The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, April 07, 1898, Image 2

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Apnl 7, 189
f 8 if
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Deck w no mor onr door and hall
j Willi niUtlftoe and holly Nn,
For all the where warmer fall
Th kle cf spring are 'tired In green,
I Now gone It enow wlilla muni la drear,
I Tli brand Lrwint of the prairie a ell
) , Willi bursting leaf life, and 1 hear
Til qulvftrlng peu ut Hauler bulla.
Vp rldea th itin wlih growing light.
11 looks where hla lat lua baa been.
, Rot now to mock (h wlntur'a wlili
i TI10 Making lamb la kJwhere anon.
I Tli laughing torrent drowna the weir,
' From every hill brooklet wells,
! And on tli laden Air I hmr
' Tb clang of throbbing Kester tw.lle.
And. there, along tb village lan,
Uo loving couulea, hand in hand.
: Th lemma of the spring o plain
J writ that all tmiat understand.
I "Joy In my joy and know no four"
1 Till la the fate to all it bill
Aa from the aiootilo, loud and clear,
' liurata the glad eound of Tinier bulla.
' AHO Ma so.
Wj, by th Author.
AHTKi, J a got
emn occusiou a
very solemn on
casloii linhmd
to b tJiiiu with n
wife mid seven
daughter. Hovcm
new drewse 1
new drcs - 8.
fcoven now bnt
4- 1 how hat 8.
Eight x 1 palrol
tmw glOVC m ij
pulr. Oua pock
etboolc H tmw
drew, H tmw
luiti nud 8 now
fdJrg of kIovps ,00000001 or lm.
iWliicli whall it la, my (Jcnr Kuntct
bat, droNKft tod glows tlii yitar or a
gannrnl unhIkijidmiI fur tbo bcunflt t-f
creditor, witb uiilllniT jrefcrred?"
At Mr, Alugna (ilirlcy Dwka thow
word ho mopped hi bald puto with a
knrchiiif and brcuthod u long, dcrp nigh
like tho lb of nil Hirbruke whon a
train ootuci to n gtutirlNtill. Tho com
ilttofloa way and tnmma of tho Oirluy
family, conaigting of Girloy and JMrg.
O., wai holdlug an executive aoiiHlon
bobind cloxdd doora in tbo parlor, and
In tbo diuiuK room on tho oppoHito aide
of tho Mild cloned doora Amivttu, I'Mli
m, Cloritidn, Uiipbno, Klfrida, Floret
ta and Uciicviove, tho acvcrj dauKljtcra,
wore liateuinK iutwilly and wonduriiif
why it wom that papa couldn't "git out
nod huKtlo," a one of thorn expruaaod
It, and tnako more money.
"Fiftoou dollar for an I'ahtcr hut I"
uorti'd Mr. Girlcy. "Why, it'a extor
tion, tbeft, asaaultaud battery and hi(h'
way robbery! I'll lot tbo material for
out doenn't coat 4!) cents I"
"It i on awfol priee, uo doolt oboot
It," aigbod Mr. Cilrley, "nnd yet one
cannot get a etylleh, kwcII looking hnt
for leai anywliure iu tho (Jrentcr New
!York. 1 know it, for I lmvo tried, aud
if thrro'g a millinery rtoro worth vUit
f if that I haven't vixiud it in bw.nune
you only gavo mo (0 for car faro. 1 11 m
very irorry, lat th (,iilamui-t hiivu hula.
A girl without a new l.'uhti r hat in the
onbappieKt creaturo ulivo. JSlie ia abxn
lately nobody. Then Mra. Koupon and
ber two duuxhters next door alwuyi
havo uo'v L'uhtnr hutH, mid if our nirli
do not tho KoiipoiiM will look- down
upon on. which would never do, for they
are Just Ix KiniiiiiK to ha iilco to ux, mid
young Cliurlea Uoveo Koupou in atti n
tivo to Anuttto and and the pirla i:n
ply niunt huvo huta. Tliu tlovca and
droKaei and ribbon. uro all puid fur, aud
7 tiroes 15 ia ( lily"
"r-'even time iintliiuRl" cried Mr.
Ulrley. "I imveu't u eent left, und out
bill at Kotchuiu & Hiukeui'a ia ulrendy
larger than they want it. liuying aeveo
Kaxterhuta ia an impoaaibility, Koujioui
or uo Koupnua. If tho girl were h um
ing aotnethiuii leaidea Uelxiirto and how
toliamiiur a piano, they'd -iuow how
to trim a hat ft to wear. There' only
oue Tafter hut eomiuu into thia houw. "
"Only out?" cried tho horritled Mr.
Uulyo uK?" Kd the ulilitas
whiaprr, a diimayi d wliirptr.
"Ihat'a wiiul 1 aaid only one, but ll
will do," iuaUtod Mr. (itriey. "It yon
aud A. II, l 1 1. K. F and t) have tie
tali-lit ft-r In tuitu uiul iiiaiiaiiiuii, I'll
upply the family myrnlf."
tilriey aotuetlMe 1111 nllinitd tli j;lf li
iu au alil.uUtual niituutr. Nuiuaa
r j . v
"U Ukll" fM'lk TH a lhlb MU
nitli vn iiagtlt all tvtftl
bo itvl ! ton , 1 1 tf kuiuvi
wei i mm an 4 t-u bi4 an
Itft ll l4i
"t Auu-ti itti yim 4 l)
tUat ttuuhtuii btl mw at Krt tiina
limiotH', and loirtit I II thf- M it,)
ilav" ! MRt I b tii ba.
NVU b ma b tm uiitrt at
Hiafct, Mf l'Ul I v4 at I ad
iMaiiUi tMr, He aw tttott arltb
MtUtaii, bitl diildig Mia litter bat
fci Copyright.
J0 j!k. Illljil' ilil
by Boven Eautcr girls was tho wors:
problem ho hud aver wreHtled with, lie
wag worn out but will untitled, tncrl
but triumphant. The clrla hud all trird
on tho new hat and wero ununiinouMly
of tho opinion that it wus " jutt too awect
for unythiiiK.
"Kow come here, A, H, C, D, K,
and (i and your mother, I havo th
Euater problom aoIvod,"Mr. Girloyaaid
aa he took tho new iiat iu hi bund aud
examined it critically. "Thia ia the
very hut for tho purpoHO. I never kuw
one yet thut couldn't bo worn wrong
end to or aidewaya or up;ida down at a
'Oli-h-h-b-h, papal" aoven voioei
ghrieked in pretext.
"Iluah, children, your father ha tbo
Door," adtnoniahnd Mr. Girloy, a ho
took Gcneviovo, the 10-your-old baby of
the family, on 0110 kneo, "Aa yon aro
awuro, wo aro face to face with an Ha
tor eriNl. Hevon young Jodie muat op
pcur on Eaatnr day with now hut,
Their fond father woald gladly purcluiHO
tho hat if he could, hut hi purio 1 ho
budly puuetured he 1 unable to raiao
tho 'wind.' In abort, tho Hevon young
Indira cannot have aoveii i.aater hat,
Hovr wait," be cried a a murmur
aroKo, "tho quoNtiori ia, How fan tho
aovon appear beforo all tho world with
tmw bat on KiiHter without tho pur
chuwt of invert hot ut 915 per hut'' M
ten, I will tell you, Tomorrow i Ku
ter, Iu tho morning your mother, wour
ing a look of diKguat and a rmido over
but; Annette, wearing tho now lint, and
your father wearing any old tiling will
attend ehnreli. 1 but dlKjioccaof Aumittt).
Iler now hut will lo known of all wom
en, "Wo nh;ill hurry homo, end Hettiua,
wearing tho now but rovemed, will vlwlt
rJuuduy aehool in triumph, Thut aettlo
liotliua. ' Immediately after Humlny
gohool (Morindu, wearing tho new hut
aldowiiyn, will drop into Mra. Konpon's
to inquire about mimething or other,
80 mueh for Glorlmlu'a brie.f KuHter
diapluy. When Cloriudii return home,
Uuphiio will deftly unpin tho bluo flow
er 011 tho hat and auhntltuio redone
and then go for it wullc, piiHing the
Koupou reaideueo ut leant four time ho
that tho Koupon girl will ho duly and
properly impruHKcd. That nettle
"Klfrida will then rulmtltufo yellow
(lower for the red one and attend tho
afternoon tulk of Mr. Uoluhka, tho tola
aionury from the Holomon iaiuud, That
flniahea Klfridn. When aho return,
Floretta with pink (lower on tho hut
will walk aronnd tho block aeveu time
and borrow a hook of tuaiato Koupon.
Bo mm h for Floretta. In tho evening
Gom vlovo, wearing the hut Inaida out
or trimmed with purple flower aud on
compuuiiiil by her mother, will attend
church. Thut nettle Gcneviovo und
and the uoveo of you, thunk houvonl"
With a High of relief, Mr. Girlcy
ghook Genevieve from hia kneo and
amid a chorua of murmur fled,
Tho following duy bi programme
waa carried out to tho letter. One
daughter after another appeared with
tbo now haHter but, und thijro wu not
bitch. A tho continuou perfortnauco
with one hat progreaaod Mr, (iirley rub
bed hia hand with aatinfactiou aud hi
fut, red fueo fultly betimed.
"Tho duy lsi gaved," lio nnld Joyfully,
and no' tho liiouey. I tell you, it
take a man to moot un emoriteucy of
Mi:. I.IUI KV OltoAVUi IN AM.t lHII.
thia kind. Fifteen dolhira for a atraw
bat and n bunch of artificial ioliuuy
Jump upil Tho ideal"
lie waa not entlnmlnitio when
FuiN'tte Koupon etiiled and wanted Het
tiua to g for u wulk. and i'ettiua could
tiot do to I tvaiuo l.'Unda waa imprima
ing tho fai l that alio had n new hat
liui Mr. tHdahk.t of tbu S'lmiimi
tl.iudi. Nir waa h an ruthuitiiiu
when t liarha Dovio Konpon drme up
in a ah IkIi to mKo A ti ito fr a rhl,
and Ainu tto uueomH hd to tefunu w
rauHi i'h,r H i, vi lib ink flow ra mi the
bat, v. vtaikitig vn tiuir around
tint 1 1, Hk, Nor i lio wt Joyful when
tho '( .1 1 1 Hlnn and Ibt w pin j
Aniitii 1 uiid thi koitixw luil enured lN)k
tail (I 111.1.1. I ti t i.p. Iltriilv MiM
U. tK in vn u an I tin'ir Mi rm l niuilni
uiriui.!M tilttt l.iiu lb U btghl and U
KUI I I 4 lltl4
"Y," aaid Mi4 ilirhy, "y-u lnvt
aoil.iutuvly e.v .1 the !jy ud t
1 1 e y, and yuu v l oe vull 1 (. i
) u'o wti' I ill vU.,1 al . ul .ii.iitiuwt
tfvruiirl ! ii4thl arneiil
Willi tvii iuvt l.tthr iiiia tmntoigii
tut l.'KiufMw wtaiiiij at 1 1, 1 bit ant
in lw inl 1li, i.nt, lb Kiu-m
lavw luvilid n all la r..iue uui Mm'
rvw ittght t a iwell hii 4rtr, aed
w etiii If V4aii. y " th ltUlltutul
Uiv W Im i ve a.ii. t U ,' '
"tin a b a a, 4 v imI i m
Ing Unl !' hifcH iUaM'l tlei
K'r tl iU ai id In ai g-i.ili Aud
I hi waa bw M U4 Mvt tb iif and
lha ii! m ; I
u am; , it aumr b tnaf o a
In Ud a.'ue, lt I ilviHa Hi' n.iit be
ia ih I n r Ki nnd-r ai ami ai-4
Ht tWtV hi ttitsia Willi a l lit, vt nj. i bl ml end
It au bt ur Ui 1 1 ilieHif iU
kit.t, t bt bit iMibvl biHua b
MCI) III''. VfU lull.ll.HMlf lb
ttfla atTt.4 ty tnitliuM. but be viai
fe lgvf iarrtH wUb.
k I mm
A I'Ktllloii Wliluli Mkr Oat m htrong
Cjia I'rotmt Agolnut the Wrong rat
t pon the I'eopla by I'aaaea and Itebalea.
Tea I)Jcrlinliitloii.
A Romowhut remurkublo doenment,
with petition attached, ia being circu
luted iu Ghlo JuHt now, aaya a Toledo
corrcHpondent of tho Cbcugo Record. It
in uddrcKxcd to tho general aHombly of
Ohio and, after calling attention to tbo
furreuohiug importance of tho 2 cent
faro bill now boforo tho legislature und
tho gravoreHpotiMibility attaching to tho
action of tho lawmuker on tho mutter
in question, it read;
"All consideration of tui aubject
abould bo bused on tho asiiumptlou that
tho railroad, a now existing hern, i
the trout uro of publlo authority, having
no wurrant ave a it prom i sea to pro
tnoto the publio aervico. To auch end
tho first object must be atriot equality
for all cIunhcm of citizen, Without fu
vorilism iu any form, every citizen is
entitled to whatever bonelits tho railway
extend to any other citizen iu like cusu.
To whatever extent Much equality i
Jacking, manifest rlghta aro denied, Tho
currier, wholly the creature of govern
rncut, cmlowud with extraordinary pow
or for Hpeclllo purpose, thereby comon
to ho pract ically un agent of tho govern
tocnt and should bo held to responsibll
ity accord iugly, Thu a railway hu
110 moru right, in tho conduct of it
opeiutlon, to dlHcrlmlnutu between cit
izens than hu tho Judgo on. tho bench,
thu governor or other publio olTlccr to
show purtiumy in tho dlchurgu of ofll
clul duties. Hence u railway company
can projicrly do nothing which the state
might not properly do wero tho railway
tho property of tho utitto, instead of l o
ing u coriioration created by tho atuto
ao'lely for publlo ends,
"Of tho different cnuNGNfor complaint
In (hi couuootiou tho moht serious i
found in tho grossly unjust discrimiun
tiotj in charge so universally pructiced
in Loth pusseuger and freight trunspor
tutiou. Nothing in the history of com-
mcrco hu equaled it iu wrong. First,
a to pasHonucr fare:
.Something of tho extent of thin
wrong in Ohio wuidiowu by tbo report
cf Ituilroud Commissioner Kirkby for
Jhoy. It wuii there nhown that during
tho your JJ2.t)b7,))23 puHseugera were
curried in this atuto, tho nggreguto
truusportatiou of which wu 1, 002,815,
619 mile. At tho advertised rato of 3
cent per milo t ho receipt for thin would
buvo been $:I0,0H4,4(15, w boron the
amount actually received wa $18,320,
045, or $ll,b0l,410 lesu than according
to tho regular rato of 8 cent per milo,
Tho actual rato paid wu 1.81:1 cents
1.187 cents las per milo than the regu-
lurrato. As thus shown 20,057,411 pas
geuger at 8 cent a milo would huve
puid tho totul amount received, thq,re
mumiug 12,ti2U,bH'i, or their equivalent,
paying nothing. Thu aa ahowu ill) J J
per cent of tho wholo, or UU5 out of ev
cry 1,000 transported, rodo at tho ex
pciiso of their 005 follow jiusHengorri. A
eccu, hud a'A paKCtigera paid at tho rato
of 1) edits per mile tho receipts would
havo amounted to If iO,0."J(i(:J 10. rrijl,
8110, 171 moro than tho hum received.
"Thesu most aiguiflcant facts, report
ed to tho htulo by ollieiiil repn scuta
tiven, havo reached 110 uUculinn iu no
fur us tho wrong they point out from
tbo state. It ia deemed entirely aufu to
statu that thcro mut Lo sonio special
euuso for siudi indilTerencc to m great n
publio wrong, houhl tho coniiniKhiou
era of I ho several eonutics i.f tbo tato
imdertuko to throw thoinliru burden of
taxation upon 00 pir cent of thu prop
erty owners in order that the remaining
40 per cent ii.ij;lit l: shielded from nucli
charges it in not prohuldo thut tho leg
islature, year after yrur, would wholly
iguoru audi khumeful outrage, miles.'
the member of that body wero mining
tho exempted clans of prupt rty owners,
aa tin y now aro under tho btiaCeiuriea
of no lek wrong In railroad truusportu
tiou. Or, kuppoko like discrimination
iu t 'barge khould bo practiced by the
luuimgir of tho itali'iunitls. two thirda
of tho shippera being com pi I'.ed tJ pay
tho i nt Ire amount ehurgid (or transpor
tation. Would thu rcpnxi ntiititee f
HtliciH thus wiiiniti I duin itfusiitveu
attempt at relief, thoui;li lin y wire Uu
ttlciiinea f tho wrong?
"It muy bo t luimed that Ihoiawa aro
nut similar, U t I'm n im ii thu
eunul mio tliu property if thu Mate,
win In tho ruilnud ru n.,. l'ut Hm
vital fa' I 1 1' ma I in Ibul tho railway
wire in .red ami opt rate I a aidi ly uu
ihr uuitn ilty aiolii I i f the ktato a
aru 1l.11 i.oiuU, lln uiili liiruuiiU itldtrvul
agiiui , Ki-nia llm tate, in riy
gi..iu,d 1 f, i, u a (idly ii'piiiktbli
lo tUu iio Him a In ihuitliir, In tlm
I j iH' ii.i,ii 1 1 Jud,;.i t'lwder, ' I hfl liljii
Wy III liiii Ulu ir Itin blliW i) I (
ill.) uiji.. 1 1 f 1 rivaii', tut if puHin, ii hi lat I-" " A a mai
lt r 1 ( 1 1 l, ! iiu' kdrivi r mul dtay
au kid in 14 1 1 I k,i . mi i.t ability,
and l( lUiw, wi y M , thu
t liilif llio In-1 4 1 f "ll.e U nUt Ulb'
if t 4S..tll..u" bl ll.a u m. , liuv S4
tl ' 11 luta ) 1 1. a aunt ly Ibe
I', iiu 1 1 uu iiiintui ih niit,tii vi m.
n,li,M, au t m) h4 lrm tua"tt
Hiiwl I vii lb,il Ihi'ta ite lu emu
l ut t Ui.ud Ida I guUin
it 1 I i!iuy t.i.lii4ii0 i in am it
A iint U d.. n Ike "MUti4
it .ily AdifhlaNia" la Ui
' ll ! lM:'U l la U a tatllil if
tt t-i.1 if trtti a 14 d
I'W.'.iu .'i;.ly iu r,. iitiui tul, ta
t " lil ! iivd auil I lla muV'
1111 Mltki in lii,.,t tt.bbtif li4a
t i w tvi,,ii4 IwuiMly w.K na
jut t liiia tp. 11 (ha 'iUU4 f
I ii 1 1 1 ilii i n. l ii. M4ryu
umn If tbiit mQii4 vmdtiKu ly
x,iwii,i a,"
A rvttkiiUiakU etl.4i of tba
). Kiuiiil I da 1 t 4 U a it iw lb)
railroads' aide of tho case, with com
mente, Aa an illuNtration:
"W. II. Fisher, general passenger
agent of tho Hocking Valley ruilway,
submit a statement of tho trafliu of
that road, in which ho show tho rev
enuo derived from passenger for the
year 18110 to havo been fir-GO. Tho
total number of pusseugerg carried ono
milowas 27,4-14,514. Of these 00 per
cent (representing 16,40fl,7tltJ miles)
used special ticket at different reduced
rufos, tho kumo amounting in fare to
$101,344, or 1 cent per mile. A thus
shown, tho remaining 40 per cent of
passenger (repreaen ting only 1 0, 87 7, 832
mile, ut tho full ruto of 8 cents, paid
$329,334, or twico us much as did the
00 per cent of favorite. How i that
for Justice? Mr. Fisher make especially
prominent the fact that had tho pussen
gor paying 8 cent puid but !J cent
thero would havo been a los to tho road
of 37,C50, Hut hu i careful to evade
the fur morn potent fact that had all tho
passenger paid tho uniform furo of
cent tho receipt would have been
1540,810, or!i(l,(l70 more than ia now
shown, How does thut gentleman dis
pose of tho fact thut while 40 per cent
of tho passenger wero wronged to the
extent of 9108,778 the road lost $0(1,
The question of railroad tax discrlmi
nutiou is handled a follows:
"Another mutter demanding imiiio
dlato attention is that of tuxution of
railroads. Tho tiuullo value of these ia
(ixud by thu auditors of tiio counties in
which they lio. Aa allowing something
of how this ia douo, it muy bo atutod
on authority of tho stato tux commia
klon that 15 road named now stand on
tho tux duplieuto ut if l,0:.':!,HI)ri, where
a their true value ia $M 1,(1 10, 002, at
nearly ijj time tbo former, they being
taxed, et say 20 mill on tho dollar, tho
gum or iy40,'l77, wlillo tbey should
pay 12,802,381 udolloloncy of $2,051,
001, to bo tnado good by other tux pay
er, it appear that tho valuation of the
Luko Kboro, thu (Jlovclutid und 1'itU-
burg und tbo J'ittsburg, Fort Wujtio
und Chicugo in 1802 wa lew by $1,
080,017 than it wa in 1878 J 1 yeurs
previous. Tbo UHKi'ogato valuation of
tho horse inOliiolii 1802 wan fl 7,000,
000, or about oiio hrilf of all railroad
property in tho stato. The Jlaltimorc
und Ohio HouthweMtoru rood pny taxe
on $0,000 per milo, while it claim a
capitalization value of $127,078 per
milo, or 13 times the former. Tho tux
commission places it real tuxablo voli:u
at live time that fixed by tho uuditnr.
Thus tho luboring man' homo, worth
guy $3,000, puy suy $15, wliilo thii
ruilroud, on thu same amount of t (lia
ble vuluation, pays $0, u dilVorcnoo o(
$30 itgufiikt tho homostcud."
TI10 prayer to tho legisluturo is thut
tho signers simply ask equitable taxa
tion, without regard to subject or other
No Gripe
Whim you take I food's I'llU, The big, old-f.mli-toned,
augar-tiouteil illl.i, which U'ur you all to
piece, are not In It with Mood'. i:ny to take
and easy to eperatu, Is true
of Hood' I ' 1 1 1 1 . which uro
nptoilalu in every restci-t.
Safe, certain and smc. All
ilniRBl.siH. s.v. ('. t. Ilixid Si Co., I iihi'II, Mass.
Tbu only to tilie with Hood's HarHupanllii.
A. II. HKIU, Aohnt.
Corner N and 8th Sis., LINCOLN.
Phone 65. . . .
roll Assortment. Best Grade,
J Lowest Prices.
Dr. Hcrtzman.
.'tU V-or in Oiiiulia.
vv'vM'. ,,,"""'iu'i.m run:
Ai4' 516 North I61h St
wr." ' OMAHA. HED
flftUJenei Prion 653.
UflUePhons 656.
Surccon and
ItiHim 17. IH A IU. Ilarr tink,
Offlc beurt: 10 ta 12 I in., I to
S t m.
Sttiiik noun; J to 9 i n,
A awe I ! " , O
X t a. !'- T
0 . a 4ihm,,
jT lii,,.Ul IIN in j.
. --ri, fc-wa
T I V 4 M M .
ie I Ik - " V
1 M - k idi W. k4
A M I ' a-M W
T m- W Mm. -) i
A lkl -.i .l IS kkl t f
T k.iu.HMI4tlMlll&
O HltliltiM Nieetsaa Q
rr ,i".a,i
iany People Cannot Drink
eoflee at night. It opoils their sleep.
You can drink Grain-0 whnn you please
aud aleep like a top. For Grain-0 doe
tot etimulate; it nourishee, cheer and
Imda. Yet it looka and tostt like tbo
beat coffee. For norvoua persona, young
people and children Grain-0 ia the per
'net drlok. Made from pure graina, Get
a package from your grocer today. Tr
t la place of touve. 10 ana Joe,
Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company
Office 20th and hard St. Thou 476
Write for Trice.
OMAHA. t t t t NER
Private Diseases u IMMr.r r
20 VonraEiiinrlmioo.
Dook !' run. 'i,iinltii.
Hop l ruo, Uox 766, oi
14 th and raratm Bta,
"T . i rrrr war
The Missouri I'lielfto eltr ivVnt ntflik
hne been removed from 1201 O afreet U
too. 10as O atruet.
Dr. Ketchunr
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
on1 P.'ititmU
uuu vaiunu a w a a a m
Bpaotaalc Camfully FllUd. All (tea raaaonabl
Offlc 4tb floor Ilfchard Rlock, Uncoh
Tb Bight Boor to RloDdlke.
Whether you aaloct tb all-water route
by way of St Michaels, or tb overland
route via Dyea, 8k or way, Cooper river,
Taa or BtiKioe, you muat tirat reach a
1'aolno port of embarkation.
Til Rio Giunds Wkhtkkn Railway.
In connection with the I), ft R, O., or
Colorado Mid laud By., la the hort, di
rect ana popular root to nan rranclaco,
rortiano, i acoma or neattie. 'i oroutb
glaeplnggbarg and free roclinloff chair
cars from Denver to Han Francisco and
Denver to Portland. Cboloa of three
routes thro the Rockies and tb most
mognlfioent acenory lo the world. Writ
to F. A. Wadlrior, O. P. A.. Halt Lake
City for copy ol Klondike (older.
Aro you interested In telrg.
rnpliy? Young ladles and
gentlemen cud prepare them
aolve In cemparatively abort
tim. The work la pleasant na
well na proiltuble. Auexperi.
euced operator iu charge ol
thia deportment. Student
assisted in securing positions
when comix tcrit. Address,
Lincoln Business College,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
A lacks Oo.'d riwlds
If you conterrmlHt a trip to Rt Mich
a'-l'a Cirele City, Ft. Cu.iiihy, or Fortj
Mile or iu (net any point iu Alnxkttjlet
m quota yon rate and allien, i
hve the very lateat advice from Tort
land and h. utile. G. V. Itounell, C. i
T. A., corm-r Tenth end O atrouu
llurliugtoii Route, Lincoln, Nubrusko.
Greatest Newspaper in Nebraska.
Tin Omaha
baa ba raduivd to vp
$4 per year in sdvance
katrtt:,lliina 11 . rrTH at thn In.l.
Imlri nHw, ur I hr majr be ! to
111 ml.lnliif. ilirl.
flfleea llunra la I hliaaa
la all it lake. If yuu lav l.lueoln on
th Unrliutttua'a un luit trum at 111U
p. in , any iliir. No rhaniraol eara. l o.
lira train ol I'ulliiiuo li. r aud (n rH
I'liiiitig rhair car ruua anlnl In I'lueimo
uulitu ili'iml, t'uH at 1 1. A M. ibHit or
nlv i'l!!', tur t and Tulb atrwt lm
bertk. lh'kM an'l ti'l luturinitiiiMi.
liko. W. UokUL. I". T. A 1'. A,
sat due il n.l l.i a lhM? Ww.
and hnw tiiuld una guT Hliat ehnul
ue take? U hra are Ika nnuia? Una
iiimti bava kv pMhluwU? I auri
iikMilita!? Wh il ar ara pi IT l
living ii..ii.? Wkat ara oae'i
t i mkuia" a etna.?"
t Din 111 aad ealiela lurv fephva .
Ida abut iaaliiita will be fuau-l talk
IturliuaUia l;'a "KUia.bia 'i.l.l,
au fadv K' dutrtbaitua. Kiti
p!a tf -iaU'al Ink watttia aad at
Hilik,l.ikU4iil Aiaeka a4 tka klwa
il krj tneal I r l af Cuaia in k
(Ihva, ur at fa rnl til btut at a la U
Uu.jet v J I r , U' I'tumk.
lat ilarlmlua tUmie, ttutaa,
mm fajM sa aaaaana
k ' ' .-Mtw4 .1 t I ...
- U l tWM lw.
. a m. n,l.t,.
- ' -.e -i a.,-.
Kebraaba and Wyoming nomeaeebara
Jan. IS. Feb. 1 and 1.1, March 1 ond
15, April 5 and 10. the Elkborn-North-weatern
line, will aell ticket to point or
it line in Nebraska, end In Wyoming
west of and Including Orin Junction, nt
one (are pin f 2 (or the round trip. No
tar to bele than $9.00. Cityoflh.
117 Ro. 10th at, depot, cor. 8 and S.
at., Lincoln.
Juat try a 10c - x of Cnkcarct, tbo
flneat liver and uowel regulator ever
In the heart
of Chicago.
The Union I'uamwger Sta
tion in Chicago, Into which
all Rurlington Route trains
run, I located lu the very
heart of the city.
The principal hotel, the
largeat atores, the beat the
atre, the biggest buslnewe
"stablisrimoritH, Are only a
few block diatuot to reach
hem it Isn't even necessary
to tuke a street car.
To reach Chicago, It IS
necessary to take the Rur
lingroo Route that Is, It i
il you want the beat there la.
Remember this whn ar
ranging yonr n"it trip east.
For ticket apply at Rur
lington depot, 7th and V
street, or city ofileo, corner
10th and O atreot.
CEO. W. B0NNELL, C. P: & T. A.,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Tho Now.
Union .
It runs on Van Buren St., Tiroctlj
in front of the
Rock island
and Pacific
PaMaemrers orrlving In Chicago con, by
the new Union Klevntfd Loop, reach any
part of the city; or, for h five-cent faro,,
ean lie taken Immediately to any of tb
law store in tbu down town district.
All Flnvated Train will stoo at the-
"Rock Island" Station. Train every
minute. These (acilitiwi can onlvbof
fared by the "Great Kock hland fioute."
if you win semi u -'-cont stamp (or
poatage we will moil you at onee a new
bird's eye view i t Chicago, just Issued la
five colore, which hIiows you just what
you want to know about Chicago and
the new lxop and Klnvated Kyatero.
This map you should have, whether yon
live out of the city und expect to com
to it, or wtietlirr von mm live iu CLirio-n
and you or your frimia contHmpIia
making a trip. Address Joux HOAa
tia.h, o. v. a., Chicago,
Weekly IVraonitlly Ctinilui tril KxcnriloiMS
to I'orllBii.l, (ire., ,1. 13urlliiKtl)U
On February 17, and i-vorv Thnrsdnv,
thermilt. r ut 0:10 p. in.. Pullman tonriMfet
slwpcrH, in charge of nor own excursion,
conductors, urn scheduled to Ii-mvo Liu
coin for Portland via Dmiver, l.nidville,'
Salt L-ikot'ity, ()H'd. n and the On-got;
Short Line, on -Him; throuirli the arnnd-i
wtseein ry of the It'.ekii-M nud stoppingH
aeverul hours m at S ilt, Lnke City to al-j
low a visit to tlm many points o interest
there. Ilirths. tickets mid full informa
tion muy hu obtained It. u.
or city ticket olllcc. eorrmrol O und liith.
etreeta. Geo. V. llovKti i.
CP. AT. A. I
to .rr rent ofr In I lir,.rnli unit Other Pa.
rinrfoM.t l reveler.
The above rw'iirtion ntinlisa tn K
lima enrnute. )y the Norlhwesli-rB-t'nlon
Pari (le route the linm ianni.i.l.t
nrl.1 honra, leaa limn bv other Unm.
Th.aanv.-a tnotiev, li-rth rate, nn.l tbir
Wn honra of wenrionme rar riding. At
Fremont rnnnii-tlona hrt dirwt with
ibrniiuh tmii'iat and Pnllm
rlmir e,ira In m-nver, O ..n-n, Snlt I akft
rirv, I l hau r'runoleeo, llirv
lea; car through lo lheeoM. ll.t u.t.
I and berth rwrrailni.. , A, H. Fwl,,
at., l.lueoln, Xeh,
tO YCAItft' .
li Taaae Uiait
'fK 4T Otaiona
..'V,.- Hn r"
!'-""" - kt.,k Z uZX
.Scientific Jltncrian.
MUNUCo"" Ncrt!oik
BAD D1000,
.. ,m ..,.
-M I t.
k (
MAMkl'a kMtHt(,
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