The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    r "
February 10, 1898
In tbla deportment we will publlah cwmmunlontlone of A worthy and iu I table
ihartcter, received from eubaorlbere to tbla paper. No conVHWiVon wovi.n
ntaim Morns than 000 wouue, Manueorlpt will not bf returned.
wiir u thrritf
Dour HWi Mr, Ouy Drake, of Hhelton,
wua the flret to diaeover the defective
data In the problem eubmlttrxl but hla
letter wne not received until several daye
After (ienriiA Wrigbt'a. 1 hove received
the following from A vary brltfht nd
Ingcnloiie young Mian "even t"" JmT
of iK e. I will nek Mr. Wright or Mr.
jlrake, or boll) of them to point out tba
difference, If any. In the following eolu
tioa of my problems
riiwT vkwr,
X erjuitlM number of roda dug by A.
H00 111 lima X jiiala number ofroda
dug liy 11.
X (Still,) rqunla S.0.000. .
X ixjuula HH 11ml alghUilntba rode all
auo mlnua X iiiila 111 and one-ninth
roda atona and dirt.
X tquala nunibr of roda of dirt dug
Il'l and one-ninth inliiua X aijimle
number rif roda of alona dug by Jl.
(175) X plua S.V&( 1 1 1 and one-ninth
niiiiiinXleijiinla M,l)W
175 X plua ytyiOO mlnua 25 X
qiinl SfO.OOO.
Mlnua GO cquala mlnua 6,000.
no X 'imla 0,000.
X cqiiole 100 roda of dirt.
1 1 1 and ona-nlnlli mlnua X aqtinle 111
and 0110 ninth roda of atona,
88 and olght-nlnthe roda at SI.2G par
rod equate fifOO.
100 roda nt f 1.75 tier rod eqiialefl7G.
1 1 and onn-niiitli roda at fa.& (air rod
lUm'c fully eubtnltted
Ilnrtliigton, Nub., Feb. 4, MH.
Vor aomo titna I have Win entertained
In your valuable paper from tha pen of
Hnyder. tny neighbor, Htowort, and oth
ara aqually aura they ara right In tha way
tha people party ahould ba run. It la
a aatlefucllon to ma to ponder over their
vlewe. Yat 1 may not ngraa with them,
ao will give my opinion upon tha refor
mation. Waaeeiiilngly hove proajmrlty
In Nebraaka. 1 1 la only booue;the nop
ara filling tha etnte oflleee and tha lend
Ing republican ara In tha penitentiary,
Aa thl la true wa ahould work to gat all
to vote with 0 that wa can, without
couprouilalng tho Ocht coufcreiifMi, tha
Cincinnati, Oinnha and Ht. Ioula plat
forma. If anything turna up that tha
platform ought to ba changed to mnka
Aeiicc-aa of the prlnoiplce we advocate, 1
would ba willing to cut down our pint
form to tba Initiative and referendum,
It will ba nil tho platform neede. If wa
can run tha country on that plan wa will
get all wechilm on tha preaaut platform:
at leuat wa will get whnt tha people want
and all patriot)! ought to agree to that.
Kcfcretidum la democracy pure and aim-
Silo. Then wa will dcatroy tba preent
emocritt and republican partiee. Than
and not until then will 1 Im In favor of
changing our party name. Then the
name of demiKirntri'iiiibllcnii party would
ba appropriate. Jefferaoii wna a repub
lican (aicuuee thl waa n republic. He
waa olao a democrat bermiiMi ha wanted
the people to rule. 1 am a diunocrat uud
a republican, but tbeeo 11111111 have been
d inure ci'il until they have become odl
ou. Hence 1 am a p'ople'a party mnn.
Democrat and reimbllciui are the grand-
eat iinmea the world aver knew. Let ua
work In the eople'a party until the peo
ple rule, theu we have thorn iuuiiu glorl
lied. Then bv outeldera wa will be called
the democratic-republican party, whether
we 11111110 tucin or not,
R. H. Bw ioaiit,
Ilatard, Neb., Feb. 2, 'OK.
e e
ItepreaenUtl Ootereineel failure,
Kuitoii NKiiiiiaKA Imuci-kni.knt;
Competition la tha great obatacle In
ha mm.w ll It illat it ittllliat rittUlU of ITOf
, w " ' . ' r-
..i.n,.iil Tvriiiii anil niitiraaalun linv
alwaya bund (uatirattUm Aid refuge
ti'huul the law of roinMtltlon. Nero u
etacrated aa the nioet Hatamo munetwr
that awr ruled uutlou, yet bu waa only
l..llitinir Ilia law Iliat "mltilit lUHkea
right" to ila logical com-ltuum. To dee-
troy coiintuiou he ruunetMiiy iuuru-ri
wry tHNMible rival. No man In hla
tHi.tloMxl til I H II ell hit.
. fiwl waa aparvd, leal that in nil ahould
(Mattel a riH uiou aguutai ni aumur.
II T and eveutually overthrow him.
UIihI Lwm lhaa tlila diMHt the Htanditrd
(HI touipeuy ami the eugar trut do, lu
l u.U. iba Ciar id Ituale. everv eublt,t
ftwtte hla bead mil. at the tWewilU
Tha l iar Were riuniwlitliiu MHiJ tia tru
Imw tolnke Hoiltuiva, Owr a,lMl,
hmi oUI'cr al om their arm Ha
eientty la ur.i" U rd.r i
the bt.lM' ol eMmliMa. Uu.ia ul
ranee, liuaUud an-t U-f miny are to
day fMaii4 la a liiaem eiruanW la
attMh eliall gt Ufa"' Ixoi
Tuthof, AhIiih Uxwa'WT wad t ttlno,
When IUalrd rarUurf, hnh awiti
at hae-l hll "ir, I ir U a.U-e
tlwrMiaey, I and lnliw lhtl
rwltiaj with m'at e'l "' lor the
laryvet ituieuia i Alr4. la tea r due ttertfd ae-l iithrMM iu,ir.
Wr4 keedia-l thti44 d
W aw, wuiMva 4 hiM'a la l ata
Wai Her a aetioa ol4 wee
txltir hi titMiU.
tu l ei 11 a. aua aiw alla
l lit- aa dvailt alruaaWe Kr a4Mi
ft dawaa l.te twteg tiunt4 a not
1.. j aui Milk kli.iu. IWtahiW a.ia
.r., the .'ti l, il al hm U I M hiHa
..M. i Jitl.LJ l.i Ika I iu 1a Ja.
h.iuihtMli Huh la aalat.itah hlaxall ea.l
hitaxll aa Ike oot. ra I are i4 ,ntit,
Wttl ile ril hie teet Imat
Ikim, I he warettt lha hel
evtet'11 al'Maaa WleM !!
''fejet Uuul e 0tf tuuUr tltl
a rrait trtua the K Wei il !
ety i-ililH-e la He eUeaht hr aelioaal
tHI'iautet I
f ha ier piill talhre aMt4 Ike
wWleretkMi i-i el-he-l-eie ae a'lf
ward our conatltiitlon and upon th
prlnolplea then publlahml to tha word
eatobllahad a repreaan ta tl va govern men f
loturn if llliiiri v hhA I11ifi1n.11 l.v l.ha word
over rejoiced at the long upward etp
than taken In human government. The
new nation, born In patriot blood, waa
dedicated to liberty and equality. The
new worm waa w oa inn uicurre vi
iiiiu. .Iiir ( llilnia. llura hiiiioill to
waa to ba fully reijitltted and liberty and
equality were to Hud nurture mid proleo
tlon through the repreeentatlvea of tha
people. Tha Idea worked beautifully for
a time, Ho long aa all the people made
, . . . . 1. ...... ..1.
lawa anuaxwiui-eii tuin i.eioiia "'
rcpreaeiitatlvea, all wna wen. nut inaiu
iii.hmIv 11 riiliir fine lifutMl! mid ttllOllier.
curl al 11 greedy nlaaaea, flrat tha maunfan
lurera, then we baiiKera, ineii me own-
..r. nf v.iIiihIiIii In vnnllone. Ill II n tha OWfl
ara of rnllroide and other truuaporta
Hon llnea, who reaaon 01 wereoamg
t a 1 . 1 .
wealth poeaeaaad aitraordlnary political Hrpiiniiiil tit tliiirrieiilvue the tioe
UJlHulilll .iff
higher grada of alateamauahlp, than tint
innaaea of tha poopl poaaeeaed, J'liJf
did not publlah their nlnlm abroad
ua tluiv ilniuiay. I ill tllltV Oflflllllf till tllHIII'
aelvaato make a buelnaaa of polltica,
I...I.... u...llltf llMMi.MM,lil
the Needlul" In abiiiidanne with which
in run iiolilJeiil iiartlea. b'tflalaturaa.oon-
graaaea, an ecu Uvea and court, Theae
they undertook to run, ami utinuuoo
now run, not for honor or glory but for
bualneaa, the belter to Increaaa their
ai..llli Tlinv lira (li the liroflt Oil
their capital. They knew that all the
overnrnciital aganulea could ba uaed
once In their hniide, to Increaaa their
f.riitti. liunia ilinv iioiiiaied tha oeoiila a
0 W W
Through them thay built up high tar-
ma, lavorama paiani iawe, iiumo ii
tmiita allh aiutfilnl irovaruilllllltal flflVI
legea, railway and tranaportatlon com-
pauiee, wn-n rigm 01 ioiniii mmt
and the riilit to tna the lieoiila III tha
form of freight and pneaengcr ratea,
Thay proceeded to form uiilawful truate
ami comnuiea, tua uetuir 10 wun prom
from producer, truatlng In their power
with tha legislature ami the court to
ward off punlahment.
'I nua line tua control ami mannKnmnni
of governmental aflalra puaand Into tha
tba handa of a few and the will of the
people thwarted. Tbue haa tha original
piirpoaaoi our government oenn mr
urtuA in A hII l7.i 111I11. 1 1 11 111 mi urreed.
TTJ.VV.lf. Mil. PI' '
foateradaud davclopod by tha compete
tlve eyetem, la tha prima cnua of It. In
tna migmy compoiuive ainiKH'" a1"
Ilia rifiaaiiaaora I if h hllVH Llkeil tfOV-
ernmetital affaire Into their own handa.
Wa have become a veritable aritocrai'y.
'I'l.a .ill in nr la il hanil. Wa III 11 t tllka
either a long atep upward and forward
in human go vara mailt, or tua nuvnniw
atep taken by our forefather will be re
trneed. Our nation cannot aland hall
ariatocruiiy and half democracy. In
truth wa iiiuat and will go forward. The
1.1 l.l.m nf irrivariiihitnt la Unit II ehould
ooiillua Ita functloiia to levying tnxea,
enacting ana enforcing law. eicrmaing
police powera, ralalng nrmlna, couduct-
1 111 war, alii. Theee Ulicleilt III", ol
government muat be abandoned. They
are Inadequate to accompiien tin uei
true purpoae w governmui, n ii'imu
In lha iiriiiinlila td Mill (mliirill COIiatltU-
tlou: ' promote the general wwllare and
eei'urethe bl aaima of III arty to our
aelvoa and our poeterlty. Thl Iota tai-
come a deaa ueuliiratloii.
i'hl cauuot be aacomplmhed under
the old Idea of government and the com-M-tltive
ayeUim. In place thereof we
muat have co operation by the temple
throiiKh Ha Kovurnmeut for any Indua
trial purpoae. In ahort the purpime ol
government inimt bu enlarged ao that all
lli,i Imiiliiiir linliml rlny aliliih urn llililuili.
olUtlc in tlielr iiaturo, ehall be conduct
ed by It. Nothing ehort ol till will give
ue a government uy an tne people, rte
iimuI a (la.tlariLt.liin nf Inilnatriitl IiiiIkih'H.
deuce, equality and liberty; and a mw
OotiMtltuilon baaed thorium.
Ilulv bv the initiiitlv mill riifureiidum
nun tha tianiila kiwohiiiIImIi a Ittform eo
mucn to lie iieaimi, uiiprHtteniaiive
government, for the reaona above
given, la a lallure, Ho we are now left
Ijttrv tlm iuii-IiiimiiI mil ilia laaat
.... , . - .- : ;,. .
doubtful, of government directly by the
people, through the direct vote Uhio nil
Imporiatit fiueellone,
ropiilUm la leading the way to tin
a.u'.iiiuitiMlimMiit fif llila fffitat raflirill.
The iieople'a party muat aland by tba
teopVe eauee until we eetablUli a g )V
eruinuitt lu (act lor an i by all the peo
ple, with "equal right to all ami nh
lei nrlvllttaim to none: and till le Imnoe
Bible without ro oMiratinn by the m
die throuh the guvernmeut lor Indue
trial puriHHMHi, Wn 11 I., A ml
Kearuxy, Nb, rb. 5, lHUrt.
UniTon hiiKfRNiiKar:
I have lawn trading with unite a goo.!
d.ul ol In UP I tne Mrlieha) m tuurpiiH.r
rfaerdluM the bomlnatlon olunrnvit
raudiditte for governor, Kitlnr l Ih
ma whoee aaioe have en lar lawa pro-
4mm ewuld Make a gtenl governor
Hul thore le anuthwr ihomIIoh In inoat
bwlore the Hiple Ml Ntfbraaka, etill more
mmiUttt thatt itteaiuiillialloH oiae'
r..r. ul ihni U in the wturn id M, V
llre ii the I mini ai'unle, AlWa
uiual go be k, an I (hat with gr
tuNjiiiilv. I'!. eUqi wu I Ihmh ha
e wouul do a party al Ih irve
lime withtiul AlWa ta the MaU II
atualgo U h aed we mmt dae,iei
Hhh nth la lhal iiretio. How hH
.! lit VUll, we ahell idwtk Id
aelte (he lhreilvr Mia on I he wMt
In line tit eaUr au Kpfvavaletiie
lhal I Ih way la a it, I tui imaai ihevv
are eoioe . wha will iip t Im
ot lui"tt. I hI lhal e Ih oHijr way
a ih-h a i lir l. 1 al lhkw
etiaet- Ihioaahoal Ihe UI hat ui'
hhi i44tt aa I ail thvly Wlva
Krvti thi la ao I. M AUtt maet be
lar wA. b4i4e Ihm la w h w e our
a h, a4 Ke ht Ihe man h ya
ta ihu. iuw tmiiv,
M" it tee JiiKtt.iv,
N.wlt I s IVU. 4, u
t Wl la Mka thay kav a 'a lhal not
nula lha aal.uia hat la ua iliiaiaa haa Id
t tiut a Ikms lie Uler ayft
for the Cur of Pilee and Eacial Dlaaana
No Longer Neceatary,
A Mailleel IXaeevery Which Will Chang
theTrnetioeutof All aueb
Iii haa long been though', not only by
aoirie phyeiuiane but by people In general,
that tne common, painiui ami eiueeu
Inirlv anuovlng trouble, pile, waa prao-
tlcally Incurable by any othar meaiia
than a aurglcal operation and thl baliuf
he linen the cnuee of year of oeedleae
aiifferlng, bacnuaa of tha natural dread of
aurglcal operation.
There are many aalvea, olntmenta and
elmilar remediea on tha market which
afford eoiiie relief In cnaee of pile, but
th 1'yramid I'lle ('lire la tha only prepar-
atloii ao lar inrrouuceii uoii eau oe run
ablr ileoeudwd uooii to cure to Uy
. , " . I . . ..ll
cured, every form of itching,. blmidlng or
protruding piiea,
Mr. M.tJ.lllukley.of 001 MleMiaalppI
Ht,, Indlauapolla, waa told by her pbyal
olana that nothing but a aurglcal opera
tion coating between eeveu and night
hundred dollar, could cure her aa aha
mil auffered lor teen .year; yet even in
audi A caae oa here tha 1'yramld 1'ile Cure
iwcompllahiid A complela cure, Hha eaya;
"1 knew nn operation would bu death to
ma and tried the J'yrnmid with very lit
tle hope and it la not to ba wondered at
that J am ao onthiiiati(i In Ita praia,"
Mr. I). V.. Heed, of Mou I II lyoiia. Mluli.,
anya; "I would not take f 500 and be
placed back wnera I waa oeiora i uau
tlm 1'yramld 1'iln Cure, 1 auffered for
year and It ia now eighteen month
eincfl I uaed It ami not the eligbtiiet trace
of the trouble haa returned."
The 1'yramld rilu ( ure la aold by
nearly all dmiwlete at 50 centa and $1
per package and ua Itcoutaluanooplum,
cocaine or oilier poleonouedruge, can be
uaed with per lent eatery,
no one iieeu auner irotn puaa in any
iirni who will aire thl excellent remedy
A trial. Heiid for book on cauao and
cure of pilce,eciit free by Addreaaing
a. ' i 11 1 11 . t
'yramld crug io,. Ainrauaii, micii,,
fiirmerly Albion, Mich,)
rrlae Aatliorltlo nn the Medlnel Aa
pent ot l.iinv iltaiiee Itldlng ,
Dr. ImcMa tiliiimpioiiiiliira of I'arla,
who baa dnvotiid a good dual of atten
tion to tlm iumliiiiil aapecta of cycling,
expreaana Ida opinion tliut 000 klloitia
tnra in 30 lioura, tlm time in tba 1'aria-
Dordcaux mnitcat, waa not too much for
lieultby and well trained rider. Dr.
tJbaiiiploiiniiirn givca tlm following do-
talla of Jtlvliirrc and (Jordung'a mutuoda
during tlm Hordcuux-l'urie raooi
"Tliey did not cat uitrogououa food,
and they were right. Hut though they
did not tint tliny drank; enorinoaa quint
title of liquid to rupiiimi tho liquid or
weight loat by pnrapirution, They drunk
ten, bmtf ten und milk, It la uaclcaa to
eat during violent cxorclau, but it i
Importiint to drink, and If tba hnly la
In good working order tho only reanlt
of tlm effort ia a decrcnao in weight.
Tlm cITitct on mil mill la almilar. M.
i'ulllnrd, tbu HportNimiii, who rinli) 1,200
klloiimtcra in Idduyaluat yenr on hi
two niarca i'oiupoiiim uud Miirveillunao,
did not incriiiian their ration of out,
but guvo tliiuii largo quuntitirta of gruca
fodder and witter. It ia tlm anmo with
our cycllHi, who ruco on fruit mid a
deal of liquid."
Tbla ia right na rif?nrda tba qnallty
of foial required on a long diatatKie eon-
teat. Wbethi r aui u a runo bu uurniful
to an excoplii'iiul rldi r properly trainixl
or not wa do not yet know. Mill, Bbor-
land, llollieiu und Hlillnku among ling-
lUli, uud lUvlwm, Hun t, Htopliauo and
IiuIjoI aiiinii:( Frencli rider, with many
other who liavii comiicteil in aucli
ramie, arc xtill wi 11 und liiuiltby, Inolud
lug L). Htuutoii, who nti'oil it I unit 1874
and lK?f in hi d;iy ruei H, We muet
wntcb tlielr curi i r in futuro buforo wu
oan lay down uuy ruin, Our own opiu
ion ia tliut it don no burin to tbu onu
limn of ixoeiitliiiiil iiliywiiiue, but ia
tnimt barmful to tbu imtiiy who ara im
pMiwrly trulniMl HrltUb Modlcul
Artlflnlel Oyitar.
The municipal nuthorltloa of Parla
ara ut now imgngeil in the auppraaion
of an altogether novel form of food
adulteration which ia auiiitug phe
luimeiml proportioiia, auya tbu New
York Tribune, Heal oytera are expuu
atve In I'arla, and eo, with tba objwl of
uiliug aleiider purmt, nrtilli'lal oynter
on tho half ahell buve Lieu invented,
wbli h are eidd at DO rent a doeii, and
they am en tduvt rly made ami look ao
nlca ami freh ihet onoa Uuikui juloe or
vinegar Ima Umiii adiled they raituot Imi
dUtliiullie. from the reel article, r
tMMilally when while wine la takua tu
iHtiuiiH'liiiii Iherow 1th. The only genuine
thing alimt llieeu i ?ler I ba ahell,
the iiiMiifiii'tiii re buying wmd liaml
kin II a iiiaI ihw end funli nlng the
apuritiu oyi r iu plt with a lat ba
ple, The inuiib lpl bibnf etory baa kil
yi l pi. Utmed Ihe iiiKn-luiilief wlildi
thM Ix'gu ytira are tHanpownl, ul
b u auituutiml lhal tiy ate .f A batut
Jul illara.l
m I ui Mit t 'ihTiwiu
tthlr l'iMMall IweJattatl Vtrl
m I'laa4, tii.,iu MiMela
tie (Vbruarr IT.aad ewry Tharedav
tbwrvali! at it. to p. mi , I'uUntaa lounl
i. lei'hartfeul our ia nriia'lora, ere at hiU!4 In Wave I la
"la tr I'ov IUm4 via Ker, Iniw
Ml .he l ity, tta Wa ae. the titvgua
ahull l.lea, taaiu lhrua Ihe Mre4
! Mry 4 Ihe li.Hia aud atoppieg
eavviet hum IM al H l et t liy Im al
low a viit la the Miaut 'tUnt ietrl
lhfw, Itirth. tat.t l lull leliraia
tnaiMy I .biiua. al l A M. Wpl
i aty Hkl wRIms v.fH"J tl aa. loth
!, tJli.i. W , t..HM I,
V. A T, A,
1 1 1 Waa Maai le I Was
It all II taAve, II )i Wave l.'eda ta
Ihe lietlieatua e m ll liaia al II l
tv at aey cy, Harha ul tere- l o
tire liaia ul I'allwea eitre a4 irwe re
vliuieg t han rate tatte li I la l"haa
wmI.ih Ih.. al at It. A M. iKpol t
tity Kittte, eir Uaed Tlh etrvate l.ej
bt Ike, th tU a4 lu'l lalirwt4loa,
tUm W, lU avvil, I. T. V, A,
A Bill to Reetraia tba Truata and Mono
Laat week Congreaamao Greene Intro
duocd a bill In the bouaa providing for
tha prohibition of any combination or
truat Interfering with tha natural trend
of trade or com mere or In any way ar
tificially effecting prlcee.
The bill providva that any peraon or
peraon entering Into any truat or com
bination for the purpoae of monopoll
Ing trade ahull be deemed guilty of A fel
ony And punlahad by a flue of not more
than ten tnonaauu aoiiure una oy im-
irlaonment for not mora than flituen nor
iiM than two year,
It I nrovlilitd that anv fieraon lulured
In hla buaiucM through the operation of
anv audi combination or truat may
brlnir uction In any circuit, dlatrlct or
atato court for damngoa ami lor the pun
hmimt ot the membera ol thu truat.
Mr. Ureana'a bill haa been referred to
tha committee on judiciary,
UirnAa mid Mi.rmir votiid nirnoiNt the
Hlauley Matthew resolution in tha
hoiiae on Momiuy. iiiey won t no it
any more, jney win not ue mere next
year, Tbla pair of worthlce may bo very
ewect men, but they will never bo able to
fool the people of the flrat and ecnond
ilUtrlet nunn. Thev are billed to atay
at home, York Democrat.
Many Peoole Cannot Drink
coffee at night. It epolle their aloep.
you can anna urain wnn yoiipmnne
anH al.uni Ilka ii Inn. For (Iraln.O doe
r.ot atlmulate; It nouriahoa, ohoera and
fiaida. Yet it look and teatee Ilka tha
beat coffee, l or nervoua pcraone, young
people and children (lmln-0 la tha per
fact drink. Made from pur gralna. Oat
frnm vnur a rocer today. 1 rV
It In place of Coffee. 15 and V5o.
The nopiillate of Kanaaa will bold their
atate convention June
Adelina Patti
"The Queen of gong"
riayu "The Kimball Piano haa a
womlerfulljr iweet and ayni pathetic
tone and aupporti tha voica In a
moat MlUfactory manner."
Kfl4 for eompllmeuury collection of
plurtrli of Ih world'! ctiibriud
"Vener,! Aart., Omaha,
Of Lnoter County, Nebraeka.
Ja(v,ii Noiitii an Jacob II. Noktii,')
liurtnn , wiihu liiiklliciM Miller the
II i in nn 111 ii ii nil l i lo ii f J ueou Norlb
A Co., Vlnlutlir.
IIkniiv H. Hkkii, 'nA)n'n(. J
The rtefeiidmil. lli-nrv H. Iteed. will tnhe
mil Inn I Im' mi Hip Hit liny of Knlmiury, mm, tlio
IiIiiIiiIIITn, Jitniili North und Jnniit) il. North,
piui lien., Uiiiiik hii'iiifMi wiiilnr l Im Ilrm inuiui
mill alylii nf JukoIi Nurlh A Co., Illi'l Ontlr
hi II Imi mm piiiiiitiiTH in urn owiriei i miri in
.uniMiNifr l.iiiiiilv. Nelinihkii. uviiliml tlm An-
(i iuliuil. Henry M. Keeil l lie nlilrol n (iruvnr
nf lilnli urn to rMiovr ItinKiiiimt for
tl !!M Tl hi it iioMt. of which IMUJH I line from
Him ditionniiiu to lhei plain t iitk on miuoiiiii mr
liiiH'a ki Id null il livere'i, for oli work per
(iirinen, i'li(1 for rnnl, Itml ftlMOmiliiniitl Ihreo
linlna of lliai IO tiiinli. rimnilril liiidnr ilitta of
Mrh A, IKI. Yliut I hero I now ilun Hid
unpiild nn kulil Hoomuil the mm of h4W1. ' d
on llie Hitlil notm Hie mnn of I4I5 IO, for which
limit, Inyellier wllh Intermit from till rtutn,
and ti III l h la lielmlf vinnniliHt. tna iiiuinuna
pray pulviiMiiit UMulnnl lha de(niiiUnl.. Tha
iiHlliiin liHva UHUNru inn iniiiiwiii nnnniini
iro,eriv, ImlniiHlii tu the defeiiilttiit, to lie
Hltaelird I
I'.iniiiiMiinlhtf at lha nnrllmiiat onrtmr of the
MiiiOiKHat iUHitr of lha w.iii iiKMat nuarter of
nnllon tlnrly ai, In tnwnahli ton, uonh of
rania ail. rmat of the Milli irliitiiiii maritime i
IIioiik runiiliiif wot al hundred, and mutiiy
una I eel I foitt, on the north line of tha aalil
Hlhxaal iiluller of Ilia aniitliaal qurtr
Uiriipo amit h tannty nln anil thr una hunrt
red Id Win I lrr(, nn lln aralil wllh lha
aat Una of aaltt aouihaaal nuailer, tu lite
klarlln Miliil i llienna iHiiilh lhr himdrrtt
kill leal, on lina ,flle lu lha aaat Una of
lha aald Miuihtat uumlarj inwiuia al on
Uiindrnl and Iweni i luhl ll.'l iv, oil line
iarllt'l In Ih north Una of th aalil Mitilhat
iHiailrr; lhatte north Ihrva liniidrtil in Irrl.
nn lln ,ialll Willi Ih ! Una nl lha aa it
ulbaaat nnr i thanti aaat ena h'liulrad
and lm fiwhl il.i loot, lu Ilia ,tia of
hrtflliulii. lha aallia ha M tol'olt III, two
Ihrr Ul, tour Hi. aa i and all 11, of Idoe
Ihiva ill ol Adtilitoa tu Ihe my ft, , In. l.aiit'aaiar t'ounli Nhr ah
i, aia tviUirr4 ' aitaaar o nf h,"f
Mttitdar, th nut da I of, !
j l t ,11 i u, 1 II
Ai 1 II II N"i.TII
Ihtik tuaH
1 aa Jav.'i. N'.nh A I
In nmitt h hi mi i mi.
ii,,. n j 19
tU.l Nutita.
aalaJ hi. la a 'Ik olaa aul.allua III
ta ramltMl al tha .IH ot tkamaklf ! ul
iuiMmi, ha i l.rfM i it, im tM
ataia, wa uia tfid IMh, h. lha k,,.
la ul U Ika htHl tkal , tw hilll Id ha
,.,a-l.'4 a, I .Mai Ua.lfce ika latai vt
uaa liuaa Ika I l, al lha .-alia! Iu Ika
,UHalaiM.Hl ai4 !. aa.h kkl M M hi
Ika Ilwal hHtl, aat a...aal 14 h. Mtalkt
kali4'k vl ta-h k.l laat t aiao4 al
H ..II. tmm aa Haa! h.l, aiaaa, t -
a4 h'.l-K .a.a hh h niwk.Ot.i
aa-t h g W.I U-a. a .. to ..
a4 a lea a'tatt'i al. I-. !
b4 la M aa4 la a't a,a aal kaat
lamaW. la ha I la II h. , a a ,..l tua
-k ' a4 Ika vt k nw tnU'l ta
taarat la ' l aita a
tiu.1 Hi4aM k. ka aal a iw4 lua a
v ia. 4 tahi la h Na taalh al
a a a.
e,U!a t4 ha l h aattia t a4 I
I wa k.l,l 1 I lkl ail I
Hn (ataaiaa Jt.iaf tmtm at a I
I ka I au hM laaaaiiai Ik- likl la r-rt
a' I U. I' a 14 tl I I i. a
i I" " ) Ik.
I waaK I latk
Alatki 014 I MJa
II ye eoataaai-lau a Irla R, Ifteo.
aei'a t trehj illy, 1 1, t adahf , te ,yif
Mil at ta imi aaya atia iataiei
ea e,a'ta Wa aaj aiiaa,
have Ihe r tall adthM) huw l orh
U. aaJ A,lilv (I. W, l..JL I, I'.
AT, ti forwr Ttalk aa4 U air-eiav
trlilva tteala, Uaewlo, fiibfMaa.
c- rS2 Wlr r-?
aoy to Take
aoy to Operate
Ara featurei peoullar to Ifood'l I'llli, Small Io
lt, tateloi, efllflient, thorough. At one man
laid 1 " You never knew you
have taken a pill till It la all f f"fl " 1 1
over," m. C. I. Hoed A Co., If 1 1 1 g
rroprletora, Lowell, Miw, ar
Tha only pill to tuk with llood'i Hamaparllla.
Dr. Ketchum
Eye, Ear, Noso, Throat
and Oatarrh
pastMltt Crfully yittd, All fra rtaeonahht
Office 4th floor Jtluharde lilock, Lincoln
The Right Itoule to Klondike.
Whether you aelect tha alt-water route
by way of St. Michael, or the overland
rout via Dyea, Hkngwoy. Cooper river,
Takn or Btlklno, you muat flrat reach a
l'aoino port or embarkation.
Taa Itio G t a aim WicaTKKN 1Uii.wav.
in connection with the I). A It. (1.. or
Colorado Midland Ity,, la tba ahort. di
rect And popular route to Haa l'Vanoleco,
Portland, Tacoma or Heattln. Through
alaeDloo'cban and free reollnlou' chair
cara from Denver to Haa Prancieco and
Denver to Portland. Choice of three
routea thro' tba Hock lee and the moat
maa-nlfloent acenwry in tha world. Writ
to F, A. WimamH, 0. 1'. A.. Halt Lake
City lor copy of Klondike folder,
Te oh Mhatfo nnn raaldaiit ilafanitanti
To r harab BOtlflad that on lha ltiih dar of
anry, 1M, Mar Mliffy Iliad a pallllnn
Mrtlnatoo In tu llitrlut 1,'oart of l,iiiilr
Cooulf, Mabraali, th oha,it and prr of
whleb ar le obtale a df era from nil and
lady of tbair eilaor lillrtra fo-witi Harry 4
i'lara. ee th ground that yoa her wilfully
ahndod th (.11 nil If without good ran, for
th Urm of two yuan lt ptat.
To er Mnulrad tn uwr aald .natlffnn o a
htfor Meailey tb fltb day of Marnb, Jn,
. . Maavafaarrar,
Bf Owilay WUaoa.beraUoraer. . I'laiatilf.
Itemoval of Mlaaoerl raelfle City Tlebe
Tha Mleeouri I'nnlflfl e.ltr flr-tat nfflna
baa been removed to H)M 0 a treat
When you are going aontb oreoatrt
mambor that there are two faet traloa
dally from Lincoln to Kanaaa City and
Ht. Louie via tbla line.
To Omaha. Chlraero andnolnteln Iowa
and llllnoia. the UNION I'ACIFIC In eon
iiM tion with tha C. A N. W, Ity, offer
ih beat eervloe and tha foateat time
Call or write to tne for time card, ratea
eta, K. 1. KioeaoN,
(Jan. Ag
Residence Phone 63 3. .
Office Phone 636.
Surgeon and
Consulting Physician
ltoome 17, 18 A 10, ISurr lilock,
Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to i
I Sunday hours: 3 to 3 p.m.
Doi'tTobaoooBplt and Baoki Tou Life
If yoa want to ault tobacco aalnc
eoally aud forever, be made trail, atroog,
tnagoetie, lull ol new life and vigor, take
No-To-Hm, tba wonderworker, that
makee weak men atroog. Many gala
Ua pound In tea daya. Over 400,000
cured. Uuy No-To-lioa of your drugglat
andtr guarantee to cure. 6(o or 11.00.
Booklet and aamplea moiled free. Addreea
Hterliog Itemady Co., Chicago or New Y.
9 par eeel off t f aUrorala it Other
inrut Irevelar.
Tba above rediictlnn arpllea to tha
time enroute, It jy the Nurthwaatt.rn
Cnlnn I'aeiria route the time leonenlaht,
oris hour, lea than by other line,
Thiaaavr) money, brth rate, and thlr
twn houre of wreriaome rar riding. At
rremonl eoniimllona are dlwl with
tbrnuirh touri! and rullman al-riwra.
rhalrrare to hmvr, 0di-n, Halt l.eke
ellv, rortliind and Hen rabciei, ia-
Itia rttr Ihrouah In Iheroa!. tii tieka
eta and lrlh rrvatloii id A, H. I'l,.
Inn, elty t Uk -t eitrnl, 1 1 T eoulh 10th
I., Mneuln, Nfb,
KitiMtt a4 WfyaaMlag HaMaaah'
t laaraluaa,
Jew. h. fVli, wed 1 It, XUn h and
IS, April A an I lit. the l:Uh..r North.
tlra Hue. will evil Ih kvla In imiIhI mii
Italinaa U .Sternal a, aa, In Uttiilna
al .,1 aa.l I ,, .. I ., . 1 1 ,. . I I .. .... I . . .. . .
oa (are ,lu J hie )e nmad Irlii, Nn
a a a .a a. a.. ..a
rare in la h-a in f u ihi, f uy ion
llTM.a. loth at., dfiuil. vir. N an, I M.
la, l.iaiHtla.
V rl ea4 a4 Ataiha relet.
The N..ithtfa I'libia I'eviRe le Ike
ilttwl roate la the 'ug Auawd a4
Alaska u el. Uoraiaa and a'torai
tram aah tlret eiHMvttoa al 'r
ti with lkruh tuartat eireaat
tre r'MHlua' ehei fere la ottlead,
!nf etrtM I lalorwiattoa vll A, rt.
Wtidieg, eitf tht.t ageal, Uf emd
oik at., I.ih'i'le, ,Nb,
1URKI3H ftUAUC toxic.
A MfxawHf ti Weak Wutwatt,
f)MaH M aiy raaana. laitaf
fwmm WiekiiMi taiMi
talNaa, ti,a a) -ae
aat aAiaa.laaMfaaiaitale
Mae a ia tame aaaa Jiaati4
Ilaarioa let ,teata t.hf taat
. 'ft!
Wyan-Bullard Lumber Company.
Offloe 30tb and hard BU. Phone 478
Writ for l'rloe.
OMAHA, i l l I KER,
In the heart
of Chicago,
The Union l'aaaonger rota
tion In Chloago, Into which
all llurllngton Itoule tralna
run, fa located In tha very
heart of the city,
Tho principal hotel, the
large t etorca, the beat the
atrea, tba blggeat bualneaa
eatabliahmenta, are only a
few block dletant to reach
thntn It lan't even neceaaary
to takaaatrwit our.
To reach Chloago, It IS
neceaaary to take the llur
llngton Houte that la, It la
if you want the beat there la.
llemember tbla when ar
ranging your unit trip aaat.
For ticket a Apply At llur
llngton depot, 7th and P
etrceta, or city olflce, corner
10th aud Oatreefe,
Lincoln, Nebraska..
Whenblllone or eoatlve, aat a Caecaret
eAndy catbartlc,curegnaranteed,lOo,2(5a
uiiui ii-j-i 1 ail am" J 1 mas,euimi' m ))., mm i J tuw ",j
TheMlaaonri I'aclflo olty ticket offlot
fine been removed from 101 O i
i atreet t
No. lOJWOetreet.
Weak And Strained Eyee Buoooee-
fully Fitted. . .
No Atropine, no loet time.
1800 0 St,,
r cran
120 So. 11th St.
flelUry EfUbllabail itrt, I
. . , UO TO , . .
Kennedy's Photograph Parlors,
182 So. 12th Stmt.
in Cabintt, $L00 pet Voztn.
BttltlMtloe 0artd.
We Bk Oreyoe Portrelt hp and la th
moat ertUtl Hljrlae.
I it Cartaaamv Ulllff
aaiiikuiii cAtnaiic mini, j
420 North 9th St, Z
1 Cusotm Grinding a specialty j
J All th l.aat (rr1 of flour i- S
2 aliannail fur aliaitt, cure or oat. W
2 can af yog monajf. JT
) ,
" A. II. WKIH, Aoknt. "
' Corner N and 8th St$ LINCOLN. ' -Pbona
65. . . .
' ; Full Atftortmcnt. Beit Grade, t
Lflkvait trlcea.
Coaaiiltleg rMim lanDV) DT L
tieeoad floor
A " I !- ... 1 1 fc-rat jt V. I XX tat
VI tl. ... haiOl tKllZV .VX X
6 I at I tt III M.T V lir It 'X
. f i'
i , -I VTv .V.,
. . it' t
a. tSHUat SS'S .l.aa 2
t." aa.
'S. aa T
aaj kaa ,,1
Ife-aa.., ....,, )
IVi. Ik A a
- T I X
Maa M aa, ,Mna
liai al( k U
iM'aiVir.ltiU Cl
.. aai !-'.. t t la.
. aVI lll,illi
w-1 oatl
tzi rfMY
MHt'eiMaaa;, I
aa tkaaaak waWK !
k writing .i ir adtrtifa,
k l (ek-
M 1 la 1