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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1898)
.1 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT March 31, 1898 I 11 t u I '4 I . i ... i F t 1 . t .A . f. ! 1 1 M i 1 j f J i 1 I i ? III DO(CootIoued from page 8.) tain evidoneo filing the rponalMHt.jr for th daatrnction of the Maine opon any poraou or poraoun. W. T. SAMPHOK. Captain U. 8. N., President. A. Marix. Went. Ootn. U, 8. N., J u&ifd Ad vocato, Xoulf n J'owalion'i TeatlMvny. The following are portion of tlio tea tlmony ! KfiNn W. V. N. I'owolann wan culled the third day of the court. Ho teatiflod that he hud boon prowmt on the Maine evory day from tho arriral 'of tho boat Frn and daring ft groat deal of the diving. In reply to cjuoKtlon to tell the conrt nil about the condition of tho wreck, he aid tho forward part of the hlp for ward the aftor mnoknataok had bwiu to all appearance ooinphitoly destroyed, The conning tower lay in a portion op posite the door lending to the aupnr trnotnro aft and to atarboard, inclined atahaut 110 degruei to tlm vertical, with the top of the conning tower on board. (Continuing, he diwiribwl with oIohs detail the condition under the main dock on tho port ldo. Tho 11 ture wore completely wrecked, while flxtnrc! in the mime poaltlou on the Itarboard aide wore In Nome ciwmw al moat Intact. Tho bulkhead betwonn the main and berth deck at tho con ning tower Mupijorta had been blown aft on both Midoit, but a great deul wore on the port than on the "larboard aide. The flroroom hutch immediately abaft of the conning tower had boon blown in throe direction!, aft, to atar board mid to port. Tho protective dock under the conning tower opport wu! bent In two direction!. A piece of the aldo plating Jut abaft of the alarbonrd turret wiw vhtiblo. Thi plate wiw bent outward aud then tho forward end bent upward and folded backward upon Itanlf. Thin plate wan ahnarrol from the rent of the plating below the water line. TIiIh plating below the water line baa been puflhod out to Mtarbourd. The armored grating! of tho engine room hutch were blown oft. A composition atrainor wa picked up from the Htarboard quarter at a point altout oppoaltu the poop cupHtun and alMMit 70 foot from it. The chief engineer thought tho Htraiunr waa from the firemen'! waubnxmi. It waa not a trainer in the ahlp'a Mido. Near the piiHio of outaldo plating to which wituoM referred above he aa d there were piece! of red ahollaowl plank!. On thwo plunk! wua bolted a ooinpoidtion track two iuoho wide aud an Inch thick. lie thought tho ihlp on the port aide waf entirely gone oppoMite a point Indi cated on a diagram handed to the court. It waa entirely blown op. Captain Nlgibea'a Teatlnionjr. Captain PlgHboo, in teatifying before the court of inquiry which convened in the harbor of Havana, Monday, Feb. SI, Raid that he annumou" command of the Maiue on April 10, 1897, and that liia ahip arrived in the harlxr of Ha vana the hutt time Jan. 21, 1808. The anthoritlaa at Havana know of the Maine'! coming, Coiiaul (ieueral Iaio having iuformod the anthoritioH, ao cording to official cnatom. After he to k on an oflluial pilot aout by the cap tain of the port of Havana the ahip wua berthed in the man of wur uuclioruge off the Machina, or the Blmara, aud ac cording to hia unrlorHtundiug waa one of the regular buoy! of tho place. lie thou Htuted that he had been in Havana in HT4 and again in lH'.Ui. He could not atate wlwlhur the Maine whm placed in thouxuulborthof inou-of-war, but aaid thut ho hud heard itmiark luce the exploaiou, uniug Captain 8tvona, temporarily in ooiumand of the Ward line ateumcr City of Wanh iugtou an authority, for the atatemout that he had never known in all hi ex perience which covered vlalt to Huvaua for five or atx ywira, a man-of-war to be anchored at that buoy; that he had rarely kuowu morvhuut vimumjI to be auehuiud there and that it wm the leant nM)d buoy in the harbor, In dea crthlug the aiirMuuditig wlteu flint iw Hired t thl bu iy Captain SikUh tatwt that the H;muili tiiau-of war Alfoiuo XII wan miHinxl in the HMt llott now oe apted by the Fern, about a.'AJ yarU tollui northward aud we4t ward of the Maine, The Oeritiau ahip Urteanatt wm aie lerl at the lrth bow wviipltsl )y the Hpaulnh iuau-if war Iitl k,o which la about 4mt yard about due nirth fnim ih Maine II then located the Herman iuu of . war Charltilte whu h ram lato the harUtr a day or two latr, which waa aihr'4 to I ha aomhwarl of Ilia Matua'i trtlt aUml 4ai or ti yardt la d nl.iiic the larMundlag at the tliu of the atpkiakoH, 4UHalti rigl UMlhat the tttgal waa ralia aud !tUI. Tha alfouatt III m at the aauta lrh Tlia ttuiUl fpauiaH itupahh UxU Is H0m 4 ntiua oal thetUy Vfor and u the bwrta wi the Ur laaa mat uf war, lUa tiiMmu. whk h ka4 WU. The t4aer Vitf of Waaa lagtott waa attehtuM aWtwl yM Ki 1 urn auiu tu i pi w m ? Ituhlljr lha aarirr The Malue elst at Kay Waal, lav lag wh etwal I At Ida, lha xl Uia tvtf aUtty luno l au I takn frmu lha fvviul rM( kle 't liia ih1 wa y!at giuvM lr In In if ai au Give the Children a Drink alMUralaa It la, a tiui. aoarmllag lmt Artab U tai Ik 4 ! M'llMk Hd4 9 ail gritwra aaJ hla.1 y all aa a IS aa,alrartr ffa4 IMaiW hte tba m a,.Ra M tf ttow al It tetartuaa tt lie, llraia tl aid iigaakUHi a4 aimietaaM la ato, It ! aet a UwalaaV kt aUH laHWt. aa4 afcit Jrae, aa eall a ,lttlte, a 4nal II ttlwit !, t-U aUoatt(M Mead m ttlt laa4 REPORT era. No report waa received Irom tho chief engineer that any coal had been too loug In tho bunker and that the fire alaui! In tho bunker! are aonwuve. Inofaraathe regulation! regarding inflammable! and paint! on board ,;(Jap tuin Hiuatjoo toatifiod that the regula tiona were atrictly carried out in regard to atorago and that the waato also waa dubloct to the !am carer ui aiHpoNiuon Aa to the "ituatlon of tho paint room he fixed it aa in the "eye! of the hlp," juHt below tho berth dock, the extrome forward compartment. Aa for the dl!- pottltiou of inflammable!, thiy were atowed in cheat! according to tho regu- latloiia and wlien lufiammablo! were In excoa! of cheat capacity they wore al lowed to bo kept in the bath rmim of the admiral' cabla. Regarding the Miwma jdautof the Maine, Captain HlgHbee itatod that there waanoaorion ground ing, nor Hidden flaring up of the light! before the exploaiea, but a midden and total collapse. Hpeaklng generally of hla relation! with the Hpanlnh author itiea, Captain Bignbee atuted that with tho official! they were outwardly cor dial. The member! of the aatouomlatlo council of the government, however, xooiii to have brought to tho at tention of the navy department the fact that he did not vbtlt tlieui and t hit fi ct brought omburraMNmont to tho govei n ineut at WuNhinglxm. He took tho ground to tho department that it waa unknown cLlouotle to cull on the civil member! of tho colonial government other than the governor. Withont waiting for auch au order Captuin Hig! beu made a vialt afterward and, a! etated, wax ploaaautly received uud hi! vlalt promptly returned by certain member of the council. Later a party of ladle and gentlemen culled and the prexideut of the council imnle a peech, which Captain HigHboe could not under stand, but which wun interpreted to hint briefly, to which he replied, "My reply," aaid Captain Hig!bee, "waa afterward printed in ut leuat two paper in Havana, but the term! tnude me favor uutonomlatlo government in tho inland. I am informed that the anion miMtlo government In Havana i! unpopular among a large chut! of Hpun iah aud Cuban realdent, I have no moan! of knowing whether my upi ar- rout interference in the political con cern of the iland hud any relation to tho detraction of the Maine." When auk od whether there waa any demount rat Ion of auimoMlty by pK)ple afloat, Captain Bigxboo !aid that there never waa on ihoro, aa he waa in formed, but there wa afloat. Ho then related that on tho ilrnt Bunduy after the Maine' arrival a forryboat.crowded detiMoly with people, civil and mili tary, returning from a bull fight in llegla, pu4od tho Mulue, and itlxmt 40 people on board indulged in yell, whiHtlei aud derbdve call. During the atay in Havana Captain Higbee took more than ordinary precaution for the protection of the Maine by placing ion trlea on tho forecastle and jxxip. He aaid ho had given order to the miwter-ut-urin and an order to keep a careful eye on everybody that came on board, aud to carefully obHorve any packngo! that might be held ou tho aup portion thut dyiiumite or other high exphwlve might be employed and aft erward to inspect the route tlieno peo ple had taken, and never to lone aight of the importance of the order. He atute that very few people vbdtcd the ahip, Lieuteuaut Commuuder Wuiu wright being ruther aevero on deul- tory Tiaitora. There ware only two via- it of Hpuuuth military ofUcer. Once a party of live oriixHpuuiahoflleer camo on board but according te the captain they were const ruiued and not desiron of accepting much courtesy. Thi visit waa during tho absence of (be cuptain. Ho naid ho made every elTort to have the Hpuuish olllcen visit the ahip to how good will according to the spirit of the Maine' vlit to Havana, but with exception stated no military otllcer of Spain vUlteo the ahip aoclally. Cuiiaul (iaaaral ' TVntlmonjr. CouhuI (Ieueral FitiehuKh Iae ap peared If fore the court ou March H. HI trstliiiimy related to the otllctal formalitlca preceding the Maine' ar rival. On Jan. 94 he received a m fnnn the atato department aaylng that the Maine would be aent to Ha viu mi a friendly visit tonumethe n'gulir state of naval rebitloti le tweatt the two coutitrie, aul ho wat ordi r" I to tintke arriitgemeut at the palrtcu for Ilia iuterehuuKe of ottleU) (Hiurtealea. After a call at the p.l.eo heaeiit the atate deartmeta a cipher iliapntch, aaylng ! Attthortttea p4 to think the United Hiatr ha ulterior purtae lu aa itdtiig the ahip Hf It will olmtruet aul "iiiitiiy and iktaea vtotit mem, mid iiumI inlliy a (leinotwtratUtti. Ak Hut It ten ! done till they cu gitt lu trictMt Imiu Mdn.l Hy thai if t 't frtaudly NiruMi, aeUuud. dlay la oulHiprt uit ll a lki lala, however, Ih Main had alfwatty aaitml. Hit arrlvel ueil d y, aud U poiiMt hr arrival lo the ilala drHHiiil. Uaaact III' f MtlmaaVt Thlaf Oumi r Mala OU-rt ti( h 1'nUatl Matt-a icauirr lote Ml lutw a had lK ai l la ltau tor the turpi ef ttoiug klitrlitg duty u Ih! wrw a. II hid Joi(M font limae, making aUmi atgbt 14 Mia ttuurt el al H4HlMIMI. Ulaaa Id4 aw i ki Irat daaibl, a ! er I a fotward part ut ta ahtiv Ti a at ua iptf4ti e Midi i fuaad th r a all bla. a. I fud atotvf grate enr 4om lk " Th aiu4 tlw he wal ilawa ferlhat ti'faarvl, end lhr hal4 )o4 4 10 lava ahalU. r4 of ibaa lb dle te Ual lulr4eva ibaw, Atl If he la4la4 hlaiatlf ha blag ftM)ar4, be ilaiatt that be 4i4. titag ever tbe ptaiae batirai b lata a hl el It -la'h ahalU wild lha aliag im Ibam. UtiingMlbe iigbi, uaa euitO, ba fad a b4 f n bag. aatma4 to bate Uaam blow a evtr the ttuui4. iLta ltt4 that b lal bU baad laM lle ra4 aa4 Untaght eel eevatai et, THE PROBLEM SOLVED. TIIK NKW MKIilCAL VlMCOVEItT TKHTEU. Kasult of tba Taut in Tarloui Vormt al Djripapala. Chronic Indfgeatlon or dyapopaia, while a very common irouuie, 11 a lor aorne time been looked upon by able nhyelci- an u u aerloua thing, aud that no time should be loat in treating It properly at Hie start, because recent revturche bava shown thut the moat aerlou. fatal and incurable diaeuaea have their origin in Nimplw dyspepsia or ludlgoatlon. Diabete la almply one form of Indigo tion, the sugar anil starchy food not be ing fiNsliiilluted by the dlgetive organ, lu Jlrlght'a disease the albumen la not proiiorly Hlinllnted. While consumption and dysiMtpsia are twin diwiise. and It la beyond question that dyspepsia make a fertile aoil for Hie eed of consumption. Hut the trouble hit been to find a row oily tlmt could bn thiiomlml upon to viirt (tyniwiml1, lis It I notoriously ob stinate aud dlfllcult to cure. Thi ho been the ijuaatlon which ha puzzled physician and dyspeptic alike, until the question waa solved three year ego by the appearance of 11 new dyapep- aia oiire in the medical world known a ui...,..,' 1 'I'ul.l.., uilii.t, ....... claimed wua tut 11 certain, reliable cure for every form of stomach trouble. i'hyslcluns, however, would not accept ucli Mtuleinent without first giving the new remedy many teat and carefully ob- sesvlng result. J' or threw year tho remedy Iiiin been thoroughly tested lu every section of the country aud with surprising and autla- factory result, Httiurt'a Dyspepsia Tablet ran be honestly claimed to be a specific, a radi cal lasting cure for Indigestion In the various form of nold dyspepsia or or tomuch, gaa or wind ou stomach, too niuuli bile, undue lullness or pressure uf br eating nnd similar symptom result ing from disordered digestion. Htuart' Dyspepsia J uldel were not placed be fore (he public until thi three year trial left no doubt a to their value ana they have recently been placed in the trade mid can be found ou sale at all druggist at the nominal price of 60 cent per package. No extra vagnnt claim are made for the remedy, it will not cure rheumatism, pneumonia, typhoid fever nor anything but just what, it I claimed to cure, and that I every form of stomach trouble. No dieting I fiocoMsary, good whole- some foomd plenty of it and you may rest unhw'iJ that Htuart' Iiyapepalu Tablet Will digest It, IJriiuitlMl claim for It that Ills a plea- lire to recommend it to dyspeptics, be cause It give such universal satisfaction. Little book on stomicli Disease tent free by addressing Htiinrt Co., Marshall, Allen. pounder anon. The next t ime he went clown, Olson toatifiod, he went down outside the ahip forward of the crane ou tho jMirt aide. He followed the bottom along and found that tho ship'! aide wo blown outward aud alongside the craue it could be walked ou. "At the part where alio ia blown up completely," wltne said, "part of her bottom plitto are turned up. I hen you follow the bottom from there up and underneath the bottom they are blown inboard uud bout in. About three fuet forward of that Hisit there U a piece of iron laid along the bclkheud. The sklu of the iiuido of the double bottom i curled like a sheet of paper inboard from tru to stern, Amidship, ou the same Hide, there i an armor plate, one plule complete, tho top of the plute tanding np. The plnte U inclined over the stitrUiard complete ly. It Mtuud up with the thick part of the plute dow n. It Im inclined forward and over to slurlxmrd. NimiihIpiI ,k a Mlim. Lieutenant (borge M. Holmau, in hi testimony, tul I tli explosion aonuded like a mine, uud he had heard mine explosion lu the ett. Lieutenant Commander Hichiird Wainwriuht testified tlmt the regula tion in regard to paint audjiutlumma- hlca, and all other precaution were strictly carried out ou board whip Kvery possible cum wa takeii to avoid accident. All vUltom were aernllnixed before being allowed to come on board the ahip. Nobody waa allowed an w- coiiipuulcd. HHciitl ''lookout" were required at night. No uuauihorUel lit w ere allowed to approach the hip. There wa llu discipline, oUdicut crew, nutel men, He wa lu the cap- lalu'a iitHee at the time of IheexpUi-) ion 1 fell a very heavy ahoca and Im ant Itolae of falling object Oil dtvk. Thought the ahip w Mug fired on. Wa told by the captain lv aea thai the tMl wer townrml. I (a aaw a few tiii'U eoiuing, iiellv otllcer. llaaaw Ait rv.lUl ll tlihKl III IHgAilll. N- rau water wa tainting up. lie taw fire forward H t Ugau la rrowd aroend lha wra k, II Induced twt Kt lak Ih woandtsl i ditTerwul vea al. Ilaurderada lui lkU of Ih eaved and wnuudmt. Thr wa wlWut tluv'ipUu after lha aipbwtou, l.dK Wvta followed lh pMwplMa f a drill. Tba only or b r liol oljr. waa lha in b r l, l iv lb ahip II llri a nul Ih wits aliUr light Ih follow 1114 lUofHIH I U look a fig iih 1. 1.-ui nttil lbkk aul fw taau aud aiiwiup! i Ut Ih wr k. II wa w iiu. I t by an afito"l b"l erw el rs.iularl aul Ho pulled eroua. lib n t I, U.wi alill ttwu baratntf fiigmvuu. Vafctwabe ft4 W(wlt MamaaaabaMT Ja 1. Vb, 1 e4 IV llarab 1 a4 II. April 1 e4 l, lb t:ikk.w ,S.rU. 1 1 a, will eall lbU III uial o It Una I S.hnuka, 4 la W vemiai lMlaa t lala.lisg Onw Jaaalkta, a na Ur Am 1 b r4 p, N tar In Na-ae Ibaa ttH, lily elflea, Ut f.v lotb M., .w, 1 aa4 . I., .iaule, M4 bble pt te aoiwe Irleal la lb eaei, EDITORS IDEAS. If a few men Control lexl all tho hen in the world and could regulate the egg murket n they plcaacd you would see more than one fut old bond holder, when he hud to pay a dollar a piece for egg on touat, aettlng up a calam ity howl about the "thieving farmer." "Ought to 1m; In tho hand of the gov ernment, thi egg business. It an outrage to Im compelled to Ixm down to these grasping furmera." Which would laj the worat, a money trust or an egg trust, both being neeeaaiirle? Hoesn't the "calamity bowl" depend a good deal ou whoae "ox 1 gored?" JelTcran County Journal. A greenback ha 110 Intrinsic value, but It costs ii lunch labor to secure 11 ten dollar greenback lis to get u gold englc Knqulrer. Joe Johnson' ambition ought to be fully gratified now, He Iiiin been no ticed, held up to scorn, and skinned nllve by the great governor of the great atate of NchriiNka. Notoriety is what Joe feed upon, and he ought to now be sat-lsllcd, no fur a Hiniu mat ter go. Cluy County 1'utrlot, The decent republican of Lincoln have been making an effort lately to clean out the notrndoiiH corruption of their party in that city but they have fulled and nlwnv will full. No nurtv cnti Im purified while lu power. The oniy way u get no or me corrupt ele ment i to let the party be deeuted, lint will leave a house when there is nothing then! for them to eat and scoundrel will leave the republican party when they ea n no longer feimt on the spoil of office. To I'.rn ho city of J.lncoln over to populist rub; would not only bo a great blosnlng U that city and to the people of Nebras ka in trenciiil. but II would be for the 4a't Intercut for the republican party. Jtoonc Comity Outlook. , The Norfolk Time coinew out strong for Jlryun for governor. The Miwllaon Ucpni'tci' also favor hi iioini iintlnn. Sly work 1 now being done 1 11 cer tain popooratie quarter to aprcud dis cord 11 nd el ho secure tin; nominal Ion of men for the legislature who can be bought. Keep your eye peeled and see to It tlmt nonebiit reliable men are selected at your cuiicussc it delegate to the county convention. Thi will Insure the nomination of men who can be relied upon to do their duty,--Crete Democrat. The religion that make people jmy fbelr debfa;thc religion that keep peo ple, from speaking ill of their neigh bor; the religion that make 110 dis tinct ion between weal Hi and poverty; the religion that make people hon est and upright; the religion that make men manly niul women woman l; the ndiglon that la a part of peo ple every iluy life, exemplified In kind deeds, loving net, cheering word I t he religion t hat I needed In the world today. Tlme-I ndepetident. It will !' noticed that there I a iiiii.l ...I ,IIIT..i'i.iwe of milnlon on auto nomy In Cuba, between tboeo who have I....... !..,. 11, 1 fw.w KihiiiIhIi Min- ,, .... - m.... ... ... 1 - -- ister, who he not lx'eu there. Kising City Independent. Hiither than le responalble for an ml..tir vi up I wool, I u,.i in v iuIiiiImIm- tralion wreekel any I'reaident Mc- Kiuley. A nolile Hentlmeiit, Mr. MC Kin ley, very noble, but bow do you fool in reirurd to an unholy ih-uo. Silver Creek Time. I 'I, l.iii irn ftiv tinvprti lifivi 1hpii ln-iir- ttwr Hut viillUl tit tuiliiriiM tif II b- .... a"""v ... - --- , )lriiiun to uurd railroad rroHHiiitfH. it a., .coin win 'IM.m lu i Ink urn' lut iurii Jit 11 ri Im1 11 ir liilil III) lilt " " n it 111 fon-cd Ui iM-ar the burden of th 'orMiratioiiH. J lur ih no inorr rvunon tut' flivillir till IW'flllll'. tO I HIV tllC MJll- ' n 1 I 1 niua unt'liiiiKn fit, finlroftil rnmM InifH lliaii Ut pay tln'ir conduokrH and .. . . . . . ,1 .. .. ticket ageniN. .-iianouro i tourer.. Atloriiev (ieiieinl Sin v I Ii is one of the inoht able and indefatigable pros editor that the tftate has ever bad to wive it. in that lniMHtunt eiieeity. The only trouble is Hint he. cannot convict a few judges and a nuiiilicr of Jurors and put them where they could not bring the law.tlie courts and Jus tice Into contempt. Wiener Chronicle. Casearet etlmulata liver, kldneya and bowel; never sicken, weaken or gripe, Hie, The llomeseekerH I and eouiin,v of which mention baa Itccit made In this paper bax lliialy rompleted their r faiiiMlioii It Ii ,1 iiili-e Ne illeof North I'latle, ,eli., prehlilent, Hon, J. C, Me l ull of levliietnii, Neb., (late caiitll ilule for (fovelhor ou the republican ticket) lice president, Ititnlel All hen of Iteittriee, NcU, wnrelary and Irraa- urer 11 in I J. II. Komliie or l.llietuil, Neb., eneiiil muiiai;er, The main oltlee of the eoinMiii.v will be In Ihna bn ami It a piii H.e tit os-rle during log the i'Muit4iii In uri;e Ultor who foine from the el ami south hi llt the Interior of the stale ami fr tbeiiiM hra the rU h rolling prair ie with the! r luMirioits i'omI of green and yohUii lielda of waiug grain, iloltol wllli U'liutiful sitlae hiHiiea, lu lllotfea, luwna and Hllra, than bra ami m load houMa, and l iuivlm'l Dial Netttaska la the gitntrii pl of Ui (, 'tu thi red Ihl i-toiipauy Hill olu II lha ratlroMita of lha tUt to Miakr ei mioii tea a-t low thai x-ttlv btmra van run mil or ih .uia and lib al lha propeMy thai tia roiiinm will bar In Ihrlr eala tfu lu a II. Ih laaika of ll a.uaiU am ainawar aaiw-aa I"IIM eew - " ww ' ' tiiiialia for irguirriHir farm, ra rw laitila, miiia. wia iri oj and twa Mp-ity Ih Ih l,,l''" bat l Mil l mi in wha will iH .l.i.ka ilmieg Ih iiUH. , ratahmu loulailiieg a dearn. ilea of ir'rlv bihI wl by Ih rr if tfii will m r'lv illrl t.ull.m bv lb ll " fiw-ns wbUh will I t la lb ", ui alt ililr wbi tmMidai lnl In NMba piorijr, Ih ordrr M g" pioprtly ll'l In iMe lata !, aand In iViel! t),M., arvrvU.y ! l.nrkra land In, H'k end i1 a l iaeb .li liflU- fl Ihl aud lterw viMaa' jm a l'Mtr, ... Ihl vrr will U lb ifda iww. lunllj i Nrblaka npl M lh FREE TRIAL TO ANY HONEST MAN HIK FOREMOST MEDICAL COMPANY IN THE WORLD IN TIIK CURB Of WEAK MEN MAKES TIII8 OFFER. HAPPY 1ARRIAOB, HEALTH, ENEROY AND LONO LIFE. In all the world today In all the hlntory of th world -no dutitor or limlltulinn rina treaM and rcnUircd to many men as Im tho fiimud KUIK MKOiCAL COMl'AN Y, of Ilullulo, N. Y. Thli fi du to the fact tlmt the corn tinny con trol, waiia IiivumMonh uud dldcoverlei which have DO ciiittl In tha Wliolo realm of Incilli'iil teliinea, Ho nuieli deeaptlnn ha been iriualniKl la ailvor tfnliiK tlmt thla gruud old coiiiimiiy uow make a etitrllinK ofTur. Tlivy will wad their iimitlenlly affective appli ance and a moai.h'ccoiinw of ri-umitlv rumiulli jKmitlvely ou trial, without exiwiiMi, to any re- llUllll) lllltll, a tlidlttr nrtd In tmiil until reiulU an known to and arknnwktlijftl by tlw pullrnt. Tlio I'.rki Mwlleal ('oin.iiiiy'i Appliance and Ramcillct have Ihn'U tiillo"! of hiuI wrlttuu aljout till every nam lion lieanl of tliein, 1'hu lilulii'Ht meilleiil niiilioritlu In the world hnvi! lulely eomineii'leil thein. 'i'hey miM!Mi iiiiii vclou. jMiwer to vlUiIIzo, de velop, riMtoru ami iiiKlaln. 'J hey creiile, vlor, lu iiltliy tlwun, new lift). I'hey lUip i.1 ml 11. Unit mtp the enerKV. They cure all effect of eyll huhlu, txetm overwork. They xlvffl full strength, development and tone to every portion mi'l oikiiii of tliu lHly, Kiillure IniimMillilui hkh no tiurrler, TIjI "Trial Wlthniit Kafa-nau " oiler I limited Ui a iliort Uuui, and application mul he mail at once. No C.O.D. Rcheme nor deeentlon i noexiriir a clean lunlnem proKIMon fiyaeouiiatiy of hinh tlliiiiii'lalainl ),rifewloiiiil nliinllii, Wrlle I, the Kit IK MKDICAI, COMPANY, Iluf falo, N, Y., uud refer to their oiler lu tlila papux. Dr. Hertzman, fl.'l Voira In Omaha. PRIVATE DISEASES A Sceclalty. Treatment by Mail, (onan'tailon Fit KM. 516 North 16th St. OMAHA. NEB. I DR. 0. C. REYNOLDS, Residence Phone 655. Office Phone 656. Surgeon and Consulting Physician Room 17, 18 k 10, Burr Dlock, LINCOLN, NEDB. Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m.. 2 to 5 p.m. Minaay nours: 3 to 5 p.m. TELEGRAPHY Are jou Intereated In teleg raphy? Young lad ha and gentlemen can prf par them aalvea In cempiirativelv abort time. The work la pleiiHant aa well aa profitable. An experi enced o rator in charge of thia department. Student aaaiated in aecurmg poaitlona when competent. Addreaa, Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Nebraska. f , aa," W-t a vie I . -or mi 1 I J it the most durable In construction, and is the only really - r w mouic-proof Organ made. Don't forget that we also carry the finest line oi Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, etc., and at lowest prices. Matthews 130 South Thirteenth iArwaia IZ, h Uwm. I , . . ! ! MMi i.are.- t.tti t - MaattaaMftiiAtal lanartaaiaf When bllioua or coative eat a Coa earet candy cathartic lire gmiranteed, Kle, 25e. Wyan-Bullard Lumber Company, LUMBER. WHOLIHALB AND BKTAIU OfBo 20th and Iiard 8U. Pbon 478 Writ for Frlcea. OMAHA, t 1 t t NUB. DR. McCREW II rut ONLT PIC I ALI8T WHO TaCATS A IX Private Diseases MEN ONLY lOynartEiiiarloao. 10 VwiralnOiiialia. Book Kroa. Connnlta- tloaVraa. Uox7e,oir 14th and Faraao flta. OMAHA MCU. siirtnt. jtCi.aun. .-. !IiMsiii,l,n) J I ;fl - ii.i 1 11 ThaMlaaoorl I'oclflo city ticket offlai haa been removed from 1201 0 afreet U No. loaOOatroer. : rYTPRMINATAP WV no LICE KILLER Kllli all lira, mltM, 8ai ., on I'oaltrr and ato:k. l)ol away with Iba labor of dilution, grM. In, dlpplua or baiidllua ul I'oaU try. Hi 111 fly palat lha roottpolM ainl nait bmxtand MIU Kitorml uator dot, tka rt, No miiaa III troa'il Mttlna lln whaa Mite Kxurailaittor ll onei butor fHUng th Man, Kad (orClreeiar that Ullt all about It. Half gal lon Mc; on gallon 1U, nura riuronN O BCAVCM ClTV NiaAABKA. 00000000000 Dr. Ketchum- Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Catarrh pMtMlut Carofully Klttd. All fMi raaaonabla Office 4th floor Jlicbarda Block, Llncola Tka Bight Baeta to Kleadlha. Whether 700 ielect th all-water root by way of St. Michael, or th overland root via Dyea, fikagway, Cooper river, Takn or Stlklne, you muat flrai reach a Pacific port f embarkation. T aio Oramdi Wehtkrw Railway, In coaaectloa with th V. k R. 0., or Colorado Midland Ry., la tb abort, di rect and popular rout to Haa Fraaoinco, Portlaad, Taoona or Seattle. Through leeplag chart and fre recllnlaa chair oara from Denver to Has Franclaco and Denver to Portland. Ckoio of tbr roata thro' tb Rocklea aad tb moat mag aifloeat aoenery in th world. Writ 1. 1 w . i n r i u. 1 1 r . i.. City for copy of Kloadik folder. SHORTHAND ELF-TAUGHT Htudy oi the M.inuil 1 i'uoiwjmphv, i,y Itclin l'llinua and t i i:u il. Howard. A perfetl sell-in. strut lor. Uver .!55,'Jx wjIiI. rinmsiinil liav..- m ulcrcil il ; ..n i an yii. Sultj hy all Iki.iIo .-Her,, or we will mmuI willi J'!.:e AV.i,r and '.',..;,', Cfr lUh k, po'i pjiil, forTi 2.v ' 1 -i'i'!'.i and luM iafor. niali 1 li e . ilinv v.lei wis!i to investi- i; Ut I" 'I- -d I .I'll oil .o,t;l flird. TMi; liNM FITMAN SYSTEM has for , y, .u s In en the mhiiiI.ikI. Culled hy IJ. S. Km ui of Ivlutmioii The Amer ican System." I'irt mie. World'. Kair. I UK I'llMNU'iHAI lllr INSI I I UTK CO., til V. .tll St., ("IM INNATI, Oil Ohio. F&V Stands For . . The Finest Organ Made in America today The Farrand . . and Votev ORGANhaithe iweetest tone. Piano Co., Street, Lincoln, Netr. SYPUSLIS cn CiD CLCCD, fM-4 hm , tta 1 4M turn tlt UM ! alaa,iM.iti.HM MAMU'IfMAatUav, ntlai lavar 4lia.(a