The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 03, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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! O
Tjro, Ksna., Jan. 20, 1898. I ara
IhuhhI with your fljrlit in Nbrak.
Sgra noti! th fight ia ovw.-J. H. Jiua-
j)ry0D. La., Jan. 24, 1808. I like
far paper ami also tbo jirlnolnlna you
fvocat. It would be almost llbe lm
f njomuof tn family tolomitbu'r. WLIilnir vou wull aurl
causa you rsproaout, 1 am vury truly
fours Kliua Wimcir.
n. T. Jan. 28. 1HH. Thai
;i'itNKNTlall rlicht.-(). W. Halbiy.
r Aim, jsir., Jan.
rtilKtr la alt rlht. It fa au 'dura tor f'r
!h ixiople tuai can """"
.bat it la a llttlo bard on tbo tculd Uijk.
iut not liulf iia bard na tliy ara on the
opla. You put your light tin
Elm t It may be u of all twtt (that ara
not blind) but tbny, Mia K'' vi
tbalra omli-r a buanoi iu i"BJ ""
o tbat tba pwnla will grope along In
bo datkmsa. jnoa. mwuv.
Tmrn,rtnl. Jan. Jtf, In-
t l nil in iifivinnnt of suo-
jcrlptlon for a Hit of uWrlburn, In
uoruanoa with your 15 wnt offr. I Ilka
thapniMir all right and wish ibaaamo
tbuniiant au:cM, ju gru
McKlulnr uroaiM-rlty Iimk not yt struck
CboiM county. Ilurrab for Mryan and
AIImjI Yours for siicwaa. I). Jknson.
... . , ... T.... 111 1 LltU I
waaniiiRion, iow, in. rfw, jcw.
cannot do without tlia apor for all my
I4 Not Contain Syllabi In Support of
International Bimatalliam,
l'raaldont MvKlnley d'iclnrad at tba
banquet of tba Naw York manufacturer
tbat tba policy of tbo republican party
and of bli administration la to pay tbo
obligation of the United Ktatea In tbo
"boat money" fa tba world, In dollar
wblcb shall b tba o'jual of any other
dollar In tbo world, and o on. Tbo pe
culiar dwn in Mr. McKinley'a character
wblcb makoa blin deal In language with
a round and flowing ouod, inatond of
language impla and direct, beld blin
back from declaring In eo many worda
that be la for tbo ainglo gold atandard,
pure and aimple, but what bo did auy Iiim
tb aamo meaning aa If be bad mad
that declaration. There wasn't a syl
lable In bia talk about International bl
nWalllsm, or any further effort to ob
tain it. That la reserved for thoae
chimney corner talks from which Mr.
Woltott and bia friends profuse to de
rive conviction that tbo president re
mains a bimetallist, in aorne Inscru table
way; while doing all bo can for tbo ainglo
Uytbe "beat dollar" Mr, McKinley
mean the dearest dollar, the dollar with
the largest purchasing power, the dollar
that will buy tbo most. If the money In
fluence of the world, the great dollar
owning trust, ia able to control legisla
tion in various countries and thereby
Artificially Increase the purchasing piiwnr
ol the dollar, the producers 01 thin
country and of all countriiei, according
to Mr. McKinley, must give up to pay
their debta a quantity of their products
Increasing in proportion to the lucnwis
ing purchasing power of the dollar.
Tbat is honeety, says Mr. McKinley. It
ia something to be proud of, something
to brag about, save Mr, McKinley.
The dollar owning trust has not fin
ished appiuclatlng the dollar. Ouly n
day or two ago the Indian government
suggested that sbp be taken at ouoe to
Anally and irrevocably establish the
gold standard in India. The next step
will be to establish it in China and otlmr
oriental countries where silver is the
measure of value, lf these plans are
carried out the apnreoitition oigold will
make another and an tintiieiimi hound
forward. There will lie another world
wide fall in prtera of everything els as
measured in gold. I'roducta will coin
mand lower dollnra, manufactured goods
will command fewer dollars, mnl estate
will command fewer dollars. Hut debts,
public and private, will call lur aa many
dollars an ever, and, therefore, for more
1rod nets and miuiufucturv and real st
ate and for mors labor.
Mr. Mrkliiley'a Mwfb puts him un
equivocally in tea position ol "prewrv
lug the gold standard." II has dee.
trojsd the but preteu) that his admlo-
letrntlon haa any bimetallic tndetuy,
Ha baa destroyed the last sieuss lor any
btnietalilsi to cltng to 11 or to bw party.
Itufky Mouotatu News,
Ssm'tToVaootSpIt Md Buioki Tew Uh
II yoi want lo quit tibao asing
Mil ad lorsver. U mod well, strosi.
vaagsstM, full it! sew bis and vigor, Uks
ho-To-Uss, tba wwsder worker, that
Mis twi ssmi troog. slasy gals
to la ts days. Over 4tH),iXi)
tared. I'sy ,So-Ta-itvflttr druggist
tade gaaraatesi ta ur. fi" or It Wi.
1MkUlss4MUiisnMUdlr, Aldra
MtartiSf tUesd Ca, t ktoaga or ,Sw I,
m iu"y 1
a rtMM)fSll
Tb Mat was a wwktihy aad till
yoittig h iltx tu oiiuire, n tUab and If
ludultMil, ihUlK. wkbb wss (fta
bsl l U ws want tw Uy a fstUtt'
it, sud w.kw4 It was ta
tb futil i Ik wit tbsl tuy tiWita
was i(vutsUy UiUL It )4 h
Umt a avi7 tuuii. Tk Rtsti wm
gtvi uy, itt lwb k4 ths twrvt it lit,
. UMei if Dm) 44Mtty a4 it
txumses It ttttul
II weuU bat away If Wm kd
darvd and Ml Ur iuii4 tu tut b.
II did )'! Ilk tbvui oid tw4 k
wvtd IHt U shut ts a rrttm w ita
ay Mia 14 tkenttMi w14 1 Ma aUt.
)iSM said ssy flUsU, wk bl gwal
Uf)sM uvvt kiut (a tnlMM b hot
vf tttt4 w'4 W Hkj w UvtH kv ws
taragkt Uht t4tta tk " Vutt taast j4
dl tkl That Wf gt leoasis w ky
t shwaUi ih4 kv ob. "If y
will 4 i wltk str felsitv, vm
as fw wiik tk rlfvwaj,M 'la
Ufgftaaal Wall. It 1 ts4 I as,
kal Wtile,itltdl lntV'Wajii4MI
I s) a la Kttwi(Ji Csalarf,
boia Im In W. J. Hryan. Foravwr youra,
(Joo. Maaoott.
Huntloy, N'ob., Jan. 25, IH'JH. KniTon
Inoki'Knoknt: i'outid away ut Jliui
boya down your way na we are doing
bore in ilnrlan and we wilt kuyi tbo hi
amy wiwre tuojr ought to be. Youra for
biiccmh. 1" H, Audiron.
l-'ort Ibuio, Okla., Jan. M, 1
liko tba tune you are playing for Moore
and Hartley and all. 1'oter ilauHim.
Ayr. Nbr.; Jan. 21, 1 HWH, I
blgbly ploaaod wltli tb pupnr, buv
Ikkmi acontluuouaaubacriberalniia 18W.
M, IJ. I''ooto.
Kearimy, Jon. 24,1808, The
iiapiT la all rlgbti, Hit them bard.
Youra truly, John Honnlng.
Humboldt, Nebr., Jan, 17, 1H08, Kni
roii wiiki'kndi-kt: I fully iprelala
the grand work you are doing In the
naiiwi of the common people. Youra
truly, C. II. (Jrldly.
Wbcitler, Nebr.. Jan. 21, 1808, tain
alwaya auxloua togettbalNOKi'KNoicNT.
Would like It twice a week Inalead of
once. Youra reepeistfully, i, N, Ulabop.
Highland, Ark,, Jan. 18, 1808, hoi
Ton Indki'KNIiknt: 1 cannot do without
tba paper. 1 like your iioaltlon on the
j Dilution at laaue, J, M. Millholluii.
The Correct Auiiwer,
following Is tbo llrst response which 1
bnvo received to my problem:
llethany. Nob., Jan, 28, 1808,
Hon. Wilbur F. liryunt,
Hurtingtou, Nub.
Hear Hlr: The mathematical prob
lem you iiublisbed In the Nebraska In
uki'KNdknt of Jan, 27, 1808, can not be
solved for the reason that the squares of
the unequal sums 225x170 will not
equal the square of half their sum. The
squares of 225x175 la 110,878. The
squares of half their sum 200x200 Is
40,000, The difference between 225 and
1 75 Is 50, Tbo average of the difference1
50 Is 25. The aquare of 25x25 is 025.
The difference of the squares of the equal
and unequal numbers. Jly reason of the
above mathematical law this problem
can not bo solved.
lllfdllOK WllKIIIT.
P. 8. Hon of W. F. Wright. My age
is seventeen.
Mr. Wright la eminently correct. Hut
he neglected to state whether he would
take the Oxford or the Douay editions.
If l,u will Iiiilvu tlm ronuired eiirtiflcale
with bia order at the Inhki-kndic.nt of
fice, 1 will fill the aamo next week, aa 1
expect to be in Lincoln In person.
v f,i i ....
Yvimiuii r. inn n r.
French Brides and Grooms Kiss and Hug
Escb Othsr Fresly In Public.
It ia evident, from her letter to the
'ebruury Ladies' Homo Journal, that
Miss Lillian ilell finds much in l'aria to
interest and amuse her. Among other
things that are rather novel to an Amer
ican, "one amis," she write, "the comi
cal sight of a I'reirjli bride and bride
groom, in all the glory of their bridal
array white satin, veil ami orange blos
somsdriving through the streets in
open cabs, and hugging and kissing mch
ot her with au undone Ireedom which is
apt to throw a conservative Ameiiuun
into a spasm ol laughter, liuleei, the
frank and candid way that love-making
govs ou In public among the lower
classes is so auiaxiiig that at llrst you
think you never in this world will become
accustomed to It, but you get accus
tomed to a great many strange sights
in Paris. If a kiss explodes with un
usual violence ia a cab near mine it
sometimes wares the horse, but it no
longrr disturbs me iu the least. My
uervousueaa over that sort of thing hus
entirely worn oft."
I'l-incuT amd Paitiim I. gentlemen or
Indie to travel for rioiillihi, eetnte
hshml house In Nbraka, Moutblv 103
and aiiwusts. Position tady, lUicr
eiioe, r-nvloMM stdf-aiMrMMHl litiiid
enveloiie. The iHimlnlou Company,
iK pt. K. Chicago,
Mraln A liars. AMrM al t-aw.
Rooms B J to bit, in,i.vU, 137
Houth 11 Ih strvwt, l.iueoln, Neb. 8V
tlsmvot ol estate and all kind ol Wgal
buslnes attadd to promptly and care
fully. Tim rrm l lrw4.
Taluabbiyouag orchard ol 41 oem la
pruaiw, titivva and other Irulla. la
part id etat. t'tewr, and till U iwrU t.
No irriaaiiua U hiev, I tiass In tarn-
II I rveU wioving, as ! will t
sU(ir N!raa Ua l. AdJrwM A
(i, t MArwAs, I .ia.i a, NU
Hahtataa Blaima Cms aU.
Cvp'Mui Nhrka etUMto
It ! t lMIr l'f. Addrva
tJataib Nuftk A Cit., .IbhI, Xks
hfM iit
wM4 VII HS Mie.tlM ll
MW Safe.. M I ..! Hit, Ml
. Whit IMS. M IW kaia
t wl i Ik ImI Ik4l mik. M4wt4 Im ha
uat44 II I 4. it. Ik i
m I tfm IImi at IS .! k. lk
lk ilttl km, 4 lulat l Im M k Ik
kM4-H t -k ki-U m k t-4 ai
lM tmm nh kl , . .!. tiiuu
k4 k4 i la 4 kis k iiwiuiet
4 k's kou. aMka km,.)
I a Iv4 ki4M - M Ma af
k.i loa la k im..-j 14 h i tat aa I k. .
Mt kiitaai a4 Ik aAkS aaia Iim I.
ka H 14 N mt k4 ta ka
m ka W ka mi ta -4 Iw.
f , aa4 a MW. ta ka H4 ! at
Sa ka ka 4 M .laft ay la
tmr hill la Ikal
lialS kwt 4
I ka !! S4 imiii( Ik lik ka
k m l kioa, aa4 al t i ' k , a
aar K I. Hiatat ik.
IVaan iia. a,
A MVf ( lll
I I lib wmntobbV l mw 1 wni 1 I MPWV w W WW www w wwww w w w
An !ntrrtlnt Invention Dmlfiied Vow a
Nrruln. (
Tbo accompanying illustration sbowi
what is suld to ho tbu smallest (dootrlo
motor in existence. Tim illustration
hows tbu motor in its full aim It wni
madu to be worn as a scnrfpln by Mr,
D. Cioodln, a Jovvuler and wiitohrnukcr
of McKiiinoy, Tex. It weigh complete
I pcimywoigbt and fl grains, Tbo front
of tbo motor is of highly polisliod gold,
and Die commutator segments are also
of gold, Viewed from tbo front, tba
motor presents only a gold appuaraima.
Tbo fluid magnet are mudo of two thick
li esse of No, 22 sheet Iron scrn pud down
and polisliod. Tlmso art) beld together
with gold screw mid wound with No,
28 silk covered wire, Tim nriiiuturo i
of tiio four jiolii typo and is wound with
No, 80 wire, Tbu llttlo brushes aro of
bumuiered copper und are, of oourmi,
very thin, Tiiero is n small gold switch
ou a black rubber biiiei, Hindu with a
pin, to bo worn on tho lnpel of tbo vent.
A small chloride of silver buttery, car
ried in tho vest pocket, furnishes the
current for tho operation of tho llttlo
mnuhino. The motor run at a very high
speed, mid it bumming can bo distinct
ly beard by any one Ntuiiditig near tho
woarcr. Kloctrlcul Jtcvluw.
(,'iMtll Nosp.
Tbo cxistouco of a plnguo in India
ha developed some interesting fun's
ancnt tho manufacture of enstile soap,
which has such a favorable reputation
from a bygicnio standpoint. The pro
vailing impression bus been tliut tbo
renowned soup of Marseille was made
from tho pure olive oil from tho south,
of Frunco, while tho trnth ia that it i
manufactured from common linseed oil
imported from India,
Tho truth enmo out by peculiar
mean. When the quarantine was
placed ngalnst India, it served to cause
a stoppage of all commercial relations.
Hhlpping was discontinued, and tho
soup factories were forced to close. A
there is ulways a constant demand for
tho soap people began to wonder why
tho factories ceased to produce it. An
investigation proved that tho manufac
turer huvo for 20 year been duping tho
Newark's Leather Industry,
Tbero urn fully 12,000 bide tannod
weekly in Newark, N. J. About halt
of tlieso become shoo tipping und vamp
lumber, tho remainder carriage, daub,
furniture und fancy leather. More horse
hides me tunned than iu any other place
in this country. Cordovan vamps urn
tho product. (Jbromo tumiwd solo for bi
cycle shoes is in in Ut and the manufac
ture of kangaroo and kangaroo kid is
au important interest. All kinds of bug
und hook leal her are produced. Tho
tanner tire said to get mure money out
of a hide than anywhere else. Three
and sometimes four splits aro niadn uml
finished, it is estimated that $1(1 is
realized per hide, and the yearly busi
ness doiiu uiiiouiit to f 1 0,000, 000.
Aunlvul llrl.ka.
Hollow weilgo bricks wero used by
tbu Uoiuans for coiistrueting n relics nt
their Imth ut liath, Luglaiel. Accord
ing to Tbo Lngiueer, the roof of the
dressing room were covered in souio In-
staiUHHt with flat brick arches, and 1
these would bnvo fallen iu by their owu
weight if iHiiutruotid in tlm ordinary
manner, hollow voussoirs wero molded
with a SDinieyliiidrical projection oi
ono radial sidu and a seiuicylludrieal
cavity to correspond en tlei olio r. Th
ricks were nUtut one fix t Imig from
lutrado l' iktrudoaud ten lie lies wide
on the Uw k. Th y were thiUhcd wvll
and appanutly of fir Imrut ordtuary
A Oulvaal r t llalt4,
IdquelUI H llubdd make ail I0e-
bill itihrv epical c in. nt. Una caa
dlawdva c.aiHl phelegraphUKit lluloidl
til in lyi wtlliig Ihvia tulti abtiHU and
snaking Ihviu tu alcidud. Vbn swelliil
and grvmu (!, at gvUtiu ibis in tvdd
walt-r, a Id nhn, ami iu a fw iiitauH
tb lttuid Uw.-u.i-e fluid and if
sUU bi 1 14 muviUuv. This cuu ul in
l s, v'l'd to giMiral s will as micio
am pta uwa, but it iiiat u( to h tu
Hr tha Hra, f . IUluid tarn Ilk
A la iiia.
At lau, Mawk, tkiia tkunw la ti
tUal vpitiiw aw ii.4t gla wkkkt
I siiia. liug urn it am uUvtt, 1 his I a
tvdl gla, ii ioi tug mw U lug a-.!
Wkb b tml ib nur, tba atd t Uat I rid
Ht tlA 11 leg bUla kbw In ta
MUr. In a iwbi iiut a l " i4 l
llat ran lhnnti lhi Hsbtn was X
tltt t U wa Ua au a ud
lnt i etui a iu4 bt tn
lUixHisk k idd el) I k.1
tkaa ts4 MMaSaa,
A rsilly iablukl rrl i4 lata
tigUiaiS i tk kCfm t id ebaHM dt
tag lb iiidMy id kliUi at llaw
twig isl 11 tKt wt 4 ll tal
srutw aflaf Ut aunts In Ik ftsst tud
a IU wlf ttUUiai I, Ml, una
Ik-data lMkvvl ta Ik ti ltw
kri-AwiMti ktUtxlvSl JimiusL
Tli ftearnt of Iinprnelrabla Armor and
IrrUtlll frojaotilas.
We bnvo previously had something to
say regarding tho curious circumstance
thut olllclul test of armor and of pro
jectiles aro ulniost invariably successful.
If a plate is being tested, it withstand
the shell and ia scarcely injured. The
test 1 therefore "sutlsfuotory, " and tho
fact that tiio projectile ia shattered doe
not count against it, because, bless yoa,
projectiles urn not being tested. On tho
other band, when a project ile i to bo
tested it initially pierces tho plate a if
tho latter wio made of green chocso
and goes many feet into tho earth be
hind the pinto und i recovered pructi
cully tiuiiijurodiu fuet, almost if not
quite lit for being used over ugain.
Then this test of tho shell is "satisfac
tory," and tho entire failure of tho
plate to withstand it is not counted
against the plate, because, don't you
sco, plntcs tiro not ut that time under
On Nov, 20, nt the Indian Head prov
ing ground, there was a test of an eight
inch plain of armor, representing COO
ton, made by tiio (Jnrnegio company
for the turret of tho battleship Kcur
surge and Kentucky, Two eight inch
shells one n Ourpenter projectile and
tho other u Wheeler wero fired ut the
plate, one ut u high and tho other ut a
low vehs ity. Neither shell penetrated
or cracked tho plate, but both were par
tial ly welded into it. Tho test was re
garded a entirely satisfactory and en
sures the acceptance of the armor.
After this olllclul test of the armor
plate, the ordnance olllclul fired u
third projectile ut tlm plate, It was a
capped shell und was 'tired in this cumu
to siiow the penetrating power of the
projectile, J lie shell, (Ircd at a high ve
locity, went entirely through tho plate,
and the result in this cusu was also con
sidered satisfactory from tho shell
point of view. And the two tests, taken
together, seem to demonstrate thut we
make Impenetrable armor plates and ir
resistible projectile. American Ma
chinist. Jfuree ut tlia Sua.
The tremendous force of tho sea wa
illustrated by an object lesson ashore
In New Vork city recently, when five
lurgo tanks, built to contain J 0,000
pound of soup, but which wero tempo
rarily filled with water end situated ou
the fourth floor of u large building, col
lapsed und completely wrecked the
whole building, killing three men und
doing a large amount of damage. Tho
tank were each 10 fuet high und about
li) feet diameter and contained 101,7011
pounds of wutcr, but tho floor und sup
porting Ileum proved altogether inudo
quato to stand tjio strain. A wuveof tho
dimension of one of those tank i not
at all unusual ut sea, and when such a
wave breaks ou u vessel' deck tho force
of the blow can only bo estimated by
tho amount of daiuagu it doe, iu gpito
of tho elasticity of tho water beneath
tiio vessel to euse her iu receiving tho
shock. Hcieiitillo American,
Nugar and Muular Knerllon.
It is u fact well known to Alpine
tourist that ou difficult climbing ex
cursion un increased desire is felt for
tho consumption of sweet and sweet
ened foods, and many who never touch
such things at homo devour largu quan
tities of them on these tours. Tho 1'ru
sian war olliee nx-cnUy experimented
with sugar and saccharin. When u
largo amount of muscular work had
been performed, it was found that a
grcutcr quantity of work could be got
through on the days when tbo sugaf
was given than on the days when sac
charin was given. The system had be
come very poor in sugar in consequence
of the severe muscular effort which bad
previously lieen gone through, and
lieiico tho iiilmuiini ration of a compara
tively small quantity of sugar hud tlm
effect of producing no incri used capa
bility for work. l.nglish Mechanic
Notrl llyilraulla Air (uuiirvMr.
A recently nateiileil air coiiitirchsor
COIlsinU of an i udlen i Imlil of hucket
Working up and dow n in a vertical col
umn of w liter. Tim lii ight of tiio col
umn of water determine tlm pressuru
of the air. The Inn ki t inter tho water
upside down nod empty or full of uir
ouly. As they descend tbu uir is com
presMd, and when the buckets turu M
tm' nd the air e up upward and is
immediately caught In a suitably pUml
chamber, frau which ll is conveyed by
a pi for ue. Tliw tnicket acud full
of water, and a lin y turu lo descend
again the waii r is all pound out, No
valve or oile r mm ebaiium is required.
Aim Hi mi Ma biutat,
w I'fculuaraphla flalaa.
I'iii Utu I'olwti, an army ef-
flix-r, ba tb lw l a roiiiuiug im an of
dliuiuUbUig tho 1 1 tit of etpiwum of
iiholigiapluo ilatta ka order log I a
yiaal lioav IU Itud llul ioiu of tbi
luhl gia ibn uk'b tb " Utm I ri oiid.i
dat and ttlbii II Wk lulu Iba film
by a rn i f whitw lr i'f rard
Uiird t l"i 1 1 lb tUiu. lie ii In
getsii'll Ulif K.ulL I y loaklug b
pUlwlib Itiiu, wbilit ertqu laVi
ii lb gUa ai-l llxwlug tut vinul.l
irti ll mi,
t a al iatal w4ia.
tiulMii brf klitiwu UmI Uia riu Ipt
f aiu U'-a i f U in( latiiial Ulu l I
dv-tU' y itiiu iiM, i ia ii viivmU
tt-4, tii talijr th. rixulliug flfta
kuu ular and kHivuu Hilly, TU
Uul r Mum a i'ultar iMi.t
whit It teiaiatUi-t luli)iug iigaaM
C l4i itb d lv He tiiir id
ial Mtiin, A nii.ltl U quau
Uly i f 'i--a U ui l I land la lUa
Iim U-lVitf Mtt N
tWotll la Sa-t atM
It I fi)H rd Ik-it lb AM4 Kl
I-eva (tMtuy and lk kil klla kl
.- vtmiiAny U I tii.i will u ali
du lbt ililiiiiy Itmki, iw knaUl
1 1 bottK. ad ewMitut I ibm !.
Itiiwity iallrd w4i4ikltliWl
25 SO
IRQrtr NTPf V nniDllITPrn nr
ADOULU 1 Cib I UUAIlAf 1 1 Ltill mf
11 ji tooofcit rry sa. st khmivh iikhkiii
ItKT, L. V. HAS, O. V., Manager.
Flttsbarf, Pa Toronto. Can., Nsw Orlnans, l,a Nw York, K, Y Wlilimtos, D, 0 sa Praa,
Iseo, C'l ClilnKo, III,, St, toul, Mo,, sad Pusmr, Culorailo,
Thurs ars ihoananils of pnnltlnns to lis flllml darlnstb school farm, catincil tr rlpaHoB,
dralh, mo, Wt bail ovr 0i0 vnoanelM dnrlns tba pant indsun. Unmiiialntl raallltlo fur Dlaotaa;
tsnnbvri In trsrjr part ol tb (J, M. amj Caiiiela, orr Vl pr cant ol Ihosn who riiltr4 NfoM
Aiivust iurJ position. Doth rsistarM la offluos, AdJras all applinatlon U rltt
bur, I'a,
A Necealtylo Weak Woman.
Positively tli only rwudy enrtng
Jnmnl Wrmhntmt ut olulu
troutilii. duroa all Womk J'nint
aod InfftsMHttioiMjitrutiatiianlng
to vmawMiiv onrana. Prioa fur
treat oaat whtoti imi SO daya. V IW
bf mull. w Hmrmmi. Mm. M.
Men lion .Nkiikaska Inuki'Icnuknt when
The best
The best
hand at
Our Majestic Coal fs good;
Hayr, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties
14th and Nicholas Sts., -
Ji Jl
fttt-ZJsfllk i
w iw, . V-'.akJli itt t-
w4 . . . . .... ... . Ml
165 Washlnqtos St., Naw York
Wholesale and
for building and cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monuments ol modern design always on hand.
Writs lor cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address,
Coi. ljth and O Sts., LINCOLN, NEB.
mull mn mm
ami- . ji
I rstrras l.iviif T
, 1'iaSASSS tr t I
llncoln, Nebr.
iye.Iar.Nose and
!!' k m I 0 1 I f 30 - a., I v. I a ss.
10 VI AH!'
.4 Tkam Ms
k 4 Oiana
rtft CavHi"t AS
tlNMM S tkal.k tm4 wy" "
k' t a..-M mi '. rw a.k
Mflt .1 I
aw t ikM . M. ai .
Stm. .Ih ak.. talka
Sdtnilfic Jlctrlcfx
t 1miI , aKia4 ', I M
ti .1 i aw .u ! I
tM m- ka K V k, .'I k ''
. .
February 3, 1898
- iirroiilliiillon. Cssrsrsts sr lliklrtml
rrP r rlp,liul rsss ruj aalural rsnulUb '
ro.. rniriutn. g'yyyyy m
OHnf SkMNMraaaM ttn
Um OMt, my0
MT Su( I UiUi
Iut nam
writing to our udvertiser
place to trade jt jt j j j
grades of Coal always on
our White Ash will suit you
Phone 335
Fuel Co., 1016 0 St.
Tfl rH 'O fQ .Q tUTflrialh-ll
Variable rrktion V
fMd Haw Mills. W
SWofllc Mill
ofNr leaner.
ibiea and
lers, Corn,
feed and
flour Mills,
Cane Mill,
Water Wheels,
Baling Presses,
lorn Shellera
and Pea llullers, .
Shnftina. Pullevslfl
nratcf o PRirrs.
and Mill Gearing. 'f
Illy. ill . ma i.t au lows, sio. y
Retail Dealers.
ft I ffoT Wlillt
SITBK, )t.
Tin MT WFF.KI.V Pt ni MiiKt
II M fm Vm to AA.a.a
11401 ths Slivtr fore f tatrkk
41101 Is II bid sal Misisi SpJftv
llitt la kiwi-ial DtBtitattsts,
if tit la attUfta 0iai4 t 4irftl
Ifillla itaiiiM, Ifliitam, Ceaart
11491 la Csitlt I Afatt
Tho Ureiit
Silver Daily
TM mf sakltakaa m iaaaaaataltM
ta.,, ,aA . ai is l- ,i )'
ak iaa S. BMaMi-St M Sa i
aail tak4a,
Sw, Ma, , f al f taM 1 1 lnai,
t llt rilltll4 CO. Nlitv,Ct!t4
Orwtrit Nwpr in NebmiV.
hi Omaha
$4 per fear In advanco , , .
akatlMttM H ka -n.A al Ika
a ka atk ak
Utkiitk Swats