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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1898)
A . . . cflE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT oUdktkm f "THE WEALTH MAIEE8" m4 FUBLISHEO EVERY THURSDAY BY jv uV.i V. UUeUin (C A 1190 M STB BET, LlNCOud. MitBAtKA TlLiPHONi, B38. $1,00 PEBYEAE IN ADVANCE, AidraM all (omnnolcatloni to, and mat all ArafU, nonay ordr, t paablf to THE INUKi'KNUKNT PUB. CO,, LINCOLN, HUB, If you are In need of a Hewing nuv thine It will pay you to read the in dorsements ami advertisement of the Jmletierident machine. Hee page seven The attention of our reader in called to the "independent" Hewing Muchlne advertised 011 page seven. Head the Icter of Indorsement from those who huve used It. Jf you lire in need of a sewing machine you cannot find 11 better opportunity to secure a 11 rut class machine or no little money. The Iowa legislature has token an Important step in the management of it state institutions, TIiIh consists In abolishing I lie difTerent board which control these institution and vesting lliclr iiitinngenient in one board of three member. Nebraska people will watch the success of this plan wllh interest. Those who huve eoine into contact with our own state Intsltutlon an member of the legls luture know the need of a fixed respon sible body charged with their supervi sion, Other thiin a system of scatter ed responsibilitymuch of it plueed upon state officers with other dutieM. Another aet Just passed by the iowu legislature provide that mortgage brbtors shall retain possession of mortgaged property during the year which the Iowa law ullows for re demption, and contract to the contrary being vlod. Thin act I occasioned by the occasion of loan agent in Iowa who place a cluuse In the mortgage by whlchh the debtor in compelled to sign owuy hi right to a year's redem ption. We shall look for the Joe Joint moii press of thl state to ruiMC the yell of "repudiation" and "ussuult 11 xii the freedom of coutruet" us koou u they get thin new. Tlie United Suite continue to In terchange the moHt delightful compli ment with Siiaiu, und meantime are buying up ull the warships iu course of I'oiiHtruction. Kugland 1h 011 the lovlient terms of friendship with all the power, and springs her iihcudy enormous navul budget by a round million and u half sterling. Germany it packed full of peaceful disssit Ions, and hef expenditure on warship is gradually to Increase from 117 mil lion of murk in 1MI7-0H to Ho" million- seven year hence. Holy Russia, which bold wiir in horror, iH to spend an additional ten million sterling on new warship. Kven Turkey 1 inly ing ironclads. In short, the whole Christian ami Mohometan world is scraping up it IsitUitu dollar to tloat it In niaritiiue engines of destruction. The sentiment of the people of the 1' nitcd htute i overwhelmingly in fa vor of n free t'ubn. The people will back the president up In any llriu and courageous meits ureM be may take fur intervention in Itehulf of free Culm, peacefully if m iblc, but with force if necessary. No hitll-wiiy iueu(ii will satisfy the (M'ople, They will not rest con tent with Ignoring the Maine dimister If that Is to lie the tint of the matter, Kt-ticf of the star tug rccom-et radix I all rlgbi n far as il gi' - if the re lief goe to the ( liUtus, and lint to the hpaiiih Mddiers - but Ihut U imi fret lug Cul nd the l ulled Stale can not itndertk to kipHtrt Indefinitely lllilldleihl of llliiUMindrt if (mIshih kept ill iuipritniiieiit by Spain. V lrnt, e ho), wn mr int line,l Ift Iwlieir, liotMlthslaudli.g k'HI" fe Mrl to tl contrary, that the piei drill baa U Ihew) lhiii lu tuiiul Itiirlng Mr, Mrv' linnunU ne h Ii4 mad thirty tall tor ifvin-tnl fond wiiai), aiittiuatlnK U Itv Kiaiul Unl i'f I, ?.: X, fe iiiue,iiti wttUk Kaa aivuml it lh arm kUiut it'll prr vit iitU'ir!. 1'roin I'vltuary K l t April Ilr rw U ralK llr a nwnl.n fillipl UHltl Ja J4, I u lh May hd apMltiiuit if r ntf,ti toiKletf io tu tw l-l l. "Ihrti I vm Jwm i't In . viuU r if, ?, h I ) MMrr tlt, mmIi iiUr rbiH kalll Jaituarv It, I" ! fa viliiala lh mi i it f line SiMlf ll, UnKrtt t lk t.n irv K4 tuad. Miu thi ar if It k '. V. Html', ty thW pmiiipt lioit t lalltKrf ttuUUMdliijf maiianU vhirtr trniy to fttj IHmiiwI tbdUrti MH u ttt ulatal In thw trr il, arfl valliMat 'l.u ra tk tat twf t lh iUW U IK liiUmsit Ki (I tf !) t lS.V Din IlKPAKTM KNT. In thiB iue of the Independent ap pear a new department, "TIIU IIOIIBKKKEI'KR'S ('OUNKU." Jt 1 conducted by a woman or ability; one who Iuih rained a fumily and lilt luul many yeur of practical experience in housekeeping on the farm, and biter in the city. The department will be Interesting and IiiHtrtictlve. ii Houicthiiig for the women mid in it we wlsb to particularly direct their attention. I'BINCIPAL NAV1KH COMPABKO. It i infereHtlng at thl time txj com pare the fighting strength of the Uni ted Httite navy with the navies of other countries. The Itrltlsh Empire ha 75 line battleship and 13 in pro cess of const ruction; 119 cruincr and 17 In proccs of construction; 60 eouat defense monitors; 308 torpedo boat mid 12 under construction and 70 other vessels of vuriou classe. France ho 4fl line battleship and .1 1 In construction; 51 cruiser, and 8 be ing built; 20 coast defense monitor; 257 orM-do boat and 38. in process of construction, and 102 unclassified ves sel. Idissia ha 30 line battleship and 10 In construction; 23 cruiser and 2 in construction; 34 coast defense moni tors; 1H1 foijMdo liout and 14 in con struction; and 35 unclassified armor clad. Italy him 20 line battleship and 0 in construction; 18 cruisers; 192 torpedo lsait and 10 in construction; and 37 unclassified vessel available for war purpose. riermuny ha 22 line battleship and 4 in construction; 18 cruiser and 7 in construction; 13 eont defender; 151 torpedo bout mid 1 under construc tion; and 18 unclassified vessel, The United fitnte has 13 line batle- ships and fi In construction; 27 cruis ers; 13 coast defender; 8 torpedo boat and 15 in construction; and 24 unclas sified war ship. Spain bus 8 line battleship and 4 in construction; 12 cruiser and 0 in con struction; 13 const defenders; 00 tor pedo Ixmls and 3 in construction; and 00 unclassified vessels. Japan has 7 line battleships mid 7 in process of construction; 15 cruiser and 4 iu construction; 0 const defend ers; 29 torpedo boat nnd 22 lu con struction; and 17 unclassified batth ships It will be seen that neither the Uni ted Mates nor Spain rank very high in naval equipment. There i not much di (Terence in the strength of the Amer ican and Spanish fleet, but it I gen erally believed that the iiMrior nidi fy of the Amerienn seamen and Amer ican officers would enable them to win nn easy victory over the Spnninrds, if actual hostilities should Is- com menced. The weak point in the Amer ican navy is in torcdo equipment but a large number of cruisers serves iu a measure to cure tlii weakness. Not only this, but the Nnltod States, if nee- essnry, could purchase a large num ber of these lis they are inexpensive; failing in this, they can be constructed iu !"0 days time. On the whole this nation has nothing to fear from Spain. There will Ik? no halt in the tight for lower railroad rates in Nebraska until they lire secured. If the corpor ations knew the strength of sentiiuen among the great inns of people on this point and their knowledge of tlie railroad problem they would pursue a dilYereut course. The mass of people do not want to "confiscate" any prop erly. Thev simplv insist that rail roads must become public servant .Hid furnish the public sen ice w ithout discrimination against m''koiim or plat es and ill rates commensurate with the nicratic return from other lines of imtiifctrv. If the corporations will In this it In well. If they won't the s-ople will tt ii,l menu to take smes iin of I he loniU at the price they lire worth not al nil whul Ihet are capi talized. tt INK IN !S IIKlkHA. The Biimiiil report of tlie Stnte lunik tug Uxml I jiikt from the pre. facta 1,'Uflt therein tumUli a ros text for comment nud Ihouiihl liali the plea rut liuitkiltg Mktrlti. t'lt'kl fur the ftu'la; There tter .l' ulaitv mid piWte Ixink with thvir ilotu-a Hit doing liuoiliriHi thi flrwl ,f I Vvr lit I ir r, lwf-a rvdiictiou In UHHiUr of t ittt the piviloti Wi,te thriw ttirle tn national lmnk liaiik.u tut ( buiu, m In Ni-tiru kti The Ut aim tul ih) t lit cou ld. I of thw bauktiiit hoard, IwlHf itliir.( iil iipvivlMrtl tv th lr ar t ib iliin iit at 4tilii)( ton, UrMH hdhka had Miiim mil ItV t''V i't. ll. .nint dad et 1 loir nu.i,e l loan Mt lt.WJ! Jt atnitit half lh ither half, of rt iiimi, Whm- tk jalrt uh ha. 'Vitt leiM" 4oK In I ha Umk to it IKrir M ne lit tkt ut. Ifcl atttt ply tail HvulUw Un lha yrval f t thai viiik tbw All lttWlinf, UvviH; that leV ana iir(nlin ! lkir hioiifj, Uil Mpo IH tatiott tif tlhrf epW tuoiir) thai IHry vbi tulH Mit tpN Ihelf lN (in,!, bill ttHi thoaa i th tvittimt atty, arr lhj r kaalttl) lhl In thy r jhbi lv.tiintl'i THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT exercising public functions, with their preent management intrusted to cor porations and irivat individual. Another interesting fact appear on annlysi. There are 400 banks which loaned out about $8,000,000 of fund belonging to other people an average of $20,000 apiece. The reiiort to the banking board do not show what part of thl I time deposits (on which the banks pay interest) and what part is open deposit (on which the bank pay no Interest). Usually the general de- ooNit exceed the time deposits. Hut taking the bank of Nebraka, big and little, thl average sum of $20,000 com munity money loaned out at bank rates of interest will come very close to paying the bank's expense. The proportion of community money loan ed out, 11 Dr. Hall, secretary of the board, shows, I much smaller than it ha been for some. time. pnt, In fact, the bank themselves re port their "current expense and taxes paid" Item for the year 1897 at $444,798 an average of $1,100 to each bank, In view of this sworn statement, th proposition appear doubly reasonable that t he profit on the loaning of com munity money pay nil the bank ex lien scs nnd leave a profit to the corpo ration or individual managing the Maine in Nebraska. Another phiize of the report i of in terest. The amount of dejKislt in these banks was $13,902,940, The oe- tuul amount of cash in the banks wo $1,573,002, That i, the bank had one dollar in cash to pay nine dollar of deposits with. The only wonder in connection with the present banking system i that more of them don't fail For under our system the only way a bank can meet a sudden demand of it dejsisitors Is by placing the securities where it can liorrow money on them When the demand is general, a it wa in 1893, the rcult will be what it wa then-the bank iu the financial cen ter quit paying cash and use Illegal bank ixiper or "clearing houe ccrtifl- cntes." Tlie little bank which cannot defy the law are entirely at the mercy of their depositor. Ho that while in prosperous times the. banks make their living off the money of their deposi tors in times of crisis they inut owe their existence to the forbearance of their dejiositor. The undivided profits of these 398 bunks wa $1,028,150. Their surplus fund wu $882,890 a total of neatly $2,000,000 profit upon an original In vestment df $7,855,278 capital stock, beside the. dividend paid. These figure furnish instructive food for study. The object of thus present ing them hern 1 not to attack bank ing institution but to direct attention to what they really nrc community concern 11 ml dependent for existence upon coiniinily confidence. In other words they are public institutions run by private person for private gain. The only voice the public has iu their management is what it secures through the state banking hoard . This is chiefly in the power of exam ination which compel these agent of the people to submit their hooks and assets to inspection by a state ofllcer. Dr. Hall asks for the grunt of larger powers to tlie board for the protection of depositors. Among oilier things he calls attention to the fact that oier if.l.lioil.iKM) of the asset of state banks are deposits witli national banks over which the state banking board has no siwer of examination or cm-ii inquiry. Do you need 11 sewing mitehiuc? It vou do, mhi should rend the lulvertise- nieut ami indorsement of tlie Inde pendent maciiilie on page socvt of this isue. llcM machine on the market for $ I '.1. .'.il. Kead the Idlers from those who are using It. Page spcn. Written eoiintitutioiiM were intended to be perpetual charter of freedom to those HinHflug them. In practice thev lone Is't'ome bars to progress nnd strongholds for eouiuieri'ial t runny. 'Ihe current towtird enlightened so cialism U 11 great deal broader, deeper and MtriMigft' than siiliciitus reckon. There lire n mirprUing nuniebr of re publican who U-luic in thce prlii t'lpttn, the lime I not far dUUint when the slrttHKle for public owner ship of ull tnotioptdic will le theUsue, I'tciy Hipulu khouhl 1-e. a iul.lon.iry towttrd thai lime. Biltaa Hkllkl 'tiuka ha made a if"""! khtiwlii1 in fnfiiiabiii? lelt, t In thit tin,; I it 1im hw hilt colli 1 (hilled Ihnxifli llm tii f omiKlkshiit -li lrl ,t tioit-nior lloltollllt, erll t ill of ft and pioviu.i). I . gMh of thi mouth a car conUiiiiurf to imi miiii,,U of tloiir, 1 ' Mind of la alia, lio ot in a ail four Urg UV' t 1 1,. I lil 11 ua aettt .i Mcolo u I' ll I, m at Nrsi ia to l f.irtardel to oiu tifitotMt le at llitana. i W now te I it if tlie - t ol tii pvl iok, Mr. IWttoi Mlnl tli I ll'e eon triliulloiva ftwiii tli.tka low! Iwrii luote bU nl tt-itlltf U Ih i"iU- I I. 01 than i et lor lll. 'mmt raal-a Hat4, A ht,i, U,l fmii IV la W )r oM n4 artf Milk (rowt $' In ' ti int lit a poultry t. U H ranch Iw WjoioiBjt or (iirthrr Inform lion ivKlrva H, I oll'ir Mi UOLD STANDARD I'OSTiL SAVINGS BANKS. Nothing has ben done at Washing ton toward passing any of the jxistul nving bunk bill introduced in that body. Nothing I likely to lws done. The doorway of relief to the people doe not turn on cougreiomil hinge. Just now, however, a different kind of doorway 1 turning. Secretary (juge last week wrote a Jeter to Sena fttor Wulcott, chairman of the pot office committee in which he directly take the ground that no Mtal wav ing bank bill should pass until a mon ey standard (which should be the gold standard) i fixed by congress for the repuyment of dejjit. A usual with those of hi class Hecrctury (iuge I concerned lest the or dejiositor shall not get buck money as good 11 he put into the postal saving banks, He says: "If one of the humble parties to the proposed contract should ask the post master agent to whom he should hand hi accumulated earning, now a gxl a gold: 'Will my money, when I draw it out, Imi In gold, or lu it fair equivalent? What answer will you au thorize your agent to make? At pres ent he can make no specific answer. When thl element of uncertainty shall be removed, when the standard of pay ment can be clearly defined and per manently settled whether that stand ard be gold or silver then the saving of the humble classes may be, with their consent, taken over by the gov ernment on terms clearly and plainly stated. In my opinion it cannot, wnli proper regard to national dignity and a due regard to the trustful public, be done before," 'Till letter means that until the pas sago of an net establishing the gold standard nnd bank currency in thl country the present administration will opoe the passage of a postal savings bunk bill. And thl t to lie done in the interest of the "jnior de posltors of America whose savings have ben squandered by the millions by saving bunk corporations. There wa once a ly who wu token by hi parent to see the picture "Dan iel in the Mon' Den." The ly began to weep. "Don't cry they didn't eat him," began the relative. "'Taint that" said the boy. "I wa crying cause Daniel wasn't big enough to go iirouml ami the little lion won't get IIIIV." INVKSTINU TIIKNCIIOOI, MONKV. Tlie boa nl of educational hi ml und fund has purchased $10,000 of Doug lass county refunding bonds, paying a premium of $10,219 as an investment for the permanent school fund. Thl accomplishes what Governor llolcomb und Treasurer Meserve have lcentriv lug for, viz tlie Intestuient of the per manent school fund of trie state in in terest bearing securities. There Is now Invested $3,917,472 of jM-rniaueiit Mchool fund. The interest and pro ceed from the invest incut of thi fund is tlie principal source from which t ie money for the semi-annual chool ap portionment i derived. lu addition to the alsive the board has also invested $32,500 of the per manent university fund. $10,000 of the normal endowment fund ami $40,000 of the agricultural endowment fund, which makes a total of more than ift,- Oliu.iilil) of educational funds . at the state of Nebraska has invested iu in terest bearing securities. I'he fund of the state lire la tter in vested than ever before. Each appor tionment of the school money under the present administration lias been larger than any before iu the history of the stale. The apportionment next June promise to be sti.i larger. ,ll warrant registered and out staining against the university have been called iu ami paid, and warrant against that fund are cash, are now paid u soon it they are issued. The general inili'.- cillUKii nf the stale ha Im-cii red need more than half it million dollars. War rants on the general fund of the state command h premium of one and one hair sr cent, a thing never known lu Ihe history of the stale. All this has Im-cii brought iitsmt during the ndmin iktriilion of Hon. John II. Meserve, the populikt treasurer front Ked Willow count , HI I I HI l AMM IX r.NSM l AM 1, filitcf the rximaiirea of republican niMiibly a id mikgoii rnim nl in Ne blUkktt nuiib" by e prikelit iwpulikt itdlliiiitktratiou, lh inioliiiir urgiiiia it and wkt which had predicted turned viwlit ami gviutal ilcktriuiiou M u kiiie In follow piillkt victor) hive it link) vvpUtiiitiK Ihut through " at i el, nt two or ltiiv Uwl nun fc'ol ii.lo oltit o a tepiil.llt and that the HI rl khouhl tit-. o held t(iUkil.l- for tlo ir liiul!i..-k. Afiwri iitly an 'Wvltlrttt'VI tbt iti H.ilmtt a ll" Nifbtakka, uu h h- pnvd Ml I'vntikihatila, I al )! rv Wa an til'ill"tf In thai tlt attain! ll Murvipl nlt which ih.ii ItoL tta .liti.k that yav Dr tal tow thv lid'iWttl prohibition iii li.Uta lor lata trvaatuor I Ii'l'l n l twadi Ilia ItpublieaH tKlitrt, ft.f tha lira! It nut la )ta. nettfral ! tilji a Mtiiiotily lot, hi year lha Iflwiliod l llll v in. Joha Waatiaaiaknr, I uiimlh atfo iIIh ihmit mwh lml ti vt uu I. m MH by ii Ukg thai i.twi(iy i rtlt.l , . yet, although it wa over due by the McKinley time card, hu lecn telling some plain truth about the present republican state administration in Pennsylvania. Some of the state ment he mode read o much like the tate of affairs found in Nebraska that we begin to wonder whether there is a general uniformity of plan on the part of those patriots who have been engaged in saving the credit and good name of the country from "dishonest extract or two from Mr. W'arinamaker will bring this out, He says: "For the past five years, the average amount of sfato money on deposit at privately owned bank ha been in the, neighborhood of $5,000,000, and on thl stupendous sum not one dollar In Interest ha l-en paid to the stole. One, private bunk In Philadelphia, with a capital of only $150,000 but with a president who has been one of Mr, (Jutiy's lieutenants, ha continuously carried a deposit of state money rang ing from $300,000 to $1,200,000, Doesn't that read for till the world like n, transcript from Nebraska's ex perience before the pop came In and ruined the credit of the stote? Hut wait, listen to the further statements of Mr, Woniiamaker: "On January 1, no less than $3,500, 000 of money due to public school tne previous June wa still unpaid, yet all thl time the tate had on deposit in the favored bunks an average balnncw of $4,579,000," Isn't that familiar music to Nebras ka ears? JJiMsn't it sound like an old time symphony of 1894-5 when Gover nor llolcomb wa trying to get the school children's money invested and the republican state Isiard of educa tional lands and fund wa trying to keep It in the hand of their spectilat ing friends? iiut let us go on: "For fifteen years the control of the office of state, treasurer has been the citldal of Henutlr Quay's wer; it is believed to have, yielded annually n campaign fund of not les than $100, 000, mortgaging Individual banker and affording unlimited credit." it certainly does look ns though the two machines one in Pennsylvania (iml one iu Nebraska were worked on the same wire, Mr, Wannamaker goes on: "The last legislature wa kept with out committee for nearly a month that chairmanships might be bartered for votes in the senatorial contest; after its organization was completed, the legislature padded the pay roll, created commission (costing $750,000 in stluries), and ordered junketing in vestigations, until the cost of all these things, united wint the. unwillingness of the machine to puss the i'diss bill taxing ler, led to a cut of $1,000,000 iu the appropriation for the, public schools. Evidently the fellows who protect, Pennsylvania from "repudiation" ami destruction have tlie snme idea a their co-partner in Nebraskaflint if anything is to suffer it had better lie the school children as they can not. vote. The people of Nebraska send their devout commiseration to the to the people of Pennsylvania iu their shame and suffering and the hope that there us here a union of all reform element may drive the plunderer f nun power. ItAII.KOAII I'ASSKM. There are few things more coveted by 1he average citizen than a railroad pass. They long for it, not o much for it value, for there are many things more valuable, but a they say at Metluslist experience meetings, "be cause it affords n Joy and satisfaction that worldly goisls cannot buy." It is regarded us a badge of dignity. As tlm politician would su.V. It is "recogni tion." Men who are given pusses and ai'cept I hem and ride upon them are mil required to make any pledges or promises of future favors to the eorjsi rallon that bsucs the pan. It i com pliuiciilnry of Ihe olhcial standing of I lie recipient. When It friend visits his uelghtsir, he I frequently invited lo "lake dinner," It Imi eompilmentrv Imitation. It I not a bribe lu itny MMise of the term. It i a com toy, an expression of flic lidnhip. Il ! Hot II luikliicka 1 1 annuel loii, A railroad com puny inn furnish u public oltlcinl with II pilot Ilk l llkllv US IllOkt liuln hbiuU could irciit one i.f their iiclghlsua to n cigar. hrr )o hiviie )our m ighbor to have n rlifsr, do vim do It to lulbe him? Ihi Jtut do It rvpetllng iter f terward lo hold him limler obligation to oii" In il you nciVpl a cigar from a lili nd or newly lunde e, thi Ion Ian tune "obiigwll" In him'.' a "tinnier," a "t iar ' or a l iiUk ii emu ttr)M ml. elitirelt tqui the i ham t f of the Hum ,t , it. I ti It tlx would lliibrd U a ti.riiti in it ii who wotil.l smpt a "com pllinelitaiy ttlliltrt" fioln oee of hi iirltfhlstt a a toiikl.lvratioii for ,.. In; an litjuty to another of hi m-l, h bora. W thi not t that thtia ai Hot full luean niouifh l.t do M 'rr hup hrn r, Hal lui hitiralle man Would Kt.t pt II III kill h kpillt Nn one, ItttHBler, Wimhl My lhal t bit til lotio'tttblrt til wa In atrpliitat tlm dintirr, Iml rallirr lhal t wa In ih-tutf th wttniif In ay for . Th pul.llti lolUial wUn will a,t-pt tk ( a bill, ttf t,Htilr It a March 31, 1898 such i worthy very little confidence. Those who impeach the honesty of a public official for accepting a pa have so little confidence in that official that they would not hesitate to impeach his motive if he refused a pas. They would say that he refused to accept It to make himself more popular with the masses of the people. That his ob ject in refusing it wa to secure his own rcnominntion and re-election to public office. No one would say that a public official did not want a pass. All of them want them. It is human nature to want them. The man whoso motive in accepting a puss was bad, would huve an equally budniotlve for refusing one, There are two way in which to cure the pass evil, for an evil it is, , Tlie first 1 to reduce railroad rate to such nn extent that the companies will be comjs-lled to call In the great er number of passes und charge for transportation iu order to earn a suf ficient amount to pay dividends, Tlie second remedy I to be found In government ownership and operation of the railroad. When the railroad are owned and operated by the gov ernment a the postal system, all per son will enjoy equal privilege ami not until then. HARDY'S COLUMN, C'uba-Hpain's Cussed ncs '1 liursfon's Pop Hpeecu- -j;ic;(lon JSrlbe Money Washing Water Instead of Wino -Silver Dollars-Dogs. The Cuban ipiesliou is still upjwr most iu the minds of the people, i u court of Jmpdry found that the Maine wu destroyed by outside explosive. The president recommend nothing, and has probably fainteO1 clear away. tVIsh we hu old Abe again. McKin ley 1 u limber man, about like Gro ley. And yet the money power think he I a liohj, conservative, war like, hesitating. He would do first rate for a primary school teacher. Three years more, two mind red thou sand more women and children, will have terveil,ln our own national door yard. Hut what doe Wall and Im Isml street care for that. War i biul but there ure other thing worc, The way Hpnin ha treated the old men, women and children In Cuba I enough to stir the blood ,f ages. The most revolting measures were adopted by Weyler, known a the consecntrudo. Jt was nothing more nor les than driving all the non-com butente Into village and cities where they would be starved. Jt was death for man, woman or child lo ) seen ,jt eulti valing the ground or in any way garn ering food. More than two hundred thousand Jiave ovtualfy died of star vation and thousand more are just, ready to die, Kcnutor Thurston ha tried hi hand at making pop speeches again. Once Is fore, he made a speech that the pops printed by the thousand and scattered broadcast nil over the land. The fol lowing is a part of the speech he made last week on the Cuban ipiestion. "Against the Intervention of tho I'liited .States iu thi holy cause then is but. one voice of dissent; that, voice I the voice of the money changers. They fear war. Not because, of anv hrislian sentiment against war anil in favor of peace, but been use they fear that a declaration of war or tJm intervention which might result in war would have a depressing effect up on the stock market. Let these men whose loyalty is to the dollar stand aside while the men whose loyalty is to the nation come to Ihe front. "'I he 7,00(1,000 freemen who voted for the rcpuhliean party ami for Will iam McKinley ,i mortgage the honor of this nation for a campaign fluid, ami if Ihe time ever comes when Ihe republican party destitute iu its course of duty because of any iindlie anicty for the welfare of the accu mulated wealth of the nation, then let. the republican party be swept from the face of the earHi'iiml be succeeded by some other party by vvhatevcrnumn It may be called, which will represent, the patriotism, the honor, the loyally ami the devotion t lift I Ihe i, I.'ll, party exhibited under Abraham Lin coln ill M, I." Don't I lint sound U,c a ,j, orator'. as John onh jiiht discovered that Ihe moiie.v power Iiiih McKinley ,v the throat,' he Jiihl h'lirueil Ihut the republican parlv and this udmiuUlru 'ii wcr irimiged in iidiauce to liile the tuinlt niilliolis for II.IIIIIII lo line iu the hit presidential election'.' I lie sc unit, I'm pahiotlNin eot Ide start of hi lovally to parl.v, In Ihut iecch. I hat w a all. We Wile delighted. lo lead. Ihe ollur iiioiioiig that t. republican' hud dctidid lo run the coming icfotio clt.l ihcliou without mo net. We I bought that tiid look like nfoiiii. stile enough, lint U fore Ihe met ling wu through II wu thought -l In I ,iie one or two IhitiiKttiid for election iiuipoM. the iniivur und I hi i hatter I tin,!. k k How lioilil Inn, Inn. riu,i in W,ili In oi dt r to Is lit tin,' I lot h.ite wik!iiit twice u Mai, but set ill U kl,itt dull lu-led ( , I, ,i. the glowing di-ii.e, t nod igiil for dl. Kiln I bii ited hi tituoot liipiotk i wi n in tht ii, ,,f itntr ptili( W lit, f I oil, th kpltitrf Hliilv I tiito III iliaitk. III l lilUlt Mitt, Ihe Wur kit i f. helltKtk l, Uillle i, walrr tltal ! of wine wa biokt u. wa oin Ihoitirht a li,iiliige ,n,. U- ed with wlna in old, t l,i hat ant )a lMe ihovk (,f t,n.liirk In th nmtiiett relation N itMuieiit I i hrtngiitg Il U linale that tint h a thiin twenty titllbtitia ol dt,r tlolUt aie now In viretiUiloit thitt hrit v the liikttla nf l ii la hMin't inlitl, The i am of the kHiiiu h'tt iiimI lnitkup. idiot uit lhr mid nut i.f Hlloy, Vu ill rf'dk Ihelf new hi t Ihey put Ihetii In