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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1898)
iHE OPINIONS la thla department we will pobllnh rharaeter, received from sobacrlbere to tbla paper. No oonmcnioation moxum xjntaix mors than 800 worm. Manuscript will not be returned. A rlTATE nAILKOAD. For the laat twenty-fives yearn the question of railroad rat1 ha been agitated by the people of thi at to of Nebraska, and during that time mem here to tha leglalattire have been Heel ed and llllii hare been Introduced to lower freight and pansengpr ralea, Jlut railroad lobbyist have lieen suc cessful In defeating every bill tending to cut flown railroad rate until the session of M.'l, when the iiiaalinuiii rat bill wn panned. Peoiito then felt a hope of relief from eatuhllahed railroad rate, Did the j'',' K'"' M After banging It up hi court for five ymiri we find the highest tribunal In the Innil nay tli nil Insula must have a goial lnfen'st, on watered hUh U, tak ing n a baal the reort of the repub lican board of railroad comirilnnloner of 1HII. i will not dwell upon Mil Clin m It In no well known fo the tieoplo of tfie alt, especially f tlioaa thnt rend tlm Nebraska lnJeH'iiileiit, Now tlm question eoinee to im, wlmt cnn we (In to get a reasonable rate when wn know that It Im of no kmc fur our lawmakcra to nend any lima In I rylng to puna railroad hills that, In terfere with th Interest of railroad magnates? We now tinilcrsbiiid their mode of procedure. YYe know t,y own noil control tlm Court. I hope the render of h independent will rend HenaUir Hutler'a letter, "Why Trtintn Prosper," the Issue of Munli 10, of th Independent. Jtend It, arid ('on will shake with fear for what will income of f lip people of IIiIm great and wealthy nation VI n regard to rellrouda J will only quote a few lineai "Wlmt fln we urn today? One- man, 3, Plcrpont Morgan, representing a foreign gold syndicate, coiiiiHined of London Jews, owning and almoliitely colli rolling, ii thn Nffcn of thfit (runt 'Ijrht of th hirypt nillnxil nynimn In thla country. Tlm powerful ayMUuiN with their tributarily, whhdi thy diiuilnnln and control, coiiiM'InIiik iiiorw tliiin mlli'n; (rvcrn rvcry meana of iikmIitii triifiMioi'latlon In ail thn jficnt iMttMiliilcil iiiwl liiijiortfliit, ftpHlniiM or tlin luitlim, from t'lili'iigo runt nnd aoiith, I rcjK'dt It, rnd Hi'imtiir tlutlcr'a letter and you will c how thn rail rHul cortMM'ntlotiN and other trintl liiiVB It In their jiower n levy trlbuUsI on every iniin nnd every liwlimiry in thin tuition, In order to enrich them nc I v en nnd their allien. Hut what In the remedy? You will wiy for thn jfovernmeiit to own and operate thn MillriMiU for thn common (rood of thn people, mid your theory In correct, lint, I nui n fin Id (lint, I, with tha rent that had tha privilege to xettb on nvei nmi'iit hind iin a hometeiul, will In tinder the nimI Imv forp any mieh law will proiN I'oinfreM, Th (rovernmeiit had a dinner to buy the I'uloii 1'neltle rallriNMl, but liiNteod of ilolntr that, let m! NvndlcfllcN buy It under tha iidnuuhhI ruime, of rr-nrjr aiilntluu commit tec. Wlmt, then, me w riiIiir to do? Hlmiilv thin: let the people of Tcmim, OMiihomit, Knimnji, Nplunnka and probnhly thn Ihtkotjiw, Iniild their own railroad to the p-ulf at a point, either tialventon or Port Arthur. It cnn be done nud JiniHt le done, and then we hiixe no need of nn.v morn rnlliiNid lctflNlntiou, Ix'rnnne Hint will tt the qucKtlon of railroiul rat en. lint I venture to wiy that we, In oiirh a en no, could (id uiir niln to the nen cMiwt nt nliont one hnlf of what, we are puylng to)ny, nml It would Im more t htm elf iiipKirtiiif from thn betftnninjr. Now let. wn compnre the tute on corn, n the Mnple priMluct of Ne hrAHkmfrom Shtekley, Fillmore coun ty, Nclinwka to tlnlvciiton,2H t'entn jmt i'iM) poiiinU; to New York City, 3", cent )er 1U0 pound; to ltonton, 40' ccntN 't hundn'd poiindm. From the nlHive, nnd thn followlnif n'lnl Hn pntch from ('hlentro to the (Jhdie-lVni-wmt, yon will iin.lllv w thnt the I i ul f ci'tnut In the uhlpplng point for onr prnln: "t'arefnlljr prenml table of the eiport uhlpmentN from thn vnrioiiM niiMiiM in 1hl country nhow eoncbi lively thnt New York lin lout lu nrvfitiKW a the lcndlnir evport point for (rraln. "n corn shipment Hnlti miM'e Im run far alien,! of It, nnd New Oilcnmi i not far belt! ml It, It now dfve!oMi thnt New York Is nl In tlanirvr of loin(T tin mipivmatv a the rirt point for piiMon. Annoiinet-nieiit wn mnde tility thnt Homn of thn hviye p Vlni tlrni of till ltv have U'unn khippinif pcioin tivna and i Wlnu innne proilni'ln fmin t'hivK to I'oit Arthur, l'rvi, tU the lMcin tiivnt et,rn nnd the Kan Ml t I'V. l'tttKtmiK iiii.l lUilf tivrt.ln, and that thry will continue to do o n mo n Ion it RM thev cn e feinit 7', to it rent on h ii pniil on lhrint,'H hl potent front t Mi'nr to i'Mricn rntl. Ibe utrnioKhlp ln tneWier, Mhhh IM from ISnt Ar thur tot, CAttle.1 S,iM ton of put W tiiM bouitn product, fully one hnlf of whUhcAom fen t1tictrvv, It lo Knd a pi1 of Itn lit! i i v" lrr pntktle of rtottr, inenl, c.tlo .! lltrr, Ihn iemMr t Winl for iiiritktol nn.t U the trt of ttm ISnt Arthur I tux VtUnti? t,-itu'c to Mil UitrnUr toiln,, l.llv ti.p Will folloM, i hit -mg i, krin (V ttrv f .ml It lHtpiailil to l,li pi.v il,m l Nr N Xiuk to l'"ii'iiii ort. lim cVtt tni ot In Kit feH 1 1 ir to r iV l tr4,ittiit t twlk KipHviu ii Npn Ymtk ilt ht Tl prio ilon !! M iif ho ptttn I v..l. KV to !" put down J. i, e'tdn t ! f.r (iWi vmim4 It lt.t in tiol loi IK t kli n o p k tetf lnwiw ill lr lrtiv l n.l Kan t tl m i! t i tK , ti. tnne rtr( in IK mt, Kan t ut V a ttvt k.lM of t nr. n.t Ht H en H ti potul ' I fl ' K I (xf fion tkt vt ilim t tti I Hnt m ikr I nui klro to NrW ik Ik lM tmt w klnf ti I'ftktiM t I o crel an t th troKt trntt from Vc t'eik to J. tttmHiit U t crttln, man iHf ft throiifk rn f t Vink Hi ,..4mti fit K e Mn IK tntv fr,w Knnnnn t tty tn tUf In contn OF THE PEQPLE eommnnloatloDe of a worth and suitable which, If abled ti the rata from Chi- ciio make tha through rate rrnn Kiwikii (,1ty n New York 7' mt. Thn tirodiieta can Im ahlppeo frmn KaiinuN City by wny of J'wt Arthur for 43 cent, a fllfferniica In favor of tlm lattw rout id 31! cent," Thn next (pieatlon li How can a atat build a rallroiuiy i nam ixn witltlriK for month for om one U hrlnftf the queatloii ln-.fore the iiooplo, Im-ciiiim! It In a very Important one, and cNpeclally have I been waltlnjf for Hon. Warwick- Huumiera, a i wwer ataiid that he oiu'a innIn the re miirk. nfl-r beliiir amith by npfKiliit- meiit of the governor, Infortmu tlon on t he aubjects I He romi muat. l. loillt If I have to build It myanlf." In nrder U briritf thf matter nil for dlMciiHH on I will tflve my Idea ami j l,i,in other w orcMciit iK-t-U-r one. 1 will t'onflna myntdf Ut our own. atafu of Ncbnwika, I am mire mat, very Ij.wi.kIiIh In which the rallroiwla will run through will donate the rlRbt of for the trarka and all land iicwl- ivl for depot, warehouaea, awltchea, 4, tU. Then let the atnto i-u- Inhiture next winter ao iimeiio our a , . . hiwa. or If nwl lie, our coimtiwitloii, that will ba IcKlNhiture the pow er in appropriate the amount ticcee miry build and npilp a railroiul through tbla alafe from north to Mouth, io IntcrHcct with a raid built by the people of Kanaaa, Oklahoma and Texna. The next nueatlon In: What Minn or immev wimi i It reoulre w nulla ami tupilp a nil I roii d throiiirh the ata of Ntthraaka? Kxiierienecii ruiiromi men iiiihlnacd by ncIUhIi motive, chilmthat a prairie ata-M Ilka NeliniNka, wit n few atreitma w iirid((e, n raiiriMMi can ie built and eipilpiied lor 110,000 per mile and a the tete from north to aouth la StOO iiiIIcn, It would cimt the tax pnvera of till lilwiiit 12,000,000, about the iiinoiiiit our republican Mate oHlcliiln have npproprlatcl for their tiwn jinb out of the atnte tmwi- ury iluiliitf the laat alx year. Two million ibilhir In a blir hiiiii, but I un- ilemtand that in about, the amount of tnxea we pny lu Oil atnle In one year. Ho If you aiiould pay It In one yenr, which will not be required, you may Mlmply have to pny a double tax for one year, , Figure wlmt you aell of corn or wheat lu one yenr and ace the flift'crcnce you pny In freight ami whnt you Miy for lumber, which lu MiH'h ciino could be boiifht from the jfreiit pinerleN of Hie mnith, nud you will find thin difference will hriiifr you more than four time the tax you pny lu one yenr, and you hnve the licne (It of every year to come, bcttlde the value of the railroad projierty be lotitfN to you. ' Now friemlN, dbuiiN fhU mutter with your nelyliliont and through the pren. Hrluir forth your proj Mini tlon nud we will accept the, bent one, lt noine one call a mcctiiijr nt Nome con venient time and place, ami let every county lie reprcNcnfed. We have no other alternative. It can lie done ami it muni lie done. Court ami railroad mnjrnnte defy tt. I-t n nhow to the vle (?) men of our Ntiprcmn court thnt whatever they know they do not nnderntand what i Jit and fair Imv tweeu the eope of the ntnte of Ne hriifcka and the riillnm.lH. One tiling I cnn not underntaml in thnt when the riillrond pleaded liefnre the Hiipirme court "thnt they could not ha ve a ren- nonalile profit if the maximum rate cane wn toiNtaineil." How inn they uUe nwny ho many fre' kimhh? It look like iliwriniiniil ion when one pcrnon Hy for hi ride and another ride without iieylng. 1 there no law t ntop it, ninl If there U, let It. lie en forced. Ni:i,S ANHKIiSOV, On g, Nclinikkn, p(it ctnoi nlrliKiid nhnll cmfwhm Yon will find the data nt which your anharriptloa riplmd niarkml on this wnek'a lnnn of your paer. Taka notion of it and if you am io arreara you ahoold mak a pny men t lit one. M IIOOl, FCNHM DIsm nSFMFNT Oftlce of the Kcpiililicnu Kvivutiw ( omniittcc iif State lloiue Fuiidn, I, in coin, Nell., ,Un, Imih.- Mr. .1, VV. ,loluion, SiN'tvtnry-Treninirer. - Sir: You will nt .tour earlient convenience plrnne tiHinouit to thin com mil lev ii ihlrtilid Itenilml nlnteincut of the flu nncinl iIikImiih, 'infill of jour office, (oinitioif State .loiirnnl ItVmn.) Thin iimthiinl ivpiet I mn.le for the l-nn thnt it i very Important tlml the ftiiniicinl ivxmn n of the ctmmit tee nut W nceiirnielv etimntixl, The lime wan, n )ou know, when thin w ttot ncccnuni v, Imt it tin now Invomr n iinH'rtive tKHCkkilv . tiu moM U'iu'llll minii'c tif fnliil (kt.tte hoime) a tv now In the hmnW of the 'p.i It ! not ilrflnltrlv known wlmt tlr railrond :oi,l will in 1 1,,. urM ( iii'lflij,-n lhrie (, howrtrr, n ni unr thnt thry me tnakiuir otritun to the itrmo p'p- Wf h(H tht Von will tvnliite the iuit tnncti if nmWln(.' thin ilrpnitncn from fmnnr euolooi io.HHttll)U, f. M H , I involit, lv, tit. ',( tt- to illi h Mtf lloue FtunU I ve n I nv t ouiitot i. r, t o'ii ii men In coin l-l" C With )'l liS'ftlt l-o t I hnvwith tahniit l. .It'lail the il.n of r s I ti, ,f t,i i.fttie for tr Inn tP ncl liij 1 hcr U no .lata in thin ofrt.- for ter pil.-r to, rt rtkpvt Ifnlit , Jttt t .MTt to-it lt- rifhlh i oinui m l Hirnl, tt no. tnl t, tA, rinUH,l,.",l o,ti -V''-I nin I !. to t.ii ll, ln.l .any Tcorlc Cannot Drinl folnt ft ftkgkt. It po4Ml Itt-att ! leuMialrink 0rat'O yeapkHMa an4 awf bin ft Ion. I'tw tirnin tt o) el UnttUl II ftarWkn ftl kMlft, tt hnofca ft4 taataa hkataa Hnnt toffo I or arvo w,n, yg Ctpla fti aniUen tlema-O nt tka pf t drink, ktafmna paetffVftiaft. tW a tn( Koj ont nnw t o.fty , 1 1 U piaM ol t dW ll ftal 8V annointed bia wounded aonl and put a new ribbon In bia bonnet, $20,00". Anril IB, Cleaned the ear of John V. I'., Jlalaaro'a aaa, renovated bin voice and ahod hlrn, 914,640. May 2. decorated John'a ark, wbite- waahcl hi golden calf and oiled hi tonirue. IIO.IMX). May W, wlulfratwl the aulphur of hade, hyponltied ine aevn, cnpjieo hi dawn, put an extra curl In bin tail and dlamomla for til crown, 914,000, June 3,cntrll(iitcd U) Macua A. Ilan na fund U) buy the keya to the bot tomlen pit, fletliron aateit and proa- tltute hla lin pa, 9100,000. June 4. wanlied rontlua Itoaa'a acr varita, t(H:UHHt'A their lnu and put carmine on their :hcka, 915,220.40. June ja.relwrdenvl the robe of John IT, P., Jlahiam a allverino, (Jntcrnation ill), for hi front face, and d I nl 11 fee ted hln former ouaru-ra, 910,000. Hcjt,, )H, rcanl mated the fliniic oft he popocrnt a puriraK;ry( out it waa a 11 ,!),( 11 ricil looae the devil dogN of war, March 4, 1807, replumod and ed the wIiik of Joe and (leue'a (ruard- Inn niicl and tiimmed hla hoof, 111, 040.80, June 10, aervlcea ami money paid In India If of Joe and ( Jeiie 1 11 endeavor! nir to quiinh the lire of hell and IhiiiIhIi the torment of me worm mat, 01e1.11 not, (one-half of original fee, $:)5,000) l7,f.00. Nov, 10, put a alone in Jlerod 1'ow- el'a aliu, gall for hla atornach and ex tended hi breech cloth, 94,200. I lee, 14, two extra !il(or"ra to atnnd between Joe and tlen and the fur nace. fXii.OO dlacount 50 per cent) $:i.00, Hooljied the paraou'a meek aplrit, Iml- hiated hln wounded piety, put a tall 011 IiIn roonter 11 ml done other odd John for the Fifth dintrlct Htalcaninu, 9'l(-, Total, iWiMXM.KO, JO, lly Jomilhaii HlKtfltiH. Juat try a lOe - x of Caacarola, the fluent liver and oowd regulator ever made, Kdjtor Independetit. 1 notice for the puat two iiioutlia 1 11 your valuable oiiimt name of candi date for governor tbla fall, any of which In my entimatlou would make model governor if nominated and elected. Hut Mr. Editor, thla In an agricultural nlate, and why not give iin a friinier for thla ihinIHoii, one who In thoroughly eouictcnt and If nomi nated could carry the ntate ny sii,i)oo at the coming election. My bunlne la Miicli'lhat I have been In over twen ty countle wit hln the hint three monlliN ami have In-cii InconNiiltiition with aoiue of the lending fanner and biiKlncNM men mil they all are of the name opinion that we Nhoiild have a farmer and IhihIiichn man io bend our ticket, ami nay Junt give tm (a, Point ier, he II I In the bill iin farmer and IhihIiichn mini. J. W. MAIIKK, Humphrey, Neb., Marcii 27, IHOH. SMALL HAPPENINGS, V. W. Crnmb of Fal rlmry wn In Lincoln thin week. limine county ha 1110 i 11 cxpcrlcnccil a ncwNiaier rhnngit. 1). .1. l'oyntcr, the ex-couufy frceNiitvr, ami ,1. r. Halrd, ex-deputy county clerk, have lionulit the Alliion AririiH and Hhlde and coiiNoliihited the two plant ami will proceed to turn out a paper re pre Hcnt.imr the la'nt Internet of I loom- county, the ntate of Nehrnnka, and (lie I nil 11I HtatcN 11 1 large. 111' llllllllifj, ,.,,11.111, raiH't triiHt ha liecn formed. If, ought ''I... ,... II. ...... It .... v IO lie pill, IIOW'll. I IIIN Kll(,'trCMIM HUM the cracker front in pelting in ita work. It ought to lie cracked. I'he ntate com cut Ion of t he Hople' lairty of I'cniiHV Ivanin w ill be held nt WitlinmNirt on Wiilnctulay, April 27, s)H, for the pnrpoRc of adoplmir n platform nnd placing in nomnation n ntate ticket. The populint ntate convention of South Dakota ha been cut led to meet at Aln-rdeen June 22. Mark lliinnn in verv much interented in Ohio coal utincM. It in announced that them mine have received a gov ernment oiiler for '.' ton of coal to lie delivered nt Kev Went, Alnbnmn eon I In jnnt a goml and many lnimlnsl mile nearer hey Went, bit:. Mr. Hnn nil In reported it petting ,ne dollar n ton more than the Alabnmn article wn offered for, and the trovernment pnvn the iliffcrenee in freight. The Mivnouri nipulint (.late cotmuit tee hnn Imcii cnlhtl lne-t at l.indell hotel In St, I4111U. Siiinnliix, April S. Mr. .1, M. tolihrikt hit gone to Im pi iinl, rhnxe count v, to make nit ex Hlt exniiiiuntiou of the Inwik of the county I reiimtci ' for ncvrml term pant. Hon, .1 N. tinrtin made thin office n hoit call while fa the t'itv hint week He I riuphntic in hi tbt iaion mi the Ciiltoi iiirtiou nud nav that nolli lnh' nhoit of ploinj't ihleri eiilion mid the bin mlion of t uta 1 an niuit the Fluted with honor to herwlf .vii, I Jnti, to t'ulnv. Whrn noketl whnt he Ihtmghl of the tiolitlenl iliinlion of the tat r ht nai.l he hn.1 U-en no luv putii,f n Utyr crop of w het that he ha.t it. I l.a.l i;o to hn.V. ftr (hln tin Mia to think three I "oiv inoiuv l 1 top of when! thnn there I til n crop f jnitsc ihlt. t( T toil HI) lONMIT 1 I" NT l.t,lk- nirtklr ,.f thr Fiml eo.j .otJtt ilili i. t of N, 1. 1 ,.,. n,r co 1 al)'l nt the jt nrrnl Uthl i.fn.r k a tr..rl f .r thf rr-t trt f !' of tl la ltur Nt'h, tkvml ( 1 1 tr wK.t w ouVI m jncrxl ! w ! v t 'l., S,r t U r.t'i-a I t atrrv'nM,(i l ul h 1 hiI H It, whin iotrle.t nc. t any ,ti,.ii t Ihn tan.t hn.l pal frv-iH lh tfo rhri.t ittWl UtV hHl fif .t itfttr ,n.l,i, t.i Wink 1l thn trtMrlMrtit thn Inf.w hohI lit tvitntitv .,i),rt Un.t (Ml t r n.icvrv .,i, H tph rrl wtth thn r.i.i cf t; pnttir la t.tit EASTER HARE MYTH. THt fUBBIT IDENTIFIED WITH THE MOON IN 8YMB0LISM. Vythnlof f of th Nation R parting Thin Fnrlod Origin of Many Contomn nod Tradition Th Moon Ooddana and Cbnnc of . The atory of tbe bare, or, It la told la tbla country, tbe rabbit, who layi tba wondorfnl Easter egg la only one of a Dumber of ooufldonoe gamea wbioh are played with certain aaooeaa upon generation after generation of tberiiing cnlidren of men. Tbe prevalent akeptlciam of tbe age falls utterly of tranamiaaion to the little onaa. Every Cbriatmaa a very ImpoHai ble aalnt with prepoatorona nocturnal babita la Introduced Into tbe children'! calendar of "truly people" and la bar mon I zed by infant aopbiatry, which dlf fnra little from rouob of tbe logic of tbe eldora, with tbe budding theology of tbe baby mind. Cut of all tho queer atoriee whoae certainty of credence la baaed on tbe itrensth in children of tbe broad priu olple of human gullibility expraaaod by Uuaar In tbe atateniont that men readi It believe tboae thinga wbioh are plena ant to believe the legend of the Eaator bare la tho moat tranaparent and yet nioat auocoKuful gold brick game that i annually played upon tbe Tittle "come one." Tbe common, everyday product of tbe Induatrlouahcn la gilded with glittering foil orboilod in aome weirdly patterned, mondaoioue pieee of "faat color" calico and dopoaited In all the resultant crudi ty of ita color achame in an iinpomiiblo neat In an outlandish plane, which only a creature "mad aa a March bare" would ever think of chooaiDK for a bomeatoad alte. Tbe children then, in willing uiyatifioation, are aunt bunting for "bunny 'a neat" and Ita wonderful oonteuta. Tho aight of the egga la aufflciont proof to the childron of tho truth of tbe whole atory, aa Huron Munchausen do airud tho nioon'a presence, to be to bis auditors, after be bad recounted bia lunar adventures. Besides, have not the grown folks told tho tale with solemn fauca? And if a smile should thereafter "twitch the bearded am buab" of aman- FKKFaKItfO TUB "GOLD BRICKS." Iy mouth at tbe easy credulity of a child, it might be well to remind bim that he himself has accepted on simple testimony the truth of atatoments equal ly antounding. Does he not believe in the existence of tbe "zoological para dox," tbe ornithorhynchus, a hairy mammal that yet lays eggn? Tbe reason why tbe bare atory bus oomn down to our children la that in former generations grown peopla be lieved in it sufficiently to perpetuate it. Tint explanation of ita origin is mytho logical. The symbolism of tbe egg, in connection with tbe celebration of tho resurrection, ia obvious. It represents the new life, the bursting of the soul from material bond into a freer and higher existence. Long before tbe rise of Christianity tho egg was used as the symbol of tbe physical universe and the awakcuing of life therein. As such it waa given amoug friends as a token of good wishes for tlm new year, which began, as it still docs amoug tbe Chi nese, with tbe vernal equinox. It would seem Hint we ought to be antlsfled with the sufficient symbolism of thn c(j;j without running after the bare and tracing the myth concerning biro to ita origin He, however, ia not a ineauinglcns accompaniment to tbe Eir !, with whose production he is ctvthti-d. After tho advice of tbe old recipe, Ibnvvfor, let us "first catch our bate, " To do this we must follow bltu from country Io country, from America and Knglaud nud tirrmauy through tlreec and Kgypl to India, and cntih bint at Inst w lure do yon supponn? Tbe rnx.m gmldesa 1, from w hotn tba tin mn l.ttr Is rirmed, baa general ly been Identified ly learned tnra with Asinrtn, tbe I'ho uiclnu gldea of the tuvHat, wbtMHt tmoi Is fntuiliar to Hil l renders as Athlsn th IUr fmttval vtaa Cflelintcd in rly spring al llm begta itiiif t4 tb aucUni yr and tbrrnfore mum i'htui'a pii waa also a festival of thnt tin In la lb bauuoitlsing t thrls tinarasl.ansanj pnaa tlia which t,k I Ut-e ta the evangrhsalioti t4 Ibath iba and Ihe iotie i.tir and th r?r re 1 1. 4i w t r ulnallOed In ltvnuv Now the double SYMiboUstN ( th pbyn i n) and sjttilvnl rarrvlt f.a4 a pnrniM ta tbe rhnia Ut (4 lb Ima foii.1, Net HII uh t a w anna and hrn J nti)iM amonnk, tmn weald lkia, ta the titMM i4 "ll ) b4 tnonti ' thnractrfUtt.-e, t l I the n ltmitnn f t hni,tng ht atit trrk aUrrowd M u 1 thr f 'Oi.eJ M m4 a a I'm) la UMUMUit pmni tbe ttninl ynt 4aiU aa ti.a toti ta t1' Ihm l4 nit inanthai t4 lhi claa'ttsm ta Unl tl ao4 was al Uie annu tia Ml alia ana f4ntun( ttn Ihnre mi le tuv a r a4 a litt, tk"i44 ta the an ta.'a njra,n" ta-lag iilt vh the ". ansa la the tmm " M k th a fUaanlty a na nltae Ireit, ty the we? the ltkl vJ aaale !, alute wJ waa present, and the "man in tbe moon" reigned free of all feminine in fluence, lie waa lord of light and of time; Mas, the measurer, aa the San skrit called him. When tbe moon was waning, it was, in Egyptian mythology, Typhon, the type of evil, whose away diminished with tbe return of the new moop and ended at tbe foil, at which time a black pig, tbe symbol of Typhon, Was offered in to Osiris, tbe un, supposed to be bia victorious ene my. Tbe leg of pig which is eetea in aome parta of England on Eaater Mon day ia probably a survival of this cus tom, and the tradition about tbe sun dancing on Easter morning may also be rnminlvinnea fit tha old Eavntian myth. It would be interesting to know if these traditions came througn toe Drulda or tbe Saxons. The former rep ! :.?KSr !l."nW HUBTWO BUSHT'S KKST. resented tho moon as two goddesaea, Llywy and Kreirwy, the analognea to Demeter and Persephone of the Greek, the Mother and the Virgin, and of VI nata and Kaden of tho Kanskrit, the for mer of whom la connected with our modern observance of Easter in that sbe bore an egg, whence issues the aer pent which, according to tradition som mon to many primitive peoples, brings about tbe waxing and waning of the moon by swallowing and disgorging it. Thla conception la not confined to aav ages, for Musset, tbe French poet, in bia fantastic "Hullado a laLune," apoa trophizes tbo moon as follows: Is It a sank Hint gnaw Tli 7 disk f Whosn swnrt enihrno So draws To long mfrlglit thy fnenf But why is tho bare rather than tbe serpent, which ia the more plausible egg producer, connected with the sur vlval of moon worship at Eastertide? It is because from tho earliest times pec pie fashioned the epota of the moon in the form of a hare, just aa the lnujestio mien and rayonnant mane of tbe lion mado bim the fit symbol of tho beaming sun. And aa tho moon seemed to shrink from tbo presenco of tho lord of day, what waa more natural tbun to repre sent it in proverb and atory as the timid bare leaping up in tbe absence or tbe subjugation of ita powerful enemy? Aa tbe moon in mythology was rep resented aa changing its sex, so its ani mal symbol, by that mental process which evolves fact from fancy, waa in time thought to do so in reality. From tbe days of Pliny and Plutarch to tbe enpbuista and their successors of tbe reigns of Elizabeth and James tbo as tounding statement waa accepted with out queation. It ia referred to in tbe following incantation from Hen u moot and Fletcher's "Faithful Hbepberdess, which also connects tho hare with the moon: Hares that, yearly, acxen chnni; l'roleu, altering oft ninl strntign; Ileentn, with nlwijun three. Let till insldon dinnum! bn. Even in the succeeding days of dawn lug science the author of " Vulgar Er rors," in his chapter upon tbe belief in thla metamorphosis, dciilea only that tbe change occur annually and ml to it that it may have taken place in exceptional instance a. Another ecological fable wbicb con nects tho hare with tbe watchful moon, rpy sine tnat man waa born, was that the hare, born, unlike tbe rabbit, with open eyes, never closed them, and so, in tbe old medicine, his braiu and eyea were prescribed to induce wakeful ness. Superstitions connecting tbe bare and tbe moon are innumerable. Tbe bare that crosses your path 1 rings either ill luck, as doc tbe shadow that cronse tbe moon in eclipse-, or rise disorders your wita, aa the beams of tbemoou are thought to bring Innnry ty sbtuing opou tbo unprotected f tc and brnd. lu thin lttr rnpneity an a lountic .'linker the flesh of the hnre wa stipponad to induce lurlnmboly. Hut wbrthar bnl- tern, who nr jrunl Inl for lbelr"mad nna," bmiu no j walking tnrebenJ d (on lh nam priin ipln tbnl sbeaumk am rhildrrn run t rftn.i or am ren dered "bar trniued" ty an nspecial dirt uib puns' it Urtft carcass is a question for autfcropology, and unitant v4ty Hi lujlbolt ay. lodccldn. A, 1 UnJUtoK, ii 1 ' ,4' ,m- .aa' w .tti Ak M!:J an nl T ! t nvn an a tliaJ 9. $' ! k w at t , k ttak laal ink K.l k Mt I ttnu nn t tin kW law, fct 1nit f-4 41 t H, tut kMk H lk k J UMl Biliousness . . . 1 . ,1 i.V. ,H.Mt. dlMi. Is caused dj Mirpiu u, uku .v tlou and permits food to ferment and putrlfy the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache. Insomloa, nervousness, and, B if not relieved, bilious fever IQ . 1 1 a or Mood polsonlna. Hood's li 1 1 1 S , Pills stimulate uie swniacn, J rouse th liver, cure headache, dizziness, .con. St oat on, rut. w eeiiis. mini 17 an uii "" Tus only 1'Uls to Uka with Uoed's barsapaxllla. Klondike. What doea It coat to gat there? Wiea and bow should one go? What should one take? Where are tbe mines? llow much bave they produced? Ia work plentiful? What wages are paid? It living expensive? What are one' cbaucee ol "making a strike?" Complete and satisfactory replies to tbe above qnuationo will be found In tba Burlington iloute'a "Klondike Folder," now ready for distribution. Sizteea pagea of practical information and aa up-to-date mup of Alaaka and tha Klon dike; Free at Ilurlington Hoote ticket ofllcea, or aent on receipt of four ospU io atamya by J, Francis, Orn'l Paaaengat' agout, Ilurlington Itoute, Omaha, Neb. To lafft eoond od Alaska relate. Tbe Nortbweatern-Unlon Paclflo ia th direct route to tbe Paget Hound and Alaaka pointa. Morning and afternoon tralna make direct connection at Fre mont with through touriat leepers and free reclining chair cars to Portland. For correct information call on A. H. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117 south 10th at., Lincoln, Neb. The Now. Union . . ELEVATED LOOP-1" in Chicago TAs'AmT4na IS NOW OPEN. It runs on Van Buren St., Directly io front of tba Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. Paaaengera arriving in Chicago can, by tbe new Union Klevated Loop, reach any part of the city; or, for a five-cent fare, ean be taken immediately to any of tbe large stores In tbe down town dletrict. Ail Klevated Tralna will stop at tbe "Rock Inland" Station. Train every minute. Those focilitie can only be of fered by the "Great Rock Island Route." If yon will aend a 2-cent stamp for postage we will mail yon at once a nee bird's eye view of Chicago, juat iaaued in five colore, which ahowa yon lust what you want to know about Chicago and the new Loop and Klevated Bystem, Tbia map von should bave, whether yon live out of tbe city and ezpect to coma to it, or whether yon now live in Chicago and ron or your friends contemplate making a trip. Address John Bebib tun, o. p. i.t Chicago, MKVf TOCftlST OAK LIMB. Wnnkly rrsaonlly CundaeUd Eicarslonn to Portland, Ur.,l Burllogto Rout. On T.l.rnar17 and nn Tt,nM. thrMtr at 0:10 n. m Pull aioepcrs, in charge of our own eicurnion pond net or ra u-li,liil.tH tn I., I in coin for Portland via Denver, Leadville. n i.HKetity, uicdon and the Oregon Short Lino. rifuninir thromrh tha o.a.,t- v 1 u ,bu- Mt nccnerv at thn Itnpkiua mil .innni.. several hours in at Kelt Lake City to al low risit io in many point ol lutereet there, liirtbs, ticknts and full inlorma tion mav be obt&ind nt It A u Hu.,k or city ticket ofllcc, corner of O and 10th, streets. uko. w. Honnell. C P. 4 T. A. 10 pr rnat (T I rnllfnrnl nnd Othnr fm- rlflnren! lrnrnlsm. The above rtHlnctinn nnnlion tn th tlm nnrottt. ly the N'nrtbwnstsrn t'lllon Pncifie rout thn timn innnnirht or 19 hour. 1mm thnn h niW Hxm Tbinnnv monnv, Wth rate, and tblr- "rn noum oi wmrisom rr riding. At Fmmnnt ronnnctione nr dimrt with thrnmrh tnnrint end Pullman iUimih t rhnirrnm In fntnvnr, (Vdrn, 8lt Lake I nt?, rorn And nnd iMtn rrnnnnr.i. Pin- Inar car through to thnctmnt. (lr tick, nta nnd brrth rnncrvationn of A, H. IVId-Ina-. eify ticket aircnt. III south 10th St., Unrein, Nrh, "! ' ' " II u. , , , ftrtM llantrn lu I kl.... I all it lknn, il yim .v on in nuriinrfioa s nw tni trttin nl U ltf n, nt.. ear dnv. NikUuhh.ii m i ,. lira tram ol I'ulltnnn nUia-M ,i r L. (lining rhnir rnr. rutin n.ilid ,t itnMga VliltlU lioi. t :i at it 1 VI .1....... ... attyfilthts, (Hrtina Tnaih tru uvrin, iH-nnia nil I li! lUMrmnllott, uau. w . ituanatL, f. 1. A P. A. Certificate of Publication. aa nr Auditor of Public Accounts, JMeie rrtts, I i-win. UnNk 1 1. ut tt l MISISt taillK fk ,M NVtraka Muttut I, iff In Strutnalmri:. m w Sldlr of ,r. I'Mnka, ' " l tw 1 n San aa imm ,u l'S IwllS Ik 4 (k..t a I,,. a Join r . i.. i