The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 21, 1898, Image 6

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April 21, 1898
How Beeant Kraut and Praia-it Condi
tlon May Ma Intarpretad-TIi Itaal
. Motlra In tli Vrrylu ('Mt-llnt Ud-
; I tort Arm Onttlng Thalr Kya Open,
j, (Hpfclal Corruipondanc.
"Tbo durkoHt hour ia Jut bofore tho
dawn," auya an old proverb. If thin bu
true, evou If thero wero no otbur reuoii
for bulinviiig that txittor tlmna urn ut
hand, thn deiio diirkmiNa thut now
abroud the indiihtriul condition in all
civilized eoiiiitrle biilM un beliuvu that
"the uiKht in fur apitiit, thu day 1m at
hand." 81x thouauiid ix hundred ui
ddoe lut year In tliin OliriHilun land,
America, make nearly u black u ruoord
aa could bo found hiiioiik "nuUom
dwullltiK lu heathen diirknc, "
Ullt beill(l till) BWful blueklleN tllUt
covern tlm I'urili liko a pull tlmni uru
other kIkhh of thu tuomhiK, There uro
Indication all iiround thut "thu nioiiny
power" ) mukiiiK luolf felt and known
in mitiio quarter wherulttxlHteiir:o hu
beon NRoutod. Thu money power i thu
power of 11101117 to multiply itmdf by
lntoret, and thin power In utilized, per
ouiflcd ami perpetuated by a duaof
Dion who duvlwiwihmiKiiiforkiii'idiiK na
tion and individual In debt no thut
they nmy drnw wealth to thumaulvun in
thu form of intermit on thoi dubt.
Olio uent put lit Interest ut 0 pur cent,
com pounded annually, will wither to
tUulf $1,000,000 In BUB year, whllu u
muii luyliiK up $1 a duy for oueli work
ing day linint liv a, 7JJH your to aotiom
plib tho Muiiio, Whut hope In thorn for
n bouext worker in ooiuputltion with
thin thief formerly railed "unury, " tut
now going under tho lot ohMoxiou
name of Interwat?
The Drey f un caao, about which no
In nob had bono written, bring! out the
fact thut the Frunun pooplo are wuklng
up to the kuowludgu that they are be
coming the nIuvoi of the money power,
The March number of Tho llovlow of
Review oontaiiii a mont lntorNting ao
count of tho euo in the form of inter
tiewi with mun on both aidui of tbo
qoeitlon. An interviewer of Count Ea
ter hazy uy i!
"The Druyfoi cane ia but aa a deud
dog toaaed hither and thither ly tho
urging billow of a groat ground Dwell
riaiug uo one kuowa how or where or
Thia atatcment agreea with tho open
Ing aunt once in thu inter view with Mr.
Dromon t, UN folio wa:
"liy thia time It iiiunt have buoomo
clear even to tho leant obrntrvaut or the
moat akoptical that the l)reyfua-Ktur
hazy affair waa but ao aouto aymptoia
of a coudition In France which baa been
a long while aaauniiug form and oou
But the "how or whonoe or why,"
of which the Katorbazjr interview ei
preaaea ignorance, ia told In the Dru
tnout iuturviow in worda which cannot
be rniatukou. M. Drumout'a atatementa
on thia head are to the effect that the
Jew a are the money power iu France
and thut the hatred of M. Dreyfu ia
aotuated and accentuated beoauNO of the
people'! growing anger at that power.
While the figurua given by M. Dru
tnont have aince boeu contradicted by
quotation from govurumoutal atatiatioa
and the dinproportlou he oluluia Im
been ahowu to be by far too grout It ia
a faot that the prejudice he refer to ex
lata. M. Zola, who took up thu cudgel
In the cuuho of M. Dreyfu, uaya ou thia
head :
"Jew now mvuna to tbo unthinking
proletariat, capltuliNt.mouopoliHt.awuut
or, bloodnucker. " Only purbupa tho
Eoletariat ia not the uuthiukiug uiun
. Zola would have ua believe. John
Bwinton once auid, "Tbo gutteruiipe
haa learnod to read," a fuut which may
mean something aomo duy.
It ia not aimply the proletarlaua who
are getting thoir eye open to the work
of the money powor. A puper iu New
York city which baa iwu on tbo aide
of the oapitalit tnaa for the lut 13
year and oauuot now be credited with
wlahing to destroy the money jmwer
navertbeloH haa thia to lay on March
16 of the BpauhuVAuiorloan aituatiou:
Now, lb prwwnl tM,niU(tlin h tut at
tad liirir tuck lulilaua intwrMl namely,
th Minili (ilitrlur tlxlil, (mounting o tout
;u).uu,mj, holj wuaUjr lu t arla. Mnuh pl
toy to the o It detail la dlutalwl I jf tio
arvup uf WeHcy Ivndan and ha na ulijavt but
ioaaraa mu a ta (Itfjr ran vt tlilr aiunvt.
With tin ot'Jvut Uurjr ara putting up I111U
kuure and . will duuUlraa ta MtluHHtttii
t aoaWla t aia to up a atroiitivr tlufl
alat In t atted Htataa. Tba cUaily
ta. I y atamuti Itila twuntry with lb rvaa
! atail i a war, to InUiu-a It luauuiturard
with aa tOIvr ta Ukauu Mu.kUi.iMJ uf law.uut,
Om t.1 mla lutalgH dl a aa kuivaWat M
hm lattrpt attnao t iXtlaav. Tn I'Mllad Mlata
nar tlna f I tit atuiMMr ut i f iti a ta
aaa hu lkf . That kU U Itwir Iwh
I -at la Wat to la Turk Urauaaaha kaa tkat
a tlx turtkka4 liwlvvat Tuik ,ut tat
dafvaittti .) ia4ualrtHM Umt tauuM kata M
f , and Ula la 0el I kal kaa battMd,
a4 tka ittma a toiead au a Uwuavll
ta tka aaa.a f farla Wat Ik a,r takluk
aaa to- iafe4 la flwtia tka 4iiula
tHMibllVU, la IkaUtut Ikal law liaa)
l Talk eiMl ilracfe awoUl ta aMavWd
ata a4 lk It f muM m .llitl
ftuaa la lalaad A laal vkaaoa aao4, lit
ikula l(l vt tka avaf rrt' )lu jr ka
Waa J.-I M r ka l amal atal la
aaaaiUit M t4 laa tfekt.
What wi r eiiul4 tn tutwt tabid t p-
riat4 tt' lutttitjr ic mv of ill
"gtAma t.f ttuwy Imdart" wa.lly
watt ainii n4 l lutf tia 'Mb dH
laUttt vU'et." Mka)i'ii;k-4a
waa tutt tilr a.
lt ta M- Wtwa tiudy Ilk
ut war a4 iby will fiu4 the
tHty lettJaf tbinl dujuia4 In ahaiatd
iy ram
A Oi I h. f NW Yelk r tidtl, I
lUrva $, hiia, anilvr Ike v tuti uf
'WJ a4 iWmtlMa," the t4t.wlaf
aiOtUlllUI If lb
H a !,. al ,M kl IW kaa
tiid t kluk turaaatattitaam.oalt
U l r tmUMataa aaa la
lka to U aWtwi fetwtawtaV aatu
not allow th amalr to h tlia exnluaiv Tiaaal
of any forelun power or Kroup ef pownri, and
thia I what rmwt occur 'in thinly dlHKulaad
form if w almtniD from competing with tho
tauiRUiaantiiiKi loan nionKorlnKff UumhIb and
franoa t I'lklng. Wu enn wifely and
vn prolltnbly lend Din money without ren
dering an Inen-aaa of Ihn luinlen on trmlu
ncexry, and rlneu tho lonn would lm culcu
lated to HtrciiKthen our IntercNla ut Peking,
and thua hovuikih our lnliirnl lulm far enut
It whm niunlfiiHtly our duty to uixlcrnl It,"
Thu (Iclilur la thn nlijeiit vuxwil the world
over, Man or linden, It la thn muiid. Ha who
Uvea tho ilcbt In tho acrf of ita holder. Inter
at t)a mldiul almoat much lenlmry to tlia
JlrlllBli Miipljo ua waa liver won y tha flrltlxh
word. Y.uyi tha "cxcIuhIvu vdhmiiI" of
HrllHln liecmii Kwypt fell Into tlm iiund of
,omlurd alrvet money Irmlora, Clilni will go
thu an miii way unhwa her rulera miilin thn un
liiiporlint ehoicn of preferring Hut Itolhrrhllil
Unit ilomliiiilM Kreucli lino ti.-ti to the luiinrh 'if
thn Mima fiunlly which rule Ijmilnird Nlrect,
liy thu way, how great proportloii of I 'nil.
ad rtlntea IiOiuIn luillomil, alnln or cofuoni
t Ion-in ii held In Kugliunl)1 And how fur la
dlaeurnlhlu the piirpoHO of (Jrent llrlliiln to uau
her rlghta 11a u ercilllor to Xiciiglln 11 her In
ftuelicu ut VVimhlnglon, ua aim Iioiikn to ut 1'e
king, to eoiiliol our euriemiy ayatum and to
douilmiUi our polltlear
I tow mmiy, nany warn have been
waged humiuHO tho blood money exacted
by bondholdera iiiunt lie paid ut any ooNt
to human life and human freedom.
Thn foregoing important piece of cvi
donee ghow thut thu money power In
coming to be umloriitood In way thut
hodo It 110 good. Here I toHllmniiy
from another witneM: Mary I), Hull
write iu Thu Union Hlgmil of March II,
181H, un follow ; "To overclohu tlio nu-
loon In uii liiipiwuiliility during tho
pnment commercial cNtliuiitii of ineii'
mouIn and hod lea, for thn whole com
mercial Nyatem In oukulutod only for
tho enslavement of men, and whut iiopu
ia there whllo money rulea"
Ten year ugo The Union Higmil,
which In thu ofllcliil orgun of the Worn
ou'n ChrlNtiun Tcmperunco union, waa
ao coiuervntivo on tbo labor (jiieatlon
that Much aeiitlmiiiit would probably
have been excluded from it column.
What could the in out rudical NoclaliNt
aay about our bUNiue method more
denunciatory than tiiat "tho whole
commercial ytem ia calculated only
for thoenalavementof men?" Well may
tho writer ank, "What hupo la there
whllo money rule'" and well may wu
auawer, Not any; not any at all; there
fore thu money power iiiunt be dethron
ed. And when tbo world really doe
wake up to a knowledge of it mcreilcN
cruelty und tyranny ila overthrow will
be gpeudy and final. Then Nliull tho Hon
of Muu have where to lay hi heud.
Welcome tho day when humanity and
not money ahull rulo the world; when
a humun being nhull not only be count
ed worth more than a cent, but "of
more valuo than muny apurrowa. "
Ckma li. WlllTKIIBAD.
Till I Clilnaaa.
The lower brunch of oongrea haa
puNNcd the poNtoflloo appropriation bill
without reducing thu item of fill), 000,
000 for railway mail truuNportatlon.
Thi ia tantamount to a confuHalon that
the railway oorporatloua own thu pent
oftloe department. It waa ahowu in the
debate upon the bill that the railway
now receive fully 130,000,000 pur year
more than they are entitled to for car
rying tho mail. Thia enormoua over
charge ia, of oourao, a great loud for the
department to carry, and it explalna the
poor finauoial ahowiug made by our
poMtofiloe department in oompariNou
with that of Kuglaud, Fruuoe or Ger
many, but tho poNtoflloo committee of
the houe ia ooinpoHcd motly of Npucial
agent of tho railway corporation, and
they naturally reported tbo bill favora
bly, liut till wun no cxcunu for tho con
duct of the houHe in paieiing the bill.
Dut the houNO 1 iu the muiiio predica
ment a it committee. It ia under tbo
control of tbo railway corporation.
There i aomethiug almost laughable iu
thi incident. Every 0110 know thut the
corporation are receiving $.10,000,000
per year more than they are houently
entitled to, and the corporation them
aelvea do not deny it, yet the robbery of
tho government ia calmly decreed to
continue. Thi ia Chinuae, aa Truthful
Jamea remarked. Twentieth Century.
Fraa Land For tba I'aopla.
RaproHentutive Kixey of Virginia and
Senator 1'ettigrew of Houth Dakota have
introduced the following bill (II. li.
eaai ami U. 41U6) into oougre:
li It aiiatl liy tha nata and honaaof rap
raaeutat!via uf tha Cnltatl btato uf Aniurli-a
In eongraoa aaaniuhlod, That tha pulillu laud
uf tha l'aitd Htatt-a, optovarniiiviitrwar
valluiia, Va ami llixy ara litiiuhy il.nialitl Iu lb
talua aad larrlturlna In which they may U
located an tha aulu nuudltlun that all aucb pub
Ila Unit ahall m livid In pxrpnlual uwnorahl
by audi atatna and tarrllorlaa, to ta uatnl by
lha a(ipl roalillllg tharaln, fraa uf rvnl, undal
luek rvgulatluua ta may Ua rwrlll j tba
lgulaiura vl auch alatMaud larrlloriua, aavk
fur Itavlf.
The atajva bill ha U'U referred by
the clmiriimu uf the at tiula coiuitilttve
ou puti! to land to Hetiatuta t'arier oi
Muulaua, Wllaou of Waabliigtou, I'aa
oti of KlurlJ.t. I'uitlgrew uf Mouth 1
kola and Allu of Nvbratka, who an
frimid ami rati be mlltut umu to give a
favorable repuri
H kta Ara tka rurf
What b Ix inu of Hhmhi lilhographt
lu wbuh M' Ktulvy aa uiilot kiua lb
diait i( tba l4 luiuaf Why hot u4
in uf Ibuiu diu a Iba gml Uepub
lt. au H4i ul MaMMitbuavlla, lUeoU la
Uud, Nw lUtii) a,tr au4 Main,
wlucu Ilia (larvtug wmkvt ha boau
but tul of lha Wnk4 ItHttuau I hay r
Ium to lit hi o pr u haa than
tanali.41 ? ll tik-U la make lb
Wolkvt ll ga4 .i at Uimm pu lur
M wbi U Iht-v gave ibwir Volva, It did
Hot ioail lMUb f lha lit pull lea a u
gwt tba Vto f Unit tlup A law
IHlUtml l llU a law ttllalliig p.k l a
W al4 tnllM and Iba IbUig M
it4tv "Aj-al la (avtH,M
tla4 t tbar.
Tb takakri ttMtly anitW4 made
tpl gUttug ataicuiviti t a luu tfuuiry
lbrU l,tiiHi,iHM,tKH and lual lha
have ! 4 l lha j U AlKHi,uov
IKj-J, r, ta ei bit ,um
m4 are etdltvliug lutvtval ta l,t
Ha,tKH Wttlvkj IbaV lit) v( MMM,-a
I'lwiMiiluai (Ka) il 14.
' 111 ; - - MVrMCm
w . i - -Kti'1 -' to" u Hi .. IFEi:;.,.. , 0M
.s.4 l w "Ill ft ' jl ySJ
That 1 hen will ho v hore (limine In 1000 of flrt cIiihm big draft und toppy eowih borne ia now conceded by all up-to-date boraomra and the
alockmnn or atallloner that b.. a few flrt cla draft or couch atallion for aervieo In '08. will breed five ti.n. u ina y mro
better price. I-urmera are reullzlna that they nnint bn-ed bor", inci., at tbo price they will brimr nt five vnar atlnvWii,d'!S,in.
,,vejm,,t. Ilut t,o only way It will pay I to breed to big to,, draft borne, or big SSZJSX t at w SkV Cb ago SSiJTfiffi
J. ?! mui dr".t K"WnfH 1o'ort at 200 to filUS each. At Rt. I.oui o coad, guiding aold for exiiort at I B it i.X L!
tw1.11 y yeora woe there nucI, ,1 Klondike mine open lo tbo home miner a at brawn t, and there are very few lint eLa draft or coach atalllona In tha
country. Not 01.0 n a community now where there uned to be ten or more. Htockmon, wake up, look allw to youVo nareS
you have to a big a,0 0 pound draft ata lion, auch a tbo one In the above Illustration TI.ey are a pair to imtU.rn after. S were tl e BreS
A? Hr m V'!"'" "r"b,,ro" ,n f ' Hl'IfdHUte. at all tho lnrgent .tat fair. Jri. the glreat 2,,'tOO Perd,
fu.5 hi l t i8''" b"" no1,1ul1' 8,l wi" dr'P I" ' lv and then abe 'and her colli will be fitted for thi rnZXSrxSa
tlon. Hho la not only a great abow mare hut a grealer brood mare. Her great aon, lama' lion Ton, ia nix year old, black weight S I O nou S 1
model drafter n form, and a coacber In atyle and action. A winner from coltbood up-Flrat winner at IIHnoiltoyol and urt Kfe I ouia iflM ln"un
Vl't "" 1 fr1 "Vi" tt'wh"ro? -irfl' Lui" "'Or and Irla, combined weight 4,H00, TIiJho ae i" Ht
l'S&Aiifb0 7 Md mttny '"0r9 ttFe '0r ml ttt ,"" tba" Kur0,,eUD ,,r'C0H- Ia'"- h"" S IoT!S and Mini!!:
Kill tor JndejMindcnf :
l 'ie aliotc queHlioi, Ik linked by
many fiunicr nw, und tliey don't.
Hi-em to gnieo the fill mean nir of
the word uh It Im now iihciI by the
".M' lee-ut-iiny-prlei!" fellow. Aa I hi-o
It, It, nieiiiiH the hint n-Mort of a cow
nrl to bobter up hi hide of a (jiicn-
I ion thut a child couln uimwer. We
iir,' now having a diplomatic buttle
wun 111 1 11 on 1 lie l iilmii (iiicMt ou.
11 ml it HceniK that the Hpanliird Ih get
ting 1,10 neat or 11,0 argument, for the
grand republican party be been In
power out fourteen mouth and we
are no ncurcr the iii of atrlfe than
we were one year ugo.
A omirfc" of a million oeoole bine
Mtitrved to death iliirlng that time, and
Mill wo e no wav for war. McKin-
ley i walling until the Spaniard get
un or til lorecH over here Ix-fore lc-
irlciiing to talk IhihI iickh. '!' wive,
IiIuoiIhIii'iI lie IiiIUm "iliiiloiiuiev" mid
allow .'.Ml.OOtl peiiiile to nlJirve. He
limy think it Ih 11 graiiil ntnike of dl-
ploiiiney to have tiiei IiIimhI tif women
ami cl.i'iii-eu dry tin bv fnmliie until
not a drop can flow, than to Hiienk
lini-flily In our dear )elovcl neighlioi'H
the NiiiiiuiuiIk. It Ih micli a irraiul
tliliiK' for (M'ople of diirerent, natioiiH
to dweli in liarnioiiy. J tt-l tar by far
have peace at any price than to cause
ni'.V rupture of the l-,mI rclatioiiH lie-
tiM-en I'liclc Sain uud the bveua of
I't.rope. 'I be (itieen leL-cnt. ban In-en
pinyliig for peiu-e, and you know thut
Hie pi 11 vi rh of tin, itu-hteotiH avail-
tilt much." She. don't U Htarvinir
her own NtibjeetH, but doc vvorne than
any cantiiluil t ri Im- ever did: murder
her friend by Htravatiou to puolnh
an enemy, iiihI to continue thi lov
ing practice her mlnUter play at di-
'luniiii-y wun our cowiiiiIm at viimIi
ligtou. lieail bUtory from Ihn eaiiieKt date
to the pivHcnt time und no where on
it eriuiNoii pitmen can you tl ml 11 trllx'
or chin or tuition that deliberately
Nti.rvcd it own iN-ople In hundred
ot tlioiiHiiiiilH to death lo tlht un cne-
uiy. Ami htill vm. a re party to till
btilUb practice. We could have hIo-h
in'iI It yeat'M iil-ii if I lie Hiring Hint
Wall ktri-et hit aroiin.l the preldent'
neck could lr cut. The itliuigbty dol
lar of Wall atreel weigba inure tbart
bliiiinu lite, Ibploiiiacy any a: Itou't
go Into it war for a war mean IiIimnI-
bed, Hut we can nl.irve buiuitit Im--
ingt lo ilculli, uud not vvnalo u drop
of IiIimhI.
l i t McKinU-v cull for men and iiioii-
v to ktoli lilt tleHlkh Wotk. Mill! II
million of im n will Iciio to urnia lit
lay, mid eongn-M will lott- enough
nioiicy to wty ItiiiKM who .lir or
llu-c who go down to light for th
rttiiiul right. We want no luoiv lilt
1 li.inun'. It Iota In-t'ii kbown all iiirl
0111 aoiith l,i lei Hull ineii care llllle
lor IiIimhI win 11 llu-y arv tlgbliiig for
rtk-hl, und wIicki inn inn l-llcr illf
ttntll when liglltllig to ati a Un
In,; iiitiltiin.ltt frtuii tha loiltig fanga
of I hi U, Inn w 1. 1 tea' hHtilUrtla ait
all I ttrfultttii an. I m britr-trr thi'V rut
a ll.iimt or tmtmgn wnmaii tbry iiirtWc
the l-u if thi riiHn, and l.IW l l I
io.n l, W aiicaak and crawl up lo our
hiving wn, tell llictu toil lo
blow up any mora aHlpa, for It rtiwi
I. It iUi(hI, itn.1 wa wilt reli all mil,
and kia and aloblvr itllt la rath
wthrr' arm, and arbitral- and hava
- at. Our dr piiral lent la ao wwr
lied with hi dlplomatl. Irouldca Iht
he tan hot Wt, and b ( advlM-d to
ll la loo Uwl rial .iiiwa a',
ft lUly hutiii i In 1 tit., ran tvol tlo
i till and ltd l-ottor our nata-li-ia
wllb thur gtileif. hungry lira, lV
I"' ' lr M.Kielt-i n-algu and
will ul Wv, . Mian In lb rbalr
for a few Ittwulb and rxti will I
a NtUiH uittii, iHploiuala aav Ibal
lb tit'Kral tialtoM out wiia ran to
rttrht a Uakrvpl Irila tf taail-arUna,
1 l i j r
". I 1 . .NJL
- . f -' , . j.. I u w M
H.7?i, !. CTl. j
That a nation that ha twice fought
the greatcHt Kiiropeaii nut ion and
won "hiindK down," can not win In a
buttle with a miukc. Dock any one
forget, that one-hulf of thU nation
fouglit the other half and tho aym
pnthy of the wliolewoiid behldeH, and
won the grundet victory ever won
by mortal man. Then we bud Hand.
A MAN wu iu the White h 011 hi: then.
The greutt-Mt in all hitory-Our
"(ireat, Jleurt." Now we have no di
vided country uh then. Hut diploma
cy i fighting our battle now and we
can ancrik buck Into our hole anil
atop our ear ho that the erica of
Hturving children may not annoy the
poor money lender. What a grand
thing civilization Ih. It will educate
even a coward nation to ank a nation
of woIvch to pleiiMe let iim feed you
Hturving children and we will love
you more than ever, lie ho kind a to
accept of our plenty, and if your ol
dier Htcal It to eat when you try to
tight uh, we will hcikI more, for we
have plenty and we don't like to light
even a hungry foe.
Our Hvvord, Mr. Spaniard, in diplo
macy, and when we tinnhcuth it you
bad better have your readv too, for
wo don't wIhIi to take any undue ad
vantage of even a Htiake. It In true
you hit uh In'Iow the belt when you
Hunk our tdiip Maine, but we will ex
eunt that and have eongrcHH tender
you a vote of tlianUn for teaching uh
to keep our now out of your Immune
hiiHiucHM of ntarving little one to
I'tuic Sain, the devil Iiiih got you.
You may nbake your bead and grit
your teeth, ncrowi at your encinifH,
hut you lire fact, McKlnley, ymr
cutdiicr, will rod the bank and leiuc
you In the Moup. lie Iiiih no Hand and
you will IiIiinIi wtih hIiiiuic when thin
tempcHt in 11 teit'Mit Ih over. You dun't
nude 1'Htuud what a grand tiling di
plomacy Ih, I'licle Sum.
It lueaiiH that you are to lie a c.v
11 11 1, and a Hiieak, anil have a blot ou
your record of a hundred year of
good deed; that your boiiNter reeord
Im to lie ht allied with incan aetiou,
hiicIi uh all nation have found to their
hoitow on the life line when they put
cow 11 lilt at Ibe bead. lhl (ilorv, The
Ainerlenn eagle. The (Ireenlmck and
i be Old Sobliera aaved you once ami
enn do ll again If you will kick out
diplomacy mid throw In a little anml.
M. M. II.U.i.KCK.
A. II. VVKIIt, Aobnt,
C0f0f N till 8tl Stt., LINCOLN, t
Fall Auoflmtit. Beit Cri4, t
LowtitCrlcei. X
au all l aa. aoaaa, a a
rl-r t iH aaar
ok a iaaat 4t-oaa. "
laa. a'aalae af tMJ.Ia raa
a.4. .aiai taa " -
a4 a k-a a4 Hi a laxaaa
aaiu a tJi. ka a
ana - -aMa Maa a
Un kta'at ia aaa a-..
ta 1 1. laa Haa, IN, a 4 Km I )- M
laal aaila a-1 aaaai I, rla-4 i
laa laa, aaa vlaa fa
iia Cif a maaaaaa
It atfi 'J tk katatM
m .Jig
0 cm
' I l I -l.t.
to g
ta ata. A
a au
IttoaaabaaklHrm. U. KT Vltl.lVO I ftTnVA ..:"pS" f"? V-
Tamammaaii iiiiaaaMtii7-r"n"r yaa.,triitw larm. fit.
II 3
L1JV -UT 11 M WTL'f MM
Tho larirr-at complcto
"X any ainifiu
, ... .7 . " -"---'aiaw amir
Columbia Incllnod Oorn Ha-naf..
IIWL PlUtr . I m mm mm ak
I . nmmftmr,
maumtmaim nap-room nmrrowm, Rlvml Olma ..' '
SIng.TooU.HMowM, SI2tHH.'w.. .r0.
Aerr wntrfcino a fnltm warrant anil lathbcat of Ita claw, that can 1 imxliuJa will.
yoo.1 ,Mf-rll, eomplru. eijulpiiiuiit, a.iuiirlor aklll a, I, f iJjlerTuuci
The Cut here shown ',hs.'J'orrm
If. -II .,...1 .......... .i, ... . ... Mll-9lmmt Smli DuntB Maw ttmlmmm
.1 . . ' -',1' Mln 1.KIUIIM-1I fill
all-alrrliliiuh r huh hlcirlx t hl I,', ill
ni uiKii-.-nruiiii urn irflll, fttl'll Wltll a
-1". inn, mi wi, hi, r,itriir um wniiu atiui',
fluallna toiilh devli- kc-M Iihv from rolllnn
ro,liiM Trrih ran ht wl lilr r narrow
Ji' . ' -,-'. rri,nii-, mrif MM,p.
OaBaaMaaa Manfl fluMn DmL.
i -... "mui rtiHCH, ia
I tin ilmlralilo iiilliic l our oilinr riikca, la
-mi i, iiiMM-KiiMii. iiiuiiir oi iiiau-rmi,
Iiiitiliimim liy liaiul. It l ciuiily tlm
nnii raltr on tlir lliarkrl.
taut- ,,, ar-a, UtCt'OHK you
ami l(.MiM.t'(Kri. 0. M. OIIORII k.
The Frank P. Lawrence Co..
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stock.
IhtrtHt, Healthiest, llest.
Mot Jkirmlm Xr Ijrvmm Muoa
Wholeula anJ Uetiil Dealen.
lo buUdtDf tad ctmttery wotk. Savcial hunvltt4 fioiah4
Monutueoli ol tttovlem tleaiga alwayi on hattvt.
Writ lot cuti ta4 pricti. A pnooal oil ff(rrt4. AJdieit,
Cr. I Jib nl O Sit.,
('a.ita atiiuulata tttar. klduav
and UrarUi nar alka, ak vr
flip, lOe.
r 11 - a, ii . .. a 1
tm aaaaai
-"'?'. rta.i12iuiU
Oi r rvi
line of fnrni marhlnary manufactured
c.inccrn in tun world: L-mlirac-
,m mm .
uump nmurn, Mmnd Duma Umkmrn
.rl n.w.. ' Iv. TL ."IP Vf"'
vmumoim mowmcm. 1 A 9
lllir W --W.
- jt . .
CO.. eUtetBR till
Agts.. 934 P St.. Uncoln. Neb
Use Rock Salt
Hldn, Picklfi,
Meal, Ice Cream,
Ice Making,
Ferliliiing, 4c, lo.
aliaea and Work,
Lyon and Kaaopolia, Kaa.
S.iI4T CO., ST. UWIS, Mt
Mall -.., aj fUyal Malt .
Ika Uw.ii I'ajja. mJi- . . .
k l-a r..,., rrv,a VJ 0l!r2
loud., uatraaiM
y l 1 mrLmTtm.
vW -aaaa MUtTK. i
""-ifi.u i in i nr ji