . II a4 Taaib alf-ala Z
Mlk. U k.ia.ti!IUkiriu.a
Ubu. W, l..vt, i X, A p X.
wHHaf la ear )?