The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 10, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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February 10, 1898
i. 2 i
?rom Dyspepsia and Stomach
I Trouble.
Relieved and
4 Wew Discovery, Uut Hot Patent
I Medlolae,
I Dr. Iled well relates an Interesting ao
f count ol what be considiirs a remarkable
cure ol acute stomach trouble anil
f cbronlo dyspepsia by the use of the now
f discovery, Htuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. .
I 11 .ova Tliu tint.tiinti WHS A Mint who
had suffered to my kowledne for years
with dyspepsia. Kvnrythlni? he ate
seemed to sour and cronteacld and (tases
in the stomach; he hud pains like rlmii
mntium in thn liiu-lf. MlmtiMur IjIihJiis mid
limbs, fullnoMsand distress after eatliiK,
fpooraiMtfitennd loss of flesh; the heart
II ' . I 1... ....i..:...ti,... n.i.t
OHCailie ttllMUMMCMiiiiiUA jiijhwmm
sleeplessness at nlR-bt.
lgaveuim poworiui iwve minus
blood remedies, but to no purpose. As
an experiment I finally boubt a fifty
cent packuxe of Htuurt's Dyspepsia 1 11b
let at a drugstore and itave them to
him. Almost Immediate relief was Riven
and after he had usod four boxes he wus
to all Appearances fully cured.
There was no mors fluidity or sour
watery rising, no bloating after meals,
the appetite wns vigorous and he has
gained between 10 and 13 pounds in
weight of solid, healthy flesh.
Although Htuart's Ilysimpsia Tablets
are advertised and sold Its drug stores
yet 1 consider them a most valuable ad
dition to any physician's line of remedies
as they are 'ifi;tly harmless and can
be given to children or Invalids or In any
condition of the stomach with Mirfeet
safety, being harmless and containing
nothing but vegetable and frultessences,
pure pepsin and (iolden Heal,
Without any question they are the
safest, most iffectiveciirefor Indigestion,
billiousness, constipation and all de
rangements of the stomach however
slight or severe.
Htuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold by
druggists everywhere at fifty cents for a
full sized package,
Milk, Cotton, Fish Oil, Biscuit and
Crscker Factories Among Tbttn,
Hevoralnew trusts wers reported dur
ing December by the New York Journal
of Commerce. The organization of the
milk trust, known as the farm and dairy
product company, with a capital of
115,000,000, is being perfected, and it is
aid that they will deal In butter as well
as milk and seek to control the eastern
Ten of the largest paper mills are to
combine and a capital of fBO.OOO.OOO Is
under contemplation, details as to the
valuations they will accept for their re
spective properties not having yet been
The thirteen menhaden oil plants of
the Atlantic coast are in process of unit
ing, and three of the seven directors of
the new company will be Englishmen,
A machine has been invented which ex
tracts more oil at a less cost, and this
invention is controlled by the new com
pany, which will be known as the Ameri
can Fisheries company. The annual pro
duct of the menhaden companies
amounts to about H,000,000. It is
said that the new company will be in a
better position to prevent the pnssuge
of legislation and the euforcomentof laws
for the protection of the small fish which
are used as food by edible fish.
The sewer-pipe manufacturers have vlr
tally reached au agreement, and a pool
1 to be formod with a central selling
The American Cotton Growers' Pro
tective Association has under considern
lou a plan for the reduction of cotton
acreage. President Lane, who favors it,
declared; "Cotton today is selling at les
than 6 cents, aud this moans 10 cents a
day for the labor of the man who is dis
tinctively the cotton grower."
The various establishments in the
raisin seeding industry, an industry
which has existed but tour years, are to
combine. New York dealers in maenronl
re attempting to form a trust. Menu
while an attempted trust, the Herring.
Hall-Marvin comnuny, formed by a com
bination of the three largest safe manu
facturers, has fulled, and a receiver has
been appointed.
The American Hiscuit company, which
now owns forty factories, exists to le
able to swure the co-operation of the
ontslde factories nnd n company with a
capital ol f j3,oim,u(M) is projected.
TIIK t. IDKMr; in the case proves
Hood a Narsaparlila cures rheumatism,
dyspepsia, catarrh, that tlrtni twium
scrofula, salt rueuiu, bolls, humors aud
All blood disoaoee.
1KX1D H 1IU.M are prompt, effloleat.
always reliable, easy to talis, easy to
operate. Jie.
ttt.aU f IM.
The supreme court has uaaeVl down
aa opinion upholding the validity of
H OO, 011 etpositioa votwl by the
county ol IktugUs. Auditor l orsoll had
lefuseU la rMtr ths Until aud had
isfuswl also to rfi'tr 1'Uhhi (.
iMugUs eouaty lusiliug le.l. In
auteWrttt ut Kita ex.uely stimulus
d smsUsinu prtMwd n- la etiniiwl th
au.litor li rtir the UmI. l b sun
tea a IrWaJlj use brouahl tor is ur.
imm jt htin the valt hi t w4 In tiel
0wiUhI by lh nrt til UaI turt Is
V etp4tio Ue4 rt Ik ! .
whUr lb mealf sa-l a
Ihsiiitf tti tuts IminU la ai4 ol to Irase-
iswiii HMiMt ami KU.U
a I wl la ssib-f ass In ut4 4 ssal. Ttul
AKW tset Ik eteaiy 4 esls.ireij l.i
) Is W4 roiiM Ik tied
Sul ra' the enestj t"ll t hi htosl
th hl Uwt4t, It Wda U teal to
t4 Ike Wnteilf w4 4tMWl ia
ItssMil 4 rr4i ol at wi atl m4
sis ii taay riti m ei.l,
Natiiuial hasks r4t th4r ! k-
t asi Ham inaitami t ili II.
J..'l t lkif JJHlltHS WI(W
Vat UHaai dua l pruatls a dvi ll(ss
tettwstts l4vadt.
f linn w clean house, I'm homeleas for a week.
When w clesn bouse, tny life Is cold snd bins.
My wife she works swsy
And 'sirs the himiw" sll day.
Oh, whsl a dlMrrsy
Wbsa w cloan how I
When we clesn hotms, woe fiithoroless Is rnlne.
Xbe things sre shook sod hun upon a llns.
1 cannot find my clothes,
ind whers my tuoerwihstim goes
Th futurs only shows
Whsn ws olusn house,
When we eleen house, 1 fuel thstlbsre sinned.
Wbsa we clwin bouse, ws montly live on wind.
W bsve our little snks
And dine on beats end whsoks
Ami soap end esrtiet tiw:ks
When wsoloan uoime.
l-f Uetrolt Free Press,
He was first of all bw Jjushnmrs
Irlenrl nti'l thoti hor own, and this is
tho story of bow sho saved blm in a
tlmo of groat daiigur and stood horsulf
on tlio brink of auoluor utid greater
Kvcy LaiioaHtur was 0110 of thoso wo
men who marry won tlmy nviragiily
lovo aud aro faithful wivs und tlovolnd
mothers so long us passion, going down
the country Juno of tholr peuoi ful lives,
passes thorn by on tho otlntr sl'lu, Him,
perhaps, loved her husband tnoro t,Uun
tlicso womon usually do, but tlmn ho
wus initilo of stcrnor stuff, ami wlicro
thoro Is mora to oompuur thnro is moro
to suffor. Hinali blumo to her, slioo
hnnvon had iimdu hor charming. Hmall
blaiiio to IWwnrd Vcrcker, her bus
bund's friend, slmto ho found her so, ami
ho himself us goodly a man as you
would moot on any suminer's dny. llur
husband. David Laiouster, was a good
ly man, too, und worthy of her and of
lid ward Voruk(r, his friend.
Dot thoro went throw of thorn, and
thruo is an evil number coniseruiiitf men
and womon.
It was during tho summer of 1893
that Edward Vereker and Kvey, his
friend's wifo, hitguii to bo moro than
friends, llo was slaying with tho iwin
castors down In Burrey in their pretty
llttlo red houso on tho odgo of tho pret
ty littlo bluo river, and David was go
ing up and down to Iondon every day,
bocausu It was yet curly, and tho vari
ous) vocations and holidays had not bo-
gun. Ho ho n iid she were left a good
deal on oiio another's hands, , Hutun
found mischief, not for thoso ldlo
hands, hot ldlo eyes, for that summer
ono's huuds roniuliied in ono's lap und
It was too hot oven to talk, but it is us
easy to look at ono's neighbor as to sturo
blankly into fipaco, and eyes can do a
grout dual by themselves, tuko it alto
gether. Ho thoso two sat in tlio shady garden
undor tho big cedars and looked at oua
another for want of something better to
do and found tho occupation sullloo for
all their needs.
Evoy Lancaster was a good woman
by nature, not by art. I moan sho was
naturally good aud had not bcoomo so
by trying vory hum. Hho bad been well
brought up; sho road decent books, aud,
therefore, only a fow, and she meant
every word of bor share In tho mar
riago service
Hut, alas and alas, she was a woman,
and a protty ono, and Edward Vereker
was good looking and a man, though
somewhat unusually moral and possess
ed of a sonso of honor. Moreover, they
both loved David. Hut David was away
all day, andI mistrust June and tho
duvil iu a green garden!
I dun t know that anything would
have como of it If tragedy bud not step
ped In; Adelphi tragedy, buttle, murder
and sudden death iu ono of its most up
palling forms iu tho shupu of hydropho
bia. Evey and Edward had loon unneces
sarily ouurgetio that day. Perhaps they
both uneomfortubly realized that sit
ting tinder tho trims saying nothing was
becoming a little exciting. At any
ruto Evoy went to tho gunroom and
brought oat a Hmith & Wesson of her
husbuud's, aud they set up a murk in
the meadow outsido the gardeu, and,
having pruduutly removed tho cows,
practiced shooting in tho cool of thn
day. They shot very badly, but they
hud to look at thu target, and thut wus
comparative safety. They got tlrod of It
at last, aud she sat down under ono of
tho great oak trees flanking the garden
with th revolver iu her hip, whilo ho
Situuterod across thogra to rearrange
the somewhat shaky lurget.
Hue was ii r the gatu leading to the
road, aud it wus open, fur the cows had
gone thai way to the farmyard, aud in
June, isua, gates that It was ii au
imMirative iieceimity to shut rcumluud
opt u far coolness sake,
Aud here tho A del phi inibulrsiua
came Iu. aud through the open gate,
too, h raldt4 by "shouts uuuidu" a
si rmtjiu heart sh ki iilug elamtir itiiuing
up from the bull of etrlillig dtUlu
histtMS M yt'Us, and the tramp cf
ruuuitig fl and ronfuMd diret tioiis ap
jmretiUy uiu4 lit liiauy voli-rs. And
through th tptit gitta a horror rwlh
a rrvwlur with dripping J.w aud ur
tut; l yts, a big, list k rvtr lwr, tearing
In it straug, allernl ii but hule
h- ml Uue lo h fiU'Uilly, kludly Utf
if a fw days Ut k, aud at It hwls a
tv'0uriM i f nun aruiMtt with i. ki au4
liut imi I' ittmis au4 auy wri4 thai
totl4 U huly ausuhod up, but uoua,
U, w ith a sua
t.vvy lataiivr, rvoltrr la hand,
WlihshvtU sUl tvmaluuitf lnriu U
tl i IuihU rs, ms th mad l a H)i the
u al. w aud mk slraiMttl a-r4 II im
wr th ittuV uiod gi a wlor 'A
Wr4 rkf was wUlu; loward the
UtSl b ws Uu.Uf h lis4w if
the feet!-, knrUit I'M, a II Wvt AU4
lb d uvf tt il.4 ht
Inward Vert W lto4 tut hie H) al
la sutt4 i f lh A l at the il, aad,
Iti i.itr, , la th Uau.Bt t
taiH. Dal be was al,lal ly auaritt
l-oa ba wl a itui, aud be
w al.4w a lh ml4 t4 a wide Bel 4
Alia Wta ! lis fvutael Mm ao ID
from bUo.
TU live Uunvtlef, frvfct hl she
knelt on the grass under the hedge,
took aim and fired. Sh was his friend
and knew that his life was at stake,
and that quickened tho presence of
mind and the courage within ber. She
was made of British stuff, and thut
steadied tho shaking band and kept the
revolver straight, and though the first
bullet want wido the scond carried
true, and tho mad dog, with A hidoons
yell, dropped disabled with a shattered
shoulder not 10 paces from him. Then
tho crowd closed la and put an end to
Five mlnutos later Edward Verekor
and the woman who had saved him,
leaving the exulted villagers still clus
tered round tho horror on the grass,
went back into tho garden,
It was as much us sho could do to
walk now that tho strain was past, be
ing only a woman after all, and tho
green garden wus going round and
round in a dim mist thut smollod of
gunpowder aud grew blacker at every
J In saw her falter and stop und was
only in tlmo to catch her In his arms to
prevent her collapsing on tho lawn at
his foot, Tho eurtli aud sky might
wheel und melt into a blackening mist
at will, but a pair of strong arms were
round her and hor check On a protecting
Htrong emotions make us view the
world iu a distorted light with our men
tal us well as our bodily eyes, and there
was no David in tho green garden bo
bind tho high hedge, only a bravo wo
man, weak and trembling, with her
bead on tho breust of tho man she hud
rescued from worse than death tho
man who called her "Kvey, my dar
ling," and passionately kissed her.
David liiimiUNter oamo homo iu tho
gloaming half an hour later, with a
piece of salmon iu ti bass brig and tho
fifth Olobo with all tho latent cricket iu
Evey, op at her window, whito und
trembling still, watching with half
averted eyes a flguro pacing up and
down under the cedars, saw her husband
coming in ut tho gale, saw him join tho
restless figure und trump up and down
In company and knew tho story wus bit
ing told him, for with a kiss had como
awakening und shumo, us it camo with
tho knowlndgo of good uml evil into tho
first garden,
Homo tlmo later tho two men camo
book to tho house, and Evey's preter
naturally sharpened ours heard Edward
ascend to his own room and David turn
down tho pussugo to como to hers. Hho
stood in tho middlo of tho floor in her
whito gown, her hair slightly milled,
ber faco drawn with tho stress of emo
tion which sho hud undergone, her
bunds thoso littlo bunds thut hud done
so much hanging limply by her side.
And David opened tho door and camo iu.
Hho could not look ut his faco, but she
understood ho walked across tho room
to where sho stood and took her straight
and unhesitatingly Into his arms that
somehow, iu spito of all, ho know about
tho kiss and had forgiven her. And the
kiss was all sho could remember of her
past life.
Whon David Lancaster wont up stairs
to his wifo and took her to bis heart
without asking for a word of explana
tion on ber part, be did tho one thing
that saved him and her and Edward
Verekor from shipwreck,
I read a story ouco in which the con-1
eluding seuteuco ran thas, "And so by a
littlo thing was a woman saved from
tho misfortune of a great passiou."
Edward Verekor, having done all that
lay iu his power to atouo for what had
happened, left tho houso curly next
morning without seeing Evey aguln.
Aud her husband shook huuds with him
at purting,
They havo not met since, except casu
ally in society, and then tliey meet and
greet as friends. They hud fallen a lit
tlo way together mid repented of it, and
with repentance comes revulsion of feel
ing nml with thut tho end of all thing
thut might havo been, withered untime
ly iu tho budding of passion's poppy
Ho sho wus heroio in thut she saved
blm, and ho was noblo iu that ho con
fessed his kiss to her husband. Hut
somehow it seems to me thut tho great
est of these three wus David Laucuster,
who heard mid uudcrstiMid and yet, hear
ing nuduuihmtuudiDg, forguvo. Hlnck
aud White.
Th IImom full 7.
It was luevltublo thut tho Huoou fully
should proceed to commit suicide by
piling up extravagant. Hysoiuo luetic
oils ouu oun prove anything, andacoord-
iuglv wa find writers busy In tracing
Haeon's hand iu tho writingsof Orccun,
Marlowe, Hhiiley, MareUai, Massiuger,
Ml.hlli t.m and Webster. They are sure
thai he was the author of Montaigne's
HMutys, which were afterward translated
Into what we have always supposed to
b the r'rvuvh original. Mr. iHiuueily
Iwlieves that llamai also wrote Hurtoti'
"Anatomy of M.lsiu holy." NcU comes
iHr, tirvili tiwtu with a Itew cipher
which prows thai I taint was the fcut of
Uutwu .llUth by HtiU rl Dudley, aud
that b was lh autle of th "rWl
gown" ami other ptiut attribute! lo
iCImuiel riiM r.
finally w hat Mr. J, U l.s who
d.s lo iioau la I tutihntv II aks
ki what w at lo think of tha le-tMi
that ait Itftetmui WuUt Ilk J.ihu iuu
u vuU b writivu the n. i(w
athgry In auv Uite-ut-. th
lbuliit but Iwtrul4 have
4 ti it, Uf tiiuiH) ta4t h4 Ia tot t
hM to jwut In hit t.ta "'i.
gum's IVgtW was ulluh a Huu
ysu'i, I vitoartfu lu.4iir Is aevsi
ioflHt ly it in, Mr, ! eur
lhal IWnt WM tit tiMvroly U4.
AWfUMMltMhlasi eu4 lbs
"Tsle i4 A TK" whu a arly hiu
Hi Auk htm mM ul baliiai aa4 etuis
UMu.i) If things r i m rat, we
shall iuUy have a rvllsl.-m tn
h 'l.lina' a It Rt ailUl ol fsith thai
Itaut l Itat ni lb hrfut aii4
lh eatta Ia tti m4 rt4 tnt the
wtsttiA dv JvbA I'lUe Ia Allautl
Illastratlwns ot Favorite Sir on Both
Sides of the A'Jantlo.
Perhaps ono of tho most unaccount
able fads in connection with pure bred
cattle was the Hbortborn . color craze,
which began over 30 years ago and
found its gratification in boycotting all
whito animals of this brood. Nothing
bat dark red or dark ronn Shorthorns
would do, and if they could be bred all
red so much tho better.
The craze never invaded England to
Any great extent. It was an American
moot oojyiiijcn siioiiTiiorof, .
fad, und llritish breeders contlnuod to
rear Hhorthorns durk red and light roan,
brindled und white, If a bull or heifer
wus largo and well fleshed and of the
proper type, that animal took tho prizo,
though it hud not a hair other than
whito upon it. Thix season tho prize
Hhorthorn slro ut tho royal ngricnltur
al show wus almost white, a littlo ronn
being about his legs and tho lower part
of tho body, Tho illustration represents
blm and his color. His oars were red,
Tho champion hull at I ho royal show
St Dublin was pure white. It is a sign
of return to common sen ho on tho part
of American breeders thut thu champion
Hhorthorn heifer tho present season at
tho Kcw York statu fulr wus a white
Tho second picture shows a deep rod
roan bnllof western American breeding
and pedigree. Ho is of tho C'rulkshuuk
family aud belongs iu Illinois.
This hull is of. perfect Hhorthorn
shape, Ills short, straight legs and im
mense body aro particularly character
istic of the flno beef typo, Tho depth
and width of bis body are notable.
Watering Stock la Winter.
, Whilo farm animals do not require as
much water in winter as in summer,
jet what they do need they need just as
badly at one time as at another. Stock
should not only hove all the water they
Want, but have it when they want it.
It is not good economy to compel
stock of aiiy kind to drink loe cold wa
ter. Tho animal heat must como from
tho food, and chilling tho blood with loe
Water Increases tho cost of maintaining
animal heat.
Usually water drawn fresh from a
well is several degrees warmer than
that in ponds, tanks or even running
streams. It will pay to take a littlo
trouble to pump or draw up the water
from thu well and let them drink whilo
it is warm and fresh. This is especially
ueoessury for the milk cows.
All stock should havo water twice
every day at least Of course It would
be still better if water can bo kept where
the animals can help themselves at any
time, but on most furius this cannot be
dono without exposing thn stock on
some days at least to needless cold and
It Is truo that sheep and hogs can live
several days without water, yet they
will thrive better and keep healthier It
given a supply every day. Wbon the
most is to bo madu out of them at the
lowest cost, watering regularly daily is
an Important Item. If tho weather will
permit, it Is bent to let tho stock out
and allow them plenty of time to driuk
all they waul, taking euro that it Is
pure, fresh and uot too cold. Hi. Louis
VoHMf Km.
This year my we lambs are bred lo
weaii from April to July. It I a matter
of age and development. I am speak
ing of Ibirst l sheep, although the same
things are true of hhropahlreo, as I
know by eiiwrleuf. Now, briefly, the
advantage of this t arly breeding Is that I
II ilevi loi s the maierual limine! and
t'haracttr In th ewe, while were shj
left virgin another year lh Would I?'
baps ih'Viiop a luutttM tiiarativr, a
lemlem-y to fl ami self appnprUtlu
f ftsi nutrients that wvr meant for
lh lamb. Il Is Rot always thai the Orel
lamb ar of great value, I da m keep
Ihem l r IrvtHuif , but failed au4 U as
atly as I catt.
Msk no luUuk ly ttlutiug lh
young iiuiihfr In amount if gtattt A
of tit sh has wnmkhI hot lamb. Il ought
to U il. h ami iu tuiliiuiud amount. 1
m title luliturei tVruuil, 1 00
pttuutl; wheat bisn, ou pound tll
meal. Id p"Uinl. lion all th tl hay
Ibal kh wauls, Ait4 AO feat ll lhal
slot will rats th NtuU aud tvw hr
wit al th saiua lima. Iltiwetef, I lug
!ivt wvaiilarf th UmiU early li glv
iff a it thav o i tall afw
llns theui. Do ut l with tttau4 m as a4
vtsiaa1 lh Ulag t't UffttioAt il
llth f.k o lb w be( she baa
tHxue luaHy Atvu(au4 to aaUui II
The m4 I t .liti: ( the utf ewe
khoaU U doua ewtlieff, so as la have
the laiuh drvp Al Ulet IbaA Way.
U. haltottal iltvhmAM,
by our fuU trMtnwnt ut TurkwS CsiulM
fur Hi w. Vlifhl LAM, lM Lokhh. r
or Simln truu lilt, (ura uwrfi4
ever war. Wn mk our oi mili ln
ml ri.unuirflyonifttlii w.ll. Wtlwu
rttln HiutnuiOw with lull run, single
)io, ei ii or na nim' I'hahim't
Mention Nkbhaska Iswcprndewt when
llTllnl 0 Hay. Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties
14th md Nichoka Bts., - - OMAHA, NEB
Sill IS
UKV. I. V. IUSM, D. I)., Hao.f
fltubera, P Terosto, Css Haw Orlnsns, T.a,, Ws Vers, K. t WMhlnstoa, D. 0., sa Frea
Imu, (;! Oblosso, 111,, Ut- Loulr, Mo., sml l)uvr, Colarsdo,
TlmrssrsthounsBilsofiiosHleiistiilisnllsiJ Jqrliitb sibool tsrin, rsniwa hr rwlsnstloa,
rt.aili, eOi, W lisil or S.iliiO rssssclas durliia tb it snsnon. Ussiiiialvii laellltl lr olsalnt
tsniilmrs In frj purt tit tli U, M, suii lisusiln, ss or lit pr rani ot thtsw he raslsursd llore
iiKum-Bi'urlpiiiiOoo. Oss be nslsterss la ofllmii, Adtlrens all spiilicntlooi to fHU
This Mill Is
msils to silver
til our IiIkIi
KiniU of work,
Slid 1 sold si
Sr.-, r m , i -
f "jie-, 1 ' '
ni n s aii sin i iainirsn
llhl liUI,n mil L IV HllUrMUIUnillU bU,lv,;.(. ,iim-. . ins .mi, i,,,,i..M'..
Wholesale And
(or building nd cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monuments ol modern, design Always on hand.
DIKECT. . . .
Writs (or cuts and pricei. A personal call preferred. Address,
Cor. 15th and O Sti.,
II irk H
The Popular Through Ccr
rcn H
IfclsWSAB jsiisii m
S- - r: - rv
Fr full Isformallaa. drwripiluc pjoipsicu, cu., sddret
S. K. HuurtS. G . P. A., Denver. Cult.
All.TVifwyi lAWlirK
25 50
flDOULU 1 Lb I UUanAlll C.C.U srr
ewj SutM Itm. 14. STI lll.lMI III SI IU
4sss)a4isTHE NEW X
Job Printing Department
Of this office has late! adJcd a complete assort i
ment of the most effective ttyles of type and J
torderi to be found In the market. i
Our Facilities
For doing FIRST CLASS WORK Is the best.
and those who want work done in an artistic $
and up-to-date manner will not be disappointed 2
If they leave their order at this office. I
Our Work and Prices $ i i
Will please you. Send in your orders. The
Independent IHiMUhlng Co,, 1120 M Street.
Photu 033,
Cniptluiu mni by Turklnh
U..l.lll fltrm Ult.
rull trutninn wltil rurn
IM, I1U.MI I Slovl Uuiw, AMia.
nth n1 rartium, nwtwt , Sn
writing to onr advertisers
VAKUIir.H vv.v.u
Pr,ANl',H siul
COKN, VM'D, stul
I'J,Ul'K MII,f,H,
l'UIJ.KVH sml
MI 1,1, Cl'.AKJNrt,
A r4'l',CJAII'Y.
-l'BICi'.H LOW,
I,Asoit Catai,di);k I'skk,
rfl Jfil'rll lim.'., I'U) Wn.till.Kl.,11 SI., N. V.
lletail Dealers.
ir - N i.DAMhF Dh -fi
Line to
I I I J I I I l r"
11111 mltfi
in. or (riM.e.l rs mi sle.rl malls, kin-
I IK, I hi. Uu. MiwIrMl, l .e..Mll rk. en.
as ' t x
. axL-JJS l .