The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 03, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    February 3, 1898
Mala Issue in the Struggle for 7 rue
Government Is the Regulation
of Those Usurpers.
Tho Innooont Little Pet That Grew
to a Murderous Giant at Its
Host's Expense.
Orava Danger (losing- 1'ioii
B. G. eitiwer III February Arena.
It is of vitiil iiii port ntioo that the
friotids of jiojmlnr government should
gra Hp in u browl way tint Kreut bulo
issues involved in Iho tltfliilu stnifwlo
of tho iirtismit a utriiKKlu upon which
dopi'tids nil issue no lens tiioiiiiuitou
than tho very I'xlstrnco (if jioriuhtr gov
ormnuut. Thu conflict wlileli in jmudinK
In between eortxirutiiiiowur In tlm hands
of a few on Ibu emu sidn und jaiblio In
torusts and tlie wih' rights on tlm
other. Any iiurruwiiitf of tiiin Inhiiu or
any attempt to elevate onu of tho tunny
evil coiiHKjiieiiceH ilowluK from it mo as
to uiakoapuruiiKiuutlNiHtiuiif thnt whleh
Is partial or only it sinlo stiiu from tho
giant stulk 1m 11 salmi hlnudnr whleh
can sorvo only to dlvldo tlm fortius of
tiroRross, liven if tho siiiftlo reform,
however beneficent, triumphed it could
in thu nature of thu nusu bo ut befit but
a partial surae, Thus iiinuojjnly In
money, monopoly in transportation,
monopoly in all piilllo titilltii's, wheth
er national, statu or munkdpiil, and
monopoly in eommodltleH mi ntlul for
Dim'u life, comfort or well being, uro
tho offspring of eorporato control, of
society's need and olvlllziition's dii
tuuudH, in which tho great profit of tho
few are acquired ut thu (-xpnnso of tho
many. Ayitinst this evil, nx tho eon
creto representation of despotism in Its
latent role, all reformer, all friend of
liberty, freedom and Justine., should
Tho foroes of freedom and tho forces
of oppression uro being rapidly mar
shaled, tho lines of battle uro being
drawn. Tho tendencies of tho opposing
theories are no longer vnguo or doubt
fuL If tho corporations uro to continue,
a popular poveriiinnnt cannot live any
more than liberty can exist under tho
rulo of absolutism. Hero is u fact for
thoughtful people to oonslder. Tho cor
porations, us wo Hhall presently see,' uro
tho sworn rnoinios of public rights, in
dividual iiidf jit nrli uro, cnumioii justlco
' and thut wholeromo liberty which murks
n freo government.
Nothing is gained by purging tho
ostrich policy. It is neither manly nor
safo to dingo Imo tho naked funis, which
uro 110 longer disputed questions among
honest and informed tdtizeii. Tho situ
ation In tho United Mutes today re
minds one of ft certain eastern legend.
Abdulluh, 1111 oriental prince, wus one
day reclining 011 his couch, nipping his
Wine, liMteiiing to the munlo of birds
and enjoying tho rich fragrance wufted
from his garden of ruses, when a beau
tiful fly entered his upurtuicntuud pois
ed ou tho edgo of bin w ine cup. Ho
watched tho little insect with intercut
until it flew awny. The next day it re
turned to bin cup, and so on, emli sue
cessivo day ilnding the little viHitor at
the prince's lonely board. In a short
time Abdullah became strongly attached
to tho lly. llocncouiaged, humored mid
petted it, ijcvcr noticing how rapidly it
Xvos growing nor tho xtrungn trnnsfnr
mation that wus (trudually tuklng plueu
by which tliecmcu small ami iiniliciislvo
iuNoet was illuming the form of u man,
and later that of n giant. With tho
growth of the intruder the vigor, health
and grentucsa of tho prince diminished,
Abdulluh been mo no fusclunted with his
visitor thnt be gave him the right of his
house, and when his self invited guest
after appropriating some of the prince's
most printed tmistirts gave them buck
to Abdulhth thu poor potentate weut
into 1111 ecstasy over the gciu roKiiy of
his gucot, wholly hlivinu of thu fact
thnt Ihu little ret uriied win but h moiety
of hisowu wealth which the Intuit) r
bad nppropriuted. With the asei mlnny
of tho giant thai had oiicti Unit u lly
t'Siiio tliocouipU to trutiofiinmtluu of tint
prince. He lust nil capacity for ntisin
and self government mill reflected inly
that W Ilk li th.t gluOt disilitl him tu
manifest, 1 linen he l-emum a ringing
luekry at tlm fit t tf a nulle tyrant,
I'lnhr till fatal II Ahthtllah ill..
niUwd, tbrmleil r ilctmviHl nil his
trim hit nd mid faithful trviit and
follower, letting tu plue l,.
wly tudtf the fcimt. Ihtu am tin r
t Intuitu iniiinoir tlm tinlmpiy rt Ho
llo aUii)t 11 f ) tliatitod to lb"
f m Unite, ttvf fiur, 1huimuiiitf of til
lid fiuutU hud twit im kl, lluir
Bib Illy had I Mil ldit with U
ItiAtS and liow th pile Ml iiiiulf
II I eW O U U DIM if I Wu W Itil w a a
tniik'r 1 1 ny huh vr b. I mhii
Itivet. I'll ttitlMtm I lie 1 (II4 m 1 1 tit t,
tlMItt itiHtxl t 1 a 4llnbt tti
Red Ittm U'd, It l,i..i.,l
lliu titll f lt liUkil IliUUtll w, u
(lit tUf'-At.
lUubu'ved I ti,wtt . l,ut,r
MiH t hat tu(ii vbr kale it a
thi ll s 1 11! jr .rtu,.. iil aMM
fttl f , litty bW , liMlxl vi.ul
U y liavM siiie4 wtr i"l rim
eld lull gettiiMftiii tit Wfct all
t t utth. ie , iX itotit, an. I w
h Vleat 1 int. i llU- aeii, tet
k kat w ma walr lUeir wr.
tUhtly, mttly, tul with tba i m
inn si'
F. kW'
l . tt
, 1,
tral thought of mastery through oodhoI
idatlon and triumph through organ i.u
tiou, a few men huve bunded them
selves together nud huve seized upon
vurious sources of wealth smnetiiut
the wealth which nuture through count
less ages has prepared for all thu children
of earth. In other Instance those things
which, arising from and being depend
cut upon society, cleurly belong to the
people collectively, have been seized
upon aud utilized for tho benefit of thu
few, while a third method of ueeumu
luting wealth has been through Indirect
oppression by securing a monopoly of
the products which enter hugely into
modern life, 11 monopoly rendered pus
ible through tho protection afforded by
government anil the aid of those who
hud already grown powerful through
tho control of nature's treasuries und
society's opportunities. These class fit
Tors and special privileges have been
frequently supplemented by acts w hich
to say tho least, huve been glurlngly im
moral, such us the watering of stock und
gambling with loaded dimi, In this man
tier have tho corpora thins advanced step
ty step till I he warnings of statesmen
anil sdioiars, wlileli a few years ago
were denounced us ubsuril nud demu
gogicul, are no longer questioned,
Tho greut power of corporations is fed
by sources of wealth which belong to
all thu people, und the unjust uppropri
atiou of which by a fuw entails that
natural suffering upon the social body
which on Infraction of hygloulo Jaw
entails upon tho physical body, Thus
nature has provided land rich in pro
ductlve power; she has stored light und
heat ill her secret recesses for tho Iless
lug and comfort of all the jcoplc, and
It is tho right, nay, it is tho supreme
duty, of the government to see thut so
clety us it whole enjoys tho blessings of
these sources of comfort und essential
to life, it Is a crime when a few persons
are permit ted loselu and hold for their
owu prollt these vast privileges while
the humblest citizen, becuuso of these
unequal udvuntages, is inudu to sutler
aud die for what otherwise would huve
Uiudo life a joy,
Today wo llnd tho vast oilfields of
America iu tho hands of a corporation
Which hits behind it it record of lawless
lies thut may well umazii intelligent
foreigners, und this corporation, with
its hands on tho tup which supplies the
people's light, levies a revenue from
millions of people which If enjoyed by
all Instead of by it few score people
Would render it possible to reduce tuxes
ou thu 01 nt band und ou thu other for
tho nation to curry on vast measure
for internal Improvement thut would
give employment and good wage to the
"out of works" on practicul und needed
enterprises, such us tho erection of per
muneut levees, tlie rechtniution of arid
lund by irrigation, tho building of greut
highways for the pcopht und similar
necessary improvements, 'Jim intlnllesl
mnl frui tion of the vnst accumulation
farmed from the people by one muu in
the Standard (hi trust which has been
given to it conservative sectarian educu
tionul Institution gives h very fulr hint
of the enormous benefits which would
accrue to nil if this wealth, which nu
turo has stored up for society, were
operuted for tho benefit of society In
steud of being seized und nppropriuted
by a few iu such a manner us to render
possible uu oligarchy ut once lawless,
corrupt und cruel,
The greut oil monopoly i a fuir illus
tration of (inn wuy in which associa
tion or corporations composed of u few
men urn growing rich almost licyond
the imagination of mnn through tlie
stored up rcsoiirecs of mil urn, which
should be, nay, which uro, thu common
heritage und luulieuublu property of ull
the people,
Iu the great coal corporation, with
their frightful system of oppression, so
suggestive of galley slave method ou
the one hand and on the other hand
their eon 1 tul of tho output w hich place
tlm nation at thu mercy of a few per
sons, we have miotlier illustliitiou of the
same vitally important fact w hich con
front the republic today, Nor, when
considering thu injustice practiced
iigaiiist ihu wri t! In il miner und the ex
tortioimtu juice charged for coal, must
we lose sttiht of the Very important
point that with goxctnuicut ownership
und fair rotit u vast revenue would
ui'cruu In the state from this und other
sources of iiatuiul wealth whlclj ty
right belong In all tlm people, UlllcM it
tun lo 1 1 urly estal lisiinl thai might
und ciaft make right. Tiicse grent res
ereiii f wealth pivv ided by u bi in f
ieitit I'rondi iut for humanity are Uo
lug si iii und held by en liitiuitesiiiial
I'li poitn ii i f kotitly, uinl Ibiough tbl
injustice, tin wrong, thi uioial crime,
the m Hi ring i f the 1 1 Iu are jiutly
iUcreitllig, while (lie lloiluul l)Uloi
liictit ef IvllUnle 11 I c heeked, teal
pn i,'i l teunliil, and th current ol
pill lie lift' uu It lug olluled ty a sub
Uu and t .ut l v puiw n
I'sosteg td in the treasure nu of
lot line, while In It und vtiulllt w libit ll
tin) l i, I I y lie ii, le fur I lie gn .1 nf
all Would mi ii iluiei thu It, til i f ut
IlK.llOll, Me nine ,i IMH tilt r Ull if
nip ui i Mu, til it ii, tu Hi,- lom.U 1 1
I lfcliU .1 1 I, It , VI li H It li,,,li .tlv
III, iu, Ml l 1 1 1 1, tli it, i I lie I ' nli Itli e,
b r tt.e 1, l 1 1 Mil ttiul l tit.vt atl u
I Iti I l -ll Ii .i ,i 1 1 ll , I n .ill -IM 1 1
tlm ite in,. ut 11,0 1, .1 , 1, 11, tili,.t,
me 11 it t,iiiii link t itii'ii
Wit iti In 11, in. 1 1. J I, v. 1,1, li i
tlltUlit llll. 4lll W"tld tlluKt I Ml,
tu 1 ttiuil.i ill. j tt Mo,) Hiatal J
It l4t I t l tl ll.t wl 1 1 I t.tiUtli I t (1 li.l j
ttt tltl Hiimi. Welti. i, 111 ll J
lullil. i ( tl i. t-rtii, t rt t,il., , f uH lMl I
I' m i j it in tin mil e tiin 0 Ol
til i lite , !,,. I t a oll,l 1HI11 I 11.!. I
t tl-lu ti t i.'ie 11 n 1 1 ivii. 11 11 tit r I
llttltt Pit I f (,, !, I H, t I,, I, .
ami ttti tit I, ll..' 1 tt lia 1 tit
lit" f tU l utile t tl.M. t tl.itr
h Iwa lui t tv tu n iiiil !y i it
ll' ut ait l- 1 1 tdi it i f ilitt-1 t4ii ti,
ttttMlt Mtti It to tine ' a ltt wtiu
it aliia t,r tu. im. ui wi aiii'jf, ttt tu
ttvaM Uiu wit i f e-i 1 ! Ht I, st,Ut Ilia Liilint., ittUiitt
and tt4itil KivMtituiit and tbllt tlm
!! 1 f tiUiu litv fitM n. iltts In
tegrity and freedom to might, euuuing
aud oppression.
The history of tho grrat monoplies
which so largely control tho storehouse
of nature's weulth or govern their out
put and distribution and tho story of
the rise of the various other uuturnl
monopolies, such as rnilrouds, tele
graphs, telephone and the public utili
ties iu municipal Ufa, would each re
quire a volume. Thu story of one, how
ever, is practically tho history of all,
and I shall therefore merely refer tu
onu or two typical illustrations.
Iu a masterly review of the railroad
question recently made by Justice Wai
ter Clark of thu supreme bench of North
Carolina the able jurist showed from
tho returns mudo by tho railroad oper
ated in thut commonweullh for JKSHl
thut the net earning of tho threo prin
cipal road were ,l)7C,00(), or almost
10 per cent 011 the full actual valuation
of the railroads, a valuation which ac
cording to the railroad corporation i
in excess of the value of their entire
property, Yet though uncording to their
own reports for INIttl their net earning
were almost JM, 000,000, tho claim ot
tho muds is thut iu uddition to a large
interest ou tho actual cost of thu proper
ty or Its rcul valuation they must pay
interest oil ?0, 000,000 of (Iclllloti cap
ital or water, llut I ask, in thu namo of
reason, justice or right, why should ev
ery farmer, t very truveh r und every
shipper In North Citrollint bo thus sys
tematically plundered to pay for capital
which never existed except on paper!
Why should (ho weulth creators of
North Carolina pay 15 per cent on a lib
er ul valuation of the entire railroad
properties after nil running expense,
including princely sularles to favored
official, have been paid, when under
state ownership II per cent would yield
a hundsomu profit for money Invested
aud Vi percent would remain with the
proper owners or rcul creutors of thu
Iu the case of tho New York Central,
as very ably discussed by Governor Wil
liam Jurrubcu, n similar revelation Is
tnudu, while In tho case of thu Atchi
son, the Iron Mountain, the Krlu und
other gn at trunk lines even more us
founding Is tho story of tho corporate
plunder of the public The methods pur
sued by the i'cnusylvuuhi, its pointed
out by (Jovernor I .arm bee, while more
ingenious aie scarcely more creditable J
tnaii tlioso or other lines. JJut, as 1
have nlnudy said, the story of 0110 of
these great corporations which own and
control these vust public Hliitles Is,
with slight vurhitlons, tho story of all.
When we come lo quasi publio utiJi
tics iu municipalities, wo find tho same
record of public plunder for private
gain, J uke, tor example, the metropol
itun street railway of New York, which
furnishes u fuir illustration, The New
York World of Oct, 11, J8U7, published
a carefully prepared und somewhat ex
huustivo history of tho rise of thisgiaut
monopoly. The story shows that there
is today about 10,000,000 of water in
the body of this 0110 child of corpora to
greed, which enjoys au enormously val
uublo street franchise, and in return
compels the traveling public to paydiv
idends, or interest, ou 1 0,880, 000 more
than the totul cost of thu property.
Thu New York Journal publishes
some vuluublo articles showing the
enormous revenue which properly be
long to tho city of New York, hut which
through tho control of quasi publio util
ities by privuto corporation are divert
ed into the pocket of tho few. This pa
per also published a table giving the
annual income iu interest, rental and
dividend from Nome of tho leading pub
lio utilities of New York, of which the
following I u summary:
fitreet mill elevated ruUroailn !),(K5),WtI
dim -,,iii .iiiiJ. H 4,71 1,' 10
KliTtrlu 1 1 Kit 00111 pilule WU",i
liruoklya blrit llullwuy cuiniuny. 2,IN,7Vfi
Total income la dividends, In Inter-
e.l and rentul I17,!W,1H2
Under municipal ownership this im
mense sum would be saved to thu people
iu 1 heiipcr service and iu lower taxes.
J in Illustration uro fair sample of
the YA Dorados of wealth which an
nua lly (low into tho pockets of the few,
who, through the corporato control of
publio utilities, are levying unjust trib
ute for private gain from tho weulth
creator of thu nut Ion.
hpt eial privilege or protection grant
ed by IcgUhitiou uro ituother source of
aiu, from which, with the aid of tho
who control nature' store and thu util
ities iiimlu valmibiu by society, thu ft w
ll It V ti been etiabled tu form Mint tliots
and mi iiopolie. Thus, Iu thu one item
of sugur it wit iiimlu ptissiblu for one
grt ul (rust In take millions of dollar
from Ihu iHopki y levying an addition
al tux on ivtry spin in ful tif sugar nitiii.
All Urn 11 iH intioii are linked together
ly tim l and t f toiuiiiuiilly of luti re. I,
Uu re urn leiiiHl w lit 11 tht ru i lot ul
Waifmti I, r St shot I tiiuti whl In lliugii Mt-
r it'i lalti u uiu ah thing or Hush
ing their snialhr rival, but ill-mi ara
tin n ly im nli nt In thu luun h 1 f i r
pi Min 1 1 wi t, and tho fact ti iintlit lloit
it ipi'irtie gut i I a unit ag4iul piddle
Wial. I lie it tit tutu ii etui tor Hi"
uiom) 1 f attjtiiiliig wtallli f r Ilia t w
III IM I be lisle II ot tlm tilill lhal luakii
tip I Im 1, m em, ami eiipMi ptstu,
h-tt iO Iiii 1 1 ! li a, Kin I tiiilnd liuiiii
t li ihu t r ul, I Um o" I 'imeUUl.'
and tn niully id iiioiallting iiiilu.ii '
lit I lie it 1 1,1 to , a I ii 1 w bit li n it m i
and stil t,iu itiioiiiiiii wli.l.i II 11
),iiiiUi 1 1 1 Hi-i' i., aiul In ttln nl
! in tv in uit 1 juiii to r ill it ti 1
h tit el t Itv ll to tint In i" I a a l" tl !
luUniua In ( ul im tilv. wbili' lllini t
1 1 li'ii, 1 Hi4t 1 and ililin liw(ii
I 1. I li li Uiu ntll lul 1 1 until l.l. !l
J Ho tlm ul t It 1 1 1 1 1 i'Ulili I :
1 01 1 Min pttti ,i itilil tt lult,
iiviiliiv ui Ii Ui i-4 and lettdttnn
IWtUitit Hie t i., M l tin 1, Iha
wbuky ni.fc', I In Km I il. jI an I
tl.i. atiii"i Uiw and Ilia f4t mUti, (
'llitan ai Mr SMtutli ol Ilia it, li ll
ina Intluiritt i f thi t laiii ot lit itt
Ilia 1l linit and that j
wii t f b I t'iu t tiiiiiitlia t '
Malllllitf llttlkllalli t f II i iiIMt
ti ti'l 1 1 Uu lit Ii. Willi lal lf Willi ll Wt
ItuUtad 4wlbl ly Ilia Iniluitna if
corporate power seeking franchises and
special privileges.
Iiut the It'NS open and less brazen In
fluence of tho corporations is oiucthlng
even more ttlurming than their bolder
and more direct methods, Huch are the
purchase of lurge Interests lu great opin
ion forming Journals aud tho silencing
of voices which would sooit awukeu the
conscience of tho uathui were they al
lowed to expose the corrupt and luimor
al pructicus of tho corporation; tho
union of great advertising interests lu a
practical boycott by withdrawing their
patronage from papers advocating meas
ures beneficial to the people but ofleii
sive to tho millionaires, such as the in
come tux; the pressure brought by hunk
ers and iusurunoo companies upon tho
advertising patrons of the press, us well
as upon thu press which advocates meus
ures opposing tho money lending inter
est. These are a few of tho Influences
which have long been actively ut work,
and which, owing to tho rapidly increas
ing power of tho corporation and their
Muchiavellun methods, are becoming
wore aud more successful,
Tho real conflict of the present, tho
struggle upon which the issue of freo
government Is lunging today, Is be
tween corporate power and tho publio
weal, It is a life and deulli conflict be
tween interests organized in blinds und
conducted for tho benefit of the few at
tho expense of the many ou tho one
hand and tho genius of freo government
and tho well being of tho millions ou
the other. It is of first imjiortunco to
keep ever in tho foreground tho funda
mental fact thut tho real issuu is and
must bo tho commonwealth against tho
corporation- that is, the freedom, hap
piness and prosperity of all tho people
against tho aggressions of organized
greed. It matters not whether we con
sider the question from the standpoint
of economics, from that of publio mo
rality und national Integrity or from
thut of private virtue aud self respect
lug inunhood; whether wo view it in
Its relation to the liberty of tho people
and thut sound morality upon which
enduring freo government alouo ouu
rest; whether we view it merely as a
questiou of business relating to tho in
terests of tho people, or whether we
consider the higher und more iufportunt
aspects which relate to the fundamen
tals upon which lusting civilization rests
this issue becomes one of first impor
tance to every right thinking man,
whether ho ho stutesmau or educator,
furmer or artisan.
And, what is more, iu the presence of
this mortal struggle between the forces
of progress and thoso of oppression an
awful duty devolves upon every man,
responsibility which no one, I care uot
how insignificant his Influence muy
seem, can evade without committing
moral crime for which, somewhere and
in some way, ho will suffer as surely ui
there are moral luws running through
tho universe, and as certainly as tho In
fraction of law brings evil consequences.
This question, therefore, is one that
concerns in u vitul way every man and
woman in tho nation. What more glo
rious work can 0110 cngugo in than thut
of rescuing freedom from oppression, re
instating Justice on tho throne of law
and bringing hope, huppiness and pros
perity once mora into tho lives of the
Tlm Kvll ot fruit.
It mny be gracious, but it is just,
licit I, speak lug fi r myself alone, should
ii.tim a dillinncu from the distin
(.tiishcil leader whom flag I followed to
the ditch und who again I am ready to
follow to that inevitable victory which
ti n1 Iuik de reeil him, yet I differ in the
v i w 1 xpresm il that tho k incuruutlou of
him r is (Iiii nioht uigint need of the
hour, (iieut und 11. 1 tiuit a i the
qui st ion, yet lu me there ever urisei
that et Id r r lust ii 11, What avail I it to
the poor n nn should the government
inert ai-o their privilege fourfold to take
that money from him? Ho long a the
law permits Ihu conci titration of weulth
iu thu form of trust tu dii tutu to the
citizen thu price of thu lieccKsitlea ol
cxistencu the citizen's iucreusud dollar
will bo t ut thu im reused sum paid by
that citizen for hi t xislt-ncu. I suy,
then fore, thut when these inoiiopoHcn
through prodigal bouulie obtained by
m le ted legislation can set avaliio tipou
thu poor' privilege of living there can
bo 110 rein f in expedient which palliate
for UU hour thu fast luereusiug wealth.
We have tho spi-ctaclti confronting
u of thu iiiiiibiiied trust, controlling
$7,000,000,1100, thu coiiHiliihttid hunks
111,000,1)00,000, thu railroad 01)0,.
0011,000, yet this vast weulth, onu -third
lf till! Illttloll' tOekiol, IllitUipulilteil
ly hs linn thuti would till Ihu Audito
rium i f Chicago, in t 10,000, Jit Who,
ly vlitiiuif thl prodigious aecuiuula
ti 11 ami It iwtr for evil, openly thfy
thu law, it trilpl Ihu I Allot Uu and de
ll In Ihu Judiciary, und a m letult of It
all they fi reu JO. 0011,000 m tlu lo yh Id
up their It in tit and i'o.Ouo.000 pu j U
t fulfi ll their joluiial ilahu lli.ii,
Jmiii Ibuiiilo 11 Irf-win,
A feint) tf I'atty llf. j
It I Ibu Ml-fi MUIiii if (iriut aillrj
vihi ii b nit In uwir that in It tbik f i
tin rv ii.ity and m huh m nu all lln t
ISI lllallu til tllllt U I ! ll'" ll ly It'll' !
UUtn ii Hlib It Ibu any mil sua Uu iu,
fi In Urn Iti i ul U mi (mi ly tin i l,4
fSiU.1 ilutlMH Ibu jt It w t Hirtiiy j
t li'liflll i im ii, nlirnllt! . u nit, j
William tnnklii; thu b"tiwi f ill llmt
Uu ainiliu turf ut Ibu tuLlful miHU j
Mr I h n Uu. I ilirbti lit nt In;
ib tow il.t. t t.i 1 1 tt i f a I'l.'iiiv ii.ii
l alt w Ul, U luada imtiui'U l Iiii cut
I f ali'lrtli u U lid ill l
lul iy all Ilia Im.i. all th. n n. ii i
In-, sty atui. y M U l lhdii Ilia'
nwuiir. ha Nkin n I u, uinlvr lln'
tW it !! Id ul lit alt ltir U au' i
ll.. fiat llw UtiiitalHi Itilf, lit U
ha kt kid llntu tul,
KlUri iillM I If.
I lit tail,
tint llii I ti n nl int. I '
ll I If lUtat l Itiat ftuy taal It
4l)t an t lniif aHI.iii and "Iiii
lit" atililum aud atlr hvtaliy su
Ibal Mli in. I bit titnt WltlnUt llak
Iti I Ula la llilt rV I IntiK
Formally Tske PosMsaion of tht Oret
Ovsrland Rout.
Tho Union l'aoiflo reoelverahip becnine
a thing of the past at midnight Jan, 81,
1MDH, At that time the receivers ofth
Union 1'nciflo Hallway company form
ally turned owr th possession of the
great "Overland Houtu" aud all other
property In their possession to the
Union I'acifln railroad company,
Willi tho ml vent of the new company
come the aiitiounenrniiiit of tho officer
who will guide and direct ths operation
of the grunt railroad. According ton
circular Issued by Horace 0. Hurt, prl
pent, tlm fidlotviiig exuoiitlvu ofllecr
have been eluded by thu hoard of direc
tors: Alexander Millar, secretary, New
York; .lame (I. Ilnrrl, tmusurer, N'w
York, Kraslii Young, auditor, Oitialiti,
Fruits I). Drown, local tri'iisiirur.Omiihi,
The following iiiiolntuiunts ur madu
hy l'ri'lrliiit Hurt, to become effectiv
Feb. 1,'uN: I'M win Dickinson, gennrftl
miiiager; John A. Monroe, freight trallc
manngiir; Kdward L. Loinax, general
tiiiMsuvger and ticket agent; John II,
Jlurry, chief engineer; John VV, Urlllltli,
piirchislng agent, Omnliu,
Ths president's circular further tnt:
' All other persons In the service of the
receivers upon said lino of railroad on
mii Id day, until lurther notion, arenu
thorlsi'd lo act In their ri'sielv poi
lions und capacities for this coiuinny,"
Tli Trust Of luuu,
Triist-forinhig goes steadily on. It
stois not for sunsou of plenly or udver-
slly, One comblnitliin after unollier
Is consuintneled and the under man
squeals every time, Tho Intent I the
steel rod, wire and nail (rust, mid J,
rierpont Morgan, prince ui tlm trust
makers, I thu head, Morgan will have
turner fur beyond anything lljeltolh-
sclilld ever thought of If he Is spared to
iai New Lincoln :
Hrj. Steel Range W
0000000 000000000000000
Established 1893 .
Save the middleman's profits by buving your
seeds direct from the grower. Vve will send the
following seeds post paid for FIFTY CENTS:
1 pkt Biians, Cameron' Wondr Wax 15c
1 pkt lVft, Cftuii'rori' Kurlli-st of All iro
1 pkt iWwt, Caini'roii'a New (Jolumbia............ 10c
1 pkt Cnbbairo, Nnw.Kitrly I'Mirlcaa 10c
1 pkt t'ucutnbi'r, Jupannafl Cllniblni? 10o
1 pkt lMtnc, Cnumron'a Nw IwiborK J()o
1 pkt Watnr Midon, Kurlii'st of All 10o
1 pkt Mnk Mullon, l'rido of the West lOo
1 pkt Onion, Canii-roa'a Iniprorml Hud 10o
1 pkt lUillsli.Ciiuii'ron'a New Karlii-st of All... 10o
1 pkt Tomato, Catiniron'a Uffhtnlnir Kxprraa 10c
All tlm abova lira now vnrlnt li-. AIo two
laric tittrkanoa of Flower Hwda, nvk contain
Ing l.'l d i Duron t kind ol Flower ftieds 70a
Total 81.70
$1.70 Worth of Seed for only 50 CtS
You can save $1.20,
the middle man's profit,
liy npndinpj in your order at once.
Send for Catalogue.
Mention thla Pacer
. r W. KM V.V. the rilLitl
lish, Twenty yean In tfi fUU of Auction work, Eight J
yuri In Lincoln anJ wU acqtulntd with the farming J
community, FlxpcrUnce In all kinds of rooJi, Stock ana J
impUmcnt. a rcUlty, A gotvl auctlonr must know J
. th value t.f what h li offering for idle, Al to my atil J
ity, inquire at the office d this (Mtvr or any huineu man
in tldi city. For date. aJJrei C V. KAtUY, Lincoln,
. Nebraska, Care Ucal 1 Iotel. Prompt aiuweri ta inquiry
4.4,4,4t4k4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 ,4 .4 ,4 ,4 .4 ,4 .4 .4 ,4 .4 4 ,4 ,4.4 ,
100 AtH1 1 11 hlHM HI
t brttr Tt, I'Ihw Tr, a I'l'U Tra, Ura tiat), 'rtlt I1U
td a.f ia. U, Mi ad tiMa, ,frgiwk, k,t mm
live a few years more. And every it
h mak Is to the direct detrimoi
tlm publio. The voters of the coot
had only begun to appreciate the t
danger when six and a balf million
them Inst November cast their ba
or a man pledged to throttle the 0
fpus, llut lo the next sleet Ion tbie t
will far transcend anything elite In
portanm, Neither ullvnr or tariffl,
tonoli it. The very life-blood of
eoplo I being drawn by those comhi
lions, The larger cities are being fet
the sacrifice of the smaller.1 The t
road foster the tiiiidenoy. It eomwe
bo a question whether or uot the gov
uiHtit some day will not he faced w
the problem of atiorptlon of ths rt
road and tulegraph yteni a well
tho great Industrial enterprises, Til
Is why (ha govern mini t talks about tr)
lug or htillding an armor-plitte pis)
It, Itself, Is coping wltlittcoinblnatloo
KnoxvJIle Hmitinel, J.
Salt Rheum
Infant luf faring -Could Not
-Cured by Hood'f fareaparllla,
, i
"I had salt rheum on my arms, wail
itched Intensely and kept me from else
Ing. Ths sk In on my 'htid would era
open. My friend believed I wae suffs.
ing from blood jolsonlng. 1 decidad I
tskelfood'sHHrnspsrllla. I did not w
ny iinproveinent with the first bott
hut eonllnued with the medicine en
after taking five littles 1 was compkitel
curud. My hands are now as smooth f
I could wish." A. D. lUoav, Elroy, Pa.
Hood'o SaroaporlllQ
1 tlm l,i't-iii fitct tlm One Trua Hawd l'ulfl
dulil by all tlniKK'st. l ( six fur fl. I
(ti ars prutnix, tsmewm an
IlOOd S PHIS easy hi nst. Meeuli
Best on Earth,
MtU 00 Honor, Sold 00 Merit.
Guaranteed 1 rood Biker
and Economical of Fuel;
All Stylet and Slzea.
Hnm psopl talm thr will mv tlulr
nt it iui timlij 1,1 two yrara avar ar .
iit tro o,, ir roar dvaiar Soat ot '
k.p Unen writ to ana w will pro- .
rii)Kw7 Uit tut le bay eas at a'
raunai,ia prim.
Lincoln, NeD,. Makers.
Patronize Home Industry.
Stand bp for Kebraake, ,
Auctioneer. Gfrnun or iinsr- J
30 000 TKItl I UHCMIFD
II dit. wiilalttr nar lrl.
ta lta ''! at"l 'rua 1 .11
wkkh iHd I IU i; Ad Irwst,
& CO,, Oonovn, Nob,