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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1898)
Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY APRIL 7. 1898. NO. 46. VOL. IX. ARE BUYING HAILROADS The People of Switzerland Will Boon Try Government Ownership DECIDED BY REFERENDUM Will Pay Twenty-Five Timoethe Average Troflt for Fait Ten Yearn Large Afflrmtl Vete Tho people of Switzerland have de cided, by the referendum method, to buy up fiJl the important railroad of Unit country and have them rrjiernted y the government. In an Interesting article In the New Age, Mr, J. It. Mac donnld tell how thl liiUrwtliif and important step wn brought ttliotit, IT any: "On Hominy, J-Vbruary 20, JMH, the jieoplo of Switzerland www called up on to decide whetelir they would be come the owner of their railroad or whether these should remain in the band of private companies. Through out each canton voting paper were diatrlbuled with this question it'ii them: 'Will you accept the federal law of October 15, 107, for the purchase ;uid administration of railway by the federation und or the organization of the HwImh Federal railway n't' Oppo site, na In our own ballot paper, wn a space for the answer, 'Yen' or '.No,' and tho addition of any other word would Invalidate the vote.; copies ol the law were ulwo distributed among Uie voter. The large majority answer In the nfllrmativc, voting for the bill and lea than half that iium-ts-r, only I77.i:i0, against It. An the result, the prlnciiiul lino tn Kwlter land will in live be the property of the nation. Thin In a very different rceuit from that of a referendum which wan held oil the Mime question. Imt witli reference to the line of one railroad company only, l year ng. n. i.,. r. mat. when 2H0.40I, voted against find only 130,72 In tsvor of tho acquisition oi Hie i-eiiinu renwuj r.., i .infirm. It ban been a long bimlnes on the part of the advocate of state. railroa'lH In Hwitzerianu vj oducate, the people up to their views, ti.i. ,...uHn Is .mi. tit siicclal import" mice to the whole country, for by If anv turn, remit, with intercomiuunleu- inn between one part and another . . . . . ......!.... 1 bumpered ly cnnin or iihimimjuiii., m owes it commercial development to it railroad engineer, who have made it i. :,,!.,... t.t in, f.lrtfi m. anil aluo the holiday ground for the wealth,,' of all coimtncH. I ne lover oi ihiiuib o-ive a Khuddcr an he aein the l-lncTi line creeping along the niat'iiiflcent gorge, and even dcMecrnting the gioiiM of perpetual hiiow, but U thofc who live, among the helghttt H liienitH imHsiliilitii'M of dewlopmetit formerly iinattiiinable, and to lake it. away would be to take away their livelihood. Hut tin- wiine physical featureK which make milrmi'lM M-cially iuiort4int to the country make them nlwo specially dilTiciill. to build nnd to II nance, and hence the iue,tion of tneir iniblie. con trol, though it Iiiik been ko much agi tated, ha been hhlrked until the rt out time. 'TIS FIFTY YKAKS HI NT P.. "The Idea wan firnt proiuinently put. forward In the debate on tho coiikU , ' .'.. It then ilecllir. ml that urticlo 23, providing that the coo., ... ,.....-ii imi.i ""', on ul iln own oxpence or inav nubhidle public woikM. ami xivinir it to thin end the right of expropriation with Indemnity, luut hpceial rcleieine to railroad, and il him been liuill imc thi n for private couiranien to niilntiiln In o iM.hltion to thU their chilnw U undl.e t.urlM'd iHixm-cxioii. It wan eun pco IhmciI nl thai tlnif that the i-latc nhould oieu up it own railnHuU. llur imgimHT HU-pliHiM,n wh lotmuttcd a to the practicability of nucli an enter iiiiw. and declared thai I 1 would l' lilipOKoll'l.'. oiiif o "" iin" "o, " I .oextriiellon, to entiuiatt) the expense H forrliaiiil; but he and other n H" b.i oi to l.iu been utrting In their con. ilituiiwlloa of tbe eiiriiu prat.-t jeed ,y irit ciiimiiiI cNcwhcrm '1 he ri.l ci.uni ll and a coiim..i of th,, i. coiuiilt diiaml them M.U4 in fr 'f enu-rprl-e, u.e hitler ll.wlUM i ri-ott oil Ihn tlbiin 1 III M.. I-'. "rr,"' lnj'"'- Him! '! Imi' re.'l. t lv Umt ttHwlHi milroad hU nnHoiutl work, an lii.llfcM.Ud.tu bond llei' uur ditti.r ,.,l i,..ulrttl..l., a tieoh Ul.b.i.iking of it, u r o fH i't an lu.. .g ii ..i.i.uo nt of our !. coii.tUn loot " It'it tkf fulrml uibl "mid l4,l f,.. Ik ii-U '' "' uiii.Ui.ifi il WM-tl.l not run tk ...Htlnl inbihn 'l prlliil miihoHiv in I l.i. . I..-Mir i f piltnttf roii-p.ii,n. pel U -H".lUlr I'mI ,tir i'f th i "t il ginrmmeiiu, - . ltb f t lhrlli.1 ! HtdV IU llfc't.l i f fvf.oliitr 4l i t.oil plU Whiih II, n., I. i.l drtn r from mllHiiri U.llll i f tlfW, thf uitmvitH am ru: law. "I ed.r Ht vnUiil M'ltin.rUv tbtll ttillir Url.i iouilft th ' yl,.pon l ! Ml"d l ln tJ nt M llt4l 'f I"" I tl"l llOIrt bI ini i.i tii..ti in l iniiniol ('(' pitivcvd bt ' d CIHI litl M. vi tt'inl Jviklio"i laid il mf Iff the private compnnleii to dictate their own term; and then Again when then went too far and became too dictato rial the canton refimed even their rcn. Monable rciiuct, o that the compile nleM appealed for protection Ugalmit them. At hint th federal government Mteppcd In and in Wi took lmk power Into Its own bamlM by the vl cral law of 1M72, which remalnM In force U the prewnt day. liy MiIm wt it provided for the enforcement of any breach of contract ugnlimt the com panics for the regular ndmliildtrallon of podtl, tc.legraidi and military conv muuicntion, and for the oxcrcme of t nuthority In vnrloim ot.ner direx-tlonH, The federal council (who correnpoiifl to a certain enfent to our cabinet) in their report at the tlrurt rinolneil faithful to their old anibltlon for tai4 control which they hail elierWied from the iK'glnnlng, and declared that, If tn comjrtinlen failwl Ut give natlMfiu-tlou the next law would provide for their mippreenlon by the nUite, HI nee then many Muhnldini" law have fieen )mA wl, dealing with the railroad comp nice, Mich, for lnlauce, u that of IHW, limiting the liotirn of work of their employe. FJHHT ATT KM ITH AT NATIOXALV KATfO. "Meanwhile the coirimnln theinv kcIvcn luwl 1'en graliially opwnlng up the founiry amid nil fi m "'d down of fortune of which the tat hml fought hy. liy thn end of Wi they had altogether line to the ex tent of H,t44 kilometer, capital of J,1(2,S.H,3G4 franc, end had miffcrwl Ioxmc aifionnlliig Ut HI,5:i2 franc. Many of the com tm tile which lirtWI Independently lunl amalgiwnat4ulj while mall local line iich a tho obect!oiiable funicular up tho moiift taut xidc ri iualnel iinaborl!d, (wt eiorliieerinir feat bad hwn wemn pllabed which were the wonder of tho ' . . , . a . . ......... 'I .. I whole worm, out tney una eniin;i, wn foreseen, great rink, and the uf ferincr and Iom cauwd by failure and panic had been more wvere In the ' of private contpanie uhhi iney would have lcen If Iwrne by the kUiU. Tho extreme anxiety tn make money hn1 lo blinded the eoinpanic to tlie Intereitt of the people Mid bad cnuwo utiuecenrv wate and Inconvenience, Thene thing were noted by the watch ful federal council, anil in nw. ine tried Ut make line of i wwer which fell to them In tint year Ut give notice that In 1 s the t'-ompanfe would lie bouirht no by the ate, lint the finan cial buei of thi arrnngement woe found to be unwound; the twenty-five vfuru' iiurchae which fie fctate wo trtiund to pay amounted In the en' of each company except, one to more than it tirt value; end it wo therefore deelded that Irmtwul of taking over thn i.ronertv fJ the comfianlc it law Nhould be pawed forcing them U keep I heir account in ucn a way a ut form a fair Ixml for future nurchae. Not, i-llNcnuratreil lv thl failure, the federal emincil In 1SH7 put forward an other attempt. It propoeri ut tane over the linen of the NortheiwU-rn company by friendly agreement, but received Niun -ohl upport rrom inn chamber that. It wa obliged to i.renK off negotiation. In lH'Jti the feiierai iiKhcmbly took n tep in advance by u Inir oower which the federal council had legalized In !.',7 and buying up ho many Kharc in the Jurn-Himplon rail way that they became entitled Ut a coiielilerablc voice in It iiianat'cmenT,, At the Willie time they paved tlie way for tlie great move which tliey have now taken, and which ha now heci. rati lied by the people; for they mado stipulation that the confederation hhmild have the right to buy ii all the line in May, 1!MX Thi opportunity t he federal council wiw determined not to let slip; five yearn' notice wa re quired for tho pnrchane, and thi iu cnrdingly fall due in the Nprinir of lltU year In the cane fif live of the hugit eompaiiic. the St. tiothard 1k int' iiurcbiiHcd two year Inter, Mean. while tiny made, a wo have already M-en. .! ill another attempt in 1MU. when thev proKieil to liny up thn Central Kailwny eoinpnny, and were dcfcatiil at, the rcfereuduni. Till', CorM'HH AIKiFM F.NTH. "On C5 of hint year thi. feder al council cent a 'iucwnage' to the foV cral iiNitembly laying before llielil tho propoHcd law, which, with a few altr iitJoiiH, wa circulated Mining the mo pie befont thn Vole, which detaiU Hi In it tliiam lal Ihmiii, etc,, end giving the blxtory of the development of ruii rmi In in hlterlaiid and of former ut leuiptH at nationaliatloii. They aluo tlcM.ii- a coiiMiilerub'e Kpai a argu iiieut In favor of Mefci eutrol, anion which we mit all tho which Uie mi of leu urged Milling U, but with fur I, peilt. iicy and punlli liy. rirt hil loreiuoitt, Ibey pul thn argument Hint elulr a pi itn oinpauv tn pel Uiuiilv in !'' Intrfci-t i it hmi hol.lii. Ihtf ittale' tlrt object U til ei livt iiit in n of the Iniblie, I he) b lIl.M linn I tringtiitlv tlmt iif'er pay' II. lf Itm IiiIi m ul on the cnplttil IhuioW cd for tlie pun hc, nil piollti hall tro, il lulu Ihe tint fiiU.U, bl.l Into thn iinpiiitt iiieiil nt tlm Ni ltli'c, bV In iH'.vliirf il ertl.denry and biwi iloif VK fiirn. tlicn ninny nil ibirlf nnd pMi'tlmlly the luluu.i.ic. t Imi ..i.i' l b) i I i.iiv ut H.lniliiNifutl.oi, li.n.Uliij kitiK l'f li'il't. luipllbMllU of lHk tn " I' I.', b M'U In pti'Vl'llt'if I. I It-M-I pUnt, j'U liter mfMillJ i.f I '. h. V l.n il.. nil the pilmlpld df a 'liiinl wrtge fur I heir iiipl.'V i , and ,r.oi.un l i hum out inoi fully lhn I In ioiiipti.l, bt il.'iiw l!t .iii l.i biiiii itliiu of luiiir end lh Hiiitf'Uii lit" for iwuliii i"l o' Im t in vi liU It wlftu.H i ii. "I. tb ibiMjnltrf .f ltiill, liH f(,f p,.iriiriii end pundit. "1. lie iiti ii.iiif in n iiii iii fiinil (of lb bim Uuil of tlm nrlg lliitl H itl. "4, Finally, the freedom from for clgn iiilluence which may creep in with foreign ehareholder, and the en tire dlMtluctnc of the railroad fund from thoNe of the eUite, no that-they may be devoted to improvement in the. en lee, I HTATK MA.VAtJKMFM , "The financial bal of the arratigt ment had been nettled in the former charter given lo tho com panic u amended In INH.'I; the muui Ut lie tiald by the Mate I to be twenty-five llnie the uvcrnife nrofite for the peat leo year, The board which Khali hav the manaircrncnt of thn oumIiicmn un der the Mute are to be eonUiiited with u view lioth Ut continuity of action and ! ample reprewnfilon lioth of federal und ennlonal lnf4wel. H I only the elx lurgeet coinjatnle whleb are to he In ken over at tlmt; the mail er one can be ufely left to local nutu ageuient for the preent, "III plan inn eareiuiiy urawu vp and explained by the federal council wa under dlcuMlou in the chum her for acveral month laet year. On Oo tobcr 15 It wa finally accented b them, and then followed the final agi tation to bring the merit of the Nchcme before the peonle at large, which, a we kmrw, baa jut now come Ut an overwhelmingly Kueceful lue. We haJI all watch with interet the fuHhcr working of thl ineaaure whhdi ha l-en tut long fought over, no often delayed, and which la of importance not only to the country which hit adopted It, but to other to whom lie nucccnh or failure will lt a practical object lcon," A CRUSH AT THE CAPITOL. 1huuni Triad to Oat Vtmtm to llaar Hi rrwllal' . VVaiiotoj, April 7, Never In re cent year, If ever at any time, bee ther been ucli demand for adiiillon to the hall of Ckingre a wa mod today, i'eople who appreciated what the condition of affair would be were at the door of the big building before 0 o'clock and they were there In uclt number at thl time that when the door were opened not to axeeed half of them could find teat in the gallerie of either the Henate or Haute. In five minute all the public gal lerie were filled and the crowd In the corridor were o dene that it wa difficult to believe that any had found ut and been removed from the throng; On thn floor the greatest excitement and activity prevailed, The leader ruhed hither end tbltber rallying their force. Rumor flew ahont. Here Indignation wa riot ngaint the re port that tho l'reident would U for discretion a to when intervention Nhould take place; there a taneb sup porter of the i'reidnt wa counel ng camlne; here a group wadi cubing the probability of an alliance between the Democrat and the d! atifkd Kcpublican; there an ap peal to a group of Knpubllcan wa being made to tand olidly by the l'r3idnnt and party organis ation. The battle wa already on. In a corner of the capitol the homo committee on on foreign affair wa meeting. In the old library hall, tho "reronccntradi.M," a the Republican who have been urgent for action have been called, were dleulng the latent pliitMi of the dltuation with toriuy word. Everywhere wa tlie militant p rit which come with event that stir the blood and quicken the puUc. No moru lukpirlng mciio could bo wltnNcd than wa presented by the great halt of Die Iloune of lUspreaent ativu jutt la-fore the Huune rnut. Tier ( upon tier of people from gallery roil to wall klretcliod iu an uabroxen tine, tlie gay color of the gown and hat and flower of the ladle relieving the o in bar black of the garment of the iiiuti, Above Dm epcaker' drk the fotooned kilk flng of the American rcpablbi w.i to the eye the ymbol of pntriotl-un which tlirobb.! in Um bruunL And ipoite the Hpculmr' chair the greul elinilt with it guard ing warrior licked away tlm inlatilo a the Viut apinblra waited the memug which carried the fortune of the American people. A iiieinorahle cene wa prevented at the opening of the beuauv. An audience that lulled the full eapaulty of the aoi'oiiiutjul.vtloii had filled the vallerle hour before the Hon a to con vened. It wa by no limit a an ordin ary crowd of cillery habitue M.'iic . bera of the faiudie of uiul of the ill I tiiigulotio.l moil lii American pnh.ui life were lhre, r reulatit of the j vi-riil foreign legaltou ccuUi the I illploiimtm gallery, and p it.nn di ! tli.KU khed in all walk of life hud etiiue lo wllae a acetie lhal promiwd In form ait luiHirtat pae lu Aiuwrb i can litory j A uipvj w eipeetel from the ' I'rt.l.Unt i.f INe bulled KUU (hit j uilghl. In in rnlta, luean war l larieti twti al nalloii, an I lal at ( liit,.ii l (Mtnleilnf anit w i. eiaii tm frr tiniu . Uvt it wa Uaiuai lll Hi ao"f w. aultvt Mill la ti ! tktH wa inui h d ((""ieliiniMk A Mfl4 1aM Mellli Wan Cm, M., April t Al Hfunee, a aoiail lewe t irv ad e aorta of thl e'lyt Wr l"rat lbb erl eniiiiiiilte.1 auWide mlntda by . taking UiUmuni ah wa a Widow aud iedtv four ckll Imu. REGULATION A FAILURE The Interstate Commerce Commie ion Declare Railroad Reg ulation ft Bbam FEDERAL COURTS TO BLAME Decent DocUlooe Deprive Commie Ion of Powers Exerciaei For Ten Yeare fact rrom Offlfllal Ufport The InUr-Ntnte commerce commieelon boa virtually thrown up the upouge. Hand in hand wltb the annulment of tale regulation by the supreme court of the United Htatc comes the annual report of the intcr-atate commerce corn mliMilou, saying that the law under which it operate ha been prectlcallj repealed by the federal courts, The comniiloo glv the bltory of sererul cae which bay been appealed from the tribunal to tho federal courts in the pant two yeare wltb tbe reult as gives above. Among them is the cane of tlm Cincinnati, New Orleans and Teia I'oclflu Hallway v. Iater-Htate Com tuer( Coiniullon, la this cae com plalutwa made that rate charged by the company were uuraouably high, ThecommiMMiou, after a full bearing, decided In favor of thoeomplufnaat end uedan order rediuiiug the rate to what It couidi)red reaonable undr til tetimotiy. The t:mt was earned up to the supreme court, which decided in the word ol its own Nyllabus that, "The I nter-Nt a t commerce coaiinilon is not empowered, either eipreeely or by Im plication, to fl rate in advance," That I to say thi dcclNion forbid the iriter eteteconitneriw coinuillon from lining rate iu nay coee whatever. If the com inlHiiioa think a rate I uareaonable It may so dwlare, but it t 'AN NOT KaY WHAT IIATK W KKAHONAIMK. Hpi-aklng ot this iK'IkhIoii tbe coiumi eion say In it report: "The(uimli.ion ererclaed thl power In a cae commenced In the eecond month after If organization and con tinued Ut ercl lc for a period of more than ten years, during which time no member of the commiiou ever olllciaHy qutlon tlieexMtence of such author iiyot failed to-Join In it eroi,-.A already stated, the authority of the Commuedon to modify end reduce an e. tablihed rale end to enforce a reasona ble rat for the future wa o"t fjuetloed la the atiNwer ol the defeadtnt in the Atlanta rate cae, decided March ,'Kt, lH'Jti, nor had it ever been denied la any ofihe aiiawer made to more than four hundred caws previously eommeniid. many of them alleging unreasonable and niijust charite and praying the Cum mission to enforce a reduction and lower rata in the future. That I, lor ten year the Commllon ha been exorcisirur tlio right under the right under the iuter-tate commerce law ol hearing evidence upon complaint that rate were uureaomible nnd if it found the evidence Nustainbig the charge, it ordered the rate reduced to what it believed wa reasonable, 1 1 1 now stopped at the llrst atep by ilia Kupreme Court. It can hear eviden ced. It can decide whether a rata I reasonable or not. That I where it must quit. A the report wellayon paw l.'l: The Name rule of Interpretation wh eh deiiie the authority of tho Commission to fix n reasonable rate for the lu lure, idler issue made and luct found, will, when the occasion arises, lie found to leuve lh Commissioii without any au thority, iu the absence of additional legislation, to eiifores any order to pre vent unjust discrimination or undue. prlerenue III the Iu lure. The other sec t.ons and provision ol the law are In nlil of nnd were. Intended to make ffeel iVd tho tlrat three section", which relata to ami were intended to make unlaalul and to prohibit unreasonable enarges, in. lust discrimination, and undue prei- erence; and wlihout authority to make these three auction eft-cnv Iu Itm future piNcticiiliy uil tlie Commission cmii do toward i lecutitig and eiihiMng t he vital prov ion ol the not U to impure Into wroiiu done tn th past and report Ilia result ul it lUVuslluattoll to lt-ell. It the tnlcr-slHts rounnisloii cannot Hi a riesoi.tthla rieli.u it ami an iiafeiisinoihie one, how tm earth I It lo 1st ft What remedy I lelt to llm prtipkt who ufler Iruui uu uurvaaoiiahi i-T J In. I'alii d Htt-a Hiiirenia ronrl kind. It gne "jsraiissiiin" In Hie nmi. plaid (In tle id .Nebraskn lo apply to ih Itderal eirruH enuri lor le,iv lo r,;. uala Milaar thartfcslulktanlNttf, 1'lial m l ilia uiHlnnuai ret ease, In In p. i il wa Hi hisrl loi p iid iiiiiia t iial.l lit iw hi rtotritt, II.h ruhl ( t.fiMii aini lor l io ivi-1 tiH'e'-s pn I Ik rviMirl ou Hits point, (4tg I it Iha hi t, II It lie H I tel. lht, fcllrf firoli!, ri-Miiiuntrainis and Ilia ptutM ,,( t i.ttnivs h' i ', he h psr in bte and lot it. IIIOUHI id rll' tMlrititthl. il hd Miilwhl lr ie lstk. b lil eof etMtlltt- letll.lf .Sofia il mm actual M.iuiion ol Ilia I t aim k rtpir- tirei ! I reoesbf mm III f'0!t , ff M) dlll"l ..lil, eolloa, Ik i .fop ! t m lia U tke but tit liitrtataia hi pun H't M wo w im i aipisf t mil n il.M'cf on the lo-l d Iks pnbblirt Ml, ovee m,tliet and n etm'l pit I''" an.e"r llti (hattfe, duevivr eiMie, Ouly Ik dealer who ship, lo whom In the mala it doe not rightfully belong, might, If anyone could, recover the exceseoluo luwlul charge. 1'reveiillon. by fixing and eetublishing reasonable rato ol charges In advance, is the only practicul legal remedy forextortiou nud uurnason able and unjust charges. Hates to com peting and distributing centers are not, lor the moat part, uiiruounbly high; they are frequent ly quite low, The mas ol Ie populous citkis nud town, small, Intermediate, llnanclally weak, and les important shipping places are made to pay the high rate, It Is largely these weaker place and the abippers to and from them which most need to have rea sonable transportation rate accured to them by a law which shall be eo plain that neither tbe Interstate Commerce Coiumumlon nor tbe courts ctn misun derstand nor misinterpret its moaning." "The producer doee not ebip directly to market, but eelle to tbe middleman, who ships to market and pays th cost of transportation. Oraln, cotton, hay, and the products of tbe dairy are ban died in thie way, Now, In all these case while the middleman actually pays tbs freight, very Uttle, if any, of the loss In coe of an unreasonable charge lalUapon blm. If th rate on cotton from Main uhl to Boston I advanced $1 per bale, either the cotton planter receives that much hs for bie product or in flew tiiiglaud mill pay that much more for beraw material, or the lose Is divided between th two. The'cotton factory that bandies the product loe nothing whatever. If the rate on flour Irom Minneapolis to New York is advanced "0 cent per barrel, the problem becomes a trill more complex, but th probability till I that the miller lose little If any thing. The real hardship falls upon the farmer who produce the wheat out of which that flour Is mode or the con earner who use the flour at the other end ol the line. Ho, too, the rule I of Very !ittleconequeuce to the merchant, provided it Is the sum to his competi Iior ue to himself, lie add to the cost of hi goods Iu the market the expense of transporting thorn to the point of Distribution, and the enui total I their cot to bim, upon wbicli be makes bie profit, Au advance in coat rat to a particular locality doe not effect the coal dealer, Hie customer are tbe loser." '-Now, tbe only peron under this law who can sue tbe carrier nud recover judgment for eo excei v freight rate I i he peron who actually pays the freight money, Tbe real loser can by no possibility recover any part of thi ex tortion. The price ol wueat innioux City is fixed by eubtrocttng from th mice ia CI cao the rate from Hioux City to Chicago. If tbe rate 1 3 cent higher ttittu it ought to be, the Iowa farmer receive it cent lee lor hi wheat. Tbe trader wbo buye thl wbeat end send it to market is absolutely uu affected by tho rate, and yet be, not the firmer, I tbe only person wbo can re cover from the carrier the unreasonable x action." A cartful reading, of even these brief extracts from the official report of the inters tat commerce commission t enough to convince eoy man that the action of the federal courts bos utterly destroyed the power of the commission to afford any relief whatever. For ten year the commission has been trying to adapt itclf to tbe circumvtniice wttb w oca it was eurroundnd. Under iu prevent chairman, Win. It. Morrison, for in my year a congressman Irom Ilii iioim, it hue been making considarable headway nguiut unjust Interstate rule. A it ay elsewhere ia its report out, of ISIS formal order made ixty en.hl were lor a reduction of rates. None ol lhcn were made without hearing ol all the evidence the coin pun ie bad to prodmse. Now come the Nupreme court and NweepN il entire authority to order rate away. 1 1 can continue to sit like a mummy in a glass cose and huur com p aints. It cud find 'rule uureusoua bl ,' Hut il cannot make a rauethati reasonable. The commission naturally ask for legislation that will give it power to act. It particularly ak lor power on oiih aUliieClofesiHOl'il I II I crest lo Nbrl"' kua ill. t is tbe power to regulate through rata una divide the ciiurg. rouituuly betwts'u the various hues w inch com posti (he through hue, O.i turn snhj.H i lbs report say; "we have liclor u at the preacnt tiuiM a comphiiut which allege tuutthe rata Irom I hicago. Id., to Kearney. .NmIi i uiscriiotiialiug and uulaalul. Tint rate I inuila in thl way; There I au iiitr-atatrl trout Chicago to Omaha, The rate Iroiu Om.ih to i Kivd by Ih radroud mm mission ol the tat ol Nebraska. The through rate irom Chicago lo Keuruey I made by adding lo the through rale lo tl intlia lit iocal rat from tiuiivtui to K' ruy, MercuHiidiMi U ireusimrted byeiuilluu OU hl.aielil Uhiu through bill ol bollug bom I hmago lo Kaaniey at h rai. i he inaieaaat ol Keuruey iaaii that tin iitiiuaerol making Hi" rats ili.mliniioiti- Mgslnsl them laliivorol Iba liiefihaaU at OiualtM, lhal II m not .roisrljr a through mi at alb Now, Il w ahould I ol th opinion lhal Hi con Imiinn ia will laketi and lhal Kseruey U rutillnl to a lowsr Ihrtiugti rl, our on If por, a waliwv kitmrtii lulrrp. f. Is. ll.a ei I, would Iw over the raloa ihrouh rata. We loi.M rdtr a l . u. i'oa oi th alio! rata, but wcouM lib tafii.iaa kite Ihul lvdl tlou kou I im atr4 b th dill rvttt vnnki. It lltavarrlr r-bii In egrv ateml !, it I .Lin. alt in hw ko id odsr voei'i hittd ored, I Warty, lo inak ah I v j uvH a order, wa mi bav if li d'niilii lb d tisiou id tliU tkrough rate U-la-aa lha d.tKfeal road uiskutg up Ik )'!)! It a," la iitor ikiiroaeklr ia du Ik at l id rail! aiaeaeaaiealilt mors Hlirflf kittl al Ik pr.s.p ol f r rtarlae t guiaMttu ol tat' or pea vrMiba id itiscrtiniuatio'i throw k Ik w aa of etouaiiaatoH, I artbsf r linmi.l iheenH rt will N aiada ta aa l'i r arlUt ol tkt erlMi. IT SHOULD INTEIIME The Time lias Now Arrived for Action in Behalf of tbe Struggling Cuban STATEMENT FROM MR. BRYAN United States' Interests in Cuba aa Important aa Spain's Uamaa Illfe-bUand Uoalueee Interest Mr, IJryan bas given a statement con cerning tbe Cuban trouble to the Asso ciated Press for publication. lie bee been importuned for a statement for eome time but up to the present bae bad very little to eey. Alitbat be bad said seemed to Indicate that be favored tbe Independence ofjthe Uland. This lost statement makes bis position plate, He says: Yes, tbe time for Interven tion bos arrived. Humanity demande that we shall act. Cuba lies almost within sight of our shores, and tbe Buf fering of lie people cannot be Ignored unle we ae a nation have become eo engrossed in money making as to be in different to distrees, Intervention may be accompanied by danger and exponas, but exhttenee can not be separated from reponihllitr, and reeoonslollity sometime leads a nation as well a an individual Into danger, A neighbor miiMt sometimes incur danger for a neighbor, and a friend for a friend. War I a terrible thing and ca inot be defended except as a means to sn end, and sometime it Is the only means by which a neceaary eud can be secured. The state puulshe its own cltixous by Imorieonmuot. oreven death, when coun cil and pcrsunsbn full. War la tbe final er biter between Uitlon when raon and diplomacy are of no avad. Hpain might not reit Intervention; it I to be hoped that ie would reaoguise tbe rights of the United Htates to not and immediately withdraw from Cuba, hut whether It resents interventoa or not, the Halted Klate must perform a plain duty. Our own interest justify Intervention. Spain bos governed Cuba so badly a to excite continuous revolt, and alter excit ing revolt bas shown Itself powerieae to restore order and enforce law upon tbe Uland. - - -" " - -... -. Knanlsh rule In Cuba bae disturb! tbe Culled Htati, interfered with busine, increased the expense of guarding our shore and drawn upon th reeourcee of our people to care for tbo made desti tute by war. We have ae much right to demand the cewHation of war in the latere! of tbe people of tbe L'olted titote as Hpai i tm the right to demand itecoutinuanoefor it own benefit. If the question I to boeettled on tbe busl of human right, en rely our p o e have waited long enough. If, on the other hand, pecuniary Interest are o tie considered, then It must be remembered that tbe loss suffered by the Untt4 State and Cuba together fnrexceeda any gain which Spain could reasonably expect to secure, even If it bad a hope of recovering tuba by lorce of arm. If the Cuban prefer death to Kpanlb rule ft must be because Kpunish rale ha robbed lile of joy und hope. I a nation sow to tbe wind It must reap tbe whirl wind. TURNINQ STOVES INTO SHELLS Buckstaff Brother Foundry Send a a Propoaitioa to Secretary of Wer Kuckstaff Drotlmr, manufacturer o tovo and range oltbia city have asked the secretary of war to be permitted to furnieh some of the muuitlons ol war In cane of a clash with Hpain. Tbe c m liany agree to liiriiisli cast Iron ahull lo any amount plwlnlng tlovlltUlua liosiiion to turnout Iroui &0,(iO() to lOH.inai pound r day. Asistaul Secretary Meiklejohu ha plaeed th nb Jict tefore th pri's-r ordniauc ofllcb I, and it may N msaihl that Nabaaska wilt help make ingiue lor Hpaiu'e auol- lltlltllOII. il they ran mak a good shell a they do raugea and atovea the govern meut will never regret It If It tnaka a coalraut with thui, RKCllfTS UKCRKAII TbHvnui Undarthe Dlngtev TatiOT Law UiMf painting A rotnirativetalenMut of the gov ernmeiil rwelpl and etpendllurve dr lug Marvb ehuw lhal lb total lecelpl 1J,,0'iH,T5i, a lo of eboul IMiii.Ihmi, w roiuparml wilb lan h i'Ji, Tb Moeedileff during March ag-re iil ll.xnJ.MI, na iurHseiil eawrly iHHl tNhl ow M ink IHUl. Thl la rvaa I partly die to lha in I tuns ae tar tk rval eppropruiioa ittr iae uatiottal il ken. lliarMslitin during Ik emate were iitrr f,tHai,iHM bw thaaluUnk a iar tto, w hit a ! tlw etabf Snail wa aAtiual ol lb (wedaig lar.U ad. I k rveaipia frtna atrail rvaa la rrta t lol aiuatk eboel litsi.uial, , blllou itr wMilite eat a Ca raitt raudy lalhsllU'.uui gral-tl, Im, Take tbe laeirssneef t fear, ft.OQ.