The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 03, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    7- I'ljaurt BtMvAM M
nvt Um
February 3, 1898.
Eesultf of the Investigation at
the Nebraska City
Details of Bom of the Worst Has
calitjr Yet Discovered in
State Institutions.
Kael From tb Ksport.
It is still the style I" certain rcpubli
can and democratic circles to make
llulit of the legislative investigating
committee. In soma respect It nifty
seem that the finding of tlie committee
arc too severe, an for eiainpl In loldin
officials of state Institution personally
liable for money spent without author
it of law from tb cash fund of their
Institution. It must b remembered,
however, that the committee Is required
to take notice of thing an they find
them, that the expenditure of money
unlawfully, even though honestly ex
pendod tor the good of tb various in
stitutions, Is an abuse that ought to be
remedied and the quickest way to rem
edy it I to point it out emphatically.
There Is no occasion for argument
with those who are harping on the one
fiddle string of tlio ten thousand dollar
appropriated for the work of the com
roittee, An argument will not reach
their case. But no urnouot of harping
and do quantity of ridicule will obscure
the rank evidence of fraud found by
this committee In some of the slats af'
fairs. The facte will mak for them-
solve and ft Is part of the mission of the
Itiim'fLHDKtn to publish th fact and
let the intelligent people of Nebraska
draw their own conclusion. As th
latest sample of fact Circnrthfd by thin
committee,, wa take the evidence of
fraud found at the Institute for the
blind at Nebraska City, wbicli have
been carefully examined la the propora.
tion of this article.
The examination at Nebraska City
was made by 4. N. Wise, au expert ac
couotaut of i'latteinouth, and Senator
Mutz. The accountant finds in the first
place that the absence of ledgers, jour
nals and cash book for a groat part of
the period investigated and the cutting
out of 180 pages from one of the day
book remaining have made the work
difficult, I'p to the termination of the
term of I'rof. J, It, Cannula, on superin
tendent, which occurred Feb. 15, 1802,
it appear that the administration af
fairs bad been homstly administered,
although some of the exrsmditures were
not authorised by law. From that date
up to the coming in of the up
pointee of the present aI 111 111 lt ra
tify there are the most aetouuding reve
lation of rascality, which may be
grouped under .hea heads:
1 Fraudulent drug bill for the em.
nloye of the institution and citizen of
Nebraska City, charged and paid for by
the state.
2 Fraudulent charge for clothing
purchased for students, but paid for by
the students themselves.
.1 Implicate bill of the name cloth
ing charged and puid for by the state
4 Fraudulent charge for pemotm on
the pay roll who wore never paid the
money alleged to have I-md duo thorn
for services.
One ol the first things that Ht ruck the
investigator was tie extraordinary
spell of sickness that Mel the institu
tion uuder the supcrinlendency of I'rof.
Itakestraw mid I'rof. Kbright compared
with conditions now. Tim old vouchers
contained charge for hundreds of pre
scription furnished the Institution,
Sometime there would be ten or llfteeu
prescriptions in a single day. Those
charges would be in the following form
Htateol Nebraska Ir., Jan. 1, 1 Nli.'i to
prescription .o. ni 7"e,
The committes started nut to find who
got alt this medicine, (letting the old
prescription file in the drug store down
town, they found that scores of these
prescription wer lor the officer and
teacher of the blind, w ho Mere ol course
pail salaries nixl e ... to (heir
own Mils, nut worse than that, they
found that hundred ol Hut prent rliition
Were lor prominent and wealthy eitiiens
ol t tHHiila I ily, (nine of theiu know 11
over the stale. There they were, with
their drug Mils clinru d up to thtat
ol ,eireki atil imiM nr out oltni
fumU. A Imt ol them uns lareliilly
made out by Hi airouutant.
with this list in his pot ket Hnator Muti
CHh Umui lr. Watsou, kImi whs phvul
emn tu tn histitusu iliirtntf Mr.
MirluM wdmiiiiiitraliiiii. Ir. VVhioii
M Iteplfew ot I B'nker Joltli I". Wat
iHiH, and r'Ktd rriiililiii, U reiv
Muti with Uhi IrotHi band wheu th
llltlt-r (old hi III that lie bud nillid to
Kid ill pl(ilniM tltediiltf nn.iinti. llm
titalilatlou, lis told hint that tie hud no
tlllis, II Mkm lor Iflt IlllllUlm
wh be brok out ' h r', Vluti,
itr an u for you or your party s
I haysttl Ids tea ntimtim 1,1
liinulu.y Inloriiisl that uuU
b mould y.nuniafilj ,.
tains loulibsutiim mu. I Itusliy
roleulel til go ttl tU drug Slorv, l
M)iiiu 1 rt foiium ntinif an.
Io.,Si4 11 U '., tlist's mr prwip
linn, I wroi It, lul thoMi m.i ar
ik ia ttt nii-Hj ii
lKlf loll, thtlt Kvtvr It-iatd llS m
ttr ! ttts slat,"
us was a''" aat'inrf wnu m ni
ImuII, and Ut ssiithif nhIii Ittrsitis
i M. I isally Its WManiM tttt. lu'Ud
It tii aa4 lrv dva Hi r(j toi.
la daui. nwaiKir ait, tau.Ht,Uvr
li, ttuif im4 I jr biiH tttitra!
! id tor by Ik slats of NliMk
' I L.
that sum rtitiftiwi tu lyrMoi
tutidot said fee "iii tlowartakt iwb.
IH lkt Uuskriakt tiddatr" Ik ia
MtiiiM loud uutli i'rolMMMit lUksstiaw
(tlueiaor iiH potato) lot prw.
ritle "uiiisii.ig in iiiu &ii aa
eadsf I ol-MMif I. I'll I (appointed lf
tietsiaof IroiiHsef 4ii) irvitiptititi
aiouNlie la MM la. lb bill t.
lb 1 iNMriptluae wvtm ad wet by il
N. Bhuman, druggist, 0. K'd. by the
superintendent and allowed by the state
uoara 01 puuuc lauo aim uunuiun,
Kliiimnn' druif store hue changed hnLds,
hut the old iirescrintion lltes remain mid
thirebv the committal wen enabled to
axuohs the fraud.
la the matter of fraudulent chargei
for clothing the committee' attention
wa directed to voucher 85,541 sworn
to by H. Uoldberg, a clothing mercliMiit
of Nebraska City, on March ill, 1M4.
The charge In it were for Ira Heckler,
clothing, t-'i BO and J. Johnson, suit ol
clothe, t;j.BO. Doth these jiersons
are student at the school. Iloth bave
nirents who are well off and who
nroiiiiitlv nav their bill. When examlu
ed by the committee they tetify as to
the time when ttil clouting wa uougur,
that thev received money order from
home to buy the goods, tlial t hey gave
the money order to Hupt. Kbriglit who
went with them at the time tlie good
were imrchased and. a they believed,
paid for the good with tbo proceed of
.1 . -.1 .....1 '11... ....... i.i..n in...
lue moiiev uriT. nm jiu i..m w
profoundly mortified that they should
bemudeto apwfar u unable to pay
their own wav when they have olway
prided themsi'lveson meeting their bill
Tbl discovery caused the luvestlgtt'
tortodigdeeMrlnlo the clothing ac
count, They were rewarded oy iinoing
Voucher No. Wl.Wi. sworn to by .
Uoldberg 011 Nov, -10, J4. Tb charge
in it were a follow:
iiinry Hchroeder, suit $17 BO
K. Ilundlev. suit 10 VB
I). Arnold, suit- I 10
JI Hchroeder, suit 1 10
This voucher wo audited and paid
mid the warrant therelor secured by
There wa some surrinse tnereioro,
wheu Voucher. No. tW.-JOd wa unearth
ed. sworn to bv the same uoldberg, on
June 30. 18'JB. and having exu)tly the
same items and date and charges, with
exception that Hchroeder I charged with
clothiiiu. S20.25. This duplicate bill
was also audited by (be superintendent
and the state board aud puid. It ap
pears further that one of the clothing
chantn wa for a iaiiitor, who wa not
entitled to have hi clothing bought by
thetate. Max Vo', another student,
fluure In another voucher with a suit
barged to the state at a cost 01 f 1 i.uv.
Hi father is a wealthy cattleman In
Montana, who bus always sent him
money lor all exfS'iise. vos swear
that be gave the money toHupt.Kbright
to liny lor the suit. He Is still a student
at the Institute
Under the head of fraudulent pay rolls
the committee discover tbut another
blind student, Lena M Truesdnll, bad
been Placed on the pay roll as matron
fiow Jan. 1, 1M05, to June 1, 1895, aud
her salary bad been drawn for the entire
period a total of f.'JBO, Mis Truesdnll
was found and solemnly swear in an
aflldavit that she never received the
money, that she signed the voucher with-
out knowing what it wa and that the
only work she did wa u few odd job
for which she received not to exceed f 20.
Following this the committee found
that Fred iiollingsworth, another blind
upil, bad been placed on the pay roll
from January to June, a an
assistant at fZO. per month, I he
money for this period was drawn and
Voucher So. Wfl 10 and 08,50'J, Ilol
lingswortn swears that be never got the
money aud was never employed in any
such capacity, lie further swear that
ust belore Hupt. hbright went out lie
called hi in (Iiollingsworth) into a room
and told bim that be wanted film
to sign a receipt for fl.10, that
a MUMrintetident he bad paid out con
siderable of hi own money and the only
way he could get It back wo by Ilol
lingswortli sinning the receipt. The
blind boy said he couldn t do it 11 he
never had 'mil the money and after long
argument Kbright got him to sign the
receipt by paying him f 1B0. He then
took the receipt and the ft &0.UU unck
before he unlocked the door. All of
which is covered in ulliduvit.
Further than this Karnuel O'Connor
and Horatio T. Claxton make affidavit
that they paid HuH'eiiitendent Kbright
ft 1.00 each to get for them two oopie
ol the.bilile, in the blind or point letter.
The books were obtained from the I'enn
ylvauia Ilible Society iu April, iH'.l.'i,
Alter the preseut maungement came into
control the MM'iely sent a bill lor the
amount, f'JH 00, to the state and later
au allldavit that the account had never
betn paid, but the goods bad bewi sent
on an older Irom Miperiutendeiit !!
right to bo chanted to the state. The
lull is still unpaid, but probably the
state will hav to pay it yut.
lucre Is another curious transaction
iu connection with the case ol Curtis vs
the state ol Nebraska. After Governor
llolcoiiib en me into olllne lis removed
Fbriuht and mad a new appointment.
Kbright and his friends were resolved to
hold on to their I'htcu mid went tu
Judgs Hay w ard ol Nebraska City for
leuitl collllm l. Alter looking ths lit x up
lint ward ailviet them t lint the whol
mutter rested on the miction whether
the institution was a ciumi or u ay
I u ii. If it was an asylum llolcomli lot I
lbs riwM to appoint, otherwise nut. tu
liny sard advice an action was
brunglil 111 the nam of one ol Ihestu-
leiiu, Mr, t urtis to t the imint,
llietMMi a taken to th supreme winrt
her the aiiuriM V Keueral apsarH lor
II. a Ktato, Hie limit t. talon alMrined
Uotcrnur lloh'omb's h-w o tlis nwttter
and fibiliilil Wit titiiigiMl o step diiwu,
P.'ltile he did mi, hiiwvver, lis paid Judtis
llnvsird I loo allorury le out id I tie
1 t is land la hi band, arming from
Hi U td irMiui, U',, luads la lbs Up
titulion. Ih smgularily about In
Iraiisiii'tioa U thai a Us suit ahoiild
m tn..l, wliliiml way suihoniv ul
Hi slats, mid priMe4'Wl or loiolhof
piirixMH (bits liilittil o!tc hiildi't In
hul l I'll In Hi. if p.lMl Hil l lit tt I
luck lor !)' k tli btitti l b 4
lb mm,
wi,. iiw kr ar auiitsrtiu
uiHil.r nudities md b th tout mil t,
Sl M4arl bl Mi t nsue fls, li
bawl i 'i r ii Ihv at iiuti Iu
ait lb ul t. !!. au Ih
sh.lhtf lit uetl:alaH id klulilHl
tr lb Pitinl ha .ulirt in ) thing or
sol mf taiilt I brikl wa ar
rM last at, Ja la lUi aardaad
snm..t Wi hr, id Ulrn, apatl
hi atloft,) aiid al Ittsir r"Ht k'
priitiii,ri iitiiitoa j etiatiauvl
uH Mart sh.
NlHtfMl Of lautl, I I
WttMir Nltlt. 104 JO II.
Tk dt at wkktlt oar taWriptloa
lie I aiikd i tkki ' Ueit ol
four wf, Taka aatkj n4 It )on art
la arrsara e kual4 Mat tajaMMit
at tk
25c Table
Ladies' Gowns, Mother
ers in muslin and cambric, trimmed with deep ruffle, em
broidered, common style drawers; J ucked Skirts; Chemises,
corded aixl Embroidery trimmed; Corset Covers of fine
Cambric, V and square neck, trimmed with embroidery, pearl
juttons; any of these, each
Children's Table
Very important to mothersGarments upward fromlOC
All sizes in plain and trimmed
trimmed gowns. Children's twilled waists.
Laagc assortment of Children's White Dresses,
sizes i, 2 ana 3, eacn
FLOUil Despite the sharp udvance in
wheat, our prices on Flour buv rather
ecreused than advanced. Thus, iu
order to more thoroughly Introduce our
special brands of Flour, we will, lor one
week, give
every customer purchasing one or
more sucks, a I -pound can oi mining
powder of the same grade &, brand.
nesota ll'inr. ana a i-iu can
Velvet Making i'owder..
ka Hour, ami a I mean mia vi jii
linking I'owder .....if I i1J
li I aloButler'a rrotost Agninat
tho Loud Postal
Enormoui Burnt Now lloing raid
ForRontorCar and Haul
ing Mall.
Uiiulil t rrla ! Trn.l.
Last wk the senate coii'iuitten oti
....I ..ill,'., iiml iMwl roail. liy a imi-
jni ity leport inad.1 a favorable report on
llm l.oud postal bill, tMiutor liullr
ii(.hiMn th lull in toto, and gar no-
Ue thill h WottM piepars rt UlwlllUe
or th b II and make a minority report.
Th chairman id the ioniiiiillet on p.l
ul".. an I ptt road r b'f fed th bill lo
Id wimie, pre nlliig lb majorily r
liri favoring th bill, Ufor Heaator
HuiWr eoiild gel kl intnonty rrpoti
r.adj. ttbi-rvufsia taator Pntur I
in M witals sa l sal. K'd prolyl
sgaliint lbs bilt wa I illnw
llr. iiil.r-lr, l'ideiit. I would
WotdeMlstk aal a, at Ul
boar, it fco ihMl lb aisjoriiy r-
irt ka iiim up trom lbpl fW
' .... . i
iHM4HtiMv, id wnu a I a a aif H'ixr. i
HiM ii..Md l th bid. I d' sot roi ar
IN Iks .HHt wait t a wapiinv i m
ritnwitis. 1 wh i.ana a woaoiuw
Mtt. II (Kal rpoil wi ra i a i
r.,nl I S'MSbl tk rwfd W
dv witk Ih i!ri t'H, wi1
U roMli ul l wnt tfll I. Md s-m!.
Uka at tr anioa. M aio.i t
ih.iI will ant U r-tf Mom to -worra.
lasai.t adow Ik aiai4itv it !
lain lb ho.l w Ut wiikimt tal'g
l.fWlty iih tl ait i.bjlio In tbi
no WWrou r.
Is r.wl purtMHHw ol tfci aar4rt
at apar ia tt la l
iHin, aliewst II , Mlleioiat.l
Imoki a law, ar far ra blaf aw l da
gliu 1iildfiSg, IS tooomiv
aad Ira! tradf n.-ind k avaa
aa4 awat t( rapid riwaiakietioa
Ladies' and Children's Muslin Underwear.
Here is a list of the daintiest Lingerie of the season at prices lower than you usually pay for
the ordinary kind, every garment made of the best materials, finished in first class style from
the very latest patterns, perfect fitting and finished with the very best of workmanship.
The goods are displayed on tables and assorted according to price, thus you are enabled to
immediately find the grade of goods desired.
Mail orders given immediate and careful attention.
' 1 " i
Martruerltcand L0l)fc" ChemlSCS ' the finest materials, well made, perfect fitting, prices range 50c, 80c, 1 1.00 and up to $4.50
Ladies' Fine Cambric and India Linen SklrtS trimmed with rulllo, Vulinclenne lace and insertion, full width, each OHo. Large
assortment ol novelty Ince skirts at VHn, $1,25, f 1.85, fa. 50 and upwards to f 7.50. Novelty gowns at $2 50, $.'1.50 and up
ward 17,50. Ilrldulsuits, full sets 7 00, J.akles' gowns, benutilul styles, bust of trimmings, made of soft finish enmbrio
and muslin, special, each ll)u, MiJc, f 1,00 und f 1,25. Above goods are full sizes, extra full sleeves, run in sizes from 14 to 17,
, :
Hubbard style, umbrella draw
Drawers, all sizes in plain and
SATIN-Hest second grade Fl'r
and u 1 -lb can Katiu Kuking tf Qfl
i'owder ipl.OU
grade Hour, aud 1 lb bulk C OA
miking powder ip 1 iuU
(lorn Meal, white or yellow, per I7n
Hack I
Oat Meal, per pound 2c.
liimns per pound 2c.
Kent Japnn Head Itice, er lb I 1-2C
California Ivvuporatcd A lb OC.
Peaches for (IVU
and intelligence. They filter and control
the news Hint appears in the daily press
euch morning. They uow seek tbrouirli
this bill to close up, us fur as possible,
the only avenue left free and open. This
bill is seekiug to run the gauntlet ol
congress under false pretenses.
Tlie friends of this bill, known us the
Loud pimtiil bill, come to emigres under
th guise of reform nud economy, mid
ask vou to puss a bill. A bill that will
ilo what? A bill that will cut out of the
until u Inrscr part of the literature that
the Hiple of today receive, desire to re
ceive through the mail as second class
rate. A bill to do what? A bill to de
prive the wopb who live along the slur
route of one-half ol th privilege
which they today receive fro"! tlie postal
tem of Ibis country; a bill intended
if not Intended, that would I the result
lo cut out from the malls all taiidard
works now published m cheap form with
puMr covers; that is, the work ol liek
en, Hunt I, Hawthorne, Washiuiftou Irv-in-,
and hundred of oilier winch are
now I ing publiMtied in i heup lurui nud
are going through 'tie noui, as uouu
iln rale, liven Welwler' I'nabridrfed
liii llonary today gm t siiple out la
lh coiintry in cheap lorui with papr
"I'oia Fiiiaucial M hool" and book
of that kind have gone lbroiili I lie
mail to poiMobly rery pot iim in
America, aud mors ar gonm. Tin bill
cut ail lhi-M Look out id His mails I
ihul th purpM ol nous wtui Inviir
Ho lull? Hi man who live in a vitv
a- am m im am i i t mm
r.ia buf lliiw al a alaad. i b maa tal syU u. I tktum i'l.n.- would re.l
w ho lle Iu lb coualrv and wko twlie I la mh avmisii lhal t.p.l otmv aV
apoa lbs poll ieiu lo bring blm la! patlawat would bav a .nrplu iutad
luui li with tvialloM, I ibiadil ; ol a it-"'!!.
uitoa lb mail him lb Wuflu) Mr, irw.t, l lb wtHs iuu.1
Dial Ih Sua who live las) vily or ho s U romVd d on ol IU rMt twite A U
ritbalrviiaealiy ' a "' i aoi .i d Ik ial witm to ip a uiit tl-,tei..iok-at
upon, lb .iot -rd r-'a ol Ivukhi.mi, ih.a, Uav.kltb
l-tr lb' bid w if loria and euteiiiit, bul j i-n un I t br M ao wav ibat lb
lh,w who t it and ab ya lo moay roLt U t ta - ibt hwu o
ii4i II
la Ih iwlrri ol ar
lhM wloi vol lr iioirw ato l , ad
lhowko vol to t k Hour ati.lioa
ol lb inauri ttt lt ioiyteai"!
tbaa af u t Un id u-a lath--at
aw I la lb boas t I la
aaiii td Mona ws I lb aw id nn
tir, lbt i out brw aw l l yt
P a bul ibai rl- b ptpi d bail
b laai tbt lo Ul $ tk
Ul iia,
l( ldMt. tk tU woa'-l M iw
lamott la rwwll ll It thowld pa.
lb pjwtpl ll It ialff k wktt
I la lb but, tk woa-4 l sw k 14 g
alt Iioim twa t wa a kul
a wa or twlf r, l b kmri.
raa ipi aid r lolwrat mk a
watir ka tki kao what I la II
a. what will U Ik fewail.
I will ! I a im-ity rp-i in
aturw, aa4 ll tks aba fv
50c Table
Ladies Gowns in many
I I .! Itlt 1
nign necK, iviotner iiuimaru,
in lace and embroidery. Drawers in latest and common
styles, lace and embroidery trimmed, muslin and cambric,
with fine lawn rufiles. Umbrella Skirts, ruffles trimmed with
embroidery and lace, also tucked rufiles. Long and short
Chimeses, handsomely trimmed with embroidery and lace.
Corset Covers" large variety of styles, finest camb
ric, lace and embroidery trimmed any of these, each, OOCt
Ladies' Perfect Fitting Corset
California Kvaporuted Q lbs l C
Apricot :..0 for u JU
California 1'rune.... 6 lor 25c
Muwitel Itaisin 61::; 25c
I'ali Lard. Hilver leaf 3 lbs 22c; C lbs 8.3o
lUlbsOlic; 50 lbs ft.
Silver Leaf Lard, bulk, per lb
Lard, Compound, bulk, per lb
19 lbs best Granulated Suirar
21 lbs Clarified Sugar 'or
Gold Dust, 4 lb. package
want reform, menu reform in the interests
of the general pulillc; if thosn who pro
feHs to want to stop the deficit in the
post-olllce department menu that iu
good faith, I can point them to a way to
accomplish that remilt. I can show how
the poMt'dlliee department can save
from f 1 (1.(1(10,00(1 to fl2,0()0,0()il a
year bv simply paving tlio railroads for
the mail actually hauled and at the con
tract price aud no more. The govern
ment pays the railroads for a ureat deal
more weight than the roads really haul.
It is the fault of the government that
this is done. BeHides, the ci nt met price
Is entirely too IiirIi. 1'uriim th Inst
twenty years freight rales bave la-en re
duced n!iotit 40 sr cent, yet the gov
eminent is uow paying about the same
rate Hint it did twenty years ago.
Whv do not ttiosa who are m mueh con
cerned about the iletleit III the poMt ottli
department turn theirnttention to themi
biif lenkuges and srtM ttbu?
tliose who prod lo favor economy aud
reform heli Incorrect the nlm-,
Mr. l'reideitl, w todiiv not only iav
the railroad marly 'Ii.ihhi,Oimi u v nr
lo haul mails, but we aUo pav l hem rent
for the car ia which Hut m ul i carried.
V pay rvut lor car wht-n ptv
trxlkihi rlisrae' W tl. ih rent w
J pay lor the car io'li ear would )ay
, lor Ih rr in a year or two, S hv not
own our far and l.iv th railroa U a
' fair ptun to haul llieiii? Tlir nm tin
J r.'iorm, Thev wid i.(i 'li il-
l ttt'll and not rob Ih "-oilof nuv ol th
i i i . t...k. . . i...... ii... . .
lll.Wll II-V TUH l,,.M .It.
Hit, a er s uwi r
Ibiiibol il-l tj,isl,isi .i ti
raiirow.l wtvb tr lot what aoitl Ibejr
eirv, bl lk whwb Ml . lr fol
Iuim ul lb .auy wi o:i wlitth.
o-r ,tasi,iMMi a
Mr, 'r lsl, ti..4b va b aavml oa
wkal st pi t Ibw iieri U ilMHf
.i tf r ivMrwpb bus la Ik t.a
Irv wad tal t a h"uI t- l.fw b la
U.llH Wlia Ik l MlWW VtJt.
fii aaal Mora, d ow a
omij , a tow wast ml bib -l
wi a. at lb ia U lb
laliK that M Ik wav ! d.i It. Tb
I. ar tht plaia aa-l txwatit lit b d
ss 4 or n-le ".(. A ihi1 t)
gr a wtm'4 wt Ikal al tb avww
4 td iabrwaiHia wat4 tw
oa as I ti U wlikw,
Mr, 'rtdvat, tkat tolt-a ! I adl
aty rwtkaM ta Ik wvMw a4
styles, such as Empire, V atxl
tit 1
etc., an nanasomeiy tnmmetflV
Covers, each,
Hoop Powder, 5c package.,,
Whole Zanzibar Cloves per g 2q '
Meet Khot Pepper, XT lb.
-121-2C I
Bruce or Beatrice Tomatoes, Iinr .
cans CtxMxi
Blair Corn, 2 cuns
Parlor Matches, packaga
Butterlne, Rwiftn or Armour's, 2 f fi'.
pound rolls, per pound
In 10 pound lots, per lb.
Potatoes, per bushel ,
I itirnln
f S-lillVVllI)
of the senate will closo down mnny en
terprises, like the repnblieiins sn.v a re
form tariff bill will. Tlio bill will close
down legitimate enterprien that are to
day in operation. It will throw people
out, of employment. It will put the book
biiHineHMin th hands of a smaller num
ber than those who are now iu it. How
can nny man who says he opposes the
reduction of tlin tariff le cause it throw ;
labor out of employment favor this bill
uule s he can show Is-tter reasous lor its I
passage th m am in it? f
Mr. Presiilent, it further than
that. I bis dill will ,,tr hurd upon the
country weekly tiewspniers. The bib
robs the editor of the country news
pnis-rof bis ouly chance today of (
v. rtising hi pniNT nud Increasim j
circubtiion. It rob the man who, '
to Nlart a imiier and fomiMt i ir I jL
its that ar already etablislieu
have plenty of money behind t
Tin l.iil rol tlii ui ol tin, iti,i4,,,
privil.tfe, thi.l t,M.,v ihnirii f.
nine that the country editor ha to
advertise hi pn'r a id enteod hi circu
lation, ilurttHitv l,i if the bill pae.
your iiewiH.r, th Silver Kulhi (lurn- j
ing to S-naitir Stewwrl), w ill b ccip
pltl on lotv limit up your eirvtiU-
tioueitMii, ,v .ph,, i,,tf r,h '
le. Tb prollt ytlr wout-l
not jitntily von in i.uUiiu . ...
roa.i, lit ptv riolro.i l
li lo kI su ril r
larw aud bob
for your papei
I oil IIOKl ll "It
Uri Is
upoa aauiplw ropW
M'. I'r-i , i.i, Htsb.ll will rrl a
aw.pai-r lra, . , rt (h,
lidhattih IwtttlU lof ty lUnh.y
Ul trom lb p.UI yiut.
Th Co t. r.,lt 'o. awHllot,.'
lalhi ..r Ui , ,,l4,. Hr.
rssjottf mi lo to,. aa oi!t w ia O (. til
I n .H.. iM r.t iy tu rt t.
srieliott t, ir i., h. m ,i,.J
. Mi mi I'foperiy, bna fw.w.
twiaHMi'i will I prv. rt . fif K ,,.,tt
l"f. c Hltiwitg a vta ii4.,n.t,,t
' ! l lroeri htf nlf
it wio H i, fr tit.inhttt,,, mun
iari( j, a t I wii! P (Itdiiti
i, t! wtoo-wbwr tk tin
tiinh at wm,. U
lbr a it- ii wp,-r a Ua t.
HINrl laffHVltif 1 aufr
waUtu Hiiuiuat..Mt 4
imi Hl IWk. Mb,u.Wy a
rlr4JtM. Mka tt t;., .
lb ni bwt, h I,. i 4, i
ir mI la i lb U lr tt.allf m
WOit.dltlk-l.H4 tdu litt.t .httt.
balb oalitiuaamy td Ibw T
wo irwi i.
,: 9f'