The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 27, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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January 37, 1898,
ftaUcd by a ItrltUh Wartklp.
Muscat, Oul( of Oman, Jan. 87.
Tha British gnnboat Lapwing ha
mat r-A tha steamer Keluohlstsn off
her, and bar cargo of anna and am
munition baa bean confiscated. Her
la held hi tha llritleh eonsuL
It la nraanmabla thai tha cargo of
arms and ammunition seized by tba
Lanwlnv waa Intended for tba ua of
th inurffnta of Jlelucblstan who
bad recently been giving eonaldarablo
troubla to tha JMtiah.
Ta anise Mtotlonar.
' '.' A ., Kan., Jan. tl.O. 0, Creaa,
young farmer who baa been making
ft lUoaaM of stock raising, baa adrer
tUad everything ha baa for aala, and,
with bla wlfa, will leave March 1 for
(kwtb Afrloa to do missionary work
ftntoof tba natives. Ha aspect to
ftva away all bla property except
enough to buy tickets and aupply
food for tba Journey, '
Drear a lUrolesr on I'oplls,
If Ago Crtr, Iowa, Jan, it It li
aid that Leon Jones, teacher of tha
achool at Portland, took a whip tbara,
whleh bla puplJ destroyed. When be
triad to una a second whip thera waa
general resistance, according to tha
tory, whereupon ha produced ft ra
volvor and thraatanad to blow bla
paplja' braloa out, lie la reported Ui
bin bean Dual
Tba front of fife fnseransa,
YOPfKa, Kan,, Jan. o, The re
porta of twelve of the fire insurance
eoropanlea which do business In Kan
aaa have bean tabulated by the etete
superintendent of insurance, showing
receipts of S24,g43.o1 on Kansas bus
iness during the year lss7, and loaae
paid of l76y9.oJ.
rater Alger A Me to Ml Up.
WiiinwoTo.t, Jan. St. Secretary
Alger waa aula to alt np in bed and
read the papers yesterday, Aa aoon
0 ha la able to aland the fatigues of
ft journey he will bo removed to eome
convenient resort on the ooaat, with
the chanoes in favor of Fort Monroe,
Uaeoaielooe ri(te Moath.
Nf w YoiiK, Jan. 'dl.An tha reault
of ft fist blow inflicted by Mark
ttahloslug. fifteen months ago, William
Hcott ha been unconscious ever alnoe,
and phyalclan aay he will probably
never recover bla senses and may die
any moment,
Again rerelga Leber,
Comjmul', Ohio, Jan. 27. A atrln
gent bill against the employment of
unnaturalized foroltrn labor was intro
duced in the legislature by Hepresen
isuve a. it. I 'I nor,
Itriliery tliarge Iiropped.
BT, Jokri'II, Ma, Jan 27, The
charge of bribery against James Mo-
ran, a lawyer, waa dismissed in the
criminal court to-day, after it hod
been tried once and the jury bad
failed to agree,
Pardon a Jolntbeeper.
. TorcgA, Kan., Jan. ft7.-Charlea
Bust, ft jolntkeeper of Doffs, who was
aentenced to aerve thirty-three daya
In jail for selling whisky was par
doned yesterday by Governor Lcedy.
Ileaeoa War a I.arr f.'ealiln't Tell 0aa
Animal from Another.
From the New Orleuna Times-Dem
ocrat: Aa ambitious young lawyer
paid bis first visit to a country court
holding Its session not far from New
Orleana not long since. He went to
represent a big railroad In a suit
brought by a countryman to recover
tba value of an ox, which departed
this life in a vain attempt to bold
up the limited mall. The question be
fore the court was ouo of ldentlfle.v
tlon, and the oow'-yniun had testi
fied that be knew the ox by Its color
and tha flesh marks. The young city
lawyer rose and with dignity said: "If
your honor please, there can be no
Question that this witness has sworn
falsely when he testified that an ox
can os recognised ny ms color. I was
ft stenographer before I became a law
yer, and for two days, your honor
(drawing out his notebook), I have tak
en a detailed description of every ox
that passed the hotel, ami I am pre-
pared to swear aa an expert that 'all
oxen look alike to me.' "
"You are trifling with the dignity
or tnis rourt, air." sternly said the
Judge, "and I will flit "
"Hold on, Judge." said the clerk;
"Inert naln t been nut one yoke of ox
en in this town In a week, Old man
Henley's been a hnulln' wtt, and the
lawyer's been counting the same oisn
ver ftnd over,"
"Judgment for plaintiff." sld the
Judge, and the rlty lawyer, glad ta -
cape the wrath of hi honor, took hi
departure, a aadder but wiser man.
Toe lltai4 Jabllee at YL.rk.
It la curious that thl present ).
should rmtrd the diamond Jubilee of
telegraphy, and at the same lime,
ring Into prominent notice the -
(littles of wlrelMM telegraphy. Ou
June 10, ItlT, ltke and Wtieaulone a
rl Mieiit for eleitrit telegraph waa
signed by Wlllum IV. The I'all Mall
Ussette stale thai on July 4 t( tail
yar the fir I telogrspn wire waa laid.
The elrtmt was Maevft Kueien and
Cainden Twn lUllasy Mlatlon. under
Ike periutanent way of tha lnd) and
Northweeiera railaay (then aame.1
the U'ad i iMriMlitghaMt Hallway
ewsnpaayk lae line rute4 tsf ge
lra, k wire UI4 la aetmimta
f rvne tnt t el loag 11 kt if wial.
Ifeera are away if these tl.k In m,
lileu, A yl or tt si v was
slug up, and atlually for sued part tf
the sinult laivtiga wkhh waa flashed
l sMI parts ul the enmre the
ftftga frwM) Hwkiaakaat palaaw
ao thai ptHht Ike
lm telegraph fttie la dug up and
eef vd M aa aid la Ike ruyal HNae
Ift the firjf year la whkh it ta t.w
tu llpk atihuut lrm
Winter Quarters, I-een Meat Ratloos,
gliearlng, Meed of Water, ICto.
Food enton gong to ouo of two func
tion, the support of the animal or Its
Tho animal mnst live, and to llvo
rnust lm kopt warm, and this will be
done flrnt from tbo fwxl eiiUn and all
tho growth will como latur from any1
surplus of fwxl above thiiso roqoiro
monts. Very mnoh the largest part of
tho food of support goes to maintaining
warmth. Undur ordinary cirontnNtauuos
70 per cent is thus nsod, uud tbo con
dition may bo such that a mnoh larger
proportion will bo nsod for this purposo.
Mo fur us any hopo of prolK is con
corned this part of the food might Junt
as woll m thrown into a stove and
burned as to be consumed in tho (Mil
uiul'g body a fuel.
It follows, of courso, that if tho lumb
to be fed is put into warm quarter less
food will be ummI as fuel and more of it
will be utilized in making growth, We
should then iiiuko tho folds or barns for
feeding JiiHt n wurm as tho health of
tho lamb will allow, I huvo trlod differ
cut tomperutures and find thut about CO
or CO degrees V. is tho most dosirubla,
Hut wo will find that uo leub cuu en
dare bud air and be boa! thy, Their
lungs are sensitive, so we most soo
to it that tha fold is well ventilated
ftixl tbo air kept pure and frno from dis
easo germs, If properly ventilated with
shoots from tho fold up out at tho roof,
thl can bo seoured without making
them too cold or buying a draft blow
log in on tho sheep, Nothing con bo
worse than to attempt to ventilate by
tho windows, as it is impossible to do
thl without having more or loss drafts
blowing in on tho lutnlis, and when this
occurs they are sure to tuke oold,
No animal is more a verso to baying
wot quurtor than tho sheep, and 110
lamb or lieep can be inudo to do woll
ia fold having the niunuro or floor
wet. Nor must it bo allowed to booome
filthy. It shonld be made dry and then
kept littered with leaves or straw so ni
to keep clean, and when so it need not
bo cleaned out more than two or three
times during tho winter,
We know another thing. All motion
is at the expense of energy, and energy
come only from fond eaten. If now w
keep tho lumbs very quiet, they will
use less food iu this way, and more can
go to making growth. Nothing can U
more wasteful and foolish than to at
tempt to foed a lot of lamb running
loose over tho Held or yards. Not only
do thoy waste m uuh food iti tho needles
exercise, but they are running over and
crowding cu l other from morning till
night. To do their best they should bt
sorted according to i.u ana no tnort
thun 20 put together iii pens, in wurm
quarters, not less thun eight feet in
height in the (dear, and when so kepi
muy bo wifely loosed in a pen thut shall
give eueh lumb ten squuro feet of llooi
spuee. In order thut tho lumbs muy Imvt
ample feeding room the pens may bt
ttiudu only 10 feet wide and long
enougb so as to give cuch lumb ouo fool
of feeding rack und trough.
Tho common notion thut lumbs dc
not require much wuter is very fulhi
rlou. No unimul needs more or will
drink ofteuer when it bus a tliunce, and
no auimul is half so particular us to tht
cli unllmwH of the wuter or trough from
Which it drinks. Tho drinking trought
should bo up jnst high enough so they
run drink easily and should bo kepi
clouu enough so the shepherd would be
Willing to drink from it.
As has been suid, we wunt a lurgt
amount of lean meat put upon lumbs.
Wu know also thut the food having un
excess of tho nitrogenous element tend
to t he production of luuu uiout. Wt
ihould also know thut sheep, lumbs es
pecially, ore very fond of a vurluty iu
their food. We should therefore feed
largely on uitrogeuous foods, such at
britu, outs, oilmoul and gluten meal foi
;raiu, and no forugo is so good foi
iinili a good, early cut, well cured,
bright clover hay, and if wu have plen
ty of this we may sufuly udd quite s
proHrtion of corn to the grain ration.
Iu feeding grain it is well to commetux
with a very small amount and if possi
ble begin to feed a little while still ou
pasture, and the amount may be urudu
ally IncrouHtxl ao long as the gruiu will
show thst they are making a good um
of what they eat.
A we want the meat juicy as well ai
lean and aa the luiubs must be kepi
healthy soma sort of succulent fiss)
should bu provided. Nothing is be ltd
than good siluge, which eau I safolj
fed In a lurgti qmuilltlna as they will
eat. Hoots and turnip. rutaUua and
liittiwdds are all gol for suiwuletiuu.
aud if the huuha are kepi warm ther
ia is dttngt r of tmdiug them loo luuob
autvuleiu fo-.ln ft, 1 have fouud
thai they will da bettor when fed, both
silngo and rot than when fe.1 mi elthri
HeguUrilf In tUuii U of theuttiu.i
lmuioiu ta ImI liwlll not daai
all to feed hi4Nud, Ther ara so tu !
sliUa In hu, 1 that ihey should
1 ra. It Usy 1 11 the same order aa r
g-ml x ua Tin ir ttotiia h I aa glial ai
A lb k, sml unite (ml at Jut! such aa
hour and In Oo utiU-r U day
lliey will n i ami w.iry iff all Ihi
gain yiu tmHt nj t.
I'M tlllllg Utt I W.ll,l adttai ll,
hearing il the UiuUwheii ftm pm n
.1 1 ho fld aiel fur IbeM rv4ii
takes all tha lkki,ff wild li....!
and kit Uihb ewutitakea Mlufackrt
galU Willi Hit m Ibeu a kail mm ..I
lviy , ki lb. ui , e !. kit
ef sliKtA ! tan gi atnl no
and IUm Jus) law kp 1 ui it M4s bm. h
W Miner,
I hi pa faimera wha n ;,tg iku
er4 ttvw 1 Kg te w iU U ldiw in gv
iaM in winter iwtiiug f hmk 1 tM
til tbo wkudasu lUmam Vly aud
$ikk II will al Ike and 4 At a yi
lud ft rianUy sam m tba ildll i f lb
Ua.K but bal ta fat Ktlt Iker will
ad that tha f b ft HiAaaia saa.U. If la.
dlrkmsly fteetl, will luaka ft alww
tug Ul luervaelaj Itteif fipa. J. k
WtAAlward Nalbal AKakuiau.
Reported From lilllvllle.
'Jim," she said, as she kicked the
back log until the sparks flew upward,
"when air you goin ter town ergiu?"
"Well, when you git thnr I wish
you'd hitch ycr boss tor a bookstore an
ax fer a yaller buck novel by llamlut."
innii a tap' v TV AAHB
topped by t'other day uxod me if ever
I'd read Humlet, an I showed my ig
n'ance by telliu him, 'No.' (Jit-hig
book fer mo, even if it costs a dime,"
Atluutu Constitution.
T. H. Swlgart. Correspond- :
Condooted by J.
10c sollolted.
Spurtlug Terut.
I'rinouton Tigor,
Making a Ootid turn of tli Opportonlty,
IJobbioMummu, what mukos you go
Mother Uucuuso, my gon, you ask so
many questions.
11. And won't you bo cross if I don't
ftsk any more?
M. No, my son. That will make tna
quite cheerful again.
JJ. (after ft short pause) Mammal
M. Well, Iiobbio, what ig it?
li. Are you cheerful yet?
M. Fairly.
B. 'Cause X wanted to ask wbat yon
suppose makes grown up peoolo so orosi
when you just ask a few questions that
aou t hurt nobody? Urooklyu Life.
Ootid Mews.
Profits ob Old-Line Insuranoe.
Editor Farmers Union: I notice in the
Farmer's Union of the last week in De
cember an article beudud "Insurance
Hates." The figures given We simply
appalling to tbe average, and even the
well-informed insurance man. ISut sup
pose that the writer would have consid
ered the real cash invested by tbe stock
holders Instead of tbe cash capital re
ported by tbe com pun Iu.
I will give you a Utile history of an
Illinois company incorporated in 1880,
with 1100,000, since which time the
stockholders huvo not been called upon
1 ... I ll a . m
topuy a aonar, nut lor many years
they have been receiving f 40,000 as an
nunl dividends, In fact they have re
celved 700,003 In dividends up to Jun
uury 1, 1NU7. The assets on that date
were 18,100.000. The comnanr col
lected in premiums 122,430,350, and
paid on losses 1 0,111,300.
To put it differently, the real invest
tnent of the company was f 100,000, and
at tho time the last report was made,
Januury 1, 1607, stockholders bad re
ceived iu cash 1700,004, assets, f3,100,
ouojioiai, fij.rwu.ztH, net gain per
year, f 1X0,000, or 120 per cont per an
num. Now, If tho writer of "Insurance
Hates" will try this rule on any of the
companies nnmod. he will find that bis
oppurrently appalling figures pale into
utter insignificance. Of course old liners
will insist that the accumulations tbat
are not divided must be added to tho
cash capital, and some people look upon
that item as an Indication of business
ability, but If an individual would pile
up wealth iu the same manner, be should
us put In the penitentiary, gent to con
gress or elected president of a railroad
- - - - Established 1893
Save the middleman's profits by buying your
seeds direct from the grower. We will send the
following seeds post paid for FIFTY CENTS:
1 pkt Beans, Cameron's Wonder Wax 15e
1 pkt Fens, Cameron's Earliest of All Ific
1 pkt Beet, Cumrog's New Columbia 10o
1 pkt Cabbagre, New Early I'eerless 10o
1 pkt Cucumbers, Japanoee Climbing 10o
1 pkt Itttiioe. Cameron's New Iceberg lOo
I pkt Water Melon, Earliest of All TOo
1 pkt Musk Mellon, Pride of the West JOc
1 pkt Onion, Cameron's Improved Rod 10e
t pkt Hadlsh, Cameron's New Earliest of All,.. 10c
1 pkt, Tomato, Cameron's Llarhtnlng Express 10c
, All the above are new varieties. Also two
large nnekaires of Flower Seeds, each contain
ing 1 a different kinds of Flower Roods 70c
$1.70 Worth of Seed for only 50 CtS
You can save $1.20,
the middle man's profit,
by sending in your order at once.
Send for Catalogue.
Mention this Pacer
company becauso of his shrewd business C. W. KALEY, the reliable Auctioneer, German or Eng- J
lish, l wenty years in the held ot Auction work, bieht
ability. J. Y. M.Bwioabt.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 4, 1808.
Mutual Fire Ingurance.
Mutual Tire Insurance la like Frater-
e years in Lincoln and well acquainted with the farming
community, lixperience in all kinds of goods. 2tock and
implements a soecialtv. A eood auctioneer must know j
ie rrnier- . A, . , r V . rr f , . ... .
naiMfe iusurauce.the only sensible thing )n v"u? 01 wnat ne is onenng ior saie. as to my abil
for business people to do. Few people ity, inquire at the office of this paper or any business man J
reniiie tbe enormous wastoand loss from f in this citv. For dates address C. W. KALEY. Lincoln.
"four son," said tho professor, "hui our present and defective fire Insurance Lt Nebraska Car Idal Hotel Prnmnt intworc tn innnlrv at
been laboring under misapproben. method and bow vast a sum could easily I JTl'liiLl' ifYl 1 ? i 3 5? .
be saved annually by insuring all our
properly ourselves either on the mutual
plan or still bettor have It done by the
state. Good authority estimates the
average annual loss by (ire in the United
Ktatesat one hundred uud twenty mil
lions of dollars.
An Opening for Uim. Tt1B KeW Y(,r, l,mnrBnPa ,,nmB1luliiiif
De Hmyth The Talmud suvs. "Lovsl mtmrt, f., ixni ui. norm 4 i n li a A o rf s.i .
? lT7h Tk(' m' thy ftt,uU1 reporting to him for 1800 col-
and actually paid in losses f 41,087,000.
it oft "
"rerfess, " oxclaimod Father Corutos
ol, with Joy ia big voice, "ye don't
moan HI"
"Mean wbat?"
"That Josiar bag been workia."
Washington Btar.
iM jf1 jf1 J& jf1 i?4 jA jf d& (l jti (St j& jjk jfk jk jtjUjtfft
rather than bim who ever
D'Arcey Well, I g'pose it might t
possible to lovo such a fellow, but th
rnun who does It cun get a ilno job in
gome dime museum. Cleveland lieader.
it a Itutmit ConfKMlou.
While their expenses were over thirty
three and one half millions. At the
usual expense rate of Mutual Fire com
pitnles three and one half millions would
have more than covered all necessarv
nK?J0f Vi)lcuf)wU T7 thai PH"" lvlng a net saving of at least
Miss Emerson is such a cultured person. ? , . . ,,,, . .
! i L thirty millions each year. A rate war
than any of tho others. has just brokon out In Chicago, the
Edith (of Hack Hay) No, probublj Western Union, a combination of the
not ; but thun shu bus u way of culling stronger companies, in cutting rates
attention to it thut tho others do not fully one-third showing; what a tremmi-
possess. Boston Transcript.
True Lai:
Bhe I know I ant not the first girl
yon ever lovod.
II Well er at leatt yon aro the
first girl I ever bought more than $17
worth of presents for. IudianupolU
I'roof I'oltl.
"It's nut tbo oout that makos tbi
man," quoted Wins Fiudesioolo.
"I should suy not," returned Mrs.
Ituunit, "or wu would uot bo wanting
to weur tho trousers. "New York
dlous margin they work on. Let the
war go on, the people will profit by It
and ultimately learn to carry their in
surance themselves. The rute wur is go
lug on in Illinois, Iowa, Minuesotu, In
liana, and Wisconsin, and insurance pa
pers estimate the yearly saving to those
Are states, from thecut, if it is main
tained, will be 10,000,000. Let war
rage. Helping Hand.
A Problem in-Ingurance.
A correspondent from Clinton county,
Iowa, presents the following problems:
"If 1 Insure my house or barn for five
ftafer, rar. years aud the Miller is naid for In cash
The Youth How sweet to own one'i fur that length of time, In two years my
property burn and the company pays
tbe lose does that end that policy or
Insurant nttlioiih paid for, for lire
years; or, will the thrwe years' Insurance
paid and unexpired be allowed on the
Insurance ou tha new house or baru?
"Poes the paymeut of the loss eaneel
tbe pulley? loe not the acveptauee of
pay meat for Ore jsars roinj! tha eom-
paey to gunrantea ma house at Its
valuation for that length of timsf A r-
ply will greatly oblige through tha Far
bo YOU
Cherry Trees, Plum Trees, Apple Trees, Grape Vines, Fruit Plants
of all kinds, Bhado Trees, Itoses, Evergreens, etc., that are '
YOUNGERS & CO.. Geneva, Neb.
own little home m hi?
Tho rue Hwih t enough, I guess,
but it Is a In up stifi r tu have your wift
owu it. I'imiiiimtl h'miuirer. bu,
"I fear, "said tlm nmiiugir as tlmliv
lug sLi lelun twit iu him uud iulermlt
teutly Imiuiui ud bun, "1 fear thut nu
eurliitly bus gut the Ut of ma." Iu
diuiiupidis Jnurual.
iMa ,
"Md you read als.ut the ilergyinuu
Who U gt.liig to tiwii Without pay J"
" Hint's uttlhiitg. Mr wife has Uco
dolug it fi.f yiar." ChUaga liooutd.
Ju.L.. Why did jou steal tha cow.
I'Ulimnl' lutkejr?
Ctdoretl lllM4irIU baduotLUk
tbs, J wur blet iKtrott JmuiuaI,
aa Me la ftu.
I kr'a all mu e' mium
Vtvm IS b t 4ua
tl fcn a ll ta IS 4tk.rf
As a? gt a i m ia wa,
II. ki a IK lu.4 lMki
Aa id' u4 ). Mug,
kisi a ik' vuiw
Aa ia' at U ,,t l
kiM a ik'.kikiM .kb,
tl Sim a (k i-.t. ... ,
ki a ik iMiDi
l kr a Ik t..ia a mm
t kr. s Ik' mill Wale,
tlo ki a ik k.M ri(k,
ki t a Ik' tW t kta,
Aa Ik Ik' keik.
f WC kMM ! ttlt ISMS)
Al Ik" . ! ' i
M'N iik
hsM iki iv st ki ttt'a
Aa . tvMA kt ia bvm
ftvi ik kuMn u aMa
i Wa Ik' k k4W mM
1 l"kiUia la Uw.Uk) rxt
With atiM'k eompaniea tba pa.vmeHt of
tha loaa levolvM tbe raucellatioa td the
pulley, tkl being tba contract, aa stated
In tba poliey, Ibelr uaderataadiag wf
Ike etrert la that U eerlaia denult
titiu paid ia a lraaee, or paid by ft aula
rgerd4 g"od and nlle til.le,thy gtta
aatea ealat a laa Ihel Hiav tan vr by
Irs during Uat irru. II tba budding
baraa tby y tha ka, thera U
atitbiaif lurtkef Id ba learJ. 1 be Um
UmUl, tk tttatraelia luinilad. II Ik
Iimhi ia mUI, lky py It as I eaaat
tba ls'y tu la sittet l tkat aieat
We aapiHMs fxdaWa miakl WUauod. Uat
BjitabJ ladwatalfy agaat antra laaa aa
ltt i Ike prwpofty durtsg 1 11 e fr
bat tay wuttld ertalittj Utv.Ii a btgvr
.rala. We trh aaaaaf tutr er
rMHtaUttl' t)i4Mia. "H tka ''
iwaat ui ft lt ikimn tbe pubesT la ll
aittrMaliff la4M It la ei atatadl la
Ike ttmltait of H.lut,-V IUe' ) af
I IMM. tt. .111 W W
J -- e'J tx
ktti I -
I i-A t.t
It 4
Nebraska Mutual
Fire & Cyclone
Insurance Co.,
Lincoln, Nebr.
This Company is over Five Years OKI.
has paid about $10,000 in losses, has
bout Si, 000.000 insurance in over fortv
We Want
In Every
is n
a .
z o iiir; n
. a
j 5
ttJi 1
I J.Y.M. SWIGART, Sec-Trcas. W
A A" A A. A. A A. A A 1" 1 '