1 IS i 1 ad la. r 3 ,1 EDITORS IDEAS. McKlnley with his key to open tbe mills ha had some trouble it groins to find the key-hole. Crete Democrat. The laboring men who supportodthe Mo Kin lev ticket cast bread upon the waters and they have realized soup, after many days. HoIderidKS Progress. Some of our populist exchanges have Anally reached the ooiot where they con elude that the Tammany animal is not a tlflrer at all. and is auite harmless. But he'll show his elaws agaln.-Uertrand Herald. J. II. Edmlston, oil Inspector, has made bis annual report for J 897 after paying all expenses, liarlpy turns oyer to the state treasurer. This is the way demo-D Tt conduct state affairs, The readers will remember tha t this Is the office held bv Frank Hilton who was short 15.000. this connty boinjr Kd- tnisten's home We are proud of the reo. ord he has made the past three years as chief oil Inspector. uainRion news. No one can express a living fact more vividly than can Congressman Champ Clark of Mo. This is how be does It. In speaking of the financial plan pro- Dosed by the the slnirle (told standard men. which. If adooted. would rather en rich the millionaire: "It , a waste of lard to arease a fat bo. But wnats to be done wben the hog has his snout in the lard bucket and insists upon personally attending to the greasing process?" Kith County Mews. Whon Legislator Griffith of Ohio stud- l. tl.a r.f .Tiidns Isearot he should observe that Judas went out and hanged himself. Chicago Dispatch. Congressman Sutherland, of Nebraska, deserves much credit for tbe Hard worn and enorgy he exhibited in assisting the cause of Cuba. De Arinond of Mo., and Sutherland deserves the credit of tbe Cuban broadside that was poured into the administration ranks last week. Washington News Letter, Tbe following little ad. appeared in tbe want columns ol tbe Lincoln state Journal Hunday: 120.000 state warrants wanted at 1 Eercent premium.. Nelson C. Brock, of ce elevator entrance, Itichnrds block 3. Did you ever see an advertisement In the Journal, or any other paper, during all the period in which tho state was un der republican rulo, offering a premium for state warrants." Howard Independ ent. New York juries are abundantly wined and tobaccouizod. In a recent murder case the bill for the jury, during nine days, contained the following items: wine, fUSD.Or,; cigars, flMO.20; billiards, $51,25; bootblack and barber, 5U.22. Tbe lawyer for the convicted man well ears: "How can men reveling In wine, in billiards and in cigars properly perform suck a high unction of citizenship?" And we may add: How can the proper officials audit and pay any such hills out of the publie fund? Antelope Trib une, .. In regard to Mark Ilannu, the Itcpub- lican party are "between the devil and the deep sea." It is the old theological situation again: "You will bed d if you do and you will be d d if you don't." Walioo Democrat ' "Of course they wunt free silver If England will consont; Bnt then she wou't do that you know , Till Bryan is president. Ex. A "Ursritillnit Fail." Gov. Dan W. Jones of Arkansas has oegun war on football, He says it's tike prize-fighting and must go, like ny other "degrading fad." A Woman's Burden. From tb EvtBln New, Detroit, Mlcb. The women of today are not so strong as their grandmother. They are bearina a burden In silones that grows heavier day by day; that is sapping their vitality, clouding their happiness, weighing them down with the woe ol III health. Mrs. Alexander R Clark, of 417 Michi- Kn Avenue, IMroit, Michigan, is a typi cal woman o! today, a wile with sueh ambition as only a loving wife can have. Hot tbs Joys of her life were marred by thesxtMteao of dim-awe, Bufferings thounndi of her sister have suffered, she atimtst diairw of nt, ana yst site was curea. tine wants other to profit by her perieow; to grow well, to unjuy health; to as happy a ah I. "For OvMir I sufferiM with trian trouble," la Urs, llark'a owq vemiou of the story. "I waa not free ou ingl day front adach aadiateuiw twitching mIm la my awk and htmMt'r. "Kor moat h at a time 1 would be roa la4 Id my bed. "At fiat black it wonUI appvar Mon air i)m a4 I would Wntnie llaL My aervni wr la seek a Mat that a stop oa the loot atiU at. :mlaat ikirtwr, skilital aurwp, the Wat KhhI aad aurara, alt UiUi. I ha I Wt In aa fttrtio That, tu, kkiyd, a4 tby eMtU aataf w iw ary. Aftt th awoatl t tt worwi Uaa eve aa4 IN wr4 wa 4rkf lhaa fc It a tkta I kr4 (4 W, WtUiaata' l(k IMU Iff I'ab IWi'k, af4 that af ka4 tr4 eawi aa4 1 14 taa. tky ea4 Tki brtylit mm aaiae t my lV, a4 SiU a ep witk atiMt The k4rke te ga Ike lwUaft w ta, it atviaa at pta. the triMiiMf has ewM4 aa4 I iv g(e4 twat Ml ita4 Maltk a4 emk la aoa. aa4 I TJI taaaitat t 1. tt Uitaaia' h 'UU lf ti fei'pto hf the tlka4,, Wuuwmm' tHah h hat (ttv4 a "Ma t wwaMMkiaJw. At t 4irwtly ni C'j tloa4 a4 avtvtky nature Ik 7 iaita iiy to all twrte ul tite '- i, waliBt taatttuaa) tm aiartt t m4 lafWMMty thrwmeewtth afiMM "TSs 1 " is mIW 4 Ike 4Mks la tkeat la 1 d-Wle k4k 4 kwsitk, t ay tkeatwkia fiw eiaatt. im ,akt tTat4 a4 f4 aiur .3k . A STRIKE 13 ON. Loss Prom Declining Gold Standard, Prices Fall Just on Labor, Airainst a cut of 10 per cent, in their wages, 123.000 operatives in the cottbn mills of New England have struck. Their cause is a just one. They have re volted against the greed of 'their em plovers and the conditions of the time. Airalnst the former they might succeed, but for relief from the latter there is but one help, and that is the ballot box. As long as these men assist In voting the gold standard on the country so long will they have to face a declining scale of wages. With the reduction in all prloos which a gold standard enforces comes a reduction in the cost of produe tion, and the cost invariably falls first on labor. The employers and operators propose to stand as little 01 tue loss as possible and to throw the bulk of it on thn umnlnvnH find iirwirntl vi'S The continuance or this struts aopenas on the amount which the operatives have laid up to live on during the en forced idleness. This is probably not a lartresum, The efoctlveuess of their or ganization will also cut a large figure in pieventlng the mills from running, M ready there Is talk of the employers im porting armed men to overawe the oper atives and protect property. While there bos been no sign of lawlessness, yet the employers are cognizant of the jMt tbat tb hftya Wfougod mt mm nii fr nunnnt. fttiumifu-i.. and fear unpleasant consequences. Hence this early suggestion of Winchest ers. The sympathies of the wage earners of the nation should go with these striking Mew England operatives, and a practical support be exUmded to them. While as- '""'"K. " ' conies against greed, It would also be well to instruct them in tbe causes which are forcing prices and wages down the scale toward starvation and open their eyes to the beuetlcent results which would flow from a return to the bimetallic conditions which existed In this country prior to ioio. uocxy mountain flews. men f 11 A STEAMBOAT CAPTAIN. His Long Experience With Dangers Seen and Unssen. Tbe life of a steamboat captain is fraught with many dangers. Exposed to climates of all sorts. Irregular and broken sleep, long and weary vigils by nlgbt and day, standing at nispost of danger in storm and sunshine, coiu ana tioat, regard less 01 me c o n s e- quenoes to himself; such a one is Evan E. Twomo.v. of Eminonce. j no., lor many years ' ' 1 a swum boat captain. During all these years of exposure he ban kept himself sound, active and in splendid henlth. How did he do this? He says: "Whenevrl take a little cold h few doses of Pe-ru-tia sets me all right. re-ru-na nas been a great help to me. 1 alwnyskeep It on hand " I'revent- ation is better than cure. Ho great is his gratitude to Dr. Hurtmnn for the bonentthnt Pe-ru-na has been to him through his many years of battle with the elements that he says at the close of one of his letters to the Doctor: "I trust that (iod will bless you in blessing the people with good health." Thousands of such M-tent are received by tho Doc tor. 1'e-ru-nuisa spociflo for catarrh. coughs, colds, lugrippe and all other climatio diseases. Send for free copy oi Dr. Uartninn'it latst book entitled "Whiter Catarrh." Address tbe I'e-ru-ua Druir Manufactur ing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Leave a Kortnne, roriy years uu w. n. Trabtie, of Kokomo, InU., disappeared, and until tho present nothing has been heard from him. He baa recently died, hav ...... .1 Ana Ain ... . ug uui;uuiuiuiv:u o.vvu.uuu HI MISSISS IPPI, under the name ot Trlbbltt. All his money goes to the families ot brothers and sisters, the will stlpulat- .us iiiui in" luiiiunu oMiui . receive a university education. Cnrrent In th Atlantic. Experiments have been going on for tho past two years for the purpose of trying to learn something of the char- acieristics oi iu nimuuc ocean a a great moving body of water. As a ro- uit tne wnoie Atlantic is shuwn to tie slowly circulating round aud round. I'ke on enormous pool. Everybody 8tvi8o. Caacarets Caadv ('athartlo, the mast wnaaenui meairai aiseovery of the are, pleasant and refreshing to th taste, act fenny ana positively oa kidneys, liver, hi uuwne, ciMtnaing in entire systeev dispel eoida, care headache, fever, habit eat eoastipatioa and billioosnes. TlMtaa bay and try a boi of a l C. today-la o,wu wum, rrnia ana enaraafeaaa I r by all draggiata, a $5.00 aJ at fl.OA in Irsft at. musr oayorjr liwll t tOt tk fOllowlaf till Of I fixus-ttftir srttut wirrsstt J r oaty tlafsl; IflCUL CO.tlMATION K0. II a , t S I tM-l t 4. t I t (...lt r tMe.,. f t tb Mt r- I t r..W. t ' lr ...... i a . hit S aUJ .. hf, afcMW,t( .m .. t y , tt Iwait HkH All tu iim NvktJ mm t ilirfl Is i, tuiiat Wrt lor $1.00. The Farmers Grocery Co.. IH134 N. 1011 St . Kksis. Nirskla THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT BREEDS OF SHEEP. Distiaetlve Chraoterltica of Families Popular In the 1'nlted State. The Merino is described as a small boned sbeop of medium size and com pact form, with somewhat light shoal ders and cbest Tho weight of tbe ewes will average from 60 to 70 pounds. Tboy are remarkable for the large mount of very fine wool which they yield. Tneltambouillets area branch of tbe Merinos. Their wool is coarsor in fiber than the Merino, and tboy are not tnought as hardy. Tbe Oxford Downs are a comparative ly new brood, produced by a course of cross brooding of Cotswolds and Hamp. shires, with an occasional mixture of Southdown blood, An English author! ty snyss "Tho Oxford Downs should bave a nice, dark color, tho pqll well covered with wool, adorned with a ton knot on tho forohoad; a good fleece of wool, not too curly: a well formed bar rel, on short, dark logs (not gray or spotted), with good, firm mutton. " They are docidedly the largest of all the Down broods, cut more wool and of a longer staple. ine rJoutbdowni have a close set fleece of fine wool, faces and logs of a dusky brown color, necks slightly aronou, nmus snort, with broad and compact body. Thoy will subsist on light pasturage, but do bettor wben weu xea, mature very early and are uiur nuu yruiuie, Viwn prouncing IWO -i - l l.il 1 I..:, , , TZJXZ? lV The Shropshire partake of the goner- " al flliaranbirisHna o 'th.Hnnlhrfm.n ,., ... . V.,V.MUV( considerably heavier In floece and body, I'll A 1 wr .1 1 1 11 ,1 ,La . .1 11.. .. M 1 1 uoj vHuuu w uiun uruiiuu ui an broods. The IlarnriHblro Downs resemble the Sonthdowns, bnt are very much laraor. Thv hnva a nnnA nnn.Hfnti ... fc. :.:; .7 "T ).,. m ,.a,- '"'7 """" " u o"' eany ana are good wool bearers, the floece usually weighing from five to six pounds; tlioy do well in largo flocks, Which long woolod varieties do not, and arevuluublo for orossinsr with nativs t,..,l. -A hi ,nAUt ,.1 States; they rosom bio tbe Loicosters in . , ' , " 1 uuy con' wuuruuie wooi npon tue loronooa, wnne the Loicostors ore nearly barefaced, xnoy nave not apponroa to aoas well lu some sections of Maine as bave the 1 . . i . ...I. Downs, though sonio very good ones are on tbe flno grazing sections of Aroostook county, mty.-Maine Agricultural Dullotin No. 0, Right Kind of Hog Vor limadlng. Whatever tho brood may be the sow should be long bodiod, squarely built, but fiat in tbe sides, what Is sometinioi called "slubsidod," rather titan round bodiod, stout in the logs and shoulders, and rather largor in head and cars than her mates in tuo pen. Thick and oomm bristles an tho hack and alouKtbo neck, almost like a nmno. are considered indi. , . . . , , tr'oug constitution, which will produoi strong, healthy pigs. rr'l. .. - t J . . I . i 1 . 1 i, fin vuni, ii u inn Buiuu uruuu, suouiu be more liko the type intended for fat- toning that is, short in tbe body and logs, with heavy bams and shoulders, not too conrso in bristles or large in th head and cars. If both sow and boa. , are too coarsely built, the young will be apt to grow too much like tho old razorback races. For swino to fatten easily and cheap ly in tho eastern states, where we huv neither clover pastures nor exteusiv cornfields, and where corn and clovci are cash commodities, I confers to a liking for tho small uud medium York shire, preferring that tho sow should bt of tho larger breed, when it is conveu ieut to obtain such, or eood crades of theso breeds. But there aro other good breeds and crudes, or crossbred swine. that are profitable to keep and feed foi Iatteuing as well as theso. When ono has obtained good animali for breediug, they may bo and should bo kept several years, allowing tho sow to have two litters a year, tho first lit ter about the middle of March, which can be weaned at 6 or 0 weeks old and fattened before Christmas, while tin sow can bo mated again to drop a second litter lu rn'ptember or October, which will make prime rousting pigs at 6 oi a weeks oni, M It Is not desired to keef them through tho winter. Ames in Aiucricau Cultivator I ! ktorh I'olnla. The I rt way to have your horses in gisMl ciatdiliiiu for spring labor Is to work them mmteratuly all whiter. Theu tuutr sbouUlere will not get so tender Uutt they tll gall uodvr the heavy pulling riHnxl at the opening v( strliig lklde this tMidurstloii vi keeping mTMa' wuw'h-snrtu there t an other. othiug U more ttmluctiva td vm lliau (ot-uiug a Ivl i.l Idle and ta 1m hi4M aud oitu r aultusl though ig winter ma atjrlw larmrrs uh1 tc do thai Tb aew sit le ranuol affurxl U 11 tbe retalUt therff.ir ct aUial kin car fully ta Su4 sotue w later kaut tug or otbrt wotk U bis twaut. if am wt bis s ilaeet, thm vUMwhre la, It I no tictt that lh ntU are v( g!. 1 ey tiagbt K b vwryker this tvpabtw, rt4 all tbe yr roaadL Yi f tkAaaa4 aior cattle are keias fl U Tvm this yr Ibatt therw Ut ea Tky are ol a ktghr graUe, II Is claiaMK, than aay vr M in tb Mat lt.t. ttvtak tUt kuLftih vauk4 ttota tbe mi stale vf Tva Carrots M ke ant i etMlteni 4. 4 darlag tkewuwr. Tb wko tswe rarsfal eHailt tu tales aa a r m frt vl Ittnua w ill kae aa Irtkbs ta di ptutg of tka at Uvtif etebU Tj Make aa tlitl vUt tartoty the 4ry ma, Tky are tk aore tkatt v4t la Ike tuat kvl kma. Iw U kW kaaUU 4 lkttt ran U talml M aa a.rw 4 Uad. IWs an lttte (Wl fe? w tkkk A I t44 1'ktaa tal la La late ty a litter l Ita ait kuni last rara ary vk 11,114 Dreyfus to Hli Children. If only one can suppose Capt Drey fas to have been innocent of tbe odious offense Imputed to him, a letter of his to his little boy, which is published in the Paris papers, is full of pathos. It runs thus: "Dear Little Pierre Papa sends you plenty of kisses, and to lit tle Jeanne also. Papa often thinks of you both. You will teach little Jeanne to make pretty towers with wooden bricks, very high, like those I used to make for you, and which tumbled over so delightfully. Be very good. Give plenty of nice caresses to your mother when she is sad. Be very nice, too, with grandfather and grandmother: hove some good , 'larks' with your aunts. (In the original the word is 'niches which means harmless little practical Jokes,) When papa conies hack from his Journey you will come and meet him at the station with lit tie Jeanne,' with mamma, with every' body, Once more, with many kisses for you and little Jeanne, your papa." London Daily News, CATARRH OF THE STOMACH. A Pleasant Simple, but Safe Effectual Cure for It. Catarrh of the stomach bos long been considered the next thing to incurable, Thn nannl itmnlmn. . f..li ' bloating sensation after eating, acorn I -1 a mil wr " " '..."r !",e,r'" 1 nanint. anmaf ntM with sim """"' V "T""t causing prHNsure on me neart and lungs and difficult breathing; beudache fickle appe- I 1. . ... . , . . ' . i me, nervousness ana a irenerai rm vnri out, languid feeling. There is often a foul tostein the mouth. coated tongue, and if tbe Interior of the stomach could be seen it wou d show a llm. inflamed condition. 1 be cure for this common and obstin- ate trouble is found in a treatment which Mia i tnmi tn ha rati Atl v i tw-tsfz-tttrvt, I., digested before it has a time to fermen t and Irritate tbe delicate mucous surfaces " the stomach.! To secure a prompt and healthvidl I iTHMtinn Im thn una nunominrv filing ,'An and wben normal digestion is secured rnZZXL 11- tf-.i.rr:Sr.3 aua bpNt tatment is to use after each meal, a tablet, composed of Diastase, Aseptic Pepsin, u little Nux. Golden Sal " ruit hoius. C3t4V . These tablets can now be found at all - J 1 . . t ' 'J "'ores under the name of Htuart's ' ablets, and, not being a pat- 1?' .Di TA"1 Iot safety and assurance that healthv tite and thorough digestion will follow their regular use after meals. - Mr. N.J, lioober Of 2710 Dearborn Ht., Chicago, III., writes: "Catarrh is a local condition resulting from a newWr. ed cold in the head, whereby the lining inmiiiMTiiiiH 01 uie nose becomes Inflamed and the poisonous discbarge therefrom, passing backward into the throat, ' Ie" th,8 utoumnli, thus prodmslnsf ca- I?"" .? ;y"u' ' nai amnori- ""rKr"' ,ur u ior inrw jean lor loniurrnui sromacn witnout usinxonly one box of Stnart's bymZ Hja Tablets. I cannot find ariDroDriaie ... x . , . - - wurus vu exiirt'tiB bit koou leeimor. I have found flesh, appetite and sound ' rmt ,ro,n. their use. "t"ttrt ylpn Tablots is, i V Pwpa'atlon " woll as the sin,,,. 'l8.' L" ".u,;!!."w".r?m',?y fw any form of indigestion, catarrh of stomach, biliousness, sour stomach, heartburn ana bloating alter meals. k. -z, .Send for little book, mailed free, on stomach troubles, by addressing Htuart Co., Marshal, Mieb. The tablets can be found at a drug store. Flying Over the Fcnt-c. nyrog over a fence on the part of hens is a mat ter of education. A flock In a yard may be able to go over tbe fence, but do not know it; they are afraid to at tempt it. But let one hen go over and she will be found outside every day, and will soon teach all of the others! A fence seven feet high Is sufficient. If the hens go over It they will also go over a nine-foot fence, or a fourteen foot fence. Like human beings, it de pends on how they are raised. To keen bens from flying, make thera work. Give them something to do. Idleness Is the cause of all vices among poul try, such as feather pulling, flylngv egg eating, etcEx. WANTED. I'l-Hli.HT AMI 1'aii iih l gentlemen or lalte to travt I for retouible, etab lishetl house lu Nebranka. Monthlv f '15 aad expruae. 1 oaitioa steady, Ib-fe enee. r.'nclotw at-lf-addnwsd stamiM-d euveloiie. The I'omioion Company, IHpt, K. I lucago. Wire. Age 40 to 00. one with home and plenty and room (or tbe kubau4 she lovve. wuloeer UBlnrumUrd temtterateu no tobaectgoH land ing in rhurvk aad e-h-ty bave but lit tle pmprrtyoaot iain4 lu live alone, a-aat a home aad wife to love. M. N', &1 U'tMt, Hark, .V.b. fat t Real. A U.iaprov4 Noa're farm la Kee ar4 eoaaty. ally erk bot low, large bvarisg orkr4, K ratat33 eak. AddrwMe M10, Niat4 Jtir Ibitlii , attMve at la. RwiateSi Irtflrt, Hfows.ll Dk. lit Stkatk Uik irt, .ialB, Nw Kl tbesMl ol ieta aa4 all ki4a t Wa) kuaia atwa44 la prowp tty a4 ear, tally. Vvall ? t Tvwte. Talaatkt loaeg arkar4 ol 4 1 aet ta ptaae. tthm a4 aike trait, ta kt -an M state, t sar, aaj title te atwv t trvwaikta kt aM. Ik4 la taa Uf tfeveat atavkag. aa4 k aulel kaariKte .NkfiMka U4, A44r A lk Hum, Uafttla, HaAaa Matate fat aalaw C4Mel N (break a title Wa tot tsS m a) at rt tMiMf eoi f, k44rae rJaea Notk A to... I Jaeoia, N O 0000000000000000000000 iz III mm 1 Karr 1 1 wtf ,.tt my) ANDY CUntCOIISTIPATIOtl a so aaiwig ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED !?.?:' ltossjjKH,Slrtfr,.id, STKKMMI imw Jhm, i"n:'o7i;T Til imtttttiiM,,it,,,ttMtMt TEACHERS WANTED ! UNION TEACHEHH' AOENCIEH OF A SI KitlOA. Umr. X. V. BASS, D, D Hanagar. FltUberg, Pa MAJOrijs. burg, ifm, TURKISH FEMALE TONIC. AJecettity to Weak Women. Ppsltrraly tho only rvnjMJy earttw ! ITmAmms or Bttrliw trouble. Ouros all Womb faint sad InflammatlonmjDKttmattm tt ftimmttv Orpin. Frioe for trMtateot wblah mat AO ilsrs. VW by mau. Mami fimnmt. 0MM. U. Mention Akbhaska Isuki-knoksit wben Found 9 The best The best hand Our Majestic Coal is good; Lehigh Valley is the Best Hard Coal ... pive us your order. I Yards 14th and y Streets Uillvll nJ'Il P" of tb v f sla, as or U pr rnt of ihow who r.Kl.i.r l,.fri w - ..B.n..wiH m wiuuve, Auuren m ISMI WHOLESALE Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties 14th and Nicholas Sts., - Thl Mill 1 "i i - v - ' Jirits DeLiOflCH i; : aawtcoBT. jiCTEa JwwiHMd ! ' Jxl I KHINflLK MACIU.VKS. I JU. )J 1 KNf.lNHii,tnoiUl,S ! f . ill P cok.v, ikki,, , ; ; th'iAa: ; ,11 I hih'k miu.h, ; ! rV I l WATKR WIIKKI.S, S ' Slf f- . f I AUNi JHKSHKS, UWLt .... if.iSfi '".-Kl Cokn wiiti.i.Kaa, ; I v a .1 hai'tino, ; ' 1 , I I J I't l.l.KVS .1 i . . t7 I V wiU r.KAmsa I , ' . '- AW RmiHINti J1 - v V. v'r'"'iv ASI-f.ClAI.TV. '! I ) if , 'HKK ';'W, j ' i ' ' ' " cr: u,u"c!i,i-i''s. i ; WhoUialo so4 lltlsil Desleta. MftRBLe, GRftNITe and SLftTS lot builJiof sod cttneltr y wotk, Sevtut hunJrt4 fi&Uht4 MoButntels ol motltra tletign slwtyi oa hsad, SAVK MIDDLR MAN'S I'KOriT AND DEAL DIKF.CT, . . , Writs (of tuts sod plcss, A prsoaal csll pi(ft4 AJJitii, i-niviz3jn.XjX4 Bioa Cr. Ijih sa4 0Sts., LINCOLN, NX&. January 27. 1898 New Lincoln Steel Range mm Best on Earth, Made on Honor, Sold on Merit. ' Guaranteed a good Baker and Economical of Fuel; ah styles ana sizes. Bon pcopl claim thy will aavt tknir ot In larinlil ol tire ran over mnr , cunt Iron itovt. If four dealer docs not 1 (nptiitin writ 10 si sod w win pro vide a way for yoo to boy oo at a ' raonabl prlc. BUCKSTAFF BROS, MFG. CO, Lincoln, neb., Makers. Patronize Home Industry. Stand dp for Nebraska. , CATHARTIC if tig iim DDuir.t "7:.r "I "Wi f!!7? h La,, j.w York. K. T.. WwhlSBtos, D. 0., lea Fra applications to fill. TURKISH TANSY and PENNYROYAL PILLS mt Boby NAHM'S PHARMAOV. writing to onr adrrtiwrs place to trade grades of Coal always on j our White Ash will suit you P firm a QQC "110116 SS5 rwi mi s s . TUC1 LU. IUI0 U OU a J Wll NEBRASKA HAY CO., - OMAHA, NEB 'Pftta l4itaTo ttsia r tea (fi.Cir.Kost aad Ur&itsaa 01 it coot ItltO IT, Uncoil, Ksbr. Bstrs Beat ItO lo 1 3 30 m H ft