January 20, 1898 HARDY' COLUMN. ' (Continuod from page 4.) tnre. Thf.ro U no mte of bavin two law makiwr bodioH, too much eiixuise. But when one district court roue up smash MCairiHt noothr district oourt what then? Wliflo two trrfstataule bodii) mit what will be the rwmlt? Who can tell? A letter from Arthur M. Kwen an pearod taut week, In the editorial col umn of the New York Journal. The Journal in tb only prominent pajHT east of the lub-s that prelendnd to support Urynn and it Is no more than tliimate to conclude that the wntioiimtn ex nreHwid by the wriu-r are the wMitiinoute of the editor of tbw'pnper. Toallap pearance the pnperua chawed trout; undoubtedly the main reason for the change In to secure the twtronae of Tammany, the political club now run ning and controlling the piitronuge of greater New York. The gold bug edit, ore all over the land are making use of this letter to prove that Jlryan and h e doctrine are waiunwg, and they chuckle over It a a death dII to any reform lav orabla to the 'common people. ,. apostacy of that paper will only strmik-tlisn Uryan and hi doctrine in the wet and outu. We never have ex pocted anything from Now York favor able to Justice. We would a quickly link the bottomless" pit for mercy mid love to expect New York city, or any man there, would do anything that wan not In the Intercut of banker, corpora- ' Hon, trust and the liquor traffic. Thus four Interest never conflict, but always pull together. Wo havealway been suspicious that liryan had a set-rot fault bccaue one New York pupor sup ported him. Now the sky I clear and he hn our entire confldence, M hwon skillfully "damns Hryan 'IOi faint praiw." aud when he think he has him on his turnspit he proceed to roast him. it 1 just the way the New Wk scoundrel roasted Mncoln from.lSoO to , 1800. Kvery patriot In the north thought the more of him for it. Ho the patriot of the west and eouth will in creese their faith In Hryan when every thief and robber of the east com monces to throw mud and filth at him, We will not have a man who please the east, No man can do it and be honest. 1 hey turned McKinhy Inside out before they would allow him to be nominated nnd he i their president today. M JCwen commend the statesmanship of lam many for not quoting the (Jhlcngo ji at form In their late clly election, but scorches liryan for not bellowing the platform through the street of the city. We deny thatTaminany, that New York state or all of the state east of the leke a, going to make tho next president. They did not do it the lat time only by buying Ave western state for which they paid twenty millions. Hie eastern democrat have commenced thy old game, plaid with the whig, bock In the fortie and fifties. No matter which party elected the president the enemle .four loontry bad what they wanted. We hope every voter tu the east will get into one party. We ask not a voUi from, them. The went and the couth can do the Job easily next time mora easily than the republican did iu 1Q0. All that ii necessary ic for the west and south to exercise a little common sense. If we go to epllttlng halm or walking lack rope the eastern plutocrat will rule tbl country end walk over u a the ox that tread out tne grain. Ibe middle of the road I not wide enough. The whole road ic Dseary and we must all get into it nnd travel one way. The first man who break for the wood, across lot, should be made to feel the want of a lightning rod. We have the blankest and the most unprlncipalcd people to fight. There I not a man among them who would uot sell the last kirt of a sick mother providing he could tax the west to buy another. 1-4 off on all Shoes and 1-5 off on all Rubber Coodiat Webster 4 Rozers.' MARYLAND BALLOTING. U Mo Sanatoria! Salactloa la the Separata llimiea of the Leg liletora. Ahhapolis, Md., Jan. 10. The Ma ryland general assembly began just before noon to ballot for a United States Senator to succeed Arthur Puo Gorman, whoso term will i pi jo In Maroh, 1809. The open ing of the fight found Republicans, who have a considerable majority in both bouses, divided among them selves, eleven of the number, all del egates from Haltlmoro elty. having persistently refused to go Into a cau cus on the senatorial or any other question. In the balloting, Judge MoComasSS Republican voles, the rest scattorlug among a doiurt candidates. MeaaUr Uorman got the solid iVtmocratlo veto. Ontario litis at aatartten Months At., Jan, M. Hafor tha ad journment of the Ontario legislature, a bill was passed providing thai no per sons shall b employed in the euutlrue tlotl of saWdiwd railways In Utlarlo who are subjects u( aay t-oualry whleh ha an alien leUir law which practi cally eseladaa i'anaUlaa frum employ, meat Ma aWle or other wurkt liere on. Ihia intent that a Aaterteeu a4 eupvvt OuWrlu'a rail WSJf. ha tta.t Ntw '. Jaa. M 11 was a tMuac4 N Wall rt yetUrday that the Ua M HtuUl4 fr the v.t.UIa tUM of all lb Wiavuit lWrt in the rwwatr fwtttouiplaW the f.rM f a as ewMay la W tailed the I alia! ! iiott tvtuaay, whll mil Isaue i;,'M,ia tf f eoat f uatuUttt ifitd, aa. MkokAot Vf WW!") "'. MaaS ta tatt, Oatt, lt, J tV-tMt al IK I I hi tia rw t last Vt, era tar I ea to e-4 eaa tail, Mkae MtMr4 mfstu was truwo I Quaaa V,arla, a4 ta ta aralval ffwl Me4 Kvetthla is Uisre kit the W aa4 IW taralvai ftvtitm UI V tarrM V Unconditional Borreoden, Denver, Col, Jaa 20 The fight between the Denver newspapers and the fourteen department store of the city regarding advertising rates, which began nine days ago, ended lost night with the unconditional sur render of the Merchant1 Association. Since the merchants withdrew their advertisements, the proprietors of the papers hare agreed upon a new scale of rates somewhat higher than the previous one, and this has been ac cepted by the merchant. AO International Gam Lmw Proposed. Washington, Jan. 80. Senator Teller has introduced a bill In the Senate to regulate the interstate traffic In wild game by making it un lawful for any railroad company or other common carrier to shjp game from one state to another contrary to the laws of the state from which ship ments shall be sent The control of the traffic is to be placed in the hands of the Interstate- commerce commission. Coal Confers Dlvldsd. Chicago, Jan. 2j. To-day's session of the Interstate joint conference of bituminous coal operators and miners began with a full attendance, but no report was presented by the scale commlttso and further time was granted Chairman Sweeny of the committee informed the convention that nothing of a definite nature had taken place In the committee and that none of the questions discussed had been put to a vote. Ksutuekf Ulrl' tulolde. LouisvirxK, Ky., Jan. 20. At Crab Orchard farm, the home of her father, Jiasll D. Owen, near Washington, Miss Harriet Keith Owens, who had been in poor health for some time, read the account of the shooting of ex-Henator Joe lilackburn's daughter, Mrs, Lane, and then went to her brother's room aud shot herself dead with his pIstoL Miss Owens was con sidered unusually bright and the fam ily is widely known, Camllao Lopes Pardoned. Topeka, Jan. 20. Governor Leedy has pardoned Camileo Lopez of Wichi ta, sentenced in March, 1801, to thirty years in the penitentiary. Camileo is a Mexican and ha sold hot tannics. J One night he found four negroes, two men and two women, rifling his trunk, where be kept bis money and valua bles, and he shot one of the men, Hill Dodson, dead on the spot ftue Cone was Camlleo's friend and prepared the petition which secured bis pardon. Another Large Hill for tha Paper Trots. Fbaxkuh Falls, N. IL, Jan. 20. The paper trust, with a capital of ISO, 000,000, acquired the big plant of the Winnepiseogec Paper company yester day, making sixteen companies in the combination. The aggregate output of the mills tha trust now controls is 1,387 ton of news paper a day. Its mills are situated la Now Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts and New York, but the largest are at Ber lin, N. IL, and here , Ko Csnat Aetlon oo ' Haooa Brlbary, Wasuijtotov, Jaa 80. Senator Jones of Arkansas has received a copy of the Ohio legislature's resolution re lating to the Ilanna bribery charge, bnt will taks no action. Ho said yes terday: "I have consulted a number of tha older Democratic Ucnators and they think nothing can bo done on such information except await the ac tion of the Ohio legislature. If the Information came In the form of a me morial it might be different" A Woman tioaa Oonnlne; Cor m Doetor, Bellevuk, Nob,, Jaa SO. Mrs. F. A. Langhine fired two shots at Dr. W, C ltuel as ho stood in his doorstep, the first shot being fired when his back was turned and the second as ho quickly turned about Dr. Iluel dis armed her and ejected her from his door yard. Mra Langhine, who be came a mother lesa than two weeks ago, made some sensational state ment about Duel, but retracted them prior to her attempt to shoot him. Btahbed bf a CoavleA. IlAl.TiMoiia, Mil, Jaa JO. Ferd inand A. DiefTenbech, tho deputy war- .Iai, t tlth Mitpvlanit ri.ti I Un t lniw ati I j I yesterday afternoon probably fatally j stabbed by Levi I'olndexter, a colored ! convict A talkknlfo was the weapon A Wema Awardad 010.000 Iaiua. Koar Worth, Texas, Jan. 84 Wall tttempttng to board a (hicago, Hoek Island A I'aclno train at Urtdgeport Mra ltoa Lanvstun o( Jkiwie fall under tho wheal and bar lga were out off twtow tho knee. Xh sued tho railway fvr Ihooj daioag and has boeu given a verdivt for IAst Vata'S t'taa BKaJf. i'Akis, Jaa, 1 It laiaU thai L'mtlo .ota has alrvs.lr prepared hi dfn0 and that h will trail I .'J wUuas, ! in4ng haadwrtititd etperu, when h shall t triad ! publWty suiag aaumUrtif 'rath t,(t'.r In oa atUia with th ryfa rca4 Iff. Cwattf Hut !. Thrro ar a uumui 4 wealthy ut to, hUts tu I.ul4u4 Wh.1 tH etvato) r4U it.si 4 taiiritlU-a t)al all im way frot ivMKut. t lijwo, 1b kHt v ily au l ir batly h tt. fw t r4W(i tt lit IK anil, itet 4 Iut4U t owt4 ty the II m, Walii Ma)ull out t i tabihat iutMi tf IiIm-. tu MvfifirUs4it Dm w Hot li4ia in.ttly mwt tiia or tal but!i-l iiMk4il tlUUta (bo to l mi ma tly U fuaa4 t Hktultai AiurtLow. ta4 Mittel fc MaatstaMf, The tnt-t al IU V-s M.-awUla sa( tamae U tfe Jsllbiat ivak t4 rvunraoM at tvNAHti ta at la iia tl I Bttlalag oned. THE NEBRASKA WHO SHOULD BE THE CANDIDATE? This department I opened fur the public discussion of the available cundidutes for governor at the coming election. Free epeech aud open discussion of every public qnoMtionla always boon one of the prlncipul tenet of the populist party. It I better for the party, better for tho tatc, better for tho candidate, that the public should know the good qualities ud bad qualities of a mini before he Is nominated, thau to proceed to a nomination and take chance in finding out his character and qualification afterward. 0Hn discussion will Injure the chances of no worthy candidate It may prevent the nomination of an unworthy candidate if thore be any, Tho public ha a right to know, Their only way of knowing, ic by public discussion. When thoroughly acquainted with the facts, the people can be trusted to do right. Communications upon Ibis matter should not bo long, aud in every Instance must be signed by the author. Any artlcfe abusive aud purely slanderous, written for spileful purposes, will not be published. What I the best course for the welfare of the state and t he good of the people? Willford, Neb., Jan. 7, 1898. I will send you the money for your pntsir In a short time, 1 urn very short of cush Just now : hope to be In better shape when the tidal wave tides high. We farrnors have nothing to do with the wave, but can ouly ride a permitted by tho hne. Many of the farmer think they are In it all right, but iu fact they are like Abraham Llncolu' deer hunt, aftvr following the track all these year thinking they were deer tracks, they have discovered they were nothing but "pig trucks." The fiirmer are permitted to do the voting all right, but n rule, when their elected delegate get to Washington the fanner vote doe not count for anything. At Washington cash count, and buys all tho nice thing In the market, rtee McKlnlry aud (lage upon llnanclal reform. Free silver with con ourrmioe of other nation has gone whore "the woodbine twiueth." Uuspeclfiilly your, J. M. King. Syracuse, Neb,, Jan. 10, 1 998. Dear Indop' ndent : You will get no kick from me no long a you continue to give u a good mxr, but whenever you go to mon keying with tho enemy or whitewashed reformers look out, for you will got It right aud left. Yours for freedom and rquul rights, K, H. Whtttuker. Fremont, Neb., Jan. H, 1898. You publish a tmper that does great credit to the reform force that are now agitating the public mind. Long may yon live, Yours truly. H. A. Fierce. Orchard, Neb,, Jan. 14, 1898,-1 do not want your paper stopped. Could not gt along without It. You are fighting for u glorious cuuse, May tho right pre vail. Adam Higler. Uruno, Neb., Jan. 14. 1898. I would regret vory much to lose tho weekly visit of Tub Inuki'Bnuknt. K. Bunder. , Mmden, NbJan. 7, 1898, With surprise, I see, when I read your postal card, that you ouly received 75 cents, while I sent to your nddren f 1 ,00, I asked the powmoster about it and he told me that your company allowed him 'iX tier cent, com mission. Your newspaper I the most interesting paper I read, and I worth all you ask for it and more: therefore, Hud tnchied 'if cents in slumps, be cause I do not wunt you to lose 25 cent from the dollar, through m.vcareleMaes. Nut time I will be more careful. Your reeol fully, Christian Itothc, : WHAT OUR READERS SAY. It Is with pardonable prido that we publish below a few extracts from letter which we have received during the past few days, Hpacu will not permit the publi cation of more than a small per cent of the hearty word of endorsement which we receive every week. They are appreciated none the lea. Ed. lndlanola, Nib., Jan. 8, 1808. I want your paper, for I think it I Just the paper everybody ought to read and support. Hoping you will have good suedes nnd wishing you all a happy now year, 1 remain your very respectfully. John Broom field. Ashland, Neb., Jan. 1, 1898. My subscription uplred on Nov. S, bnt I have delayed renewing until now, so that I could get one of my neighbor's subscription to rend in with mine. Kaid neighbor I am anxious to keep In tha populist ranks, and I consider that Tiik 1ndici'kmicnt h a weekly visitor is the bet mean of keeping hlin true to the pop party. H. Q. McKuichen. . . r .. ; Bhelton, Neb., Jan. 4, 1808. My subscription expired Deo. IB, 1807. I tbank you most kindly for continuing the paper because if it was discontinued it would be like losing a very near friend. I could uot do without it no matter how bard it I to get the dollar. John Itoan. : . Fullcrton, Neb., Jan. 8, 1808. I have been a render of your paper the pat rear and find your view upon the political situation agree with mine upon finance and general topic relative to tho good and sound principle advocated therein. I wish you a large circulation in this country, especially among the agri culturist. Many of the farmers take only one county paper of their poll Heal faith. 1 would like your paper a an eye opener to be among that clous of citizens, o they cnu better judge lor tbeineive upon election day what is for tbeir best inter est, either to support by their ballot one of the old parties, because they have al ways done so, or to join the independent for the reform and general overhauling of political fraud and mismanagement. I am only interested a a citizen that de sire a change bcginuiuir at headquarter, congre aud state. I fool satisfied with what we have done lor Nebraska. Let tho good work go on throughout the whole country. Keep clear of disHonsion nuioug ourulve and we arebaund to win. Respectfully. A. II. Ellsworth. Jansen, Neb., Poo. 29, 1897. I am well pleased with the paper and wist) to continue to mul it. Your resictfully. Jamea Drown. Olenrock. Neb., Dec. 20, 1897. Enclosed And l for renewal of subscription to your rxoellunt paper. Reiectfully. 8. M. I lay lies. KUQMEMT8 ATTORNEY GENERAL SMYTH. Omaha, Neb,, Jan. 15th, 1898. Editoii I.ndki'kkdkmt N'otlcina: your Invita tion to expreas your view on candidal for Governor of Nebraska, I will be a brief a possible kuowlng your limited columns. First, I do not think our noble Governor Holcomb would coneut to have hi name ue lor a third term. CoiiMt qiieutly let u cut about for titular tbut will buur the flneat fruit. A a populist 1 ! I wo could set party line nhl", and If he would accept it, nominal Attorney General Kmy the of Omaha, silver democrat. He I able, capa ble and honed In every dec roe to grace the chair at Lincoln, not even hi Militicul opiMtneut can dispute. Aud it I generally eoiiaidoivd amongst the knowinir re publican that Judge Dakar of Omaha wilt be their candidate, and we might just a well admit at one that Jud. Dakar if nominate.! will be a hard mau to defeat; It would b" a battle between two giants, aad rest a'aiired th atmophr through Oetota r 1 rUS would be away up in tha inuotiw ihroutfh Nebrdaka. I'olitioaliy ssitkliig you mar ak m why are those two men popular? Hir, heettuae they are both well k no a it through our state a titllctnlly wf tnstrumeittnl m convicting slate and countv lintMi(t,,r nit a thbve and let m remark riaht her both At torney General Kmyth ami Judge Raker would make governor our young add uohle Nebraska could not but im proud of. Your R-tttully, A, V.Hr-At'M'ixu. ow t iu. Neb., Jan. Ittth, 10". Kioto or rim sdi.vicmicit: I would r keiially submit lb aaiur-ol the HoU' D. t e n, Ivvr id Mulia county a our t'audidate. Urv truly, F.J. I'abhott. THE MARKETS, fceaaa t tttalo aad I4e ataaa. Hat4 W -. I H. K Stj4 M A h ! Mioul 16. a. It wsat--d, L Siy ,- A l4it N a 1Aoi t 4 'litt,i ,0J, t Aut tiut Wai-t a, N i 14 Itlhltl II lit ttti .uimI, V 4 HH N- 4 M M . vt Waa tVaa.Ne, A t lt4-. X 4 it t att'e ttot a t id. SI. ak.lal, 4l4Hi. Ua wt ia at 41 eat Aiim aat 4tf te4 Ht. I h-At a4 ttrf t a t 4 S ton lit It t alt, ! tl t 4 ! ao ta At, Iaiaia aii. i !. t mi It t. lit t '!.. 4' T4 atMt . ltlf M 4 taata Wa ttt Saad tl tt ' lt to ftaaatve 4taHt's w4 Ksw Yaa. Jaa. 14. Anaef-eataaU ot Waa at-U t paf saaaaally f ta tMt vt gta is ! tW, he lWt tic la l f auttdtba III t 4 U4tNi tealK at4 Ul tbl Utlaat Ha M)etf baa a,.attt4 tpaes a tlala ataaaa-, atalk will V tmaaatir atv4 at te syltadsf sa l kpl U tho Dttt Ua tMttwHa INDEPENDENT. Food Caused Pain Catarrh of tho Stomach Curod by Mood'o larsapanlla. I W44 l4kf 4 Sbollt A a Sa4 With tatsrt a i t lb aluiuat a. At tlm I wual4 hate ttaitu tijwiU a4 at vtaaf jiiu. rvil l M.a t. Mj tuinl raaa4 ato at.'turUUi. i a. rmniltif Uaaa au Utt ha I M !; wvth, Mr trWud ar(4 aw to Us II a isir-tUla. I i;. i aul a titt j tl liur. TM tltaftl ) i I '' f I il4a (t4 aalif aa4 tt.f su4 Haa 44 traih ltmt4. It II all t .w4 ttara. il(," llur I. IV a !, Nll Wv) k S W, M aaa. Hat Ui Hood'o Suroaparllla It aa a4 ft, 4 la IM t 4s- t.M If 4 ,aUt li Ml t V t IttM U, af a lltKKl I III 40, t l 4 Vt. haaatat rooao,ai taTko kU-sJ t IS la taw (tt a lr4 S k. H.-sif . 1. 1', A r. A. DA It UH.lt, !, t i4w. k itl4kMa)ty maatrav 4 aai(kil 4vte4 t thto l , PARTY LOYALTY. j Qovaroot Plograe Talk oa lb Sabjael Bator aa Iodapaodaat Club. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 2 t Governor ringreo of Michigan spoke on "What Constitutes Party Loyalty" before tho Independent club of Buffalo last night At the outset ho quoted Abra ham Lincoln's declaration, spoken on the field of Gettysburg: "That gov ern meat of tho people, by the people and for tha people shall not perish from the earth." "No man," said tho Governor, "or sot of men have since that time been authorized to modify those words or their meaning. Tbeso words of Lin coln's Ho deeply engraven upon tho hearts of tho masses, without regard to party. This groat patriot enunci ated as good. Republican doctrine that tho pooplo should be feared, for tho people aro fair and honest, and only demand equal rights and oppor tunities for all, but special privileges for none. It Is tho duty of such of as as believe In tho principles laid down by tha great Republican leader to fol low as ho pointed the way." Ho assorted that "Grover Cleveland disrupted his party in doing tho bid ding of tha money syndicate, which made enormous profits out of the scandalous bond deal." Ho added, "To-day all tho trust and monopolies which are blooding tho country have taken refuge under tho wing of tho Republican party, because they fear the Pemooratlo party, which has kicked them out In my own state tho railroads, which hare never paid tholr just share of tha taxes, have boon a 'althful ally of the Republican party, I have bad something to do with the effort of tho people of Mich Igan to get a readjustment of railroad taxation and rates, and every rail road attorney and railroad director, every little country newspaper edi tor who had a pass, every politician who hopes for financial favors to help re-olect blm, Is out of breath crying Tingree Is not a Republican,' They cry this because I was elected on tho Republican ticket by a major ity of 80,000, and they do not want ma re-elected. King Doodle criest 'I am tho party and there is none beside me.' "Tho monopolist, tho franchise grabber, tholobyist, aro all extreme partisans, and when anyone opposes their schemes they cry, 'You aro at tacking tha party,' Whan they aloct themselves to ofllco by force of money they asorlbe It to divino Intervention of Providence in behalf of tho nation and Its honor. Tho masse of tho Re publican party do not want to stand 4aTHE Of Job PrintingDepartineflt Of this office has lately added a complete assort ment of the most effective styles of type and borders to he found in the market. ; Our Facilities For doing: FIRST CLASS WORK is the best, and those who want work done in an artistic and up-to-date manner will not be disappointed if they leave their order at this office. Our Work and Will please you. Send in your orders. The Independent Publishing Co., U20 M Street. Phone 538. 8N0 JOB TOO BIG FOR USS Grand Poland-China H BROOD SOW SALE At EAST GROVE STOCK FARM, 1-4 Mile East Of FREMONT. NEB., Jano 27tfo 1898 4 Grand Herd Boars SO Choicely bred Sows To ivllet uiant oJ a (imve pmiirvMittaa4pitMt No lltr tiut Imis taoftaM Ibaa last utt.tiMd ln I M la Utla-rrpM tiaal Mrti'tt yHM, rWttl la a-l itwe lo tftf , laiaatl tr atttta, r-l tbeaatvo ta4 htxtra twIosMine tu Khh t 4 t.'ta. fta(., J 1 II ta tba rt4 Ura a litlora rl a I tatt aiak-o) at , fair abtia .ia, hot aSe I tlvra. h 8 .1, t ti vkn t tt a aia. hrwHk hl htl, M-l"f H Ulr -a.Mt tJ ti'tr ItM't r, ! vt a4. 0 f. a4 at a aire t4titr Kr4 ) s muI tka a,4 haa r rt rttl UttHn Ua.au. . tM ritatwa 1 1 tt t4, ha 4 Ike tare i4 Ike aiiwt wm i-t, T 4 ka aa tsa ata4 4ee W aa I n4 a eM4 iattatauMtt. THE STOCK IS IN ) sponsor for those agenolea which aro playing tho mischief with thia coun try's welfare any mora than tho Dem ocrats da Wo have, however, some so-called leaders In our party who have more faith la tho power of money than in the power of the voting masses. ' . ! National Aid Aaaoclution. Amount of certificates ")()(), $1000, and f 2000. ' Payable a follows: Firat, at death. Second, at the oge of 70. Third, for tho accidental loss of eye or limb to is paid. Joint certificate We Issue a Joint Cer tificate to man and wife that at tho death of one brines entire amount to survivor, the cost Is only one-half more than tor one person. . Kick benefit 4.U0 per week, cost 25 cent per month J 1 1 nest number Of assessment in any one year, fl. Average for 0 years, i. Average annual coat per flOOO, 5.40, lngle; 7.70, joint Governed by dlrttct representation. All question referred to vote of mem bers. None taken engaged in hazardous occupations. EDITORS' IDEAS. The president still insists that there I no war in Cuba worth recognizing and yet ask the American people to do nate money to feed the starving people in Cuba. Had crop failure in Cuba, likely, no war.-York Teller. a The republican party Is now willing to commit infanticide. The history of that party will bear u out in stating that this party creating the greenbacks, put the power of money in them, compelled tho soldiers to take them for the priv ileges! being shot at, traded bonds for some of them and destroyed tbein, after the people bad bought them into circu lation, and now they are willing to place an everlasting quietus on the few re maining million. Truly, the "rag baby" I having a hard time with It parents. Long Island Leader. , tins Kldor an APri.ie,$to4ft. f;nrrjito4H.,elo Oonenrd Oreps, t . OO Wa hv ttia tmmlmUk Aoh, tlM, 1,000 1,000 Una. Mat: lIilMat nliunt: hiii nrW, : Oomplata Piira l.lnt Vrm. JANMITN milUKHV Jan. Co,, Jaanao, Meltf. . Doable Lead vl tie Tragedy. Lkadviixs, Col, Jan. 80. William Slate, the boss brick mason at the Ar kansas smelters, last night shot and killed Mra Minnie Smith, and then killed himself. Slate had boon tUa tire to Mrs. Smith, who is boarding house keeper, bnt she refused to per tnit his attentions, though allowing him to oome to the house. NEW Wki Prices lUrd da two twiatela4 (row i l'ti'n-l t tilsa a tr fca aaat r bwa aat talma's are 1 tlltHt, I ha-l M 1 4 Ulmiiea, f I to one t! ctiuiaiaa: het hna'ralaei IU krd, I t!t, In, tit M ettra m a laf, !', lt ! d t hog. uf atroad I"- Ilia air ,ia ! ak.iaa, a4 hat 4 at ril a xMHia b t kM, o,ia ul t at4 IWvut , a a or4 hrwWr aad srat t'taa M4, t a St4 km, a I ,aa aita Ik olkara ta Uv4u kr4 ot praat atarit Uat hNE C0DITI0H j s A, M. EDWARDS. Prc;rlitcr, ( (4)1. f. M. WOODS. AtiUMftr. J ) ayaa..