The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 14, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Apri. 14, 1898
What has In-come of John Sherman?
We don't remember of having reiul of
bin death, and still Day is secretary of
wtate. Poor old John must have drop
ped by the wayside and been unnotic
ed in the excitement of the imt three
months, lie wan only placed In the
position he wbh in his old iitfe at the
itiMtigiitioii of llannn, that he, mlpht
take. hiM senatorial toga. Superior
One cause of delay in the Spanish
trouldes is Ix-cause the. Insurance eom
paiiieH of America hold alxiut $70,000,
000 of Spanish bonds. In case of war
of course these ImhkIh will be practi
cally worthlesH. Spain is llnanclally
crippled at U-ni, and to carry on a
war with any strong power for any
length of time would be disast roiiNand
it Is here, and in many other places,
that the dollar slands above, liberty of
lives of human beings. The influence
and power of large, corporations and
trusts, and other large aggregations
of wealth must be curtailed or human
liberty in general Is a farce, Minden
(Null.) Courier.
War is easy to talk about and eny
to insist upon when somebody else hiwt
got to do the fighting and pay the ex
penses. It will be observed that those
who are most loudly advocating war
are of t he class who would not light if
war should be entered upon, and as
for the expenses, it would In the end,
of course, fall upon the backs of jh'o
ple who pay the burden of taxes-the
masses-while those, who have done
most of the talking iilmiit it would go
scot, free. -St rang (Neb.) l!cM)rter,
Spain lias gained a lap on the, Americans-the
bishop of Madrid has order
ed his subordinates to pray for the
success of flic Spanish soldiers, Am
ericans will attend to the praying bus
iness after I'ncle Sam gels things on
a war footing and the wants of the
starving Cubans are attended to -lllair
(Neb.) llepublican.
Captain Sigsbee. is said to lie. mad
"clear through" over the destruction
of his ship. 1'ut him on anothcr.wlth
instructions to collect the Indemnity
lue on the first ship. Illrmingham
(Ala.) Age-Herald.
is usually the one
st danu.g, and of-,
whii'h rhx'S the most
ten disables un enemy
Jf we wait, un-,
til the Spanish flotilla destroys our
ships, war with Ssiin would last, sev
eral years. Strike now, if at all. If
the Spanish flotilla comes into Amerl-j
can waters it will piny havoc with our
..1.! 1 ...... I. ir ..,,, iu I,,.'
win niujm unit 11 iiiih'i j i ,r in
evitable the. I'liited States should at
once seize, Cuba, otherwise it will le u
.year or two before it can ! captured.
Silver Knight Watchman.
As the war question Increases in
gravity the question of revenue press
es more and more. Already Dingley
nd his fellow tariff taxers are figur
ing on tightening the screws upon the
masses for the purjose of squeezing
from them more money. Under the
condition of war the masses will
cheerfully consent to nl most any de-
gree or taxation for the supisirt or j
the government, but, if It had not, been
for the criminal stupidity and sub-,
scrviency of the republican party s j
rVll 1 1
with the question of war. Cn.ier pres-
,,.,. tr, in,, ri.'i. ui.o ei.n.
trol the republican party and through
it certain functions of government,
the income tax was dee In red unconsti
tutional, and the very measure that
the republican jsirty gave to the coun
try to carry it through one war has
been by that party at the Is-hest of
the millioaire classes declared iiiirnii-
Ill, lllllliviiiM i innni n 11111111,11 iiii..i-
.,itti,.,,i I,, ti, f n r win, !
Spain it will is' inixsMlile to levy a
ta on the incomes of the rich, and
the result willl be the same as of old
those least, aide to Iwnr the burdens
of tiivation will be forced to bear it.
while those best able to bear it will,
to all intent and purpose, go free.
I!y otic of those M-cti I in I- mental
freaks whieh have bullied students of
the mind and its actions, and through
those peculiar intluci s that are for
ever operating against the good of the
people i supreme judge reversed him
self on the income tax question. The
Interests which fought so bitterly
against Is-ing forced to bear their just
burdens of taxation are the same In
terests that are today demanding
peaee at any price, even I lie price of
national honor. They are the inter
ests thnl put storks anil bonds alsixe
truth and Justice and cent per cent
jilioxo humanity. World-Herald.
When I i real Itriiiim i U '"money
for war purMises It emise lo Is- sold
what are known as exeheriiut'i' hilW,
or ill oilier NMUiln, IreiiMlin notes, e
eeiuible for luxes and public dues, itml
so redeemable. These lillU are iiul.V
Issued as I lie money is ui i ili d, so limn
et is only taken out of eireuhit inn by
lite gtn in mi- ii t to he at ouee pill baek
ii i.i i ii , and so the hiiiicmI of t,ii
iIih'h not eitiise it wiislefiil liH'klug up
nf iimiiey for these e si Ini ijiu r bills
pl'iitlde I he liiemis of put llli'lil , In
ills. of wnr willl Spitin the t lilted
M. lien sliuiil.l liiiike a le Usui of
lrei-libiiekH iiisleml uf iiiiii; Ism, Is
I his Miii y is Ilie one Unit until I in
i reuse the s I ri.,il.t of i ,iin in t uiul
leiiew Ilie iiiiniiiervbil lite nf Ibis
iiiiiiilrt. New lilt Mil lid, i -I j
- - I
iia iu: jituium.v .ki ti.s .t..
Sit la IIihh' fir.tpitrill,, and it u rt ,
ear b ivia II troi nam trv-, i
mhrt I i ih On Trtu lit. si. I Pun
tUc a'l lir.l Ntrv Tunic,
t m III M I'll I ar .v l.i talis, .
In n ml, tutu luditfvalKiM, l,di.iu
mm. S.V
I be Kutiiif Xiltitt itle I.IH,,'. i.iil IK r
li.unr t.f M I . Itmt tit l.ilt of II. llr.
It for f utwi iiitlnl iitl h,t.i- and It.
h l.utl. r ).olt f.toia Hmt U
t'ntl.lrr nf iHiui n.iuilt t. Irl'a
(tfit Itvelbtf itiul It ittuiitev and -U . I
il.iii J II tMiMlitntPU til laiun.lrr.
I'Ctrf slxit I
WhrH bili..u tr rt-allta t Ca-
fl randy t thailii', rut inarMitrwl,
v. I
-s I
It I It .
Democratic Congressmen
Deprived of Rights.
The Speaker's Steady and Sys
tematic Aggressions.
Then the Krpubllcane Majr Urt an Un
palatable Dims of Tlielr Own Mmlluln.
Secretary Gage Knaiit tlia Hole of tli
Administration' Old Alan of the Hv,
Greatly to the KdlUoatlon of Ilia Advur
arl IHpcclal Washington Letter,
"One by 0110 tho roues full" are words
familiar to tho can of tneu. "(J110 by
ouo the inuinbi'rs of tuu liousu of ropru
eututivi'H lira being deprived of their
constitutional rigliU" uro words which
I wish 1 could hum into the brain i f
every American citizen, for It in a I j 11 1 (
fnl, u furnachiiig, an ominous, it revo
lutionary fmt a fact which nodus i,i;ly
evil to the republic;
Things tr.ugrehHiniml liiiMen to n
climax Hccently 1 told liow Spei.l.ei
Keed refund to make a count on . r
Iialley's deuuind and how bo n fumi m
entertain i Wiley's appeal 'll,;tt win
bad enougli 1 tin 11 thought lli"
Worst pohNililu thil'H iu the pulley et
Bupprcci'lon hi"l hecn donn, Dm ultima
tbulo of parluinentary luillilu'.tiig l o t
been readied; hut 1 wus mutaken, ii
the S(!(juel will show lie it temi nihi red
that the coiihtittitioii tt.ukcn the on
euro of a quorum u hint) qua 11011 to all
legislation, properly so, as I think
That is ouu of its wisest rovlcloiis u
afeguards agaiiiHt hasty, impropi r 'ind
dishoiieht legiNlatinu. They dechired
furthermore that not IcxHtbiiu aiiiajori-
t f uW l)JUI1J(,rN UlUi, cniislituto a
' ,,.,.., i ,0,. ,,u,.
" " " " """
tntiou, Is that tint a wholesome ruler l
press that question homo upon tho mind
and conscience of every citizen of tbe
republic. It concerns a Republican un
much as It doen a Democrat, for every
citizen bun un equal stake in tho integ
rity of legislation lu the perpetuity of
our representative form of government,
Itcputlictins cunnot afford to in dor no in
fractions of constitutional method on
Wuiving all question of principle,
however, they rnnnot afford to indorse
such performance us a mutter of policy,
becanso the Kepublicaim havo no per
petual Jouso mi power. "Evil inventions
onio time return to plague the invent
ors." ilark Twain miyn, "Wo all have
a great deux of human nature in un,
BUj onw ,,f tno multitudinous danger!
crowl,lff out of these outrages Is that
. . t . tb i.fJUHe
g ...Ml K..-..U A furia
temptation to invoke the lex talioiils
may prove too stroiia to bo resisted. I
hope this may not be ho, but Khali not
be Hurprincd if it is. 13yron, after nam
ing everything sweet in nature, suyi,
"Sweet is revenge," uud somebody elso
declares that "tho whirligig of time ,
brings it own revenges." I commend
id ewe sayings to xtepumicun cnmuMiuKC
, .
wlo crow ever these gross out ragei sun
piy ueeuuHo iney uro commiticu. uy xto
publican bosses on the Democratic, 1'op
oliiitio und free silver minority. To state
tho sumo idea in a still mora homely
proverb, tlieno Republican shouters,
who, intoxicated with power, uro cheer
ing on thoso who uro trumpliug under
foot the safeguards which tho constitu
tion has provided for honest and intelli-
geut legislation, should never forget
that sometimes "thickens come homo
to roost."
Wliat the I.luiltf
If less than a quorum is to do busl
nctm in pulpuhlo violation of tho consti
tution, where uro wo to stop? How
muuy or how few nicmU m shall bo per
mitted to truiihuet bumnem for 75, 000.
000 people uud veto uuny their luoneyf
Wliu knows' (inly one man, the speak
er, or his totuporary "tilmtitute, elccted
by billon If lho Mverugo voter would
do well lo coiixidi r this qtiottiu m il- '
ously, (attlully, patriotically even
prayerfully j
To uiidi rtnnd jt rfeetly theoutrnge
to which 1 will refer prtMiitly it iuut
be remembered thai there ar four way
t f voting lii Hut house, incnuKiug lit an
curm y f rcntill tn arithmetlenl (rogre '
un ii I, viva viK'ii, 8, rining volo; 8.
by teller; 4, yet ami imy vote I
Tito an iirm y f the tir.t tb p. ml mi
tho In kii'l m tit. n f hiariiig of
the oct u i n 1 1 the ili.ur.i f the
ud, on in ihrui. nf vUloti ami In
bounty ,M i ui lli Nieutaey t f th r
ull i y It l! t r en in)' call Hit t, cm
,4nly lt a l ult, tii uhtily wlmi
tho rio I y r 11 tall l m ,i iiul.tinl
ami viiii td liitttcurnty in ih, tli.t two
I lut In to e ur 1 1 u win n roitilu-ti
I y ihu iuit In to .1 luao tliitl trru
id.. I
Vi llus Ivt. II.m a .1. l-t a a
r) 1 1 y t f i itrinii in., ui. i uud r
Venting dl.lii In 0 e.. Mill, lm
vi iti I y i lb i rait l Ukm in H lulu
", W aih lli lull itlt e li.uln. li in
8 V 1 1 4.1 loi'iui.' i... U j
f I . l, .i ii,,h frvqui'titl .
la ii.iixi i, ullH iitUi 1 1
i rd lliaa (. f auMtittt tlwi.
ItwHlilly It it J-mit Hti. , ft
tkf tiian i t Nw Yell m iaidiii
lMlflll4Ht l u.u IU I
mm auiiatU v utlvii.a i f awaat
f ftIU' ant ) tmAt IU U m It. tu
iia tattfujiiiiUi in, I vt a itrih'
$ aurf li (tide an iiu, Iwt, waiU
ktttiL iMitl aw4 liHirtyiut U km
laWlaawl IU tfil t4al In ir- '
lUmatarf aUWy, aka if MU4
will enable a dishonest man in tut
chair to perpetrate all sorts of jobs and
teals. I do not believe that Sherman
could be induced to make a false count,
but if bis ruling is followed that is pre
cisely what some scoundrel in the chair
will do. Sherman's intentions may be
good, but we are told that "hull Is
paved with good intentions, " and stu-,
dents of history know only too well
that some of the greatest calamities
which have aflllctod the world or re
tarded the process of freed government
have been brought ubout by the ill ad
vised action of men whose integrity
was above question.
Tho demand for tellers is made not
only tn give greuter accuracy to the
count, but ulso to anuertuiu whether a
quorum is present.
A Hauil Outraga.
On Friday, March 35, 1808, on a vivu
voce vote ou un amendment, Bhormau
declared "the noes appear to have it,"
whereupon both lluiley and llartmau
demanded a "division, " which means
a count on a rising vote- result yeas,
1(1 ; nays, 0(1. Murk you, only H'i mem
bers were present uncording to Hher
imtu's owu count, while 100 are roquir
d under the rule to constitute a quorum
of tlio committee, liuiley demanded
tellers and in so doing wus acting in
strict conformity with the precedents of
109 years. Mr. i'ayne of New York
raised the, point of order that the do
mand for tellers was dilatory and made
for the purpose of delay, and, marvelous
to tell, Sherman sustained tho point of
order and refused tellers refused the
tirlvileuo of usoiirtuin'ng If his oouut
was correct and if a quorum was pres
out thereby driving one more nail into
the coltin of congressional free speech
and thereby making a precedent which
may open the gates of the treasury wide
for public plunderers and may expedite
tyrannous legislation.
liuiley apneuled from the decision of
tho cliuir, as he hud a perfect right to
do, Again I'ayne Interposed the point
of order that the appeal wus dilatory,
Sherman sustained the point and refused
to allow the uppeul, and tho committee
proceeded to business ill flagrant viola
tlon of the rules of tho house without a
quorum being present, for Id plus (JO do
not make 100, unless Sherman over
threw ull the rules of arithmetic as well
as all parliamentary precedents, Hut,
then, tint Republicans never havo paid
any respect to the principles of arith
metio when they stood in the wuy of
accomplishing a party purpose.
It avails nothing to say that all those
tiroceedinus were had about a small
mutter, therefore are inconsequential.
If they cuu ho had about a small matter,
they can be hud ubout a large one.
Nor will it do to say thut Builoy's
motions were dilutory, for that leads
inovitubly to this conclusion that no
difference what motion or demand is
biade, no mutter how grave, Importunt
or furrouciiiiig it may be, tho occupant
of the chair can shunt it out of tho way
by the simple plan, the easy plan, of de
claring it to be dilatory. That would be
an cud of all parliamentary proceed
lugs, for the house would then be com
pletely squelched and the presiding offi
cer would be "the whole thing."
My Republican taxpaying friend, how
do you like it? In your exaltation at
seeing Democrats, Populists and Silver
Republicans sat upon are yon willing
to nave all the safeguards of the integ
rity of legislation torn down, the doors
of the treasury thrown wide open to
thioves and the priceless boon of free
speech taken from American representa
tives? If you do like it, you are a big
ger fool than Thompson's colt, which
swam the Mississippi river to get a
drink. Have you and your children no
interest iu having measures debuted un
til they are understood by the members?
If you huve, you hud better help elect a
congress of Democruts, who always per
mit ample debate and who obey tho
constitution and tho rules of tho house.
It has taken muny words to statu this
matter fully, but if they uro u so puMio
thought to what is going on here they
will not havo been written iu vain.
If Mr. Sherman, iusteud of being un
bonest man, were tho most conscience
less corruptiuuist iu the hind, if instead
of being u patriot according to his
lights, which are sometimes lamentably
dim and flickering, he wero an embryo
Ciesur or Napoleon, he could not have
done a worse day's work for free gov
ernment ami purity in legislation.
An Aiiruirlat :iltaih.
When thu Itepublicuu party is laid iu
its grave us it will be in IU00 this
should be its epitaph : "Its days were
many and full of evil."
Miml persons have read the weird
story if "Sindlad the Sailor. " Itisbe
ing re enacted in this country now on a
huge ealii with tho Hi ,ul liniu party
til the title role uud I.yniiilt J. (Inge
playing thu part of tho Old Mini of tho
r-e Mlidbad filially dumped hia un rel
ies rider aifd killed hllll. Whether III
s if.itumliee will t duplicated by thu
lilsgUMi'il ICl'l ulliettu can tt Ml this
iiiuiut nt only a matter of emijet lura.
It lia Impti I hey will U'l Ulig life lo
l.ymall. providisl ha Will In, Id nil In th
M lUmiitittsI They link like wild
broiii h. a, bill lia a iar Iu havo a firm
tMl im hia tfttiitu s Intk and I riding
tl furuuuly Miiu Ilia Uiiintiilens at .
". me f n in a van. lid In. n I" U
ay ilia win. h has mh tiiki a mtrb.
,y Hutu s tatidnf Is UI t nly by bl
rifolitui am hi it.aiila l f ie liifyliirf
IU I in I sit ctalnf at liiultia waa, I nl.
Ilka Matk Aul. i.y, I "a Uin, Hunt
luail fan na bi" tliw ty, and Hint
i p- ily why t,a Is a lillii'K tvi hi
lit luddliitf It. i f tun by ltf tit lean
mi.-iiiiii V In u n ill-. Ui m U f,.a Ilia
evUtiutitta ui t ali kind and tuinn. y
Itutl Ida 1 1 lt.. td jM t i f at I 111 "is l
kit la Ih.rf.iUKlily tUt lull Itt ft' hi
tUu lanl In Ibis e. unity," ku.tJ
tilt Ml..f Ilikllta'S uttllrtiMi kii.Ur inaity
a li.ullK air wik WiiK ihw
MtiUii u wt id rtngli'al tH Hi ll rar.
dlvt HMUlita suitsiuM wiia M
biiii kvN saw laair aval In Ik itiy
IM -rvM fit liuuciUi l.y wtax
ltiiwuh Klui Iifv4 as a tl!rviir
tjt a lua.&vula if MUkwi
gressmen can be em braced in that term.
There are probably not a million gold
mouometallists in America. To place
them at a million is to overstate their
strength. There are not half that many
silver mouometallists. Nearly all the
Republicans in tho house were elected
as bimetallism. They oould not have
been elected ns anything else. They vo
ciferously clulmod thut they wero the
genuine blmetallists and that we were
silver mnnometullists, thereby scaring
the timid, deceiving tho stupid uud se
curing seats in congress by false pre
tensus. They uro meditating a repetition
of the performance, but Lyman has
blocked their game by his bold declara
tion that bis bill "is intended to more
thoroughly establish the gold standard
in this oountry." If they do not drive
him out of the cabinet when they un
dertake to talk, bimetallism this full,
they will be guyod off the stump uud
buried under uu avulunuhu of ballots,
If not a thing of beauty, ho is a joy
forever to the Democrats murk you,
not to the Republicans. Job excluimed,
"Oh, thut mine enemy would writo a
book I" If tho man of Uzwere living in
this country today and were a Demo
crat, ceuteiupluting Lyman, he would
realize thut his wish is being partially
gratified; for, while thut illustrious
financier has written no buok, be is for
ever mukiug speeches. To Dinnoernts in
tho house, where there are all sorts of
limits on free speech, the secretary of
treasury is as refreshing as a shower iu
an August drought. When in the
dumps, by being outvoted steadily by a
beastly Rypubllcan majority, a new
speech by McKliiley's chancellor of the
exchequer starts hope to singing iu our
beurts, for we uro always absolutely cer
tain that whenever ho opens his mouth
he will put hi fort in it. Lyman Is stuck
greatly on his tulking apparatus, Iu the
beuutiful words of the poet:
llu Inviw liU nutiiimttle muulU,
lie love II fluent tin,
llu love It Sillily Kuril!,
Jin loviw lo wind Ill inuiith up,
llu luve to lieiir It go.
Mka tlia Old Woman.
When I was u boy iu tho hill oountry
of Kentucky, I knew an old womnu
who thus described another loquacious
woman: "Her tongue is tied iu thu
middle uud loose at both ends." Ho
with Lyman's lingual member it goes
"likoa bell clapper," and every time
it claps it sounds the deuthkuell of a
Republican representative or two; but
bis Jabber is sweet musio to Dumourutlo
One of his latest performances is ex
ploited in Fuck by a cartoon iu which
tho great renegade free trader is repre
sented as delivering a speech to an audi
ence composed of free silver senators
and representatives holding in his hand
a roll of paper ou which are printed
these words: "Hud there been a uni
form bunking system specie payments
would have boon maintained und bun
dreds of millions lost through deurecia
tlon of government notes would huve
been saved to tho people," The legend
beneath this picture glorifying Lyman
runs in this wise, "Casting pearls be
fore silver! tes," which is an adupta
tlon of tho Scriptural phrase, "Casting
pearls before swine." Evidently I'uck
deemed that a piece of withering sar
casm. As a matter of fact, it is a sacri
lege in compurlng this plutocrat to tho
8a v lour of mankind and an insult to
7,000,000 voters in virtually calling
them "swino. " It was furfetchod, for
Lyman does not make speeches to "sil
ver! tos," for tho all sufficient reason
thut they would not listen to him be
canso they regard him us a renegade, a
turncoat, a traitor. Moreover, he has
no "pearls" of speech to cast before
anybody. His talk is only "a sounding
bruss and a tinkling cymbal, "and the
"swine" before which it is "cast" are
the goldhugs.
If I'uck thinks tbo plutocrats wanted
"a uniform banking system" so that
"specie payments would have been
maintained, " he is budly off his box.
Tho luck of a "uniform banking sys
tem" was thu very thing that enabled
them to pile up abnormal fortunes dur
ing tho civil wur by gambling in the
honor of the nation and in the bhxsl and
lives of the nation's brave defenders.
"Tho depreciation of government notes"
was tiio foundation of their ill gotten
wealth. No such impudence has been
seeu among men since the devil offered
tho Saviour tho dominion of tho world
to not a foot of which did ho own even
a tax title to fall down ami worship
him us is exhibited by goldhugs when
tiny prate about "upholding thu na
tion's honor. " Tho happiest day they
ever saw was when the gleam of old
Julml Marly' bayonet oould bo seen
from tho dome of tho capitol. No Con
federal" prayed with such fervency for
a victory for U o uidld a holder of gold;
b,r If Ue won gold went up, if (Irani
triuinphisl gold wiit down.
They am ntirlol when patriotism is
irotitittila and not one minute longer,
f Lyman ever "eat" such "pearls"
before that particular u of "swiii,"
mum kind Irit iid nuuhl to make appli
cation lo ilia rol aia court for a "wril
iU lunaiico luquiri ndo, " ami havo liuu
tetniliiisi f nun making any iimr
p i In a
Otniuiy a ii"W l u.iiu n f rl.yiiinu
In lho I ifiy third cnugr time wa
an til thaii who iii.tdu at lel !"
Itttii Hut it.iUsty li-iiinsl .ii. i
Um i. ii fcii'l h r and Im would ti l Ii4
li'iiittd if k inuld i g., hi ,iy
any Miu r way I I Mr It ! why
Ilia ill matt lu li lintuy .n In
"tilt!" mind Hi" .MaliiM utui4ii.
"hu t vuy i b f.ll.iw, Im Im lm.
IU y Will.. Ill f.liillttB on I I hat It
wa ait mM lUt 1114 lu-t l ll )
tea diMtivtry, i I Irylttrf lit Iwu
Il Ktk Hp I I e )! i f mi time, "
Ibal wa an id iiiall.M
llin.l an t bully Itml Hi ll Hi iUIU
tuld t-m ivUviid, au l II IIU l yiiiaa
ik a gbii w
Arlington Nursery Fruit Farm .. . .
sinnit aiHj.ind to none In tli Wt In th way of a large anortmiiit of avoaral Narnary
"lu ll of tbn Ivadlpir hardy Tnrmtle. Loratad 28 mllea nortbwmt of Omaha la th leading;
fruit Let of tb atat whur th coaatry abound In orchard from 20 to 86 year of
tf'Vliur ampl chance to (tudy tb bardln and disposition 111 ganaral of almot every va-
t ety wi offi-r.
lUrrct traniportatlon to almot every part of the (tate.
tcrlptlv cataloKue free upon application. Hatlifiwtioa with enitomer snaraateed.
Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties
14th and Nicholas Sta..
The Popular Through Car
- m .9 . a-
5. &rJi.M
-" 'i ,,,.i
Far (ull laformstloa. dccrlptlvc pisipbleu,cri4arcis
1 K. HOOPER, G . t. A Dcsfer, Ctuv
irraD A tt "D"D risG
Wholesale and Retail Dealers,.
MftRBLe, QRftNITe and SLftTe
(or buildiog and cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monuments of modern design always on hand.
DIRECT. ....
Writ for cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address, ,
Cor. 15th and O Sti.,
25 50
I DC AT IITDI V f.TT ID llTTDPn to tor
nUUVUU 1 CiU t U UflUflll 1 UUU tire. aTr
aiae aeosiet me. an. htkumhu ur,nr.iii
PoatUveiy tha oolr rmmeOf eurlssi
JTumatt ITiaSMiiM or tesrlM
tooable. Cures aU tTeweft rmtmt
and iwaaaewarfewsMiwstbswIneT
tM fraoniauv organ. Prio for
nstinsit wba aw Wdars. $2.10
IT malt Wt Avtsatf, Mint. mi.
Mention the Nebraska Independent
A SPECIAL invitation is extended to the farmers
of Lancaster County and vicinity (since spring
is approaching) to call at our place of business
and get prices for your spring Painting. Our
quotations will surprise you. Why buy in
ferior goods, when the best can be purchased
for the same money? We have it, and give
you a guarantee with every article. ?M?M
Our past experience has taught us that the farmer
uses as good an article as anybody, and why
not give them the worth of their money? We
guarantee that you will receive the best of
treatment and satisfaction. Respectfully,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
A ooooooooooooooooooooooo
f'mm 1 a a
t m
A Vi, V,' 1?
Arlington, Neb.
Line to
f . ini wtitviuvv.ivn
wmtAUMrAMsnip lines rou
snr cm of rontlptloa. tsaearets are (he Ideal Lasa4
rrlp or srlp.hal raa ear atrl mdts. Sm-A
t 1 ninso. sminu, i .e., orn.w inrs. sil.f
tflfeUOr. I
when writing to i.ur advertiser.
a a a .Hi. '
New Lincoln ggb:
1 " Best on Earth i
jJ ei losor. Soli a Mirtt.
CuiristttJi fooJ liltr
snj ttoaoli.l of Istl;
All llt III Silts,
Smm .taiai tW. ie) e IBwtt
eu.i 1 " . ihi iw
eul . ,. It 1
l ilm a.lta la ae aa4 .
Ma h ( key h iu
Lincoln, Neb., (!u:rs.
filroslis ions IsJaitrv.
Stisliirsr NlrtsU.,