The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, February 03, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    February 3 1898
This department is opened for the public discussion 0! the available candidates
for governor at the coming election. Free speech and open discussion of every
public question has always been one of the principal tenets of the populist party.
It is better for the party, better for the state, better for the candidate, that the
public should know the good qualities and bad qualities of a man before be is
nominated, than to proceed to a nomination and take chances in finding out bis
character and qualifications afterwards. Open discussion will injure the chances of
00 worthy candidate. It may prevent the nomination of an unworthy candidate
If there be any. The public has a right to know. Their only way of knowing, is
by public discussion. When thoroughly acquainted with the facts, the people can
be trustod to do right.
Communications upon this matter should not be long, and in every instance
must be signod by the author. Any article abusive and purely slanderous, writton
for spiteful purposes, will not be published.
What is the best course for the welfare of the state and the good of the pnoplu?
Juile of Ilia Ninth Dlatrict.
I have read with much interest the
letters sugtr' "$ possible or probable
candidate 'governor. I am inter
ested as I artr an old time populist, hav
ing voted for Peter Cooper for president,
and have been in the ilgbt ever since,
although standing almost alone at
times. No doubt, as alreudy suggested,
iov. Holcomb would not accept a re
nomination for a third term and the
populist party should not inaugurate
such an extended tenure of office, the
evils of which are too apparent to need
mention here.
Mr. Spaulding's suggestion contains
merit in that it is only fair that a demo
crat should succeed a populist, for the
nomination, if one can be found who is
true to the interests of the people, and
there are plenty such. Rut Attorney
leneral Smyth is too valuable a man
in his present position where he must
be kept for two years longer, as there
are still some cobwebs to be swept down
by his legal broom.
Rut there is a man in the Oth judicial
district, a man who is far above the
average in ability, in fact who has but
few peers in or out of the state, whose
every motive is honorable and whose
loyalty to the people's interests is tried
and known. He was largoly Instrumen
tal in making the election of Senator
Allen possible at a time when there was
not much love lost between the demo
cratic and populist parties. This man is
Hon. John S. Robinson, now district
Judge. In 1894 an effort was made to
homioate bim for congress on a union of
the democrat, and populiet parties.
When this failed he went into the demo
cratic convention then in session, and
made a strong fight to have the meeting
endorse or nominate Hon. John M.
Devine. His impassioned appeal will be
remembered by those who were present.
He has been twice elected judge by the
populist and democratic parties.
T. H. Okavks,
Pender, eb. Jan. 25, 1H0S.
Furor a Silver Republican.
Editou Independent:
In your last issue I see you have made
it in order for suggestions in regard to
candidates etc. Now I believe it would
be good policy (provided there is a
union of the ri'Iorin lorces) lor the popu
lists to name the candidate for governor.
I also believo that it is just and right
that whenever an officer has served the
people faithfully and honeHtly for a term
he should without u word of contention
bo given his second term, but never in
uny case a third term. So I say nomi
nate the present state olllees. Then
who is to be tho candidate for governor?
This is the question to be settled. Shall
the populisms name him and w ho shall
he he? Of n right the populists should
make the choice, and whatever his name
muy chance to tie be ought to be chosen
from the ranks of the force of the free
silver republicans. No populist, nor
democrat, if he is honest in his advo
cacy for reform and wishea to be fair,
will make any kick over this proposi
tion. The 2M.0IK) reform democrats are well
reprexeiited in that they baveSmy th and
Sullivan. What In may be added to
ilii-ir number or to the ii,000 populists
will be small conipnred to the iiicreaw)
tlmt will runiu from the grand g. o. p. to
the In- silver rpublicnua ami a rwlorni
,.r, mi null in turret ehotil'l blind nur
(.,, Irotu 'lng the foci that our In
rrMo of atreiigth must Co Hie through
this very channel and lit no way could
e n-t to more readily con vine the
timiti and skeptical til our hoiiwely ol
iurMw lo the end that it is gml guv
rraui'Ut we Mut mora than poitlon or
that we are ready and willing to
l UienWuur party ranks If mixmU he,
1,. en ure It.
I true! there U sot one wan claims !
iv a reformer that would like In see our
t-t government auuate-l annta la I be
j ., eolutim. Ha wheal say it la a
I e-tnr-HHK nt wa aek, a a popultal
I itwk U bout enerilhing any
.'it'iilv nknteVrr, eoneielenlljf and
utt to-t, take our aadiUle hr
g-.iernor !'" the frraedtercepultlH'ane.
Irutt toure,
W. t. taHik.
i uk, .. , Un. J7. 'MX
Gc the Children a Drink
eii4aitt- h-a oVU'kitt, a
I,.uisuurakis4 Kh1 dnek la lake
Ihe lea 4 e-.flea. Ht44 by ail fvwere
ee l W b att " U"
,,, Sen .fM-flr prepare! it taetee
,ketsnent ut M t all
lie nr-ina ie. Uraia t ai-la
),., an I eirenstkeaa tke . It
w t eiiwulast, ant ft n.eJlh tnU4e,
ta4 vren, a eel! ftdaite, dtlak
1 wilk-eal WRl, tla about a
(He.aav tt llnnl 31
Ptvenk JiatkWa jour
afil.iwt.treai averted tknt Wa
,4fenrp4, aadklfe. ftre la rtere
wal a klUame.
Hupports Attorney General Smyth,
Editou Indei'kndknt:
Dear Sir: Having noticed your Invlta
Hon for a private expression of views as
to who should be the next candidate for
governor of Nebraska, at the coming
election, I wish to publish my unquali
fled endorsement of the one man who has
proven himself to be the ablest and
most capable candidate which the peo
pie can nominate for the highest execu
tive office in the state. This Is none
other than Attorney Oenoral C. J.
Smyth, a democrat, true It is, but next
to Hon. Wm. J. Bryan, the greatest ex-
ponunt of the people s cause anywhere,
honest, loyal, brave and u born execu
tive; be would be the giant in tho battle,
and could win because so well and fav
orahly known, and because of his famous
record as chairman of the democrat
party, having performed noblest work
in that capacity in rescueing the party
from the most unprincipled corpora
tion barnacles ever known in the History
of Nebraska, familiarly known as the
,1 tumps.
It was his grand work while chairman
that laid the foundation which resulted
in the overthrow of the enemies of re
form in 1800.
As an embezzler convictor he stands
without a peer.
As governor he would be an honor and
a pride to the noble citizens of our com
Yours respectfully,
William 1. Johnson.
Alliance, Neb., Jan. 27, '08.
Would Promote Mr. Harris.
Editor Independent:
I notice that the Independent invites
discussion of candidates for governor,
and without meaning any disparage
ment to others, I wish to call public at
tention to tho one man who, more than
any other, is in a position to carry the
standard in Nebraska to success; con
servative and careful yet true an steel to
principle. A scholarly, Christian man of
the Ethan Allen type, before whom all
interests, from the greatest to tho
smallest, would receive even ami exact
justice from the standpoint of human
law tempered by immutable right; too
great for favoritism and too courageous
to bo moved by any coercive power.
The man who sent the stock yards bill
to the agricultural committee and de
fled the corporation attorneys to at
tempt to change his reference. And
lust, but not least, he represents the
greatest interest of Nebraska agricul
ture. After six years of intimate con
nection with Mr. Hurris in the transac
tion of legislative business, I nm satis
fled that there is no cleanor or stronger
man in the state, nor one who would
make a better governor, nud the people
of Nebrasku will inako no mistake if
they should promote the present licu-tt-nnnt-governor,
James E. Harris, to
the gubernatorial chair. Respectfully,
H. J. Stewaiit.
Crawford, Neb., Jan. 22, 'W.
One Caute of Slepleesni that Can be
Readily Ovsicoms.
Mr. Wm. Huitditchu of 4lth St. Cotton
Alley. Pilteburg, l'a expreaem himeell
ne follow regarding the new remedy lor
that I'oiiiiuou and obstinate dietitmi,piU-e;
"I take pleasure in stating that I wae mi
atHieted with pile that lr three mouth
I got no regular lep; I bregma com
pletely proatrated, the dot-tore did me no
good, tny brother told uieof the new
remedy for pil, the Pyramid Pile Cure,
I purviiaaeil Iroiu my drugtfiel three M
ttt tor, aud lliey loui lately curtxl
tua. I am oat mora at my work and
al it not twaa lor law eiwlint
rlne I ahouUI mow be on my ! k. I t k
grl pleasure in writing tkle letter t
eauea eti many ! pie are euflvrvr from
Iknt tmuhkt who, like tnjeelf, did Hot
katiw wberw to lHik lor a permanent, re
liable can cure,
t;lr with Ike Pyramid hie Pure
la Iba Mtt thrvayewre kiMdeiMontralel
In the mhI'I proleaaiiiu, M4 Wll a In
Ihouean U i4 eulerer lrn iilea, that It
la Ike eafoet and Uioet ellVt'lu! piia sure
ever i ft-re-l tu Ike pliJu, tinlamg no
uttalei ur u,iu o any kind, mUi
and euavenient la , and Maa nold
by diurfsmie at .Vi ent and f I r but,
la wiikia lk rek isl every ewftwrer.
tff lreally twu ur Iktea kuin
knieatndea oin iWU ure wfrbruni)
Ikat ka4 ut ille4 t ilket rem
elr hr year.
Tkeee avarevfy a immm atura atr
vatmtf nn l uUiiatle ta rare Ikan tie
f uixe kne l pi lea aa4 It m a noSH n
! -iwe u m Malwekla, aaltea an4
molar trtlkiM ataiaiai daa-r
litis mswim lii rewuva ka Iroutile. k
Pyramid lias suafw4e4 all lnae taaltea
teal rewtatlsni aa4 nn una stef ma; witk
aay reeial wid taaka asy ntntlaks
la tia I'rwl4 a trial,
II la donM a in kka aaUrw M0r
trouble send to the Pyramid Drug Co.,
Marshall, Mich., for a valuable little
book on piles, describing all forms of
the disease and describing the method of
Any druggist can furnish the Pyramid
Pile Cure as it is the best known and
most popular remedy for piles and if
you asK mm ne can doubtless roior yoa
to many poople in your vicinity who
nave been compietbly cured by it.
Keclpe for Delii'lout Chocolate lle.
Line two deep pie nans with a rich.
short crust, prick with a fork to prevent
blistering, and Dune a delicate brown,
When cold fill with the following:
Four eggs, one half pint of sugar, two
ounces of good chocolnto (grated), one
quart 01 milk, one teusnoomul of vanilla
Heat the yolks well with the sugar, less
two tablespoonfuls, add the chocolutt,
less one heaping tablespoon! ill, then the
milk, heated to boiling, and boil in a
double boiler until it thickens. When
cold flavor and fill in the pies. Then
beut the wnites 01 the eggs to a stin
froth, and gradually add the two table-
spoonfuls of sugar and one of chocolate,
Hprond on top of pie and bake In a mod
erate oven until a light brown, Serve
cold. Amelia Hulzbucher, in February
woman's Home uoinpauion.
A Mlelnterpretntlon,
It is generally best to curb our im
patience before giving It vent In words,
as at such times one's language may
convey a different idea from Its real
meaning. Miss Kate Hunborn, In her
"Abandoning an Adopted Farm," re
late her annoyuee at being besieged by
agents, reporters, curiosity-seekers: I
was so perpetually harassed that I
dreaded to see a stranger approach
with an air of business. The other
day I was just starting for a drive,
when' I noticed the usual stranger hur
rying on. Putting my head out of the
carriage, I said, In a petulant and
weary tone: "Do you want to see mo?"
The young man stopped, smiled and re
plied, courteously, "'It gives me pleas
ure to look at you, madam, but I was
going farther on."
The Modern Child.
"I sometimes feel," said the old gen
tleman, "like taking that 4-year-old
grandson of mine and locking hhn up
in the cellar."
"Why, what has he done?"
"I told him that beautiful fairy
itory about the sleeping boauty, how,
m soon as the princess was kissed, all
the clocks began to go and the ser
vants began to work, and all that sort
it thing, and he only said: 'Who press
id the button?'"
Steeling KnIUb HI lie.
Some surprise has been expressed at
the number of Lee-Metford and Martini
rifles fn the possession of the rebellious
tribes of tho northwest frontier of In
dia. The 31obe points out that the
British troops lose about fifty rifles
yearly stolen by the A f rid Is. An old
sergeant-major, who has spent many
years In India, says that, in spits of
double sentries and the soldiers sleep
ing with their carbines under their pil
lows, his regiment was continually los
ing weapons while on the frontier, the
natives creeping Iri during the night,
stark naked, and with bodies so covered
with grease that when one was de
tected it was almost impossible to hold
him. If an unfortunate soldier stirred
while his carbine was being abstracted,
a blow from a keen knife effectually
quieted him. New York Commercial
DON'T RUN ANY RISKS about health.
Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia.
and all other similar ailments by keep
ing your blood rich and pure with Hood's
HOOD'S PILLS are pnroly vegetable
nnd do not purgo, pain or gripe. All
i:uiiiiih itiniiop.
Kton Is responsible for It of the nro-
sent Kngllsh bishops; and Winchester
comes next with H. Seven were edu
cated at Rugby, li at Harrow. G at Mer
chant Taylors, and the same number
it St. Paul s; while Marlborouuh.
ttliere the sons of many of the clergy
ire educated, turned out 4 b hops.
The Archbishop of York and the His-
iop of Colchester were both formerly
in the tirtnv,
A rtrai i aie.mijr.
(ins-Pity I'holly U no awfully du-
.ormed, donecherknow?
liertle-poor fellow! What's the
imticr with him?
tins -Why-aw-his neck's so dno.
I lly short that he always bas to wear
urn down collars. Pick-.Me-l'p.
A llelween Men.
"Yi, iliwr, I met your father and
ill hi in that I wanted to talk with
M t it one until with soother." "An t
' Wrll, that was the kind of talk
(I With sll the temper he has, I
11,1 ure he Would never h Head sili h
,tiuii.ti(t- in Miking to a woman"
1. linii4(iolie liiiirnal.
A Meaa MeMelee.
Jty Ore--"l.jui4 Hawyer Is the
aivanret man la (he n. unify! ttul fry
fctm, he't a durned ihi worse than, a
pirate'' Jbhn lddi -"Is taut if
Way, I er knew aim la U anything
wuree thsn to be tUtlu ly A Mlltt',"
)1 tireett "thal'i It' Ha ake. me
.i give hi in nu honed KfinluH if HI
Mlltt', u h n I he h4 me
(treated br llln' (not. me lausillge1"
) Ikat la nianft
THtra ie euiue wim de la (Ur
) lt uiuuier Ona dy Nu
lew te 1 triy fettiled JvJ kt.'ulM
r t Ih IKinel Hi leer,
EvsmUJi l;t la.
CMeareUPaaJr (atkarlK tks m
im lefl edJ dteeeiierf the tvA
asnasaat aa4 rWrs4iui t tka Uata. ae
alff u4 nwatbsaiy wa kMaay tat,
a4 wwwela, sleaaalag Iks eatirw ayttaaK
aiapal anl4a, far keadaeka, lever, hatJfc
l tonetifatiua aa4 kiiUoiiaaaa. f nsnsa
ka aa4 tr? 4 1 ( tl teitrlu
la, fta nenk, 44 a4 1Msvm4 sj
Hn if ArwilwM,
It Fnehee Hand Car Again the Wind.
Available for Alrahlps.
Practical tests at Mount Holly, N. 3.,
recently proved that a propeller work
ing ugainst tho resistance of tho air
generates sufficient force to drive ft
bouvily loaded cur at tho nto of nearly
sis miles nu hour. This demonstrates
that a similar power might bo adaptable
to an airship,
TI10 test was otto of hundreds mado
nuder th direction of Professor 8, P.
Laugley, secretary of tho Smithsonian
institution, Washington.
Professor El froth Wutklnsof Wash
ington conducted tho experiments at
Mount Holly, Tho Mod ford branch of
tho Pennsylvania railroad bas but little
trufllo, uiid permission was obtained to
tm It. An old hum car was procured
and a wooden framework fastened to it.
On this was placed ft small gasoline en
gine, A shaft ran to tho rear of tho car,
wbero it was braced, and on the end .of
it was tlio propeller, ft two bludod affair,
eight feet over all. Tho lludni wora
mado of steel tubing, covered with can
vas. Instruments wero attached to tlm
car axle, and tho propeller shaft indi
cated tho Speed of cueli.
Several tests wero made, and Profess
or Wutkins and bis associates wero do
lighted with tho result. Tho car and
engine com pie to weighed nearly 4,000
pounds, but it was driven along the
track against a strong head wind at the
rate of b miles an hour, with tho pro
peller making SCO revolutions minute.
Tests under varying conditions showed
equally satisfactory results. Professor
Watkins said that with a few modifica
tions suggested by tho experiments the
motor and propeller would bo adaptable
to the airship. Mew York Herald.
The Mosquito's Tool llos.
The beak of tho mosqaito is simply
tool box wherein tho mosquito keeps
ix miniature surgical Instruments in
perfect working order. Two of these
instrument aro exact counterparts of
tho surgeon's lance, Onols a spear with
ft double barbed bead; the fourth is a
needle of exquisite fineness, a saw and
ft pump going to make op tho comple
ment. Tho spear is tho largest of tho
six tools and is used for making the
initial puncture, Next tho lauce or
knives are brought into play to cause
the blood to flow moro freely. In caso
this last operation fuils of having tho
desired effect tho saw and tho needle
aro carefully and feelingly inserted in
a lateral direction in tho victim's flesh.
The pump, tho most delicate of all six
of the instruments, is used in transfer
ring tho blood to tho insect's stomach.
Scleuco Oossip.
Coal Mining by Machinery,
One of the immediuto effects of the
recent striko in tho coal region has been
to create a boom in orders for coal min
ing machinery, and also to stimulate
tho invention of improvements in "un
dercutting" machines. It is probably
not a hazardous prediction to say that
within tho next ten years nearly all of
the coal mines will be fully equipped
with coal cutting machinery, in which
each cutter will do the work of at least
eigtit or ten miners with tho pick. The
saving in wusto of coal, in time and in
wages will, it is calculated, euublo pro
ducers to place ooal ut tide water at
somewhat loss cost than it is delivered
at tho mouth of tho initio nnder present
melbods. I'liiludelpblu Record.
American Mnchlna Toole,
American machine tool by hundreds
of thousands of dollars' worth are sent.
freight paid, for thousands of miles
across tho ocean to Kuglnud, Germany,
Franco, Hussla, Japan and China, and
It is difficult to resist tho contention
that tiiis simply means the success of
free and Intelligent labor well paid.
Is union Tlnies,
siea and Indualry,
There are tt,U(i:i pieces hi the modern
high gradu J:iiini)Uve.
A single suutluwi-r stnlk at Hums,
Knit. 1 bore U'A'i Ibsuiis at one time,
Imrablo brick, formed of chipped
grniilta and lay, Is a remit hootiuh
All tlio land above lnvtd would
not nil up more than hio third of the
Atlsiitie iiu.
th h Oret railways ft candle stuck
in a ltM4 b.urt window luut stop,
u alM live wa a slgual ti go iu.
A tviiMii'd adult human bly Kavn
n.i.luui.i i f gray ahe wbUdt alliK
gt ihi r d le I wvlgU uo'te than about
wi - Mli-ta,
An 1 lut Hi 'M f alylriitt g4 U 1 1
In If I I ut t .uiinUit, Wurletubtrg, sn l
Mill in. Iu.Im an vhll Ul4 of ValluU
t mi Mii i, U)ii-, i la
I M t J neiiid says ft c'ii!vund
f m. .1. tu-4 inn b luadu I f htliig
lt4ille linn, WHh tUrUctilil gtiaflft
ad I t i-lu.a a ton4iU).la luatelUl
tiim pi and f rt-.i t 4" sulphaf ftinl
1 tin H4lt u f llnaiiil 1 1 ti4iei .igelhe
uuiit ll are) IbofouaUly etmblaa
b ni a a 4 vtifrt4 varuteii f
eny tille liUflo,
Iba in I t f th sweet kywiUlisj
li the Miilitel iit e i h(Tmiis
Ho IImI II will 4te i i4
iba Hi ki'.ii. Ilo'ii.h II Is IM newally
'ft Iba llbtet digrvw 4lteU Id
be ulliut
A New I'robe for Drain Sorgery from
Which Moeh Is Doped.
When a bullet has passed into a
man's brain, tiie chances are that its
track will have collapsed before the
services of a surgeon are available. Tho
brain is soft, mado up of many sections
of gray matter, Joined together in a
manner not unliko tho parts of n
sponge and separated by hundreds of
tiny canals. The slightest deviation of
ft prole in tho hands of an operator from
its proper course, and tiie probo enters
tbo brain mutter. It may need only the
slightest puncturing to canso instant
death or impair tbo brain. For years
hero hits lain tho greatest danger in
brain surgery,
A new probo is now invented, with
a spherical top, mounted upon a slender
haft, to diminish friction, A tinyscalo
is fastened upon tho huudlo, recording
in fractions of an ounce tho exact
amount of forco being exerted. It is
controlled by a spring, moved by the
stem of the probe. It is said that a
probo tip a quarter of an inch in diam
eter needs from to 8 ounces weight
to penetrate, mid from 1 to 8 ounces
to puss between convolutions. Tho pre
cise amount of forco being known, it
follows that, with this instrument, tho
surgeon could see whether he was in
the bullet's track or penetrating brain
tissue. '
Water as an Kdueator,
Dr. M, It, Holbrook gives tho follow
ing excellent advice as to the education
of children 1 "So fur as possible 1 love
of nature should bo curly and continu
ously inculcated, Nuturt is, in a phys
ical sense, tho father and mother of us
all, and a child tlmt grows np to ma
turity with a genuine love of rcsiks and
trees, flowers and insects, animals and
plunts, storms and sunshine, cold and
neat, fresh air or tho ocean wave, of ev
ery varying landscape and mood of na
ture and all tho activities around us,
stands not only a better chanoo of pos
sessing ft healthy nervous system, but of
maintaining it during life than if tho
opposite has been tho case, I am not at
all in sympathy with any system of ed
ucation whiuh takes children fur away
from nature. Nature is a book, groat
library of books, wboso authorship is
the In finite. Our little works, our libra
ries, vast and valoablo as they are, can
not be compared with it. They are poor
transcripts at best of the thoughts of
half developed human beings. Scien
tific American,
Iligli Fresear Steam Holler,
A steam boiler carrying a pressnre of
8,000 pounds per square inch was shown
at the Stockholm exhibition by Mr, De
Layul, tho inventor of the well known
steam turbine and the centrifugal cream
seiirotor, Tho boiler is described as
being merely a long eonocutrio spiral
tube, less than an inch in diamater,
through which tho water is pumped, es
caping as steam at the end, where it is
used to propel a steam tnrbine. The
water supply is automatically regnlatod
Ly tho demand for steam, as is also tho
air supply to tho furnace. Notwith
standing tho extremely high pressure,
tbo boiler is believed to be a very sufe
construction on account of tbo small
diameter of tho pipe and of the fact
that if an explosion should take place it
would involve only a small portion of
the length of the pipe and a small qnun
tity of water. Engineering News.
Ihwterlal Mud.
An instance of oxide of iron associated
with bacteria occurring on a largo scale
has been investigated by Professor Man
abu Miyoshi, who holds the chair of
botany in the University of Tokyo. The
material examined by bim was a ferru
ginous mud from tho hot springs of
Ikao. This mud consists entirely of bac
teria, Tho bacteria seem to resemble tho
Leptotbrix ochraccaof Kutz, but further
observations will Isi necessury in order
to determine whether they constitute a
new species or not. From experiments
mado with hydroclilorio acid Professor
Miyoshi is led to believe that the oxide
of iron is not deposited on the walls of
the cells, but is more or less intimately
incorporated with them. No others of
the more common iron containing bao
teria, such as Creuotbrlx kuhmana,
wero fouud in this particular mud.
Huioke froleete from Lightning-.
On the approach of a thuuderstorm
French is-asauts often make op a very
smoky fire, says Industries and Iron, In
the belief that safety front lightning is
thus assured, Hy some this is deemed
ft tupaitltlou, but Si hu.lir sliijw that
the custom is based 111 reason, inasmuch
as the smoke at U as a gi couducUir
for carrying away the eh trinity slowly
and MMy. He points out that In 1,000
laws of tUinage by tightuiug 0.1
churches and . a mills have bout struck,
while the nuinU r t f fatlnry ehliuueyg
bas only bevi 0, 9.
Caved ty m IUgla,
prvfer Hf'imrdi I, In a rvwut Iv
lura, related Ihn f .lluwliig iaat A nian
hail ft bartug at, en deeply
sealed that hi nodical altftiidniit was
aftald In nifddla with II. One night a
I nrtfUr I ike InM Ilia b us andew Iba
Hi k lortit tailing ff lielpUM tt Ihrot
tie bliuv Iba ebe but!, dtdugiug
the l utfcUr wiilt u and rauviug bim
bi l at ft Ml Id rtreai. (i taluiU
victim iti. ieH n li, f and i4te a
Nl4 tiveiy. .lvlial UeVieW.
ka at Seek,
Allhoegit lha eii til mtiiM mall;
ftear the ntMii4 It ri readily feat
alight ibrnU, and lis Uim aro M
ttMt salUi lent la la I sh. ti 11 lei
that lie beAtlng U UIJ acute, la rgt4
ta awlttity tsrgaus the nuake tanks uvr
sat tf all tke HM iulars 4 tke great ilaM
it t I'll I la. Il tl fttt imlv deellUN t4
aft tilerual var, I n! aleu Uiks the tyut
paaasa, tf ear draw, wkbli U ftftat
aainiat Artt teivivve tasftalIVfa'
Uf aV iaiiee Ksw ft
For Harness floe and Saddles neat,
Cook & Harlow can't be boat;
They sell good Blankets, Robes and
Neat Single Harness, set Ave dollars.
The Farmers' Wabash Line Guard
and Pad
At Cook A, Barlow's can be hod;
Right here ws use the boat ol stock,
And cut our prices to bed-rock.
In quick repair ws suit all men,
And aim to bring yoa bock again;
We're bore for business, bargains
Our motto Is, "live and let live'
Harness Saddle Mkr,
225 South lltb Bt., Lincoln.
u u lm vj xjvjvj
of both set, of free Trade, W IlkasaaS
V, ft. ttralas Ikat I trill sell verjr ebeae
KoaodaUoa slock lor kerds aspeeialir
Will sell sows bred to sans of C leveri
Model, the f I.IM bos', asd Chief Teesamak
ld,tbesreaiestPolsal-Cklaaof oaearta.
Upi" Boarding- -
W Uaiica
By Day or Week.
1342 N St.
llomeseekars Ksenrsloa vl Dorllngtoa
On February 1st and 15 the Darling
ton will sell round trip tickets to all
?o lets in Indian Territory, Oklahoma
'erritory and Texas, and to certain
points in Arisnna, Arkansas Lnnisana,
Missouri and New Mexico at on fere
plus 2.00. Full information regarding
limits, stopovers, etc., at It. ft M. depot
or city office, corner O and Tenth streets.
G IO. W. liONNELL, C. I'. A T. A.
State O. A. It. Encampment,
Half rate; special cars.
For the above occasion ths Elkborn
line will, on February 8 and 0, sell
tickets to Norfolk and return atone
fare, 3.,')3 for the round trip. Two
trains daily are available for this trip,
leaving Lincoln 7:15 a. m. and 1:45 p,
m. Hpeclttl coaches will lie provided to
run through to Norfolk without change,
leaving Lincoln at 1:45 p. m. February
8th. For further information call ou or
address A. H. Fi tiding, city ticket agent,
117 Houtb Tenth street, Lincoln, Neb.
Caneareta stlmatate liver, kidneys aad
bowels; never sicken, weak en or grlpa,10e
Mountain lions or pumas art nu
nirout atong the Illinois river, !
linn Territory, and are killing cattle.
Tho Now.
Union .
la now oci.
It runs on Van Burcn St.. FirecU
in front of tho
Rock Island
and Pacific
I'aaaeasvrs ervivind in tan-tt aa, k
tka I ninn Klevnted IH.p, rea kasy
part ultls sity; t, tr a lveat tare,
van be taken intmwIuMy ta any id Ike
Urge stiiree la tk diiaa la dalrtet.
44 I Meted Trains i!l slp at tke
Hock Kiaad' Mialioft. Traia evert
no aula. 1kaa taeilnsa van ialfbaol
Iwad If tke "0ret lUk M4 kkU.M
llfuiieiU Mii il ent stuwakir
ttiataga w vidl wail )ua attaea
ird'e )a view id I kWag, nat nveited t
Iveetihira, wkkk skews i uat what
sun want to knee alma I t1n-aa:u aad
tka krw tMip aa4 l levaltd Hrttass,
Tkui map lint skuaid kave, aketkee y
kvet w tkestty ak4 vipeel le eunm
In II, aketktr n auw bve la Ueedp
aa4 iwt)tf ywr ttieade nMatMiU
ftakia a trip, Addreae Jan ltaA.
ttS, ), S.t tnlDedjn,