The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 31, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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The Housekeeper's
With thin Ihhiic we open tt depart
incut devoted to tb lntret of tha
home,' a depni tnii'tU which wo ih'Hlrn
to niiiki) ci'ciiilly iiitfi-i-HtJiiff unil
helpful to tin1 Iioiikc mothers of 1 lie
lioinca into winch tha Independent
coini'M. J it UiIh we shall b glud of
your iiMtdidiuiee ami plctoied to rcee.ivo
such NUfOftlloiiH unil hints tot you
limy wo (It to offer. Hits from your
own cpcrlcnce will Im iupwilully wel
conn'. J n this wiiy w enii contu Into
(turner touch willi eiicli oilier unil Im
niuliiiilly helpful,
a a a
A voiiiiiii limy lovn licr home better
Until liny other upot on cuilh, yet, be
aometliiies ho wenry of tins ilnlly rou
tine of ncvcr-fiifllnff dot leu flint nlie
ennnot lielp it feelliifj" of envy for Uiomc
who huve, luorii llini) for recreiitlon,
for golnff iiliioiul, for all tho Utile
things bo iletir to the heart of pve.ry
wontin. Kh would not, if h could,
eKiliiine plnei'M with liny other worn
Uil oh cm Hi, but HiinietiliieH fcelM din-
contented, envious unil Iohn for a
change. And idiniiti Ik exnHly wlmt
in needed. It Im Hid dreiiry inonoloiiy
of their Jives ipilte n niucli lis over
work Unit In Hcmllng no ninny of our
fnnncr' wives to (he Ionium iiKylum
mid the cemetery.
Ho, fclMlcr wine, tiro you despondent,
do Minions thought til) your nilnd
when yon meet Uiowj who seem more
fre from enrej urn you Irritable, mid
irons, given to wlmt John culls scold
ingmen do not wain to recognise
the iIIhI liiethin between scolding and
th protest of tl weary, overwrought
nervous system! does life, seem to you
not worth living, mid yours I lie ili i nr
lest, moNt Joyless lot of nil? on need
H ehitiige, If prnelleiilile. it visit, to
inother, sister or brother, or sonic
friend of your ncIiooI iIii.vm, iilfiii'dltig
cnllie ehniigw of surroundings, would
lie mi eseellcnt thing for a beginning,
When John thinks the nuilter over he
will rcnllo the iuiHirbiuce of the trip
mid will do hi pint. Tin! greatest
difficulty will be to convince you thnt
Another list of values and small prices that are bound to interest knowing ones, that
cannot but appeal to lovers of true economy. The goods mentioned
here are not cheap; it's the prices; they are the only
small and insignificant things
about the store.
Spring and Summer Millinery.
Without exception the prettiest, daintiest, most chic and up-to-date
Headvvear for Ladies shown in the city.
Creations of the best paris and New York designers on sale
here at the prices you usually pay for the ordinary kinc
Every new shape, style ami make in walking and bicycle hats
-every late color, design and pattern in ribbon, and all
the most popular kinds of llowcrs and foliage.
Don't fail to visit this department before purchasing, or if
you cannot come, write to us for any information you
may desire.
Hoy' riblwd Cotton Sliirt and
Prnwem, each
Mimun' hluh nwk, long ttleevtt cot
ton VtwtH, uprinit weight ,
l.ndicw' d(h neck, long Hlwve,cot- Qa
ton fnt hiuI Hiikle pant-, vnclt 1 UU
l.ndie' high neck, long l ev
1'nion Smt
Nebraska's Greatest Mail Or
der House, Write lor New
No, I hhor Ut A.fl, r kit 90c
No, 'i Mikl, .r kit .,
No. N Viu uih, iltiit, r kit... 90c
ll tlUnJ tlrrM.-r knt ..... $ 1
I'' i .. .,.75o
vou etui bo snared from home. Women
huve u ii exulted opinion of their own
Importance in domestic affair ami not
without reason. l!ut we lire very short
sighted. Vou will urge thut the spring
work is coining on with all it rush
uml worry. Out of doom preparation
for needing lire under way. 1 tin men
in lint not he hindered in th'N iill-iin-porlniit
work, mo many little. chores
mid helpful tuniM usually done by
them urn left to tins "women folk,"
lloiiMeclcanlng in right tit hiitid; the
spring Hewing must be done, .1 oh n mid
the children are ulinost In rugs; they
do wear out their clothes ho fast, mid
you have Isen patching and patching
on their winler clot hen to make thciii
Inst until warm weather, when they
iniiMt huve niiwjund along with ll nil
h thut ever unMiilHlied work, the
cooking, if you were to be a way at
HiIh time Hint willy Kiddy would take
her brood into the burn to roost where
the linrNeH might step on her chicks,
or Into the cow shed where the ruin
would get them, biHteiid of going, i.rfe
a Hi'iiHible hen, Into I lie pluee prepared
for her. The milking would not be
done at the right time it mi your favor
Ik' cow would full off In her milk or go
dry. It Ih simply Impossible, you nay,
for you to go nwity n nil leave nil thin
Mothern have gone nwiiy mid left
their work, left work an prcnHlng tin
youi'H, left home iim dear to (hem iih
your Ih to you, and left llieni iieno-
late, for I hey never came tmck. Wlmt
If Jlbhly doc Ioho nil tier ehlckeuH,
mid JioMHy goen dryj what If the
lioune Ih not clcmicu tliin Hpriug ami
the family Ih in rugH? There are other
chlekeiiH and other cowhj ready made
clothing In cheap, Kprlng will come
iigaln, and you, if you heed nature'H
warning mid take proper earn of your-
Hi'lf, will ba better prepared to take
up your work again and net, iiiiiIUtm
to rlghtH, Youi'H need not bo one of
IhoHi) homcH left, deHolate,
When you come, back refreHlied mid
rcHted. to take up your many duiicH
again, you will need to be careful lent
vou fall into toe name old ruU and
your life Ih'coiiicm again a dull, eciine
leHH grind, i'lnn your work wllh care,
and acordiug to your Hirciigtn; nan
only ho much an may be done during
the day, giving up your eveningH 10
Hoclal IntcreoiirHc and recreation,
making the. Iwo bourn JiihI befortf bed
time a nlnv Hpell. If the rcHlleHH lin-
KCfH of the bUM.v JioiiHcwIf Innlnt upon
having Homething to occupy uiem, let
It be Homething that can 1m) dune wlm-
For Economy Lovers.
I .adieu' tlne.imported
cotton I loxc, Hermit
ilorl li ve, IukIi
Hpliceil liecl
and to
Child f u'm line r I lded
Cotton I low. titiu
IiIm luvlaii I Aa
toe, A pr 1 Uv
. .. . I...... . . A
vi HIUI inn
lollble hct
U, 'J r lor.
'IS '
WlmlxMilvr pr II. 9C
m W im liUr lai,r lb .
.IIM-aitJUttC-iidw ttt I r I J0a
xtil , CvV
lt iU HJ( HiUvr of UrJ "I)a
of C
lMtaititiilUltiUl.-it fA
it in.i,. ,, yc
Write u (vr rk- on
out Hfort of mind or body. If it can
be Homething in itnelf pretty, pleaning
uml rcHtrul to Higlit una touch, ho
much the better. Vou may huve to
leave many thing undone in order to
pui'Hue th'iN plan, but, after following it
luitlif iilly for u few wcekn or month
you will find that you are really ac
coiiiplihlilng more work ihiin when
yon kept ut It from the time you got
up in the early morning till you went
to bed lit nine or ten ut night, to Hay
nothing or the hettcr health and Iwt
tcr nplritH in which you will find your
Take time to think whether you are
doing your work in the moHt cfrcctuul
way, Never Htand to oo what you can
Hit to ilo JiiHt iih well; 1 1i iih It 1 1 M I fit 11(1
your Htrenglh.
i oauguier hiiouiii never hcck nor
be allowed to "out di-cnn' her mother.
In every family the mother Hliould Ih
thi! bent drcHHcd member. 'J' he (lin
en riled finery of a daughter nliouh
never eouHlllute a mother'n wardrobe.
No one fecln cHpeclally dignified in the
prcHcnec of one whone (dot hen Hhe In
wearing, mid a mother Hliould ut nil
tinicH (ircHerve Iter dignity before her
children. I he motner wlio never Iohch
her (jueciillncHH will never Iohi, her
crown,-i.ailU Home Journal.
Mama went Into town with a friend
to do Home Hhoppiug, taking with her
three-year-old tiruce. lo eeoiionile
lime I lie ludlcH Hcpiiniled, arranging
a place and time, to meet before, going
home together. Owing to hoiiic inin-
iimliTHtmifling they minHcd each other
and an mama Heitrched the Htoren won
derinir where her friend could be,
(I race gravely Hiiid, "She known where
Hhe Ih but we don't."
To make lemon HiindwIeheH trim the
ertiHt from a loaf of frenh bn;adj put it
Into it large butler pot or noup tureen
ami HuiTuund It wllh lemon peel. Take
a Hiiflicient tpiuulity of butter, about
half a pound, cover It. wllh grated
lemon, wrap in wax paper, put it iiIho
In the tureen and allow it to remain
over night. When you are making the
HiindwichcH rub the butler down until
a ill tie Hofl ; adil gradually the. juice
of one lemon mid four lablcHpoouful of
finely chopped parnley. Spread It on
the lircad, put two hIIcch together and
cut. inlo the dcHlred Hhape. - - Mi'm, H. T,
Spring & Summer
Dress Goods.
.'IH-inch chock Pnwi goodrt, regular
IGo vulueH, per yd Ov
All wool American ririMH good, ItHQC.
iuchiiH whin, per yard uvu
4(1 in. American novelty mixed C A.
good, 7ou vhIuch, per yd vlIC
Ilamndere HtrlpiM,4(i in. widn.Kreoii
mid black, brown mid hbick,wiacl7 C a
aad black, Vale bluo and blk I Ov
SILKS : : :
Novelty H iyiulero plaid nilkri,
per yard....
Cheney ItroH, bent 'Jl ia , double
warp HiiruliH (washable) ,
If you can't tome and see
these, write for samples.
Easter Novelties
Immense assortments of dain
ty luster Novelties, such as
Kggs, Rabbits, Chickens,
I'-tc. Kggs and Rabbits in
Wax, China and Chocolate.
Many exclusive novelties not
to be found elsewhere.
The price of Mum-rick's Mat
terns have been reduced 15
to 20 per cent. We are
sole Lincoln Agents,
W1 hnitd kke Wii,
r lb ,
Loo IUiia, r lb ,,
luui o, tmh, ir ib ,,
t-fttkatfvtj.iA.ti xt, li.Ai.,
r k4t
ijiftk 0K r -ktf ,
(.k4 lltibo;, .r lb ...
I k Uahoh. vr lb
2 1-2C
3 1-2C
2 1-2C
V luu 4 r.trc treat in ttore
for you. Watch our advrn
Uorer in Ladies Home Journal.
Tin veHHels huving any part of the
iron expoHed will tuint any milk left
Htauding in them with n diHogreeable
CMlor ami tnntv, ami thin tute. will pa
inio ouuer iiiiuju iroiit ucii miJk.
II I . a. f
iiyncinuis mid iiui'CIhhiih inuv
planted in the open ground iih aoon
iih they have finiHUed flowering in the
noiiHis where they may remain until
tune to pot again for winter flowering,
Kwect peitH, if properly cared for, arc
umong the moHt Hiitinfuctory of th
Hummer miiiunlH. i he followlitir di
rcctioiiH for rulHing tliem are given in
Vlck'n Magalne for Alarch. "FirHt
nlwayn how the need early. Second
prepare the noil deeply, and include
Home hone In the manure. Wood ludi
en are iiIho excellent an they keen thi
hoi! damp, J bird, how in treiichcH
Homething like a celery trench about
four or live IiicIich deep, and cover tin;
HCCtl with two fnc IfH .if ho at t i-h(
lllliug in aluiOHt, but not quite cuoiiuh
hoii in the trench, an growth proceed
to nring ine top even. Fourth, in the
Hummer mulch the line of pen uml
water liberally If the weather in dry
LiiHtly, pick all the flower la-fore they
drop, in order to prevent need from
bearing, which in fatal to continual
lie -"When women tret to votlntr. if
M it M
llicy ever Kbould, they will be found
wearing the party yoken iih meekly iih
i lie men.
She - " 1 hey won't if yoken arc not
In Htylc." Selected,
I'lie beat dellnit !onof (.rood Iioiihc
keeping that I ever iieard wan that
given by u Utile nlip of a. boy, who,
arier iiHienlng for a long time to
very learned iIihcuhh!ou from Home of
bin mot Ikt'h club aMKoeiatcH on tin
bent way to order a home, wiih nnkeil:
"Well my little man, what kind of a
home do you think Ih bent V" A Ih-iiii-
tlful light came Inlo the child'H cyen
lie tohHcil back hm yellow hair and
Miook bin head, "I don t know much
about It, Jimt. the oulv kind that,
like Ih the home that, it, m nice to tro
o, ,mi when all the iilnlohoiili v.
ihcory, Hcicnce ami windom of the hull
ed find been cx haunted, the women
there UHHcmblcd had to agree that thu
very bcHt home, after all, wan the
home that it wan nice To iro to, -The
"llaunnaH nhould alwavH 1m- eoidied,
unlcHH they are very ripe and the Hkiim
iiiltc Olaek.lo liake a biinnmi nicely
you Hliould have a porcelain or granite
inking (Huh. St rlii the nkitiH front
the lui mi iiiik, place them in a i,.kIi,
Hpriukle over a talilcHpoonful of Hiignr;
add four or five fublcHpoonfullH of wii
tcr, and hake in it (iiiick oven for twen
ty mlntitcH, bunting once or twice,
Serve warm." Mih. S. T, Itorer, l'rof
er Cooking for the NuiHery in thcApril
I.jkI ioK llonie Journal.
Governor rinrn on Tax lloilclngr
Illeli Men mail i'orporMtli.un.
Iii a recent iiddreKKn before a clnb of
the Univcrhity of MiuhiKuu, Governor
I'lnwreH Huid :
"It Ih the duty of ovary Rood citizen
to take part in thu MlTnira of (;overn
ineiit. The luwa dlinuld bo Oiiieiidnd no
an to compel men to ni tcnd cuucuhch un
der pmmlty of liming their votcH. Thom
who do not voto huve no riRht to criti
cIno. Wo are rapidly luKinu tho idea of
epjality in thin country. Tboro will
rood bo but two cIukhch tho million
aireH and tho poor. Tho ureat middle
ohiNH in in danger i f beinj,' elimiimiod.
Corriiption of public oflicern ami bad
laws nro ropoiiKiblo for thin.
"Wo are eiiKUKed in a deadly NtruKK'e
with roriorntioiiM, wliich ennlavo us.
The, railroads own ono third of the
property in the, Htate. and pay only one
twenty-hixtlt of tho taxi. The juipri'Uio
court at WnfchiiiKtou has decided that
thu htate in niiiHter, ami the xtato can
compel tho railroads to pay taxes. Tho
troulilu ariNCR in ettiiiK tliu riylit men
men who will refuse, to ride on passes
or take bribes in any other form. The
Michigan Central charKes pusM'tifrs 'i
cents u mile; tlm (irand Trunk, u com
pftiiiK road, can only clnirKu 4 cents.
Of thu ;i,000,t)00 which the !ipn pay
to tho former road $1,000,000 is wruurf
out by -xtiirtioti. Tito people don't un
(Irrnluiid this or they would imtkn it
ilaiiK'rous for men to livu aunmji them
who liartor away their riht.
"Tho naimi cbtis w hieh controls th
railroitds is k'etttiiK uuitrol of tint
ptiteu iu our tuuDiciiialiinsi, and after
bectnuiiifl tiruily fixed tlnrr tln-y cburjsw
uureHKOtntblo f ires and howl down any
0110 wito iron to iiiukutlu in red in e fuu
an aitHicr and an uuafo man. 1 ho
livVH in ntt.itit ti. how over. 'llu r is a
yiaul o p,,ituinty ohii to you rin:ii.
Ineii. i'tiriiotittti wealth mny try to burnt
yu If yutt 1 uiuo a hj uhir (hhum. bt l
liiUmiitd you will t e vn lr. jus an I
list" Ilia ,illf.ot!uii if b.iliij dot
your iluty,
"Th iijiii courl baa dcibbd
a4lul aii n.iiia iul Th ibtiaii u
boubt bt rvtr !! if iill.. If ih
roiutiiutli 11 a au b ltal th ! 1 . u
luut ataiitl, it houl.l ain odnt o a
to allow lb Kofvrutui'iil to -'t al on
srai wlih ttt it la t.iui( jt4
iu. It i th Miuiitli iir. ia I
J u l Ultvt lit I' o Hut i liAit. f
Ilo run 14m 111 in t ttti 11 it in. gt
aay Ihit nhn. ( ttn w b.i tvum attt t
lbui T n.-U t ultvl IU fl4ii
if In wwtUI t. t. n .i ttt lit u. : "
Ml l WuAatak tlttlwM,
lUav iieu, Mr Ii j A a rvab
tl la ah tku ar ytvrUjr t fti
Ml 14. 4iK i tit th ruttva, litr M (t
aK iAt au I litre H put-la u K
ta rUra4 Aa aain bial r4M4N
luuitu'U!f iifvl4. 1 W lut
trUtlatui UiaavM t th in
tu tlH us M amt, i'ataU
u tatvt wa r4atr4
T tt 14 ( al aiUa ff
atfi.iMa tirl s'k4 lal a.
awl ftmt -i, Taka auikw 4 II
a4da ara ta artra w aawi4
aaka a 4aj iHat al .
fay yar MilK)t-
Q r it tai . '
uo tou want to
your ranch, raw land, mill, factory, town or city prop
erty, to some one visiting the Trans-Mississippi Ex
position? If so, send to the Homeseekers Land Co.,
Omaha, for a blank description; fill it out and return
and it will be placed in their land catalogue, which
will be ready for distribution when the Exposition
opens. This Company will find you a buyer.
i PI g n rrt a nrn pi nwrn timhti'V
ni 11 11 11 n irm
Noma Taxpayer.
Tboro nro mean men and there lire
mean nations, (oinerul Hurrison math
a (jootl upceoli ou Washington 'm birth
day. Ho wild in cfTctct that tho mid
din cIuhh and thu poor paid tho taxci
and that thu rich bliirked, Tiny avoid,
(IoiJko, Jiido, I do not think that Jesue
Christ would approve the conduct of
most (if our rich men. You were a gun
bolder during tho wur and were puid iu
paper money worth anywhere from 80
cents to lit) cents on thu dollar and yon
own 11 lour room house iu Denver, on
tho I'lutte; you will pay your tuxes.
You were-11 bondholder during the wur
you will pay iiothiiiK.
It is nmazintf to 1110 how artless
have been in my life, Tho llrwt time on
BHseKsor of taxes camo around to mo J
hud a wutch w hich cost $100, I put
down 1 100. I had u H-IJOO homo and so
on, ievviiij muchiiui, etc. I was lutcr ou
surprised to find that I was paying
more taxes than any body on tho street,
and I had for neighbors such men as ex-
Attorney (o nerul Miller and Ucnjuiniu
Hurrison. Myron Jlncd's Hermoii.
i:iieiiuruk- I Iih Kplrlt ut lO-funu.
The i'opulists of .Sioux Fulls, H. D.,
propone pultiitK u full city ticket in the
fluid uud 11111I.11H u fight for municipal
ownership. This is right, Tho owner
ship of electric light and gas plunts,
street railways and waterworks are
1'upulistiu in principle as much as gov
ernment ownership of railroads, and the
fight should bo carried into every pre
cinct uud an application of every prin
ciple of the party made whenever possi
ble, iim hpirltof reform should prompt
local action and thus htrcngtheu the na
tional movement. Chicago Kxpross.
Money I'lleri I'p lo New York.
Tho money of tho nation is rapidly
congesting in New York city. The
bunks there now hold over 1100,000, 000
legal tender money more than they held
10 ntontliH ago. The legal tender cash
holdings of tho New York banks have
doubled since October, 18i)fi. If other
eastern cities show a corresponding in
crease in cash, there certainly must he
very little money left iu the west and
south or in the hands of the masses ol
peoplo iu tho cast. Missouri World.
Mark's Uuke OCT.
Mark Hauua is very mucli interested
in Ohio coal mines. It is announced
that theHti mines have received a govern
ment order for 350.000 tons of coal to
bo delivered at Key West. Aluhaum
coal is just us good and niuny hundred
miles msirer Key West, but Mr. Hunna
is reported us getting tl a ton more
thun the Alabama artielo was offered
for, and tho government puys tbo differ
ence iu freight. National Iutelligouoer.
AIIImiim With Ki,glAinl.
We doti't believo Americans, as a
(uerul thing, euro to form alliances
Ith Kngland, mtainly not while
Rothai hilds' osnry mill i-ontrols thut
aouDtry. e would like to see llnglish
men und Ameriouns gi t tok'tlhrr ami
get rid of the Iitlt hilds, J. l'iirtoiit
Morgans, Murk Hitniias uml that class
of iienpV We Hre not rcudy for alliance
until tMiiiindiing of this tort is done.
Denvtr ilo ad.
Hmm Uk IU.I Ih.) rat?
"Can you tell ma," sail Will to Hoh,
"how iitauy apples Adam and Kve ate
la tha ganleo of K.b nT"
"That's a chestnut!" Hob atisarrtxt.
'Ka at on and AtUiu ats, too, thnt
fliaka thre."
"You don't add crr iljr. luh i 'is
.otal is HI "
"Why, a jron ald. K at ne tl
iBl Adam ate. too tH.'i. A ,14 i anj M
4-thr, aa I you rt U3. don't jru"
Hob thou.ltt a itiomrht and then
fUlni-4 "t i liar at mora. afir
ill. Ka ala, b una (till, an. I A.Um
!. t.H. Tetai, 3i'
"Oh, I aa Ja that," at t
w'lll "Ka. fr a. a! on itUli, an I
lata. t.. ala ana (2U That siaa.s
t tuial af I JO. IH )! ti tail''
"Vm, ii.wJ' IU l tM (:, (
a, uf ana if Mil, sa t V law ata it.
ItH tt:i. that l a tttUl uf Ii4
N U s fmtt l ira "
Tl sjtfl." m;4 UtlL Tlt.f mu
lats aalaa tha whula ma" - N
lfh Hau,lr
n4talhirh ;ar sahartrtkt
tiflM W atA.a a xn mVt
imt hi-, Tak -tk ft.j 4 M
it imtrt shoM laals rvtMM
IT . .,. ,
pm aiHNt w Sttasa vtaaj m tk
f ll af 1
sen tour rarm,s
Blue Grass, White Clover.
This is the Best Season ever
known for sowing Grass Seel
We keep the Best, and sell It
right. Why not buy direct?
Come or send for Catalogue.
Free, of course
Cor. Tenth & N Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
An Kiodoa of, Hpanlsh Population From
Maw Urlaant War Look ad for.
New Oui. bans, La., March ,10, Tha
Spanish merchant marine agenU here
are much exercised over the war nowa
current In the newspapers. Hoping
that war may be averted, they are,
howevei, exercising all necessary pre
caution Every ship Bulling under
the bpanlsh flag' la leaving New Or
leans as fast aa it can get out From
and to this port thero is annually a
very large movement of Spanish ship
ping. Almost iu variably thpse boats
when they leave New Orloana home
ward bound call at Havana and I'orto
Klco. At these points they secure
cargo and passengers. It is under
stood that all who can get away from
either city will do so at once and seek
the protection of the mother country.
Whit Mammoth Arllrtiohs. Knar
to rnlm niel vary proline. Th bi'irs
tinrrrst ilium. Ihyra Inxmiv
linnnMnd innacia mahlnK d ail, For
(nrilior Information im pilrns, ad-
liny don, I'lielpi Comity, Kelirnaks.
Steel and
Ircn Rane. . .
Call and See It.
V 1. 'Ul
TWt"K "fc-uJUiJ -,J .mV,'Vm:
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Hall Bros. Company,
1308 0 Street.....
Monarch Gasoline Stoves . . .
. . . Monarch Oil Cook Stoves
Lincoln Exchange Mills, t
X 420 North 9th St.
I Cusotm Grinding a specialty :
4 AM th. limit aradva of Soar m- 2
H lor hat. cora or oala, Wa Z
aj raa ya nion.f . J
Conur N an J 8th Sts.. LINCOLN. 3 !
Phone 63. . . .
Full Assortment. Best GraJ,
L0Vktt lrlraa
or aukinos or
144 Neruniitmtilt , Kilter Ilk.
Gcniron anj Reliance O
A f t hiir Itittt nn..ikii..Mk.i
a S arm aauB M. a M a " '