The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 24, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    February 24. 1898.
sanri trrn 4 r If TtTtT? nPT TT? V1T
I tie .WCilVaADi liSUCLCiWELV 1.
(Continued Frora Firitt Page.)
agalnat ua, their financial luetitutlon.
which control to a great extent their
pollciaa, would lie driven to tb wall.
The flretguo flr.d at Now York bjr either
of three power would liake Europe to
it center and render it neceeaarjr to
make a new map of that part of the
world. If Knglnnd wua nilly enough to
fight ua ehe would ofierato. an fur a the
Pacific coast In concerned, from Ksqul
malt, which In on our bordere and where
be baa one of the fliioet forU in exist
ence. For fifty year we have warned Euro
pean powere away from the Hawaiian
Inland. That warning baa a! way been
heeded. We are better ajle to take care
ofouraclvea uow than we were then.
Where ta there any new danger?
If it la oeceasary to build fortiflcationa
and guard the islaride, why not Improve
Pearl Harbor which waa ceded to uaby
Art. II of the Treaty of December 0,
1884, by which we wore glren "the ejtolu
elva right to enter the harbor of l'earl
Ulver In the btland of Oahu and to eatab
liah and maintain thero a coaling and
repair atation for the use of veeeelaof
the United Htatea, and to that end the
. United Htate may improve the entrance
to eald harbor and do all other thing
needful to the our 00 aforesaid.
4, It in Hiihl in t tin iiHHoviiUhn of
the llpflprorltf Treat will annul tne
l'earl II arbor eimlon.
Ana. Thl la not true. A cession can
not b avoided by the termination of the
treaty making it. There rnut be a re.
trocession by ua to have that effect,
Hut If there were any defect n to our
title, can we not remedy It? Would not
the Hawaiian government be delighted
to have a etrong friend clone by?
1$. It In until that it we Mime to take
tlw Mamie our onillon will be morally
1 wimkiiniiil.
Ana. The contrary la true. Under the
Monroe Doctrine we do not claim or
take, nor would we have, the Houth
American Republic, or either of them.
Theaame doctrine hue alwaya been ap
plied to Hawaii and Ha application rec
ognized by all powera. The atretigtb ol
the Monroe Doctrine couslat, In our lib
atentlon from conquest or ubsoi ptlou.
We merely warn other government not
to oppreaa our aleter republic. Jf Kurope
aid to ua, take Mexico, or we will take
it, we would reply, "We will not do ao,
and you mnt keep your handa off."
Thl long defined and carefully regarded
policy we apply to Hawaii, if, on the
other hand, we aliall begin the plan of
aborptloo, we 111 tint get ready to tnke
the consequence. Army and navy mut
be indefinitely lncreaed. Onerous taxa
tion arid centralization will follow.
(I. It k clalmeil that animation will
be moHt beneficial to our laboring inter
, ontM.
Ana. Thl la untrue, and happily the
absurdity of the claim la thoroughly ap
preciated by the laboring people of the
lluited Htate who have not bealtated
from their national aHemblage to local
meeting to denounce the entire project.
If Honolulu I a good place for white
labor why baa not audi labor gone there?
In what direction I the new enterprise
to be directed? Kverybody concede
that our intelligent white people will not,
work In the cane field. Notwitustnwl
ing the talk with reference to the general
character of the climate it la certain that
a cane field la a real furnace. While the
temperature rune from 60 to 00 degreee,
the very abence of extreme cold and in
tense heat result lu tt warm aamene
enervating In the extreme. No climate
that cau produce coffee can be otherwise
than uupleaeautly warm Tlw absence
Ol white labor eatatilislie mat there 1
no field for It. Hugar la the great indue
try. In the year 17 over 500,000,000
pound were produced. Thi I about
enough to an pply the whole population
weet of the Miourl river. We hear the
claim often that the limit of production
haa been reached. The name aertion
waa confidently made when the output
was only one-fourth of that of 1ND7.
Hugar I the mainstay of the islands;
without it there would be no consider
able commerce and no talk ol annexa
tion. Much la ald a to coffee raining, Our
coiihuI at Honolulu ha recently made a
very full report a to the statu of thi
InduMtry. He ehow that the labor I
wholly Asiatic That the Chlneee re
ceive ier month and the Japane
15 without board. That the Industry
la not yet firmly etabllhd. That ea pi
tai la neoeaaary. He venture the opin
ion that (lerman labor could be profit
ably employed in plunttug, but doe not
pretend that "picking," the moat exiien
alve part of the truusaction, can be doua
by any but Inferior labor. Tb coffee
apply of the world now fully equal the
consumption. There U no tariff in th la
country upon coffee. The Hawaiian
muHteompete with th. low priced labor
of Hraill and Central America. Mani
festly thra I nothing In thl outlook
for either the American farmer or th
workiug man. A lew nierhantre ran get
work now and then In Hawaii, but th
market in thi rel I quite limited.
Much baa ta eald of the Intention of
the Hole government to prevent Japan
eae Immiiiration.
That there I ao each Intention ean U
ho a la lw word.
Not long aloee HHI Jaann Imitil
(mala wra reluwd landing and thi
Mthlmi lr the eontruvwray with
Japaa-lhat gov? meet rUimia that
aaderetlallng trenta the lntertreee
waa eniu.i. There M la lor a eoava
tut Ule th twa ruuaU'M an I horn
tag eoalratl laUot to go to Haead.
1 1n I td eourw the ort sort id lHiaii
gratwa. The aiai eirluiM were not,
etrent it hi4 in fw ledai4 ram, of
I kt . Th treaty ahaa oidv.
for eialra't Uhorran I terminated on
11 tuonlhe' ailkie ttv uhr Hde
baa attnitlJ ta e4 It, feat
tiMtoatrarv mmm the ilaiH ol !t
hi hi a,a etri Jiaae, le l'4
lwtti,Uroaa htr Vt ol latmlgr
lioa, Mrwd l" ta iaadieg d leu
I nalr'l tr ja,
Ike Mi(r d ffi -Ui aaat
eaeaii labor . 1 ki ran U tlaad a4
III rttetiaae t d.i aad they aiil have
the lalMir Uf hp labor,"
Ik oaf Uho atotl if la Ike
,.!! tf e.1-e a I 4t grMaera.
II l.U aw. the trvatMi atik Jal
wi44 ahr d) net l-at U
urtware ah a o-lit'ea" II a '
)ue.i bhi-WI h k at le'k
tb titea tlv oma . the kiio-I atalwi?
r. h m ol tia iAi !.
(Sija, t l, a ill arl Wr tr h bm
Aaa, TW, fctbieg ia tb Tb
laeiatrl'M-4 lMliaat.f wl tb
treaty are at tbttatHrvpketa, Tb
are after profit. Tbey trade with na be
cauee they make money by ao doing.
Without any remlreion of duty they
would aend their augar and coff e to ne
becnuee here ia their market. When the
McKlnley bill Interfered with their augar
they till came here. With the reciprocity
treaty in force they would be Inaane to
go ele where. Were it neoeeeary to di
crlmlnate to hold their trade we could
do ao by a reasonable treaty. Ai a mat
ter of fact however, they will, a ha
been aaid continue to deal with the peo
ple of the United Btate for their own
financial benefit.
In conclusion; The treaty la not war
ranted by any of the argument made In
it behalf. That which baa already
been eaid will cover thi propoMitinn. It
I a mere acheme of the Hawaiian Hugar
Truet. The auggar plantere, who ure
not uumeroue but enormoUMly rich,
have reaped their bem At for the inoet
part from the reciprocity treaty with
United etatee, by meana of which we have
donated to them f 75,000,000- the cx
tent of their exemption from duty.
They fear that thie treaty may be
changed and made morctrulyieciprocal.
They therefore are apending time and
money to eecur unnexation and when
thi I accomplished their ample Income
will be made (Ktrmanent without any
benefit accruing to the people of the
United Htate, Tula accounta for the
poNitioti of varlou nowepaper and Indi
vidual who are Intereetlng theiiiaelve
vigorously in advocacy of annexation.
The charucter of population we will
bring in by annexation. That popula
tion a ahown by the laat conaua ia ua
Nationality- Male
Hawaiian.! 1O09
i'art Hawaiian 4,!MD
Houth Hon Ilau
Other Natioiinll-tie
134 455
Total : 72.517 .'IO,50J 100,020
We do not exclude Jupauee and will not
do ao If Hawaii I anneved. We exclude
Chlneee laborer, but we do not drive
away thoee already here, Therefore,
the Asiatic uow in the Inland will re
main and ('hiiieee and Japanese "cheap
labor" will be Incorporated.
We are told that mot of the etigur
land I held under lease and that there
lx iilmitv iif (Inn land "(or the iwolile." 1
auyoiie fool enough to think that the
Hawaiian Hugar ISaron will let an out-
aider in? If our land lawa are extended
over the Island, will the American
farmer "get in" firet? If there I a general
grub, will he bo considered? The truth I
that it tukea a fortune to develop und
operate a plantation lu Hawaii to get a
tart and the poor man will bo even les
"in It there than lie l here.
if there ia anything the matter with
the Japanese and liawullun treatie, If
there are trouble with Japnn in con
templation, If there I dltllculty regard
lug our improvement ol l'earl Harbor,
why not tender our good olllce and we
run fix these matter to the satisfaction
of all, II our ability to do thi I ques
tioned, I answer, why not try? The ad
vocate of annexation will not permit
the makinir of any audi negotiation ba
cause they know that the same would be
It I said that the next war will lie de
termined by a naval battle. K tin Im
true, why go two thousand mile to light
Much battle? Why not bring it oil near
our protected hnrbors7 M by leave homo
to defend homer
It I said that theJapuneseand native
will uniteand overthrow the go vein men t.
Thi will not be done, .lapun openly dis
claim any such intention. Hour inter
eat required it we would intervene to
prevent any sucli eirort. I lie answer
however to thi pretense I that it is au
uuexation bugaboo. It I suggested by
the very men who are importing cotract
laborer uow. The Dole government is
doing thi through it board of immi
it I eatd that the ugar trust i
ngaint annexation. Why? Mint insti
tution ha made money in conseiiueuce
of th reciprocity treaty and consumer
have not saved a cent. Those who have
lieen supposed to lie the friend of the
trust are working ulght and day for an
Eugene Moore is Free
(Contiuued From First Page.)
writ of mandamus wa awarded against
Lledkta to compel him to pay to the
late treasurer fee collected by hi in a
auditor under the provision of aeotion
II J, aforeeuid. 1 ha writ could not nave
issued aKaluat him a a mere private
debtor ol thatate: It could have Ueued
ouly tocoerea tnepeffornMinoeof an nttt
t lal duty, Thatcher v. Adam, 10 Neb.
4M5; l.allin va. Mate, w .eu. ttio.
' I am not ir?iard to aav that I
ahould agree to th rule established by
the l.tedktra, were the queetlon now
Minted birth Aral tone. Hut that
iU Uina ha atood aarhatteiiged far near
ly twalv year; t may t contrary to
th weight ul authority, nut it na in.
UplHirt Ol trtiUMH reaawa, ami, 10 mmi
lh Wast, II I aot trtou aa
meat la the way ol tlHa a to ea!l lor
m.. . a rti'fc.-. ...1.
a idttletal tea pnane wn
Wh itrtba the aanrtein ol very
iiiiaaat authority. II mtly the
am pfiHfipl ab h eoalroknl the dwta
low lathevaa l ! v. rtaiiiig,
upra, la tbatrawthe foatleinia
Hut utlnv wau Haldia4 aa
! ol thaeity toeolhvt laHai atonef.
la tratfc be a a not, aa I rould al ba
m a wb aaoal, aa eivlvwt agay lor
that pfp im, by unl's!1, vi.
la thii traarr. Hat, bteg tv aa
aviiM(i.a id aathortiy obtaiaed tb
aoaT abeb be iat!el, b wa
I.hIh Iroat oVaj lei that b aHa
ea a lals
i hL n.i ixuk. a a ImaI iihiI
lioa, tbal waa tb aal of tb
itr, or, la IM Ian m4 tb kaaa
lataK VwiJoied la tbal tap!!'
tba It la tbal tb Wvadaal la l
. k ft ...ft. ft. ...ltll..a B . 1 . . ft
aaa vaara'' na - ,
! kvi4 traaJf v dbrnat id
imUs -.....' trtbMK ha a a
roaiwted aal lb wta aala-l
kwaaae the law did "t lrmit bii to
ib iiatb aad rWv oa it a a d
ba. It II to that lb d h4
aat. M.Mr. bawg ieaia4 tfc ai
la ttoa lor bttat tf ta tta
. ....... ... ... a....ii i
I i aia i!in i aitr
lteotld to d that K It la lua
Next week the departments mentioned here offer you these indisputable values merely to prove
"THE BIG STORE'S" ability to sell high class goods for less than you usually pay for the ordinary kind.
Domestics and Blankets.
210 Inch l'ercale, all the new stylus, per yard
IJeHt Illack and white l'rinta, per yard
Dresa atyle Gingham, light und dark, per yard
0-4 Unbleached Hhuctiiig, per yard ,
Fancy Flannelette, hew spring atyle, mill
leiigtha, 10c value per yd , ......,
M.ANKISTH-f.'J.OO 11-4 grey wool Ularikct
a pair
v-'. in
1 w
15.00 all wool, 11-4 Grey blankets, a pair
2.00, white wool, 10-4 Jllunket, a pair
3.00 Wyoming, 10-4 White Jllankets, a pair.,..
415.OO all wool 114 white blankets, a pair
. 3.47
. 1.47
ChrvA rtani rtmant
ftJIIVV lbUI liiivii'i
I.ttdlee' Oxfords In broken lot and
size that must be closed to make room
- I, il,nut
f,if iinr nur and U Miller uoo'J". "
iinv u na vou wan b unu
here you may depend upon securing w
greatest valuea for tho least money ycu
have ever known, lu addition to tlffiia
we Lave prepared a dollar table upfou
which will be found some of tho most J re
markable offcrlnga known to tho trfade.
Ladles', misses' and boys shoe wlirth
from II.25 to 2.50, are on ff Ulfl
thl table for IpliIUU
Mail Orders Promptly Filled.
Underwear Offerings
Ladles' Flat Weave, half-wool Vest and QQa
ran la, !. 28 to 42, reg. 50o quality, eiudi..Ull V
Ladies' ribbed 80 per cent wool Vest and KAa
I'uiits, 75c quality, each tfUU
Ladies' 50c llufced Vesta and Pants, each.. 39c
Lddies' medium weight Cotton Union Hulls, llflp
extra quality, reg. ft grade, per eult UUV
Children's lleoce lined Union Huits.drop seat rOQn
open down front, reg. 50o quality, per siiit...UUV
. A :
Sole Lincoln Agents for
Butterlck's Patterns
j. and Publications
New Dress Goods
If you cannot pay thi department a visit do not
fall to send for samples. The finest showing of all
the newest weave, coloring and design lu the state
Hosiery Offerings
Ladles' lleece lined Hose, double sole, spliced Q7
heel and toe, worth ')5c, a pair U i v
Children' ull-wool hose, fine rib, double knees, 1 Q
epliced hud and toe, a pair 1 v
Men's natural grey cassiniere Hocks, double QAn
heel and too... OUv
Ladies' Fancy Hide Hose .Supporters, pin top 1 O p
all colors, a pair luf
Grocery Offerings
f j old Dust, 4 pound package 15c
5c package Houp l'owder 3c
12 bars Hat in Honp 25c
5a package Vuust Cakes , 2 foii 5c
lOcssck of Halt 5C
1 pound package Hoda VUV
Argo aioss Htarch iC
Mutchoa, 200 iu a box L 1 C
Codfish, per pound t'
California Table I'luma, per can Jj OC
California Table Peaches, per can 1 2C
('ulifornia Table (Jrajies, jsir can..... 10c
California Table Apricot, per can.... 12.C
A poundh ncn
California Evaporated Peochea...1! FOH AtlU
FOH tiJb
Ilest Minnesota Flour $1.45
One of these long looked for and immensely interesting events which no economical housekeeper can
afford to overlook. This is the ware that a great many dealers advertise and sell as Granite Ware.
18 inch Hasting Hpoons, each 5c.
No. 7. 5nt tea ket
tle 45c, No. H, 7 nt, xe r Coffee Pots, 1 qt, 17c; qt.
lllc; 2 qt, 21cj M qts, 2.'lo.
Windsor dippers, each 15c.
I : ,..v"vv,, ' "i
8 qt lipjMfd Httuoe Pan, 17c,
10 qt Water Pail, 4:c
Wash Basins, No. 2H, 13c;
No. :io, l.'c.
l)ee) Pudding Pans,
5 qt, lllc; 0 qt, 2.1c. ., (jt , ,t)I,w,
servirg Kettle, 17c.
Shallow Stew Pans, 15c,
Soap Dishes,,') Cups us shown in
kinds, each 15c cut, each 5c.
Send Us Your Mail Orders.
Nebraska's Greatest Mail Order House.
Block . .
olhVlal rapacity. . . , , ,
"III. remark ol ir. iuop in ni.
ork o rrluilnwl law are -run.-wt herw.
The author aate: 'U rraatm, wbeiivr
a uia rUrni t t a movent hii g
ting Into hi tiifteial pwtiMi lh prop.
rtv to Ueiiilelih!. he tol'l tw &!!
1 . ft . . 1 a ft. .!........ '
to lie.ucn oa inai 11 roiiwiwunn
Tku KroiHMltion I not il without
conitbrig what tnav I agwt
It. A ad a natural iitiewtioit lo It I !!.
ab. e m slitlule rrate a (T.e wftwft
Itj iu word rwa l rouueill.1 weljr a
Vrtaat,' aaj ! d U pew!!
tu oue whti t not, tt uuii iftnii 10
u. k, iiUtihu l riMlatur
lHtfprtli whMif th word. ka
riit oVfeftiUttt, imI I eitrfl
.irwttr, IUI wf Noui "t tne im 01
etiiH, iiwa throoaaoal the ewtir
rtfil OiftHflewal l imt trirw
l.ljr 4ti!f lit th t-riMm-41 a It it
U pple4 U-r, Hi It a-Mw l t
Imu, . wha a wa h r.!! war
t.i.flwl aiaiik 4v ) u iM
Hti lira wmuad I ''' I
. imI a lti4 it.
vv. I m Hitmdl,' laHrefWV,
in ifiawpl iiL ta aita tM
tr4'Hrm to K..-oiit, M at iHq'4
lt 4v Ike ax. f 1"I -
l4 k ! l wl-d lr t a
14. .wl4 pWV pil
.. iftt eiKta Ik la V tmot.' I M
W lk eUiol fcM bw ew4 d
ai.pi, u aim , tt.i pHd pf . u llfm.. 01 Ivan, tt, a'1
iv.pi , it at I . I; -k l
k ti rN4 rat auwa lr
thi emrt.
I h mo id IUlWf wMuhs N, W
It., 711, the contention of th d (.-ndnnt
that Hi" depoiiorv nut ta uncontltit-
l.iunl ia Marrel In the following lan-
KUagv; U artfiKl that th courl ern-d
In NMnui'Hg In the ion., 1 no ami lain
pnrsarsph ol thrharg4 th valtdilf ol
hdHMitor U. Aa eUhoraila argu
niat I mad ia th hrU agaluat th
lilito! lhat pl-ee ol h-giaUlioa oa
roiind ulh thun tho hrtolore
ol-r l thi court. Wc must I
it uftn Irom mitring upon .l.fu'n
ol th aut-r't at tkw l iuh n th d-d-
nt m la an iMitio now to a-rl Ihut
the Mioieoi Ike .lata not
itUtl a4-i"Mt U tfce U.eaha Na
liftiaul wk. II rw-ogai! lb KaUdiif
ollkelilaleir lUftg the Miun-t til
the eUiladUw alit auald la
d.d U a pro. k aia th U t
ant kl.a la ! Ik U- i-Mor l U a
proafWHilott ki ..U'U ol Uii
fund .-e.ill kl hie. It th
Mony ol th UU kH M'l tk
.4Hk.wel it lik' h
ol Ik tUte thai pall tH kck,
kUe Ik kk MUM UI V
Itxadorf INT kol '
"from ik-w Utio II apr that
I k I. li k d al U4 "r
nalwlonf, 1kiwipWae-a akik It
,rt M 1-10 oihs !
4 tk WaU I 't h I 'a
.wet. U thtd t k Ik ,.km lwt,
ksi pvt. i,l (milt, ka t.k4 tkt k
rt. ik tMei a ai l lot
.t mI,ii .wai a I I 4 aot Ikiat
lkt akowM iikr dKfx nj ajf
Mr( iwpii aIioii melHrw oa hi iir
0wMU.ii Uir Wttakol4tktkl ton
Mo I UUw.
.n ra r? j?y ulii im much timotiiv
iilu uluwlu 1 1 tli u 1 .1 1 .
Blue Grass. White Clover.
Tall ii IM BcM Son ever
"own fur toln( Grant Sr J.
t lra the . $ni Mil it
rlithl. Hhir not tuy J tut?
Com or k1 lor Cauioiuc
I r. of (0Utt
Cor. TU h Mi., UlKOU. fe.
t t iniiiiiiii lait aa
W i full Hue hI rf f at.wk, I rail Tri m4 Ilu,
i.'4evlt t , kmU.. m4 Ni, (
ikt iek In at, IUr l ikouMial iiut t
as. U-troi,! ifX.hai U Tkat H nr a. .Uai
p.oJ.u !.. a kf kt q. k4 t.viii fkai k
J 3,000 Bushels
wniatia ai etiimi, luvarn va aiafl ltt! 110 lu.kkttaf
ClfN IM , ,, fi.. 1 " , " U
m4 lit. N W k If. .!! !-
E, F. STEPHENS. Crete, Neb, 5
wow - w-m ji v (