The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 27, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    A Bit of Advice.
Take kindly all that la Madly meant.
n flrHt to tbtpk ; be iMt to reeeot.
Glte emlU-s to alt who ! trntt to tne;
And ttaoee who torn frownlDK felaa not to ms
A nd, 01 billot me, this I the plan
To IlKhUn, to brlabtea, tbe lot of msnl
Hmm blind wben tbe faults of a frleod appear!
em deaf when th elaoderer's role yon bar j
Beem dum ben tb corlooi crowd oa meet.
Aid tb.y bid yoo tbe lenderer'i tele repeat,
And, 0 ! believe me, tbls U tbs plan
To llghtee, to brighten, the lot of man. "enatornlilp.
Nasavhxe, Tenn., Jan. JJ6-Tb dem
cratic wnatorlal caucu met again to
night and took seventeen ballot" with
out making a selection. The last and
102nd ballot stood: McMillln, 35, Tur
fiy 27, Taylor 28. There airM- to
night to be little if any belief that the
deadlock will noon be broken.
Tbe Ww Ooveraof General of the PbUlp
pleee leeue a Creel Ediab
Saw Fbahcibco, Jan. 87. Mall from
the Orient bring the full text of the
edlet recently lued by Fernando
; Primo de lilvera, governor general of
the Philippine, a brief reference to
which baa been made through official
aouree at Madrid.
The edict m so severe in it treat
ment of all enemies of the imperial
government that the manifesto of
Woyler seem mild in comparison.
Taken as a whole it appears as an
official confession of the untruth of
the frequent announcements of the
government at Madrid that the Phil
ippine insurrection ha been sup
pressed and the people pud fled,
Th edict begins with the revocation
of all passes heretofore lasued and tbe
establishment of a military troche.
I'roperty belonging to person con
nected with tbe rebellion, or to ten
ants, partner or any person in
terested In property belonging to
the rebels is declared forfeited
to the government, and will
be seized to satisfy the needs
of th Spanish army. The families of
individuals who are incorporated in
the rebel party must go to join them
or fix their residence under the watch
fulness of the authorities. For the
purpose of this order families of rebols
will consist of their wives, children,
parents, brothers, brothers-in-law and
cousins, : .
Tbs Greet Easter llloek Horned sett
at Laaai Win J'robably Loet,
Si'okahk, Wash., Jan. 1:0. Tbe Great
Kuatcrn block, at the corner of I'ost
street and Iliversldo avenue, six
stories in height and constructed of
brick, caught fire about 11:45 o clock
last night and in three hours was de
stroyed. All of the upper two floor and part
of the third floor were used for lodg
ing purpose and at least 1.10 people
were asleep when the Are started.
While moat of them escaped with only
their clothes, it is thought at least
nine people perished, but no one
knows who were lost,
liecause of the network of wire
surrounding the building, it was with
the utmost difficulty that the ladder
were elevated While they were go
ing up many people were at the win
dow with flame aud smoke bursting
out about them.
MUs Itoae Wilson and Mra Hose
Smith are known to have perished.
W. It. Gordon, a mining expert, his
wife and three children, aged 12,
and 7, are missing and it is almost cer
tain that the entire family perished.
Mrs. C. Lewis is also among the
Mrs. II. II. U. Davles of Nebraska
City, Neb., fell or Jumped from a fifth
story window to the cement pavement
below and died at the Hacrod Heart
boapltal two hours later.
t'acle Sam Wearr of llallnr, Oeer the
MeCiird Claim.
Wasiusotok, Jan. So. The state de
partment is underatood to be taklnir
important steps fur the enforcement
of the iMcior.i elulm against IVru, and
a broad intimation Is given out that a
aenaallonal demonstration may be
made any day against the I'eruvlan
government, This is on of Hi moat
aggravated ceae that hasoouie before
th etaU department In years.
The amount ar not large, being oh! y
about Vl,ooo, but the I'eruvlan gov
ernment ha haggled and proeraatl
nated over it payment until th
patience of the government ha Wen
ttivd ta th limit of endurance. Mat
department oWi'lal ar very reticent,
but th tlu I given that hiiIcm th
th claim k 14 within a very short
time an American warship will ap
pear at t'allao totth liittruotloii to
sals th eusloiu bout and edtect
Untie aalt! th amount el aimed I r
eeived of th goverumeat settle
Faith In Hood's
Tha Orwal Cure by Maa)' larta
aarill Aro Indeed Merveleua,
My hwebai4 s!re4 alia sWittth
IrvaMe sm t4 si t be vM al ,
M Ms l ll4 rittll a4 11 1
ai!Hg biu ofM'Mtwtiy, llU4 h4 a
ffiNUu b .! bat tt.t t araitll
r4 tal miI b b bed bu liwald
wit bit !, My lull Uy, ts as bw
tail lluod b4rMilli 4 It b
g UM Mm a mm t'tU. Weben (real
t.Ub ta llm-l M4tnfiia. Mas. J II,
i n SSIHt, l .kUil.wr !., ItitbMlxf,
h , tw sat la -t ll.l I
tuOOd'O r,?.
lillw - In lt IM t Ikw4 rwi
iM H ail lfMuM 1 1 1 i t M
IUHX1 I III" vttK a4 ms a
Damage Does la Kausas CUy by tb
Kaxsa Citt, Ma, Jan, Vfl. In tha
official weather talk, it was a cyclone
that struck Kansas City this mornings
a ral cyclone, affected by th condi
tion of th winter season, which
mad it take on the form of a snow
storm. About six Inches of know fell,
and this, together with tbe rain that
bad fallen earlier in th night, made
water fall of almost on inch.
Th storm did great damage to the
telephone wire, and this morning
about 300 telephone were reported
out of order,
As a result of this morning's storm,
this city baa ben out off from tola
graphic communication with almost
th ntlr country west of a line run
ning north and south through Kanaa
All tret oar traffic was mor or
less delayed. Many passenger train
wr late.
Tb storm area Include Kanaa and
Missouri, but was much heavier In
th Utter tat. At Springfield, Ma,
th wind was blowing at th rite of
forty-flv mil an hour this morning
and tb now falling haavlly. South
west Kansas received only a light
snowfall. Heavy rains fell in th
central Mississippi and Ohio valley,
Committee Coselede ft Work al On
I ,elnntL
Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan, 28, Th leg
islative committee last night dosed
it Investigation in this city of the
Otis charges of bribery in th re tent
election of United State senator,
Th committe will contlnu It work
at Columbus, Thirty witness have
been examined her sine last Friday,
Th employes of I'reshivnt Hchrnid
lapp'a bank and lion, Harry M. Daugb
rty, chairman of th Republican
stat central committe, ytrdsy de
clined either to be sworn or to answer
questions, because the committee had
no jurisdiction.
When Manager i'ag of th Wtern
Union was asked to produce tne "11.
1)," dispatch and other messages, he
aid th company had none of their
message a far back a January 10, in
Cincinnati He did not know
whether they had been taken across
tb river to their office in Covington,
and Newport, Ky., or scut to New
York, or where they were. Chairman
liurke announced that, as soon a the
committee was through with all the
willing witnesses, the proceedings
would at once be begun to bring all
of the unwilling witnesses be for th
bar of the senate for punishment for
Teller fUfoletlon Stir tp flitre la
tbe Sanata,
Washington, Jan. J7. Yesterday'
session of the Senate , was character
ized by a heated, almost acrimonious,
discussion of th financial question.
For nearly four hour th Teller reso
lution was under consideration, the
principal speakers being Mr. Allison
of Iowa, Mr. Kerry of Arkansas and
Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts. The sharp
est colloquy wusat times indulged In
between the advocates and th oppo
nent of th resolution, th debate
often approaching bitterness. Tbe
feature of the discuitlon was a
speech delivered by Mr. Teller, author
of the resolution, his statements call
ing out a suggestion from Mr, Hoar
that ho (Mr, Teller) ought to have
them stricken from the record. In
response to an inquiry by Mr. Spuoner,
Mr. Vest admitted that he thought
the system of Coinage referred to in
the resolution meant the frte and un
limited colnuge of silver, that admis
sion apparently giving satisfaction to
the opponent of the measure.
Iowa, Illinois and Wlaaoniln In a lll
aard's Orlp.
CiitCAfin, Jan, 87. Report from
Iowa, Illinois and WUeonsin show
that a blissard has prevailed in por
tions of thoaa states more dlaastrou
In Its consequences than any storm
for many yeara Snuw has fallen to
th depth of a foot or more, which,
driven by a gale, has drifted badly,
causing bloekades to railroads, th
stalling or abandonment of both pa
senger and freight trains, stoppage ot
street ear traffic, paralysatlon ot Ulw
graph, telephone, eleclrle light and
Are alarm wire, th blockading of
country highways, rendering th rural
Inhabitant snowbound, and, In fact,
th praolleal cessation of bustuas III
f aeral at many puiaU
tb i fvll a Ml Wife tall at
tb White M-asa,
WssHisero. Jn 17. Th au
dit!flh4 visitor at th White
heus yesterday we I'resMeat
lrrlM, II wa pan Ui by
Mra Harris.-, Hill alls Hrrta..n
su4 bar, 4 l is private saarstary,
Mr Tit'boV la I'Sfly wm ushered
taU tb ftl part tf lb iiUt
Ntaaiot e4 thsa ! tit srir m
lb eti4 nMV, Iber tt I'rasl
daataad Mia Harrison war etr4UUy
riv4 l; I'MsUUat t4 Mra
AaaibM Haw that tb baatetair
lbs ? IiUImii ibatsblaab
WssHiamwa, Jsn It -III i.4
that bvriry tf tb Trvasary lf
b lalratslly teKilr at faalgaa-
lloa. i bis s-Uwi, It tt4lwt4, Is da
ta tb slrias4 raislutas blw Mr.
tif a4 liMlM balHf fruej
lb Wttt Ulltuii ct tbt Utte U
th tf I fKI siaa lsrd lsriMtsill
fw tbt tiUiioa wf affair.
On of the dry-good stores in Boa
ton ha substituted the cry "teller" for
At Tangent, Ore., a steam plow ha
been devised, which the Inventor
think will plow fifteen acre a day,
A New Haven man recently received
the Mvre punishment of three month
In Jail for shooting a robin on Sunday.
Chicago druggist ay that th great
demand for supposed remedlei indi
cate that tbe grip is again very prev
alent in that city,
St. Patrick' Roman Catholic cathe
dral at Melhourn, which lias bn In
eoure of traction for forty year, and
baa ooet 240,000, was consecrated the
last Sunday In October,
A Portland dry-good clerk went to
a kissing party in Deerlng, M., the
other evening and got hi muetache so
full of tutti-frutti that it bad to b
cut off, Lewlston (Me.) Journal,
Washington. Jan. 7, All chance
for statehood legislation at thl
Ion of Congress was killed to-day by
th Hou committe on territories,
which rejected th Arl.ona, New
Mexico and Oklahoma bill by a vote
of to 9.
J The first two measures were bunehtd
and defeated. Then th Oklahoma
bill was taken up and beaten by the
am vote.
There was no discussion, as it was
understood at the last meeting that
th vote was to be taken without fur
ther preliminaries, Delegate Smith
and Ferguson of Arizona and Nw
Mexico respectively stated that thy
wished to put themselves on record;
that If they wert allowed to rot they
would vote for the bill,
Oal belle Dig nltarla Seed.
New Yomm, Jan. 27. Father Franols
Dent ha commenced suit for 1100,
000 damage against Archbishop Cor
rlgaa, Jiishop Keane, William T.
Schley, an attorney, and Dr. Angelia,
th bead of th order of Friar of fit
Francis. He also seeks reinstatement
in the order. Father Dent alleges
that be ha been maliciously perse
cuted by the defendants. In Decem
ber, 1893, he was arrested for al
leged tor fry, indicted by th grand
jury and soent twenty-seven days In
jalL He was also expelled from the
order of St Francis.
(lags Bepllae to Drao.
Phii.adkii'Iiia, Jan. 27. Tb v-
entb annual meeting of th Trade
Ieague of Philadelphia wa held last
night In th Academy of Music, of
which th principal speaker was Ly
mm J. Uage, secretary of the treas
ury, Mr, Uag devoted considerable
attention to th positions of th two
arrest parties on th silver question,
and replied to some of the recent ut
terance of W, J. Hryan of LlueoJn,
U. Cleveland's fbotoerspn,
Kmporia, Kan., Jan, ?7. Orover
Cleveland has sent his photograph to
the College of Kmporia, Mr, Cleveland
ent th following letter with hi
photograph: "I must confess that a
Kansas college I a queer place for my
plctur, since I am such a heretic,
mildly stated, to Kansas Ideas on po
litical questlona I sin quite willing,
howsver, to comply with your request,
and enclose with this my photograph."
Italian ltwrraa I allad Dot
Komk, Jan. 5J. Owing to the bread
riots, it has bfn decided to call out
one claws of the reserves.
Sanaa City Oralo and Live toeb
Hard Wbast-Nu I. S7'4ei No. Tet
No, 8. H&'4c; No. 4, H'i'c; refected. 806
Holt Wheat No. I. 90c, No 95
Na I, 024c No. 4 UOci reacted, bi'Unbc
bpr!n Wncal-No. 4&tt&Ci No, , 3c
rejcclad. 7747UC
torn -Mli.l. N- 74 V. Nn S. 34HCI
Na 4, 24 i rejected. 33c. Whit Corn
-Na 3. lbi Na A K&4C Na 4, 'Jbc
Caul Krcelpt. B.HiiOi cslrea )0,
Mtid, 717 cattle: 1.6 calves Tbs mar
ket waa ulroiiK to 10c higher.
Hreed beef snd eiHrt steera 14.009
boo, native heller I J. 60 A too, naUr
cowt, li.6(4,Jb)j native leetlere, 14.004
lloKS-Hcelta, 1S.37J. hlpd, 301,
Tbe market was weak lo be tower,
t'rlcesrsuied from i.o4l ii.
The senate pommltte on poetolflcoa
and poat road have aeleetod rwimlor's
Mitnon Untler aud Mason to lormulala
a bill irovlding lor lb retablUtuwnt ol
postal aavlnga banks, Th bill M h
they prvpar will take I La plai ol the
many other now belor the comiuitlw.
HanM II. Ilanna, th only sou ol rWa
alorHareuA, llantta, has ln-a sud
ay bis aila lor a divon. Tb dwr U
aakml lor on th groitu.l ol silrvuia t ru
ally, Tb couple were litarrie-l la lh
Tl",r hav thr , al uims wiaibl
aud Ihrve years, mw ivly, 1ha. -araled
thrtM m agu aud have
living apart svr aluea,
bailoaal AM AiwUllo.
A air icily Iraltfaal and UtwlU-iary
(rdr, la iaattluUd hr lb urxw ol
aidiitg and eaaUtihg It wiul aud
Ibxir Until), a4 In toadxeWd u tba
lodf jfinaa a Mr trtrt U
ex t. al aastttlalloa.
It ta lo improt! ataMlal,aMUl,
moral a4 lalathvluai iditi'm td Ita
H'H,Urs bf laalrui'llt !,
usa4 and limalf a4 In promote
rbitaliis lami'wrnsr, health, ladaa
try, e-aowy a4 puniv,
1u Umu sut-b tal mltale as
mar ha l.roti tl l la b I a4 t
1 1 n id lor II Mifl aud aid id sn uira
a4 Ibair UiMlitva, tb atd ias, Mft'tiaas
or kldrl tb'ud-U ol la
bvfel a I aealat sl I s I 4aabM
ai-iiif. Tb th moat rH'al b
ilaa l irtal laiwraavvf dvvia4.
I adw and gvalleaw raait ar
aai4 l iraat a taii I ai
Hty l lb lal. tlK.t eHpat
lute la iaraiitk ttnla ! m al I
aula, ,Nb , r vail a ma at litril.
baidag lloaee, ,1 j N slrest,
I' K, rtrwisa,
Bonnio E, 2:18, by Bowshot, la
aid to have boon timed a half in 1 :0J)
in a race.
Gus Maoey has 'rocoivod two Star
Pointer S-yeur-olds from Pcnnsylvaiiitt
for training.
Drextcll, tbe brother of Aitoll, who
was not a sucous as a trotter, bus boon
tut to pacing and is suid to be fast.
Ueors say that it cost at least $700
a mouth to support the 48 horse and
their groom tout he is wintering ' at
Selma, Ala.
Ilia, 9 :18 half sister of Mahogany,
9:12 will bo driven next year by K.
K. Jlowue, who gave Mahogany bis
mark In J 807.
Arugon K, by Adrian Wilkos, who
took n record of 3:10 as a 4-year-old in
1807, is tipjH'd a likely to prove
ensational trotter.
Dandy Jim, 3:001, bad won 133
beat In standard time at the close of
1800, and the past year be rolled np
enough more to carry him over the 160
Tbomus Keating, tbe crack California
roiusman, although advised to winter
in Arizona by his physician, on account
of his lung, bus a string of horses at
Plea sou ton.
3, W, Lash, well known m tho own
er and driver of Pat L, 2:00, 1ms gone
to Fruihie with a shipment of trotter.
Among them was the young horse Grant
L, brother of Pat L.
ltichwood, one of the few remaining
sou of liuiiibletoniau, is now owned
by I)r, V. H. Kversole of Ht. Louis, who
writes that bo cun show a 9 :1)0 gait to
day. II is coining 20 years old.
The Ohio pacing gelding Bed Streak,
2 :2414, by Knick, was worked but three
week for speed previous to tho race in
which ho took his record last summer,
having done farm and general road
work all the spring.
Jtosebud, tho only living daughter of
Goldsmith Maid, 3:14, is now in the
great brood mare list.. Hboistliodum
of ltigby, by WieklifTo, record 3:80 in
1807, and of Kpoch, sire of Dot Miller,
record 2:2i)i4 in 1807. Horso Hovlew.
Small gold buttons, closely act on,
form a new mid pretty closing to tbe
bodice. They ure cither bell shaped or
flat and ure especially rich looking on
Tbe new shirt waists for spring will
be Uiitdu up in the zephyr goods, with
pockets, it is said. Instead of buttons
many of the prettiest shirr waists will
be laced np with cords.
Fancy ribbon is panned once or twice
around the waist and then tied on tbe
left side in short 1kis and ends, muk
iug pretty, dressy looking belt. , Tbe
ribbon is from 2 to 4 indies wide, and
from 2 to 8 yards i the best length,
Wbito cbuntilly, with a nurrow edg
iug of black lace in lightweight pat
tern, make a pretty trimming, Lace
rests are inncb worn, and bauds of lace
insertion, with .a tiny chiffon ruche on
each side, makes a beautiful trimming,
Drocaded silks are not so much worn
now as tbe plain tuffeta and gros-
grains. Bntiu duchesse is fushiouablo
and promises to coutinuo so, Striped
novelty silks are seen, and plaids and
chocks are smaller and more quiet in
Lnmicre is tho name of a new wash
materiul tbut is exceedingly rich in ef
fect. At a little dlHtuuce it look like
pore silk of an excellent quality. Tbe
hnish is lino ami delicate and is war
ranted to stuud any amount of washing.
It comes in ten different coloriugs aud
shows single stripes and wavy clusters.
Wbito jiettionats will be much worn
next spring mid summer aud will bo
elaborately luce trimmed. They will be
worn beneath the silk skirt Many of
the wbito skirts are made of tho sheer
est fabrics and huve a Spanish flounce
trimmed with iluo luce in Vandyke
points, A full of lure, put on full,
edges the flounce.- New York Tribuuo.
Miss Maud Iliodum lias been eugsged
ly ltudolph A run mm for a leading part
lu"A Puris Model. "
Ivhimro and Wilson, late of "A
llroudway Girl" iiinquiiiy, huve hdued
the Murray ami Mac k conn any.
A u tut iu Italy has secured tho Amer
ican rights t f "Ia Ptiupeu" ami will
give It another rlmm In Ni w York
Contracts have Inn signed fur I he
apaaraui of ham iVrimrd a a star
best Matu lu "The Marquis tf Michi
gan." lkr iHivldxin ami Cuylr llMttug
hav hu itt'agH by Hotart Milliard
f"f "Mr. New York," th new vereKu
ol"ll-l Hours,"
"I'm lm" w III rolatly mmat itui
th Ul id lh m I W f iwlval l m
glveti al lily's thvater, New York.
Mia lt ban will eaaay ful th fimt I Una
Hi nd t f taiUita.
A Pari M.atel," th ti thr iw-t
cttnwly ly Jaua Maaldlu Trial, will t
nlixl early uvtl tuottth at Iba Uu
hmlr, New Yoik, uudof the Uiiwluai
sA Uu44t h At4 iV
llMlwrl lldia riuk wiiliragraud
rU.U,4 t. "Uuhaid III" lal.l tu
tb aeu. With klmealf a Hu bt4 bi4
Marl I. Ala.lla a ltly Abb, lie
w ill tli4iltuu "Faust, " hvwsvvf
III HwllatUa flMMHUHH) U Uvat
4 Id lb hi'tol taalaa
Tb tall hal va ty tuea Rnt
paaiwl la l iauea biiy tou yi aa'b
A rati ettiu k a aieeK frvsa th
KotaH aii4 gaailly th taliph' him
tut bvf 4 Ituaihs
la Tiaiic diaivv aa4 dtphuM ar
gruM ty tb gxtrrntuvat an I n ty
lb nulviiaiUv, a In thl votutiry.
A Perfect Machine at a
H S 19.50 k
WUm nw tibb flmaa mm mtinh In rtrAmP
buy aome machine you pay 75 per cent for tbe nam and 85 per cent for th mar
bine. We soil you a Sawing Macbin that will sew, and cbarg you nothing fee
th nam. II you do not like the name "Independent," paint red over it and ot3
tb machine what you will. We are doing the advertising, and it dose not coat tf
much. W bay tb machine direct from one of tbe largt manufacturer In ti
iimtn m and nffue tham tn mi p anhanrihara at an axnaritional'v
low price, ana ail we want in aaomon is une nuDwnun, our iuuubuu
Machine la a thoroughly flrst-clas Family Sewing Machine, and Is retailed undar
t -E I . 0 UK I If 1 fttm Hani.Millill ivlfk th. manilflljf HMM B.II1 ul
III oniiBai naiiio at f vu.vv,
anow u vo u ineir name, out luaivBHi wv cbui i iuwnuu.v.
- - - " T-' ' '
Awarded the Medal Premium at the World's Columbian Exposltloa at
tbicago in 18M. j
EVEBY MACHINE WA EE ANTED. A written warranty aceompaulea
each Macbin. All part are Interchangeable, and we can aopply duplt-
cats at any time. Each part ol the Machine I fitted with such xae
nee that no trouble can arise with any part, aa new pleeea can be
applied with th assurance of a perfect fit.
Our "Independent" 1 a trlotlv high-grade Sewing Machine,' and flnlahed
throughout in the best possible manner. It possesHe all modern improve
ments, and its mechanioal construction is such that in It are combined Implielty
with great tremith, tbn Insuring ease ol running, durability, and making H
irapossibl for th Machine to be put out of order. It sew fast and maka a
perfect stitch with all kinds ol thread and all classes of material. Alwaya ready
(or use and unrivaled for speed, durability and quality ol work.
Notlc th following point of uperiorlty. , . .. . t
Tub IIkad swings on patent socket hinges, and i firmly held down
by a thumb acrew. It is strong, substantial, neat and handsome In
design, and beautifully ornamented in gold. The bed plate ha ,
rounded corners and is Inlaid or countereunk, making it flush with
the top ol the table. IIiohkbt Arm The space under the arm i 6
Inches high and tt Inches long. This will admit tb largest skirts,
even quilts. It is Rklf-Tmikadino Ther ar abolutely no bole
to put th thread through xoept th ey of th needle. Th Shot
tlu 1 cylinder, open on the end, entirely sell-threading, eoey to put
in or take out; bobbin bolds a large amount ol thread. Thb Stitch
ItEOULATOH is on the bed ol tbe Machine, beneath the bobbin winder,
and ha a scul showing the number of stitche to the Inch, can be
changed from 8 to 83 stitches to th Inch. Tub Fxbo i doubt and
itends on both side ol th needle; never tail to tak th good
through; never to at seams; movement I positive; no spring to
break and get out nl order; can b railed and lowered at will.
Automatic Hohoi Wwokii An arrangement lor Ailing tb bobbin i
automatically aud perfectly smooth without holding th thread.
The Maehine doe not run whil winding th bobbin. Liobt Roir. j
KiNO-Tb Machln I uy to run, doe not fatigu tb operator,
make little uoia and saw rapidly. Th Stitch 1 a double-lock
titoh, th ame on both ldea, will not ravel, and ean be changed
without stopplug tb Machine. Tun Trksio I a flat spring Uosioa ,
and will admit thread from H to 160 suool cot ton without changing, i
Never gt out ol order. Tua Nkkplk i a straight, sall-aatjlng
' aevdle, flat oa one tide, and ranuol b put la wrong. Nbedli Uab
la round, mad ol aae-bardeaad teel, with oil cup at bottom to
lH-6tcfamM'n0,,bo"4,,, AwcTat.i lHAmsoa-AU
Waring areaaoardend st4 and eaa b ai y adjtwbsd with
crwdriver. All h-t motion eaa be taaea P, ad tb Maealao wlU
lat a III time. ATTrtiMiT-Kah Maehia la faraiakwl with th
Inlloelng tol bttl attacbntaeU rata: Oa J'oot llamaw
Pllat, on Park age of Naadl-a, ail Uobblae, oae tweeh, on ton
lrtvar, oa rihuttl ferew lHr, oae prwawr Foot, oa IWt aaa
Iloik, oaoat'afllle4 with oil, oae Ueug, oa Oaug Screw, oae
Quilt., aa4 ous luatruetloa Hook.
jk. puo.oo jwiaoixiim-ij ron oxo.ocx
riltafwOa "latleaeadeaf aewlag Maobta a abate 4ftt
4 Mbrab Ia4rea4eal oa a IW l OO, f
CHlNIWtia atta4at' aewlag btavbla ! a a bW
Hlm abuMly free of ouet tW a t labafao bwflbe
at II tHleaem
flllHIV-Oa a4itat' wewlaf Maohlaa UOa ! ,
e4 a t lab mt ta iabwottbee al 9 1 tHl i kk
m 1 1(1 11 T Ptllk.tllaiaklaVtiieJ dlral rrt.aa taeUir at CVUex
br ipa'4 la a iat i is t'ti rtlaiea oa a aUa, eat i
KatlaWaabiaat.Hi,tahlua', Nevada, Wfj.a. tVkK hew tletbm
,b,s l uh. Mm ua. a t W.miug, to akwh iet will bf4
all bib Rri bf 1 1 ihj e44 lU
IW 4eia tlb)a ll bkMsa alat platalj tk eutat to wkWkj tk atat
UlsW Hd. a a lb aetitUw tb -a b t t t t Uv bia i
biag Mt as wall a b8Wa a44rea1 a4 wotl llavhia a4 faw l i
(fiiatptty aat, . J
nrti-bsta sit, Okhm ta ArrM a lutoatum. to I)
Lincoln, Nobraska. j
Popular Price.
trt aUkaifirA nnnnlp fiAmT Whftfl VM
"""""'" ,