The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, March 31, 1898, Image 1

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Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 45.
Calls Down tbo Colorado Bourbona
Who Proposo To Go
It Alone.
The Idea of Colorado Democrats
Tfcat Populisti Must Join
Democracy Not Endorsed.
Snoot Interesting l,etttr.
The political nltuntlon in Colorado
is Just now ull of Interestespecially
to Nebraska!!. A few days ago ft "' t
ing of prominent wilvrr democrat wits
held in Denver. Among them wcro
MOIIIH ()f till! lUOSt, influential Ullll ac
tive Illl'll in tins Mute-the leaders of
Colorado democracy, They unani
mously adopted ft ri'Kolntlon ill ftU-Ht
of nominating straight democratic
tickets In Hint state ami against fus
ing or combining with any other pnr-
in tin; cnnmulgii of JWH.
'J o understand thi real I -:
this iiioi! by Colorado democrats
study of I lie election returns from
Unit state Ik important. In 1MM tin'
vote 011 Judge of tins nuprcmi! court
ntood, republican WM'i, )0nlit, 70,
4H7. democrat SUM. Jn )Wi Jirvun Inul
; votes to Mcrunicyn so,-
!,, .... II,,. kill to ticket in 1 H'JO
.i....,.,'niM fiiHMl with tin; silver 11-
publicans with a democrat, for govcr
nor nnil their entire fusion ticket was
elected over tin; populists, Tim vote
for governor wan in follows:
Alliums (ili'iii. mill nilvcr) h7,450.
Huilcy, (populist), 7l.'iH:t.
Allen, McKinlcy rep), iM.lll.
I'ivi- of tin! present state, olllccr are
republicans ft til three democrat. Last
year the silver republican ami MiKln
"icy republican i-oiiil)iiii''l mi a fundi
late for judge of tin- supreme court.
Tin! populists nominated Judge Uab-bi-rt,
a very strong candidate, Wlu-n
democratic convention met it re
jected the suggestion of Judge Uab
bcrt, who had formerly bi-i-n a dcnio-
-rnt. lunl imt up a eiuulidiiti! of its
own. Jt wan discovered that Km nomi
nee lunl formerly hern a Cleveland
democrat, ami no much dissnlisfm'tiou
was the eoiincipicnee that h with
drew. When the voti-M were counted
Oubla-rt hail M,HHH ami the republi
can 04,147. , ,
It would appear on any bum of
imputation that the populist In Col
orado were largely In excess of tbo
.tetnoemta. Thin ait ion on the- part
of leading ilemoeifiU In therefore a
little dillii'ult to iimlerMtaiiil, except on
the theory that they have, the over
: (ir and believe they will be able to re-
elei-t him tli'm fall. Hut If one, limy
judffe by their HtiitemeiitM iih repro
r lui'i'd laVther on they believe that the
f lfinoi nitie party there, will abnorb the
populiHtti and other bi-metallii-tK. They
; think union for the buttle of WOO In
; iid-CHMiry ami the only way to oeeur
". that union in by unililitf in the deiu
oeratie party, w'hleh they claim munt
! furnihh the" eandidatcH and the plat
, form for the next jiiehidential cam
paiptn. ThU wenm nitlicr htraiiKi-
talk from wetttern ilemwraU - at leant
' it will Hi-em no to wcHteru KipiiliHlH.
Upon the ipiextlon IIium raleil by Col
orado ilemiM-iatH the following private
letter from W. .1. Ilyriin to the deiuo
ratie national cniumitteeman then
will be read with (,'ivat Inlerexl:
Ka.velle, Mo,. March 'U, h1W.
Hon. ('. H. ThoniaK, Denver, Colo.:
Hear Mr. Thomim I have not had
time to write you Mnce the three lul-ln-KKet
were iHNiieil by Senator Join'
ami I'.utler and ex t'onreiinan
Tow ne. but avail mM lf of a momeut'n
eltire loiliiv l l'"t f" fMI 1
have Inch able to learn, the Mihltlnn
Inken by the three inithuml commit-lei-
Imi'itlle tjeiierull.v lndor.eil by the
rank aii.l tile of the three puttie. If
I here l IHIV opil lMI liu v wheie it
Mill maiilfeftt ltlf in Iho-e hliitii
brre the xllvei e"l Intent I " tr'ii?
Hull one faction m h'lM eoitti'ol
the local olllce !) ilefiiilintf the oilier
To me U im,V mcih ItMUialcrliU
nheiher titir fonei win by nulled ac
in .11 or one win wrr thr ollter, but
l M-eui to me thill a nuttcV of the
hde miiilr) oiiijhl to coitviui'tf any
Impaltlal fiieml of tiiun'lalbsin llt.U
bUin now wmken n for the
lie of mi, Wl.citt tlie prtltie Htflee.
itmtt tt iMJluniininl bic, bttl b
different lU WpI, the h.iII U llkrlv
In Hrniloe illirttiltip and irriiil
lrlliif wlthh wilt I'ltttr iMnp
t ihIUmi iltltU itll.
I o litllil ie'iillrv MMite u rtlew
hii lb tt of I'Hltie ttil ladlhl
tirtU, bill ceil llitltr ! M ltnir HMJf
,i, M I ,.. ti. .Mi r(tel fim
itkOMi Willi In lil t lllAl lti tf"l l Ulft
Hil Miittl.l i . 1 1 1 i .t I r t ftiUl lilxot l'
I. i Mid it tm "iini julfi limn all
.0 wak. 'lil !' ainl fitllitlte o
lit prtl." la lh .reni i-f a
liiKi V tmh f lm l Htt, all
HtlHor'tlHtrlvacV liutihl la f,.ii'IUti
om. all fii Imae.l itl h riMti
on ritriitf, l, ami imf" I
I I, it in. .II. t !( Kttr iiielilri II Kt l
btM lh laiilln t Unwil
Mtlt I l.'t.til ft" l f'lb
r?f iIum KwvMrllr la I"!
HHi !' k Ntl Uf
itr I v Hinit.rf up tUjwiiUii amtutf
Hi iia h ilrl rtfial ttM
lt. WkefH h foM mtiat
imntril. illy nlmaf tli)f will liuUI
III1 niai'"- -
on ignoring the Chkauo platform, but
wliera they are tiumerleally weak they
will profeH to accept the plat form but
will oppoMtt every plan that In calculat
ed to bring HiicceNH to the plat form. 1
urn confident that the friend of hl
nictjilllum will be earneat enough in
put the triumph of tha ciuihm above
every pcrMomil inubitSoii am above
any iner teuijtorary iarty triumph.
Our people nhoiild remeiiiber the pnr
nbhi of the good Sninarltiiii. Tim
nelghbor-altliough of a dlirerent
party mi me who given aid In the hour
of danger anil tlixtrcM 1 the real
friend ami more to 1m comtldereil than
thn enemy who muke the attack or
the pretended friend who refuae;
1 find our platform growing ntrong
er all the time, and have m d iubt of
Hilver' trluiuih in MOO If our force
will utand together. Your truly,
The action In Colorado ha alo
ntlrred up the national dcima'ratlc
committee, wlnme chnlruiau lui alo
written a letter dealing even more di
rectly than Mr. Mrynit will) the effect
of their action. The following )
Deiiiocriitli! National Comiuitb'e,
Ollice of the Chalrmiiu.
Wanhiiigton, 1), ('., Miin'li It), M!7.
Hon. Caldwell Yeaimin, Denver, Colo.!
My Dear .Judge -1 am very much
disturbed to ee by the paper that an
Informal meeting of a number of dem
ocrat of Denver, among whom I no
tice your name, iiiloptcil a rcoltitlon
"refimliig almoliib-ly to comblim or
ftiHC with any other tiiuty in the
Mtnle," You are aware that the repul
licitn central commit tee and their
goldbug dcmiH-ratlc allie--Kalrchlld'
conimltb-e have liecn dlMtrlbuting
ilin'ument. paper am) itainphlet all
over the country iin' tlie election of
IHlllii that they are organizing their
follower everywhere', that chamber
of commerce are actively at work now
in their behalf, and that it I abolute
y ncccMNary that we hould lie or
gaitllfig for MOO by all mean within
our reach. In fact, J regard the ap
proiielilng truggl a the kfrmlli
line of Moil, To win in that election
It I neecar,v that we have the
hearty co-operation of all chotw of
bhiietiillmt in the country. Without
thi I w e no chance for uci'e,
Hence, I botucd an addic, copy of
which I lncloe, onie time ince,
which wan unaiiluioiiMly indorxed by
the democratic eorigrcHMloiinl cam
ptiiii commlttrc. I in-Jieve till jiolli'y
to lie nbMolutely eeiitlnl to miccc in
MOO. and I eon fen my deep regret at
Kceing a diaitioii among Colonnlo
democrat to take the oppmdte coure
and to drive from u exactly that tda
of men who muni, coitus with ii to
make aiicccm iiolbl. VVn cannot take
the f rim ml that we can drive thoii
miiuiIh of men olT ill Colorado and re
ceive, their aitaitce in tate where
It I aliHolntely necettary to have them
to win, becau'e. the coure purued In
one part of the roil n try will m felt
all over the country. No Mate hna n
Ifieatcr intercut In the hucccnm of id
inetalliHiii than Colorailo, uud It aceum
to me that the democratic party of
that Ktate should have a deep an In
terest in the HIICCCHM of billll'lllllihlll In
1 '.100 iih to be willing to bring aliout
the bct pimaible huU of feeling
aiuotig all cIiihhc of limetallit.
(intnt, for tlie nuke of argument, that
von inn make a d-clded piu-tinao uc
cchh in your (date by purulng the
coiiim' Indicated in the newpa-r a
IH-Ing laid out by the meeting to which
I n leired, that 'will certainly not com
pcnwite for the Iomhc which we will
miHtiiln in other utiite a the reult of
thi action, and which will probably
cot.) iim the prcnldcncy.
I know your high Htaudlng, your di
nerved piiptihtrity ami Intlucnce among
your ople. I Hineerely hojie that you
will think calmlv and deliberately over
thi matter, and that you may your
wav ch-ar to Join In the movement
which we all believe to be abohitrly
CM-nllal to MieectiH, iind try to bring
into heart v co-niM-ral ion all clae of
biiuclalllxlH. I iicllevc that the chief
hojn- of the repulilii rtti for Mli M In
iiiin In In preventing i'h-hm rallini
att!iiig .lnii'iiillU'"i, iind that our chief
reliance for ueee i In cordinl and
eariifHl cteopcralioti. If we have t It 1 h
eo opciatiou It muni he ill iMers tilte;
II unlit ln general to be effective. Very
kiinelelv oiil.
.1 MI.H K .It INKS, riuiliuiiin.
The at I it inle of the ill iiumiiiI ic mind
In ( iilm ii'ln and the cmmiii it given
fur il niliuti will a I-' t'i- of ci'iinllie
llilerent to ail Mipitlita, Mr. I Itiillllia.
who i a man of imtlnitnl lepiititlioit
nnil author of n nioiiU r of mngtuUic
iiitlile iiml ptiitiphlel on the Mthjcct
lif blllll l.lllllMt, lllll lltlll.MIIII i III
v lew ;
He a.iid "I Win III full inpalliv
ullli tin ik' iIiiii.mimU who Ull ve I lull
hi the Jmlt now tainl a Hie oltn lrtl
n .M i liUlive nf lijltii'llbni. lipuil
IhVmIioU, ixeriiuielil tS.lillid nod U
im !! alt fornu of itru nc. umi
rllt mm 1. 1 it I Intel lililn III
Mini Hie t Hi. lU Mimi nl luilil l.lii l llk'lil
Mini jH'lMHIttl (lUlli, III, Ml) WltU Hill
unit It-lit v in tlitoe glrl (Mint
.l, ttti.l intiell hii.I rallteHv detiii
ll.rir i , uliiutld attd will i. niie In
In ll.e tlt ii, aid In l Iriilipli I
Iii4IV ttn t urn 1. Hull lltnl luiiiT
4 tllllltl l Kllle, lllt Iflll tn k'4nl
inlioii will rll fur tin" W of li
Ion Inileetl khh -lty genlirnl
ttnil Hit itii'it ImU iif iIIm tpllti
uUml lllitlt atlloN wlirreier ill1
r t lw iKIft. an. I no ii.tii.t
iui or fiuinii U i.iivlf 'iif ti inn
lliiue 1 1, who uinleiid fuf lttkll
1 1 ( mi Inoi at liit l aiiil riiUlrk
I lie nfliil agrvo thai If ar lo
win In I w iiul do wilK in-
tnkrl, ii (wily ul tm ilt(inm,
tut Ihal lh mull n f MiitHi(i"M
uttmikl l-tw at lMte.
' litil ntrlliiM U !( irt rMTMiUI
to party dlwclpline and we inut a par
ty member give heed to the couimel
of thiwo high in authority. Senator
Jone anil Mr, Hrynn have ollleial run-
tolly, ho to peau, ot nrruira eim
I'raile and their horl.on I mitlonal.
Whether right or wrong, they urge
upon u the iieceity a well a the
duty of co-operation in and their
rcoue! are entitled careful and
rcHpect ful conlileratloii."
Jt, will be oberved that Mr. inoina
put hi future action on the bnl of
party "obedience" anil not of public
welfare or principle. l'opullt will be
inclined to mllo at thi. They are not
accimtomeil to pluee thu our of thrlr
polltli'al conduct on thu baaia of "olw
dieiica" to any oim In their tmrty, no
matter liow high in it council. They
believe the wlvlcii of hucIi a tieron
hould be followed no far na it ttre
eul Noitinl argunient mid not autlior
Ity a it backing. ThU nummary of
tlie democrat In view wet of iim would
not be complete without preentlng
part of Mr, Yea ma n't reply to
Chairman .lone, which I a follow!
We an thoroughly In accord with
the neullnieiit cxpriwl In the addre
of the mitloiuil populiwt commit tee
that "there are but two aide to thi
mighty iiml portentiou roiifllct."
In h'l letter to Judge (ladileu, oflr
gy, activity and jiolitlcal ni'umen of
(he oppimitlon, ilemoeral are con
fronted with the Imperative; iieceHifv
of formulating ome plan by which
blinelnllUt ahull heron m united lu one
or the other of the evcral ilUtinet or
ganisation, ft apia-nr to bit natural
and logical tluifc the la-wt reult can
be achieved by and through the ilem
oeral ic parly, wlnwe national conven
tion will preent to the voter of the
nation tha platform and candidate
upon which all mut eventually unite,
We believe higher ground I laken
when all who arc actuated by a com
mon aim are, brought and concentrat
ed under one political organization for
the achievement of their purpoae, even
though Kiich coimolldallon nhoiild be
temporary. It 1. therefore, proponed
to Invito all who are in harmony with
the democratic party In It delibera
tion, It nominal Ion end In H cam
paign. We bcllcvfl thi to be the hlgh
ct and moKt practleal plan of ftmlon.
It mnv not be Jut what you and the
chairmen of the other national organ-
t..,1 a,,....U..1.'MM Tkt.,.U..flt1 V lltlht
l.lllll'lin IMIM yii.l n. . r. , ....... -
to iucompllh. but that your effort
tend In that nireinjon ann win rvennj
itlly reult lii xuch national ro-ottera-tlon
and roimolldatlon inuat be mani
fest. Very nlncerely your.
MlallUr Woortfonl In f'onrrno With
I'r Hilar gitta.
Mi Din I), March KbHoyond tin
fact that ft fow pollceaiun and a couple
of civil guard utand ouuldo the
American legation, thura Is abnulutcly
no ilgn in Madrid of tlio tonnlon be
tween Spain and America. So far a
the general public I concerned, the
matter U little dleuHc,il, even the
pre being generally hopeful of a
peaceful kcttlcment.
The note MinUter Woodford pre
sented 1 pract'cally a repetition ol
the one prtHented In September,
which, In the Intercut of humanity,
usUod Spain for an im.uediatu ceita
lion of hontilitie In Cuba. Upon
Spain' reply to this matter hinge
the conference held at the presidency
thla afternoon, at which SenorSaga'
ta, the premier; Senor (iullon, the
foreign mlnikter; Senor Moret, the
ml n inter for the colon lei, and General
Woodford were present, and at which
It had beeu hoped a deeUlon would be
The conference win of an hour's du
ration and the minuter uonllniieti In
deliberation after the United State
minister withdrew.
The eonfereuoa adjourned to 4
o'etouk TliurmUy afternoon. United
State Milliliter WimhUojiI seemed
plu Iiml with the rrpori ami every in
ulcatioii put n U to a unit lenient.
"Hoth government mo absolutely
agreed us to the desirability of set
tlement," said a diplomat, "lull the
li-nsUin U so great Unit It would only
take a little further strain to spill
the liawsr, "
rituIU al Saalksf 4a Da
Umlat t'fosv
Wiitrl. Msrrk 14 it wm 4l
rlnsnd for the Hrt time by was uf the
nstsi erttars Issued yesterday that
the titrluiea! It si dUrinla4 jn
the f.iraisliua of an aew
Its I, lu ke saoa s "Ike ittasaitu
Beet," im be eta.e I at sleau
ysnltts aa ulaer satsll vessel wklth
svay i ublelaabU aa4 wlneH are t.
le asej a eerl ( Miubila iWfna ef
hmmI etttea ll s farther Je
velusw.l la thi iHaaei)at Iksl Ike
aetel lulttlis f Ike sel tsl I
lo In tallel )hs) u man MU aetdl
ary fleei
the l l last Aim Ir si Walker
114 friM Nu'im .i ta slswt
tlsssrlHtest aaaeaaeia kU 4eptlr
fur heat re ires Ike alstia at Im
the likb)4 il was at Ike Vns klesl
teeis al Ik ay, aU Pt rettf U
Ntai I la eksrft t Ik eaurs
sik esii'ia, Iwelellaf Iks IUI
Mk4r t alaie) HXa, t waidtsf
Heklef's la 4t sa l af set
llUry Uses at UUee lkl a Ve
Populists of Oregon Gathering In
formation About Populism
In Nebraska. .
Somo Interesting and Instructive
Comparisons Mado by 0.
Q, De France.
Tost or MxhtUlnliiir Nlate Inslllutloiis,
Iii reply to a rcipiet from Hon, J,
flnu'wtlen of rortlaucl, Ore., Mr. Charles
Q. le Friince of tlio governor's ollice
Iiiia c'ompilt!il moiiiu intr rcNtliig in for
mation concerning tin; poptillitt ml
luliilMtratlou In Ncbrankn. The con
tct In that Nlate will bo c lose nnd the
popollHfH are, depending largely upon
tlio excellent, record being mailu by
NcbniMka ollleial to nld thru to vic
tory. Much the Maine condition rxit
in Oregon that rxUted in NcbriiNkii bit
fore tlio "change." JCxtravugiiuee has,
prevailed in almimt every departinent
of the l,nt government.
In hi li ter to Judge OiulMilcn, after
slating tlie hlwtory of the state, anil
tliut the republican (tarty had been in
coulrol from JH!7 t 1897, Mr. De
France, make comparlMomi of tlio ex
jtciiHe of conducting the tate liiHtltu
tloiis under the republican party and
under the popullHt party during 1X97.
In bl letter lie nay:
"Accompanying this letter i n
table allowing the ' per
capita expenne In tlio different state
InntllutiouH by neml-nnnual period
from lH'J'i to 1W7, Inrlunlvr, Kven the
mont ifurnory study of thi table will
diHclose tin inteienting ntory of repub
lican extrnvngiiuee and inlnmauage
merit, Tlie number of Inmates in moHt
of the institution hn iucreiincd since
JMit, which naturally fend to reduce
the per capita cost. Ulilcer salarien,
unit reduced or Increased by legis
lative enact iiteiit, remain tlie name
whether 100 or 200 Inmate are main
tained In on institution, and the js-r
capita Cost varies inversely a the
number of inmates increase or tie
"..'find' this I ttot tru of boufil anil
clothing, fuel iiml light, employe'
wage and other item of maintenance,
which InrriiiNB directly, though not
fully in equal proKiitloii, a tlio num
ber of inmate im-rcusc. Taking into
consideration this matter of increase
in number of Inmates to be cared for,
and making dim allowance therefor,
it Is not a difficult mutter to show the
saving made to the taxpayer of Ne
bnmku by the present fusion adminis
tration. "The following table show the, to
tal cost of maintaining the, iM-nal and
charitable instil utloti of Nebraska by
years, from 1H! to 1S()7, inclusive, to
gether with the number of iiitiint"rf
cai'h year and the per capita, cost. In
IV.H) the lineal year wan changed to end
November 110 instead of DeccinWr 31,
iim has been the custom theretofore.
The total cost for maintaining
ininatcH for eleven mouths in IVJli was
:tii.',S 17.07; but for puitoscs of com
parison 1 have milled one-eleventh to
Hint sum In making up the cost In
.Niimtiiir l'r
Vssr of ln Totsl cost capita
HistMi cunt
huj I. tun li'il.tu:. 0,1 fi'.'l 5i
I sua II 13.1 4r.M Is lea II
l M uj
JtU 4:.ltU IS lS M
mi t,hf mui.ll'J Ml I A IT!
iur s.ui ;i..7 ii iw 57
SM-ciilatlve liisNc or gains are, of
coiti'se. usually looked iimiii with di-f.niii-
by thinking prop!.- I'i'iieiiitly ;
Imt Iheie In no In Iter way of judging
the Inline than by the Mt; no Im Iter
m,i of telling what might have hii
iieneil to Nebltkil III the Muf of our
Lunl Ii'l7, If under repul'ilieiui rule,
tliuii to i hiiixiii- whul wiis iliitie that
,.it In pupuliH'N and tleiniN'tnts with
luit wtia ilutui bv repiiblienits in years
pu t huts, A simple eulcuUitinii In pro
, t tll,ll wlil show ttutt If it coat II 11.
tin.ii'i to iiiiiliitithi I . in wards of the
t.tle one ) ear under republican inls
inle, the nt In l''' under a similar ot of misliiaiiMgi-meitt for instil
i,iiittng i.lls sim'Ii i'roiis wmtl.l U
U., or lite sum nf $IT),J? limit It niltiullt did cost. It is
tut I tm! guiiig la votul the t un 11 ties
ut linitiii In set llml Ihe Milinil sav
ing In remtlltittf from limie-t, rt
tiuiiiltal a,linltiilrnliiiil In this p nil
nil tlierilabbi li..lilnll..n, Is full)
llVtl tioi, t It ii a Itntiiig J.stit :i to I
ii i tiiiiitetl In! I,) tv .! if tlie- In
i t , . m Ititiottt r lata t l Ike ea !
ili.iltxti on I It ii null', Itif Imi (ai I It
ii., tin il.l tl ! '. U tie In I "in 4 imi liar mi b r
r p.ililo itiMtilUallM Iksa II I
i.t.tin ill' ) il.iiinrf ll.e
tm n!, Mi.iU ll.w .miiI U!e .l
i..ii,i-liili"ii Vil Ike labte
llirtl ti h )af an.b t inpWle r ("
4ii ., I it. I tl mmI tii.K- lit Hiaiiilitia
(,'Wer tiis ll. a tl iti l In atiMMvit
a !, a u iul'i tin.lrf a.ii!il In u
it- il la lf."
Im autiihef l ta lii Wllr rvb
lit, Iii Ui- 1 1 bi Ike piua nt stAle
smtsiila, Mr, ss rasxe savsi
tin in Ike Hear ! Ia t4t r
lattis wire I'tiiar al m di mmbI -f 1
Ii t r rrai.. nilwliksiaittui tka
fact that Nebrnnka's state bonded in
debtedness wan only KI8,207.fi5. Ti
day broker are quarrelling with each
other over them, trying to prevent any
further rise in the price, whleli is 1',
to 1 per cent premium. In 1H00 a
republican treasurer mismanaged the
stat-' finances, and worse, he embez
zled $553,71)0.01), and is now under sen
tence of twenty year' imprisonment
In the state penitentiary. From Jan
uary 7, 1H07, up to date, a populist
treasurer applies his "wild-eyed' no
tions of finance ond matter in gen
eral to the conduct of hi oftlce, and,
notwithstanding the enormous de
crease In the state's money by reason
of the defalcation of Hartley, the re
publican nlate treasurer, Mr. Mescrve,
the present treasurer, by his ellleelnt
management, has caused state war
rant to rise from 03 to 101."
That is Hie record that will help the
populists of Oregon. Into power if they
make no mistake in selecting their
candidates and succeed In affecting a
hiii-iuoulouM union of ull the reform
Wasiunotok, March 31. The isucs
of peace and war hang In the opposing
scale of a balance no nlaoly adjusted
that even the event of a few hours
mny Irrevocably determines tha result.
It 1 expected by the 1'rusident that
a full and dual answer to tha note of
this government will be received
within a few days perhaps within a
few hour. Upon lta receipt the ne
gotiations, regardless of results, will
terminate ami the correspondence
will be sent to Congress with a mes
sage. Tlio note of tlio President is in
the nature of an ultimatum and upon
it aoneptanenor rejection will depend
peace or war,
It is nnilurstood that, the President
will not send a message to Congress In
relation to making an appropriation
for the relief of the suffering people
of Cuba until the answer of Spain Is
received to the note referred to, , It Is
hoped by him that nothing will bo
done in Congress of a precipitate char
acter until the pending negotiations
are terminated.
Only those to whom is given the
gift of prophecy can forecast the re
sult There are, however, conditions
of fsct requiring no prophetie powers
In their recognition, which are of
value in these hour of waiting.
Neither Congress nor Cuba . will . give
assent to any conclusions which
do not Include the removal of
the Spanish flag from that Island.
No plan of largor autonomy,
no solution which leaves Spain even
nominal sovereignty, will be accept
ed. No settlement which , does not
yield absolute independence In name
a well a faut can pussibly be adopt
ed. Tho decision and it must
bo made at once therefore lies
with Spain. It doe not seem
possible that It can arrive at
one admitting absolute Independence
without revolution at home, and even
a hopeless war with the United States
must be preferable to that If it can
not, then, at the utmost, in three days
make such a complete surrender, the
President cannot hold Congress In
check and war must be tho inevitable
On Assurances from Ike 1'rasldanl Nu
Fosllve Action Is Taken.
YVashihotox, Mareh 31. Again to
lay were the galleries of tho Senate
crowded to tbo door. Not an Inch of
spaoo waa left in any of the galleries,
and tho eorridor we packed with
disappointed hundrc .. who vainly
sought seats from which they might
llstea to tho proceedings,
Tho Seaate committee on foreign
relation failed to reach an agreement
at Its meeting on any of the Cuban
resolution before It It referred the
whole matter to a subcommittee, and
then adjouruei.
Tho members of tho committee, who
saw the president to-day, aasurred tho
other member that tho Cuban situa
tion will some to a head la a very few
ilars, and that Congress would bo In
formed. Tbo almost limit placed
aoa tho lime when tho matter will
to settled, oao wsy or auotuer, was
stated a one week, while other
theuf M It might U within forty-eight
Ike esiutttee eoiisiUsrsd that It
wants) ke aawise, la viesr f aegvtb
attwa aw ea to irolHaU mailer
st tit time. It was said that Ua
free oi ael lake tia lo hurry
the UiltirU la ) wt wael
had fceea learaed tr savmlera
The f ridn reeetsed tale morale
fkUrett from MiaisUr Wwdivnd
at MadfU la wait a, ae ewaftrata tbo
Iaitake4 rsp-nt tssl e tad aad oa
esteaJed ewferae il ''reaver
astasia jsvur.lsr. Na lUSmie
.! as restked a Ike m.aUUr
4(re ta kiM the waller aader ewa-
der a tiit ksfmre tho rvgeat and
the elk sar tut IM ateUtry,
Te eeafereees) wet aljvHirned said
OtsMHrvolio ilato at altlea for earn
itHlki (tii mailed. lki meao
J rear ipsf , aad 4 ym are la arro
make a remit laaeo.
house a am no in line.
WAsniMOTOif, March, 3t When the
JJouso met, Mr. Ilalley the Democratic
leader, presented, as a matter of privi
lege, a resolution recognizing the In
dependence of Cuba. A perfect whirl
wind of applause overwhelmed tho
House from tho galleries. Mr. Bou
telle made a point of order against It
and Mr, Ualley, In speaking of tho
point of order, declared that ho had
no purpose to raise disorder la the
House. lie believed he had a right to
make It Mr. Bailey said the House
had a right to doelde this question
and accept the responsibility. ,
Mr, Ualley cited a procodent In the
Fifty-third Congress, whon on a sim
ilar question, tho speaker of the
House and tho Republicans all voted
against a ruling of Speaker Crisp,
holding that an Hawaiian resolution
offered by Mr. llou telle, while in or
der, must go to a committee and was
not privileged for Immediate consider
ation. ,
Tho Democrats and the galleries re
peatedly applauded him.
Mr' llou telle replied, detailing the
circumstances of the precedent, but
contending that tho ruling was er
roneous. Mr. Hull, chairman of the military
affairs committee, who is at the head
of radical Republicans, aroso to rally
his followers against the resolution at
this time. He announced amid a
storm of applause that ho was willing
to go as far as any one In aid of the
struggling patriots of Cuba, but ho
wanted everything done in an orderly
way. He declared that be sympa
thized with a proposition for a declar
ation of war.
While this was going on Repub
licans wore whispering in groups, tbo
conservative leaders were circulating
among them urging them not to allow
the Democrats to take the Initiative.
When Mr. Terry of Arkansas was
urging that tho question of privilege
should be submitted to tho House for
a decision, the confutlon became so
groat that Mr. Simpson of Kansas
raised a laugh when he made the
point of order that "the speaker's re
conccntrados were out of order."
Mr. Hopkins, who presided at the
Republican Cuban caucus, supported
the point of order made against tho
Bailey resolution. He claimed that it
was not a question of personal priv
ilege or one that affected the House.
It simply called for an expression as
to the patriots In Cuba. The resolu
tion should go to a committee. He was
not willing to be carried off his feet to
oyerturn the rules ot tho House. He
hoped that Republicans would take
the same view.
"When?" asked ' a Republican mem
ber. Tho chair announced that he was
ready to rule and Mr. Bailey said his
side was ready. He made a long de
cision quoting precedents. Many Sen
ators came over and listened to the
Mr. Reed said the question of war
and Independence did not constitute a
question of privilege and would not
he thought, at any time except In
times of great excitement Tho
Speaker sustained tbo point of order
and Mr. Bailey appealed from the de
Speaker Reed, after tho appeal,
stated that he bad no doubt but that the
ends which were sought to be arrived
at In the resolution would be seourod
In an honorable and aatlafaetory man
ner. Mr. Bailey said he had no doubt
the remark was intended to stiffen the
backbone of tho Republican members.
On laying the appeal upon tho table
the standing vote showed 171 to 137.
No Republican was seen voting In the
negative. Tho roll call followed amid
a great deal af confusion. Tho par
tie were solidly aligned as in tho
standing vote. The appeal was laid
on tho table by a vota ot 179 ayes to
U'i uaya
Tha resolution, which waa offered
by Mr. Bailey, Is as follows: "Re
solved, by tho Heoate aad House of
Representatives, that tha long strug
gle by the Cuban people against tho
f urco of arm aad tbo horror ot famine
has shown them worthy ta bo free;
"Second, tho t' a I ted SlaUo hereby
reoognlee tho Independent ot Cuba
a a free aad ladeaeadeat stale.
Kepreseatative Adamsoa of Georgia
kaa Introduce I a resolution reeog
aUteg tho repeUte ot Cuba aad
Betaw (stag tho presides! ta eeeredtt
to It e miaisler vf ta geveraaseal
UraUMve Makaaev at Now
Yee Inirodeeed a juiat retolatlon re
eogsUlaf tha Cuba repabUe as a tree
sd tadepeaJeat slat aa I welewmiag
kr ' "to ibo 4terbM! ot reuab.te la
the Wetter a wucld."
lirrsalalUo To44 t Mleblgaa
Iatru4ve4 a reewlattoa deelarieg a
slew at war esUle batweea the failed
State aad Di-atey
1 kera ha be a a groat deal et dtv
iifroi amaag tbo UepabUeeas slate
ike ,let relation ws latrudweedj
tad voted (, Mae at tkem re
elel auaraaeoa tMt lao leader,
ibat tbero wl I bo aviioa la a sbotl