The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 31, 1898, Page 5, Image 5
Mirch 31, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO r J.VDKPE.NDICST. MISSOURI, EH? Maybe you in ono of those fallow who cuimi from Minaouri. We've Kot to "abo you." Well, there' nothing we lik better. Turn to page "" of our Hpring Catalogue and yon will find a sample of flutTvVorated Merge which we make Into Men' MulU In all cheat measurements from 34 to 44. If you go Info any clothing store, any tailor ahop, any woollen bouee, any dry good or dree good establishment where they sell cloth by tbe yard and If you win buy a yard of thin saine cloth for leJthn J. 50, w will agree to pay you 10 cent n yard profit on every yard you can purchase for mm and we will agree to take not lc that ten thousand yard. We mean that, we can two that qiinnllty In our business. Now, it take thn- wnd a hnlf yard to rrmk aulr. Figure that out. Add thecoetof the lininge, the coat of tbe trimming, th cost of mok Ing, the coet of handling and whatever you think I a reasonable profit on top of all these and you'd be long time In Missouri, we reeon, before you could produce it for le than a ten dollar bill. The Nsbraek price I f,7. Hetid u enough to cover espre charge two way and we'll seed suit in vonr house for wamlw atlou. You're from Missouri, you k now. We want to show yon. to a scouring box with wind and wear them a Utile, They are not counter feit or frond because they they arc genuine, and in every way just an good a fhoac minted by the government. J)ogs, like tobu'tco, r generally on ly nuisance. JJut tobacco la good for killing sheep ticks, so doge are ome timea very serviceable on a arm, They can be trained to do -many tiling. Ve Imvc owned several good dog, but, one, in particular wu more help in driv ing alieeii and cattle than two men. He would bring up the cow and sheep from the imature without running or hifmu tb-m. Whenever a strung" creature wa put into the panture with out, iiiu knowledge sonic one would l.t.i,. (1 id wllli bim and exiihiiu. fie wan tnil ned never to come J 11 to the house, Jli home wa in the barn, Jlc would i-oinc to the door three time a fit, v for Jii meal. One morning a eoat sleeve laid upon the barn floor, Turk Hinelled of it anI looked for op proval and seemed greatly pleased to think be hud done the light thing. Our melon, been and Mini were per fectly wife without Jock or guard, Ihe art of atciiliiig chicken had not bern iliacowrcd then. Jle would go with the children to school and go after them at night. They could scuffle and play n long a they laughed, but let one commence in cry, and lie would arbitrate the cnue at once. He was never known to bite a child. He wa nick one day and we suxpeclcil iioison and gave him all the new milk and creani we could get down bim. lie got well, but never after that would be eat a thing from the bund of a at ranger. The opera "I'Hiiiforc" rendered in the ('Impel of Lincoln Normal lat week, wa moat excellently rendered mid i but an example of the perfect, mid ayatematie work being done by tlilit institution, in all it department. HOMECOMING OF SJGSBEE. The Captain' Waihlnglnn Nl(liliri liaeorete llialr llni In III Honor. Wamiunotox, March .1 0. Captain Kigabee of tlx; wrci-ktvl steamer Maine arrived In NY'iistilng ton thla morning from Havana at 7;1 1 o'clock, lie wu accompanied, by I'syuiaatcr Uay, Chief Kngiiicur Howell, Naval Cadet Holdon and Ir. Ilnieberger. The captain wa driven to liU homo, I'll 3 UlKg place. Thu nclhlxtr on both aide of the (juare on which he live had profuioiy ilecoraled their rel denca with IIiik and bunting and many of hi friend and fellow ofllcer had sent largu buinpuiU of Ainerlcun lleauty roaea and llowor deklifu of hip and auchor a an expraion of their friendnlilp and e tee 111. At half pat In o'clock the captain want to the Navy department to re port hi arrival. In the (oume of a con vf runtlon he ald that hn hud not yet mce I red any itf iiinont to duty, nor dura he know whut coiuiuaud will he if I yon him. A t thu cuiu of the wreck Captain hljrlce ald that he could add nothing to til taatlmoay Ixi for the court of Inquiry, whieh ha4 already been pubtUhud. 'the Vol Ullil Hi'l U for ti'lH IiiTh In III t ivrilli'il timnliiic .it I lie Weat, the III l 1 111 Im Im III) ccliilia In the ilif- ti leiil , inn lim luiihl l lln 111. 'I he 11I Ii imIhiii e i 1 111 i n-ill mill Itiele U n unl fiilnie lliillieiliiilelt lafule Ine I.I11111I11 NoiiiihI 1 HE MAHKKTA Kaa lllf ! a4 lit IUI4 W ht -H t I HI Mi 4t J n V: f 1, ait , 4 iit,, i., i i iitt 1 hi 1 ay, S K M' i, ' 4 t4nli. Iin.. U lA ! i tHol V A 0 4. N t A it, t .l-l 1 W,l tutu, . 1 . 1 1 Hi ht i 4 1 wan t..m-N. .1 iij, a,t i i4 i -ntii 1 !. tiit.t iit m,i I JW lti ' m I it. mn . a it I iiu n I a ilt IhmiI lil "t .(' . Itll 4o i,iiu ,ii.i li.iii'il n.iic lJl 41 Hi ti n 11 1 Ota l in ih.ii 1 li IUi.l,U II i I I 'n 1 k Mi4l l " i.,.r I'luai Ua-I lrui l HI Mil M T IH l'Mhe ilale l wklcli your ubaefliilUiii I pi red Hiariad UK I til wrek'iHwue uly uer r. Take mill id it k'l If y are In arrar iinakuuM maitft lHei l nait, Omaha, Neb., March 27, TELLS OF A PLOT. Teal of the Ananfmttui letter te l,'n el (iaeerel I a: WimiiKiiTM, March 21, An inter eatiog feature of me pumianea re port 0 the Maine teliiimny, lud from the government printing office yeamraay, wa tlie fainoue anony- mou lutter mentioned In the tll mooy of Henry Itralu, clerk of the American conaulaU at Havana, The letter wa received by (general Jee few day after the Maine diaaatcr. Jt wa Uatea rebruery in, IH'jH, and fclgned "An Adnlrer," Jt w In Hpaniab, apparently by a fairly well educated peraoii. Jt follow; "Jtahould be remembered that, at dawn of the day of the terrible catav tropha, an individual wa killed in a mall boat, together with another who wa found wounded and a prloner They were going about the cruicr Maine and Alphonao XII., and a the aald individual are of the wort an tecedent a harbor thieve, 1 have intercated myelf In vetlgating what connection thl occurrence could have with the exploaion of the Maine, and 1 Jiave discovered that thoae two men, together with another who la called J'cpe 'J'aco, bad bought in a hardware atore in Mcrcalorc atrect, called L Marina, a boe audi a I imcd by diver, and that the thrie left Jlvgla in a email boat, which they placed under the wliarve of Hunt a (atalina, and they were loitering about more than an hour and a half, while 1'epe Toca, who i a calker and diver, probably the beat in the parta, did tha work to bring about the explo sion of the Maine. "With the data, I went to Itegla, and discovered that the family of the dead man, who lived in the utmost misery in a house in Jtodrigue. Jias tia street, had moved to a well fur nished one oil lyelabnrt street. There I learned that tiiey had agreed with sumo merchant of Muralla street for the work of blowing up the ship for W,mi,M) In ad van co and the oilier ft.OiJO after seeing the result "iiut they did not come out of the adventure very well, having' been at tacked whtn they were retiring, the result of which was the death of one, who left his teeth in the boat, and another one wounded. Tlu third one ha not yut presented himself to col lect the rust of the money, and it is probable that if it could be secretly done, by paying him the rest that the other will uot now pay him, he would declare the truth of all thl. Thu one whom I calluil i.he third I the diver I'cpo T11 co, who i 1111 wounded, who is no doubt afraid to preseut hlmsulf to collect the rest. "In MurralU street, they tell me wa the place where the business was arranged with li clii t'orujod-i. Villa aussa, MuribuiiA mid other whom I do not renin 111 he r 'I h mail who Is arrested Is hulng iidunnlsUired with morphine constantly to see If he will din and not give evidence, u a not, they e press it, to simiII the affair after It ha come olT so luiiuh to their taste." (rain, the consular clerk, slalml In his evidence that an elfort wa made l ascertain the authenticity uf thl latter, although, the consulate wa hiidicifd, having mi eucret rvlc fund. Willies discovered, however, thai the 11 sine I'epe Tsco mtisl havv Ueii a mistake, a the man mentioned had died a faw ilsys Iha as plmloii look place Witness tlnni(lil the nam should have bun IV pa lUr Mla, w tin hd dul a couple of d)i alter the a 1 illusion liHlhfvob laairil In llsisas, Naw tiia, Mtrh li l ni eat I imi gissl aui h, 11 uy I li tl Hie Mvn groie, w huh sim d lor IIav ih uii I rl d iy, went time onit nl,!y I 1 bnitil way imt'ild saih Iron I In- Mlu, luil in r 4iny to U mi b in I In 1 "i auouili ia HtvaiM, o lhi Aunri ran conl 1 nan n f nnn mi iha v . I, alel Dim Key V ! i m ui li ul of The HimI I Vim , h 1 11 10 r il l, ! Itviiir Dial a sere ma 1 1U1 (n attii ta list ly I" i ear Uwl any MMunt id, U .a y :'i, i.f a ' 1 1 I lil of nit AuieiMii niw In IUvu4, I tillur Willi tin If addri , l llul III i as' of vim 14' m r Ihijr my l eoiuuiaiitealid wild al slcil le.Hte. Thr i an etira Ktuwd now aitniud lb Ami Ihaii tU tulale. MONEY FOJt THE WAR. HOW THE CENT PER CENT VULTURES MAY BE HEADED OFF. ahyliMia' Mania to Make the t ailed atetee I'ay Their losses en anlsh llund. Tbe Mnu-r That Ha riilit Mar Hat- tie flafure an fight Them Again. Miieclal Correspondence. fVari are harvest neaaoii to the hold ett of money, In the prcm nt atraluad relation betwueti tbe United Htatet and Hpaiu tha money power are uot greed a to whether au actual conflict would be to their advautu or Mot, The bolder 0 r'puuiNU scritlc 11 rime of war would undoubtedly become heavy loner. If, however, a protracted war hould ensue, and the money power were atroug cnougli to lufluotico oou gres to laaua gold bond, their 1onc ott H punish securities would bo Insignifi cant compared to their gain from a gold bond issue. The issue of gold bond would aerve the creditor claai li many way; it would further their Interest in securing a corner on gold, make a safe investment for their idle money and tend very strongly to futeti perma nently upon the country the gold utatid ard. Tbe Issue of ay kind of bond woe Id uot increase tho supply of money, Jt would add au unjust burden in the way of taxes, to the extent of the interest on the bond, and tbe government would receive only nationul bunk bill, the present grenba:k,llyer certificate and treasury not;, none of which in legul tender, all issued at the dictation of the tuoncy loaning Hbylock, Jt I all di credlM, dishonest, partially demone tized Try money, Tim pnopla of thl etmuiry are entitled to thu best money and should not be compelled im use the present dishonest issue in fact, should rebel against having to do no, ltueli Hugu and other ilnuucier have Toluntcerwl tho efatemcut that if the government desire to borrow money that it can liave all it require at 4 Jier cent, and Chairman iJiuglcy of the way and mean committee give out the statement that if war preparation continue war taxemut be levied and a government loan provided for. Ap parently it lia never occurred to any of these gentlemen that tha government La so occasion whatever to borrow money, Tho constitution of tho United Ktatc give tho government tho power to "coin money and regulato the value thereof," and tho supremo court of tha United Ktate bus allirnied tho right of coiiKrcs to coin and issue full b xul ten der paper money cither in war or peace, ftuppo that Instead of the issue of ff0, 000,000 for war expense cohKres bud authoriwd tho eccrctury of the treasury to issue f J, 000, 000, 000 in full legal tender money and immediate ly appropriated f 100,000,000 and placed it at tho disposal of tho president for trengthening our coast defense uud navy. J hat would have been notice to the money power that tho people of thl country hud asserted thi ir manhood and that their rcpnsi nlutlvi In congres would not bo permitted to fasten addi tional rivet- in the chain of debt slav ery which tiie financier of tbe world are Miking to forge around the limb of toil, il would have given notico to the t i ll I that no bond could be issued by K. i. kovi mini nt, and the muster of , 1 who bold its bond would imme- i.i.i'ily have notified the Mudi id govern i:,i 1,1 ili;ii Hpuin must in 1 pt any term v, I. ii li lim American iiutiou might see 1,1 til IlllpOhC, The president could have mudu a lie- tor money imii mniiy, lim evacua- lion el ul, i by the H;,iihiimIs and dn- clun d fieedom to Die putjii.t. This lid- Iniiiid ui.uiil have lieu compiled with without a word and not a gun would have been bred, but the president und muny of ills followeis in emigre have listened to thu lioiii yid word of thu new slitvii iliin rs, who are seeking to fasp-11 upon lim hiavu iJubniia 11 Iuik'i bonded debt co that should f-itiln hu forced to n 1jiiU1Ii Culm thut impovi r ished isliiml may find itself In the toil of tiitkuutHtcr scarcely less brutal tliuii tho bhsidtliirsiy Hpauiarda. The issue of full lennl tender money by Dm goveruiiieut for the purpose of currying- on war would Im a blessing that in soiiiii 1 expect would luitiuutu tlim itlmiilties of war. It c irculation among the people would k'lvo prosperity, prices Would line, lieW Dili rprisi Spl illg tip mid lim bolder of the preseut dis honest Issues, sin lug I lie mlvuiimi lii price, would unlock their strong bote. If il 1 Im 1 lone id the wur It should bo found thut the Im reuei volume i f Inoiuy had unduly tntluled price and (sihgris In It wisdom sliould deem !rop r In retire a portion of lim money 11 i ln ulattoii, it ikiuIiI retire IiimIis hiiiinsl, dim mlliid, arlially demone IImhI, Tory money now In circulation, leaviliM the pie Ihe full t-gn It inb r, lliiln sl, pall lid In Aliiel lean liu ln v 1 hi Would ii ll th" ii lo all HlV.lluuldii liHiii. Tiny would wonder why wu In lellli nl m ( le vvi r should have K'li h iiU iI in istiin U ml and p.y Inn t i fif the 1 ilUlifcii of using lha Ihe Unkir, lallnt "national tank Idlla " ll would aUi lim li tin in thai Ihe ijiiViriimi iil bad the wir Pi uiul all lui'iuy tf I Im .iiihi value whut the Mill i Ml lelldi r full) Holt Wl I lli 11 1 1 II II wmild teiixu rrir possihU aiMiin nl thai could be U'et l inl i iiiiliiM the inlnU 1 1 tiliir l( wi ai I add lo Urn lloduil i f the I Ullid Mali IllktUil al- li iuhss Mi, hoil a yvar, and ly gtMiig lullh ii i t iio.l value II would iti ,u Ihe r i f t'lisiiau w Mb all iiteulili, iiniuin Ihe boli i4i;ei I tlhn UiUid ha ll.rii 4i Ihnr itMl I 'i gdd la i tiiililis Weill I ii.brtiH h value if all leal i"ily. 4m u id Ihe law iiitiiul ami lh maualai ltt sti, add liilllh'itt Mli r lHh Wiallh i f lim lil. li, and pu Iht fair land at Ihe lival f Ibanaiiiai f Ihe H, A. U t is. w liia, 1 tiood Vvr tbe Colored 1'euple, Tho idea of otablihing potal Hav ing bank in connection with the post office throughout tbe country would, in my mind, prove very bem-llciul to tho colored people, especially in the aouth. Huch an arrangement would aid tho colored people from every stand point, not only financially, but in the formation of character, Tho colored people in the country district of tho outli have very little opportunity for suving money. In innny case they are far removed from any lank, uud in case where they aro near the bunk thu bank do not alway pay interest on do poNit; besides, in almost every instance In tho south, especially lu tho largo cities, colored people have lost money that hu been put into private suving banks, and thl ha led then) to distrust banking institution. Jt wu very 1111 fortunato thut tho Froediuen' Having bank failed. When it went under, thu colored people hud a good many mil lion of dollar deposited in it, which represented their first eurnlnu after their freedom, and many have learned to distrust bank ever since, Jlut if they knew tho government wu behind thu institution they would, I think, huve implicit faith in it, I believe that tho establishment of postal saving bunk would within a few year result in a great chango in tho moral and cconomio condition of tho colored people through out tho south, Jiookcr T. Washington. Hew 1'laa ef Autonomy Vkw Youg, March "S, -Hpuin, al though apparently defiant, ha asked for further delay leforo the United lit ate doe anything more about Cuba, aay the Washington corroapondont of Thelleruld, Thl request wa made through lienor l'olo y JJomaho, th Hpanish minister. Jlo promised in H pain's behalf that ho would lay bo fore the slat department -at an early day a plan for a more liberal govern ment of Cuba. Thl matter, tho min ister declared, would be m fair and lib eral that it would ho eatlafactory to tho United Htate and tho Cuban lusur gent and would bring about pew:o in th island, Hpfiln' iropoal i generally believed In Wahiugtoa to have comi 00 late. These two words emphasize a neces sity uii'l Indicate a remedy. ftl'itiNO (ho scuMon when tho blood 1 most impuro a a result of tho win ter closer confinement, higher liv ing, slower action of tho kldnev and liver; when humor of all kinds, boils, pimple ami eruption arc most liable to appear; when the weak, languid condition of tho whole bodily structure demand and wel come help. M.ii;ink that to which (ho million turn at this season Hood' Kursupa rllla. Tho orlaiital and only prep aration especially adapted to tho present need of (ho human family ; that which make (ho blood pure and clean, a shown by its thousand of wonderful cure of dreadful blood disease; create an appefito ami cure dyspepsia, h shown by il " magic touch" in all stomach (rou bles; steadies and strengthen the nerve, a proved by people for merly nervous, now calm and aelf posHcsscd, thank to Hood 5 Sproongi America's (ireutuat Medicine, because it cures when all others MO '97 BICYCLES BELOW COST of nmMnii lo rlwr nt fnWor. Klit hii Hi'Jirttvfeii htM'tni) htitrf bU' lem, t.. Itlf'Vt I I, 1 UCK in tvritwi list. tHf wtirk, hi inliM, vrt for mir irtmt ur,r I lUlk ( Vl1,.!- (1) Ifiul.h 17 h fatukliM HI hailiMf iMiuev M 71 vfurth A , VHU'AtMU, 'I I II-; I MI'UUV Kll H VICTOR Incubator rlr.reillatlt- Vl. 4ll4 RMI S ,!. mbui H,IU.. tltUUH Sf I,, 11,. .,1,1. I Iranian r HU'.. tir ruin, 1 ui mi . FRANK IAJV1S ISIOHTIH a nun in a or .Hack Pcrchrcons, Clyclcs. Shires, Coachcrsani Trotters lU "ll , a" el the iaal I r ul v. l -ik Umi , '. '.. I. I laiia H, ,kMi a e.HHM'iia 1 1 Mil ll4 l'l k .!.. aii. UI i m ,.i I ,iHiii a) iw S-it if ItU it- t a.l i.ioJ. I. S I'lk. iminllmm a J Im mm . al ,ta4.t.i Hi,, 'i,iihiijiii . la t-i l lakihu I :, 1 it ib., l ii i mMmiHI'I iM1I l W ii4, Rift J M Drsfl AM lUtli Com lloiti1h)( Rril MoaJiif Mlnei. li lain I la im a - ai 1 . iiihi.i i aa ! mm la l..i 4 m i-.H' ! a, 1 i,..j, ,, uii 1 . a eh ! a J it l.i, a 1 a. I,t t 1 . 1 11, tun a ! I (. a a,a. t,m - mI a . k,.4 r. lfivt.ut a4 ..( niw,!,., ,, i i I r ,h Uim 1 k In I l- .i 1 It 4 k I !! I.fc.iu4 ia.4 ! li.k lw, . Sl Nal.Hil, 4 41m. rt n 4 v - I '. tk , I aa lk a. 4 M li, fi Si a. The Vulture. NcTcr sfiHips the soaring vulture tin in tjiiurry In tint di aert, On the dli k or wounded hlnon, lliit iiiinllier vulture, wulclilng Krnni IiIkIi, ui i liil lookout, Her i he downward plunge and follows, And tin' third pursues Ibe lecond, ( oiiiln from Ilia 1 11 v lull, I w ullier, 1'irnl a spick ami then a vulture, Till (lie sir Is dark with pinions. Bo Nuug the sweet poet Longfellow in hi iinmortul"r!ongof Hiawatha," We can't keep tho picture out of our mind u wo rend in tho dully paper thut "Hucrctury (!ugo i ready to Issue $2S0, 000,000 gold bond;" "thut llunim wa in Wall street visiting moneyed men ; it i thought In regard to au Ishuo of bond;" "thut New York bunker have offered to loan tho government f 100, 000,000 In ciiso of war with Hjiafn," etc. Ho sooner I a nation in trouble than tho money loaning vulture pounce upon it. "it 1 first a speck uud then a vul ture, till tho uir I dark with pi u ion." J'oor Undo Hum, how ho will ho pluck ed and plundered if there should huppen to boa tusslo with Hpulu I H, V. Mor ton. Hall road L'ndar Mute Law, Judgo Donovan in tho circuit court at Detroit ha ordered tho iuunce of a liiuuduiuu against tho Michigan Central railroad in the auit brought by Govern or I'lngrou to compel the railroad com pany to sell him it 1,000 mileage book, good not only for himself, but for any mom her of hi fumily, for $20. Judgo Donovan quoted auverul de cision of tho United Ktafe supremo court under which tho right to regulate fare and churge wa reserved to tho state. Ho hold that tho Michigan Central i still under police power, re nerved to tho statu, and thut the " com pany cannot fix rate by bylaw repug nant to t Jim law of tho Htate. It I clearly settled luw that the company' whole synti m I under state law and stuto control, It cunuot escape atuto Ktatutes by it bylaw which conilict with thu constitutional requirement." CiiKcarcfa stimulate liver, kidney and bowel: never sicken, weaken or grip, Hie. MI Only thoo who Jiavo been relieved of (rreat suffering can fully appreciate lite gratitude with which ihe testi monial overflow written in favor of Hood's Sarsapurillu, "O. I. J food A Co., Lowell, M.t "Gentlemen:! have been troubled with my liver and kidney, also palpita tion of the heart for nearly ten year, and I have been under the doctor' care moat Saiirs nri 1 1 n 1 r nrrnfi RELIABLE SEEDS IW-at adapted for the weaier climate, l'rice lteannable. Headquarters lor A Haifa, Clover, Timothy and l!lu (Ira Keml, Heed Wheat, Seed Oat, and nil other rWil Criiin; Keil Corn, V,nn, Knlllr Corn and other Forage 1'luiit H,iih; Vi iretnlilH ninl Kloaer Keeil our ecinltiN. A full line of Poultry Sutclles anJ Remedies. Catalogue mailed free on application. Uni" lor MMi'iiil price, THE NEBRASKA SEED m Buggies. I'haetons.SurrcysJrars, Harness Mai air.rl from farlari al W kiilMala I'rir, SO ear rl laiiaraiiinl lr l f. W m ,'r.i aialnan Mini I ,'anUln irlil Ian, Atlanta Me"a'Oi ii, It U tu. A Illum e ( arrhiKf Co. tl I e-4r)-rieittrc PLANT PEACHES I II IAKDY VAUILTIIS 11 lor Una clunatr. ami are KUaraatnM true In same. While fruil tiiiila are lmllt tlanieuiaal la Miaa lihuira. Me have ao g ( Mart ii ifoj a Bae prtwpevt Wlllli: llH I'HH i.'H oa Ai.ple, Clierrv, IVmh, IVar, Ham, aii'l iiiiailtt 'I rw, ami all email fruit al aNruU. Ali rirvular tl.wribiuti Ilia in- HI Mf.l.l, 'i:t II, He will a a aala y ard al Cur, 1 1 aa-l U Mia., I.iacoiu, Nek J. Al. RUSSELL & CO., its O O H " " 135 Acres 2:' I m i . , 111 I I U 1 1 a ,arra, lliaW lUifolejNalejlim, lauti I relit, date Vlie, JUmtrf ry, Pomi, ik. Ueliaia ai.l li vaar iira la iviat (rail M the art. V laaied IkeuM aad a tara-iwe aa iu la U-al fArs l piaat, nrile al naee h tmr Ine) valaiti) it uluelf ! Tilu pUa tor a Ue. trail Mi4e Jel aaal a awl re Mi Wu l are 4taj IrvaK, iul m ae atiip lkM, ailh a l4 SI f t ib-f, get all INa ttitila. li. eiaivil.r i pine, i uh ml a Itr or lf, an I It id eaat H toi I'M. mi, lias mhuht, ntmiM. r r r t r Trias at Nary Yard. New Yokk, March 28. Tho battlo thip Texaa which arrived at Tompkins villo Saturday night weighed anchor Sunday and proceeded to the nav7 Jard, "No order relating to the St. 'aul have beou received by a from tho govern mental authorities," said Jame A. Wright, of tha International Navigation company. "The hip will fail ou hor regular trip without fall. We are doing nothing out of the or dinary in unloading hor cargo." Urvsliam Ordered te lall. MilwaL'kkk, March VS. Capt&ia A. B. Davi, commander of the revenue cutter UroHham, received a diepatcb from Washington ordering him to abij a complement of 70 mou and proceed M Cleveland a oon tut possiblo. Captain Davi wu also asked in the dispatch ii ho thought it possible the Gresbam could ran tho Bt, Lawreace rapid, thai avoiding tho lock, to pas which would entail shortening hor, Tbe captain il lumtlgatlng the subject. llallew Will I'lead Oullty. Faikkiki-D, Cal., March 28, Frank Jlellcw ha anno onocd hi intention ol ploarling guilty to the murder of hii bmthor and sister. He ha aignedi tatemeut lu writing that he committed the crime, declarliig that he doe not know what moti ve' prompted Itand adding thut he will provide for hi children and throw himlf oa thl mercy of tho court. . Stock Market Nervotub Nkw Yoiik, March 2H.-The ODouod with a very vigorou market upward movement, led by the national etocki and tho granger. Aa noon a the open ing demand for the sliort wan atlslled, value were allowed to tag again and noma of the Npcuialtle euffered Mvon loie. Hpanish I'reM Comment. MAhitii), March K8. The Imparoia) and the Liberal today agree in laying that the mediation of Kuropeaa powen will be difficult in view of the orlU ia the far east, adding 1 "Anyway- Spain i ablejlierNclf to reent insult and repa dlate unjust accuNUtious." of the time. J was so that I could not lis on my left side but a few moments at time, My appetite was very poor, and I Could Not "loop but a few hours st night. Last January I waa taken with the grip, and I wa con fined to the house for ten week. J was very low, and wa attended by the best physician we could get; I could not eat anything, and could not lie in bed, and II eeined a though nothing would help me. The first of March my huiband procured s bottle of JJood's Barsaperilis, and I be gan taking it. In less than a week X was able to He In bed, end have a good night's sleep. I continued taking Iiood's Barsa parills, and now I can aleep oa my left aide, which I bad not been sble to do for year. My appetite Is good, and I have gained strength and flcth. I have taken four bottles ol IIood'sSaraparllla." Mas. NiciioiJts Maa, Independence, Iowa, ll'xx' Kursaparlll la The Medicine) For You JiccauHO of what it has done for other; because you ought till spring to tako (hat which will do you (he moid good. dl D D DD & apatite M t I t A - If It- fail. I to Hiiro to get Hood's. r1- r-j-.- rui 1 uen And Field CO. I SOU rAI(AH STHEET, OMAHA. lit-dar " ea laulltulir lilu ianiM llilmt ar,ln (Ivan u MmDviii I huivuiiIbI Kiubiiilh V 3 V V. T . Court Kt. Clni lanall, U. r -TT' ." Buy Your Trees of It nj you mil uci have been IrM aad proved suitable fur a large nl wi-tiea ti tear. 0110iillH0 1 r,r-r We Car lft I'relnal. I nrrShvii imi'iinh e o f CMrveecCM n