The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 14, 1898, Image 5

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    April 14, 1898
Nebiiamka Independent.
Omaha, April 6, 1898.
Tho flrttt Btep toward selling goods right is to buy them right. We
buy our goods right. During all the time we have been in business
you have never known uh tooffer you anybody else's luaviugH, any
body's bankrupt stock or any body 'a miBflt, misfortunes or mistakes.
Neither have you known us to hold any overloaded sales, or great
reduction sale or cloHing out sales or account-of-tariff sales, or any
other fake sales. We have no necessity for any of these schemes be
cause our business is managed right and our goods are bought
right. K very, thing we buy is made up for tin, and made as wo want
it made. Our goods are all produced uudcr contract and sold under
the distinct understanding that it they do not wear satisfactory you
cau have them replaced hv new or get your money back if you
choose. We tell you these things because a great many people who
get our cululogiio for tho first time uro inclined to be suspicious be
cause our prices are so much lower than they ever saw quoted for
similur quality of goods. There is no secret about, it. Wo buy
them right. We couldn't buy them right If wo bought from jobbing
bouses or gave orders to every drummer that came along.
II Bill 1 11 "
friendly harbor, have hem , hurled to
deuth, ni'li'f ami want liruiiKht 10 their
honit-s, uinl Morrow to the tuition,
"Tim mivul court of iumilry, which, It
Is needless to suy, eoniiiuinU tho un
qimllllcd conllilcncM of tho government,
was unanimous in lis conclusion that the
destruction of the Maine whs caused hy
an exterior explosion, that of a submarine
mine. It did not ussuine to jilace the re
spnnslhillty, 'J'het remains' to he fixed,
"In any event the destruction of the
Maine, hy whatever exterior cause, It a
patent uml Impresslvu ptjoof of u. slttle of
thlriKS In Culm that Is Intolcruhle. That
condition Is thus shown to ha such that
the Hpsidsh government can not assure
safety uml security to a vessel of the
American navy In the harbor of Havana
on a mission of peace and rightfully there.
"As un answer to the diversity of views
he) ween the report of the American and
Hpantsh boards as to the destruction of
the Maine, Hpaln propriaus that the fact
ho ascertained by an Impartial Investiga
tion by experts, which decision Hpaln
accepts In advance, To this I have made
no reply.
The president quotes his message to
congress December last as follows:
" 'Sure of the right, keeping free from
all offense ourselves, actuated only hy
upright and patriotic considerations,
moved neither hy passion nor selfishness,
the government will continue Its watch
ful care over the rights and property of
American citizens, and will abate none
of Its efforts to bring about by peaceful
agencies a peace which shall be honor
able and enduring. If It shall hereafter
appear to be a duty Imposed hy our ob
ligations to ourselves, to civilization and
humanity to Intervene with force, It shall
he without fault on our part, and only
because the necessity for such action Will
bo so clear as to command the support
and approval of the civilized world,'
The message concludes:
"The long trial has proved that the ob
ject for which Hpaln has waged tho war
can not be attained. Tho llrse of Insur
rection may (tame or may smolder wKh
varying seasons, hut It has not been and
It Is plain that It can not he extinguished
by present methods. The only hope of
relief and reposn from a condition which
can not longer be endured Is the enforced
pacification of Cuba. In the name of hu
manity, In this nurn.i of civilization, In
bahalf of endangered American IntercHta
which give us the right and tho duty to
speak and to act, the war in Cuba must
"In view of these facts and these con
siderations, I ask the congress to au
thorize and empower the president to
take measures to secure a full and spoody
termination of hostilities between the gov
ernmeut of Hpaln and the ppopln of Cuba
and to secure In the Island the establish
ment of ft ht.'ihlc gov. rnmrnt capable of
maintaining order ami observing Its In
ternational obligations, Insuring peace and
tranquillity and the security of Its citi
zens, as well as our own, and to use tho
military ami naval forces of llui 1 'nlted
Htates as may bn necessary for these pur
poses, "And In tln Interest of humanity and
to aid In preserving t tin lives of the starv
ing people of the island, I recommend that
the distribution of fund mnl supplies bo
continued, and that an appropriation be
made ma of the pulille treasury to sup
plement the charity of our citizens.
"The Issue Is now with I lie eonress, It
Is a solemn responsibility. I have ex
hausted ivi-rv 1 (Tort to relieve the intol
erable ennilltlon of affairs which Is at our
doors I'ri ptin d In exeeiile every obliga
tion Imposed upon me by the constitu
tion a tul the hi, I nwalt your u.'tiou.
"Ycsterdnv, and since the preparation
of thn fnicMi,ini m.'iHttue. oltl. informa
tion WHS Iiii'IVi I 1 Mot tll.ll tlio I, iint
decree of the (.'it. . ti !,g. el of Sp.ilii di
rects tliiu t.ii l;l,i! eo, in m i r to pr-p.ire
Hie! f t Hit.ile iu'i, 1,1 f,r I iint a!.
Miol! if !' N' '10 I" lie ill,, lion u I 'it'
ll ll- 01 v t;, , I. M , ,o, , 1 l , 1 nun II III -
cl"l 10 in. 'I ,. til, null ev,r other
h !.''. ill i..ti i" I ,itn r ire,
hitvt- v.nir pi.t ,ii,. 1 , ,i, f,n nil, ni,, n in
the olt mil delll . I .It Ions, 1 1 1 . , 11 whMi u
are lit out 1,1 1 hli-l If I tm-nMlte at
Into 11 reieri-xfu! ,.,,1't. thro our iipb
r4i1.nn m 11 t'tirioun. i.-,,.-. loving p-
I 1 Wll I I. 4l I f II U:t l U If
on'.v t,,.olivr .iuti atifii for our eon.
trllll hlt I tloli
' W II I t l M KIM.Kt,
'l.iuiu M,i on Air, I II, ,!
ntiy wise obeying, observing or luin
foriiiiiig to the provisions, coiiiiiiiinils,
injunctions uml prohibitions of saitl
nllcgcil net; uml Hint, the Hoard of
Transport!!) Ion of sniil slulc uml tlm
iiicinlx'i'H nixl Hcct'ctiu ics of sniil board,
lie, in like liiiiiincr, perpetually en
joined uml i-i-hI rained from entertain
iiifr, lieiiriiig or (leleriiiiuiiig liny coin,-
plllillti to it UgllillMt Willi I'llllriNlll COI1I-
piinics, of liny or either of them or
their receiver, for or on account, of
tiny net or thing by cither of sniil
companies or their receivers, llmir of
ficers, agents, servants, or employees,
done, sull'ered or omitted which may
be forbidden or cnnimnndcd by said
alleged net, or instituting or prosecut
ing, or causing to be instituted or
prosecuted any net Ion or prod-i-dlntf,
civil or criminal, ngiiinsl either of suit!
companies or melr receivers for any
act, or thing done, sulVcred or omitted
which may be forbidden or command
ed by said act; mid purlieiilurly from
reducing their present rates of charg
es for IrmiHiiortntion of freight to
those prescrilicd in said net, and that
llie attorney general of this states be
in like manner enjoined from, bring
ing, aiding in bringing, or causing to
be brought, nny proceeding by way of
Injunction, innudamus, civil action, or
indictment ugiiinst said companies, or
either of them or their receivers, for
or on account of any action, omtiiis
sion on their part comma imIcjI or for
bidden by the said net, and Hint a writ
of injunction issue out of this court
and under the seal thereof, directed to
said defendants, commanding, en
joining and restraining them, as here
inbefore, set forth, which injunction
shall be perjs'tuiil, save ns hereinafter
And it is further declared, adjudged
ami decreed that the act above entitl
ed is repugnant to the constitution of
Hie I 'nlted States; forasmuch by the
provisions of said net the said defend
ant railroad companies nniy not exact
for Hie transportation of freight from
one point to another within this state,
charges which yield 1 the said com
panies, or cither of them, reasonable
compensation for such services.
"It is further ordered, adjudged and
decreed that the defendants, members
of the Hoard of TrniiKporln) ion of said
stale, may hereafter, when the cir
etnmtnuccs have clinngcd no that the
rales lixi-d in the sniil net shall , icld
to Ihosuid cninpaiiies reasonable eoni
ieiiMilioli for the services nfotvsaid,
apply to this court by supplemental
hill or otherwise, as they may lie ail
viseil, for a further order in that he
lm If.
"It is further ordered, adjudged and
deerceil Hint the plu.i n 1 1 ii s recover of
the s:iii ilelenihmts their costs, to U
til veil by Hie clerk."
The illations part of this decree is
Ihc follow iii.r sentence:
11cl below ihiisc now clinrped by
t-aid eiuiipaiiics,'
How the tit luitle s who were paid
an enormous fee by the stale allowed
this elin-e to li into the decree is
hewiinl 1 ompiehension. It can not be
i,i,i!ile that tbi-1 chnisn was noticed
Governor Holcomb Declares That
He Will not Accept a Third
He l'refors to Retire to Private Life
and Labor for the Cause of
, tin
I lo 1 Ion
.nine t
til. lo
1 l.n
I 1 1 I I
Mipreiue court of the I nitcd
a-, hi tlie oilnioii of Justice
it alii t'l s t hat it lines not iiv
1 li 1 11 1 i's n (h it is not u unit
be ,li 1 1 1 1 iii itci I s 1 1 i t : 1 1 1 , that
1, nit 1 m I Inc. power lo sn what
I 1 a v, 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 le l.ili loll s , ! ! I t hi ,
v ill the ilictee 1! I'iM-h the tille
, !,o 1 o t ' v t he 1 ,i 1 1 1 o.ol 11 .111
,i' the nil, s III fotee ,lt I lo' lime
ii,i lie n ,1 . I 111. I il, .Mill llllb'
. I t , n , 1 , i, I I II I call sec 1! I 0 II
110 I'll!
1 l,U,-e
l.ol lot
it not l 1 r it. out the,
10, 1 oiilv tin llo.inl of Trans
11, lot ihc liiii-l.i I n U-, 11 .ib
-11. luti ty ..iiu 1 l m to iilTonl am ii'hi'I
(,, H. p. , 1 Ir of th. -Ite,
s, . 1 , 1 , 1 1 ,1 S t lw'i I l"U i.ii'l thill
00 t '. 1 1 .1 1 1,1 , H. ,li h t ho I.0..11 , m to
To Reduce the Rates.
It OIllllHlrd Iriilil )
ii "iol I In en .i4n il in in, r
iuljo.!,,! .not ib.tiiil f.-IUoif.
I the . llllllKHil ii,0i.O0 rtlnl
1 .i,,l litis 01,1 of tlo 111. it.,l ,,4,1
, I I a ( ) . t I i o .loii.l au,
, 1H ..I fi. in lu.iUiiifc' of puduiiloliir
I . , 1 . , I of l.l li If tii.nireil In
., i, ..I 01 it he I of I I- 1
loil.'l iUlli'H of (l'i, til i lk Sil l
t lit tr nitip ik.i in int
limn ton "itlll I" Sui'l b lti. lv
H t.i lvl i il lte lil U ..
t,i ll,i.e 1 !: t l i( hi I he wl of
i i:UIir- ol Ihi trtii. ijitlnl la
Uil libil l itv II tt 'H
1. n, I i,lil!..t. "n m I ! v -
Hi!r.iiU ti iUiif In I h I, t.
At, on 4 bl iinlliuuui ll Iki Iw
llil'ivd tor tl lia(Jail'K'l
tn i(t,i y K if ( rilrU l
th l Nl'liil., aiul Id ruhl
,,,.lltir for ! U.Uth. I'f Ihl
, 1 " RM.r..l Aim It tl. !, Mi
I ll liltvMt: MiU IIUHi.i HV
H)t ttllt'Mt H, lilt I M Tl It Ml
1 it 1 vt h i hi in nui ivi iiH, Mf u
I i,t !,, u 1 I ni j- il iln iili 1 1 1111
tltoli-o ,il iO"il,i ill Ii r I',. Hi 'lino
, It.. 11 .1 ,l . Hi.. I Ho I .-in " llo
I 1 iiuii.l 1 1 o t 11,11 1 1 I 1 of Ihi hi nl i-'ile
III I lie I f i in 01 t 10 II 1 ,1 it lit t o(, ; t t . I I to
1 , 1
' it'.i
1 .1.
I I 1 I
llo I
I tit
j e ,
It !i I l.tio no I 1 i,m i iitii,tliii
It he It . 11 . .1 ,1 till ll I 101 ..It
l!i' Hi. ,11. t I. null, l K..l. .
lb - I.MIIil I til ,li I I lie I I. il"lo
II, it wn iin'.niU- I.. i..i,l n :,i
II, (..opt ,l, I lll.ll II. 1 , tt.l, I I
tliiio 111 thru ilTiiiln 111, lit ll o In.
ib 1 I. it. I ni' it In f , i 0 1 1
Many Otliar (I1101I Men,
(iovernor Kilim A. lloleomb, in a let
ter to lion. ,1. II. I ,a 11 n of WiHtier, Neb.,
under date, of April 12, j Mils, ban made
a statement, of ids position la regard
to a re nomination to a third term iim
governor of Ncbrtmha.
The eminent mil infliction which
tlovernor Ilolcoinb'n wrviccM iih frovcr
nor durln(v' Hit) past four yearn Iiiim
given to Hie jicoplc of all the Mate
him led lo the fi'cipicut mention of bin
name In conned Ion vvilli the guberna
torial cniulidnlcK in the. next Htate elec
tion. (iovrnor jlolcomb says that he docM
not il rid nny good reason for abandon
ing the Hiue-lionoreil precedent, with
which he In In full N.vmpathy, by Keek
ing an election to a I bird term. JHm
letter is here given:
"IJncoln, Neb., April Vi, IHOS.
"Mr, .1. II. J-ane, Winner, Neb,
"My Dcur Sir: Vour valued favor of
Hie IN I liislant wan rei'clved by me In
due Iline.Ucplying thereto I beg to ex
prehM my Klni'ere appreciation of your
words of commendation of my olllclnl
nelioim (ik governor, and your very
complimentary retnarkrt favorable to
my candidacy for Hie same, position
for n not her term. have for Nome t ime
pant bad frequent occiihIoiih for exper
iencing a deep sense of gratitude to
many of my frlcndn throughout the
state for similar cvprcNslonx of confi
dence, Jt, in, J. assure you, a aouree of
miicli grntifjctil.ioii to Know Hint my
course while governor has met no hear
ty cndorHcment from my fellow citl
y.ciiH, and for which I hIiiiII iilwnyH feel
most profoundly thankful, J am, nev
ertheless, of the opinion, arrived at
after mature deliberation, that I ought
to make my position regarding an
other nominal ion known no that there
may he 110 misunderstanding upon the
part of any,
"It 1h but. junt nnd rightly due our
political friends, and the iiiimeronri
gentlemen whose naincn Juive been
mentioned In connection with this
nomination, that my position regard
ing the mailer be made clear.
"I am not a cundidiibtt for another
nomination; am in no manner Becking
It, nor do I feel that It would lie. either
wise or expedient for me to auk for a
third term iih governor. To thorn? who
are at all acquainted with my candi
dacy for thin olllee heretofore, it 1m
well known that four yearn ago I waa
nerving an judge of the district court
a position the duticn or which 1 much
enjoyed and felt luynclf by tante, in
clination nnd training In my choncn
profession in a ineaHiire tilted lo per
form. When I wan flrnt called upon to
make the race for governor I did no
reluctantly, iigninnt, my perHonal wlnh
en, and only from h nenne of public
duty, and in no wise to gratify pcr
somil ambition or desire.
"Honored by the election which fol
lowed, I entered upon the duties of the
olliee with a sincere desire to discharge
with fidelity the duties thus devolving
upon me and to accomplish the re
forms to which our allied forces were
pledged. When re-elected I felt that
HiC people Stpptecilllell tl Il'orls I
had made during my first term, and
with the help of the state olliccis then
elected much has been accomplished
in the direction of giving to the people
ol' the state 11 practical, business-like,
holiest and economic administration.
Nit these reforms have only been ac
complished after a struggle the most
latter ami opposition the most unscru
pulous that have ever been witnessed
in Ihc history of the state. Not only
has the controversy been of an intense
political nature, but in many instances
I hi-Hiig personal animosities have been
! cnnonih led.
"I appreciate most fully the endorse-
! iiienl of irooil citii iis like yourself, yet
jilo not feel that there is now existing
iin (mioiI rru-.oii for abandoning tin-
; 1 one -honored precedent with which 1
am in lull sympathy, by neekitig an
1 It, lion to .1 third term. I here 11 re
' iii.imv utM iinulitit'il men uniting the
iiloi n lone-, who 1. 111 till the olliee
tt.tli iii. ft to theiii-i'le ami Hie
-I, it, i -1 1 i ill lone .iln.oll been lllelt
1 ! who ,111 wortht the honor iin.l
, ti m 1 1 1 ii ! ni I lie 11 in I'n le nee of t lie pi i-
llo, lllol I Ml' III) IIII-.OII Villi htilllt'
lllil llllill t II II II lilt -1 If l.t.oll, liol
III cite Hie lit 1 III 1 ) t it I M ll. I shall ghtdh
tltlli' liulli tlo' olhce With ik hi'iim of
rilo f I10111 l i.ite tiliil weicht res'H
iiol a eoiint ioiinuitti of pub
pt i tt.i 11. t tt In Iho bi i.l tit m t
1 i 1 1 1 1 1 it u 1 1 t'i;M
i- I I ,ie l.ill 0 fhtti I of tut e
so, 111 ii.-ii.t 1 1 . 1 n" , tt i o I h ' '
.ii.) ; to l ,.) 11 .it I b ut liop.t
iii. in pi
I t
.1 n
,at i
flu1 0
r, I t
I I.
1 1.
(,(!., Mill t. ttll
Wa.Siiutoii V.iii 11 I in. tlfrtiun
llitit I -I ! In le I ti'tb Ul Hu4k'
t I to MlllilMiM uf t!lt Cnt!Hltirt
I aim a(itial Milu for ih daunciMi
br tb luiu' i-i ialaiita U
Cut t-l.ii. ui in i)ftmt auti r
lfc miot ltt u ' " re U tif
whitli h.. ut inum
f itJJvtt atu Ko In t.illf. I ti, till
ul fev-rtlwtiM at th aatiia lima
ambtiif la lnfi.rni.,1 iifltmif that t
tirwa iarm It tnil4 rMl
tatl Itt ca 1 aar U I'mtaJ
f(af H tl laaialM ata.tlmaly tt
t .1I1 life, 1 .11 1 in Ot to
h iii -t niol 1 nil It ol .t.liini.i
H i I. tli tiTniit I he tt-tt
ll 1 1 S, ! 1 ,!, I' holtolt l III'' Mllh
..M. I I lit II iltll, .llltt tt lltfl M'lOl
,,l,ti..!, till! lt tt 111 llie tlolll ho
,,' . 1 . t ill ( -Ii' i,' tl I Ot Hit ( I
I ,( ,11 I oi l Ih tl Iho t ,!. t
,, I ,t t I 11. . 11 il l I'lin p '
,t :t, t. i f H i- I t 1 j lil t HO I I l '
..III. ill. .It. tl Willi lu.ttl .ti. I
h. it ill ..lilt tut lht WitlU t
: put. I ! id- ii ttl.t. It li t oitlt jo. I
Iv f 11 I til It 4 utt
" 4.uMe- oi til lot lo)! up
t. t t .l utlt of t toil Mttltl ft IMltlfl
! it, 'Hi, I ot. tt i t Will emit,
(. , ' -u h 1111 ttiMn '
i Ta t a, Im t.
j CVrflulA. T, Apul 11 4 Nl !
kMf tt4la fn!ir,aa4 U fftUU
MMtUl Mom llnrf VI at a4 I.
Our Italia. "! r Ml
May a aU'el at fmitli Hl Iai41
tHn IW'lh ar.i tt iiwa mn kKtjf
oklitl4 aMt Ull) a I Naai tally,
Tha Maw Bampablra auato Dtaeoaaoa
tha Cuban Qaaatlon.
WASiHiroTON, April IS. Senator
Clmudler of New Hampshire vlewa the
Prealdeat'a mesaace as follows:
"I-'lrat A jrraphlo and powerful de
scription of the horrible condition of
affairs la Cuba.
"Second An nsnartlon that the in
dependence of the revolutionists shall
not be recognized until they have
achieved their own Independence be
yond the possibility of ovorthrow.
"ThirdAn argument against
recognition of the Cuban republic
"Fourth As to intervention in
Intercut of humanity, that is woll
enough, and also on account of the
injury to commerce and peril to our
citizens and to generally uncomforta
ble conditions all around.
"Fifth Illustrative of these uncom
fortable conditions is the destruotlon
of the Maine; it helps make the exist
ing conditions Intolerable. Hut Hpaln
propones an arbitration, to which the
President has no reply,
"Sixth On the whole, as tho
goes 011 nnd Spain cannot end It,
dlatlon or intervention must
place. Pretililent Cleveland said:
tervetition would finally bo neces
sary.' The enforced pacification of
C'uba must come, The wur must stop,
Therefore, tho President should be
authorized to terminate hostilities,
secure peace nnd establish a stable
government, ami to tine the military
and naval forces of tho United Htatui
to accomplish thene results; and food
supplies should also bo furnished by
the United Htates.
"P. H Hpaln has made a now offer
which it Is to bo hoped will receive
the curoful attention of Congress.
"impliedly, Con grow is asltod to
adjourn aw soon aw posslblo."
take 'In-
Civil Nnrvlaa liianire.
Washington, April 14. Tho Presi.
dent, In a few days, will Issue an Im
portant order in regard to tho classi
fication of olllcos under tho civil so r tr
ice law, llo has called upon the
heads of each of tho executive depart
ment for a statement of such ofllces in
their respective departments aw, in
their Judgment, may bo removed
from the classified service, governed
by tho rules of tho civil service com
mission as to examination, eta All
tho reports are uow In,
Mleliltfan Gives Money,
Lansing, Mich., April IL Governor
Plngreo Saturday sent to the house a
very able and patriotic state paper,
rocommcndlng the authorization of an
emergency war loan of 1500,000, which
was pawned hy that body by unani
mous vote.
Are about to be turned
loose. We will make old
Spain howl like a whipped
cur, and she deserves it. Hy
the way, if you have not
seen our spring catalogue
and heard of the war we are
waging on clothing prices,
you have missed something.
The woods are full of cloth-
ing nouses, out mere are
'absolutely none which offer
better styles or lower prices
than "The, Hub." We are
selling good wool suits for
men in nice stylish patterns at $3.35. All wool Scotch
Cheviot suits in nobby plaids, at $3.95. Strictly all
wool black dress suits as low as $5.00, Men's black
1 cheviot pants, Si.oo.
91 FRF F W'tn eacn purchase made by mail, provided 1
(q 1 1 JLaLi you mention the Inmki kndknt, we will send
0)ii fine colored map of Cuba or Alaska free of, charge,
p Don't fail to .send your address for catalogue.
9) . ,
te a 1 wmr, 1 1 n n n
11 nHU
u mm A
7 i 1 u Fmw
104-106 North Tenth Street
t f inrinnati SIw Stnnv1220 0 st-
' viiiviiiiimii wnwv w va vs; jfi
nrnnrl 'I
l i s
JT 1 I O
We are always in the lead in
honest goods at popular prices,
will at all times back up our c
A Give us a trial once. At the old
stand, 1220 O Street.
A nr.
X nuiianger, ms.
x wannon & to. . . . jt&z
That pimple on your arm, those
eruptions, itching and burning hives,
Just as surely indicate impurities in tho
blood, which should have prompt and
careful attention, as do boils, carbun
cles, ulcers, salt rheum and tho severest
forms of scrofula. Hood's Sarsupa
rlllla cures all humors of tho blood of
every form and degree.
That Tlrod Feeling,
So common in the Kpring, is aluo duo
to the weak, thin, depleted condition of
tho blood. Make- your blood pure by
taking Hood's .Sarxtiparilla ami you
will be strong and ready for work, will
have .rood appetite and good health.
Try Hood's .Sarsaparilla this spring.
" My little boy was afflicted with sores
In his ears and Hood's Sarsaparilla cured
him. The next winter they broke out
gala and be resorted once more to Hood's
Bursaparilla and it has accomplished a
perfect cure. Last fall I gave him a few
bottles of Hood's SarsBparllla and It has
kept him in good health all winter. I re
gard It as an excellent blood purifier."
Mas. W. F. Robkbtb, Jb., Gentralla, Mo.
I Was a Sufferer
For over 15 years, and each year added to
my misery. I was a victim of fomale trou
bles and the physician decided an opera
tion was necessary. When it was over I
did not teem to recover, bat gradually
grew worse. I suffered from abscesses
and bad ten of them, one after another. Z
was dropsical and had smothered feelinga
and often swooned away. I tried many
different remedies but all to no avail, and
I became discouraged. I felt that nothing
but misery and an early grave awaited me.
About this time I met and talked with
nurse of this oity who advised me to try '
a good blood medicine. My husband also
thought I better do so and he purchased
a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I bad an
attack of erysipelas and was compelled to
have a nurse, but I
Kept on Taking Hood's
SarHaiiarllla. After I had taken three bot
tles I noticed the trouble with my heart
was less frequent and less severe and I
did not bloat as badly. My steady per
sistence in taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
Anally mastered all of my complaints
which were mostly due to impure blood.
I am now enjoying the best of health, and
for all this 1 irlve flood's Harsapsrilla tha
credit." Mrs. H. W. Crevuso,J0 North
10th Street, Unooin, Nebraska.
8a its
Is America's (inatent Medicine because it cures when all others fall. Bold by all druggist. II f Ix for $9.
llllxuU .Itl.lft lli.M 1lit llutlnr Nub-
Itlutrn Mr l (..tore, I
' Illi April I I, Judges lliilitvy,
llreiitittm rtiul I ln-lkiiii In (Uy handed
dnn u tlivwioit illicit in -n-cl knock
un I the. hattcriu.- .isn ,y (In,
Uu urc 'Ihc in Ipv sitting
a haiio, tU'clv.i that ui4uufuoturvr
hat a ci'intuuth.iictl riht lo e-.U.r
I ii'trr'ns ur uU-iniKtritruia yvUuw or
liu UtUui.
t rtoi .f lit Mrtti4 kit ll,.
rrtUtul I.e. . Vpiil It tho hr
t'nlti'J fttaic ir' i fir in.i y IH
Itr I, III lommtll'l nf'Mt. John J.
Kiuh. an I th t.nt v.i h.,t ,-i.inu-r,
K'lll. 'I ' V. Il4tttll (UIHIH4H lltlrf,
huh .-! n riii tr tho I'nitsJ
ht4'i, i,t in,, HnuUji Aftr
rl..f!n I'.-HUnd n h 4 h'4Jf
4 .tlll.l. t, (h it Ilia P'-IKrlf 4
e:aiwt i-arhrd a. l.lvu Ka4f( 4w j
I il 4f F in n iiita Ihii ihiflf ot !
Ih I ., ! 4 u rt 1 1 l tn Mtit la
kr, b riK4l Utt th !ni,ll! t
elf K'l lh ii !. I ha .-i.xutta. !
It t t . t'luuf i.'4k, hu br MiB-
bi a. 4 ri r th iHlury 44 rt
Wi. I lr Kur, ipi,tu
frlaia4 a4 uma thj r au
!htt4 -a jt. Kaati U iv
li I ta tr. ur a f rl ( tear.
4U tfc 4 ! fUk
lUag lvwa. JifrU li.-rae AsmH
m 14 Irva k4 uaii!t4 It ar
laai'uoaU hit imtttag ta , l
I ! he (m u, an t are rJ
Wi at iuaMM' au,
T V 1 7
Uusglss, Phaetons. Surreys. Traps, Harness
'Ha dlrrrl rm fii-liirj at Wlal I'rlr. Ru ar ral atd.
i..,ui.-r.l ti ri. rn i..l l..r r Uramlluay lllua
lr !..! ! trnii 1 i-lll In IM HlhMI r, Jlvni III III
,W iirl.l air, Atlanta ..uu-ii. .hvili.' t riilrniiUl h kiiihii.
Alliance ( iirrluce Co. ., Court St. ( lui liniull, 0.
. -v.
I I Mf I'lO.
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TfAl KH naAM nJnMJ MMa. I f mmJ l.Wul
f Cmhtmth.m lcUmtl Cr NiviMltf Uimhtr, Atl-tll rJM,
F I Mm . . M A MM ,M - M M - - MM . MM.
f r ' mm frair uira rimrrm mm, cmihimim rrarvare
I AtimtMjM Kvm I nMH Maw lim Mm,
Mktk y M-M4r-1 !) Mmwm, 1 S-4M) tat,
C W' ' MClll.. I fMtlf VMtMM 4I.-I hi t
I4ull4llj,.u. IV ,..IM, IM4 IMNffrM iMM
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V vwfiv I a if, fia.rts Mf r ail
11 AT iiTrJ::
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0. M. OSBQAU I CO., Ch!eit, lilt.
The Frank Lawrence Co., Aits.. 034 P St., Lincoln, Neb