The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 14, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    Apr t4ti
The Housekeeper's
'One day u I wondered 1 heard u com
Ami saw a poor woman the. plcturi
of jrloom,
She glared lit the mud tlie door
i.f,.i,, 'lulM lit 1 1 1 1 II LT.
And this was her wull as she wdeldcd
her broom;
'ii it c, u ii. IjiII. anil love In a troubl
Ami iK'iiuly will fade ami rlt'liea will
And pleasure they dwindle ami piici
4 IlitU If llllllltr.
Ami nolhlnic In what 1 could wish It U
There's too much of a worrimcnt goes
u a noiiiii'i,
There's too much of Ironing tfoc u
u I . I ..I
nun i,
There's nothing" that pays for tlio tlino
There'll nothing that lasts but trouble
ami dirt.
In March it In mud, It's slush in Deceui-
h,'r . .11
The midsummer breezes aro loiidud
wllh tlllst,
In fall 11m leaves wither; in mujory
Tlu wall paper rot and tho candle
sticks runt.
There mis worms in the cherries and
sIiir In the, ruses j
And nuts in tin sugar and mho hi the
The rubblidi of spiders no mortal mh j
ssc And ruviiffliiif rowdies and ilimiiiglng
It' sweeping at Mix, It' dusting at
Jt'svletunlsutrlKlitund dishes at nine.
It'll potting ami panning from ten to
W scarce break our fust ere wo plan
how to dine.
Last iilu-lit la my dreams I wan sta
tioned forever,
On a llttlo bare ImIo In tlio midst of the
Me a,
My ono chatiee of life was a ceaseless
To sweep off the waved an they swept
over me.
Ainu, 'twiu no dream again I behold
I yield I am JielpleM my fate to
She rolled down licr sleeves, her apron
sho folded,
Then laid down and died and wa hur
ried In. dirt."
Ho run an old song, and It linn been
ming.wlth some. vurhitloiiH, by many a
well-nigh discouraged housekeeper.
Up enrly In tho morning, sha has
breakfast to get ready In a hurry; be
fore the dishes ore out of tho way the
dinner must bn planned and prepara
tion for It begun. Dinner over, there
lire the dishes again, more than Imc
fore, and then comes the simper.
Three meals a day, three hundred and
sixty-five, diiy In the year with the
washing, Ironing, sewing and other
sundries thrown in to fill upl Mttle
wonder the poor old woman rejoiced
at her releiise and comforted her
friend In her hint hours with tlie
"I am going
Where washing nlu't done, nor churn
ing, nor Hewing,
And everything cIho will be just to my
For where they don't eat there's no
Wllslllllg Of llisllCM.
I)ou't mourn for me now nor mourn
for me never,
Tor I'm going to do nothing for ever
and ever."
MiHiuiiiiagcment of time and f ditch
in largely to blame for the bard liven
and 1 1 in, ' i ii 1 1 1 1 1. nf tunny lioiiui'ki'eiMM'x.
MciiIh lire in it. planned In detail ahead
of time and preparatimiH arc nut be
gun In season. The housekeeper does
not take her own Ntrength, or luck of
strength, into coiisitli-rnt.ion pcrluips,
and attempts too much or those
things w Ii Irli she can not accomplish.
Then there is no liking for her work;
she docs It only lsciiuse she must,
though iiiost women llml In the dif
ferent depart meats of housework
Nome tilings which they like, or at
least do not dislike. Oil Ihe other
baud there is apt to Im hornet him:
Which is csH-chilly distasteful. Is It
not so',1 )i ymi "detest" ilish wash
ing',' Is rooking, milking beds or
sweeping particularly disagreeable to
you',' Whatever may be your special
dinlike the best remedy Is to learn to
like It. .Nutt don't shake tour head
lllid took InciediiliMis. You run do its
The wolk Is tii-mome hi-riltise nidiitcr-i-tltig.
Make it interesting, Interest
jom-i'lf in It. Some one litis said that
we like to do that which we tun do
Well. There Is Itlit way and u
w roller wii of .liSir mn thine Kind
the U-t.1 way, there is not an oecti-
Ssttion whleh nlTni.U a U-tiei ipiliiit
t,V for the r,-n ie of skill, or diier
slt V of h't't tli'iu InniM'ki'i j.iiu; l ake
d lull washing for iiislauie, limn vthli ti
1 supsMH no one tiling is (note .!
rmlly dUliktsl. 'lliink iilu.,.1 .in, I .e
tloil J oil bine plenty of hot wl,r
ready nnd tlinr the o.u
tAaibte ttfti-r the no l U dne, (..!!.
Ig I k-ii 1. 1 1' rouliim mid ! hhirf
I lie ilUhes 1 1 w mid U in i i. .ll .
Int. i s utn ot nut Hid - hot, and pl.-n
ly ot it dlV tSt.l tlo klllrr, I'. Vl llu
tmptivd " sii.l sin-r, then tti
rHst pUh ittid l.t.ll the dh, A
l w l time, !iii r.w H A .sill
vUl h ioi t (the water slttoiUI !
,i hot t -r Itte II !
llitntf Ukely U kll. k. Mild iH-lliMjf It
dilpiif wl mi liny or hrtmd u.
Miel sit !. U rti rtiiMsl throw Hit
tl.ta i. r id t ltd st tli ut t of
tti inlt i I kfuttt tl l In.tkv iliti
Vak'i iiuU4mii. ,i" in 1 1 s
gH tel pn ttMr.U lU i f hot
I's'fc lulu tliU dip Pint tks (Umt.
1t,e Mill toil I rvL l t(M It W dll'jsl
f.,ll t,MiS II ton. k,- Iks tmlti'f
I ist! r It up wlllt si arnVwil mos Iks
ttr l-elerf kf 1 t tr Iks But wstr r
It, iv v.ts nl s i tlf Wn
U Mp r. h silt, W st yut tk
II Uvm th U. NotklH sVomVI !
tlrsineit, Usn sit srt ihm skl vaf
.U SH.I Hteps Is Wot sd sa. (owif
up Iw drr Ih Iks pim sir s4 stsklir.
II iUs, A fur s bills Mril. sud
extierlence oh to the iiiost convenient
. 1 . i . I ! ..1-
placea to stat:K ana arrange uie uiMiea
for vnishinir and haudlinc vou will be
ulile to turn oil the work quickly and
well, and will survey me rows oi nice
ly polished dishes with u good deal of
And mo on through all the work that
may fall to your lot. Dignify your
work. That only in drudgery in which
we take no interest. "No species of
honest labor is In Itself degrading.
Kvery tusk performed bectunss It is
duty and for others' good, is dignified
and' ennobling." DOItOTlIY.
Parsnip Croquettes. - Doll the pars
nips until tender ami inasii ineni
KIiiiii ft. iIIhIi thlcklv and droit a spoon
fill of the parsnip into the Hour, turn
llllllllv III! the Hour until It Is formed
inlo ii bull. Fry In hot fat until of a
light brown Color. Hie parsnip snoui
be seasoned before mushing.
A cupful of hot water and a little
sugar, with a. slight squeeze of lemon
taken before breakfast, ami dinner Is
an excellent iiml safe tonic.
(Continued from First page.)
When baking potatoes, choose those
of ci j nit I size, put I hem inti a nor. oven,
but not too iior, ami unite, uiiiii just
done. No more, no less; then they
will be good, but they should be serv
ed at once. A largo potato should
bake one hour. ,
(iood la-ef will be a bright reil eolor,
line grained ami lender to tho touch,
with tho fat a clear straw color, ami
a little of It through tho muscles giv
ing the meat u marbled appearance.
j I 1I your hands under wnlor when
peeling onions; you will not have any
trouble with weeping eyes.
Cliitritable old lntlv (to llttlo licggltr
glrl): "There's somo bread for you.
It s a day or two oiu, mii you can ve,u
your mother to tako thrco or four
fresh eggs, a quart of milk, a cup of
Minar. some iood butler, and half It
grilled nut meg, ami slut can make u
very excellent pudding of it." Fx.
Tins assistance which somo good
men render In domestlo all'alrs is of
ten similar to that of the man whose
exploits aro thus related by tho
Youth's Companion: Ills wifo had
asked liiin to hang a lilcture slio had
purchased for tlie parlor, and ho had
said that ho would do It "In a JlfTy."
"You Just get uie tho cord and a pic
ture hook," ho said to his wife, "and
tell the servant girl to run down cel
lar and bring up tho step-luddcr and
carry It lnt tho parlor; and where's
those two llttlo screw tlilng-rv-iiia-JIgs
that go Into tho back of the frame
at tho sides to put tho cord through?
book tlinii up for me; and I'll need
tlio gimlet to bore a llttlo hole for tho
screws. Homebody get tho gimlet, or
iiinyhc I cud drive them In wllh a hum
mer, Johnny, you run down cellar
mid get tho hammer,
"I flou t know but that a chair wiu
bo belter than tt stei-laddcr for mo
to stand on. Homebody go out Into
tlie klt hen and get mo a chair. I
don't want to stand on ono of tho par
lor chairs.
"(Jot that cord? Just mensuro off
about tho right length ami fasten It
In those two little things at tho side.
"1 here, now, there s your picture all
hung up In good shape, ami no fuss
about It. The difference between us
men ami you women Is that when wo
have anything to ito we go right ahead
and Dl) It, ami no talk alHiut it."
Tha Slorjr ' K Slurs.
Tlie liudge v Morris Company of
Lincoln have Just, received eo-
es of their fourth annual catalogue of
house furnishing goods. It is a book
of 51! pages, handsomely printed and
lllusl ruled ami tilled from cover to
over with descriptions ami prices of
their immense new stock.
I'lils seitNoii murks nit epoch in the
growth of this llriii whirli was esliili-
lishetl in this city twelve veurs ago
and Im known throughout the west as
one of the largest and most, substan
tial business houses In this section of
the country.
During the past venr their business
has increased to such an extent that
It hits been found necessary to lease
for n term of years the second ami
third HiHirs in tin King bloek joining
their building on the cast and tin en
tire second Hour of the I'.wing block
on the north, making their second
lltsir rooms ,',0 to T.'i feet wide ami one
block long, giiiitg them a tlisir space
of oier one acre. This immense space
U literally tilled to overllowlug with
furniture, carpets, hardware and gen
eral house furnishing goisU and re
quires a force of over forty clerks and
MttcMucti. Their new cutiiio'iie U sent
for the nxking and should lie in cm i
koine in Nrlil'itikit. The price tire as
l.niibi ii), I v low and freight is paid loo
milei on eiery out of town purchase
of over ., and thw i nude Mihle
owing lo ihe fact that yoodi are
lMitn;lit to em- lisid lot ilititt front
the tu t n 1 1 l.i, t n t I at koI iitsli pi ire
Ihe I tidr jS'lidcn t ilrit, I., rm
no nd Mil-. In to to tin leadcl-, (or lion
t'kt, fctttilk'hl folHitld lniMlirv nit III
tsU, and Im-cuim" It i ,t Nttnaok.i ell
litptUr Which l not only a ioiieu
ieinc but it U'licllt lo the people of the
i little ftt.tte.
M ltt Ht W tO.ili.l WltS IS
twt l icI.S tlMiUI
W iti i,, ,(.rit tt Inn ul tiM
rsl W4 hvt .t., Il,,i rtl44 -oi
in lUti ,n f,ir,iihMi re. nl .' tor a hmr
Ultl .t, i l , U UUv. ll. V M,tt
Ui h iiiii.'I.u m i v t t I (' ii t U.iut
Ut t ttt-4. su.l . is, , ,. f m ,Ut tvfvr
li tli lr t of Ilia M k.ii II
l I llt tt h !, til ft
H i tsiM d"ul t l.t Ilia .t.ttltl.'lu
I'l h Itn ,1 ,w I i oul
ii.- , j
"IVi Sin U. SNtlt nUvf-
' ! h -! bf iim-.
Wr t tiis hiu tuv '
'l twtisH ts ts titlttstst Its
rse. . ' tmt st tistl IUss4 t
Idiult (K'lti vf lhi ' nt st'Bl. j
sst m( :u, ta .1. tirxr tits tsb!,
tut I t mI lt tl, h tsti
ftrl "
ltsrt ! tkl lltst lt4 K
Ittttslv-ts vt th r-it tkst s (
S4 Wrt dtvr4 Vif SM.ttt
th V .!. tv mkU tssl Uf
l s I siU-f, si II ftv
the city. It is also proposed now that
tho city put in an independent tehv
phone line, entering into competition
with the Dell company. Aside from her
municipal enterprises me city gives
tho usual municipal services.
From other points where public
ownership has been thoroughly tested
the evidence is more convincing even
than this. Take Logan sport, Did., for
instance. In municipal commercial
electric, lighting Dogaiisport's showing
is perhaps more rcmaikao.e 1lnin Is
that of Anderson, because Irfigausport
has inailo reduction In the cost of
light to a point lower than is charged
in any other city in America, or prol
alily in the world. This makes it an in
dividual evidence of success to every
one wlio uses city lights. This will
naturally follow in Anderson.
l.ognusport commissioners have Just
made their iiiinual report. All Improve
ments have been made out of the earn
ings of the plant, paid for originally
out of the savings over the old sys
tem, and the revenues lire so much in
excess of the needs that t he committee
feels compelled to reduce the cost of
Incandescent lights to consumers. The
rate has been 7 cents 1.000 watts, but
the committee finds that ft cents 1,000
watts will pay nil onrrating expenses
ami leave a surplus for unexpected re
pairs and a fund to provide lor depre
Tin- plant now is Die absolute prop
erty of the city. The department has
received In cash for private lighting
during the last year !f7, 41.0,1, ami
credits bring the total up to $:i0,HMI,HM.
The operating expenses of tho Institu
tion ninoiiulcd to $1 1.MW.ftl, leaving as
a net nurnliig for the year $l!),:i:)!4.:i4.
this would be considered good enough
business enterprise lo interest any
capitalist in the country. Aside from
the earnings to the city, the. lowering
of cost of light tho lowering of taxa
tion and other pecuniary advantages,
cltiens of Migausport have been given
bettor service than they got ts-foro tin
citv took ehitrire.
The success of tlio cities of the new
industrial west in handling tho public
ami quasi-public monopolies lias en
co 1 1 raged them to take up u far dccii-
er and more Important work to grap
ple with the problem or poverty wllh
municipal hand ami show Unit city
innnagement of that problem, which
goes to tho very root of our modern
civilization, Is practicable. Last year
several Indiana cities toolt hold or the
conditions present everywhere in our
cities vacant lots oml Idle labor and
combined them wllh good results,
Muncle and Kiclimond urn preparing to
try tho Filigree Jot-garden scheme lids
year on a more extensive scale and sys
tematic basis than any city in Indiana
has yet attempted. Hie hmond has been
experimenting along these lines for
the past three years not individually,
but as a city and under city manage
ment. The results have been wonder
ful. The poor of tlio city have thus
been employed and have raised enough
curb year to take fhein through the
winter with plenty of food. Ihe city
oiiucil has Just voted an npriMipria-
t Ion of several hundred dollars to car
ry on tho early spring preliminary
work and citizens are pledging their
vacant lots to tlie city not to Individ
uals. More than 1.10 lots will ls given
over to that purpose this spring ami
the city suiM'rintemlent, who is ap
pointed by the mayor and paid by the
city, Is now entering the mimes of
those who want the gardens ami as
signing them to certain lots. Only the
poor need apply anil amount, of ground
given Is regulated by the size of tlie
family. Ihe ground Is broken and
prepared by the citv, ami 1ln city.
through the government, provides all
of the seed. All that is required of the
poor is to plant, till and care lor the
ground and harvest the crops.
I lie citv superintendent siipen ihcs
all of this work, mid if he finds that a
man is negligent he will appoint others
lo nllend lo Ihe work and reap the
reward. This system cosIm the city
something, but the cost is slight when
compared with savings in Uie long
winter mouths when such ileiuaiuU
were made on charily.
The system as perfected by Itielt
luonil is ideal and cannot be leitlieil
except by municipal management. Al
most every city In Indiana has tried
I lie I'lligtee pi. ill, but ill doing it
1 1 1 tt 1 1 1 1 1 iudiv ubiiils tlirv have mailt
lailures it 1 1 1 broiu'ht much discredit
upon a sihtcm which Klchliiolid tllitls
mi adv antiigeoiis.
These experiments mark the dawn
ing of belter days for industrial Amer
ica. I'olliivv ed to their logical cud they
will wipe mil coiMii ill lonistii and com
petition and lodirr in era of , pent-
lion, for which not only nil true mpu
lit, bin all enlifhlrnrd friend of the
pie lerv ent I v pi at .
tltut,llru MimI,oi ,.r Vt)aii, Mu
t i in .i 1 1 1 trr, on
V txiiixi.iox, pttl I; I'll,, lU'ptth
lli'ttit nicntbci", of the mi l meant
e.nioii: t lee I v .ifeed upon j plait
for i'4noi' r-ten n.-. m of need,
In run v on v it- Wit ft S.Mlll Hi plsu
tlllr:C 111. HO IK Ml tP"!,!!,!).!) ad-
It ion it i r'Viiiitf ,', i , and, l thu
.1 ,1
I I t . i 4 i i on Ivor f ft wir
httrtel, , iinit','.t t i, ..I t w iki.l.itiia,
lUnk littp la "H the . iit, of thw
U of iv,. i ,t,l to v l,i 1,1 ftl,.
ml. ivsi
duty of U prr oin I on e.ir7i S'td
bV p.'C i.iini I i' I.- atol Ilk
Kttinut of iHit'i it; Ui on l 'if
eo1, mi I I. .n I,...) it, tt. t n ilv.
tt. rtt nul, -I lo .... I ,m,si
.diti vii l M o l I'jii'.i, t tpit
t- t Ivl I Ili.'SSl, .Ohl
t h ..i,iHiilt,.i a-ri. t. !
tlt.irit I.tuluf id .ki,vSl,iS.K 1 U ii l airs la ts t.Tr4
for ! st sit t. ttir bt tt I m
! l Su Uht ot I ' t'H, lttlk
ttt ft tri p p t f I . it Is six
trl44 tv p-t'(.; I .i vMr r
!fti:, lli .rtrf wl U lrvir
will e tilUmit) U Uttt lrvtr
fSJtt.l.'SU ,
Illaek Datted Bilk Capes, 12
in. long, how of ribbon in
back and (rout, collar trim-
uied with jut Inee ami plait- &i i A
ed ribbon. This sale,,
(Iros drain Bilk fit pes, 11 In.
long. Ine plaiteil collar,
edged with M, ribbon bow 0t JQ
at throat. This sale tyurto
Broken Line of $5.00 Velvet and Cloth Capes, to close, each $3.97.
Imperial floth ('apes, '2H In.
yoke, trimmed !) in. deep with
black fhantilly lane, bralil-
ed and jet trimmed around 6 A A(
bottom, This sale.,
Special Chinaware Selling.
Glass Ilnud-Luuips conijilrti) , 10c
Jirinking (ilasses, pluin or fancy, per snt.... 10c
gnlion (Jlass Wutor I'llvlmrs, each 12c
Glass Halts and Peppers, with nick la tops, each ,3c
W hi tu fuiis and Huueers. per set ...uVv
Wliito Flutes, dinner size, per set
Hand Painted Cuspidors, each
f .'LOO Decorated fhnmbnr Kuts
fiTSolc Lincoln Agents for Huttcrick
Patterns add l'ublications.
Next Week's Offerings,
No, 8 Heavy Tin Wash lioiler, lull sin, drop QCa
handles ., UuL
2 Bowed llrooms, each ,.,..,,,..
ilothes Lines. ,,,,,
Hard Wood Towei Holler
!i Folding Arm Towel Hack
firpnt Tacks, nil sixes, per paekugn,,
Tin CupM, each ,..,,
H In. Heavy Tin Pin 1'itns, each
t i r i I
Flour Kilters, each , ,
J'luo and White Fiiuincl H tool warn
KniiCH Puns, h qt ,
1 quart Coffee Pot,..
0 iu. Pie Puns, each.
2 l-2c
.33c ql 35c
Next Week's Special Offerings of the Choicest High Class Food on the market. The prices,
as you will see, are lower than those you usually pay for inferior goods,
California granulated No. 1,0 i flA
llbs for VliVV
Common C sugar, 20 lbs for 1 UU
N. U, clarified sugar, 21 lbs for... 1.00
Yellow free pouches, now crop, l'"rf Qq
.6 1-2C
...A l-4c
4 l-4c
6 l-2c
...8 l-3c
12 l-2c
Good jsjaciies, per lb
Peaches, as low as, per lb
Prunes, per lb
Prunes, per lb
Prunes, per lb
Prunes, per lb.....
Prunes, per lb
Large Huby Prunes, per lb,
Host Lurge Apricots, per lb
Largo Noetarlnes, per lb.....
Haw Log Halrnon, per can.... 7c
Alaska Halmon, per can 6C
Jumbo, Columbia Kivor Halmon,
per can 1 1 v
Laurel Wreath, flat can 12 1-2C
Kmmey's Columbia Hlver, flat can 15c
Domestic Oil Nurdities, sir can.. 4c
Mustard Kardinef, per can. ,. 4c
Mustard Hard inns, jmr can.,., 7C
Imported Hardines, per can.., 10c
Velvet Houp, 0 bars for.... 25c
rlanta Clans Hoap, 10 for... 25c
HilkHoap, 10 for 25c
Hatin Hoap, 11 bars for.... 25c
Corn, sir can 5C
Peas, per can , 5c
Pears, per can..,.,., 10c
Peaches, per can. 10c
Deans, per can ,.,...,.,6C
llaked lieaiis, per can ,...4C
1 lb pkg Gloss (Starch 4C
1 lb pkg Corn Hturch ,.4C
I lb pkg Celluloid Ktarch 7c
1 lb pkg Laundry Btarch.,., 7c
1 lb pkg Flastlo Starch 7c
l lb box Gloss Btarch lie
r ib box Gloss Htareh..., 20c
0 Ib box Oswego Hilvor Gloss in
Htareh 4C
We pay the highest market pries for all kinds of produce, butter, eggs, live chickens and turkeys, etc., etc.
The New Hpring and Hummer Catalogues aro now ready. Wn rnftil them fros to out-of-town customers. Writs for
j y fiiYj
h W M
iu jrw-irtj sk t v ii ft! a v
as y i?ii1i rfe.
2 V
.1 I
-L . . . I i
'v m -k 7 " .
w ri "-c'.ai. i
Bargains in Second-Hand Buggies, Phaetons and Road Wagons.
. O
( inn U st'iit Miiriuir wiikoii, l); 1 Imithor top iihittttoii, f 'l.'t; i canopy to plnittttui, fj.",, I .ittlttr toil iilntitoii. II.,: 1
citiiopy tttp ciit-iinilr Biin.'t , in, jiiinii witt biiuitv, J't; I rmi'l cart, o, I eitnopv top road wutfun, f'.'H, J siijiiriag
ritnd ttt(iiirt, f I kiicIi; 1 top IttiKkO', II"'; on at (lo, oiih 'Jo, t ,ii Ml, i,ii. o 'i, 'J at 10 t.itt'li, 'J tipoii hiitftti", X eneh,
'J siritii( MititmiH, 10 Hii. lt 'J Kiirinu; wnons, f .t oui'ti, .1 S. II l inn tvitjoiis, f l.t, 1 J uu I l, kiii'Ii. w Iiiivh it lt'ntli.r ipiarler-
tup luikiuy, iievv lurry, f t-', t.iktoirt mitts' v sew, f i.t itmi irviiii.
t t littvt' iilsit the InrutMt nttuK t, velticlt's t'l nil KniiU. I.nt. t M.l lis, KiiMmt 1 Ires.
Stud, btiki r, Wilsnii, Mttline unikeM.
Lincoln Exchange Mills,
4.0 Nona ih st,
: Cusotm Grindinga specialty
J tl tk tt .' !- u
J iktOtll.-llhHl, IMIMHII. t
bin. lw HI t '.Kt l vwr is.
tv v iiuiifd titHw kti ut r "
tttt tu t It
llltl i l J X J t
I !,. S I v i, t. I J 4- u t oil. i 4 tt
S. ts 4 t I . H)vt4,
., V tl - H 1 U M 4 '.
I 1 I.
U f I t.t A S f ,t 4 4lH
. .. .. air i, k
M kll tMt4 A
h t iu
tall. M. yt l(t ! IJ
,( t J?l,4lti 4ittt !
kt 4 J lil'lua
kaltt ktt ltUkt, Mu
llttt l 4tl l ! It l4l'' . at
t llMttlt tltlH Slt"l J
tt4 kwt fMta, ll M
ti - t.,iit tt H klf4 .4
T MUtl W)tlttllil w
l k ti ls.4 It IAII) t
Blue Grass. White Clover.
Thl i IN Ikl Sasnn tti
known (ui luvtlnf ClJit V J
t kB ID tlffkl. SHi ti II
ritfttt. bv mu fin JitfvU
iom or kiij tar uuiou
I rtf. or iouim
Cor UHh A N Si , ItRiOlN,
For GardcnMM...
......Ani Field
W t Ui tr dr Ik Mif uUutottt, l'i s II. ,.Ml. W lls hurtr
tr litu tl.tfrr, liwsitkv km4 U Utm ". u, Km4 S kvm, s. ti
st sll itlti i-h1 tl,is, fin. t ,u, ., Kadir IV ssd tihr
Hssl jUU, . jvtt.t n Ii., Sl tutr Bwtslii A Isd Its t(.
fOHltry 9jiiIi ml Hcilti. Uioiw mn irtt i ptKii.,
w ri t )tt tt !.
tmitti ''"