The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 21, 1898, Image 3

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i i
A ff ff '!
1124 O Street, Lincoln, Neb.
Send for Our Illustrated
KTa Uttotm.
A we an alfut 1f tppnuvh tb
M'tifn of a I-Kitlr It i Irn
jiortoiit that we look oT tl? !'
to raiwl l the coniing r-OTiWt.
I'art.iea are w 4 t nejflert iiie
arirl renter the ftfrht lin Ote ee-tiot)
of a l'nitel HlaU-w H-nnUir, that it
important to eall attention t these
fai-td eorly, and t fmpreet the. Irnpor
lanie of Home ii'aMiiret of relief that
hh n not, afford to afain nn-
The pn-nent alininiatration haa len
llifi U devote in neb time t honne-
leiinin(( and it. hiw Ineii no amall tiwtk.
but when we reiiiemlar the wreekel
condition of our treasury, and the la
management of our iimtitiitioim, we
an only wonder that no minh eon Id
iifive l-en aei'oiiiplidbed in no abort a
lime. I'.ut the boime-eleaning haI to
IM? done and altlioiiKh the work had
not la-en penant no far, it baa la-en
well done
I would not under-rntr the imprt
anee of the election of a I nited Mat-
Henator, lint dim e there in no oppo
ition to the re-eleetioii of H-nator Al
len, and will likly la none, we nbould
not forget that the mlw.ion of our par
... uiii ) lu-i'oiiinliHhiil until we
have upread upn the ntnlutea of thi
oKite many n round nun "r j".
bave lafii wailing the advent of mir
party Into owi-r,
IVouillient nniolig them fcboiild I
one more attempt to regulate milroad
rule. Kver plat loi in nbould make
n de IiiiiiIIoii upon IbU nulrji i I. and
very l andldate diiould put bim lf on
record la-fore the ople, There are
many minor niallrd that hoold re
....u.i il... hi i.-ni l,.u of Hie imih. tint
vve iihonld not forget the nuliii I of
revenue relorui, there run in. no ni
. It.u ..... V .k.i.ill.t .H
form and lllilea We plui'e ft plelge III
our plat form H will again l m-gieei
lleteune loulrinplitle Ihe -
.......I . I . I U.i, of Itiken.
illitilli iWHlin ht of ptoprrl)' id
.lli- HI Hie UIIki! niiurun in "r,
i.i,. .in lid lo rhllled wa-b-tv, There
a no illKagreeluent aa lo tin' pi mil
1,1. liitoltt'd, l"'t there I Mini li ill fit
fully In the dpplii'alliiu of them Ml
l,iti...i.l iii. .it litlet llillt Ptirv ibilhll nf
prwwlk ulioulil lnr II full tliiile of
ilm i tM n.i of votemiiieiit. lint no Mi.e
hiia et lain aide lo pirn lit plan
run appruvlutiilliig dii eipiMwIib' l
'lit., oii'k.'iit l,iw i oiileiiiolutra tbe
imai-auielit of all pri(a rl at ra-b
volue, but erl rlllneit of the le
L hum a Hint, Ibele la lio nllflnot lo
i, la V Ihe law In dliv r tv or pi
I llu I of the tle.
lit ii. h of the ifialtd -vaiueiil
tulla of the Un'e M-trl lie un lit If, to
le mi nl of the ..i l of the
lull- llml Mill no ib'llbl M-loliUll Mill
,1...... I... Ml lilull II, hli.l.. attAila
li lo liirf a I do llml lio ,i'ii linii
,, tint ! of greater liii.'tnni e at
ll. i- li.i.a .liitl, IliM oilr,lliili iit tftrtole
I, I. .Mil, I bate del tlHe'f be tk of
railing t'ltenl loll In W fe Of I lie loiwt
uIhiIihI I ! iiunlltle In Ida m aMieiil
""" ' ' ""lfZ
' """
if propert for fxfiot,
The graivl aeae-frR ron nm
in fhe offiee if HwWUtf iA nlt" the. ttvrtntf iff' nb'vh lU
derreral eladaea tAyroynlf if k"t
in ea-b eonnf of the dfafe, wl nhff
Oie law aflerniyf to ge wntumij w
fhe afafe nr of mn'itiAtfon 't rtw
or Urrt the e nnftmvtM? Ut rrwh
nit equitable &l,pf rnetri. IM- wmv-
range oi antnorifr eerwo 07
t.r, 11. li.r fUHflilAlHrtt of fae it
the year IW wad 1 Will '
lar. In ilier wori n,e k
ler f, rniim ail the bigbe 7
.. .nr.. 'IV.-.. .,.'.l,!.li, Oii ll.f Ik'
llllll, . .. .......... u
erftge aKemririif of fh- itrf "" '.
and individual in fhe i-onuif or oy
ebidd of projarfr ' already lii-d
high aa thf 01 Hie wvrratre r'"i.
that individual wotf duffer lb f'fU
etfeiif. of the ria" i fb- i "My
apeak of thid fo bow fbal mSr be
preaent dyafern of a mg at only a
dinall per eer.f, of fl.e aT'ii oe o
ia iiriKaaible f lOtftl fbea ft,1if
bv erpialiati'rfi at fhe faf eitd,
I give here enamirlea of vafoalfn
tnken fr'rtn fhe r1ginal grand ae
t r.ll. of fhe afaf and to eMb-
ie fhe Inabilify of fhe alafe Urd of
evpialiation to real b any ebange fbal
will erfeel any general ia ' l'T'
erfy I 'all af lent ion to the f inai
while In many inafaneea the average
uieiit of a whole 1 of prop r
fy in a given eounfv may ? even in
loweat in fhe lte. the lev lna Nlao
la- fhe loel and benee the owner of
proper! of tliia i liiaa la la ,f)f fe ,
the low rate. 'I be averdfr-e valuation
of wo,ii and earriiige In ieverl
I'ouiiliea i aa follow- l!ubafdwl.
(( '; ( Ma, ', '!'; S aal.lligtou, I7;
(bent and dheridan, l'0i; e.i,
',11 ' he lofal late bvv for WaiV
Inifoii eounlr I fi r, , while the fofal
b-vy for Kiou eounf I I venluie
fo uggel thai lould the tebiib I
louifHil'd the impialilv would even
le moie hiiii lit
be ,nur I lie ipialifv eii laiweeu
,,, .IrMi and wenteru oiiulle III Hie
.,. ,11,, nl of (altle Ihe Mle of
ral NelilHoka ale IH Inlg'IV liliaal
ed lik, then add lo IbU their
lie lo b t. It III that Ho ir l
ue ubiiuld la' gieal.l II. an that of wr
Irm loiiolii I be inHle of lib hard
wm 1 i.iii.l aie ai d al an utrrage
of tSll; Neui.iha, 1 1 "1 i ,, II'.
UMablimton. II 111 llrown, t'.
Ida k I", on, Ueva I 'ill. a ,','. I 1 1
I ', fi , -), 1 i.Uii I '. '1 '. . ei,,.i I . I
I n. 1 1 1 1 v Ihe aHiue 1 oo.liliuii i ' I
111 la, the hi meil of Ihe
tine bred ln.l mi of I ,i-l V - l.l i. ale
Ho, an. ll HO I. If I, If al.ll III M.Oi' Hi
l,nn i ni,l o high, a (bow of ' u
Hal and ouii Nelil
Mnl Hi""- iie-n.l.l an of I. Ml.1
Iit'l lal r In-li.d ioOipale.1 Willi the
ii'ini'inl ValuatOili of Idi.da I be lot
li. nil liimbi of Mnali lOMofl die
.,..,,( at an iiulne of l'i il " I
aire ai"l be unliufoio rd dt i l, and
all I be lliif 1 to are .. l at
alanil Ihe innr funie
I be !n,roiid bind of Srliitthd
nnilill ale wnlth (alltapa af d ton
nnallie i.lliiM.le I In a. If, and
nit Hinifioe d al ala.ol of
tlirif leal Vnl'ie i iolig tbl do d
.,.-11.11,1 at ' , if fl.e rial Value I
riiille ve gite the !! o eab dl
ft 10
- ilk I
w:w 'I l W MlfK
fctfAT, 'MK, WtMVAl, IT l rWJ
ni 'iw-so rw wwrour,
,.V) tt
Tiff fcOMl;
.roirr woiifci jtw;wsfiw miaik.
U:ttiOWMHMt tx WMt auw
erge ( mhtH tHf were mmw- in
i A to lb M"v,ii
tUkl e,f wf Ut twk pMtt H Uif
ooriHtif' of Mft baog.
T mvooA UwU A KroH trimn
t ur, t IM. 4A if thi r
r(e-if fA U" Uw
oror4 UttA tA thi wy tAiM I"
north 'V II ft"1
rototf oA U ortU IliM, JsVak
?4M,if HIM, lry wftoiy
' UtfOHMi'itf Of )tUiltOH of U)f
wmrA Si U if g-ai it l i
,...U..x,,-ti mhiU uiA fywu befa, 'the
valine of uuiuntA SmU ( " rn
,w,i,t,- t a ioiUr" Krou l 10,
ioi iM, 0H t V- Jiwhardaon
llall-e Vi'iH. UmU a,, 'ay
t;t, a fi.'A. 'I'l average valuafi'n
of noifov lwi lo In of
0,e 4,mf i folio: l'ou
vt t), fiawe fA.v, lv ui in;-
while- in oto of I be oUlff MA tVM'
rt ,,.,(, ,e. we tilvt the following:
im, I IV, Nemaha, 15.11, Mt'' II II.-
U, I'laffe IV,', Cola I7e, Kbard
a M'.ve,, kH'ituUtm '",'.,, Whiug
fn .'il, el nniniprove.l bild urn fol
low.; lo f"He ll,07, Urown,
MMi ill 17, eioi so.z, aa llo.v,
,age I15, Howard II vl, xnaier
til',, SflinhH t'i-i , 1'awiie- "!,
IVf e iy;. Inline II Mi, hrpy M..5,
e ward II lUirl 1 1 Id,
I i'e r un not fall to Iuiom-k
ii,ii the taa(era the lme.rfane of
it remedy for fhe pewnl. nnjual nutb
od of eamenf, mnl no oouia me
la of the newer eirunliee of the
. 1 .. 1 w uill la lli r un,l. latanl WliV Hie
burden of lavatioii iieoi their Mile
piojaifiid ba laen ai heavy dfr uii
1 iininal ion. dialanrM from
Itimt inalkel lelilera, and mlnia II
iuhIii (ondillona bd well fOgli mi'ie--
ed out rv. rv dollar of Value. 'I be HVi !
mi, talue of at.lilll llilKila In w tll'il
ii.nlifie ia lia follow: lllOWU II'
ll.oll II .', I, reel 1lTVl, Uiu'oiil
a(',, rl,,n. I I I !, lakol,t I ll,
I'oiw III oi, ebeimmi l it, Weli.r
1 1 1 if,
dalii. mm- nil-ud a fobiw' ibiln
11, milt Ml llnllrr ll'iT, t la V 1'i'J",
Idalue I 4H. I.Mib I'. II . Howard
I',', I li.i., tin. Mi ili k 1 1 ''
UmiImI If V. W.UI.I II IV M) It'.
tl. In Hi Ifi'Vl. Iu I'abd I ,'i i7
h, Jiluff I l( '4'i
e, ,,,. ii.i.ii.iiliiM.iia In the etlili lit
nf ilmiuood mid jewiliv ale 11 '"I
,,,. , I li, .,(, ! Mea ' In I
mm, ile and p Wi lli dl II II'' !"
1,, , ,,f ' 1 I and lMe If U" I In
,. 1 . II,, 1.1,1. 11, mil i i.atinn i"-"
..,11. ..I .l.u i,,la mi, I I. Willi I, 'it
1.1 1,1 1 lonntie ait ,i, .i a lnil'-
fa,re If I, I til. Ib.ll '.!
,,l. t I ! Itlia IT il. Nemubu I m
I, ..I. I m.,,1 .lit,, l l il,. I do
follow I led i'O I lolll
1 1, 1 mi. I, ;'. Ii..o I "a. I r l"ii
III,. I, It Sun,. I, a III!
I nil. I loom 1 of lnt'ik Hint I "!
il, , I, mi And II, e following! Ihnig
l,t tlninlV I "lit I UO'lndlg !'', "'!
I,a. 1 1 1 ill, Hall llfOI1, II..I Wll'o-
;u U, I, ditniidt I I'.'iiM, link ' I,
ai.iiuiHii 1 1' Halt II fV I'o Knife
1 '... Ilfowu 1'
I lot. r llid'l of latl.k, l.n.ll'ia,
il. , ...,ul,i ii.uiill baa ll lftl liage
1 1. T'.v Hemabd I I.IO, IMoe llll, n
a a aa .
tu VA VH VO(' 'I'll lit KOMI) COM
tiMs-vm in a oiikat cauioaok
eaetf VW, VU-nm 'M, VSiktlm $M,
riy $z2. un lfm and ver
HUrtf mA i eit.
I look of loug)dd t'otwiy aaaeweing
uiuUf ltfu1 of ImnVm 11 hit brokerd.
elf only 'tUi'i, wbiiV o Unite i-owi-
ly Kafii UHtlft fle aame iieavl l5r5,
Atl VhtrrtMH founly ImnVrr mmo-1
nv utnlrr Ihia head $M, while linl
S',U,v Itkim if).VA. Th" total auionnl
i.eeaed Uti'Wf ill b'-lula in the afltfe
atel Ibid everd aa far aa I ran learn
fhe entire adaeaainenl of latnkd, id
455, lU-ftltM lo the reiiort of
Ibe linking leaird diwhaed that the
Male bankd n the XUi day if .Nivem-
W, bal a laiid np eapital of 17,--",.
-iTi-Tv. and d. p.;i amounting to
aleul 1 1 i.vmddl. Ihe national Imnk
of Ibe liil- bail a ptiid up eapilal of
t,:$d' ami relted iepo,lfe
amounting lo lofal eapi
lal et'a k of elate and national lamkd
d 11 1 depokita r,',.l-',,27". Of Ibid Vttal
amount only t5.',v were retnrin-d
MaM-aaa-lonta under tb former bead
and aa money other than lainka ll'.l,-
i'i'.l. or a total of l,ai,.V,l.
fliuaba, with a on id 1111 eiipital in
U, nk amoiintig lo ILIVVton, tigether
wilb all of Houglaa county a lainka, re-
turned for aa-dmenl 1,'Jl I, and
lh,nuu (ouiily with bunk eonlaiuiug
il. poaila amounting lo II l,' W,'oi re-
lulli.'l for aaaeaament la,72r,.
I.i.i nat'-r i-oiinly returned for
M-aamenl In money d anil i n-diia
and l.iii' oln a national lainka alone
bwe laild ui I'liliiial Vi,Vd,
I mler Hie liea'l of nioiiev inner
than In bank. Uineaett-r lounly n
turned for Haaeaamenl fVl.1.5 and tbtee
of Inr I hi nk Ut that time bad on de
,il II.IH.iddi,
loiie lounly n 1 111 in 11 for nawe-
liil'lil aa Uioneva dlul i llillt III Mill
Mini biokera tHMil, when four of her
lainka alone bow i.uld nil raiillal of
I iidi.iddt, Hint all mom) not In latiik
i .1111 1 Ibid (in bull dt-aall) Wlla llale.l
for I -1) af l I7"i, while four of her
l.ok kl.ow ib-iaiMll anion till in; lo
iiri oou.
I OM-b'H to 1,111 alia- till uuph-a
ant lii"k fnitl.i r ii I p lo aootlii r
aliilimenl m ,tii I) mole rollipllllli II
talk, "Ihe total valuation fnf d-a
in. iit of all bind and lold Imiiini.l
and uiiluipioved in the tl for I"'?
m.i. I J at . And the total r al
lalate looltgiige linlebti'dlita III l'lf
uaa I i',7 .' IH i, lo Ilia binda ami
lot all Ibe I.iubi ill. I1111I1
loin, lii'i'. atiaiu rnginia, af
11, , .1,1 and 1 11. Ilia lilnliiiil bv b.mkd
in,,) il otlur II Hal f.r lava
.idol, uod 1011 bate Ibe ai.m of I '
I'll 1 i 01 J I J lit piuallv da
Give the Children a Drink
MllllitaiaO Ilk ft lfIMuM. ftd
lumtf. annraiklii'i oii diidk w Uk
Iba i laaa id ia tf. Hnbl bjr il rar
a4lillbrt.ll kn ! ! ,
Itmad, tl,M illflr 't' H Ulaj
itkaIVM ..Ret bill ! I'd lout all
It n4riwa 'fultUdl, liftm 0 Ml
r. I ion itk'l difiiill.a Ik herv-4,
la mil tiuiHifthl, im nai iian er,
..1 a. a. II a a, lull rauilrlhb
It )k grat lailtefll. I oM fttulil M
u mm A at .
Ullii.ll MUiH', ltl V9a
I.S5 HOUlJ OAK, cash kkat
We have a splendid a wort
mtnt, ranging: in price from
$30 TO $75.
Wheels gold on payments.
d'dail than real ediate nufrlumtK In-
deMelneaa 'Ibe mute fnepiailf U' t-
lat in the adde nx-nt of ier lanae,
Vfrtum lht ttrMlt department lre
weat of 1 initiuo la noluu bualneaa In
Omaha and la aaaeaaaed for Jdl7 a,t
110,000, 'j',ia aum aeema inalgnifi'-ant
when we umlerdfaiwl that the; prolat
ble Invoie of g'eela would amount lo
over Mtoi, and Ibe name fori-
di (ion exiafd in every city and town
In Ibe dfafe to 14 greater or leva, e
tenf. All Ihe lueri-hamliae of Ihe dtate
ia loaM-aaa-d for IM',7 at i,:,'iH,K.','i. It
wkaa not the intention lo auggeat
rrme.liea in thid article, but lo aliow
I lie people dome of Ibe lueipialitiea of
MaaeMatiueul. in the hope that the re
form fn-ea would make a e lower atudy
of our revenue, ayatem, and aeeing ltd
evild, would aet ale.ut lv remedy them.
1-braaka la la-hlml her a.aler alatea In
I Ida regard. The aolutiou of I bid ipiew
tiou baa been delayed I'M long. Ibe
a.pulial Htrty owed to the a-ople Much
an avljudtuient of tbia ipieatiou lid
will i'oiiia l Hie aaaeawluenl or every
dolliir'a worth of pro-rly In the atala
at ita actual eodt value. Were tliia
done Ihe. burib iid of the aa,r would
not la an hettvy lo la-ar, aa the loir-
den of taxation al preaent falla very
iinjiinlly iidiit certain cluaaea,
l-l no man think that tliia nuetv
fion will la- aetlled without a dl niggle.
The "lav ibalgcr In ever anvlou lo
evade Ibe law, and any attempt lo
ewiija- will la- bitterly fought. Idl the
ilniiaiid In tiiiiiiiliiiotid. I'paige your
1 ainlliliilea fo a dtiidy and diipaiit nf
hiii b a Illi llHUle lllul If .Nl Kill
la- from the tun diatger aa
il bad lain from ytrmatU' pilferer
lo will bate one mole renaou fo n
jobr. OTIII Ml "17..
fpilng.lcw, Nidi,, April I",
Mutual Insurance
i V U. lfit, l.ldaula, d.i,M Haur,
t vt 1.011.
Th ryi luiid eiiii Id lira ami Iriiin
nllirr loral I hi dill U lortnjf
yettf, Our loiiipHity I iio all ytar uld
ahavd luald bat Hire Madiuiil,
hftv-a paid uvel 7hmi b,r immiiiii larm
,rii-ft, d would Ilka In ll lull
lion In May. dill lb rdfttlif blp?
11 ill .
A ball iiiMipd.MV' JII lav feadjt lo Ma I
the ibuntta l id lha iMia ll ill lovta
aa b dlMiea and aill lnura rrn4 uu aa
r ipillabl I Ud, SSn naal aaMld (bin. I
d)r (nf foot) Mi II
fo Ml M il ,
Wd fa an lnifd Ilia Inuu id uM
(aMipl la aoa'padf Ibal hul la
hi NHir kdi tr Liu rtdkd, e.iMi.ddy
In til ) ik ll.l mid Kid I null mi d
twaautenl lltlllllil III fifdl Ivd l-d
II yim dill luiik rvvx ton aill
III.! bill taw i -1 1 1 a f a-HM in lud did
loir lta. but Ikdt Hoidl id Il.d Indd hi!
did Id Inidi'iae blia .d llin Mar
full bout lib u in HI Mid i lldi
ll In 'r .r le bdNVr bad,
Wd aMl Mil Nal la Kvf lua In lk
I'ftf f dbialljilbH,
lfl.00.-A VKHV JMIAVY, Klll.l,
uoi.l caimmaof;, hi;i:i:f.h tiiiio
Wll KrJ.M. J',KHT O (AMKH i; 'JlUI-
t2Ms4)Vtl l.tfAJTkK Iff t
The Farmers' Mutual Hall
Insurance Association,
OaWMyaaifMM Ca4 dteJ Iff , M, f
feril, Oaaeral M aaager f lb Vrmw
Mdlal Ifdll ladrde Addtfelallafl f
Fdlrfldia, Hutttmaum.
The Kirmiri' Matual iDdtiraoc
aaaoeltttloii of Fairflald, Nhriidk.U tb
onlr i tioor tarrti tal hail itiduranc awo
elation dolriiC tualna on tin inltual
plan In tho ataU no'l Iim duwM
ooiler tlia ftbla inanagdiiidtit oflUpraa-
nt corp ol olfhwrd in BinK loda
it haa arar audUli in full wltbont may
prorating or fMiaiinir aowo ftui mui
only mutual hall Itidiimtifia adoitioq
Hint bad ttrer beau diiot-eaalul In Nabraakft,
It la flolftg; nudifiaM under iid naw mu
tual ball Itidtirftfiea U laaa4 in
and paid frly I'HltXI of loaaa during
Ita flrdt yar under aabl law laraldaa ra.
l..n,.tf t.a. k In Its me 111 herd aa their
alia of the pro II I d of tha tiualneaa Over
9 at , a . . a at I.
alOt) In etvdlt. It Id at preaani unur iu
control of llidddtna ollltaira it work4
umUr laal year to-tlti h. , ntfeiey,
iireebleiit, J, M. Hanlord, gdneral man
av ' a tifi 1.1 a It.
agar; J. J. wninair, deeraiarj.
nillnerd ar all uioW boiuld in a goo4
reliable duraty lannl roiiipaiiy. It baa
ltd homa nlliidilu Kairllnld, N'dbraaba,
ami baa nn braimb olflea auywhera, It
branrli ottliw In Llnaolii lal dar bur
luff prnvdM wiitila tory and ! ilia
ronutiuiali llbaann poiineetlon abat
tver ilk any ollmr bad lauraiu au
elation, 'ibia rutiiiany arula about
lluo.iMMlnl linil Itidurautw durlutf lb
uttituar of I HUT and no Imika M a vary
Him li largaf budiuiiaa during Iba utninaf
ol IVV.
1 kia aaaid'lalinn ia aald. 1 liap aud r
liabld, llprniuide you lull inn tat lion
auallial ureal BOO U Id III Our dial
-I1111I, ami aldibilnlUiidvi.ry prom.
I, lioa'ialhiw any otitdf iiaii.i
bail lduratiiw addimtallua 10 butalwiati
my but iaur ailb una that lfviHid
prole Hoa and k it pfotiiid.
. ,, I dd
lb 1'iiii.d ftUbdioada imbvlp from
l liiland Nw .ib. kw.., WalMg
(.41 dinl d. U.d 1 Ibdidlol I.Ualtiala Ml
141 Iba I. i f Am lb a ) tdlllUdll.41
may invd I iiIim b"l I'. I Amib dil
lot i4V loddd Atmll4 and H b-d
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loftl itioiiaii and id.ailMl dittnah
I. whip mi Invddlnil l) Ihdl ddi l
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Idlid, and It ll K iiUiiinil bdtd'
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