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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1898)
March 31, 1898 SENDS IHJEPORT. President Requests Congress to Carefully Consider It. STILL HAS FAITH IN PEACE DeUeyes That Spain Will Act Honor ably In the Matter. ZTNDrNGS OF COURT OF INQUIBY. Main Was Wrecked by a Mine Uoaro" Enable t FU Heiponilblllty For the IMaaeter Captain Kaouerated Kruui All Illame, Washington, March 28. Tho presi dent today stmt tho following message to congrttHH ; To thu OmKri'Hi of the United Htntmt For some time prior to the visit of the Maine to Havana harlxr our consular reprwiutativos pointed oat the advan tages to follow from the visit of na tional ships to the Cuban waters, In ac customing tho people to the presence of our flag us tho symbol of good will and of our ships in tho fulfillment of the uilssUm of protection to American in tercuts, even though no imrnediuto need therefor might eist. Accordingly, on tho 24th of January last, after a conference with the Hpun ish minister, in which the renewal of visits of our war vessels to Spanish Opr. yhaowic . uuictm avwm, opr. SW60K TVTTttf board or iKoumr. waters was discussed and accepted, the peninsular authorities at Madrid and Havana were advised of the purpose of thin government to resume friendly naval vudts at Cuban port, and that in that view the Maine would forthwith call at the port of Havana. Thin an nouncement wan received by the Span iith government with appreciation of tho friendly character of the viHit of the Maine and with the notification of the intention to return tho courtesy by sending HpaniMh ships to tho prin cipal ports of the United Stutes. Mean while, th Maine entered the port of Havana of the 2 't h of January, her ar rival being marked with no special in cident besides the exchange of cus tomary salutes und ceremonial vwits. The Muino continued in the harbor of Havana during tho three wet kn following her arrival. No appreciable excitement attended her stay. On the contrary, a feeling of relief and confi dence followed tho resumption of the long interrupted friendly intercourse. Ho noticeable wax this immediate effect of her that the consul general strongly urged that the presence of our liiiM in Cuban waters should bo kept up by retaining tliem at Havana, or in the event of Iter recall, by seuding their versel there to take her place. At 1' M'i ill the evening, of the Kith of February, tho Maine wan destroyed by un exploiiiu, by i Itteh tho entire for ward part of the khip wan utterly wrw led. lit thU i'ata.itnpho two ot!l ;ct and "tin of her cinw riNhed, tluwe who wire not killed outright by her 4lploioil being M-uued IhH weeiHliM'kt by the (.ingle of wreckage, and drowned THE OHIO SENATE meets tho Hon. John E. Smiley IU Clerk. A irl(, The lietingtiUhril itimlir of tbu Oliin annate, Hon. John K, Hmilrj, in ruin ul ' rn ua, gar It He hie oiiiuloa Hint tt I lit great I reined ol the na. I elia title ut mure be U but r'il-r- MlMlat h thtlUaainU l Uther t.U nre envi", ami the rhM mtoe altM-a Mltw.-lt.-ei l hie tUUm-ul M the author ity ltUh hie Mtettiin give toll. Htti-U iihu wuull not ante euH thing etio-pt tntr m iiel.U-rll ealhn.Uieti hi l I l- l.led It, lie go) on Itl ear ht IV ru na Mi an iiH.iuit rvioo'lr lr reterrh, wulljr rtfrhl 4mmmhi ul Ike eloMch. Ae thie kapiwa Id U rt r etWwl tluwaee la the epnaii i ih tvar, Ihte riMrk Uetli Hmly. It to rtfth tJ the ttuiHAt li h -t)i4i've I he mI e-eio n eprtegtiwe, Kr hud II ht t'iite trnmntoH tuUkeeom lrt-t HMnl etn-. IV ra a !. mil vNHr irtijr rbev llie tat(tow, hat rurre lhm hr rtiuila the rew, V re a U it a 1 ht . rias nr eiiNte'aal tirl, hvl U kvlttteJ m ttforlr l Ike hU etMi. Mr, rmil-y i Inf h to Mf tht, ae ttiK, he Im'v Vrt h il. , rvmatk Uvellrwly Iru. IV m e te an ,tl loah', an 4 W fa(,i h- the Mioet talr )ue.i4ael the ,rM lf thle urMe, T IV re lf Vl4atUriuti tuwtpani tl t'ttlamlmi, UhlM, mt ! lug lie Volttitte itl timtUf teliNtiUi eattWi the Netioal ftltwe. rWt. tor rttpf tl II IwKtr the e4itii Ut ! Itaaetml. A 1 HE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT and then go ahead. Bo ure you get llood'a Sarwuparilla and you may confidently exjHvt it will purify your blood and give you appetite and atrength. HOOD'S PILLS act enKily and promptly on the liver and bowela. Cure trick headache. by the immediate sinking of the hull. Prompt assiiitance wu readered by the neighboring vessels anchored in the harbor, aid being especially given by the boats of the Spanish cruiser Alfon so XIII and the Ward line steamer City of Washington, which lay not far dis tant. The wounded were generously cared for by the authorities of Havana, the hospitals bolng freely opened to them, while the earliest recovered bodies of tho dead were interred by the municipality in a public cemetery in the city. Tributes of grief and sym pathy were offered from all ofllclal quarters of the island. The appalling calamity fell upon the peoplo of our country with crushing force, and for a brief time an intense excitement prevailed, which in a com munity less just and self-controlled than ours, might have led to hasty acts of blind resentment. This spirit, how ever, soon gave away to tho calmer processes of reason and to tho resolve to investigate tho facts and await the ma terial proof before forming a judgment as to the cause, the responsibility and, if the facts warranted, tho remedy due. This courso necessarily recommended itself from the outset to tho executive, for only in the light of a dispassionately ascertained certainty could it determine tho nature and measure of its full duty in the matter. Tho usual procedure was followed, as in all cases of casualty or disaster to national vessels of any maritime state. A naval court of inquiry was at onco organized, composed of oflicers well qualified by rank and practical experi ence, to discharge the onerous duty im posed upon them. Aided by a strong force of wreckors and divers, the court proceeded to mftko a thorough investiga tion on the spot, employing every avail able means for the impartial and exact determinat ion of the causes of the ex plosion, Its operat ions have been con ducted with the utmost deliberation and ydgment, and whilo independently ursuod, no source of information was neglected and the fullest opportunity was allowed for a simultaneous investi gation by tho Kpanish aut horities. Flutllng-i of the Hoard. The finding of the court of inquiry was reached after 2!) daysof continuous labor, on March 21, and having been approved on tho 2Und by the commander-in-chief of the United Htatcs naval force on the North Atlantic stafion.was transmitted to the executive. It is here with laid before the congress, together with the voluminous testimony taken before tho court. Its purport is in brief, as follows : When the Maine arrived at Havana she was conducted by the regular government pilot to buoy No. 4, to which she was moored iu from five and ouu-hiilf to six futhoms of water. The state of discipline on board, and the condition of her magazines, boilers, coal bunkers and storuge compartments are passed in review, with the conclu sion that excellent order prevailed, and that no indication of any cause for an internal explosion existed iu any quar ter. At 8 o'clock, on tho evening of Feb. 15, everything hud been secure and all was quiet. At :-10 o'clock tho vessel was suddenly destroyed. There were two distinct explosions, with a brief in terval between tliem. Tho first lifted tho forward part of the ship very per cept ibly ; tho second, which was more prolonged, is attributed by the court to the partial explosion of two or moro of tho forward maga.iues. The evidence of (lie divers establishes that thu after part of tho ship win prac tically intact, and sauk in that condi tion a very few miuutes after tho ex plosion. At frame 17. the (inter shell of the hiM, from a p tint l''u feet f mm tho middle line of tho sluo and six feet above the keel when iu its normal po sition, ha Ixieii forced up so as to bo now about four feet alsivo the surface of tho water; therefore, about 84 feet above where it would bo had 'ho ship uuk uninjured. The outride bottom plating U l'iit into a reversed "V" shajiK, ilui after w ing of winch, about 1 ft't broa I an I fet't III l. itu'llt (front frani" 17 to frame ;'"), Is doubled hark umiii U If Kg itiifct the continuation of the eniue plating extending forward At frame IS lite Vertical keel U broken in two and the kwl Uni tutu an unglo titular to tho aule forme I for lite uulnldu plate. Tin break U alUt nil feet Mow tho tturfai nl the walr and aUiut fw atmva n normal pwiiiou. In tbi opt 11 loii of the court I lilt rlTwt ttiuld have hifii pro-lit.-.' I only by the fk.loii of initio eiiotied it nd. r the tsaiotii of the htp, el about frame t au I eoiuv. hl o lh poll tide ef the ship. i aiielNthMt el the t The eon, Imiou of the four I are 1 That the loaeuf the Mut w n 4 In ear rp t daw ti fault or nligeu. oalhepttrt of any of lh odtoie of uealr nl iur t rvw Tht the thip w Ulrv-l by the tipWMN (t a eehetariae ntia, with h tar4 the prtul ipbtit nf ma 14 lMr uf h forward uia4taM ( tu l. Thl tott t .ltw h 44 Umm obuiaal te t4 IH r'ii4bihir f t the d. trta 1 wm of I he Matut at aay rit tw rMtL I he dire.le.1 ht the Padiarf i.f I he wtufl uf U'lairy a4 lh ie tf this t'lverattiful iherwMi t rutuMaat. rie4 ii th oiatuat f her tujir, Ihe ea. and 1 4.1 a tratil Myself Id dottU lh Sres t Jalh ff lh ItpabUlt aaimsi will dVll a tree itf tioa tttiifmiifrt hf hoaur aa- Ihe frleudly reUltotui nl Ihe l guvern MeaU. IlWisthedely at the tiocalive li 4tts Ike uriMM wf Ike rvaatlt ud THE in the meantime deliberate considera tion is invoked. Signed. William McKinlky. Executive Mansion, March 28,181)8. In neither senate nor house was there any debate in reference to the presi dent's message. It was refcred to the committee on foreign relations under the rules. The house adjourned early oat of respect to Represutative Simp kins of Massachusetts. MAINE BOARD'S REPORT. hip Blown Up by a Mine Exploded fa der Fort Side Second Explotlon, That of Two Maaailnei, Follows lge bee Exonerated, Washington, March 28. The follow lng is the full text of the report of the court of inquiry : U. B. 8. Iowa, Ket West, Fla., March 21. After full and mature con sideration of all of the testimony before it, the court finds as follows : 1. That the United States battleship Maine arrived in the harbor of Havana, Onba, on Jan. 25, 181)8, and was taken to buoy No. 4, in from five and one lalf to six fathoms of water, by tho regular government pilot. The United States consul general at Havana had notified the authorities at that place the previous evening of tho intended ar rival of tho Maine. 2. The stute of discipline on board the Maine was excellent, and all orders and regulations in regard to the care and safety to tho ship were strictly car ried ont. All ammunition was stored away in accordance with instructions, mud proper care was taken whenever ammunition was handled, Nothing was stowed in any one of the mugadnes or shell rooms.which was not permitted to be stowed there. The magazines and shell rooms are always locked after having been opened ; and after the de struction of tho Maine, the keys were fonnd in their proper place in the cap tain's cabin, everything having been reported secure that evening at 8 p. m. The temperatures of tho magazines and shell rooms wero taken daily and re ported. Tho only magazine which hud an undue amount of heat waslhe after 10-inch magu.iue, and that did not ex plode at tho time the Muino was de stroyed. Tho torpedo war heads were all stowed in tho after part of tho ship nndor tho wardroom, and neither caused nor participated in the destruc tion of the Muino. The dry guncotton primers and detonators were stowed in the cabin aft and remote from the scene of the explosion. Tho waste was care fully looked after on board tho Maine to obvlato danger. Special orders in regard to this had been given by the commanding officer. Varnishes,dryers, alcohol and other combustibles of this naturo were stowed on or above tho main deck and could not have had any thing to do with the destruction of the Maine. Tho medical stores were stowod aft nnder the ward room, and remote from the scene of tho explosion. No danger ous stores of any kind were stowed be low in any of the other storerooms. The coal bunkers were inspected. Of those bunkers adjoining the forward magazines and shell rooms, four were empty, namely : 158, 114, 155, 150, "A15" had been iu uso that day and "A16" was full of i'tew Ilivcr coal. This coal had been curel'ully inspected before re ceiving it on board. The bunker in which it was stowed was accessible on three sides at all times, und tho fourth side at this time on account of bunkers B4 and 150 being empty. This bunker, A10, hud been inspected that day by the engineer ollicer on duty. Tho lire alarms in the bunkers were iu working order, and there had never been a case of sMjntaueous combustion of coul on board the Maine. Tho two after lsnlors of tho ship wero in use at tho time of tho disaster, for auxiliary purposes only, with acoiuparatively low pressure of steam, and being tended by a reliable watch. These boilers could not have caused tho explosion of tho ship. The four forword boiler huvo since botu found by tho divers, und are in a fair condition. On the night of tho demotion of llOISO (.OOII KVIHVWIIKKK. A Meillral UUrovrry That Krrevtualljr t'nm i'llra in Yry Purm. For many years pliynlcluu liitvecxitcri litelited In vain, mfkilig U remedy wtiieli would (((dually curt pibe and otltr rtetul troubles, without rvmirtiug to a Miirgieal (niUoii, .Many Mmiedu. r found In give temporary rebel, but Hon could ho depeuded upon to make it Ui lug, salieluctory cm re. Within rrceut period, however, a tie rvmdy,lhe I'vraiuid File l ure, ha bwit retatvdly teetd In hundred uf eae and with blgly eatiebu-ury r.ulte. The tlret i lh vt of the I'jrraiuid File Cur 1 o litetautl v remove the pain ami I rri tation aeueralli reul, and from the I tune uu the cure mi'ldty irogrvev aud before lh pala-al I hardly aware o( it U eatiHy cured. The rmdr went to art direeily un Ihe arrve and blood vee. e l id lh ru affiled a II e.utwe lulu din! eoulacl with thnt and eet up a hralthy as liua, a ha h la a h-rlly att ar! mmf bring lh pari Iu thnr aor uil etiaditmn. lh rvntedy (lo it aork without i l or iHintuMui u Ihe tiftrr aud I ptlf etiitihred une ul lb stuil iter ittirtua dciitri ul nutdnru Md'iee. I Me i m id lh wtuel aaaoiintf and ultoa tlu. tlejiK.r.t. tlrae with hh kawantlf U atft le.1. Il nltv.t II lr4aatiy dvip lain Mim1 or mm rqaaliy fatal r i'virtiU r Id, kvffvne, hy lh llwiely m id Ihi IU hl tfi'ti rMtely an oh a4 1r a etegi Uav Iruat any km ul ptk aWee lhf al l(V lh I'iranild I'd larw U -fhil harwtHMa, etalaiaid aa aiatl and at a'wt very relM la pr, Mt l be I &0 eat l-atrkase h et, in drd ir rrnher. I he nanal lufer id lh reiMlr are ih I'lrauod r( I , id lUrhll, Mah., wha hare .4 thM iea jeparalioa More Ihe pitblHi ualy after iid II thorough and rvle4 Hl I lh hand id r tahte ihjaia h ralt la k dr.l (J raeew hi att4 lhal II ill n fv4. NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. An Afflicted Mother. from the Tlinee, Paw Paw, III. A resident of this town has lost two children during the past six years, by violent deaths baa been utterly pros trated by the shock, and seriously sick as a result of it. Onechild (aged 0) was killed by a cyclone in '90 while at school; another, three years later, was run over by a Burlington H. R. train. That griefs and misfortunes may so prey on the mind as to lead to serious physical disorders baa been well demonstrated la this case. As a result of them, her health was shattered and she has been a con stant sufferer since 1800. Her principal trouble has been neuralgia of the stom ach which was very painful, and exhibited all the symptoms of ordinary neuralgia, nervousness and indigestion. Physicians did ber no good whatever. She was dis couraged and abandoned all hopes of getting well. Finally, however, a certain well known pill was recommended il)r. Williams' I'ink Fills for Fale Peoplo.) She supplied herself with a quantity of tbem and had not taken thorn two weeks wbon she noticed a marked Improvement A Connlont Hiiffumr, in her condition. She continued taking the pills until seven or eight boxes had been consumed and she considered her self entirely cured. Hhe can now eat all kinds of food, which Is something she has not boon able to do for years. Hhe Is not troubled In the least with nervous ness us she was during the time of ber stomach troubles. She is now well and all because of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Palo People a complete cure has been made. If any one would like to hour more of the details of ber suffering and relief gained by the use of Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Palo People they may be ob tained probably, by writing the lady di rect. KI10 is one of our well known resi dents, Mrs. Ellen A. Oderkirk, Paw Paw, Illinois. the Maine everything hod been reported secure for tho night at H p. m. by relia ble persons, through tho proper author ities, to the commanding officer. At the time tho Muino was destroyed the ship was quiet, aud, therefore, least liable to accident caused by movomonts from those on board. fc, The destruction of the Maine oc curred at 9 :40 p. m., on Feb. 16, 1898, in tho harbor of Havana, Cuba, being at the time moored in tho same buoy to which she hud been tukon npon bor arrival. Tho forward part was com pletely demolished. Upon the evidence of concurrent ex tcrnul cause tho finding of the court is as follows : Thore were two explosions of a dis tinctly dilferent character, with a very short but distinct interval between them, and the forward part of the ship was lifted to a marked degree at the time of the first explosion. Tho first explosion was more in the nature of a report, like that of a gun, while the second explosion was more open, prolonged aud of greater volume. This second explosion was, in the opin ion of the court, caused by tho partial explosion of two or moro of the forward magazines of tho Maino. The Condition of the Wreck. 4. Thu evidence bearing on this, be ing principally obtained from divers, did not enable tho court to form a defi nite conclusion as to the condition of tho wreck, although it was established that the after part of tho ship was practicully intact, and sank in that con dition a very few minutes after the de struction of tho forward part. Tho following facts iu regard to the forward part of tho ship are, however, established by the testimony : That fsirtion of tho port sido of the protective dock, which extends from about frame 110 to about frame 41, was blown up aft and over to port. The main dock, from about frame 30 toalsmt frame 41, wus blown up aft and slight ly over to sturlxiard, folding the for ward part of tho middle uiertructaro over and 011 top of the after part. This wm, in the opiuiou of the court, caused by tho partial explosion of two or more of tit forward man uinci of the Miine, .. At frame 17, the outer shell of the hip, from a (stint eleven and one-half feet from the middle liuit of the ship, and su feet attovn tho keel, when In il normal petition, hat Ih i ll forced up an to 1st wow about four ft aUive tha urface of tho walur, therefor ahoai thirty four feet atstvu where 11 would I the hlp sauk uninjured. Tha nut id bottom pUiiug I bout Into a ro ver"! V shape, the after wing of w lib h aUiul If. feet brd and Si f lu IviiKth (from, fr-vua )7 to friiu H WdwoMd Uw k upon Udf at(tinl lh coiiltuuatl u of IU Mill pUllii ex truding forward A I fraui It lh vertU'al keel la bnkm in two, and lh tUl hcl bul into an auU ltuiUr l' Hi aurft tWiiied br lh ouuil U a Mm pUiiug Taw brk 1 now about et fel tdow lh rf,w t.f the wir ud about 84 fowl aUiv t a. utai p.ilMoi la lle tittoi of ih rtart, IU f fl iold h it twew pnl . I only by Ihe etpi atoil of a tiitae lal- uu It the Imi i-11 uf lb hip al atatul fruit I, an I MMwhi ut Dm rl ld uf lh thtp a, 1 h mart Ad laal tha hM l Ih MaUio, mh the o Mtoit aiM., wm ut a any rii da i fall i fa- ua the rl uf aay wf lh if?WH if MtHtl of Ih creer uf said eerl 1, la lh uiiaiowi uf Ihe ihmM h Mbt W lt.'IMJl y Ih tlpoUM id a lahinartH una, whWk ea. la I-riul vttdeweM uf lw uf mum uf .irjrvl ut;ioe a. lb tuart Unable h tW (lVaia4 ta III l'a.) Arlington Nursery Standi tecond to none la the Weat In the way of a large Miortment ot gmnn Nonery Stork ot the Iradlair bard varletlK. Located M mllM north wt ot Omsbe In tbeleedlna fruit b t of the elate where the eouitrr abouodi la orcberdi from 'JO 10 K;nn of . tclrliin emple ebnDoe to itady the hardloeu and dleyoiltlon In aeneral of aluoet entry va riety m otfur. Iilreat transportation to almoet entry pert ot tbe elate. : Ueecrlptlr catalogue tree upon appllceilon, Satlalastion with traatomar gasrastaad. MARSHALL BROS Ill AT NEBRASKA HAY CO., WHOLESALE Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties mi Uth and NiohoLu Btin - issi vsa 1 1 av aw sv The lurKcntconiplrta line of fiirtti mwhtnpry mnnurartured by wijr aluule cuueoro Iu the wurlil) embracaai OmbOfnm Rival Dlma Hmmmowm. Oamhlnmllan Hmmmta. TRADE NARK Adjumlmblm Pag- Tooth Hmriowm, Sulky Spring- Tooth Hmeeowm, Spring- Tooth Marrow, Floalhla and Rovoralblo Olao Harroma, Columbia Inollnad Corn Harvaator and Blndar, All-Staol Taddara, Columbia Grain Marwaalar and Blndar, All-Slaal Sail Dump Baka, Columbia Baapar, Bo. 0 Baapar, All-Slaal Hand Dump Baka, Oolumbla Mowar, 1 4 B-horaat Horaa Moo Culllvalora, oto. I very tutwhln imtuUy uurruittrd and la the lient of II rliii Unit, can be produced wltli ifixid mauirlui, cuiiiiiIkU riiiliiiiiiit,, auiN'rlur aklll end luu expurtuitre. LOOK... for nur Ad, noxt nock. It I I ?m art m mi . 1 2 '-U t...7 1 llw'sl illni i'S"1 11 1 iii'lVeW . mKHi waasyft m SCENIC LINE OrillE WORLD Fhe Popular Through Car Line to UTAH.CALIFORNIA ""NORTHWEST roi h I'J HI full lafernatlas. tcicrlpllvc pampMctt, etc, tdsTW S. K. HOOPER, 6 . t. A., Deafer, Ula. KIMBALL BROS.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers. MftRBLe, GRftNITG AND SLftTG (or buildiog and cemetery work. Several hundred finished Monuments of modern design always on hand. SAVE MIDDLE MAN'S PROFIT AND DEAL DIRECT. . . . . Write for cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address, Cor. 15th and O Sts., LINCOLN, NEB. lANDY CURtCOIISTIPATIOtl r- 1 DCrtf flTPT 7 rn 1 DlttTPrn to rent ae, BDdUbUlLlil UUBUAillbljU n... nrfrr eleae eenaiM rrea. a, htkki.iii itr.n mii TURKISH FEMALE TONIC. A Necessity to Weak. Woimm. rNwUTMy th catty riedy wirtaej J.eaele WmmOmma or ateenoe truutito. Dure all aTeae rela aud lmAmummHm.MtPupamant tha maarauv) orvaiMk l'rii fuf trMlaMeii m-bk eu 10 dare. ) af by aaau. A.. Aweer. talat. tit. Mk.itios tub NkhHAan a I jnai-e;Mii. JiT ARMERS, FARMERS, FARMERS!! A SPECIAL Invitation U extended to the farmer! ol Lancaster Gunty and vicinity (since spring li approaching) to call at cur place ol business and get prices for your spring Painting. Our quotations will surprise you. Why cuy In ferior goods, when the best can U purchased lor the tame money? We have It, and give you a guarantee with every article. MjM Our past experience has taught us that the larmer uses as good an article as anybody, and why not give them the worth ol their money? We guarantee that you will receive the best ol treatment and atUfactlon. Respectfully, STANDARD GLASS & PAINT CO., Lincoln, Ncbnwka, J. B, MEYER. Manner. 0000000000000J000000000000' Fruit Farm .. . . Arlington, Neb. - OMAHA, NEB RvlODPSl Tho Out horo shown. la thai at our OSBOBB RIVAL DISO MARROW, which, to iiur oiimtllh iH.ntillM' harrow mmlil. A mitlli fmiiiaof imeaiilld tilwnof hnr Nli.,., Kim-Ii uiui Inula VDiivuiiU'iit, lnwr fiirniNirHUiitf It. lnili pcricli'iit aurlnvM-ritp- ..M,. I, .1 Inn , I....... 1....!. . III or out ut oiwiiwi-iiii'iit, itlotitileil n i llillwi I iHlTf'ltirill. I....T III) H, l.linil 1 hllli-il Hftirtnnriiit't Wfiif out. Miirltii tiHHlt ulliu liiiii iit ciilllvutea tha (H-iilur rhlKc (Iiuik liavn from B U 111 tltm H, (mil nra friiin i tod tn-i tvl li', Ijlw n r HI to 2(1 liirhin mid lira lit tliu liit. atiuil liinilf. Thnii iHirw nvi'iii'ra when whiiIi iI. Ium'tlMiy 1111III youinrourUnuljii'nt. Hmikfnr I' tirntutitl Hum Ki utfi in, OSBORNE 1 CO., Chicago, lilt. 'ER,Rl0GRANDER. CONNECTIONS SANFlUNCISCOPORmNDl SEATTLE TACONA WirrlAUSTCAMSHIP LINES FOB KLONDIKE CATHARTIC ALL ii;isimi DRUCGIST3 raof rne.tlnallna. faararata are the Ideal Uia-i rrl, , ,ri.hl eaaynateralrMells. Sua-i t ti.. i hiraen, nmtimai. 1 ae.,era tern. sit. TURKISH TANSY and PENNYROYAL PILLS ejrTee7e? eaea f ew. MANN'S S-MAMSAOV. aeMtaearaw twu.Sen Lid ttrltiuv to . ur aJverti-r. PHILLIP MATTER. Proprietor.