THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT January 27, 1898 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. la tbl o!nme w wiU pabUsb eommtnleatloas Si a worth ud Mltabl aaraeter, reoelTed Na Mbeortber to thli paper. No ominanl ) iboald eootatn mora the to words, MaaaaptlUotbtwt Land, Trmtiortwtlon and Finance. Editor I.sdki'knkknt: s It eem by your last Issue, that sev- eral writers bavo seen fit to notice my last communication. Oat of these you have selected the communication of Brother Hand. Now without answering anybody, let me stats my position. , The prtsont writer was with the popu tlo party at IU birth, as 1 voted the union labor ticket before that party was organised. Now, that party U etill good enough for me. I was a member of its last national convention. That conven tion adopted much that wait good, and much that waa rank nonsense; but I am a populist, nevertheless; and see no occa aion for organising a new party, We started out on three fundamental lines Land, Transportation and Finance, Those are three cry Ingerlls. Absentee-landlordism is perhaps, bat exemplified in unhappy Ireland. The landlord rtdleots hie rent In cueh; and upend hie money lu London and 1'arls. It Is a constant drain upon the country, The nonresident landlord Ih not Interest ed In the building of churches, the main tenance of snhools or the conatruction of good road. Allen ownership of land tends to the creation of an Ignorant and brutnlUod peueautry. In my humble judgment It ought to bo prohibited by the constitution of the United Htates. The matter of transportation Im a burning question, too great to be die euNMud in a short newHiiiMr article. In 18N!J the railroad took one-half of the entire wheat crop of Kansas to curry the other half to market. In the SiH yeurs following 1850 the railroad Interest in the United Htates Increased l.GHG per centum; and the farming interoetM only 254 pcrccntum The cost of the Union raclflo railroad, in capital atock, mort gage boude, land grant, income and government bonds, was reported to the eocretary of the Interior at llii.20(J,!IOO or an average of 1108,77)4 a mile; but the liabilities of the company at the date of the completion of the road were 1 1 10,. 7flO,()r2, or an average of fl 121,110 a mile, Jesse h. Williams, one of the gov ern iiimit director of the company and a civil engineer ol great experience, in a re port to the secretary of the Interior, dated November 14 III, 180H, gave the approximate ooet of the Union raclflo railroad in cash at f .'18,821,821, or an averugo of about .')8,00) a mile; and James Harrison Wilson says this cannot be far from correct. We all know how the government lifted its first mortgaire from the road and took a second. We know too the history of the late compro mise between the government and the road. Tliut road with all the feats of engineering ncccexury for its completion surpasses the wall of China; und almost rivals the pyramids of Kgypt. It would bo safe to style it the eighth wonder of the world. It has united the extremes of this continent; spanned deserts; climb ed and descended mountains. It has made the union of these states a perpet uity. The Union J'nciflo railroad haH been managed by men of extmelve abili ty and experience; and men who have been lust as good as the average man would have been In their places. That road ought to have been the greatest fi nancial success of the nge, Yet it has beon a colossal financial failure. Most of the railroad property in the United Htatea is today In the hands of receivers. What is the remedy lor all this? We populist say government ownership. Let u stay by It; and not compromise one iota. The financial problem is the third great question. It is just as great but, no groater than the others. Free silver is a part of populism. Hut it is a very small part Indeed. It is only the froth on the crest of ths wave. The great unsolved financial problem lies rolling and tumb ling beneath it. We will unite with dem ocrats In trying to accomplish the little that they have conceded. Hut we will forever insist that money is not a mater ial, but simply a function; that whether we use gold, silver or papr, money is simply a qiintiou of policy; and as such should be dirUHstd, We are for free silver simply becaune it will afford tem porary relief. It will enable us to gather our wind to strike the giant Monopoly a weary stomach punch. If the democrat ic arty deserves any praise, it Is for the conceeHions it lis made to populism. We will work with silver democrats and silver republicans, w herever we can work on common ground. Hut populist we are, populist we have beeu; and popu list we will !, yetrday, today and forever. We will say to that party, iu the word of Itutb to Naomi: "ilutreat m not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee for whither thou go. eet, I will go." Allow m to quote in conclusion the closing words of Marion Uutler speech at the ht. Louis coqvii tlon; "We are willing to approve everything right they ith old parties) tl and w will condemn tbeui when thT blunder, or wha they betray a a they baveia the s 1 I 1 It i it it it il it il I l I It i O t ll il u jo:i:i Fiiiup sous, ?b Ut be,' S-ivs: 'Th KlmNiU TUna 1 firt ilu iu ritry rvjHL A. 1IOMPI3, tirej a si, IWas, Neb, COOK & BARLOW Harness and Saddle Makers. . Burlington Stay-On Blanket Repairing a specialty. Full Stock of Harness, Lap RobesJIankets 225 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST, Lincoln, Neb. past, Ilemember that you arc People's party men; that you have accomplished more lo four year than the old parties have accomplished In half a century. He member that, If we do our duty at this hour, the time is not far distant when we will be the majority party In America." Wimicii F. Hhyant. Uartlngton, Neb., January 17th,1898. A MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM, Mr. Wilbur F. Bryant Will Oiv An El egant Prlss for Correct Solution, We are in receipt of the following offer from Mr. Wilbur F, Bryant, of Uartlng ton, Neb.: Uartlngton, Nob.. Jan. 17th. 1808. ElllTOII iNDKI'KNDKNT, Lincoln, Nebraska; Dear IHir: I send you the following problem for publication: Two men A A II agree to dig a ditch 200 rods in hmvth for which C agree to pay them f 100 or 'J per rod. A part of the ditch was stony; A says to U I will dig the stony part for f 2.25 per rod, and you dig the dirt tmrt for 11.75 per rod. Koch receiv ed two hundred dollars. How fur did each dig? Ans I will give to the first resident of the state of Nebraska under 18 years of age who will work the foregoing problem and arrive at a correct solution a new copy of the llible either the Oxford or Douay edition. I will accept a solution either ty an nritlirnetrlcal or algebraic method, will u so send the name of all persons coming within the above terms who send the correct answer and solution of this example to me to your paper for publi cation, Let each person send name and address und the certificate of any clergy man In good standing to the effect that he knows such person and believes them to be under 18 years of age. Don't all epcuk at ouco, , WlMIUIt F. HltVANT. favors On Convention. iToit Nkhiiahka Inhki'icniiknt: As I liavH not seen au vthinuin your pa- per from the (If ih congressional district for some time,! thought likely a word would not be out of (dace on the past, present and future of the party, and the situa tion as I see It. As one of the old guard have been identified with the party since its organization in this state and have spent money and tune to perpetuate the movement for the benefit of the masses, have attended all the conferences trout Cincinnati, Ht. Louis to Omahn, and as one of the first national coiuuiii teeol the party in this state, should know some thing aWnt the organization, and huve an intorcHt in its future prosM'rity. As to the past I do not believe the manage ment was for the best. As u political purty never doe wrong in t he eyes of the management they generally claim it was all they could do uuderthe situation they were placed iu. 1 behove the party made a mistako at Ht. Louis when they did not nominate both president and vice presi dent, and divide the presidential doctors, on the plan that Tuubeueck advocated. wrote to him prior to the convention and advocated the plan that he tried to have adopted iu the convention hut failed. I believed that to 1st the bent for the reason that if we failed to cloct we could show the whole vote we polled and hoi J our party identity better than if we indorsed the democrats. If we were de feated we would have something to rally trout. As it Is, what have we aiue17 A defeated candidate and a middle ol the road split In the party and the party in worse condition to make a fusion in nine- e-n hundred than it wn la ninety-six. The great portion of the populist party do not only believe in the free coinage ol silver but the whole of the Omaha plat- unit, l hey uo not believe in taking one or two planks and Ignoring the balance. 11 title w wore advocating tliwpurtv prin ciple mid the raue ol rlorui. there were other lu the eaatera part of the state that were carrying a cut nail and talk ing on the tariff uueatiou, but uf late would like to claim the w bole silver nils. lion and aiak the iu. While I Mieve that tbesante prtsiNMi that corner a"ul, I will etrar silver, unl w hat an Wus of ar at the sine, time. As eonditluns ar at the prwH time wit tart silver parts all claiming ilt as part ol Ibvir platkrttt tt look aa il that wa the maia quratititt. 1 b-v sttoui.l all route iataouvtavatU as d4 at Omaha, make a -ltUrw aad kouitaata the . dttlat tt slssd ttn-rwia and thru ,! patty smttrs. The that taisk fetor ol las asm Uaa the prinvt- p' baa not the h 4 tb ai al bwwl, i t tK4ro iiiar. Tt ttftToa or thk litritkv I aativry warb iiivto4 1 ib arttrka mI fit Hf psUwal.... Is grwftl ul tMthm an pruNtttj mmm ail faallk, a4 wbiU I twiw l. Mr. Mowart, la aUadts up Ke Ira rM.'V rmit4v a,aJ a.ltur bt NM UJ Mr Iratb, a4 wb W I MtiiitiM m ar ubr w KkK ia points la tb ti' id trMMHit. I d't Wt taa at ta i tb t(itkMi tb tf a tat MMidwratioa tv MtPtaai lbMi t4 aauwa. T lrm i lu vivUi it Mures wa hi I a-ar aim la vMmi bm iMimt, tbat b WAV Wri , ktv mmi twmi ki yvu pf-4ta, a krOf U M rtalt.Mi atatilaf M Ibal wl I ,aa la lIVKbt.y rvb IWvtdw. tioo by Thomas Carlyle, page 508) it is m-cessary to arouse tueir reason insteaa of t beir prejudice. Theirreat trust and combines have driveu men to learn 11 lesson; for while competition has been a curse to the poor, trusts and monopolies are killing them, nut tueinausinous wm loarii u possess their own through the initiative and reierenuum. Men reeis'ct fully spoken to will weigh and consider. Bo. Iirother Htewort while fighting for humanity with your p n, be careful you oo not kiu or repei reason, and leave the animal alive and uncaged. I believe there are thousands of honest men who are neither knaves or fools who believe In the fallacious theory of a metalio redemption money, llelniz well educated, but poorly in formed. Fifty men can control all the avenues of trade la America. We have been nuietlv and cunningly dispossessed of our own, This seems Impossible to the masses, and until they learn It they will not see the danger. VVe boast of free schools, but ureat professors are driven from our colleges (or teaching the true science of eovernment. Ho the masses, God blci them, must feel the pangs of hunger and the cola blast 01 bank ruptcy and will have to learn by feeling, and then the Hansculott will full into line, while their crust i moist with tears and with their rags for banners, help eradicate the wrong of a usurious 0I1. garcby. J. . mguannki,, West Union. Nebr.. Jan. 12. 1898. E itoii or TnK inkkpknpkkt: I believe nine out of every ten of the populist party endorse the article of IL 0. Htew- art on the money otiestlon, and I ask as does John Long, why not get together and Join the populist party. They are the only one mar nave ad vocated an irredeemable paiier money and now why must we be expected to en dorse a democrat simply because ho has proven himself more honest than the ' 1. ..'...t La a mission to perform and the men who think that they can deliver the vote to either of the old parties, simply because they have declared in favor of free silver are badly mistaken. We can never again be forced into endorsing the Democratic nominee uutll they as a purty declare for legislation in the In terests of all and It can never be done under the democratic name, with the an tipathy that exists in the south against that nanfe, A union of the reform forces is desired by all who favor reform, but 1 it right or fair to ask the popu lists of the south to endorse the demo cratic party? The party that has looted their state treasury and plun dered them in years past. lf" they wunt union, why did the demo crats not withdraw Hewall and take up Watson as they agreed to do in the lust campaign, Hrynu would not accept the nomination unhss Hewall was endorsed. We huve many populists, both north and south, who will never vote a fusion ticket nua'n und it is the duty of every popu list to labor and work for men who will work for all the principles of the Ht. Louis convention. Home may ask why not form a new party. The answer Is, it would tuke years to bring it up to the present position of the people's party and this is as the name implies, the ono hope of the people, as all who ngne with us on finance can unite with us and thereby gain a , permanent victory against the goldbugs and anything else will mean a shattered parly. LUet s sieak out. "'What's the matttT with llolcomband Watson for 10007 Tours for success, A, I). OovernmrQt by Cumnilulnn. Time was win 11 congress met to frame laws for the people, whilo tbo executive department confined itself to adminis tering tbo laws Things lire different now. For instance, tho whole- country agrees tluttwc need n cbuiigu iu the cur reney laws. Instead of congress going to work and framing u bill, u self consti tuted liiont '.ary roimuiHhiou fntims a bill und submits- it to the executive with instructions to secure its enactment. The part of congress is simply to put this ready Hindu law into ell'ect. Great is government by cumin issiou. Spirit of Itufurm. COMMON SENSE CURE. Pyramid Tile Cure Cures Piles Per manently by Curing tbo Causo. KiitarltahlD Hciiindy IVhlrh Is llrlnt(lna t'ouirurt lu Tliou.auiU of NuR'rrora. I'robatdy half tho eople who see this article are sufferitiir from 1'ilcs. It Is one ol the rnmmoueMt diseases und on ol the most olmtinate. I'mtple have it for years and ust iHs-aiiM it Is not Im mediately fatal they ueglect It. t ar- ltMuo cause no end of suflering, I'nre ItHtsneii alnut so simple a thing as pile baa oltea caUMHl deatn. Ilemorrhatpst occur during surgical treatitient, witeu canning death. rile ar iuipl la th ueginniug and easily curtnl. They raa b cured even in th worst tagv, without palu or los ol lilmtd, quukly, urel,r and rompletwly. Thvr U onlv us remedy that will do it Pyramid I'll Cur. Il allay th intlamiaatioa lmmlite ly, lial th Irnlated ur(ttn aud welt ing and put tb membrane Into gtHtd, itand, hinUhT eouditloa. Tb eur I thoroutf b aud prmaat. llrMa vuluaUry and aaoltt-itd t-aiimkUI w bav ialoiv rvvrtvvd; Mn. U. 0. Iliskly. dot Mutipl irwi, ladiaaaiHtlia, lad., ay; "IUv twa a hntnt b pla and uay aa id I'll vr nti-a year. Tb I'jr. mul 'J t'uro aad lriuid lMIgV at immliii rlwl asd la a short ttat a empbi ar, tea-sjiat ll I'yramid hi Car or dl gl it yu U yoa mk Ihoaa Il la but ftat a pa k a it asd U pal up wJv h lb t'iMwtd lri t'vt., Wr ball, l let. on. Mconcw ia tt IPIO IAV.II1 PHvill Diuiiet jaa1bJJg( laVft 4Waaaa1lW Ja WON ONLY . Wt -! I Mk aV-a k.k 1 .in a . . 1 m. m !, ltb 4 r VKAHA, HbM, MORGANS. Picture of Home Nobl Spool me in of th fine Old Breed. Yean ago, 00 a farm with which the writer hereof was somewhat well ac quainted, there was a little yellow Morgan mare, She could oattravel, oat pall and outlast anything in horseflesh at least half as large again as herself in the country round. She was as gentle aud intelligent as she was plucky and graceful. For light wagoning, for the COLONKL MORRILL. family carriage or as a saddler at need she was perfection. In all tho years in which she lived on that farm she never shied or bolted or ever once showed a trace of bad temper, HJ10 was tbo most prized, petted animal on a lurgo conn try pluco. I lor colts, ono of which she produced each year, half bred Morgans, wore, nn like herself, largo uniinuls, above the usual sl.o of farm horses. They inherit ed her gentleness and pluck, however, as well as her intelligence. A pair of thorn, mutches, were sold to the propri etor of a noted circus and went to tho far west, whero they wero recognized years afterward by ono who hud known them back in the east. They were well on in years, but tho proprietor of the traveling show said of them, "They are tho best pullers I have. " From that day to this the writer has always cherished nn affection for the noble Morgans. , It is with pleasure therefore that we print here pictures from photographs of sorno of Mr. Amos F. Moore's noted Morgans from Maple wood Morgan 1 lor so farm at Polo, Ills. Mr. Moore, too, fell in love with the Morgans years ago and has been breed ing them at Maplewood B3 years. The animals on his farm truce back in dl- OWKSPOMS. rcct line thrco and four times to Justin Morgan's Sherman, Woodbury and Ilul rash. At tho heud of the stud is tho stallion Colonel Morrill, 7 years old, a noted prizo winner at tho Illinois state fair. Colonel Morrill is as be stands one of tho most graceful horses living. Ho il a dark bay, 15, '4 hands high, biro, Cup tain Morrill; dum, Lib. Tbo second illustration shows Owen dolin, a seal brown mure, 15. 1 in height. This beautiful creature is 4 years old and received first premium for Morgan inures at tho Illinois state fair this year. Gweudolin is full sister of Colonel Morrill. The peculiarly grace ful, spirited Morgan bead is illustrated in Owetidoliu's picture Finance is n U-yeur-old stallion that is pronounced by Tbo Breeder's Gazette "tho cock of the Morgan walk at the present time." The Uuzutto further says of him, "Ho is a very bountiful young horse, u genuine Morgan pattern, with high finish and the trappiest gait. " Flnuncu took first premium iu his class at tho Illinois statu fair this year. Ho is seul browu iu color, without a white mark 011 him. All three of these horse were bred by Mr. Mooro. Of courau all Uetxl of horses have their place. For a driver of any kind or a saddler, however, uo horse ever wai or ever will 1st built superior if equal to tb Morgana Their suittlluess of si is sometime urged agaiust them, but tiSAHK. they arw a targ a th hackney and bav a gtttleiiMi and luteUigiUc a wvll a pr4 thai arw lack ing la tb fnrtt l.ultt tiwd. If grvanr IM U waMvl. thl tt m brvl lata th XL- Mtbt'Ul I reuliug nut bU vbar attvtutia bl t Uitlitlva, ludt la Teu.aawa atel Miuit llt r U a flu family t4 Uik M.1S-4U welt iuvmtk to bote faiw ii and lb tradev ILr U a gvsst ! taltlarw f f fal tatag 1 Mt I'Htttd ntuiMtsal, tta 'ttud t a if t i nd f4umHi HtrL W wb a Uaj all tb animal Hill t baa a p. A lint will l U bl 14 (vaud d,y of b giit tuttlur. la ad liti t ilia tb ! all lb ruHgd ti tbry will Mtt la Ida aitapa i4 sImui, toh a lI.U vt Uf It U wall m li IK fit-lt at i te4 ael tba bay lb Ifefitttlug Ibnw. LdvitDu1s Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constl patlmi, sour stomach, ladlgextlen are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. Tbcy do their work InlOOdl'j easily and thorouxlily. ff licst after dinner pills. Ijl I I f 25 cents. All dniKKliU. II Prepared by C. I. Hood at Co., Lowed, Mass. fhe only 1111 te Uik with Hood's araparllla. Klonklke, Are you going to The Klondike? Do you know how to get there? Write H, K. Hooper, C, P. & T. A., D. A II. 0. IL II., Denver, Colo., for a delightfully Illustrat ed pamphlet devoted to this subject. Dr. Ketchum Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat auu vawru pwitMln CWoll ritud, All fss roaatl Offlc 4tb floor Richards Block, Llncola PEOVIDENOE FDB COMPANY, 49 Westminister St Provldsnoe, E-1- Waois all kinds of Raw fars, Mklas, Olswn, Sii, eU. fall prima aosrantMl, Csraful m- iix'iion, eoRroinof runni, iinniwiiaw rmii tnniw, Hlilfifilns Tskd, Hp, luruiabcd Ire. Wrlle fur laNMt prlue elrauiars Tit Bight Ilouta to Klondike, Whether you select the all-water roots by way of St. Michaels, or the overland routs via I)ya, Hkagway, Cooper river, laktt or Htikine, you must first reach a i'acifle port of embarkutlon. Tub Itio UnANne Wkstkhn luii.wir. In connection with the It, k it. (J., or Colorado Midland Ky., is the abort, di rect and popular route to Han Francisco, For tl and, 1 acorna or Heat tie. Through sleeping chars and free reclining chair cars from Denver to Han Francisco and Denver to 1'ortland. Choice of three routes thro' the Hock los and the most magnificent scenery in the world. Write to F. A. Waolicioh, (J, I', A.. Halt Lake City for copy of Klondike folder. Kotlie To John Mchsff"? non-rl(lt 4fosi1snt: Tos are liurdbr notfni Uif on Ih Hith day of January, ss, Unry M,-liffi-y 0 lard a potltlon atciilntitroa In lite itlatrlt court of l,nntf Connty, NubriMlia, tiie olijui't and prayer uf bli-li ar to olitmn a floi-. from you an'l ens toily of thtlr minor clillnrxu to-elt: ilarrr sn Clara, on ttis sronnd that, too bars wlllullr lisndontd tht plaintiff wllhout good eaaM, for tit term or two yar mat pt. Von ar rnnlr'l to anr nlil petition on or bofor Momlay the tb day of March, lun. mahx Mssiirrsr, It Owsly Wllnofl, her attorn , J'lslntJtf. tumoral of MUaourl Paclfle Clly Tlebe Ofllne. The Missouri I'HCiflo cltv ticket office has been removed to 102!) 0 street. When you are going south or east re member that there are two fast train dally from Lincoln to Kansas (,'itv and Ht. Louis via this line. PA8T TIME, THROUGH 0 A E8. To Omaha. Chicago and points In Iowa snd Illinois, theUMON PACIFIC In con en-tion with th C. & N. W. Hy. offer i he bett service and the fastest time Call or write to me for time cards, rates nn. L. It. hiOseoN, Ueu. As I DR. 0. C. REYNOLDS. : f Residence Phone 653. 1 Office Phone 656. Cnro'OAn nA Consulting: Physician : Itoom 17,18 &, 10, Ilurr lilock, Lincoln, ni:hu. X Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to t 5 p.m. X Sunday hours: 3 to 5 p.m. I SO er rent off to California anil Other l'a rifle rat 1 raveler. The abov retluctlon appliea to the time enronte. Hy the N'orthwrtil.'rn Fnlon I'acifle route the time ieonenlght, oris hour, less than by other line. Thiaenvea money, berth rate, and thir teen hours of wearisome car riding. At Fremont connection ar direct with thrnutrh tou.-Ut and Pullman sWtwrs, rhalrenr to Iienver, (Wen, ritv, Portland and Knit Franolseo, Din Ing ear throuvb lo theeonat (let tick, et and berth reaervatioii of A. H. Field Inir. elty ticket agent, 117 south 10th st., I.lneoln, Neb, Nebraeba a4 VyaMla lUnteeeebeN ICiearilttM, Jan, 1. Feb, 1 and 1, March I and 1 5, April fl and 1W. tha :ikhorn-Norlb eatera line, will all Ukf Is to point on It line la Nebraska, and In V volition wratutaad Inrludiug Oris Jut riioit, at on lure plu I i ftf the rnud trip, N faraltt ttatra tha $U (Ml, (lly t.ltl.w, II7M. ltb at., depot, wir. H aud H, ia., l.lutHilu. f Paaet Sa4 aa4 4iaka I'atala. Tb Northweatera Ulna Paeili t tb dirwt rotll to lb 'ugt Hum ltd ad Alaka Hiita Xlirsia aad atlrntta (rata atak dim! .nse tiott at r'r attiat wilb lbrwub tourtet akr aad Ire rwlistag bir Mr ta I'oriUsd. In ttirrwt IsftMPMtalitia call A.M. iMdiag, ttytitkt agvat, III aU luib i., .aetda, ,SU, mtx uiii ocr.o Asa SSiHmnI 10 ri at ik I i.asiaj eb kt., tf k.i. e wlii i . .m i. tax t.m . ei .., .i, ,.n.. . ah. lissom tait NkvsMht tsfbrbsiiMf Wyatt-BuIIard Lumber Company, LUMBER. WHOLESALE H MTAIL. Office 20tb and Isard Bta. Phone 478 Writ for Trices. OMAITA, S i ygn' In the heart of Chicago. Tbe Union Passenger Sta tion in Chicago, into which all Burlington Route trains run, Is located in th very beart of tbe city. The principal hotels, tb largest stores, the best the atres, tbs biggest business establishments, ar only a few blocks distant to reach them it Isn't even necessary to take a street car. To reach Chicago, it IB necessary to taks tb l!nr llngton flouts that is, it is if you want tbe best there is. Remember this when ar ranging yonr neit trip east. For tickets apply at Bur lington depot, 7tb and P streets, or city office, corner 10th and 0 streets. GEO. W. B0NNELL, C. P; k J, A Lincoln, ntbmkt. When billons or eosti vs, eat a Caseares ( sandy cathartic,eurguarantd,l0c,26 Tb Missouri J'acffle city ticket offloi tina luurn ..inn.ul I mm 1'lCli (i ef mat iA No. 10;i 0 street. riWI WATCH WEPAIRIWq e. sTkIng, SCIENTIFIC REFRACTING OPTICIAN Weak and Strained Eye Success fully Fitted. , . . . No A tropins, no lost time. 1800 0 Bt, LINCOLN, NEB. 1(lQl$latlfy garg Portrait LanS scape 129 So. llth St, Oallery Establlabed 1971. T.TVrrtTV t t vrtintevt FOH FINK PJIOTOailAPHSJ . . . OO TO . . , Kennedy's Photograph Parlors. 182 So. 12th Street. Ine CaUntt, $(.00 per Voztn. Sstlilaetlos QaaraateMl. W aiak Crayon Portrait ebp aod la Ik nmt artletl Sty let. i Lincoln Exchange Mills, t t 420 North 9th St. t Cusotm Grin ding a specialty t All th Lent trrsdr of floor n chnriK(l for ahent, cora or oals. W T can iiti jtoo maiiejr. J IIAIITLETT k II0WAUII. ' - - -J BADGER LUMBER CO., A. II. Wl'A It, Agent. Corner N and 8th Sts., LINCOLN. Phone 65. . . . COAL & LUMBER Full Assortment, Best Grade, Lowest Prices. P. D. SHeRWIN DENTIST.... Cvneultliig room Ofino or V Heeoud floor DU(f DLh LINCOLN .... NKBRAIKA f a7f )) 't J.llieltwUMlb1" 4 ..ii't .tin. IMt. MIU !. i Ur.u ttii'u a, a l. a i BtllL pImiII , Aiueu k ttM Aia.a - "- wm rW aai eejw e.aaw ftUW i b JDtlkT.ILL., syp;::li3 ca bMJ a.aVei pii..ap i.S t rli i. ..! etk " ll , . HMN'tPM4aWSfi be antieg .t our advertiser. i:(iiiiiiI)(iii DLBo - ' r mi a. " ' 1 v