TIIK NEBRASKA rNDEPENDKNT. III 'Ml EDITORS' IDEAS. The Schuyler Quill is iHKtniiiiff W. A. J'oynter for this nomination for gov ernor thin fall. Poynter is u gmni nmn fbUt there, lire otlir. Swtcit potato" i-nn now ) tfTtftitl Into inorninjr jrlorlt-s. Now thin U incl what our furtuers want, for they liat tthu owners in tin; miiiiiiih-i- ami thw xt tnto In the full. Thin intuit the ntf-rk-ultiiral dpnarliniMifc lis at. lost suo-flt-edml in dolnff for the fiinimrM.VVii boo Ueinofi'iit. Tho popullat .lonuh is too Mff to l-wiillowi-l by tlif tlemwratlo whale, but the two would make a thundering big fUli. The Index. SUEKKK8 AFTEIt (iOM know they uiay be ilinpnoiiitd, but swki-M lifter health tnko Howl's KarHiipiirillu with tlia utmost eonlldenre thut it will do thorn woudci liil good. HOOD'S 1'ILLH ur tint only piiln to takowith Hood's HursajHirillu. Kusy, yet olHuioiit. ' EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT lofoimition to Tboss Interested in Tbat Dtptnmnit of the 1 xpoiitloa -Lincoln. Nebnudui, April 1, lS'.iH.-- To Thows 1'ieimrliiK JixlilbH. You vill be. tfrwitly pleiiMxl U learn that, J luivo elVwtiid arraiiifeinonlK that will fvimhlii ion to inula; an ttxtenxiou of the tiirio In whleh to pit-pans tins 'di- iiitiowil exhibit. It will not Do nwe wiry for the i-iliiiiiXloiinl work Ut lie ehlppivl to Omaha until May 10, : jlKJATIONAL JIKAIKjlJAUTKIW. J n compliance with my mpicHt, tlie ntjito coinmiMHion Im di-Hlu-nalod room No. I ill the buiMfiil NebrimUtt liiiildintr lis "Nehranktt Educational lleiuloiinrterM." Thin i-mnii U on tlu Hint, tlnoi- In tho north went- part of tho building, eoniinaiiilinx a Ixwitiful view of the exposition biiildinirn, iuid U n cool, npiudoiiH room, twenty-four feet Honare. it will nave much crrcKMnileiiee. if nu'li one will note carefully tho fol lowiuir: HUfKJK.STJONH. 1. Our exhibit is llni "i.ciural or Colhylive." exhibit, anil in iliMiiVt from the "Hoecille or I iuli viiluiil" ex liiliit which in In charge of tho board iff ladv iniinaifeiM. -j. All liindH of school work U accop fable lit our depart incut If it In of the tiroix-r iiuiility. ;i. We will pay Hie terminal cliarfc'( fur one Mluiiiueiit. from enuti county 4. ConntliM dehirinif U ship from nioi-e than one point may do m by HondiiiR to me one dollar for iuh ml- litioinil HhiiMiient, to dirfray the ter minal chariroH, The terminal charg for eiwh shipment wo tiiMlurstJiml one dollar. r. Envelopi-n should 1m- made, of tn;t nilla tsipcr (or of other nuitable. pa n-r), lurKtt enough r hold hix or jnore f the mounted Card boards. Tlu wilJ nrolect the work from diiHt. J-.iu-h hliiMild be labelled wit, h the name the ttchod and county. G. All HhiniiicntH should bo wx-urely Tiiu:kwl in boxen oiul lalHrllwl with the Uisru which will be furniwhed in, due Mm by uk to tho county uperlntnil CIltH. 7. Three, mounted cardboard Hhould bo wnt for eux-h Uw.hm reprt- ! Mc.titrd. n on er to have two to xhlmt ! and one- to replenish any dainiifrcd i work. In mount inir cardboard, leave ; At. lefUHt ono-half inch iiiarifin for i moulding to hold the name in plum kU'e, will furnish the niouldiug. S. Those iroinL' t Omaha to assiKt ,'. in iilae.iliL' t ho exhibilH nhould not. be there for this punxisc lx-fore May ;or ill). Tho lu-ocKHary workmeii'H p;n.H- , "en will he siipiilied. hxluoiUt will I ipl.iced without cxjieiwe where it is not eoiivonient for some one iron Uif nchooi or ('oiintv lo ilo this work. !' !. We have provided for each wloxil tof tJie sliito a " sird ami Arbor im.v 'i Manual." the uroirrii.m to Im carriei Crut Aoril Whv not. iirronjro Mii.-il.e Aoril Zi "Cdiiciilioual Hall i)av" for vour scIkx.I'.' In udditii ' .;n vonr proirrnm, nrranre Ut exhibi -.the Work that box been prejiared foi 't.lin Triiiix-Missisi.ippi I'.v position. Vol 'can make this a l'mIii day that, will in oiie vour puitilx and se'iir the hear- , ty i(i-ox-ration of the miIiimih. Try ' 10. Let lne ihv that you seek make the mdiool room inotn cheery .Mid linitini; by suitable picture uic . Ice Millions. W. It. JACKSON. Sunt. Nebraska Kdm atioiuil Kvhibit AMERICAN GtOWN TEA ProJ'ictlvr.e of Q i-il-y KipiiU II a liiten'tiif ihi PUnl Ciod ni vff in Cho In Know 1 lint pine ticii,exHriluentlilteii(.-'oviinf i" tl t'lutitl Htetex show that lea call I rntt xueiewfnll v Blul prolilnldy l.lu- Hoiithirn stnlcx. On hi faro near Summer I He, li Carolina, lr Nlicpnnl hu-t aiiccwlwl tut well llutl oi hU fiirm there wax raiwd last eai l.l'll poinid of tin- Ibuxl lea obtain khle, i.inl Hi U year' crop wlil iimounl in moie than ;',uixi poiiialn. lr. Miep ml. In an Inler iew, sav Hint ho plant ntfonf him a pi-twliic Hon rent ir IhiHl China' mei.n-e lnd altuin 'pl.tl I" 4 tt.lt llf lll-lli a in I (c)llHI I he leu ilinU re.l kale, U Inrf Inar i,i ted fri'iu V!ii h huwlt In I Ion. la ami a eirtain eUiil In I he tentra' met it.', in lale. The jmil ttlltl "i.lt, nf mmi.', iii liiUiuir lu in Am . r( a, an complied with lh fat tun ll. Ihieiil, ! thai the luU.r le.piiiii' (i f tU niiu"e In the ea it i itn l .i.,.il ft iilloo of ll. Ir i'l Aiiiru-i ,. )f,M, hortir. thai elj pxniii ..f l,. which iiii tvil fitaa I In lu ll.. I li ili i . i M'tul Imtr l-f ,ln lit nldt, mi ii make H p.iUle li . i i,-i t n umli r llt ii ltaal.if . mi .i...r i,.i.iiiinh Sol til 111 but ' i inn n iiti bifi'ni't wihl ll no . Uii.i r la )il..tii innnl if th la iM.r. laaililne tut It ! Iv eii rliOltld Kt I vtj tr"H t..lt l tin Ul. nd tl of "rllinK' I li l a !. , n the Hlin of Urn U a tl rtlntUW i.i.ta un lanlte IMtti m,.ii.U d i "I llth i.i.C Hd' ii(f anat I. bio i mi tin H lne K In li' an hmir, tl Ik kli lf nn lot' IIim l-nal ! f"li!) anit! U t IH iltitt fititrtiiMt if It It' imaii.l nf itiliil I. l I- liaiaU. lt.tt l.i I ?.'," WHEN PARLIN DRAWS THE BOW. When Parlin roninms np hii hovr An the hornohair whine on iqm-nlu, I know wnt'i ootain an Jo' lay low. But when that fiddle apeak B'Koxht all hemhx-k, I kaio't keep mum, An I whoop an holliir to Te'U think 'twa dawn o' UnRdom von Whfcn Purlin draw the lx'wl Tlie Ur'l at Parlln'a wttin on Kpit ftlll licuauw) it lIlUKt, But every human 'at hear the fan Hex gut to (Iuikm or bunt. W'y, even the oandle on the wall, Thftv danoe un Uieker low HUun the boy JV atoiup aa thuy 'aaih all" An l'urlin draw the lx,wl Tliey hain't a tune 'at he don't know "TewpeHt" an " 'Olnny Ilxil," 'Veuvlunny," "bluekhird an Crow," 'Lancer' ' an "Ole Turhiml." An lioijliiynwllh aueh atiokloiKime touch Mu' Mjvnty-nlne. you know. ButNho'lUklpan hop till It !x an the Dutch Wbun l'arllu draw Ui bow I I wonder ef thnr' fliUlle airing To aound in ixiradlnoV Wy not? Tlier' harian trump an tlilnni 'At nln't not lutir ao nice. Wind, when I've crnwud thocryatal wave Ml danee Jl-by Jo, I know 1 ahull on the Juper pave lit l'urlin draw that Ixiwl -J. U UUn to "guiltlng Bee." A DIIAMA OF THE SEA. Deeply touched mid atill quiverlDg with emotion, I wrlto tlieo linen. Many ami fall of terror are the ea trog(;di('H cmicted on thin Island, that ii Dovertholoi rightly uamed tha "Ixtaatl foL" lt lovable and courttvraa iubnbitanfj are divided into two aiatinct cJttKo furinern and llshenuou Tho former plant wheat, corn, oati and potatoes. Tho latter catch the nweet tiosned tuuny uhIi, nurdiium and lobster. Neither fanner nor llMhermen ever bnconio rich, and meat in almoat on- known iu their home. Tho people are, therefore, far frotn trouu, tho women OHpedally bidng ten dor and delicate, with utraiffbt uoseH, lender, graceful uecka and a alow, aria tocratio currmKo. Tho men are of medium hclRht and well built, but lack the vigor charao teri.inir the pcaNantii of Noruiundy. Tho lHlandera are proud and novel bog. A cureful observer cannot fail txJ notice thut among tho many wrlnklei which aive character to their facci tboito written by laughter are wanting. Both men and women have a aerlout and mclaueboly air, and their forehead! ocm hardened with nod monioriea or certain reatleiwnewi. Han not each on ft father, a brother, or a son on the nia lignaut water that lic out there out there encircling tho inland every whorl ei far ax tho eye can reach' Hero theae tieople have lived for ccn taricM Burrounded by a movmg, agitated cemetery that Mullen ao alluringly and at the same timo ao eavagely. Occawoually the laughter of a child in one of the hut bubbled out toward iu mother working in the Held Her faci lighten op for a moment, but Kho dan not eem happy, for a che turn then liea the sea, and ita wave, fob aa they roll at her feet. Yesterday there atood near me dainty little girl cf 18. She nhaded bei eye with ono hand in order to watch at long an powiiblo her brother, who wai walking down the atrcct leading to the harbor of Ikirdery. Soberly as a matron she called after him: "lie careful ol vourself and do not takocold. Ao revoir! Good catch!" Tho boy disappeared, and his sistei returned to arrange her little houwhold for tho homo coming of both her broth era, as tho three were orphans to whom tho mate paid a Htnall peiiMion. Tho girl was drenncd in mourning, Father and Mother (Joueiiantin having died two yeurs before bo m the boupt tal after I day of cruel aufTeriiig caused by the poinotious miug of u fish, she a few day luter from consumption aud Kruf. Yes. there tiny lived, tho three or jihun. Tho elder brother, aged 18, had ariwu at dayhreuk to bo ready tor hit share of surdines. and the other, a lad of 15, was just to depart with his cousin Pit rro-Mariu to catch lobsters. The Ihreo eonipuuioiis, I'icrre-MarW Gouinaiitiii. Kugeuo tiouenuutin. tin orphan, and Michel r'aumoti, Ustrdiil liitlo Isiut. L Kufunt tlu Iksert, hoialtjd its palo blue null and disappeared, The heaven were slightly misty, tlu wind isnieout f the went, and 1, sit ting on Ihu risks, looked Ulorn in dreuiunig tin i-udlen dream Isiru ol tho t haiigeleM yet ever i hitiiamg set at ono f ,ie u. lo ut depths, full of charm sud mystery. Puratsay cries caused ma to turn mj bead and hsik alsiut. A lls k f screaiiiing si gull f yini above ins had altra lel my alteiition I was ut about In lent I ha tk when new t riis nai lusl my tar, l ln no vi r piiimi and lmk ii like Ihtt mil i f 4 lull I stow and, hs ktntf Posstd I In inland whifti Ilia lij;Utlioii I IVulalnt siiiinl. saw Mother l I'vlblit-r, (hi wibi tf lb lighliinuwi ke ix r. tlowtt on lor kilt, wsvinti her handki't hi f, i i iiirf and talllug lor lie W.lSliull uy Ml I lis lieiiliUnhisl, saw Ilia Vmiuau jnt a I did in a f " tin un til the llllttt lalsud uvidwi lll Invl lt Wlmi inful. skt a lirrifyliig Ipil ta 11 tliitld lb l-liit i.f lit ItUtMl, IOC unlet lt iu UmI. iy lh txotl I. 1 1 fatil da lk'tl ill4 lief Mil unit, i t'f. and en hr ki l, tskkk towi la Ike str, lung Kimi ui Uuucumh liti. the t-f pkstt Ills late st at M a tsiitillMs) lul. Ml )t Were li 4, ml til hl. UllMsJ l f Ike atil Irottt ihl il I'll WtU iieJ loitl I I 11 ' lita tlllll iis f-l i unt 1 1 lh liaijtHly, h thild had li.ii ttlla tail jut l M I Ksaiw hi h Id 1 1 lh Wst lilabl lat klut Uy Alliiu l FUm luu, tU.j tu U mt s Ht imml ra. talansly, mfjwt Ktiuttall Ut ad Ilia volco, hoarso with the tVatli strup;- J glo, was partly drowned by tho waves rolling fnriounly over hlni, uu if reluc tant to surrender their prey. A hundred meters from them Pierre Marie dominant in disappeared in tha water, tho boat'a oar under his shoul ders; but, strong and vigorous as howaa, be arose with o cry of Joy, for M ma seen Father Lo Pi lletler c;ning. Tho lighthousn korisir, hearing the cries for heln. had Jumped Into his hoae nna pushed from the shoro without waiting for any of his companions loriear or to log too late. lie was obliged to round tho point, "Couragel Hold fant!" callrxl Mlelicl 6iimzuii to the little sailor hanging 10 the keel. "Courage! Pather I.o Ptllc tier is here, our gallant deliverer. Then on came a wave, u heer wan of water, with a foaming crest, anil buried the boat. When it had spent it self, Michel raised his head and looked about tho keel was empty. Far awny the wave was now rolling, and in itl cruel bosom It held tho orphan boy. 31 Bally it disappeared in a whirl of wa ters, boiling mid swirling tn a iiornwi tnnlu for their victim. Tho sun Juatthen pierced tint log nun . . . .... . hone dimly on tho raging, tumultuotH sea. In tho meantime Father Im r Ji' tier had rescued Pierro-Marits (Joiieimn' tin, uml then rowed to tho place wiierfl the act- dent wscurred. Great tears roil ed over tho weatiier stained cheeks j! the brave lighthouse keeper, us with in cxpresidble tenderness he loosened Mi chel Sain.iin's cramped huuds front th boat'a keel. For tlireo-ntiarters of an honr th three fishermen had struggled with Ihl waves and with the winds that had been blowing furiously for tho lost 20 minutes. When Michel's lingers wer released, Father Ijo Pelletier drew him into tho boat and placed him next U Pierre-Marie. It being now certain thai the orphan was lost, tho light hou 1 1 1 . 1. n ...i.... keener made for the island keeper mane ror 1110 ismiiju wuei 1 .. I...M. ..,.. ...,.;i(,w. uflth dry nndcrclothing, stockings, shoe and conta, while my maid naa prcpurcu s r uimn ..1 Fiuully Lo Pelletier stepped on short and the two poor shipwrecked marincri followed. The pilot shook tho former by t.,.ii. i.,...,iu .ui ,,vi.r nun it en "Pravc fellow, brave fellow! Anothei rescue added to your long list. " Oh." answered Im Pelletier. tal ut,A iu 11 l.llfi.r tillii lift TY 1 LAI ililWTT M... ... " - - - - bas been lost!" And, although worn out and wet to tho skin, bo assisted th two fishermen, whowj teeth were chat teritiir. Into some drv clothing. Michel Hamzun !OUld not open bit if . . hands, so swoileu were they. They bung down limp as the bands of the dead and seemed to beclutching something invls- iblo. . Pierre-Marie, tho eider this was hil accoud shipwreck recoverei first. With half suppressed anger ho bxikod at th sea ami cured it. Then in taking oil his soaked wool jacket lie feu niswatcn. . . . tho oUl pttDU will be ex ile held it to bis car. "it did not stop, " ha)JMl!(, ,y )r.p0rtlng a lot of nsele ue eiciaimeij, lappiiij, iu "It is a very good watch. ' When the sailors were uresswi again and somewhat warmed by tho wluo, they asked aboot their wml a ooc flush spread over I'lerro-wano iac when ho heard that the pilot. Alexan- dro, had raved It Altiiongn mo sailors limbs wero still trembling mm men h. .titr ,,,i wet from tho salt wain : , : - tlury at onco stepism tuio me vewan, t....i ...1 n.i Vii.envi fr ti. tirctti roHk-rdeVy. ao oU in .. .on lion.m.mnn I took . 1... .,.,.,1 .1,1,1 nrr vui nf. thi ..... same time. Tho mnnuurs of tho ayuv pathetic crowd was the flrtit preinonl tiou the little girl had that something was wrong .She eamo out of her door, still drcKHi'd in black, her n.stk'SM little in ail covered with n white coif, h'ht saw tho farmers and fishermen form in to a group .Slia knew they ver pitying Ja r as they turned oido their heads. Ishe could hear the "alas, alal" whtcfc the wind carried to hi r, A nameless fear urged the girl for ward to meet tint crowd. With pah laco mm i'iaiu njnn wnii 11.11 1... tho chilil uiiiltirstisNl at tmco wluu slu face and eyes wide man with liorroi saw tho two lisht-rnii-n iilomi Hhti llad bai'li luiititi, cnllinu out Iu toiii-s bnii.i i by Knt-f: "Uu isdiadl Uu I dead I'' Thi wus In r inuiMitu to tho tuimu r dwt lli r ihrrii. , I 'llu isdi-ad! Un is tli-udl Dcfidwilh out ci in lt-in ui I" sbo t rif daud hdl dnwi bcfniii Ihu blai k trurlii tbal buu (it tlm v. lulu will "lln I ili'udl lla In ili-nd!" sbt will M'ii'd, Liualiiiii mi Ilia lloor, In r bu.o jri'Mi iiaiunt tlm kiiuii'ii, bur m tin snri ad tun Inward tin rrui'lll V And Ilia crowd (l lUla 1 im u 11ml farm rr (l on ih tbaimill 'fbty bl thi-tr hats lit Uu ir bands Tin y did 1101 spuik. '1 In y fnund no word of nauturt. And I -1 . lit tbt-ir iiinUt, nut is lluiii 'r 111 lbt IVtiuh t.( t itta Urn hanlt lnr t bn-utjti Tina lli rald- IfMuiaaia It Mlli. I do H"i in Hi" b al mind If liit;laiid, wlimi H i' n'l la Hii.bM ltnifitul sat' iimri 1 a uml in kU nui ruii.riil, ! nia lly liam a t! mi tin y I'M fli.ii ut. m 1,1 ii. nun sm . Ins itiumtai) Won l. Itu riiii tiilmat uy am III" III M tlllt it 4 . II. V 1 1 I I I tin b'luaw vuu fiiin iiiUr "l.iuny ful 1 1 iiit'i u InttiiM, sud lu'liiiui l lir Iii it na n in rn 1 1 iniiiiiii( 1 I Mi Iu 11 II.!' Ii 'l "f lb atti tu iii ll v . t In- un .t v i.. 1 Ii iI Hi- iHAuM Wi Uii.Kt.'U iiiilii tit lb. iinimtrtif f l Sib A Ull! -J V ' I li" i'l -I llni s in l' sitbl t ijM '"tini If 1 tn 'H' tid tilil 1 ti' liil ll' nlbl f . I.U li aid nil llu I ni l I" siiU Ul I ! an 1 tn id 111 Un 1 1. na I'll l .la H ut (da t ld italti ti td Kii'i'.'t arc 11 ta Diat.uy and lb t U I tuU Inj buvM'a tin 1 , JII lkt-tf tr Uf Wlliil, It Jfiaif ltlM y4 U tit ail I 1 1" 'I li n f 4 Slid k 1 1. ui tn i r t"iltr, Im ualJ ' tut itasr Villi-iTriUYai Hw Strawberries Utr Home l'. It would seem to bo the part of wis dom for all who till the soil to give spielsl attention lo those crops that are almost sure to psy. This is espe cially true when the number of paying crops is small. A crop pays wnen 11 brings, In satisfaction, more than costs to product it. There 1 u homo market In every farmer' family for b few bushels of a rawberrlos, and the price they will bring Is so satisfactory, so far beyond the cost, that the wonder is ihut any farmer falls to supply IhU demand, Jfivery pnrson who Is at all profleleut as a grower of utrawbeiTlen knows pcrffcdy well Unit the t'"t or producing them Is not great, mid H who have had aa abundant supply know that they contribute very miie.li to Ibfl enjoytient of all c leernml. Having per "t conflde-re in the seuiiiliieim of iheno propositions, 1 will try to tell how lo grow this fruit at small expense; Karly In the Wing select a slrh or ground in a conve Blent place, not too far from the house, and fully exposed to the mud. If the ground hits been cultivated for two years you w"l be less likely lo h troubled with white grula. The plot should be "org and narrow, so that it can h cultivated with a horse. Vo should have at least two square rods for Ci.i ti menitmr nf the family. Pt on a heavy eoatlfig of m-ure and plow It under. Then b""ow very thoroiiKhlv and smooth the aurface wll h I he float All this should ne ooin- - , mm M.inii .a Un rrounil Is dry enougu - - Then nroeiire nluflls of two K"MU ' rletles, one early and "'' JJ'l vmg permct. iihvi-. - isnu i ana iiraiiarwinn wumu I ; ---- - - . .. .. 1 l In good selection. Cut tn roots '" "' two or three Inches, ana piani wnu crown level wl h tho surface, I"" '" linn vrnniin firiniv uuoui 1110 i"' ' " rows should be turee icci wi - (the plants sixteen Inches In me row- Th hed shon d be cullivaieu auu l...,1l,.i,.lu uflf.ii l.llltitlnST. MO MS l" jjf,;JBLVl , - - " . j,.ttV(, B j00se surface that will prevent the evaporation of molsftre from the j-,.11 fa the main object of Mtirr- Ii u,u n mul It should be done 01- turn ' - . a . Bft,i, in keen a loose suriar,e at ,, iUmi This Incidentally prevent the growj, 0 weeds. From one to two u a ii ennil ah to stir the 'ground, and It rhould be kept p tn 0clob(,r i blosiioms that come out 'muHl hn l ut 0f( Bn, all runners . (,0f)C mJl through the growing ' jhiu Ust be faithfully at- . tUrt a oon OS the last no- I ; , tll, flf ,t , , October, or '"-.." ..h two 0f cut straw : ' .., tJ), ,rfUee h. :"",,-fn tha row. If all the apace r.tWl. iun WS tiTn," be covered, so "'" ":': '.,, h,- first freezing , M,iit teav the foliage and thawing, and stlli Have tne iohw k , im , - iin- of winter the season. At the beginning nf winar mm bed should be well covered with . traw I which is to he rcinoveii from directly ... .,.. u,t,..n growth com nvdr lne eruwo - " As soon as the nuinnld In T II A Bill HIK tho leaves are to be iriin. 1 . 1 cut off. and when thry are dried the ia to t,e stirred un and the he'i III 11 iv aa " - - , . 1 t.nrnt over. New, healthy Krowth will nlnri fit fill ft"! and not a rusty leaf will Dim 1- v " - . , 1 be seen that season, as a ruie, 1 U to receive the same care It had the first season. If these directions are fol lowed there will baldly be a failure In twenty years. M. Crawford. Simr Iii lit"" Voorv fruit ci.iwir should own - 1., .,1,1 ,.,.lw sprnylnB ajinarnliH und h"'l j "l"' riniilii.'iux nilXliirn iiurn mi'" blorsoma opi-n, st rotid time Jiitl " llowfra urn oianliiit nnl analn wln?n iiM.les aro about tho sln of pt-ns and a fourth and fifth rpraylnn at lutrvals of about thra wnks tliM'-uftt-r, says a biilliitln from tlio Oslalionnt st ttloti. 'Ihl should iri-viit Piip'.t' ''tb and f'inr.1 Ihnl iittaik tho fo!!ii.:, Tlia Ml nilldii foiiiiul.1 for Jlonh-uti itiutura l.i a Mbiw: Waltr, f. paibi's; '! atuiii. li iiiiiiii1. iiMslai-Mf I ltiii"i lni'iils; taa onn Inuid out of a fi'l r, 1II011 vlitt-i: r bnrnl end till halt full of wot-r 1l ni 1 I'oiinds of bluis tons In a ilw- of fi'iimy sacking and siiaiifinl U from a stb-U arrn. His loii i,f iba barn I. bi-n'ih iha sttrfai-a of l!i water. In snoilii-r ,n,sr alsrk 4 in, 11 il .f i inn lo a sin" " iiasis fr.-v ui In mi. sid r.nl Whmi lb inoih nli' ! ublittii'd aid mi ml nil iti-r to liiasn ;' a r,iii 'I bis I . ,:u I lliw H ilt, i f lln.i and IlltUt i ail) rut id In bo ua.B ll Mill b l.ii,.il vtty 1 mi 1 tin ut tu tut a " S4l bii bainl In two, ma Him ittu sal uu i.l. Ilitii a a -n Silluii bitiil 1 '..i, at li if lo 'i riu sIiiimM tak a I .li kit 1 lid lut.l III I'Ufi l I'l.a ! mill j nil il, luiH. of hlni whlla Ilia Hn't . !! .!. 1 1 4,1 ..iai t 111 blllM nii.ii nl itiuii, Win a ail Is mud l'u.i'ii,;?il, S si i'I klii's bSnla !ini!l In b 1 1 la lbs i'l'i' 11M I 1 ma inU. m ii tl n 1 1 imlli' d If I'll- t I UV.'a 111 a r I " t I if In if lln. s ln'l.1 I n u t h i, I al If It r ii 'i i niar4 in u I i'ly f tM f I'ttst.H Th OuUr.a , iiiii. Hit aUtl ill li titi i. 1 1,( t , tinat v lih -4 'ii-, wiut iiilsifit'1 sift. ianiliini, iiut wil l ttr '" t i's v Kir Ibirs yar la iirit. '' l I I w t a;iiit Il ilrl IU 'ailtl I Iba a n ( i"d, l'i Ulfml tH tains ik. ti;nl fiot lb I '! t l br t niii l tb "i ! u na INsi in. t ia .! 4 t lilt Iba ! nf lh tU lH M .i HI IV lt :nW is' lb . Arlington Nursery Simula twMtKl to pott In lb Wt In tb ws nf lara SMoMnient of Mirl Mwff Ki.kel tlm K'Sillii InifUv vriii'ii. I,i lil M nilli- inirisw.nlut (tiiutba 111 li lnlln . ffint lt ut tli rna'a bi lii wniatry alxniuili In ii'leirill"iim !) la niyn.n'ii of aim, Minna ainai iliaiic 10 iinuy tint MarJia aiai uiiuilluu Is saral el alaiimt rry rely e utitt, ' , OifM-i trani(rt(ls tlmt srefy psrt ef tbOit. ' i."Min tuUliiaa frii uiua ai'iaiuatais, sailsbuitiuii with ulani.'M eretJ MARSHALL BROS an n m NEBRASKA HAY CO., mil WHOLESALE Hay, Grain and MUlFcedSi Bale-Tie Hth nd Nicholas Sta., ' - l,u ,'.t mhMku liii i.f ana iwu-Mwrv ini.rt. OBlt90na Columbia .y.vv.i 'in. AHIumtaM P9-Tooih H'W, Vulkj elta-Tohi liawivm, Omtiarnm Oamblnullon Harrow, firtU' loUh Hnrvaw, Oolumbla f forlltlo A Itmwlvl Dim Hmreowo, ttfvl mattatiotm, Oolmnhlm Inollnotl Unrn Hmrvafr A Olnilmr, MhtHn4 T4iiam, Oulumbta Mower, (1 A U-bwmmt '"W?f',?Zm"HkV'' OolumUo Or itln llnrvomltr ana Dlntltr, All-Olavl llmmiDum ttiku, Otlumbla IXaaoor, Y.ntr ni lilii In lull v wrruMil t the ) i,f It eta w tlmt Un. It n.tmnui: aia. M Vt' iUtm.A wil d icnW muti'dal, aaiiiut sualpamat, u. not n iiampui , mini .!,. .tut n.,J l.n.u utuerlem a. TtO Out OliOWIt horo la that of our OMDORUC Wbb ll. talxaOK a v. Ieil turttl ttmil', lit mi Ud 1 mm... Wa mull 11 Look tor n, noml wook. aliiiubtuulUvaOirwilH li'Ui'l llil. hi), t l,i wlmi'l tint b nJn Don't 1I41 mt.VLtm i:V mrmma, a Mt'.rAi 11 -oit 13, SCENIC LINE (TO WORLD Denver R io Grande fh: Popular Through Car UTAH.CAUFORNIA. "''NORTHWEST ft-SH H taato omnium lf Wl Iftiis,'tri0l i,iiui,u-, I, K. Q.r.A., mm, ant. KIMBALL BROS., Wholesale and Ilttail Dcalen. MftRBLe, QRftNITe SLftTQ for building and cemetery work. Sevenl hundred finUbed Monument! of modern design always" 00 bind. SAVE MIDDLE MAN'S PROFIT AND DEAL DIRECT. .... Write (or cute tod pricei. A personal cU preferred. Address, Cor. 15th sod O Sti., ANDY 10 iDCrtf flTPf V rni IflllTPPn I war OUwvuUiuut w wniinti 1 liui Inn. i-i-f l.ail kwikl.triM, 4. ST rill Mil III B Mil TURKISH FEMALE TONIC. A Nacrtalts to Weak Wonssn. rV'tillviiiy Hi iMiit- trnmMt tnr mhmI t tmhmft of Slant. fiiutiHi. I'urn Bit tmmm Sana winiiairmii ' taa pwrMiva iaii. I'ra I" ('llasil hHMMSU . UKMDII m . . UtsTioi ma Nmuusk Ist'ki'fcsiirsT an o o o o o 0 o & o s CURECOHSTiPATIOH SVt ARMERS, FARMERS, FARMERS! A SPECIAL InvitAtlon is extended to the formcri of L.tncnter County And vicinity (since tpring Is arproachlng) to caII At our p!.ue o! business And i:et prices for your spring Painting. Our quotations will surprise you, Why buy In ferior gooJi, when the best can be purclused for the wme money? We have It, And give you a guarantee with every Article, .M. Our p.nt experience has taught us that the farmer uses as good an article as amtody, and why not give them hi worth f their money? We guarantee that you will receive tlie be.t w treatment and satUlactlcn. I'e'ivctfully, o STANDARD GLASS & PAINT CO,, Lincoln, Niibrjvlu, O J, li. MTYI lt, Manner. Fruit Farm .. . . - - Arlington, Neb. - OMAHA, NEB nanaKinrtiifwl lit l Wl iiiihjkiiiIb tlfWf ndHJWmlot bolumuia unme imn ah ft imrm ton, l ohm i t H" "" fi it ?!" ' Hlll ' bluil laiilwiM-ia fir eanivauna uu auia ur In flwn imUrras, eie li IUi un lh, Ka. II a la w uuM 4l tii'.l muotv ut llni wrmvUiM ltlMiuii Nn. I Inil liKSfcailiWlwiil, hf flail wlienl, Nii.Sbua Invurmswialliaf nivw's. Hi. 4, tin wlisil una t i.M..m f.f ar.U.Jltii ktitikmrttia. HUti Htt. t. ItUM V.tli hfM U it H WIM-I'I n.. ....til ..u 'I'bi-rarwsrfjastatilw biniiK Out until J) oil ,t( rWi Mlla murn. 11(11 Jliftrli'M VIMI If'TPIti I IT rrrillil 1 1 MB tnftvff. 'V ni co mmon pus i ( ,Mt.iia Inia him! looal Agonli himiI ri'ni tlm Imami, f"Jit'iii'nt, Hiataf sliavulii farillirnfitlibMbiiif wm-Ji, ttidu iiixiii vit virtu una itu vitr.ru p, M. ItlOMK A CO., CH1CA89, lilt. Une to finj CONNECTIONS SANfBANCISCOPOmXVJ SEATTLE and TACONA WITH All STfAMSHIP UHli fOR KLONDIKE LINCOLN, NED. CATHARTIC DRUGGISTS wf nmnlltnltoa. rrarft ar Ik Ideal Uia rlu ur irliM.lial fm rM Blrlriis, I 0.. niravi. iHMiumti. 1 ., wnw ihi, Sit. TURKISH TANSY and PENNYROYAL FILLS MM kafMMS) Ux 4a t, Mmtt ku WI ft tFaA SBM m wJP ejataV HSHM-a s-HAavacv. Iimunim VmM alun "trltinit lo ur aiin-tli' rs. 04 riIILl.lt MATTrit. TltmP.m"lftf2$r ALL