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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT February 3, 1898 THE OPINIONS OF THE PEOPLE In this department we will publish communications of a worthy and suitable tharacter, received from subscriber to this paper. No communication movw juntaw mohb Til AN 000 wo it us. Manuscript will not bo returned. ropullmii. CO-OI'EtUTION, COMI'KTITIOfC, 11BIMIKHICN- tativk oovki1nmknt a failuuk. Kditou Nkiuumu Ixuici'Kndknt: The clvlllwd world Is eiiitod In a Mind strugglo to discover aud destroy the prime cause of the Industrial and Kovernmontul evils from which it suffers, Ut the real cause be once clearly seen and apprehended and there Is certainly wisdom enoutfh and virtue and courage enough in the people of the United Htates, at least, to discover and apply the remedy. Let It once be applied by us, who stand as the van guard of clvill nation, and we may reasonably hope the nations of the old world will come up abreast of us, . A mighty revolution Is now In progress among the English speaking topics of the earth. What is the cause of It and whore will It end? The cause of It rests in the desire of the people; ..,.,, let To escape existing evils; ad-lo routine In actual lite the brotherhood of man, something that only exists now ns a beautiful theory, The greatest evil, greatest because productive of the largest sum of human misery is the competitive system, From time Immemorial philosopher, philanthropist and saint have advocated the proposition that It Is only by com petition the everlasting struggle for sur vlvul of the fittest, that the human nine could be developed to It best aud highest capabilities. This is the most stupendous of all er rors. ' The true proposition Is just the oppo Site, Man's highest and best develop ment Is to be found only In true chris tian brotherhood and co-operation. The golden rule and the ttsnond com mandment In actual operation would forever destroy the competitive system and develop iu man all that is Ood-like in his nature. Competition, Instead of developing man to his highest and best capabili ties, makes him a devil. Ilelcntle, hard-hearted greed Is t he fruit of It. Under It love for one's fellow-men is Im possible, except In theory. Ministers preach on Habbath: Lov thy neighbor as thyself; but on Monday morning his hearers join in a mad strife for gain at the expense of the weaker ones, Under comMtltlon it Is honorable and laud able for one merchant to outstrip his weaker and less capablu brother und leave him a wreck by the wayside: for one Inwver to win clients away from his less shrewd brother, for the doctor to wheedle another doctor's patients away from him: for tholuborer to take a fellow- laborer's iob away from him. It Is war to the knife, the knl'e to the hilt. It Is lawful and a iturtof tin system for two or a doten men to combine their dollars and wits, to mobilize a mall but riowsrful industrial army, in order the better to conquer aud capture the universal desire, profit. No matter how ninny millions tbo nroUt is lllched from, nor bow many in dustriul i wrecks strew the line of its march, nor bow many human lives are crunhed out in the unequal and there fore hopeless struggle; this triumphant oombiuution oi neurness wn unu mpi . tftl and devilish greed marches on until it counts its gaius by hundreds of mil lions and Its victims by other millions, "The blur HhIi eat uo the little ones." Thus man anna the brutish monster of the deco and becomes kin to conscience Ihhs saurian of the rent Man nue and to the ferocious llesti-eating feliue of the Iungle. Man doss not eat the flush of lis brother, but h eats and othorwwo consumes the product (of his brother's toil, taken from him unjuntly by superior power and under sanction of law. The strong man. industrially, literally lives on his weaker brothers, piling up hie millions in profits unjustly taken from the millions of disorganised producer. Thoueatid and hundreds of thousands gu down to ibmth. not industrial death inervly, but dent h. of the body, In the un mjual struggle of t'omM'titiou. Th climax Is at baud. Two factors combine to mnks pwible what nwver btor was ttoasible: The en slavement Industrially of the millions of toilers by eapitttiUt. These two factors are: 1st Improved transportation; fd Improved nmehinery. tapllal as owner of trnM.rUtitiu lint and asowurot uiaihim-ry com plat iitMster, master not only ol tb nge err, but ol all trader and farmer, lor they ar depvudeat the railroad aad tb uiaehiaa, twing mte the eapitatist wart aad wmmmmmmmim -u .. i " ' r i '-' ( I iA t . . Hmil LIcbllnK Va, tSaal.S,, i tuti l iw Klmlill I taa) ttif, w ( r uv 1 4 i MI .-.. a utrta. 4 CrVrrv"V 4 obtains unjust profit from all. Hence poverty of tho multitudes and slavery are inevitable. There is but one remedy, co-operation. Uo-oiteratioc upon an exact equality so that the strong will help the weak 1 ........ ilu.m. ttliu MtWl Hnt.Il ttfl (J tlQv liv umi iituiiii win" .- i ing less will afford relief, This means hrolhorhood. Then will irnmA cense to develop In the human heart. Then will man cease to struggle solely for self. JIo will then labor for all. lie will then find It possible to lovs hi neighbor a himself, urotuony iovs will not ttion do snuou hi " "" as now. but it will Ixstoine a luxur unt and lovely (lower lu the heart and Ife of Drnary Mm,t,ons and conventions, all. With equal distribution the labor mmUi JvntUtty H,l to eternal dls retiuired to produce on abundance for 0OP(Hi (or th elements are agreed pn no all will need but n small fraction of the A(mirm xwf) free sliver. The letter time. None will then boa slave io io In order to live. l''our-bour days win milllce. Hence much time may m given to Improvement of inlntl nun neurs. I Then will It be possible for man to ex- di.vuloti to his full estate Jmd bnnoiiiatlio Ood-like being hi treator Intended him to be. . , , Populism Is a prophesy oi me ci m k revolution. The populist party Ilrst political party to advocate co-op. erutlou on a large scale tnrougu e unviipiiiiwtnt. 1 (Japitol Is already In the field, co-op- w.. ..i i.twi it.tmli limit tn I iTiinun iiiiwiikh k "":'',",: i n e uo more millions mr mo mw linn rivet the chains of Industrini siajery (( tiurhter. The ouestlon now Is: Hhail I capital have co-operation for the bandit of the few or shall all the people co-op- mate through the government for the benedtofalu I I'opu ism Is leading thewa.v toaset,- (lament of that question, dive us the people's financial system, the people railroad, the people's telegraphs and in HiiiiMiiiiM Hiroet ours, wuier wui h. lightning plants, coalmines, oil well, ,V.. ... .t- " f . i. people's ownership of ail liivnniion win fmiiH nit to l ie l ive n.or. inn ''. owiiorMhlii of nil unused lands, and the power of capitalism win no unison uu . 7 .. .... . . .1 1 the way opened lor universal co-oper- tlon along all lines. W, li, JJANll, Kearney, Nebr. Work Without WiiiTyliiit- Epitou Inpicpkniiknt: As I am one of tho old Farmer AM anco I will begin right there, I would like to seo honor where honor belongs. Tho old Farmer' Alliance laid out the iiHimlnln ami nothing short of them and a few more added to them will bring the United Htate to where it was when our lore lathers laid uown me inuopi-n (ImioM and constitution. When Mr. Dry an took two or throe of the principles oi our plat form ho became the great states man of the great reform, Hut I want to muv r uhfc hero that we populists Know very well that his two or threenrluoipies i "'J ' ' - I '. I wont bring him through where tney i 1,1 l... A,l .....II...,. II. nil- via want I siitiuiu mm nvi" i ..... istnis: Wo want the populist party to selwt a man lor governor out 01 uie old Farmer.' Alliance who has been tried and proven to bo tho right man and not tho democrat appoint a mnn and we be IOOI enougu w nei iiioci ii.ii.. . appoint one and stick right there is our motto. Tho populist party may have met with a set back, but our cause was never as formidable as it is to-day. No nnud ot worrying about tho populist or- gauimtion, they are going to rally around the old Hag. Kducate and spread tho light. Work, but don't worry. 1. F. l'l-UM. A RAINY WINTER. Aiwa) Brine a Lesion of Cstsrrhil Dises. lUiu, rain, ruin. Mud; slop, elect and slush. Flood and freeise, elipand splash, alternate ccaHoloMnly. Sometimes It make us niad. Sometime it makes us laugh. We cannot be sure what th weather will be for au There is one thing we can Ik sure of, how ever: that such wiather will bring ctt- hour at a time, torrh catarrh of the head, eye nud ears. Catarrh of the throat, lung nud broni-htnl tut", t ittttrrhol tho etoiiiuch, liver and bowel. Catarrh of the kill in-v. Catarrh of th bladder. Ca mi. tarrh of th itelvie organs, UoUert Hoi rMon f furoit, Me h., "Catarrh had gou through my whole ytm nud m K.iuplv tuditNhbU, IVruna rur4 to, lift rblr t avtmiha4 to ma Unik u vousg." Ir, llartiuaa'a ittrt btMk tbtitUl ' " tl-r Catarrh ta Meg wat tr lu aav Mrnui iy lb t a ru a I'tug iia Htarlsnsg Ctatpe,v CiJuutbus, libim vmimm mt MU a Hwaua I I'firoa htt"tfcf. tr tavaly vai g ll. Wjuiu V. Ta. r. iMttt wl Pri4at Hah tiMia'a lt, ad Utif puW raa.tuUta ti-r aia.iur mI tl w ratfagvd til lt al wt tUrf Ward (w W, vi th rhatM id aiwaati lb atf-tiuu tl IWidaim tUt.i ifcs la is k K !, tirl tra il. a nftf a I r utWt w4 ' ai-ia I "t. t'ttal teaid k UatkV T.h,h 1 tlikt. a4 k'fiwi JuHia aar tma m ktlf tJl l ara.lj iuth I . 1 r-i tt i-l lkma ifal vks ' I 1 til IU. .. I.. MkW.I.., UfMa IM r4 ana ui f iW -a lh Mt tag atitrr4 ta Ik r4a wl IVtuati lw4 ' 1 fc ktUf i4 X, l fkld.a, id tk p(l-t Hr wl ltt Ul l.lrs Mh.MR4 t ia hi. w as, t vikalk k 4.W4 tsf tw.jW waawtt-JattttM wf t ia.i-la tad it itaii iiiw vs a ttd. lut llaa. t U latwadwat Ik5 k $mm Wl wtlh m Wtiff W IU I'naal, Wl known democratio politician of ifarting- ton, denouncing the emoiuon wi w m both 'untimely and Ill-advised.' Mr. Uryant practically tells the populists that their party is nothing but an ex periment, doomed to disappear without achieving success, and that Its only pres ent use is to help the democratio party into power. After a review of the third t in Amnrica. Mr. Kry int. ufLVM Hrother Hheldon should re- ........ i. , ..!. iim nmnil 1st tmrty is still an experiment, Thus far It has achieved ,,n mrira i,iir,!eHS tlian did It prodimossor ti. ni It,.. Amur nan Tiunv. imiu i luw ....... . ... much more thnn did the ani.i-iiisouiu w .tin,, ThuMA n l names luiiea on ...iiiuu fir. rai ihunaml for them existed. The prohibitory party lai a oecuns It tried to do too much. The populist m iriwu w iii" party Is liable to fall for mi in.' Uio "mini ri-B- jniYAN foil 1000 'j'hen after emphasluiiig the necessity ofpturlngthe democratio nomination . jtJ 1)00 Mr, jtryunt points 0(jt tmt m (lt,tempted consolidation as proiiosed by Nhehion wiin an who ymmi , , u t , ... 0,.w,tof cuueasses, , , i , flno(,,r detnocratlo siap fc I)0tllJHt oandldate for the vice ,ira,,,: ln mur.. as fo lows: 'Urotiior hlinlclcjn sneaks of the treatment of the make tial cundlilnto in .,... i..,,,!,,,. Himldmi. to , ''.,, i Thomas H. Watson VYatson has failed of t ills Job himself , , uo thai you WIII succeed." i,,imo,!mt indeed! I never voted the ,JmM0mt(, )(;k()t , 1 1 r. 1 bad 1,..,...,.. ,i.,. .wllt.ii- if the Hen for 11 years; have, at one time, .been his r. , . ' i i ...u. i,.,. i IhIwihI intiiiiate i)ers(nai uuu uu" ..", I , mifc bes i e mm m n ri,,m,i(iti convention in .i,. ..,. i,iiHNnd. 1 am tolerably W,j yow populist circles, where .. Nt,1,.ll)l,t would only draw out Whv W(. U(!, tt tatement ..... .1.. it nil uhpIi ii tilmll) HOCOllMt Of HIV .iiHli VHI1.i i,-,,. the weekly edition ...ilium. iiniHt, of whom, have uo other avenue of information. Did Kilwnrd Kosuwator ever read llevolatiou XX lib Wii.iiiu r. ijiiyant. Hartlngon, Neb,, Jan. 10, 'W. FKBU TO MILLIONS. A Vsluab! Little UOOK Bent rise lor tb Asking. M.iilli'ul books are not always interest ing rending, especially to people-, enjoy ing good health, but ns a mat tor of fact, scarcely one person In ten I perlectiy hea t hv. and even wunsucu, sooner or ulrkiii'MN imml coiiie, Ii U a mii it we es tn a s ma trutn linn inn-tooth of all discuses origiuatu with lirimHiiif down of digestion, a weak stomach weakens and Impoverishes the MVHtmii. making it easy for disease to ,jj : in. In ii lillil lllllll. Nobody need fear consumption, kidney liMi.iiHn. liver troublo or a weak heart and nervous system ns long as me uigoHiiou good and the stomnch uble to usslinllate plenty of wholesome toon. . Htomiu'h weakin'ss shows Itself In a m.irn 111 Wll VM llllll HUM Oil. hi. urn tit WIlVK llli d tills little book dim ., t, --,,,,- ,,d cause and ,xniniM .,, " (1 N0 Hlmolothat r "" - . i , ,.nin nan linilitrMtKllll 011(1 nolll.V. ,...,.-,- have boiiio form of atom f , , , d t kuow it Th()y b- hum,,W!i,, the languor, the n,,rV0UMI1HHM Insomnlu, palpitation, c mt,pat,on HIld Blmllar symptoms to w.l,r nioiHA than mwiia other cause than tho true oue, (bit vniir dli.mtloii on the right truck and tho heart troublo, lung troublo.livor disease or nervous debility will rapidly iliHitimimr. Thm littlo book treats entirely on the eniiHa and removal of Indigestion und its accompanying ttimoyauces. It describes the symptom 01 aoiu u.y nmmiu. nurvous dvsis'psia. slow dyspep sin. iiinvlaceous (Ivsts-psiu. catarrh ot stoumcli and all affection of tho digos tivnoruaiiH in nlain language easily un derstood and the cause removed. It mvi-a valuab o suggestions as to diet, contains a table giving length of time reou red ta digest various aru- ele ol food, somemingevery pi-rmui mm ... I ... :.u weak digestiou should know. -V ,i III..' 1 1 Anal"!'1" "J " ""'" " No price is naked, hut simply send your ).w.n..n..u,l in l..a tl.un of IIIIIIIO niUl Ulllins UUU1J wimniun poNtal card to the F. A. Htewart Co., Klarahail. Mich., requesting a little book mi Mtomneh diseasos and it will bo eut promptly by return mail. imt I lly the I'uur. F.iUToit Ixukhkmuknt: Trulv. mWortutie never como singly, Now (Hiuie a tale nl wiw from two little bov who recently lived In a suburban villngo of Chieago, (leorg utid Wrtlt. r Pullman, two ly who have iu outte aellkuown in oviely circle. suo rt time nu thev lit mt ludnlgotil lthr M tltaU MtlppOM"! tO IW llllt ii to on. lie tin tiu iii to in luiu, oi.i.i rimrii.T lit the or ll. With the pit lul UUt til I l.tK'U year each aud lMnt tHiuua, and but mvtilly lhy pitlwl Iheir l,WH bull iuii agaiual a eumitimt at ruUtlog Mild ha. Iihi, I a vorp, I'll aaall club aub Iht-iii. KtM-ivl i haa gnu ba k on ihm. Thoir tt girl droti lhm hi a eol.t iHittii, and iu all prwbbiliiy lhjr will tw ruiillH lu rid la ple no u nior turwvt-r, Mh.I, a. lata, II kaa i-a aid td thotu that lhy aal a tuill.tiH aad a (nartr ol dollar in t h-t-fttctt in tan r. Vita, a kr ta tm kill did It ti.Mi trout1 r torn Ik t Hi at.Mia i.tliu huaa'a bnw, I IhmW aou .t.raka but kM noulj lv In aorrt aliut a I t tsai ir. I U av.r Un Wy U Nbfka sU Iron It lu Vttffct HU'lttb Dlirk wl wi Ik I tvt Mt H-MN III iu .' tt MtHtk, Tt ar III mI KStV Ki-I It kHWMlti H th Hif Pultttt Uijt tukat miltiM aa4 a WH ttt laj A. I )vl uu W d-si I k what Um'ii.mi 1. 1 tiit Md tr lttia i ifcff at trlrrvt lu IS wlkr WUi.' il I t ut tkot ar U.mUm4 rtt till - WhM Ut ft taeulk th Hot DIt. McQHEW M IMC tAUM MIN ONLY a I lit M ll-kv.1 lit 14 tVM . N J tirely ignorantof anything going wrong. Next month we nave some real estate foreclosure sales. One farm of 100 acres the man bought fourteen years ago for fll per acre. He Is a bard working man, ha been blessed with lot of good health, and I have known hi wile to go out In the cornfield and help him pick corn. There is still $a,700 against the place. Another man paid fl per acre lor his placo fourteon year ago. His placo went three years ago. Another case, a Merman bought his 100 aores ten years ago, at flu per acre. After ten years of hard work tho mortgage is 1,800. 1 have seen the mother and two daughter helping to stack eighty acres of heavy wheat when It was too hot for men to work, and you might al most sny that those people have lived on what they could not sell. And yet other have paid f 1,000 and 5,000 on half sections, who have had to give them up, and those instances are not few. There are others. And yet the 1'ralrlo Farmer tells editorially to the world that tho great trouble with tho Nebruska farmer today Is "how can we Invest our surplus ciish? I know many merchants who could tell thou sands of them where they could place it to do the most good. Hut 1 toll you they haven't got It. Men and brethren, Investigate these matters. There l a better way than for some boy to have a million and millions to have nothing. Look it up. There' money in it. And now, hoping that George and Walter may worry ulong on their pit tunce, 1 remain your truly, Hank Miixkii. An Independent Nation, F.nrroii Inhki'umiknt: lu your last issue I find parties differ ing from each other on fusion. Let us itop and reflect. What have we done by fusing here in Nebraska? If It were not for fusing tho slate would still be running In the same old slipshod way, of which the cases of allowing extra 25 cent a day for sheriff is only one ot tho thousands of little steal that have been going on for years. Not only was tho sheriff taking this money unlawfully a thief, but tho part ies (laying him know ingly was just us much a thief. I, for one, am glad we have progressed this far. Hy fusion we have uccoin plished already what It would have taken years to bring about by any oilier course. What wo want I toad' vanes tin best interests of our govern mont. Under tho present plutocracy rule we certainly are doomed sooner or In tor. Ohio lias just returned on to the senate, We son republicans eulogist ing this action to the skies, while in fact every man that has the country at heart should regard such action as a disgrace. This net ion should cause every citizen to woep for tho action of such rulers, as we never enn expect any thing good to como from such a man, whoso every act of life has boon to till his own larder. 1 tor one am la favor ol principles re gard les of party, lu our last election we forgot about ever carrying a popu list platform, dropping everything for free silver. Now this Is only one of the minor principles we are ngtiting to ou- talu. Government ownership of rail- rouds, telegraphs, steamships aud all mode of transportation in cities a well as nations and an abolition of national banks. Further, I believe the greatest curse to our nation i the trust. 1 be- liovo in going further. The government should own and control the coal mines and the oil fields a the time is coming when one vast trust is going to own and control tho output of every coul mine in the United States, both anthra cite and bituminous, aud tho oil trust today i in reality the father of all trusts. Tho All wis Creator placed these things for tho good of mankind and not for tnou to hoard, rob, starve and froero to death their fellow men. Corporations are soulless, cure nothing lor human mmoriug, oniy lor corpora tion greed. And mark this, tho trusts are only iu their infancy; in less than twenty-five year there will not bo a manufactured article that Is not gov erned by trust and all wealth will be what it i today. It is the old story, the big tilth swallowing tho smaller. Our tuition cannot stana ami he run, owned and governed by uch meu as llanno. Down with plutoi-rncy. lown with this millionaire ruling. Dowu with trusts, down with everything that place men In dr slavery day by day. our motto be, take cere ot tho poor, the rich can pnddl their own cams. Thank Uod. AUcu' reeolutlon and . . ... . . . . 1 . . 1 B . . I Li Mteerfl nil tiroiltflif in oui wnniiin inai loriu one more iM fun th Auiehenn iih pie. l--t u sta.v by our color and It w rati gm a nine uy tuaiiig let uuoo, but dun I luriret our ami. uur nation t.uUv i going tu iiUtw (niter than hut vxr Ulorv in hiatiirv. W a aro duomml unit w ran vhn k Hit growth ol trul, nniitiiiily and pluto. racy. It u not tw too raah tn eoadeninlug uur frtwnd. W raw ti uior by etiiiiiug lh driving. bat w want ta uutoa la auta lbr I imuglb, Itwpwipl . k . t . L .. ....... I ... ... .., il. HI MIr'lS Pi o"-hm tow ')ui t ailed Htwlv. I .at U til kwp lftiu nwa. Tka Wl u p,M!ourow. Im vry aaiioa oa ria uiw iaa w arw lh lrgat, th Ut ampjahl, th rtt lHwI. th lwl axlueattMl, th moat ibk til ruaamg owa anir t tbry will kw pMul tr Fabl iold id ay alio tut rih m von sua jour www kuie7 Win iui7 win wa w walioa or tVf wilt w i lu uld I aaUa-l aa-l lw ! aJ . i-i aad tiiktl td I what woal.U t tdu4 ht duT li W f! U ! . . . JoH J, 4bf, bfk. I llatblat I a MOt :r r aa Iu4y k a wykt tu r- r.f, ot h' his Mrw I wf, It way N d'-l bram, I.M W4.JI, hrbti lttkry t dual . (), a Mkl p ef a d-uk .. H s. tvitlfM aw I n - Imm id luaa. it wosil about kt, wralH. t a4 Mlr wut M-a lit ki, witt wwwli kiv itk a4 twit 4 imk h-ltr alwwi wm tu is )iwl- iali, aa4 a.i l ii at lh 4 uW4y wilt mttiiilrtN wsvit lvka lk wr wdnk tia,bttt k lr wnk It Mp It kilt di4 k gu- llUr Itr4 K. Constipation Causes fully hall the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In the bowel and produces biliousness, torpid liver, Indl- Inlobdlj gestlun, bud tuste, cuatud I V g toiiKiio, sick huiiducho, In- I JJ sj I I lumiila, etc. Hood's Pills If 1 1 1 9 eureooiMtlpatloit and nil Its results, easily and thoroughly. 2BC. AlldruKists. Prepared by C. I. Hood Si vo., i.oweu, wans. The ouly Pills to take with Hood's Barsaparllla. Klonklk. Are you going to The Klondike? Do you know how to get thnro? Write 8. fc. Hooper, C. I'. & T. A., 1). Alt. 0.11. It., Denver, Colo., tor a delightfully illustrat ed pamphlet do voted to this subject. Dr. Ketchum- Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Catarrh pnotttolei Cnrufulljr Fitted. All ( roasonabl Office 4th floor Richard Block, Lincoln PEOVIDENOE FUR COMPANY, 49 Westminliter Bt Providenoe, R-1. Want ll kind of flr Fart, Skins, Olnwinn, Hniioea.nh), Vui prloui uroiild, Oarnlul Iwitloo, oourtoui tritinmit, liumndlat rmlt titnuti, Mlilpiilinc Tk, KupM, furnlsbtd frt. WrlU fur launt pilu almuUra ThItleht Ilont to Klondike. Whether you seloct the all-water route by way of St. Michaels, or tho overland route via Pyea, Skngway, Cooper river, Taku or Btiltlno, you must first reach u t'nclflo port of embarkutlon. TllK IllO OnANMt WlCSTKIIN ItAILWAV, in coiinection with the 1). & It. U., or Colorado Midland Hy., I the short, di rect and popular route to Han Francisco, 1'ortland, Tacama or Heattle, Through sleeping char and free reclining chair car from Denver to Haa Francisco and Denver to Portland. Choice of three routes thro' the Uockle and the most mugnlfloent scenery in the world. Write to F. A. Wadlkioh, (J. P. A., Halt Lake City for copy of Klondike foidor. Notln To Jolio Mnlmffi'T nrni rmlilnnt ilufnndnnt: You ar bernbjr notllluit Ihnt u lh 10 1 h day of Jniiimry, lh, Mary MnliaHny Died a potltlott (tnil nut on In th Uonrt of l.ncatar Coniilf, .Nubraaka, tli ulijoi't and prnyvr ut whhdi ar to olitnln s ilron from yen and ens tody of their minor clill.lru to-wlt; llarrr and Clara, on tli ((round that you hav wilfully liando.iad tli ilalull(t without good chum, fur tli trm ol two yoar lust iNt. Vuu ar rcqulrxd tn anwr mild petition on or bnlure Mou.lay lb ilth day of March, IMS. Hiit MKUArrxr, Ily 0 Wiley WIIsod, ber attorn t. I'laluUft. fteinoval of Mlsoourl Pacific City Tick , onion. The Missouri l'Mciflo city ticket office has boon removed to 1020 O street. When you are going south or east re member that there are two fast trains daily from Lincoln to Kansas City and Bt. Louis via this liue. FA8T TIME, THROUGH 0 ARB- To Omaha, Chicago and point In Iowa and Illinois, the UNION PACIFIC in con nection with th C. & N. W. Ry. offers the best servlc and the fastest time. Call or writ to m for time cards, rates, ato. ' E. B. Blosbon, Ueu. As J no n p Dcvwninc un. u. u. ilk i iiu iuw Residence Phone 655. Office Phone 656. Surgeon and Consulting Physician Room 17, 18 A 10. Burr Block, X LINCOLN, NEBR. I Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to t 5 p.m. 4 Sunday hours: 3 to 5 p.m. 0 .r rnl off la t'alir.irnl ami Other I'a. title Cut Iravalar. The abov reduction appliea to the time enrtmte. By th Northwtern rnion I'aeino route th tlm ionenight, or I It hour, h thaa by other line. The aave money, berth rat, and thlr t-ii hour of wearisome rar riding. At Fremont foniiwlion ar dliwt with through toUi'itand rullman eWiwr, rhalr ear tn IVnvor, Owden, Halt l.ak rltv, I'lirllnnilaad Han Franwawi, (tin. Ing ear through to th roast, tie! lie. l and twrth rwrvatU of A. H. Fold ing, elty thkt sgvnt, UT outh loth t., I.bcda, Nb, Mhraka a4 W taatlag ar' Jaa. 1. Fvb, 1 aad IV Mrvh aad IS, Atrttaaad IU, Iba F.IUiw NuMh. Mitra lia tll avlt lkkt to hi!I un l ha la Subraaka, and ta Wjii.mi? rl wl aad lat'ludiH; tri Jvat-IUxi, at lr 4u J bt tk nuittd truv No Ut tu bs thaa U tav Oi frtl.. It? lti. toia t , d"Kt, ., N aad It !., l.iaiHil. ... ..... -..T . f rl (Ma4 a4 Afc fatal. Tk N.rlktra I'aUm Fault I tk J.rvot ruaki li lU l"-t 4 a4 tlak i-Miat. Mifi d aUfa.r. tra mat tllrt mikiw at I ,.t lk tk(wk Vlfiat ! a4 tv f'ttai4 taa'lt r t F-tla4. I k. mwI taK.wl..a toll 4. !widaa. if lKkt gat t valk oik l , l.iawla, ,Vks vm m ccr.ED a 41 Whiitkl i . mm mtt i '. i ImW, m -4 - M . t WM p.fc4 Wkl . .. v.. . .' w ..... . . yvwoi ti Nit lrMf Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company, LUMBER. WHOLESALE AND EETAIL, Office 20th and Ixard St. rhone47& Write for Prices. 0MAIIA, s i t t NEB. In the heart of Chicago The Union Passenger Sta tion in Chicago, Into which all Burlington Route trains run, is located in the very heart of the city. The principal hotels, the largest stores, the best the atres, the biggest business establishments, are only a few blocks distant to reach them It Isn't even necessary to take a street car. To reach Chicago, it IS necessary to take the Bur lington lloute that is, it is it you want the best there Is. Remember this when ar ranging your next trip east. For tickets apply at Bur lington depot, 7th and P street, or city office, corner 10th and 0 stroots. CEO. W. BONNELL.C. P; AT. A., Lincoln, Nebraska. When billons or costive, eat a Coscaret sandy cathartio,cure gaarun teed,lOc,25o Tho Missouri Pacific city ticket offlos hns boon removed from 1201 0 street t No. KM) O street. FINK WATCH REPAIRING- E. S. KING, SCIENTIFIC REFRACTING OPTICIAN, Weak and Strained Eyes Success fully Fitted No Atropine, no lost time. 1800 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB. Portrait Land-' scape ISO So. 11th St. Gallery Establlibcd 1871. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. FOB FINB PHOTOGRAPHS . . . UO TO . . . Kennedy's Photograph Parlors, 132 So. 12th Street. ine Cabinets, $L00 per Dozen. Satisfaction OaaraUd. W mak Crayon Portrait cheap and ta tb mont artlitle fltyle. Lincoln Exchange Mills. t 420 North 9th St. t Cusotm Grinding a specialty S All th I'i'Ht fcrarie of floor ei- S chniiKd tor whHt, corn or oat. W S can T) yon money. 3 BAKTLETT& HOWARD. i BADGER LUMBER CO., J A. II. Wl-.lll, AOKNT. i Corner N and 8th Sts., LINCOLN. Phone 65. . . . !; COAL & LUMBER ; Full Assortment. Best Grade, ;; Lowest Prices. P- D- SHeRWIN DENTIST.... CoaultiuT mom tWimd tliMir BURH BLK LINCOLN Nk'BRABKA tttVttt ( IT'S RCLIAOLEv 1 . i i ..4t tx JOUKT.tll.,, I. l . I . a SYPCILIS ca ,, ,.,,,, t. k wrtif i) cf adi-iftwwt, At ll.'l . I III', ... x I y a iim ?v .- t. ,Vl 1. f Mm -, a. 1 ... till