The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 31, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    March 31, 1898
Independent Sewing Machine Indorsed By
All Who Use It.
Foraome time the Indki-kndknt boa been offering to its readers a sowing van
chine and a year's subacrlption to the paper lor f 10.5U. TI10 machine la war-ranted;firat-claae
lu tvery particular. All wLo have purcbused these muuhlucs ara
pleaaed with them.
A lady la this city desiring to purchase a machine called at the Independent
ofllee and asked for the uamea and addrese of part It wbo bad purobuaed
machines. Hbe stated that ehe wished to write to thorn and learn if the machine
was "exactly ae advertized." Hhe waa given the names and addressee of thirty
peraon from which ahe auluoted seven, to whom abe wrote a letter aim liar to I bo
LINCOLN, NEIL, March 1, 1WH.
Mn K. Waltkd, Vesta, Neb.!
IJeur Hir I bear that you bave received one of the "Independent" sewing win
chine, advertised In the Nkubamka Imdei'KNDKnt. Aa I aiu thinking of purchasing
one of these machines I write to you for Information concerning It. How does It
compare witb the Hlugor, Whit, Wheeler and aucb machine: la the wood work
nicely finished; la It supplied with full ant of attachments; la It high arm and drop
head; la It easy running and of simple meuhaniatn; la the machine all that la
claimed for it In the advertisement, and la there any additional expeiiae to the
receipt of it not outlined in the advertisement of the machine? Will ynu be kind
enough to anawer tbeae questions and give me your opinion of the machine? An
curly reply will greatly oblige, HesiHxitfully,
Tlllfl ltlOl'JIICM.
The replica which abe received to the aeven leltera were aa follow:
VEHTA. NKH., March '2, 1808,
In reply will any that the machine referred to, la all that the advertisement
guarantiee. Finely finished, and in all reapecte complete, You are aafe lu buying
It. Your,
DAVKV, NKH., March .J, 1HM.
Etta fUrKKU, Lincoln, Nob.;
la anawer to your letter we received luat evening concerning the "Independent
aowliig machine, lean auy 1 like the machine very much, It doe good work, 1
bave had my machine three weeks and like It better all the time, One of our
neighbor bad a Hiuger and lust fall got nil "Independent." Hlie says they work a
great deal the earn. My mother alao boa a 0.1 Hinger and we have compared
the attach men ta and find mine equal to bera and alao a full net. , woodwork ia
nicely flnlahed. It la high-arm and euy running. I think it ia all that la claimed
for it in the advertisement. There Is no uddltlonul exiMtns to tbe receipt of it. I
bone you will be aa well pleased witb the machine aa I am, Your'a truly,
OAK, NED., MA11CI1 6, ViM.
Miaa Etta Hamm, Lincoln, Neb.;
In regard to your letter of Miircb let, I would aay that the machine la juat na
described la the Indki'E.idknt. We are perfectly eatiaflud. It low lull sot ol at
tachments, and ia high arm. It la nolselea, light running and a perfect machine.
The woodwork ia highly poliahed. It will compnre witb any other machine I know
of. The machine ia all the advertlaement clulma, and more. There in no addi
tional expeuao to the receipt of the machine. Your reapectfully,
0. M, J ON EH,
DAVEY NEB., March 4, WH.
Mihh Etta Havvkh, Lincoln, Neb.:
Dear Madam: Your letter received, and In regard to the "Independent" sewing
machine will aay it ia aomethlng like the New Home machine, It ia a very good
easy runriig machine, doe plendid work and baa a full eel of attachment every
thing that ia needed in that line. The wood-work la nicely flnlhed. 1 believe it la
aa good aa any high priced machine. It ia high arm but no drop head; aud there
lan't any more expense to it only what In mentioned In the advertlaement, ao it 1
not expensive, and ia a very good machine. We have had our eight or nine
month and are greatly phiued witb it. I have done a great deal of sewing on it.
I have had two machine before Mil one, both expensive one, but neither of them
run a euay a tbl on,nor they didn't look any better to look at, a thleone look
very nice, I don't think there ia any fault whatever to be found with tin machine.
I am aure you will be well atlfled with it if you get one. It la aa good u any ma
chine you can get. Well, I think I bave anawered all your question, and aaid all
I need to. Hincerely our,
LEBANON, NEB,, March Jl, 1 H!)8.
Mihh Etta Havvkh. Lincoln, Neb.:
Dear Madam I will'eay in regard to the machine that we bave, that it ia
complete in every reapect; it ia all It la claimed to be; it la nicely flnlht)d; the wood
work ia oak, I do not think It necessary to anwer all the queNtiuri you have
aeked, for we think it a grand machine for the money $10.50 freight puid. No
extra charge In any way. 1 think if you purchae one of tneae machine you will
eurely be pleased witb it. Iteapectfully your,
(MLTNKH, NEB., March t. 1MH.
Mm Etta Hafkkii, Lincoln, Neb.:
Dear Madam Your letter of March 1 received; and In reply will any, that we
have bud thn machine only a few week. Did very little ewiug with it. But I find
it a very light running and neat appearing machine. The only machine I com
pared it with wa the Hinger, "lateat improved." Th wood-work ia a nicely
finished aa that of the Hinger, the ame kind of wood. 1 hnv the light color. It
tnachaniHin, in geueral, 1 a Mimple, and in mime reepect moreao than that of the
Hinger. Perhaps the only poaaiblu advantage I that the Kinxer ha the drop
bead and the "Independent" ha not. "Independent" ha a Itiuh arm the muuic a
the Hinger, and u full wet of attachment, except etching and Kcneiiigtoui em
broidery attachment, which i 7.rc extra. There ia no additional expense on re
ceipt of the machine. They eiid a certificate of warranty good for ten year.
Yea, I think it i all that they cluiin it to be. And I am of the opinion that
the "IndeMndent," witb prosr care, which all machine ahould have, will lat a
long and do u Rood work a the machine which 1 jut compared it with, which
would cot me 55 cash iu Aurora, Neb Your re wctfully,
PAWNEE, CITY, NEB., March 5, 1MUH.
Mm Etta Sapper, Lincoln, Neb.:
Dear Madam Beplying to your inqulryof the lt Inat,, regarding the"lnd
pendent " Hewing Machine, I will ay: It compare very favorably with the Hinger,
which we have couidered the "beat." The wood-work I nicely flulwhed. It
i aupplied with a full aet of attachment; i high arm; drop leaf; impl in con.
atruction; eny to run, and la all the advertlaement iu the I.niiki'KMikn r claim fi r
it. Tnere ia no additional expeiiae to ih renelpt of It, exuept what i iudioated la
the advertieemuut. Very reapectfully,
If you ned a Hewing Machluu you will find "The Independent Machine" antle
luctory iu every particular. It' a bargain. rW advertiautiieitt pago vn
.tin. O
New L ncoln
Steel Range
Best on Earth,
MiJt oa Roior, Soli ei Mtrlt.
Cuiriittlif foo4 likir
ai ttoioakal of Imlj
AlUUUllii Still.
Imf,-ptitlim lt ) mn ati
m u ii it4 ! ! i am .
mI ! WI It . kol
tm k a m 4 (in a1.
4 M a a tit1
Lincoln. Neb.. Makers.
t l.aLn '. II "
4 I r.-l, ju. k-J ritroilii Homt liimtrv.
l iuai far MtUtka, ,
I K I L A tov your Si 1IRTS UunJr J ht 5c.
1W h If 11 At CUFFS 4v COLLARS 2c. a! th niw
f w II V IIUL 5c 1-AunJry 1629 0 STHLILT. IUi
lvrJ. Minimum o(
loo 333. Uutliutt caIUJ lor mJ dt
10c. !
Vpon Haeh Vfpmndt All Kl ProfrmM,
Monur I th Lir.blwxl of CnimrM.
It hould thp ud af-The I'o.
pt C'ulletlljr tli Marlty.
Of all the great invuntiona yet to lie
worked oat the grandest of all will be
a wiae ayatoiu of diatribntioii whereby
mental and pbyaicul product may bo
quitubly exobungud upon a broudur
and more coiiiprnlici)lv bnala.
Hitherto dlNiiovcry and iuveution bave
only aought to iuurcuau the bulk and
volnino of thing witli the leant buuiun
toll, forgetting all the while that mini
liiunt atill live by tbu iwcut of hi brow
muni labor lu order to eurn, inuat
aro in order to ohiihuiiio, mut con
iuiiiu in order to tiatme production,
Aloro (.kiilfol huahundry, with im
proved mnnbliiery, muy evwry year pro
duce Jurgitr crop at luaa coat of human
toll. Hotter fubrlca may constantly be
more obeuply woven by lupcrior devloca
of jjinnufacture. Ju every field of lubor
oieiioe and liidutry muy ronaplre to
gcthcr to till atorebouaea to overflow'
ing with pmrliicU, Yi t witb all tbia
varied application of uauful lubor, un
leaa there ia coupled witb It a better
ayatcin of distribution, tlieao modern
force of clvlllzutlon, now ao rapidly
tnultiplylng the crcutlve power for lur
gcr production, will fall woefully abort
of thtdr gruud dealgn the general eleva
tion of man to a higher pinna of being.
All progrca in weullli, in acleiKto, In
power la proportioned to tlia fret at and
tnoat wjuitublo cninmiirce or exchange
of Idciia and acrvicc. To further tliiu
object ahould ho the grand uud and aim
of true uooiioinlu acicnco. Whufever
proinotca thla comuicrce ia junt and
right, but wbatevtirobatruuta it ia crime
and truaaon to aocicty,
The commerce of the world lum grown
too ooinplus to barter one thing for an
other, and therefore money bu become
tieueaaury aa the great toid of exchange,
Hut money locked up in hank or accret
ed In biding plucea, hut money perform
ing ita legitimate function iu the rapid
exchange of Idcaa, of aervioea, of pro
duction, We do uot luted a coatly money, a
money of iutrinaic volue, in order to
faoilituto thi commerce of production,
for it muy be uccomplUhcd equally well
with money of a cheap material pro
viding there ia an ahuudunce of it at
low coat and of undoubted nccurity.
The circulation of money may be
likened to thu movement of a railroad
train. The mora frequently train move,
at tbu lowcat poalhlu freight coat, the
more the interchange and truuaporta
tlou of product Ion i atimuluted.
On the virgin prniriea of the weat
wheat eulturo now take the place of
hunting becuuae the railroad truuxporta
tlon of crop afford a anrplua over the
coat of production, which freight by ox
team would abaorh. Thla aurplua, or
profit, enable thu farmer to buy the
production of other, which coatlier
trnnaportation would deny him. Hence
the interchange of ugrloulturiHt are
promoted or dUcouragcd by freight tar
iff. The cheupeat, not the cimtlicNt
freight rate, aro alway dcimuided, an
thut the lurgeat profit may inure to the
producer at thu leuat eont to the con
aumer. In tbia way pt'oductivo iuduatry
receive it large! impetii.
Money i a fur more iinportaut vehicle
for thu equitublu liitcrchunge of produc
tion than ruilroud train. While fre
quent truiu. at low price, with great
aaftity promote the lurgeat commercH on
railroad, ao tlio luie volume of money
at cheap coht uud perfect aeeurity U-at
promote thu broader commerce of
idea, of Ncrvii-e uud of all production.
l!y hucIi iiit iui thu internal commerce
of the couutry may be atimuluted to
(iunrmoua proportion, and, nfu r all, it
la thi internal commerctt which i the
unkt liiihin for uatioiiul prosperity. The
coiiiprelieuNlveencouruKciiH iit toa lun;e
domcktiu I'oiiimerca will cuuxu thu eul
tivatioii of thu wider field iu apicul
ture ly marketing food among thoM'
now Miller log for thu need of it. It will
Ntimultttu a litim r general demand for
product of nil kind, Ixith mental uud
pliyicul. It w ill ditrlbuto uot only the
giocr need of exinteucu fret ly to all,
but It will advance know lulne, build
libritrii a mid euibi llili boinea wiili ly
with work of art ami tiutu,
Throtigli tlie t-iiiitildn inti rchuutiu i t
at rvlt'v e"il not through thu debe
no lit of aliiiktukliig the lnw ltekt In
ftt ly eoiiiuiuiiliy w ill 1m able to com
muiid Hut livH luli'klll mid the lie u
ami ( lit r uiinutt tliig t tf u mote g u
mlly tint umiI wtih itiMii'a elMMr to
cittiiuii, r ilii un ut uiul tuilturo.
In altoii, a it.iiiiiufcu wily .tiniu
luhd ly ultiiiiiil. wll atH'tirtnl and
( lu up luoiit y willtputt keu th ihrtit l'ing
! til tif wy luiiu.try. Iimtead t f mtv
twtllt'u a ilioUMitd to Ut u lully
nd ii tiuily tuidid. It will ion
i aim and iii.iu vtry ttui u
titatUitHl viMigy lu all tha rnl
tall oiu i f lit a w II a ijh it lilt w.l
ir tiliet llt III l.l l I liMlliuli lttl
'lbl toitttui ti iiv t Mi'l tn ur
Mil III til tt lllMl-'llIU kll Wit III lit
tii.t iy it iimtikiit'l NVntU it will mill
Jmily )il l l' lual tii it'
Hx .l lull llt( tit and Ui lu.tti iiil will
out i f it tut nt'i.ii-Uu. tiwtty it'l;
UttH..4ft warn i f ail. It m l
tlttt lu'U I t tlwatf tliu 4i i' hi
UllllUl l lllMWld IM IlKl.t'lll 411
tot i llilhfclH , I I. II' III" w ti"l' tl
Willi l y, litmti i t'l .lnti
W lot tli I II Mi I lit It i"i'i
HuH I W t It" Iu!.mHImI t '
I'l. 4 HI WMtttul I-. -iiltt tU . I II ii.l
f UloltMlM ! ' hit Wt'lf H i
IU.I attttH and ti.iUtti.IT t I'll
uullf itttlii ltoi pfklMit'ti. in
tfVM i f tllliUtl l. IH41. I, Wlllt )
it I i t,uiiiu UU tt imti -l I.Hit Imti.U
ltd tutplua l at ainfwUMn II t
Mttta mI Uk lwidtttliailiti lu
MltH ttwaatiy It I uitl a W4uumfi'
it..U it. ai nuw iioi-dia
ally created becanae market become
aurfeited not from the iuauflluienoy of
would be oonaumora, but from the lack
of ability to purchaae through the Inter
chuuge of production. The evil la a
two edged aword. When commerce
move alowly, lubor periabea, tbua de
nying rightful earning to thoae whoia
interchange of labor would create a
large, active and atoady commerce,
The evil grow out of a time houorod
deluaiou. The theory of money la de
fective. Our vyatem of finance baa be
come too cramped to conduct broad and
healthful exchange. The fulee idea
that the in tr initio value of coin money
can and moat be imparted to all tokena
of exchange ia mainly reaponaible for
the error. Ita abaurdity ia expoaod by
the fact that 09 paper bunk credit dol
lar are now required to be iaauud for
every dollar of exiatiug coin in order to
conduct the preaeut narrow exuhungo of
product lone. It i thu aeuu that evou
now intrinaio value ia 10 thinly diluted
and vurniahed over the preaeut ayatem
of money aa to abow that tome other
foundation far Ita aufety muat exiat tban
that of intrinaio value. Let u examine
what la tbia real foundation.
It la well known that a counterfeit
dollar will circulate aa freely from
band to bund aa the genuine coin until
it i (Uncovered to bo dobaaud and not
entitled to credit
Ho alo in former time "wildcat"
bunk notea circulated equally aa well a
tboHii of aound bunk, ao long a the
public believed both entitled to equal
All thla prove that the circulation of
money ia really founded on credit, or
oonflduuce, and not on intrinaio value.
Ia thla admitted? Then it follow that
credit ahould be obtained at the loweat
coat for money, beoauae when it i need
leanly high the coat of money ia unnoo
eaaarily enhanced, thereby unduly tax
ing everything wo eat, drink, wear or
consume, Juat aa the needle high
trauaportation from farma puralyze the
production of agriculture, to the too
mull volume and high coat of money
paralyze enoigy in every department
of iuduatry,
The deluaiou that the true baala for
money ia intrinaio value inatcud of
credit haa been moat harmful in retard
ing aoclul progreaa. It baa oaueod ita
volume to be unduly limited and main'
tallied at a coatly price. Tbu money
baa been clothed witb an uujuat power
over other thiuga, unfairly retrictiug
and changing commercial value with
out regard to the coat of production,
Tbe oppreaaiona of metallic money
brought the darknea of the middle ogea
upon the world while national credit
without coin money iu Venice enabled
a population of lea than 200,000 to ea
tubllah and maintain for 600 year a
commerce aurpuaing in aplcndor any
thing before or aince known to man by
a like population.
Credit being the trno baala for money
and not intrinaio valuo, it followa then
that the publio ahould enjoy the cheap
oat and beat poaaible credit for ita mon
ey, beoauae tho uggregute tax on aocicty
by coatly money ia overwhelming in ita
autagouiam to production. May it not
be aaked what cheaper or better credit
cuu be hud for tbe people' money than
tbe joint credit of all the people?
The apecioua plea of iutrinaio value
for money long enabled bunker In tuli
country to foit upon tbe publio their
private or corporate credit otenaibly
ocurud upon coin. The frequent fail
ure to redeem theae worthlea credit
became a crying public calamity, finally
Deceaaitutinga legal oouaervator of bunk
morale, wboao duty ia to aee that bank
note circulation ia aeoured upon United
Ktatoa bond.
Although bank circulation ia now
tbua firmly aeoured upon publio credit
or the bonded fuith of tbe whole people,
bank depoitora are really no better ao
cured than wero thu depoaitora in tiie
old atutu bunk. In order to muko 26 or
l!0 per rent annual profit for tho capital
iuvcHted bunker aim to iucreae dupoa
ita three or four fold, ao aa to loan 3
or 4 at interoHt for every dollur of cap
ital. Tbua while thu rink to the note
holder (which ia only one-quarter of the
whole) ia tukeu awytbu other three
quarter ruk being thut of tbe deposi
tor I aubject to all the (lunger and
chu tuie that may befall private credit,
aa iu the timea of the atutu bunk.
The power that tbia absurd plea of
intrinsic value in aome myaterioua and
unaccountable way ia auppoatid to give
to publio money when wielded by pri
vate hand entail uu enorinou atigre
Kitted coat ou production.
Today the prt ciou metal may be iu
America, but tomorrow freighted to
Kumpo according to the exigeiiciea of
exchange. Their volume la too aiiiull
and uncertain, their locality tooilmnge
ablu to be a tu credit l-aaia for the ill'
lurged autoumtiu production of grow ing
Ile.ldi i tbl all Ihepatehwolk of aue
clve tiouunanloiml fiiatinuiit from
the fouitdalltiii of the guveiuuteiil bava
f4tbd lov.tabliali a uultorui equilibrium
of litlriiialu VIuis ilthtr of the preelou
luouU with failt t'thtr, or In tl'tir
brtwdvr rUiiou In imltn tlitn.
KtllAlly III Wiiudiltul lUtkluptlltUl
of ImIuuI fort-ea lit tbia ag of nine
nd tliry ilitiiatut tint uuIwimiI
diulMtuM iif matt to Iha u rou tutt
quvlutrf labia i f nalur' U'Utiiy. .Sol It
tug anon if thi will atlviw a aum. irul
iKtiiauitipliuM i f lb rltt lloo of
uli'tiMitii UUt, Ni ihing aiu il i f Iha
1 li.lniK nl i f all bujuat Uiv ti in
Uuv in n Hiel (Mtuuti, Ihriiuaa m'
.y Mturml a" I ii.l.'v oii'Oiy, wilt
tliitiitiuti 1 1 lum I t llmuUlittj ltll,
lUi'.v .ii lb luittili atii tt ttli
an).? fully It. Unit if btfa iudl
tlUl aaialtta, h u nit i f lliti Kf at i
taby 11 h ti iu hMtwMiiy ilat nan
Item ali.uU t t t tw4 wjm I bu lit
ilwiBatil Vuluiwe if lb tl"t
luul, r ou Ittw Millf tl tUtv
4Mll if t !, ttit 111.1 1 tH4l lb
tHHitt awd lt ml Nt i f alt 1 14
Ita, tl all Iha wvalih, t l alt U ait
aar and lt lite n iiv. U4ildaHi
it. rullMllvaly, if lite anllre AntUM
t nl M, lHrVi
EWING . . . . .
A Perfect Machine at a Popular Price.
M $19.50 k
Wby pay tbree tlmaa aa much In order to wcura a popular name? When j
bay nmi machlue you pay 75 par cent for tbe name and 20 per eeot for tbe maj
ebine. Wa atoll you a Hawing Machine that will aew. and charge yoo nothing far
tbe name. If you do uot like th name "Independent," paint red over it andeeJI
the machine what yon will. We are doing tbe advertlalng, and it dote not coat w
much. We buy th machine direct from one of the largnet manufacturer In the
world at riOTOBY coar, and we offer them to our ubacrlbera at an exceptionally
low price, and all we want In addition la One Subacrlbar. Our "Iadpeadar
Machine ia a thoroughly flrat-cloae Family Sewing Machine, and ia retailed uader
IU original name at S65.00. Our arrangement witb tbe manufacturer! will net
allow ua to nae their name, but Instead w eall It "Independent."
Awarded the Medal Premium at tbe World's Colombian Exposition at
Chicago la 1803.
EVEBY MACHINE WA EE ANTED. A written warranty acoompanlee
each Machine. All part art Interchangeable, and we can aupply dupli
cate at any time. Each part of the Machine i fitted with aucb exact
neaa that no trouble can ariae witb any part, aa new piece eaa be
applied with the aaauranoe of a perfect fit.
Onr "Independent" ia a etrlctlr high-grade Sewing Machine, and finished
throughout lu the beat poaaible manner. It noaaeaaes all modern improve
ment, uud Its mechanical construction la aucb that in It arecorabioed almpllelty
with great strength, thus inauf'ug ease of running, durability, and making It
Impoaaible for the Machine to ue put out of order. It sews fast and makes
perfect stitch with all kinds of thread and all cloases of material. Always ready
lor uae and unrivaled for speed, durability and quality of work.
Notice the following points of superiority.
m 1 . .. . . nnlrnfr It MNA. .Kit . fffHlll flAll flA Vfll
I HK IlKAU aWlllK OU lllll rw;i mui nun 'J
by a thumb acrew. It is strong, substantial, neat and handsome In
dolgn, and beautifully ornamented la gold. The bed plate has
rounded corner and is Inlaid or countereunk, making it fluah with
the top of the table. HioiiicaT Any Tbe space under tbe arm I 5
inches high and 0 inchea long. This will admit tbe largest skirU,
even quilta. It ih SKLr-TiiiiKAOiNO Thera are abaolutely no holes
to put the thread through except the eye of tbe ned!e. Ton Shut
tle Is cylinder, opn on the end, entirely self-thrtiading, eoay to pot
In or take out; bobbin holds a large amount of thread. Th Stitcb
Keooi.atou la on the bed of tbe Machlue, beneath the bobbin winder,
and bus a scala showing tbe number of stitches to the Inch, can be
changed from 8 to fl'J atitchea to the iuch. Thr Feed is double and
ztcud on both eidea of tbe needle; never fails) to take tbe goods
through; never stops at seams; movement is positive; no eprings to
break and get out of order; can be ralaad and lowered at will.
Automatic Kohbin Winder An arrangement for filling tbe bobbin
automatical" and pe'',,c'y smooth without holding tbe thread.
Tbe Marina does not run while windiug tbe bobbin. Liqht Ron-KiNO-Ths
Macblns is eay to run, do not fatigue the operator,
ntnkea little ooiae and awa rapidly. Tan Htitch Is a double-lock
titch, the aams on both sides, will not raval, and ean be changed
without stopping the Machine. The Ten a ion ia a fiat eprlng tanaloa
and will admit thread from M to 150 eiool cotton wilhontchanging,
Never geU out of order, The Nucule ia a straight, self-satllng
nmdle, flat on one side, and raeeot ba put la wrong. Needle lUa
is round, made ol raas hordeutnl atl, with oil eup at bottom to
pravant oil from getting on the gooda. AwuaTABi.B Hbasijios-AII
Uarlnga are e. bardmed atwl and eaa be study adjuatad with a
crt wdriver. All btt motion ean be takea up, and the Machine will
Ut a Ida time. A TT ach u e ts ICach Machiue Is lurolbd with ths
following sttil bttstwl attachments rasa: On r mil Hammer
Keller, on 1'arkaK of Saedlea, sit Hobbius, one Wrtueh, one Mcrew
Jinver, one Hhuttle Hcrew lrltar, one Trees Fool, oa Itolt and
Hook, on Oil t'aa filled with oil, one Uauga, one Uauga rkraw, oae
liter, and one Instruction lUxik.
j. tun.oo ndLtvoxxxivia ron s
riliar-Owe "iNdepeadeNf Hew lag Mavalae as above deeurtlMSl
aatl Kebraeba Udean4eaii eae tut l ftO,
IKlXNn a'!fndet" neejleig Mai hlae glvea M
! abeulHiely fre efooel foe al'labef &U Mabwrtbe
I tHl a.
Tllltm4v -Ude4tH Mwl Mat alee ftUoa eaa
aa4at leriaBMtHnribere at $1 wl est Ik.
frmmiT nil-Adwkla-.KnJ 1 trow Ul..rrt(1tija. rmitt
krga fei4 tot av (Kitat i IM I n. 11 MUtee ua a rd, el t
Ketela WhiKtftia, t aUtiMrai. Sd. ttrmgoa. tVUtiat i, UitH
iliiv I'Uk, U.iii, tei wi ,! V ,ut.i tv eVwh Ua ! vvy
all Ireigkt ttrg.a t. 1 1 im m 14.1 tveaU
rfoee fdf ta Maeiee wtll W,e aula UUIt IN Hua a wkWh Iks taeaafrsi
b t be ea'tt4, ae It aa !' a.wloin tae t af le t be aeal !. (live
ia xitat well m HtlutB addrees, aa4 blll Manatee aa4 fit Bill M
vM-tt mm .
BtrAeaaaaa tiw Oaeaaa a Arrti m lrtarNi t
Lincoln, Nobraska.