The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 21, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    - , h .f W, . i
April a i, 1898.
Thi fow J 0 ' t'iriiMM tmttUmhip. iUt atatlaik r J M
lAvmiii'Ui, 1 1,410 t'na; pwv1, lknotj Uormpomr, J 1,000; oat,8,O10,OMj
irwuwmfit, four 18 lwb, tflfc-M !, 4 IwjIi o 4 88 uu Ur
and men wlio
(fftlti errrr any, una men who vrcr
groping la darknaaa before hara coma
out Into lh liht, and they tfo forth
more zaloua)f pfMMlbJe loan Iuom who
were with u Itr.fnrt,
"You k m why I expect that w
ahall triumph In J'-WO, ami 1 tell you
that in the front rank, meetln th
ninny'u Urin JW'iO, will bi tbouaand
and tn of thouMnl who earrle.l
mUkU HjfftlXlt IJ ill JH'X;, bccltllne
they will feol that a they urn ritapojj
albf for four yar oontloufitlon of tlm
(fold atandardllmy itivhtgo where they
can ao rtiiitnl aervii vo ih.oib for in
barm they did In f 1m putt, mid theaa
t"oil will b out hVhtlnir our battlea,
and limy will be making c-outerta to
our mum and I bey will br, pointing out
nvrry atrp of tlm way thus led them
from tb blind hllf In gold mono
metallism to jutcllltfciituudcrMtandiiig
f tho Mdynnlagea of the. mouuy of the
In tic 'iim ' ;omnono this
17th tiny of Mirch, ft wnoIijMoh
holflll( Otll XO(l)W 111 ttld )n flu
r) )tt TlUli(i (it of himi-i itll'utin ,y in
trii).ioiiil ktiiu-iiifiil, iiiul thf i'cDnli
liiiitn oitrty w(l iiofi it (nuo'rownln
limn wonU nlut'h t it lru.w, umi
through lh !Anuij('i w wr to'hl of
th ioMiMllty of Mi'uriii(f wil from
fchroiMl, mi'l wii!n liiii tiiM.)oii ww
onr tit jiri-nhlrnl, Innti'iMl of ilcclmiiK
IhMt t)l (Ol'l MlMUflUI'O WiM K'l, Jl M.1
IO wiiilm Unit our'iit iiuliiol.
th l '"!''' J11". I'i-chiium hi'
Mint x)iiiliiloi ovrr 3,000 in He
viy froMi how to tft rUl of thn yoUl
kluniuril m ilviiomiimi in JHWi, Aii'l
thK rriih)l' ii onjrrr ij.iroiHtil
lO'i.O'Ai wifii tu tf ivtrroinont wim
ruini'iiii Uhlii'l,
"h uniioim wm it f- i rii or tnt
iol'l tiif1wrl, 1 iy, thitt it wooropi i
ntil IW,0(;0 iy lh o iin?i of
tl,i I'oiiimmxioii t; vo through l',uroiit
i-ryiiiK iinip, lit-lp, hlo im out of thu
Ul niMii lttiH Mint t)i imtiou him ur
The largest and moat extensive showing of all the newest,
prettiest and most serviceable of the season's productions, and
these are placed on sale NOW, right at the beginning of the
season, at prices 'that would be remarkably low at an endof
the-season sale. Note every item well. If you can't come
and see the goods, send for samples.
Colored Dress Goods
COJOllKi; JUlKHH WHMH-4 Wk Wunlri in mm ulyh nwi oh,rl!iK, Qp
1 VIJUl( Jrf ftf 4 ttttttrt ntttutt, $ $ 1 lH(llrn(o,,.,,,,o,lOM,V
Jft;ndt;wo ArnuMn ttl Kwny Wwir, ptyMi ,. ,..,,&dj
4WiM;b ultwoil IfonrliittM, (utiiipUitu Him of color, a yitr4. 47c
All Hilk ami Wool J1iil, 45 ibw WI1, ikt ynnl 69C
42-lii'li nil wool (IrwiM'liiw, In utivy uwi AiuM, worth l, n yariJ 65C
Nwwt MfiMlM in 4'Pinch I'uMiln Moth, rulr 1 1 goodn, it yur'l...., 79C
4f)-lni:li Covirrl elof h, lii'l('l i.ljlit, nil th imw twii'toim hIiimIoh, rit- A Qt
Black Goods
HtKh chtMi, 4C iu':h, nil wool Noimlly ilrix k""I"i i Hnl 50c
Ao lmmM Hum of nomlty hlmk nnnU, fury tun I Irom 1 1 V.' to U y nnl
Norulty bliu k K""'l, ttxwrilxnt vmIuh, m yitnl...
42-lui:h noynlty hlw:k oo'U, mtw alybi, a ynnl
40-ibli iiotiilty hlui k Crjon, it yurl
I Wtvy ilouhhi witrp hlm k
Hurah, . vnltut, ii ynr4
Ux'Pi iunit I'ouiitnl trim Hik In- '
!lu'JlK ;hny llron, K'il, f'K-QA
1 1 vilu, h ynnl 0 1 1
Full Iiimi of colorwilTftffMtnu.ttll Uw-nc-unt
muutint' nIiu'Ikm, a ynnl.., I wt
All nilk Fuilh, hliti-k itiul colom.'ionc A
im tum wl'h', 1 vuIiiom, a ynrl,,, f Uw
l:iu:k nil ullk Armur, 21 in, wil,QCn
our 1 1 o,uality, it yunl Ovv
UliunU 1 1 .UK Httin Ju:hm, (J A
JH-r yitnl tpiilU
I. fir, I ' 1)0 Hoi, ir yI.
Iiiynhir, lumvy mirror Milk, 2linHiti
wld , in tMt w York novulty lor
witUlo ttul nkiit 1, u yurl.. ,.,
ChiuiKy I iron, nil Milk HurKit (irmiit'liiiN
in pluiii iSroi lnM itml l!ityitluru Cj
HtrlM, .", H7 nml $ I
J.iuJi' Cotton IImm, iIouIIh noli),
IIiM IiiwI nil ton, intr fOI Oa
lr U 1-45C
I,nHtn' Kino Imported Cotton llnii
llriiiiurl ilyit, hi-u liM Ofln
IkniI iIouIiIm miln nml to; n mlr, but
Lit'll"' Kilrit I'iiib ImporlKil I (mil
MniioCotloii I low, vnlvtit lliilnh,
llltfll .IIiW hml nixl ton, doiil,l..nC a
i,l, Mir,
(,.' I M Idli ( oti.,11 Ho.
lllMll,l klM, Klltl'l I, .1,1 Hint
low; J mr lor , ,
Hoy.' ..nrr Iliry.U II
Kib iloul.l li.i.l mill .m, it mlr I f U
lUu'a l-l..k ii Iniil'i.Moii X'H'knQPf.
iloUl.l imi Mini I....; 'J unr liirbtfU
M.ii' in InifurM Knl Much,
I1.tl1.11 Hoi k,l,ll liit.hwi,QC
l.itil.U hik n, 11 .iir b j(J
1iiuW Low Sm k, lMivii.m, Kimw UiikiIi I nlon HuiU, tniMtil m k iimll Crt
itrui, whit or wtii, ooil vnlun; .iim Ii , , 0j
jt.liii' l,ow Nwk, nhort ilitiv, kmm UiikDi I'tiiou SiuIm, wI.Ih Iikm trhniuliiir. (p
whlt or M!ru, Il.'o or II for , Jfl J
I.ivIimm' liitMi, Finn MmU l uioii HmU, kn.w l.iimlli.iim k nul nriim triiiiiiiml
with wilNilk i nnJint I(h, Mttm whin lni lii hiu k; Ummmi KtrmmitN nri-C AA
Mrl.N! MIH11K our prli'M mili 9UC
I.mltiV M..nt I'nli.ii MulU, IiIkIi ik, luhtf mI.,v.-, kin... I.iuutl,, .ilk iO
inrl hultoui, mu ll TuC
l,mlli'' Humrior iinilily I'ulon Hutu, lilli um li, hum U.v.., nnkl. t.-imib,
mlk, iM-url iiiitloim, mint wid,. Up in hm k, Mplmiiliil nr,a vhIiik C A.
our (irii'M, mt.'li DUG
J.mluV Kiiw. I'nuU, I riuiuli l.itml, nrl luitlnn, khu.I .jiiulity, uncli 25c
I r 25c
I.iIk' l,ow ,Nwk, rtitili VmI, tiiw. u.ik nint ftrnm; nn-li tto or .1
I,.uni I Hi l,UI iil, low nwk, Im.ti.lwK, mlk rriM lu'l i.iIk.., ilk I him, nr.
tthlta or "rtl, film tinml vnlil, mi. I. 0C
l,ii.U Hlii I ut ton Mitrit liirti.. miim', n w t arm vnluw, mir i.rl.- rn
wit lUn, or .1 lor , OUC
l,in' l,ow Sink llr.M' hilr V..t, Hi. Ii..u rililw.l, ry hitinl C Aj
OIIIH, Nil Miltir, Kft4h ... OUC
Wt lUllintunu ulilrln, ilrwir lit wukU or kmw I. iihIIi, m, h
Next Week's Grocery Offerings.
V I II tit M IH.
Nirn, 4 tun ..r
iWr r i'm .,
Apiktila, r t an
(irfwn f)Kilitii. r i ,,,,,
I'lill l Mil IM
Vrllow i Hr Hi , , . .,
1jI T, Iiw wr Iti .,,,..,.
I ,u( M l,p, ..f h
10c ,
1 1
I 1,1.1 tl IH'M4, f III
Ullnm m r II.
tin1 it tiiin h r It.
i f turn nuiiu .iiiin H r it. . ,, A UV
Q HuhtriilH .fUI., H'M.l IMi Dm Q
IM 1.1 .. .. .MM ... VfV
rwliluimn iniiiiM in in mi 1,1 tu
i. i-r ii DC
1,11. AM) AIUMI 1'utU'l Hi.
!,! I y, hh l.i or Jl l.r , 25o
AHmri 1 1, ! m ,
Clilll lilM I wf f4M
Mlar l.jr, f rim ,,
Hi'ttil mil
7 1-20
lit, Inn I.,,,., ;a ii f
aa r A
HmUIUui, lHi ,r, 7 Ml., A FA
I-H- , ..... !6iUU
w.'iiir I'ltMiuii i t l.'.iu .r cjrj ca
" - If MlUV
tiiii, lin iiHii, T.N IU, r
hoi , . ,
l'ri"iitiiiimti i rii'i .ir ull.r iittwii.
Wnr ). Il..wtl( iburkul im
iitr, I utrt-Ml prliw, u tl. lur,
H.l.. I In fh it Dltltmit Hnl'ii,
1 otiiii f.inr hut tr niiI i4lnu,
iy tin i.iiit market j in.
Nebraska's Greatest "Mail Order House
ml from, (Applamic!.) Then if
thara tvaa unr rtaaou to hop for hi
mrtalllMin, all rraaon to hop va muled
whfu Knfflaii'l apunkiul our imuiiiiiImkIoii
ami adit it hoinr. MppUuAu and
JaiitfhU'r,) Kmiiitor Woleott rttuie hiMik
Mild in ml n it MptMdi in tin; i'intt in
which h polnU'd out thu rffWt of the
void ktu!&rd upon thn M'oplm of 1 nil In.
Urad tha (wiiifNHioiial flcrord uud you
will find that K.-nutor WoU-ott, th
jrt-rnidant'a nhicf ajfiiut In trying to
t-arry out tha rpuldlunu platforui,
roiif hitck itud UIU you that tha fain
iua in India wain money fiimtni' rul.hrr
than a food fiiniiif, 1 1 U-lla you that
thu action of the liritiMh Kovt-niuiout
drov down a Mivlnyn of tha pruple
from morn than a thoimaud millioiia to
Ii'mn than ti'm iiilllloiim that hy act of
law and without tlin cuiiHi'iit of thu
iM-oi.ln tlifi KiiIIhIi vovriniui'lit luul
di'ivrii down thrir auvinva and tludr
wi'.alth mora tliun 01m half, uud, my
frlHiida, thonu pnopli) of India urn i'ry
iuu out lor rt'Mpf from tl.u gold atauu
"If, piililiruulMii, plutoL'i'itcy, hiiyn
that Mivi'iity iiiIIUoiim of pi-opli in tlii
v in lit ry iuut wait 1111MI ri'lii'f i'oiiii'H
from a handful of Kniirlihh lluiini'lcia,
((I'mocriiy uy that wvimty ulDioii
of piiopu muat iiidiifva llirlr own d
liia'iiui'K, and tlu'ii raltu tli ton-h of
hopi' to lUr ! riifTKl '"W millioiia of thu
old world, MppluiiMi and chiu'ra.)
"It wmn nit Id of iim in J that they
wrr' afraid that our pi-optedld not love
tlndr country, They wens afraid that
wt wcr not aiifi idtiwna, and then wo
(old them that if t-vvr thia country ol
in dinner they would nwd our pcopli"!
that If thia nation had any flihtlnir to
do thi-y would v.oum tit tliu pcoplo who
Mtiirocauiil our chum, and vat mom men
to t he ao intra inch than they would vet
out of Wall atreet wimre thy wuro
peculating all thu tlmi,
"Whun tin. hour camn that thn tirtia
Idcnt wanlid an upproprlutloii and
Mutfvi'Mtfd to convrcaa that .'
ouvlit to hu pi need in the handa of th
pri'Mldcnt for national defeine, 11 1
though it waa a t'i'puldir'uu prealdciit
who itakad it. tlurn wan not a democrat
in th Iioumm or acintta that luinltuted
for ona moment to vivit tha full amount
whjch th prt'aldcnt umUiu. Vra, tny
my frltinda, and occaaalonally you will
hear it auld that the demoiratlii party
waa compoacd lurirely of inn who
fouvht atfalimt the union, and tliey
would try to ruflnct upon th tiatiotlam
of our party haeauaa w luul In our
party, man wtio foiivht In thu noufcdt.r
al ranba from JM) to 1HW.
Hut, my fricudM, it ao haiiptma that
tint rcpriMmtatlv of tlio AuiHrlcau
vovwimi-nt down on th ialand of
uha la a man - who wore tha con fed
rratft uniform, and yet no oiim luta aaid
tiiat I'lt.liuvh l,ei la not avoodcuouvli
patriit for the l'ni-d Htata. (Ati-
plauMn and t-hccrM.! 1'lai-a dniiiorrtwy
anywhere and it will hu trim to ita
hlntory, JteiiiocriM-.y incaua oouttlity
of all heforo thu law. Democracy
atanda for a fc-overnmtmt which drlvr
Ita iower f 1 om th conaent 01 the vov
irni!d, Democracy atanda for a troverii'
mt'iit that come up from thu tu-opln
and not down to the people, and that
helllfc the mein.ln(f of dninoeriwy, In It
htrantrn that very democrat In th
I nl ted hatfi feela a warm pliico In hla
heart for thomi iitdtrhbora Juat helovr
our kouth:rn border who are mccUIhv a
rivht to hare, a irovcrrimrnt that de
rle Ita Jut powera from tho rouacnt
of the tfovarwd7(App!auafland chfera.)
"I tola vou I waa a tuivata citizen.
Tha worhl dia-a not need to reward ma
for anything I hava dona. It haa
more than paid inn for all tha effort a
I hav Jjfi-fi aMu t tiut forth, hut lu
thu restoration of democracy I ahull
II nd reeiuninwt! enoua-h for all I can
evr do lei:aua my children ahull live
after inf., and if they, aa diiuvhtera,
m-rk an alliance, It will ha with Amcr
ii'itu citiifna. (Apfilaum and chtiera.)
I do not iieet to Ichvii moiiev enonu-li
tit tempt a foreign title, but 1 do hopa
that 1 ahull Ixi ahU to toach them an
American Meutiiueiit that will make
them Matifled with onu who haaawora
alli'ifUnce to thn atitra and t ripen.
"And If my aon ahall llva after me,
I want to leave him a tfovarumeut
that iflvea lilm a fair mIiowj I want to
leave him a uoverument that will pro
tect him If he vora Into bimi uck and
enuhla lii tit to do hunlneitN upon hla
own mtrlta, and not aland him in con
taut terror of aome irreater powor of
wealth: and if he into pollticM I
want him to go upon hla own merita
and not havn to now Ut aoum great ix.r
poratlnn to ank irruilNMliin to run aa a
inundate for flce, (Apiilauan and
"I want u deinorraev of the fathera.
a deiniMTMcy Unit kbit it know no differ-
enee lift ween ludividualN, a democracy
that mvm to tlm imiir man. 'vou ahall
have what vou earn,' that mbtb Ut tha
rich mini 'you ahull hm what vou
earn, alau, I want 11 deiuoeracy that
111 pn.teet tha little tlm little man
Iibm, and protect tlm great amount that
the great mini haw.
'I want a democracy that ahall May
to thi MMr man, 'Vou ohall int Uy
huktila hamU iim.u that whirh Indua
try haa prm'tired and which economy
ha laid away,' and I iint a ilnmo-
rrii'V that ahall May to arli'f, 'Thua
far mIihIi HmU uo and 110 farthrri you
mIimII put tiike the bread that vou haw
not earned.' fAiiiilauMti ami rlii'crt
"That la our Idea of deuiiM raey, and
It U I'ci'iiii It I a trim bb-a, II I !
raiite It l ttikt Ideal It I lwi'uti It I
a rl(ht .hoi Ue that It will aptH-al to
in. 11 and in. ire and vttltat Ut pretall.
11 iim llirrt-fine ny to ton lui are
UieiuberM of tlm Mi.baw It eluli. and
t.ii w bo arw the vuet i.f thU club,
that tint bullln i'f mI tttntt f. night lit
If n uli.i I. Mik pari lit It pitM
imv N I'H. Iim ni t I a rt h I utrtik'U
we i Mil din limiting IIimI w ht
. It i.i vd Hi,, i'miixi fur whlidi ww
f.itigtil V ku.iw lint our emlMl
waaiit.t In taint I Iim t w hat awaW
rned ; the im.hln l.i IhluklMtf, aitd
IIimI thluUl'iig will l.rlnf relif, and
If lare la a.ilH mK.i thlua thai
Mt piottr in r iM.y to glte ntt
ourflahll want t- It'll that rMii
mat iniHMt w no .iiiii.ii tit thu et
In ' dl I M.l mlUt f ir threw wwuitha
imr f.r l.-ur tt-M.t, tuy iditU4 foe
lb war wiMuaMir how lliat war
way li 1 A pUni ant t ri )
lhght w wvr going to win lit I
and wt ewi ai in ar It that wr t.
t ii la Kve not g. ter .li-g !. I
vet Hi iiittta we ate g.ilng I t wla In
)iMBt, tat, my fitrttJi, klug f.
iiitttll I lay thai wltellir rtlorr
eativ Ih tiM uy Iia ir I .r l, Ihera
l i. -Oil a g bi A.i I at Itgttt, fight now, I
fight , wim at the wiiib.iwuimi I
with 1. 1 m wU.i ibwiH all U.liigi wail I
thank yii." tl'r.ilmf J itlia)
J f
Retailers of Men's Clothing,
Men's Furnishing Goods,
Hats and dps.
1013-1019 O St., Lincoln,
Mail Orders a Specialty.
The harder a man toils for his money
the more careful he should be in his expendi
tures and the more careful he should he in the
selection of a trading place. It would lie a
hard man who would exact from his help in
the shop or factory eleven hours work and
Ki've pay for only ten. It would lie a mean
merchant that exacts from his patrons the
equivalent of an hours labor on the purchase
of a single pair of overalls, work shirt or
jacket yet every time a man buys these little
things outside of the Armstrong Clothing Co.
he pays from 15 to 20 cents more than our
price a saving of more than the value of an
hours labor of the average man who toils.
We have in mind our lot 4042 Mens blue
overall price 25 cents worth easily 40 cents.
Lot .vM Mens extra heavy pantaloon over
all, color drab made with stitch seams, swing
ing pockets, a strong value at 75 cents, our
price 45 cents. Lot 3975 Mens ehecd jacket
very cheap at 40 cents, our price 29 cents.
353 -Mens shirts in a strong cheviot
color black with narrow white stripe, its a
hummer for 35 cents, our price 19 cents. Ix)t
3412 -Mens shirts material heavy buckskin,
worth everywhere in the world 50 cents, ours
only 35 cents. We can show you a wonderful
Having on men's, boys and children's clothing
and hats. When you spend your money find
out where it will buy the most. No other
merchant in America wants to sell you goods
as cheap as we do.
1 01 3-1019 0 St., tincoln.
Thu wiilla of our Gtrput pupurtuuuit itru nlliid to tlm oulllmr with (h, n,,iv
jrooda whlidi Imvu hi'im ' comiiiur In car loud lota tlm puat wnuk. Fivu tlioiiMimd
doiiara worm 01 t arputa itrni hukm wcru rM'eivni nwt woult and our atock ol Vul-
vata, yixfiimatura, ftioipii.ttiiM, liouy uriiNauia, ut,, citniiot ha dupllciitud In tho
went. Tuo colora uud iIi-mIkum urn aupurb ntnl prion ura 11a low aa t Iikm.i ifooda can
boMobl. Oiirimw atockof Oriental, Turklah, I'nraiitn 11 ml India Ituira la In and
ready lor your liiMpi-ctlon, Moat of thanu Hiik imt imported by ua direct from tha
far nint, and mIiow all tlm Orieutal CoiuhlnatloiiM of color and dcdii. Koine of
tha 1 1 m d Woven It UK am direct from Turk inh Harem and are al mo t worth
their weight in dollar bill. Our immenMc, linn of Imported China aud Japan tnat
tinu I now in. Thu Indie are nHpuciitlly Invited to limped thia depart men t. ntnl wood body , i iiiboHMed cuim
bottom, cretouna upliiiltnr- CJ i CA
'd, only $i.)U
lbi. body.eiinii bottom, Mtm l wlu.aani
brake, UiiiiU(.riii mid piirnil A
ol Milk antiu, only A
- 1, t
,' I ' '
Nit, II Itmmti l Ii. lnafior, rte
4limlU timrti.1 inity pJ.ltJ
S t' 'T V ,,Mt,l, Vhl'i It., k t .
nuv,,,,, ni ff
our ra tiidy ,.
Ovr mi Acr tl Humt ipac,
Entrance and Office at 1118 to 1126 N St
I.n4 . u p llltitfl4 t wtwlfau. Ilatl trdn will .. 11.,,.
tH PJ Kdwl Brat tHl 1.0 1 uu tm ,tHitw, wida ut f H'S luk"