February 10 1898 THE NEBRASKA 'NDEPENDKNT. S WHO SHOULD BE THE CANDIDATE? This department Is opened for the public dUoulon of the available candidate for governor at the coining election, Vtmt tmi and open cIImoummIoii of vry public question has always been on of th prluolpil tenets of tlx populist party, It Is better forth party, better for the state, bet tr for ilia candidate, that th publlo should know th good quulltlc and bad qualities of a man btdor ho I nominated, than to proceed to a nomination and take chance In finding out hi character and qualifications afterward. Open discussion will Injure tint chances of no worthy candidal. It may prevent th uomlnatlon of an unworthy candidate If there bo any. The public Iium a right to know. Tholr only way of knowing, l by public iIiiimhIoii. When thoroughly acquainted with the facts, the people can belrtisliid to do right. Communication upon title mutter ehould not bo long, and In every Instanc must be elgniid by the author. Any article abusive and purely slanderous, written for spiteful purposes, will not be published. What le the bent course for the welfare of the Ntato and th good of the people? FAVORABLY MENTIONED. I), CJJCM DHAVHIt 1111111111 II imitllllitHllltl $1111111 IlllllHIHIHIItlimimHttHHl OMAHA ,f. II, KDMIHTKN IJCXINdTON J AM KM R HAItltlH TAIiMAdH HII.AM A. HOl,COMII .miiimiiiiimiiiimntmimmiiiiiimiiimmmi IWIUKKN HOW l. U'll 1 f ill V t,' V I I I If III i'l"l'l, J I ON, HON, HON, HON. ,11 l( J HON. HON, i d it 1 ii 1 i?i . iv 1,1 in,, ...I, Tnllj M liilll KUI IM tf 1 ' 1 . 1 i' ' 'f i, ' ',1 ft.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.1 l 1 ' n (!. ,1, 8 MYTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimiiiiitimmnimitiittmiimmmiimnmiiiiif OMAHA Will It iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiummiiiiiniiiiiniiifmminiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiminiit LINCOLN , ... 1. . .... . 1- ..... A, II, irwe ooiiiiiiuiiichmoii nivoring Air, nuir on 111 in 11 K". I favor a IlilriJ Turin, Ui)'WU IjfliKI'KNUKNT I ijoeml llnd oil (f 1.00 sub,) to keep my ftpi-r running lor nnolln r ytnr, I am very plmmed to eeeyou giving the pioplu pnre to express their Idea km to (It candidate; for my pin t J would wbh flint all our present elate official could bit I'li'i'ti'd lor niiollier (eriu mid Hum nil go out alter a sucweettil eervlee, and glvn piece lo another company 11 honest mid capable, Home limy think tlmt our e: tovei nor should not have a third term, iiitlxiiyj let 11 elect him nu.li, by ill men tie, fur hi flrtteriu wn not wlint It should be mid he could not serve ue 11 bo wished; much of hie power wiin In ken from by the partisan legislature mid we have not had achniieti to witness hi ability and honesty of purpose in all tlihiK, for a little more than a year, JSyfhevtay these "Ignorant pops'' are conducting the stele affair, we won't have nny elate tfebt by the end of an other tin to, mid then we will hear our re publican friend howl beenusu we are no niggardly In biiNlueN, If I cannot get any p' from the present official I won't get disgruntled. J believe 1 could draw my salary with regularity and dispatch. If i could get a good, fat ollice, but if i don't get one f will try to keep men In ofllce who will keep down our taxes and do faithful Nervlce for the ealary the Male pay them, I would much prefer having our present (torpN of official In office for life, than to give I he (I. 0. I', a chance to elect a thief to fill one of the olllees, and rob the tnt again for cum palgn purposes. Keep Mr. Holcomb In ofllce for auother term mid then he can etep out of the governor' office and fake a trip to Washington mid occupy J, li, J'. Tliumtoir chair In the eenate. Would uny Nebrenkau be neliamed to mm Kryan In th white houe mid Allen and Holcomb In the eenate? We would have plenty of brain to rent toother etatf represented by gold bilge, We might go over to the other encf of the capltol and find eome 1H carat brain from the Ntato that the pop nave de filed by having the pig In the parlor. My Idea I that wheu you have a good thing keep it, Th neweimper men are making a grand good fight for the peo ple, and we farmer muet keep up our ubNerlptlou. no that the editor may work on a full Ntomadi, No man can do faithful work while the club of debt I holdover hi head, or while hungry, l'ut me down for a load of corr to help pay expenee In the coming enmpuign, nub joct to cull at anytime by Ntate central committee. I will ave more than the mnount In taxeN while theu honet men am In ofllce, and you eeo I won't Ion anything. UuM.'Ctfully, M. M. Hai.i.m k. (Antral City, Feb. ft, 1WH, from (' County, KlUTOM ISIlKI'KNItlCNT: Therein at the premiut time a good deal ol dnM'ulon In reitiird to who tthoubl be the candidate for governor, and every one tuwiiia to take a hand in the deliberation. Thl I a elgu that Dm Moplw a a max are alive to their bout Inlerenl when tho Miople am on gourd. We need not fear for the welfare ol our libertle. The founder of that grand liiMtllution, whiih ha been the rradle ol neurly every plank in the ho ple'e party platfi'rm, the K night of Labor, eniiiielntd a gmat truth, and dim that ehnll go down In hltory a will the lutpnltiiid word ol I'atrhk Henry, hIh ii ihvv NeliHitiNl the inottit ol th or h r; "That I the timet erlw'l gtiviru iinntlii whlih Mil injury tn one 1 the txnieern of all" and oIiiIm all Ukeauiu. li-rmt In lit wellum ol th tat our lib rile am eat, Neil tu th rvturnnf W, V, Allen to th wiiate, the iiiimI lniMrteiil duly de volving uhiii the doblwratlou id th m pi u th MUvilnu o our t h el t -titiv ia the etat. We have nun a numlnr bo wmi Id make good tlHuderd Mrvr, hiiatd hv a maa whu an and will have lh eoulliji'iu ol all th wopl, a lima Mhit ha la llor h ullie naouati that k M kuoaa Ihruugbuut the altt Mure In aotniaatUiu, and m w tin ik lb HHiple kaow K mJ a Imwii true to ! pnaplwa ol war parly and the ruw Uuk fvirHu., Mma we keve la l, t Win lwr wt Oumh. ! with, all IhiHW trail l 4 tif. ui i lue am amary lf a maa lr ll, H-iiiua d giiivraor, Mr. fc'tf I la if !! .1411 n. i. ir ik ubr duiK ol th nift i,l nier, aad ka h adHitmltiia we t ,v I id all lit bUtlf luviNg lul Ik laU aed i ali l h aim k a t iHirvd wk UUtf ci-4MHii'M am iiKMrf I ! b-M ilhm a tu iit'iiv auril tt ahtt mi4 li tmr taadidat. M. M, tMu, tlatUwoulk, I'vti. I, l"Mt J 1 a t lmU4 t ai Vi rtue Hnnt t I feV ta4 Wtlk latm Ike hit Urn halt ke apam4 la iar drt al t'd Hr ikMWMMMta id ataik al.l aadldal lor g.iic aal lak ,,,,,., it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,ii 1 1 1 1 imi 1 n IlililUlM pleaNure In giving my view n to who ehould be Nelecled to head t he ticket In the coming cmiipalgn, In the flret place I think the nomine lor governor ehould come bom the rank of the people'M party, that lie ehould be a man who In near lo the people; who will, while gly lug im n good buelueM like inliiiliilli'i. tlon of nIiiIii affair, itlo UNehlMlnlliieiii! to further tho IH'lliclple ol the ioullt party throughout the noun try, He ehould be ii man of uiiiUeMlloneiJ Integ rily, a mini who ha rendered valuable eervlre to the reform movement and who win utterly rout the cohort of corrup tion mid monopoly In HoiikIiin county, currying with him I he enllreNlate and legixltiUvo tlekeiN to a glorlou victory, In a word, we want a mmi in whom the voter have aheolute conlldenee and who I capable of nrouliig the old time en Miuniiimui at the pnrty 8uch a mini I Hon, I), Clem Heaver of Hougla county; a man born and mmu on a farm, who In In touch with labor and who hia re mained Nteadfaet, to all th principle of the people' independent parly through thick and thin, Mr, Heaver I a fearle flirhtcr, a man of unflinching oouraxe and who could be depended ujiontoob tain for the relorm force all the fruit of t he victory which he would eurely gain. We will mnke no mlelako If wo nominate D. Clem Jieavcr for governor, Jlepect. fully, Wm. Uinmi.An. J Mil Dougbie 8t,, Omaha, Neb, A Ciitiiin ui flta, KlIITOII lllKI'(KlKTi i'erhapNyoii do well to Inquire among your reader; w ho Nhall be our candidate for governor? Men will pardon me If i raiee the queetlon what, rather than who? What miiuucr ol man ehall he bc7 There le, 1 think, too much diapoaition to recognize the right of thl man or that one, 1 would have It a queetlon of lit mm rather than of pemonal right, My notion le that the man beet fitted to d!hcarge th d title of an ollice, the man who ha th beet right to that of fice. Two object ehould be kept all th time In view eucceee In the campaign, and ucoe In administration. We want a nucci'mnIuI campaigner, a vote getter, one for whom we can all wor heartily, en ergetically and NiicceNMfully; one who will work with u a heartily, a energetically atid a NUcettMHfully: one who after the battle I fought and the victory In won will lve u an administration which will enipheelxe the victory, and ehow lo the world that It I a victory of principle, not merely a victory of party by a party; but a people' victory by the people, a victory for reform, for good irovern men t, a victory for the Mate and all It people, We ehould carefully select an nitKre Ive forceful man with the ability to make a siicci'ssliil educational campaign, and to put the enemy on tlu run and run him to an oblivion hole. We want a maa who will make the following cam pn Inn an ens.y one, leaving u uothiug in hi administration to explain, toapolo. glie lor, lo lie out of. it may make all th different1 lathe world to some imople what kind of a party taUd the caudidata wear or ha worn, 1 care little whether a man call hiiiiMelf by one party name or another. II hi ha wurki d, Is working, and will work forth lt Intermt of the whole IWHile, Hroad I the road that lead lo death, and thousNinl ol MrKmloy ilmii iMTal and Cleveland republieau and Hurt ley Muriiier "walk tugehr Ihere," and there' mum to billow, The,' fib owhava itituiiioii aim In view, and they work totfi'llu'r lor It, Hindi mil we, tin-ii, I tiuiibd by that wisdom w hit b ,oiiii us lo a straiiflil and narrow rond Irading up to that Ideal plan whi m all the ptHipl mav triv iiikhI Mum lh law, T hi road U Iraight enough thai eveiy ritin a may follow it, lauurrow iiouh that evi-ri h lonut r may tied lb tuiddla ol it, It la widw eaouab Ibal verv'palrlnl may Itud roniu to irawl in II, rtiimwa ta a jHtrty l ho worth win -lug lor, i h weltam ol lb iUt aad It ppupls I ol kltihi-at llepiirtrtMiti, . I u In i doae baidvlng word about lusioa ol partaa, wed Ul u kat liwariy, iwlnoia. rouuij aiiiug fooinr alma ol all b have a iHimuma wad In W - Ilia taiaitaoa giHd id lb tuuuuoa vll, t a lor i,Hi lgMo jarlf awiue. awd iHWt't Ik lt ant lor goisiuor, aMvl batl4'l boa, and lba r, (uiis, w MibrtaHl tha will go,. ,..i. tuiva, Jon W, K tee. H.Mk.lei, Nub., M, y, iia la 414 M Wai. A larl allsaibnl iitwling i IViuaU e.iusli .( ul l bld at tiliwNloM bail, tiitiwba, libiaan 4, hue.aiir -iai II. a i I ln atr lwtotk ul ul Ikui a l iUi to tfuvHaor, 1 bi aeMea wae tfctmaall til m hm ofek.ra id b bug hatwi id th par t bfld at tba uttlm id JJu tMnga V klagasr, a Jaaaaff If I, lr tka nr Hai ul lakleg t-a la am lb it halioa id a tuglw laiMhlf aaa M Hm eivvif, , lb HHtig tta.wi4 Iteelf into th Douglu County People' Indeptuident club, J. Kelly McComba, chalrinan of tho populist county con tral committee, wa elected jireel dent; Hila ltobblne, one of the early or gaulierMof the party, wa elected vloe prteildeiit; K. V. Leavenworth, formerly the party' candidate for city clerk, wa elected etwretary; Charle 1'ropieal, tretiNtirer of the county central commit tee, wa named a treasurer of the club, The following resolution were intro duced and unanimously endorsed: Wherca., It ha come to the notice of the lion. 1), Clem Heaver of Dotigla county, that hi name ha been promi nently mentioned throughout the state, through the press and otherwise, a a suitable candidate for the ollloe of gov ernor of thl state; and, Whereas, we, his neighbors, believing in his honesty of purpose mid upright ness of diameter, his qunllllcaliou for the position, nud hi long and faithful Nervine to the populist party ol the stale and the nation, Therefore, be it resolved, that it In the sense of thl meeting that we heartily endorse hi cmidldacy for the ollice of governor of the etnte of Nebraska, and Unit we pledge ourselve to Use all hon orable mean to secure hi nomination at the hamlN ol tho coining populist Ntnte convention,, Omaha, J'eb,, 7, 1 WH, A fcXlOHT COLD Often tiring An Incurable Malady, The time to begin to doctor I when the eymptom of iIInciiho first appear. The symptom of catarrh are many and vnried, A slight cobl or cough Hint a few dose of lV-rii-ua would promptly cure In allowed to progrese until it Imi comeN chronic catarrh, which somet lines necessitate long ami persistent treat ment to effect a cure, Mr, Maltiida Walker, (irnharn City, Young county. Tex,, write: "For the past nix yeum 1 have leien Nurtur ing with catarrh and nil the evil clf.'cl that lie company It, The last year my throat got sore, then It Nettled on my luiigN which catieed pain un der left shoulder and breast, 1 wun not able to do my work: could not get up out of a chair without help, i had nil of our doctors' advino mid nNNlslauce, but it, did no good, The llrst month after 1 begun taking your medicine i wiin doing my work. I took them for twelve month and now 1 am In good health, I recommend your medi cine to do Just what you say It will do. You made my health good, which J thought won not possible," 1'iM U-iia cures and cure permanently, Head for a free book on "Winter Catar rh," written bv Dr, Hart man, Address The IWu-na Drug Manufacturing Com pany, Columbus, Ohio. Young filter, Chicago' greatest wheat owner, must have Peen born un der a lucky Ntar, Information I at hand that thl year' crop ehortnge In Austria ulone Mill necessliaU the pur chase of 1100,(100,000 worth of food cereal from abroad. Thl practically mean that th American farmer will hav to supply the shortage and Mr filter will buy and Nell thl grain, in no far a wheat I concerned. Htiould other oountrle not Increase their crop thl year over last we may be euro of $2 wheat, buffalo Lvenlng Time, 0m A Total Disability Claim of $1,650 Paid to a Alan Who Was Afterwards Cured. The Monitor a newspatxir published at Meaford, Oat., Canada, first discovered thl ense two year ago, and published It at length, which now eenm, owing to the cure of It, to be a miracle. The fact were no remarkable that many peopl doubted the truth of them. They said: "it In too remarkable; itcaunot possibly t ill tpim' I tin f imi u.St lu Itiii u le nn anil t liu I ! IIW 11 M1 f 'M uiliJ Ilia (man, ultliouuli he may think himself cured, will relapse Into hi former con dition," etc.- etc The accuracy of It report called In question, th Monitor determined to Hint out detlnitely whether the (net were as stated and whether the man would really tny cured. They ac cordingly kepi ados watch on tlmcose for two ymrn after the first article ap peared, and have just now published au other article about it la which th ow ' t'iKtn n riuiirf(r tti i, S U, m -rlUkrll. ! J utl.'.i 4 ln nunSf ul th tkrtl iia hy l I k ,iih UvlH4l ! Ii uln-a h fltt Unn i ius ul i -iml J4l'i'ni jMfcf K ta Vr, i k lb ftft ,.v.it, )Ud tk Ik palat (mm aJ InsM Ulna kal U a lir,t)li kit l , Ikmt h ma a luUI l k ( MU4 la k ImiU and tH bt a ia law tall Wsia tml. ant U teil, lkl vl. au w! i kli kimwll at a l. wr ta)wrtie t tlnnwd. niikMiii that k a tliilrL Kf tkat ra aliat artHMtaaiiaiiN, aa4 vml au g kit fbilki. He tatlte titM tu af! tike la aa4 itl i hi If am iiaiai ais aaiiata uitiMati la lak li4 Kl. Ik ilwlit vl'4 i swi 'AiiX mm mm m mm mm m SOUTH OMAHA 8TOCK YARDS. Live Slock Exchange Ha a Monoply of th Mikt. In tbe case of the United State against the Routh Omaha live stock ex change evidence wa adduced to show that the exchange wa a monopoly eo far u putting tock on the market wa concerned, It developed that no man can eell stock there who I not a member of the exchange and ba paid In f 1,000 for hi memberehlp, Mr, Obllchrlet, the chief witne, explained the rule of the exchange, one of which wa a forfeiture of memberehlp, fie also explained bow one had been altered lor tho purpoee of free, I n g out a combination of stock grower and farmer, who bad Nought to avoid the rule of the exchange and bundle t heir owu business ou a co-operative plan, The exchange rule were changed to require every member of a firm, whether resident or not, to own a membership mid deposit hi 1 1, 000, This keeps out the co-operative compan ies Hlmlliir ruh are miido to cover other point with a similar object in view, Mr. (llillchrlt wiin closely oroee examined, but the force of hi direct tes timony wiin very little shaken. I 'resi dent Murphy of the exchange will next be called to the slmid, Cascaret atlmulaU liver, kidney and bowel; never ilckeo, weaken or grlp,10 The Teller resolution was a fine piece of polillciil strategy, It smoked out a whole lot of fellow that didn't want to be smoked out. About twenty genuine gold buu were found In the Cultcd Hfate Semite about forty-five genuine bimetallists and the balance were slrnd- Idlers, Thurston wa a ! ruddier he voted niT'iiiiMt the resolution and also aualust the amendment. JIuwiiHa beuu tiful illustration of ground and lofty tumbling, It was a ense of now you eeg It ami now you don't sen it with Thurs ton, The house of representative killed t he measure of course. The pres ent house would kill the ten commend incut mid the sermon on the mount at the command of Doss Heed. Central City Democrat, Wlui hi lli It,-piiillulor ? The New York Hun, commenting on the provision of a resolution introduced in tlio eenate by Mr, Vest, of Mbourl,uum up It argument in the word: "Hero In tho whole controverscy In a nutshell: Hlinll the United Ktutc take advantage of a technicality which unde niably permit it to do no, and cheat it creditor out of half their honest duo or shall it obey the spirit of the contract In spile of the permission which the let ter glvee to violate It?" If the Hun In right, then every time a silver dollar I paid Into the Hun office on subscription or advertising, that ex cellent Journal In cheated out of fifty cent. Inetcud of getting a dollar, the cashier In fact get but half a dollar, Now, nobody believe eueh stuff a that, There are about 00,000,000 Nllverdol lars in circulation In the country. They pas from hand to hand at least once every week day which I equiqaleot to 18,000,000,000 dollar In a year ol 1100 day. Accordlno to the Bun' thoory, that would entail a Ion on tbe people equal to 18,000,000,000. the disease spinal sclerosis, and all said he could not live. For three years he lingered In this con dition. Thon bv somo frlond he was ad vised to take Dr. Williams' I'iuk rill for Dale I'eople. lie took them and there woe a slight change. The first thing noted was a tendency to sweat freely. This showed there was eome life left In hie helplcs body. Next came a little feeling in bis limbs. This extended, fol lowed by pricking sensations, until at last, th blood began to course freely, naturally and vigorously through bi body, and the helplessim nave way to returning strenutb, the ability to walk returned, and Ae aae rvUvetl to his old limn IikhUH, The above 1 the substance of the first article published by the Monitor, Now ominmonMank M.tAAf QSi- yu. t.illna iu vlip.lB, tka bvw k aai pr )mn atl-vwrd, aad i' i at tb l hii ldMw ul a il'l't. ia tl Ihta tvatiaowf , tkal lr, Vivk' cuia I aattl, llvt U1 ttl Ik if'4lMl (a Wia agata i(uvIuimI, VI r. Vlik 4td Ma mm Km kaa lle ka i ana aluitl aad latm, Ow ii kaid ad wilkunl aiilat. )ia mil I Mv kHi lk a ia wad I vwl I ul kl It, a I kt to im i ir ks I t line ul tfcs r uf aif l4. Fvikapa fa) kate wtrivl ikat I k kuw ia ,m ti m a raat a I va gt atot af kaaiawM ikvi lt hi aiav sal lr KiAinr ia ,f at la tu,t IMI IsMktf iMu4Si, fAwl I aai M a ! 4k iAa a git )4 (tr M,riw " Give the Children a Drink called Qrain-0. It I a delicious, appo tizing, nourishing food drink to take tho place of coffee. Sold by all grooer and liked by all who have used it, be cause, when proporly prepared it taste like the finest coffee but Is free from all its Injurious properties. Graln-0 aids digestion and strengthen tbe nerves. It Is not a stimulant, but a beath builder, and children, as woll as adults, can drink it with great boneflt. Costs about as much as coffee. 15and2Qo. Detween Jerry Him peon going through Dlngley' bat and Hntherland making donkey of the republican member, It le evident that the pope are about to raise tne political scalp ot some gold bug . waenington news Letter. We now take It buck wo know where President McKlnley stands on the money queetloul Cortland Herald, Every body Bays 8o Caecarets Candy Cathartic, th most wonderful medical discovery of th agw, Dleaeant and rofmahlnir tn th tun t a -ent)j and positively on kidneys, liver, and bowels, cleansing th entire aystem, dlapel cold, our headache, hirer, habit J conetlpatloo and blllionane. l'lea bnv and trv a box of C. fl. n. fni! 1ft 96, 50 eont. Sold and guaranteed to iur iy au oruggiata. WANTED. Ui'iiifiiiT and Finwrti gentlemen or indie to truvel for responsible, estab lished house in Nebraska. Monthly V05 and expenses, i'ositloti steady. Kefer ence. IvucIoho elf-addressud stamped enveloiNt, Tho Dominion Company! Dept. K, Chicago. Morning A liarg, 4ttornT at Law. Room Jia to SO, Ilrownell block, 1 f)7 8outb 11 th treet, Lincoln, Nub. But t lenient of estate and all kinds of legal buslnees attended to promptly and care fully. Hsbrasba Slatole far Sal. Copies of Nebraska etatutes for 1808 or eale at f 1.00 per copy. Address Jacob North & Co., Lincoln, Neb. No llenils Without IIoiiiIhkd, What would bond bo worth If they do not bind anybody? How could there be bond without bondage somewhere? oak the Appeal to Iteason. The law and a bill of eule were the bond that took from the chattel elav the result of hi labor and gave It to his master who held the bond. The law und the parch ment of the government are the bond that take the results of the Hiople'e labor and band It over to the bondholder. The holder of publio bond are a much ot poeed to doing away with condition by which he profit a wore tbe master of chattel slaves. There -1 no difference between the two except In the method. The result on those In bondage are juet the Name o far a lo In concerned. Wbou the people wak up to the fact that they are in bondage, that they are till Muffering from one of the many form of slavery that has been the curse of th world, they will make short work ot tbe bonds. That they aubmitl only be cause they do not realize tbe nature of their condition. The present system is on form of slavery and the people ar fai finding It out. "Do you still attribute your cure to tbe use of Dr. Williams' Fink Fills?" asked the Monitor. "Unquestionably I do," was the reply, "Doctors had failed, as had also the numerous remedies recommended by my friends. Nothing 1 took had the slighUait effect upon in until I began the ue of Dr. William' Fink Fill. To thin wontfrr till iiiedicin I owe my rolviine from tlm HviiiK (loath, I have since recommended thesu pills to many of my friends, ami the verdict le always in their favor. I shall always bleu the day I wo Induced to take them." Huch Is the history of ooe of the most remarkabe caee of modern time. Can any one say, in the faoa of such testi mony, that Dr. Williams' Fink Fills are Mmmimm t9 fH OOMa(M GIATIOH tJ x3x 'nuu. "in "i ktil alitlMl la tke vaMul eai lf alloa il t utlf(ag Htak, anaiaa or ekild' U ant tk im trath a aoraile id kiilfa taba Tu aak Ike i1ii ihiW ttth ekalua lae muh wtit tka kik rii v Mr, Vnk Irnm lketaada Vlial it Ailii. ta t atauaat da kna tlal jnnlniiiir. It ta wvay Ui M tkat tki bk arii. Mtt di I at Um lar aaiuaal ul Haiv la Ur, I vlk, tl I all ikHMl eatvtal ttamlaaliwa id kia MiadilKHi if ki klal eiiu. 1ky vw kat r44 kiia a luivt iartika Mr, iVttV adlr t a lidtis. llW U UiWtttilK tat Used For Harness fin and Saddles neat, Cook & Barlow can't be beat; They sell good Blanket, Robes and Collars; Neat Single Barnes, set Ave dollars. The Farmors' Wabash Line Guard and Fad At Cook A Barlow' can be had; flight here we us tbe best of stock, And cut our price to bed-rock. In quick repair w suit all men, And aim to bring you back again; We're bore for business, bargains Klve: Our motto is, "lire and let lire." COOK ft BARLOW, Harness ft Saddle Mkr$. 225 Sontb lltb St., Lincoln. DN. McGREW IS TUB ONLt PIO I ALI8T WOO TSBATS ALL Private Dfseases MEN ONLY PI Vwr Kiisirliine. IU ynr in Omiihs, Bisik Vrrm. Coriieilljv Una trim, lios m, or 14th sad Farasm 8U. UHAUA, WKII. r)tl MTIfK YNIll II V ...v...w ts- - Hn'irlififT- - UVItl wing House. By Day or Week $0 1342 N St. )7 vi vyivyrv vrv Vfyx Fraotick Limitko toR HQ C ( Pfinif Disease or the l""' vvvn Eye,Ear,Nose and wow, Throat . ar-ij Lincoln, Ktbr. Boar from 9:80 to 19:80 a.m; 9 o B p.m. ih!H!ll!t. ill i it-- ai: ft . I ' I 'J Greatest Newspaper in Nebraaka, Jh Omaha World-Herald kss bra rdaod I $4 per year in advance Subscription will b rmlrid at tb Tad, ixndaal o(tlo, or tb may b md! ta tb pnbllbrf dlrcol. Uomaiaekar's Kxcurilon via Darllnirtoa JUuU, On February Island 15 th Barling ton will sell round trip tlcknts to all points In Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory and Texas, and to certain points in Arizona, Arkannaa Loulsana, Missouri and New Mexioo at one fere plus 92.00. Full information regarding limit, stopovers, etc, at H. St, M. depot or city ollice, corner O and Tenth street, Geo. W. Bonkell, & F. ft T. A. PBOVIDENOE FUR COMPANY, 49 WasWniitor 8t. Pwrideno. E- L Vast alt klad s Raw Fsra, Sklss. Olsa, , Vallprlw crut CnlH Iwtlui, Mirlwu IrMt liaiaMjl! rilt , bippl T. kopM, raik4 If. Writ Iur laiMl prta mUu Tho Now. Union . ELEVATED i sow vo. It rum on Van Burea St.. Direct in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. rMHr arrivte ia t kWago eaa, bt tk sw I eaia Ktovatinl Ui.s rakajr art il tb enjinr, h-t a liat lana, Ma b lakra iuiilmil in ay t tka lar tturva la th Uoa lava dtatrivt. Ad Uti Traiaa till i. a at tk "Jl.nk iae4 Mal ua. (rata laiaaia, 1klaiiiU'raa naif be l t hi tk. "Ufal iUk UUaJ lettf." l)uaail ih.n.1 a tffat tMil nuj il atil )ua hi i bird s ir i tkWagu, put ta4 la f.tniurs, atikk akwa n m akat ta kast la kawa .! t kataal tk. l iHip as I im aitwi, 1k ataa i kul4 kat. aktk yw bv. aati'l tk.ity a4 eiiwet taewaia In It, v ktkt )i an bv. ia (ki asduaai yuav trikd aataiilat wakis a trim Addrma J,aa Ustat i M .