The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 27, 1898, Image 1

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The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 36
Kahe statement that Judge Stark
Acted as Mansion
What Other Membn of the Ne
braska Delegation are
free Seed Ulitrtbutlon,
Uuiieai; or tub Indbfendbnt, Wash
ington, I). C, The Nebraska delegation
Id Congress are very indignant over the
f publication in an evening paper of thin
city, of an article charging, that while
acting as an attorney, Judge VY, L.
Stark, M. C. from the Fourth district,
bad expedited a claim, causing It to be
made special etc all In violation ol law
' When the judges attention was culled to
the mutter, it did not appear to worry
him in the least, yet after completing
bis duties at the capitol he went to the
pension office, called upon the commis
sioner, and bad birn cull for the papers
in the claim, I n which it was alleged that
the judge appeared us the attorney of
' record. The honorable commissioner
' discovered that the information given
out by some clerk la the office, was fulse
In every particular, and gave Judge
Stark a letter to that effect. On Satur
dav morning the iudgs aroso In the
' house and in a dignified manner and few
words that carried conviction to every
bearer he stated his question of privilege
' Mr. Stark said, Mr. Hpeuker, I rise to
' u question of privilege. In the issue of
e-e. ' . . 4 A 1 L)UI
the Evening near 01 junuary 10, 1010,
appears an article which I auk to have
reported from the clerk's desk.
The clerk read us follows:
An application for a pension for Ada
C. Cheney, the widow of Jackson VV.
'Lnni,. muniliii. ft nsttri r.n rt t ' rt Mia
riity-ninm regiment, iiiiuois voiuuuwr
In fan try has been received by the pen
sion olflce and has been made special in
view of the exigencies of the case.
The application has attracted atten
tion for the reason that it is (lied by VV.
L. Stark, attorney. Mr. Stark is a mem
ber of congrens from the fourth district
of N'ebruHka, and the case is the first one
of its kind in which a member of con
gress ha noted as an attorney.
In the application to have the case
made special Mr. Stark writes upon a
congressional blaok, issued exclusively
for the use of reproHtntatives and sena
tors, and sets forth that the iuquiry is
not made at the request of any pension
attorney or claim agent, although the
1 I!(n luiana tiia nuino W
i. fltnnlr Ki IV nttirnnv.
there is u law on thestntute books which
Drovides that "every otlloerof the lluited
i .. 1 .. .., ll !,..... !...
States or person holding place of trust
or profit, or diHchnrgiiig any official
function under or in connection with any
executive department or tn govern-
merit of the United States, or under the
' seuate or house of representatives of
the United Mtates, who acts as an aent
or nttoruey for prosecuting any claims
against the I'nited States, or in any
munner or by any means otherwise I linn
in the discharge of bis proper official
duties, nids or assists in the prosecution
or support of any such claim, or receives
any gratuity or any share for interest
in any claim from any claimant against
the l ulled State, with inteut to aid or
assist, or in consideration of having
aided or assisted, In the prosecution ol
uch claim, shall pay a fine of not more
Jihu "i,l)U() or suffer Imprisonment not
sorettiau one tear, or both."
Mr. Stark. The allegation that there
is any claim la the pension department
that Las my signature, " W. L Stark
M, ('., attorney," Is absolutely lalse and
without any foundation. I woe never
mi Attorney for an applicant lor a pu
ioa la my ! I never was admitted
l,i ri tHw lu the departments ol thu
government. I now ak that title letter
Iroui tb Hon. Ilerry liar r.rausba re
ported by thenterk.
Th l"k read as fllo
parliaet the lalerior, Itttreatt ol
IVusioae, Waahmgtoe, l. t, January
linr. William M Hterk, tloueeot ttepre
eeutatitee. Mr KarHir In reply In the matter
.f our preosaJ latereet, I rg eay
that, !' wvealigau ul Ike iavehd
rlaim Ml Jaekeoa W, t nae.v,euinpaev f,
Ninth refiweet Mtaatturt viduateef la'aa
jrj, euatpaay t , ntty-aiutk regnneet l u
e,, f4alf isUalry, aa4 aitHef t.
kihMliniill,M la b I that
lb aili fway reajiid ky this berea
mT. I'.
Is Hs state l AJa 1'. t , widow
l Jav ka W, t ax l above
t,.r widow's waaoa, fm ae adtaej
Ual l.daia r. tla l da M Ike renaited
tttrttry,a4 ! flim la
I1H4 iMifvirs Um er.
H.ra M ikia la tM tv !)
tkat 4 are la ay war svaaM wuh
It at Tim ae alM l" .
al elalaa, akaa u k a
trt la V
H,n Wiuuwa,
Vir Matt-tlr. ikt I waa ty
that satHf Ue law vl lie Ue wl e-
branka the board of county commission
ers levy the tax und allow claims against
the county. It is provided by the law of
the stats of iNebraska that any honor
ably discharged Union soldier shall never
becom a county charge, and we levy a
tax to support and maintain them,
which is administered by the soldier's re
lief commission.
I make this statement because the
piece of evidence discloses the fact that I
was asked by the board of county com
missioners of Saunders county, and that
is indorsed by the soldiers' relief commis
sion of that county. You will And my
name is Indorsed, printed on the front ot
that blank, "W. h. Stark, M. C, Fourth
distriot of Nebraska, Aurora, Nebr." My
name Is W, L, Stark. 1 am a member of
congress. I represent the Fourth dis
trict ol Nebraska, and I reside at Aurora,
in the state of Nebraska. That Is a true
statement of fact, and It Is nrluted on
on there for this purpose anil no other,
that In returning tue testimony they will
return it to me, that I may mako the
proper entry on my book.
Judge Stark then sent to the desk and
bad read nil the evidence in the case, In
cluding u request for special action in
the cose from II, K. Marry, chairman of
the county commissioners, and a similar
request from J. N. Miller, president; Na
than I). Thorp, secretary; and Thomas
Oriffln of the soldiers' relief commission
of Saunders county, and the certificate
of C. A. Westrand, couuty clerk, to show
that the copies of the request from the
commissioners and the soldiers' relief
commiNsion appear upon the records iu
the offlue of the county clerk of Saunders
The above extracts are from the House
Journal and need no further explanation.
The Jndtfc has been too successful io his
uiiMMlflsh work for the veterans of the
fourth district. Some one has become
jealous of his work, and from their
standpoint the proper thing to do was
to smirch bis reputation, and it is most
surprising how rapidly a bud story will
travel. Mr. Snyder, who is Senator
Thurston's private secretary, and also
the Washington correspondent of the
Omaha Bee, saw the story in the Even
ing Star on Friday night, the evening of
Its publication. His news Instinct told
him "that is a good piece of news for the
llee, for Stark Is a pop," and notwith
standing the friendly relations between
Judge Stark and himself, notwithstand
ing he saw the judge every day, and that
for the price of a street car fare, be could
go to the judne's neideuce und ascertain
from him the truth or falsity of the
charges, Mr. Snyder preferred to con
sider the judge us a criminal and the
story was fbiHlied over the wire to the
Use that the people of Nebraska might
read on Friday morning that the mem
ber ot congress from the fourth district
was a violator of the law. The state
ment made by CongreHsman Stark, to
gether with the pur filed by him, and
which were publiMhed in the Record, cer
tainly covers the case. Among the
claims for pension recently eecu red by
Hon. 11. I. Sutherland of the fifth district
are the following: James A. Rogers,
Nelson, increase, 12.00; Jos. J. Cruig,
Hardy, original, 1.00; VV. II. FrsHI,
Ough, original, $10.00; V. M. Stewart,
Clay Center, increase, 12.00; W. I).
Burroughs, Doniphan, Neb., S; V. H.
Marsh, Doniphan, H.OO; II. II. Hyde,
Spring lUuch, f 10; Thos. Russell, Wood
ruff, 117.00; KomuJ. Donnelly, Sutton,
fS.OO, and K. Tourber, Fuirlleld, 12.
Congressman Sutherland Una also offered
the following bills: For the relief of N. M.
Ayers, Reaver City, fl." per month; for
the relief of Maggio K. Carr, Ong, (mt
month; and to correct the record of J. II.
Clifton of Spring Ranch.
When Hon. Win. L. Green of the sixth
district made his tqieerh on the civil ser
vice, he not ouly caught but he held the
close attention of the house, and when he
made his winning tulk with lion. Dave
Mercer, on Friday last, on the question
of the free distribution of seeds to farm
ers, he not only caught the attention of
the house, but he caught Mr. Meroer,
Mr. Merr 'as against t he fre distribu
tiotiaof seeds to farmers, although Mr.
Oreeue made him admit that his was
largely agricultural, and when Mr. Mer
cer rend a letter from a Mr. Noyes, Mr.
M. said was a prominent farmer, and
who i r !sted sgaiiist an appropriation
for tha free diktribution of awls to farm,
wis. Mr. (irne explained the matter to
the satisfaction ot the linusa Mr,
Noea was one of the Waterloo Ked
Company and that Mereer wantod to aid
this seed company at ths exi-iie of all
the Inrniers of Nebraska. Mr. Mercer
withheld blawH'h fttr correction, and it
has not as st Ihwo published In the
lttrd, and it not probable thai it
sver will be, II Usver is il will make a
Kmh rampaign document lor Mercer'a
opoiiul la lU neii rtr lor eongreaa.
fuiigreaaiua, Unwna not only mada his
mark as a debater, but he Ml bis marks
nn Mr, Mr,
Life Too Bhurt.
I it mi In awk
taal I ! fcik If m.
TMt thuil la i'akl Ik Wo4m jm
iI.k! ) k.. I Im a
l kwt, nm taiu Is
14 ft4 Hi aa4 U-M.
A4 "4 la ! i inmrm
rttata TrNMarf Mrva m iaauail a
Mil Kr sifl aiu ua artale
aiiiitiliS4 lu U,SKI lhawtrraala
viia4 la will aul draw laUrvat alUf t
ntary 3.
Attorwet leMMiaJ HMttli ka
ml la I mn'Mid euuMlt aaiaat Ur.
lUtlWv as4 Me tnitUMs la r4iii
I tMHt,tll4 e Mt. Pa'Dei ftai
alel l kt Ma mm. IWwure
aiaay doa-a taata aa I U rHwi
t n4 Uraaa uat aa aiwailaa
ha i4 sa tia4 ul ailk Kf 4
lay Ht,tsiM.v
4ittt IV Mba Wt, Ike d4eltiU
la aouia, aks ae! earit4 at IknmmI
Uita alurdf aa I wa.ta aa aaa.
steal ul all imiwf ly ti lk rat
NalfMiaJ lak a4 k mIm A4Ja
North and South Rsilroad Makoa a
Radical Reduction la Freight
The Diversion of Orain From This
Region to Oulf
Monte Intarentlug Statlitles.
For twenty years the prairies ol Iowa,
Nebraska and Kansas ha ve been agi
tated with projects for a north and
south line which should curry the pro
ducts of those prairies on a dowu bill
000 mile haul to the sea, Instead of
2,000 miles across valleys and over
mountains to salt water at New York
harbor' During all these years the ele
vator combines at Chicago and the
"granger" railroads have reaped enor
mous profits from handling .those pro
ducts. It was a plain case that the sur
plus products ol this part of the Missis
sippi valley should naturally reach the
ocean by that route and a large part of
the goods received in exchange return to
us the same way, but the lines of trade
and the lines of railway ran east and
west, and lor years it seemed Impossible
to break the combination.
When the populist party was organ
ized in these states and in Texas, one of
its first and favorite plans was the north
and south railroad. The attempt to
control railway and elevator charges of
the east and west linns In the interest of
the producer through the inter-state
commerce commission had proven a fail
ure. There seemed but one way of
speedy relief while a political force was
organizing strong enough to take pos
session of the people's highways and
give them transportation at cost. That
was for the people of these states to
build a north and south road. The
trouble was for means to organize ths
wealth and Industry and intelligence of
this rich region to build the road. Most
of the states had constitutional provi
sions preventing them from engaging in
the enterprise as states. Tho plan of or
ganizing the communities along the
route to build the road was worked at.
In Texas a beginning has been made and
a division or so of road, the direct out
growth of this agitation has boon built.
All this time shrewd railway organ
izers, outside of the influence of the east
und west rouds, were studying the situ
ation. One of them, A. K Stilwell, of
Kansas City, went to Holland and got
Holland capitalists behind his scheme,
and in three years the Kansas City,
1'lttsbiirg & (Julf road has been rushed
through the forests of Arkansas and the
prairies of Louisiana to I'ort Artburand
Sabine lake. Within the last six mouths
railroad enough has lieen built to bring
the new line into Omaha and within the
last week it has secured Chicago connec
tions. The effect, of this new line upon freight
rates in this region can !et be judged
by a Chicago dispatch of the past week,
In a description of the present strikes in the cotton mills in New Kngland to
prevent a reduction in wages, tbeHoston Tout publishes a lengthy article la which
the following- striking coo trusts apptar:
The Typical Mill Hand.
Mat tin (Hunger, weaver iu the Acush
net mill, highest earuings per wnk, d.
r?grdd as Uir r prwatstlvs ot the
mill workman.
Family ol wife and two children.
This rk ouly earned 1 1.
Uvea at First and South streH, lu
uplr part ol ho us la three rooms, real
l-r Week, li ft".
Oiwalo eak at ft" IS a. m and is
throagk at oYiorh p. til,
t'aual brvsktaat ol bread without but
ter, rl.leorf softu sweetened lib brow a
euaar without milk, aad in astouatly
Has mm at ua a week.
t aaaot afford tu bay tal b.r Rr, bat
it and vhilJrea pHk up wood aad
hi tu barn.
Not a frwl la the koe,
1utal woithikt p4MMMeia, ItlHl,
laea aialtsnl bisrbwa wr.
n sa aiarrwMl sarais lAa
Matk aad lMaaia Ka kwai
tastfmkt luuwts aa-l earas V)
ee eat tees aT .
w aars a suit tHwtiatf aka , at
ea ats I't.
V Mtt f f dl la Ike ea wka
wuVteajttatt uad 0uar at a
Oalf awal tks week was lot ea aaJI
ftel !.
I ej Naklaat kf ite aud rklldrea,
Jrv Wea4 asd eiiltea.
Is a tiia aad vl
which soys that much alarm is mani
fest in western railroad circles over the
attltnde of the Kansas I City, Pittsburg
& (lull road. Unless Ibis road can be
checked in its rate destroying career
earniug of western roads will lie most
seriously effected and expected dividends
will vanish Into thin air.
Announcement was made yesterday
that the Kansas City & Oulf had put in
effect a rate on corn of 12 cents a hun
dred pounds from Kansas City to (Jal
vsstou and New Orleans, In addition it
will absorb the elevator charges, which
amouut to 2 cents a hundred pounds.
This is the lowest rate ever made to tide
water from tho Missouri river.
Against such rate as that the east
bound roads from the Missouri river can,
not compete. The rate from the Mis
souri river to Chicago on corn is 12
oents a hundred pounds, not including
elevator charges, and from Chicago to
New York the rate is 17 cents. This
makes a through rats on export corn
from the Missouri river to New York,
via Cblcngo, of 'JU'i cents a hundred
pounds, as against 11 cents, minus ele
vator charges, from Kansas City to gulf
ports. , ,
Even the roads competing wltb the
Oulf road find they cannot meet the lat
ter's rate without losing money. The
(Julf road cures not whether It makes
money on the transportation of freight.
Its main object Is to boom I'ort Arthur
and make that point the principal gulf
port' i It owns all ths dock property and
hundreds of acres of land there and its
promoters exisict to reap a rich harvest
in land speculation.
The situation would not be unite so
bad for the roads east from ths Missouri
river if the Kansas City A Gull would
get to further ast than Kansas City.
Hut it has acquired lately lines Into Mis
souri ami Iowa, and Is extending them
to a number of important points. This
enables It to take corn from the heart of
the western corn belt to the gulf.
The diversion of grain shipments from
the old routes has already begun during
the constructive period of this road, and
before it had fairly entered the field ot
competition, as is shown by the follow,
ing comparative statement of bread
stuffs shipped from our principal ports
in mm am in IHVT.
1MM), 1N7.
Ilitllimor w.m.m ,qi,om
llo.foll ,MI.H.V0 ,UM
Ni'Wport Nnwa KI.7UI MI'J
New yurk iy.jiMi.iiMt .m,m
Norfolk u,m.M u,in.m
I'lillmlitlphla ,., .NW,H7 2ft.14U.4it7
(Inlvmton tatl.'JXO 4,7H,";l
Nuw Orleaii. , 27,714,473
Hltlmirli... ............. 1 ,6w.ri
HiMi.ou k.iiH.u:,
Nwiort Ntiwn , 17.
Nw York 1M76.SM.1
l'lillitliliMa 4,M;l.Kfl
(iiilve.lon n,4;
Now Orient) , 8,i(iI,;i!I7
in.soi we
4, mm. ana
Total.... 47.07S.BII3
Ilnlllmjr s.(XVt,K4A
llonton I,4fi7, (.!
Now port Now l.ull.W.v;
Nnw York 4.HI7.i:i
Norfolk HI, lid
I'luiacloiiilild m.)M
Hi 1117
flalrmiou M.TJH
New Orlvnim 2I.M
Total ll,IIUa,!M 10.W7.MI4
The prospect is cortuiuly good at
present for a material reduction of rates
upon the surplus products of this region
seeking a market. With direct rail com
niuui('al in with the gulf by an indeiien
dent railway line unxions to build up a
great seaport ut its southern terminus,
The Typical Mill Man.
Audrew (i. 1'ierce, lor years Irvaaurt-r
ol Waiusutta mill and now piveideut,
lives at lo l Hpriug strwt; iwtuiiated
salary, i),Otio jwr year, or 770 a
IWIieied tii Imj the richest iuaa In New
I ted lord.
Family ol wif aad several vblldrea.
Due ea. Aadrew (I. Fierce, Jr., U
treaaurerol I's-rr aad ulker anils, aitk
a salary ol f Jo.ikk) a year.
Anotbet aa, Fdsard T , la treasurer
ol namaatta toil), salary J0.Ksia
AeMMed .4t worlk id realtw
tats as I t,.3,.n pereoual prpelr.
liui '4t lu d f! real null prirls-e
aad tartw 4 ealerpt i di hot sk.iw ua
rlijt resHtrd.
Iltises li klj israteked kfuakul,
. ta ks .ltlve as4 Wat ea tketa
aka ready.
Kde n walks, as salt Itta pUaasra.
lt.ler.t Ikrva aetata a day spread
all! the beet aa-t tkaawat Kh4.
Ikeia aetetaJ aattaala,
Fsaiilf ! fteattwa U at(Mvl.
adkaiaal Ika leturta ssaaey taa
I a tttsea4 !?,
which has a line shorter by two thirds
than the old lines to tide water, and
which can carry freight at less than half
the old rates and still make a large pro
fit, there is certainly reason to hope lor
relief in freight rates by the farmers of
Kansus and Nebraska.
MoOomas Choen Senator,
The Maryland legislature bas elected
Judge Iiewfs 10. McComus United States
senator to succeed Arthur 1'. Oonnan,
The ballot upon which he was elected
which was the first ol tho day and the
eighth since Uncontest began resulted in
his getting sixty-three votes to four (or
Alexander Shaw of llaltlmore, the only
other republican who remained In the
race. Senator Oorman got forty-seven
votes, ths full democratic strength in
both bouses.
Ks-HupsrlnUndent Khrlght Arrested.
Upon the recommendation and based
upon the findings ol the legislative in
vestigating committee, ex-Superintendent
Kbrlgbt, of the school lor the blind
at Nebraska City, was arrested upon a
charge of converting state funds to his
own use, Mr. tfbright was arrested and
brought before County Judge Joyce. He
applied for a continuance which was
granted, and Monday, March 1H at 0
a. in. was agreed upon,
Ths county judge fixed the amount of
Mr. KbrlghCs bond at 11.000. which he
furnished with Samuel Uolding aad Dr.
Claude Watson as sureties,
Contribution for Culm's Keller.
Ths Cuban rollef commission recently
appointed by Governor Holoomb, bas
received its first cosh contribution, and
It comes In the form of a check from
Hon, VV. J. llryun. Commissioner Utt
received tbefollowing:
"John K. Utt, Ks. President Cuban
Relief Commissions Omaha, Neb. Hear
Sir: Enclosed please find a check (or
$100, The sufferings of the Cubans ap
peal to ths hearts of our people, as their
struggle (or liberty has lor months to
tho sympathies of those who love (res
government. Yours truly,
"W. J. Duvai."
lis Lodging I'Uee.
Oonerul Hooth, the commander of the
Salvation Army, has landed in this coun
try, and be announced soon after that
important achievement that he had
come to sisi what he could lor men's
souls. He further announced that he
bad "also resolved upon a great houe
to house canvass for the purpose of deal
ing personally with the people of all
classes on the great question of death
and salvation." The general added that
this proceeding would "do a great
dual ol good, for these millions have
souls and we want to, sea , what
we can do (or them." The general did
not ssy what be might be prompted to
do (or the temples In which the "souls"
are housed. The ancients believed that
it was the last dishonor that could be
heaped upon a spirit was to house it ig
notoriously. In our day, when we have,
ol course, (reed ourselves from supersti
tions of all kiuds, we think too much of
the soul to bother our heads about Its
Through the efforts of Congressman
II. D. Sutherland the following pension
claims were allowed last wek: Robert
W. Nutter, supplemental, f() per month:
Charles F. llalsley. original, f per
month; John K. uriffln, iucrcuse, 12 per
month; K. Oalley, increase, H pr
month; 0. I). .S'tubbs, original, $8 per
mouth. Congressman Sutherland is un
tiring in his efforts in behalf of his con
stituents und has secured his full share
of the government patronage for them.
Chairman Jones, of the democratic
national committee, bas advised fusion
with populists aud silver republican, in
Committeeman Kurtz, of Ohio, is
about to lose his official head as a re
sult of his recent efforts to defeat ilautia
for the senate.
The HKiple's party state convention of
Kansas will Im held June i!l.
The same old fight is promised again
in the seventh congressional district ol
Kansas as the republicans will again
nominate Chester I. Long to run against
Jerry Simpson.
Land commissioner J' Y, Wolfe has
announced that February I Mr. A. K.
Oitt will succeed Alex Shlgel as
draughtsman iu tha land commissioners
olflee, Mr. liift has been county nr
veyor ol Paweon county tor uiauy
years aud ia regarded aa ry eouiwleut
In that line ol
Alexander Sprout, a farmer livieg la
Fit more twuety com untied suicide by
taking strji'kaiae, lieeeaead had lost
beatily through surety debts and was
very dpoudat lor mmm aioaiks and
brooding over kia trouble upewl biauilud,
lis was about eighty yar id age,
UoteraoJ Hradler kas w at atial
ttteaaaga M the Keatutky WgteUlara
rectttiiiitra Img aa apprvpriatiua for aa
eihitxtuia at Iks Oiuaka Trass Uiaa
lH l.'ipualtioa.
peris Wnret W. lUiws ol the
Kearaef Isduatrlal esbind was a l.levvla
tlattur Ikta week.
aie4 aa4 Maa lat
a le at a H ttai.
ia Uitts, Mit Jaav IS. A tkasisr
kwea rwa4 lot aa kmar e ar la
Ula v totally aat l s'vIm UU saura
taf. KsfuMia vt aridata Irvas sii
aus paiU a( tka sity ar etuUf ta,
Aagast Welwtjist was lUwa alt ta
kiebls baiUie, aad .114 la W ia(a
Ua truss ki tajarWa A aaa,
state aakaawa, was kUU4 at lM
t.et4 ataaaa. aa 1 a Vy was kilted
kf kalag Wawa Inxw a IHNrsIt Vai la
tkr tat at tks Stir,
Vanderbllta Control a Line of Ball
way Prom New York
to San Francisoo.
Every Znflnenoe to Bring About
tbeDsal Was striotly
Over alllllloa Dollars of Capital.
It Is developing that tha loreclosurs
of ths Union Pacific Rjr, was mads the
basis (or the formation of the greatest
railway combination ever known. Tb
Vanderbilt Interests have accomplishsd
what has been ths ambition of srsrr
great aggregation of railroad capital In
ths United States, They now control
lines of railway from New York to tha
Pacific ocean, a transcontinental rail
road. Ths Vauderbllts ars at tbs bsad
of the new directory. Mil of tbs most
powerful railway systems in ths United
States ars allied wltb them, Ths lines
of road, their mileage and capital Inclu
ded in ths deal are as follows:
ClilrsKo A HorttiWHtern MU0
CRlrauo, MliwsukM 61.
IW ,M0
C'htcasn, Kock Island I'svcl- 1
flu ( banver ta Omaha IW)
IIIIiiiiIk (,'i'atrnl (low I.tnel,., im
Luke Hlinr Mic Ulgan South
ern... 1,400
Mtehlgan (:Dtml...,,....,..,.,iua
Mlmourl i'ax:lflo ft.lizi
Nw York (nlrl
Sontharn I'ar.lrlc (Osdun
ttranrli) 1,70S
L'ulnu Paclflo 4,700
Capital .
Tulal ,..W,m II,XIM,7I,000
Nut, '1'lm altera Stfiiro are tli IxxiS value- .
tliiiianf the iscurltlii cuvvrltif the sctnal mlUass
of the railway corporation InniWeil In tlisdual
Tli pucultr value ut Ilia urltle i oiucb
The object of the combination Is ap
parent, vis: The control ot all ths
freight and passenger traffic of the cen
tral states, particularly that part de
pendent upon the Chicago & Northwest
ern and , Union Pacific lines, The new
combination unites every powerful rail-
way system between Denver and Chicago.
West of Denver the' Union Pacific (now '
controlled by Vanderbilts) is absolute In
its control und east of Chicago the New
York Central is powerful to -dictate
terms from Chicago to New York.
Every influence that was sierted to
bring about the deal is distinctly eastern.
It was executed io behalf ol the Vander
bilt Interests.and when It was demanded,
a sop was thrown to competitors that
silenced opposition. The Missouri Pa- -olllo
might have appeared as an oppos
ing factor had not Ueorge Oould been
taken into the Union Pacific directory. ,
The Missouri Pacific from Omaha to Ht.
Louis could have organized . a strong
opposition to the Vanderbilt Union
racific deal by forming a traffic agree
ment with tho Pennsylvania company '
from St. Louis east, but the Missouri ..
Pacific was given representatives iu the
new Union Pacific directory, and this V
does away with competition from that
source, -
The welfare and prosperity of all of tbs
oeutrul west is involved. This Is partic
ularly true of Chicngn as the combina
tion controls the traffic of all the terri
tory tributary to that city. II the Van
derbilt control is ad terse to Chicago's
beet interests, Chicago may be made a
way station on the trans-continental
hue. I o that territory west of Chicago
betweeu the lines ol the Missouri Foci no
system on the south and territory con- ,
trolled by the Northern Pociflo on ths .
north, the Vanderbilt tinea will bars no
Insurmountable competition.
The combination will be as powerful as
the government. It will controls con
gress mid practically own and operata
the legislatures ol ths central states.
Litstaturs should bs Placed la the
Hands of Every Citusn,
There ta no plan ol campaign as effect
Ive for (he reform causa as aa educa
tional ewmpalga. Tba money power
distni tired this masy years ago and
have steadily increased their hold la
tkat line until they are now iaeuatrol
ol alutoal every great daily aewspapar
la Ike l aited States, la addition lay
su4 waoraious suais of ruoaey diet rib
ailug freeetiuad snaaey blcfalara. ta
tkla work tba uppoattkta Ntuat lueet
tkeai, llsaitaaly be done by the siren
la U id Ikastaadar4 rlsrat auksaa4
speeikea is Ike ablest stales e a. We
kata la lk siwew-kea bt lloa. t ha. t
Twase. Una. Ilewry kl. TIW HoatUt,
FrvJ M liiiauia, t egreaaiaa Nsafaads
aad Mr. Iraa, Tkea se'aea ara M
sal at I teat f ' . latest la aa
aiauji as oa aa aflitf-4 aad dietnbaN
IKeat aaweg tour aeiklMira. Ad Ireaa
ad iwvVts I t tka latrkst l aaliaa
lag In.
Il ia re(.tt4 tkat Tiat Wataaa dl
ka tks M'tit ktkaoaea twf gutetso vt
Tka t aaa elevator ta at. tiaiaksni
Taeaday, MiMtat4 hm $ ,lsH,tHaK
Mualia lla as puatt ars aw
atva tks niaaia rlvar, !
Iiaa lertHwry. aa4 ars kllilag vsttMx