The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 20, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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January 20, 1898 r
"The negotiation at Columbus" wer
ft bloomio suoceas. Keith County News
It ( about tim for Jo Johnson to
glv Governor Holoomb aom dig
through the republican paper. It la
tima to cry "atop thlf" In order to da-
tract the attention of tba public from
the raoent diadoauraa ol tba ateallngaat
tba penitentiary covering period of
yeara.Urd Journal.
"No man can nerve two master."
You can't ba la tba reform work for of
flea and uneatflahly for tba people's Id
taraata at tba aama tima You mar aa
pirt for office aa a meana to an and, aa a
piaoa wucreoa to stana toac you may
mora tba world: bnt when tba offlo la
tba and for wblcb you etrlre, you are
serving youraalf rather tban humanity
by awaking it, H tar ft Kanaan.
Talk about rotten eleotlone In the
aouthl Wbr tba recent attempt to da
faat tba will of tba people In Platte
county waa hundred fold woraa tban
waa aver aooompllahed by any aouthero
bulldoier: and tba people of that eouaty
abould not net until tba perpetratora of
tba attempted ateal ara aunt to join
'(Jena Moore and Joa Hartley In tba Lin
coin penitentiary, Ki.
' IteDubllcan oanera muat ba rery badly
aurpriaad to find that a republican Judge
can ba hallway noneet, ainoa way ara
continually calling attention to tba fact
that Hartley and VI core were con Tinted
before republican dietriot judge, and
that conviction affirmed by republican
aupreme court. Wall, Judging by tba
paat. it la ft little wonderful, and tba
papera aforeaald have rigbt to leal
surprised! Madison Importer.
A young man waa arreated at I'aola.
' Kansas, a law daya ago, becau ba bad
two overcoata and aorae eitra clothing
In bla poaaeaaioD. It waa auapectod tbat
ba atole tbem, baeauaa ba bad mora
clothing tban ba actually needed for bla
dm, Mtarary Jeeuee auneeta tbat J.
I'ierpont Morgan, John I). Rockefeller
and boat of other tellowa abould ba
rreateil and made to abow op. They
bave a lot of property la tbelr poaeee
aiona tbat baa been attained under rery
oeplcioua circumatancn. Tba -law
abould be no reepector of peraon.
Saundera County Journal.
There ia no really great outapoken
champion of tha elngle gold atandard;
tboaa arrayed againat free coinage of
both gold and ellver ara inharmonious,
few dealrlng international agreement,
otbera demanding a change in tba tba
ratio, and noma are candid anougb to
admit they want tba gold
atandard, but eonfuaion characterise
tbem aa a whole. Not ao with tbeir
opponent, There ia one great towering
leader of bimetallism at tba bonaat
ratio of 10 to land ba baa mlllionaof
follower! wbo believe J oat aa ba doe,
Cortland Herald.
Tba republicana will bave to drop the
old cry tbat Hartley and Moore ara all
tbat tba fuaion jieople have to talk
bout. One by one tha former republi
can office bolder have proven to be
raacala and now tha Ia auperintendent
of tba aaylum the blind at Nebraaka
City appear to ba in tb bola. Ha bad
new plan, lie would pot the namea of
blind in me tee of the institution, on tbe
pay roll aa officer and would draw
tbeir pay bimaelf. He bad a great bead,
but tbe truth came out at last, and now
be ia in tba aweat boi. It la better to ba
boneat, but it ia better atill not to be a
republican and you are not ba ao likely
to become dishonest, York Democrat
Knowing tha power of money and tbe
charm of office, 1 am not aurpriaed at
tba election of Marcna A. Hanna aa sen
ator from Ohio. With only three or
four kickera to bring into tbe fold, and
milliona of money and any office in tba
gift of tbe McKinley administration at
bia diapoaal, it would have been little lea
tban a miracle it tba boodler bad not
won. Ilia victory ia another mile poet
marking tha decadence of tbe republic
He gete tbe position because of bia
wealth and bia success in using money to
corrupt tbe politic of the country.
Nothing could well be more dcmoralis.
Ing. Ilia election emphasise anew the
tact that tbia ia a government of the
rich, by the rich and for tbe rich, and
not a government of the people.
"W.altS, ), oatloa; barbarian) si la.l."
8 tar A Kanaan.
Vice President Hobart baa been very
busy lately, A great ruitlou u U
Ini discussed between bun and the llrit.
ieb minister a to w blb waa entitled to
precedence at the quilting bewe, apple
jinriuifs and corn bu.khigs In the city of
Washington. F.aeb distinguished donkey
claimed tbat be was first, one aa tbe rep
resentative ol (treat Hrltalu and tbe
other aa the second olfleer ol the ( tilted
Mate. Tba great question baa been
Lulirl Ardltl
" I to N el ft.
$) 1 h Klmbtll
I'Wtrtu i h.U tiuiiutntut
ml iirtb)f i t U ii .,"
MJ 1.4 , A
ttMffc4 V kit tlk4
a iioiiq,
fWtil At, tWaahft, Nt
T Jet''
Harness and
Saddle Makers.
Stay-On Blanket
Repairing apecialty.
Full Stock of
Harness, Lap
aaa al sank, SB.
Lincoln, Neb.
aattlad without war and Mr. Hobart
baa tba rlgbt to ait nait to tba pia at al
entertainment and to follow close to
tba Freaident in tba Fourth of July Hun
day aobool parade. But even In settling
tnia negotiation rrealdent Mckinley
snoweo nia nauai uritisn Diae and aub-
mlttad tba wbola Question to the En--
liah government and agreed to be gov
erned by it declelon. Central City
Tba Chicago Ilecord'a postal savins
Dang propositions arc ootclaaaad by tha
bill reoontly Introduced by Henator
Marion Butler. Tbia bill ia. to aorae i-
tent, framed after tba French law, wblcb
give tba maaaea of tba people ao oppor
tunity to Invaat In United rJtetee bonda
in auma ranging from $6 to $100 or
larger, and tba plan of aariug aucb
that savin: deposit or bond can ba
need in ordinary biuine traneactlone
Tbua tba money deposited in ft govern
ment depository Is virtually in circu
lation and money apeculator will ba
shorn of tbeir power to control tba
money of tbia country, besides compet
ing with tba people for tba ownership of
government bonda. Tba result would
be, tbat when tba government sroes into
tba ban kins bualneea rbzbt. the specu
lation la money eeaaea. -New Era Stand
ard. Are de mocrata more independent tban
republicana? Yea. When drover Cleve
land turned traitor to bla party and be
came tba vassal of Wall street, be waa
repudiated by an overwhelming majority
of democrat. Today, 1mm tban a year
after bla inauguration, William McKin
ley ia a traitor to hia party. The plat
form upon wblcb be waa elected declared
in favor of bimetallism and in favor of
recognizing tba Cuban patriot a bell-
gerenta. Tbe president baa ignored
both planka. adopting an absolute cold
atandard financial policy, and turning a
deaf ear to tba eriea of distress in Cuba.
And yet bla betrayed and duoed oartv
follower are loyal to him atill. And
they will continue loyal, even in event
tbat McKinley aball delegate to tba
Bank of England full control of Ameri
can finance even though b aball aend
American abipa to Cuba, and at tba bid
ding of tba Spanish king deatroy the
few patriot there wbo have not yet
fallen victims to tba knife ol tha Spanish
butcher. Independence! Why, it ia
nowhere to be found in tha republican
catechism. Fapillion Time.
Rockefeller sad the Widow's Cow.
The Standard Oil king ia evidently pre-
paring to bestow another million on tbe
Chicago University. To tbia end a levy
has just bean Issued by order of Mr.
Rockefeller on tbe goods , and chattels of
one Mary Yesaen, a lone widow, to sat
isfy a claim of flu for the pasturage of
tbe widow'a cow. Mr. Yemen is a Dan
ish washerwoman whose habitat ia
Greenwich, Conn., and who makes a liv
ing by washing and nursing. She told
Mr. Hockeleller a agent that aha bad a
claim againat tba estate of Nicholas Can
sidy for nursing Dim during the last
eight month of bis life, and tbat a soon
aa her bill waa settled six would pay for
tbe pasturage of the cow. When the
agent reported thU ultimatum to Mr.
Korketellvr, tbe millionaire said "he
couldn't wait, ba needed tna money."
and ordered tbe agent to have a writ of
attachment Iseued a once. With costs,
the attachment footed up 117 40. Mr.
lUx-keleller is a "professing" christian,
and his chaplain should remind blin of
what tbe l oundr of I'UrUtUuity said
alniut people wbo get aftwr widow'
properly mid fur a pretense make long
prayer. Iiyatander, Untie, Montana.
That flourishing institution, the Uni
versity A tblt'ttgu, ha ut received
another gift from John U Rockefeller,
tin lime of IJlRl.lMMI .the sum having
beea forked over by the friend ol the poor
ia ordrr to swell the ualversity'a Income
to IT'a'U.lMHi the sum aemM to carry n
it work during im. The Institution
balurtbr planned the formation of a
1 ollin of liueineM and l uliiuV the
olijert l which Is to Impart Instruction
la "rrtMi businee and imlttle. to
Includ iM'l ol ra!troU. ftnaaee, in
surance)," aad the like. I he university
will kav U work Very hr I II It
to oamt lb inetrnel ua daily imparled
by the basking institution audeorpov
alum ia these feraavlw ( tMiralsg,
IhstMink preei'leate who are reKularlr
vat Io )il, and a ruUrly xr.lul
by 'r4l MrKluWy, aflord a bnllianl
vrteol olt Watt in la BueaeewliMk
atak eve the valaable etiaros u tbe
I aliereity ol t bkagtt twllBit, t
kK lslftttt la iviiita lb a hole
itonstry ha bva l'u II I tb
ftli tbe ' bmialatur. lUd
rttad'Mg I t augbl lt ib ! oa id oar
tia4, t baatttvy M. Ip, ak lea. b
as i lb Hat tbat raiiH.,). ate
ta4 lMt tumb. perhaps, koaeier.
wbib. tbe aaivtiy la 11, 11 an)
tMitb lb eta.W-at lb Hwkeblif plan
of rwtlrwadiMg, at'etirdi' Iw baa rw
baleaar altie4 la lb KlamUtd. Utl
I um pa f aad u aay tuai eoaeeta,
thai kind raiiroadiag ba aa.l a h.f
leaeMr Mr- lwk.MU aa, 11 is tr?
gtM4 f kwt la bsre l leu hi at kui
Hlvetaily, Tealilk tealaiy,
I'dilor ba auaar ialiiu vl 4rtt.
A few atosib gs aixa b !" ia tb
newsDaoer line waa at a very low ebb,
a country editor in Nebraaka determined
to cau vase tbe entire bualneea portion
of tba town, and try to drum up some
advertising. He atarted at one and of
tba main street and worked to tba otber
visiting every bualneea houee, and in all
of tbem be met tba aama old excuse
trade waa too alow to iuatify an ex
penditnre of money in advertising; print-
era ink didn't pay anynow, ana ao on.
All tba buaineaa tba editor waa able to
raka in waa about 13 worth of paid lo
cals, and be bad f take bla pay in goodi
out of tba atorea. A lew aaye later
man with ft scheme atruck tba same
town. Ha got op card about tba aise
of a man ofTesaa: In tba center waa
aoaoe for glowing diecrlptlon of tba
town and county, while tbe outeid space
waa to ba occupied by buainaaa and pro
feeaional carda at 15 each. Ha got
avanr merchant, lawyer and doctor in
tba town ana eieanea op f ?uu 10 wee
tban week and tba caree are bagging
around town aa monument to tba
buaineaa aaaacity ol tba folka wbo
patronised it. When ft talker atrikea ft
town with artlciea to aeii, tba mercnauta
make a great roar and tha newspaper
ebamplona tbeir cauaa. Hut wben an
advertlelng fakir cornea ba flnda enckere
in every block. Tba mercbante wbo
won't do buainaaa with tba newspaper
a way band over tbeir money cueer-
fully to tba faklre.-Walt Mnaou io Ua-
00m journal.
Cause of Dyspepsia.
yrom tb Xepsbllcas, Bcrsstoi, Pa,
Tba moat common of all human ail
menta ia deranged dlgtion; tba moat
aggravating diaeaa Inherited by man,
Tna primary cauaa of dyapepela ia lack
of vitality; tba abaenc of nerve force;
tba loaa of the llfe-auatftlaing elemeute of
tba biooa.
No organ can properly perform ita
functlona wben tba aouree of nutriment
faila. When tb atomach ia robbed of
tba nourishment demanded by nature,
assimilation eeaaea. unnatural gases are
generated; tba entire ayatem reaponda to
tha diaeoro.
A practical illnatratlon of tba aymp
toma and torture of dyaDenaia ia fur
nished by tba caaa of Joeapb T. Vandyke,
440 Hickory atreet, Hcranton, Pa.
In telling bla atory Mr. Vandyke aaya:
Five years ago I waa afflicted with a
trouble of tba etomacb, wblcb waa very
aggravating. I bad ao appetite, could
not enjoy myaelf at any time, and eepeci
ally waa tbe trouble aevere wben 1 awoke
in tba morning. 1 did Dot know what
tba ailment waa, but it became steadily
woraa and I waa In conatant misery.
"J called in my family pbyalcian and
ba diagnosed tba case aa catarrh of tba
etomacb.. Ha preacrlbed for me audi
bad bia prescription filled. I took nearly
all tba medicine and atill tbe trouble be
came woraa, and I felt tbat my condi
tion waa hopeless. I tried eeveral reme
dlea recommended by my friend, but
without benefit. After I bad been suffer-
l Tkn....
lif 1 m ai luvuvuih ihuhih wu.wi,
also ft resident of tbia city, urged me to
try Dr. Williams Pink 1'ille for I'ale
"He Anally persuaded me to buy a box
and I began to uae tbe pille according
to direction.. Before I bad taken tbe
second bos I began to feel reliey6o and
after taking a few more bose I consid
ered 'myaelf restored to health. Tbe
pilla gave me new life, etrengtb, ambi
tion and happiness."
vr. wuiiama' rink v ilia cur dyepepaia
by restoring to tb blood tha requisite
constituent of life, by renewing the
nerve force and enabling the atomach to
promptly and properly assimilate tbe
food. These pilla are a apeciflc for all di
me having tbelr origination in Impov
erished blood or disordered nervea. They
coitaln every element requiaite to general restore strength to the weak,
good health to the ailing.
Advice to Iowa Paimera Tbat Appliea
Equally WU to Nebraaka Fsrmsrs.
In tbe laat national political campaign
practically all of tbe great corporatione
of tbe country were arrayed againat tbe
candidacy of William J. liryan, and tbey
ft nothing undone to prevent bia elec
tion. It waa not simply a contest be
tween the frienda of tbe aingle gold
tandnrd on the one aide and the ad vo
cal of genuiua bimetallism on the
other, It aa a well-defined battle be-
ween eorporatioiilam on the on side
ud the foes ol eiat-inl privilege on the
titer. And cortioratiouisnt won tb
Ikwaue Hi eorMiratlons worked to
gether, shoulder to shoulder, for on
common purKe. They alwavteo work.
Hut the people a ho are opKMd to cor
poration rut do notalway work to
gether; on the contrary they moat lr
lUently work at cro purpose, and
thus allow th lore of monopoly to at
tela their ot'KU without very great
effort. Students of tveal have lor a
long time rwogalftml this tact. I'ul It Is
not aleajs aa aaey matter In oltaia
thssvideno aary to eatatilUh lit
(art. t ororetlos are aot ta th habit
ol publishing their secret to lb world.
tKvasmnally, bueer, rtiaVianiMg pmd
n the HHrai fr eui i liuhl, 1 he
billiaig Iron I'aratieib t salary i r
liaenl la this coaarn lioa, raablag id
a urUlioa that ha rvrsatiy b-ea
loruMMl among lb rrptr4ltin ttwft
tag street rail af la lb nlUd Htal.w,
1 aatietb tealuri sate,
"1bt ra-aHiitua ba fur tHi-l'H t
lb u ai street rail!
abk b ara Walllisg aaia lb pttavliU
wt MskiHl uaaeisbip. all lb lre
rallaat la lb Ual woaU ewatnlial to
ft"M lb tsas la tb courts, l a of
ptralia ua.iittaM4 tbal ia t-auiewf
a i l be eaaaa ul all. ISij a Uaiaaiag
I a ls lb rbsa would b arai,
Iberelur, tb lliruibla lta !
eoaipaey id Ibm vily vaai l lb aid ul
Ibe strwl raileat ol UdiaaaiHtltt la
btig Ibetbrv vaalMifiar fdiaae.
lee street lailaav et4k baepfaill
eal rialr4 if lb Wnb-ral ladktaif . He
b anWral lair laleikrlag
keaei la llrsi ol street tail'
at si elthed, aad It I !? '
Ibl iwl bak IkMM iwfporatHia
aiaialaia U rea sn'iMsr. '
II lb liar ut Iowa aad Nebraska
woaM stadr lb aaeiba-l ( tb atoaw
hiIw Utlla satire ettawly. aad t'
thf laililieaUr, lale. id til leg t
' doaa uae another la ! wajs, It
would not be long U5til there would be
fewer corporation millionaire, and
greater number of farmer wbo would
be spending tbeir daya in comfort and
contentment on farms unplaatered with
mortgagee. Dee Moinea Gatettev
Only Big Millionaires Wanted,
J.PierpoDt Morgan and eyndicate In
cluding tb Standard Oil company bave
organized national bank truat, tna
purpoae being to run tbe email national
banka out of exiatence. Tbe National
City Bank of Greater New York with de-
poslta amounting to over 9111,00.000
la tbe bub of tbia greatest of all concen
tration plana. Tba big millionaires
bave robbed tbe maaaea of about all
tbey have and now tbey propoa to or
gantce to rob each other.
it certainly la ao entertaining apeo
tacle to nee the big mllllonalree conapfr-
ing to gather io tbe wealth of tbe little
millionaire. It ia admitted tbat Lym
an i. Gaga ia to represent tb truat'e In
teract Id Chicago. In time bia gigantic
banking Inatitution, tba Firat national
of Chicago, bopee to abaorb all aucb
banka a tb Chicago National, tbe
Tradea National, tba Hide and Leather
National and all otber bank outeid of
tbe tract.
Tbe money of tbe nation ia In tba
baud of a fw dow. What will tb con
uitione ba wben it la In tb banda of ft
I number? We predict however tbat
tbia trust will only hasten the end. Tbe
money plutocrat are too blindly ignor
ant to aee tbat tbey ar baatenlng their
own destruction, i. I'ierpont Morgan.
John I), Itockfeller, Lyman J. Oage and
several otber public enemiee have lived
ao long under a ayatem of robbery tbat
tbey can only conspire to devour. 11
tbey kaep on thy will noon bavaonly
tbem solve to eat a Henry . Thornton
aaa in "Sllaa Hood."
Would It not be better to bare a
money truat that waa owned by tbe
people and operated for tbe benefit of
all the people? Voter abould do aome
tall thinking between now and tbe next
congreeeional election. Chicago Ex pre
SCROFULA la tba advertleement of
foul blood. It may be entirely driven
from th system by tb faithful uae ol
lood'e warsanarilla. wblcb tborougbiy
purifiee tb blood.
IOOD'S FILLS araaaay to tak. aaay
to operate. Cur Indignation, biliou-
nesa. 26c.
Wants to Know.
Senator Allen baa presented and asked
for tbe immediate consideration of a
resolution, directing tba committee on
pension to ascertain by wbat author
ty tb commissioner of pension refuses
to paaa upon application tor increases
of pension until twelve month aball
nave elapsed sine tba laat allowance
waa mod. Mr. Oallinger, of New
Hampshire, chairman of tb pension
committee, objected to tb immediate
consideration ol tb resolution and it
went over.
Want to Hani Letter's Wheat.
Kastbonnd freight ratea ar getting
more snaky, and I predicted tbat before
locg it will be necessary for tb joint
traffic association to aend out another
announcement tbat all roads must ob
serve tbe regular tariffs. ' No cute have
been made in tbe rate for general
merchandise, bnt tb grain rate are
getting lower and lower, and it ia now
predicted tbat witbin a abort tiro grain
will be carried from Chicago to tbe At
lantic aeaboard on th baaia of 12 cent
to Now York. Aa for as can be learned
no grain baa aa yet been carried at tbat
rate, but it baa been admitted by one of
the agents of Leiter tbat be baa been
offered tb rat and can bave it any
time be care to eh I p.
Doa'tTcbaoooBpit and Bmoke Totur Lift
If you want to quit tobacco aslng
tally and forever, be made well, strong.
magnetic, full ol new life aad vigor, take
No-To-Bae, tba wonderworker, tbat
makwak men atrong. Many gala
tea pound In ten daya. Over 400.000
cored. Buy No-To-Bae of your druggist
nder guarantee to aur. 60 or 11.00.
Booklet and samples mailed free. Address
Sterling Bmdy Co., Chicago or New T.
lUeaaval of Mlssoart Paclfle City Tlek
' Offle.
Tbe Missouri Pscifio city ticket offlo
baa been removed to 1U2& O atreet
Wben you are going south or east re
member tbat tber ar two faat train
dally from Lincoln to Kanaaa City and
St. Louie via this line.
r ait hub,
To Omaha, Chicago and point la Iowa
aad Illinois th UMO.N PACIFIC ia eoe
section with th C, AN. Wlty. of!.n
t he boot service and th fastest tim
t all or writ to ana for time sards, rat
ta, K. B. Kuieaon,
U.a. Aa-
: , use. i
PBy Day or Wcek.W
1342 N St.
l ta t
it tta
friviti ClMAMI
Smo sat awa. i
a-a Iims I u
lei f a. M4 ia,H
1 1 tb 4 rats !.
Thnnrtoa Protects th Valoa Pact He,
In tbe United State senate Monday,
Mr. Harris, of Kaneas, presented reso
lution, for which be requested immedi
ate consideration, asking tbe secretary
of tbs treasury why, since 1882, be bad
omitted from bis statement an item of
something more tban $11,000,000 In
tereer due tbe United State from tb
Pacific railroad. Objection waa mad
by Mr, Thurston of Nebraaka and tbe
resolution went over.
Much in Little
Isespseially true of Hood's Pills, or no medl
(In ever contained so great curative power In
to small ipse. Tbey ar a whole medicine
anest, always ready, al
ways efficient, always sat
isfactory prevent a cold
or fever, euro all liver Ills,
sick beedaene, jaundice, eonstlpatlon, ete. 9M.
Ta only rills to take win Hood's tsrsspariua.
Or. KelcJiL'n 1
Eye, Ear, Now, Throat
MmA fl.i..k
tasetstle Oaref ally FltUa. All fess rtseosabl
Offlo 4th Boor Richard Block, fjnoola
Yyatt-EKllird kztzt Cppanjf,
Offle 30tb and Itard Sta. Pbon 479
Writ for Pries.
OMAHA, i t t I KEK
49 Waatmiaiatar St. Fmidasoa. E-1.
WsBtasllklad i Raw Far, ails. Otaasaa.
asaeca,. rail erlees aarasted. Carefal
lertloa, eoarteo WeatsMai, laiaiedlate reatl.
taaee, ablppta Ta, Mopes, farala4 Ires.
wna tot laiesi pne eweajar
Vf vvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvv
Send us 15.00 fey drift, ex
press or money order and we will
ship you the following bill of
r oods-Every article warranted
or money returned:
4 lt best grsnslstea or....,...f 1,00
21 tiers ood Lsoodrr Hoap ., 1 00
uks. I.Iob or Arboekle's Colin "99 .(0
4 lbs Ksse Krsporatod f.acbes..... .SO
lb rsns bMt liaklnir fan int. ..,... ,M
1 III bwt sseolorad m ...........,.,... M
H lb fonper
4 Hi. rbolce Ile....,...,...,. ,26
tlbMatard ,. ..... .it
psksMlMwtyiMitealies U
All the above packed secure
tv and delivered to R. R. station
here for $5.00.
The Farmers B-r
Grocery Co.,
226-234 N. 10th St..
Lincoln, Nebraska
Residence Phone 655.
Office Phone 656.
Surgeon and
Consulting Physician
Room 17, 18 A 10, Burr Dlock,
Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to
5 p.m.
Sunday hours: 3 to 5 p.m.
0 pr roal off I Callfnrala aad Other la.
rifle Coast Ira valors.
Tb abov reduction applies to th
tim enrntit. Ky the Northwestern'
I'nlon I'aelfle ront th tim Isnnenlirht,
or 13 hour, lea than by other llnea,
Thlave money, berth rat, and thlr
ten hour of warlsom car riding. At
Fremont connection ar direct with
through tnarlet and Pullman sWuers,
rhnlrenr Io lienver, (Men, Halt l ake
rllr, I'ortland and Han Pranclsen. Ihn.
Ing car through to tha coast, (lut lick
els and berth reaervations o A. H. Field.
Inir, eity tlrliet aeqt, 117 south link
St., Lincoln, Neb,
Nsttrasha aa4 Wyaailea Hoatahers
.Is a, 1M, Frl.. 1 aad I V March 1 aad
15, Arll 5 aad ll. th Flkhora North
arstura line, will anil tk-kel Io Mit mm
its line la Mthrneka, and In Wyoming
wrsiofand laHudiug Orla Juaetloa, at
on tare .o f J for tha round Iri No
Urn to NW4 Ibaa I'JlMi. fltyi.miw,
117 rU. UMk at., deH., r,w, H and M.
st., .U4la.
T faaet aaad aad Ata.ka ratal.
The Nortkaealera l alua 'ailt ia the
dlreet foate to la l'at Hoaad aad
Alaska I'wiel. kliifaia aad alter aoua
Iraia aah dlm t oaeiM at Fr
atual with laruutt luurMt sUraat
rre rwliaiag rbair ear lu I'orllaad,
For orrvl lalofMiatioa sail oa A. M,
iMdiag, tHly mkt agt, lit atk
ith al., I laiola, Nh
HkiTaloijaTlo I tlntT
m rww )
1 tm wejBMA w4 I t i
klkavHi tea Nra4
m m .m. Im, 1 11 mt, .,.
.iu ul tut lt .mi t-aif
Who art Inland bf tb w of oil. Bee
u feu hn nieM m hm h croesrv sior.
see preparatlos nM OHAIJI-O, aiadsof 4'
Calas, tbsl takus tbs place of eoBo. Ta (I j
Heads stoasefe rtrelvM It art (boat die! teseH
bat lew e ul) It from .ifle. It done aeUt )
over H ae aiata. Cbildrsa star onns
fnll. Asklor OBAlM-O.
In the heart
of Chicago.
Tb Union Paaetnger Sta-1
tion In Chicago, Into which,
all Borlington Bout train
ran, la located In the very
heart of the eity,
Tbe principal hotel, tb
largat atorea, tha beat the
atre, tb biggest business
eatftbiiabnienta, ar only a
fw block distant to reach i
tbem it isn't even necessary (
io tea a air car.
To re. Chicago. It 181
necessary to can tb Bur-
, lingtoa Hon t4 that I, it i
ii yon want tna Deattnera l.
Keniember tbia wben ar-j
ranging your nit trio east. I
For ticket apply at Hur-i
llngton depot, 7th and P'
mvrvmim, vr khj uuive, corner,
10th and 0 atneta. '
GEO. W. B0NNELL, G. t. AT. A.,
Lincoln, Neferatka,
Whan billons or eostive, sat Car
sandy efttbartlenraad,10cTrf i
baa been removed from 1301 0 atreet ta
Ho. 1039 O atreet.
Weak and Strained Eyea Success
fully Fitted
Vo Atropin, no loat tim.
1800 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB
ltdSo. must.
Osliery Estobllsbed U7L
roR wnn raoToonAPHt
m.OOTO., , W
Kenndy's Photograph Parlors,
132 So. 12th Stntl.
inc Cabinets, $1.00 per Voztn
sUrtMtios asaraateod.
W aiai. Orao PorWalts ebea asd Is
aioet arttstl tttylaa
itfl Nurtk ah ce I
- V, PVI M ft H f '
Cusotm Grinding a specialty t
All tba bMt aradM of Hoar
chaasMl lor wheat, eora or oata. We
eaa an voa money.
A. 11. WEI It, Agent,
Coraer N and 8th Sta., LINCOLN.
Phone 65. . . ..
Full Assortment, Best Grade,
Lowest Prices.
a .
tnultlngroont ctino oty
rWond floor
Uvll WUI
f I IfJIa BsaMa 4l
HO tlKklAuLC.
f 1 i.M "
ft! Uitlwn I
ft 41 1 . !.((
A KH..I,, t Vl lit
fly... tiitf ... .
. 1 1 ' .
I A(M f.
, tM Iw
Wet !
MrwilJ U
let . 1 "
ttm.tnm, tmrn
s , f mjf
ke artttag to ear advrtfa.
tb'si-alyy .AT
tlyv "r
r7r, t . ,.ss
II. . an mi wa
a ( 1