i The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. J VOL. IX. V LINCOLN, NEDR., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1898 NO. 35 ORDINAL PR1NCIP LES Senator AUen'a Speech inDefenia of the Populist ' Party. Urand tribute to labor, f'loadi for An Inoorrupt and In tolligent Ballot as tbo Hops of tho Nation. I j frond of tlia n'U following l a Jtior A lion at the OrntWt, MiMMub dulivorod by 10 annual banquet of lie Massachusetts populists In JJoston little more than a year ago. it um UHt bi't-u win ted in the Congressional lecord a a part of tho senator's re- mrku in favor of bin resolution for tlie m m, nr . I. roeconuge 01 silver, vt e ruprouuue iu r tlio reason that It sets forth quite illy tli aim and purport of tbs Top? ullst party, On that occasion Bonator Jrilleu sold; ! ' ' YtfMelloW-clttons: I think I outfit to be lf,i It ...it n niiiriM.tnlntfl mvaelf Oil the 't that In making my first appearance tlie commonwealth of Massachusetts A in the historic ami attractive city of wtonl do no a a populist attending i '(important mooting of the ropresunto- J men of the party, v'-l was born in tho west and forty ier of my life have boon spent on that l ie of the Mississippi where the shadow SI I the setting sun are lost to usuer in I, olght and the songs ot birds and the I Ionic of waters are first to greet the iwn. audit would be usoloes for me to ityempt to disguise from you that 1 am ply ftttucned to lliai purt oi our how n fimmlrv. I have not enjoyed the privilege ol king un extended tour of the oust, &d mingling, to any considerable ox- hWHu It" people, aiuiougn mil nu- r,.J,tiWii Willi UH! )flUKIiai BTTOUIUIH. 'f rioue history, and as an American to if i manner born, 1 rejoice with you that rV every great struggle to better the ' Irtpnditiou of the race the Old Hay Htote' bf s been in the very front rank and true to'hereurly teaching. i"l must return my thanks for tho ilnor conferred on me by your iuvlta--CtKhjtobe present and address you on wtbl occasion, I have, until now, de clined to accept all invitation to de liver addresses beyond the confine of iffy .own state, but your wae couched in thnf ln!r no doubt that VOU uaiuu -1 . , ' , i jinireu to osar ana eee on ew year, endeavored to upnoia in ine nlted 8taU Honate the caue of hie mntry agaiimt the encroaclimont oi ihiwful power ana trie aoauij eiioc oi itralicatlon. Will ireeiy buiuiv iubbiu j invitation 1 wa aciuaieu ioibwbhv , nUiru tiivlwit; tiiie hiHtorio srround Uiirn more of the people by actual antactthan I now know. In the early vi of the nation there were thoee who 'doubted, a there areeome who now doubt, the ability oi me people 10 gov 1 it... .t i.il ttllO it it i ri IHtMlliwJi fur, m p-- - ' yabltttbineut of what they were pleased o call a etroug government oy imuuihk ill real power lu tne nano oi win iww nd mere nominal power in the hand of ....... nulnif in it Ijirira IIII'IIH- ire, to tlm wiw couneel of Mamwwhu (lUntuteemell, Mild lo ouier iiiuniruun '...I ..tpi,.tin cltiiMiiM. butter luilirement L'" I'"". . ' .. sirevalliili ana me guyeniiiH'm, hh Filly mid lt hoi prmaiimitly, Vabllnhed on the eolld foundation of pop. r,i,ir wovereiguty. .Nearly a century and Wittiiiiurler have plumed iuce the forma fji'ii'i tb" union, only to prove the i Aia.imo! their nation. i ttiii.k It will be mMtottdetl everywhere K tl tt our eountry ii"wl imt nl the nr. nt time a radienl puritlvaiion of the u nubile rviHt. tVrtainly Kriitauut W r.rity will n t nturu ti biea ue un; ( til every department h I imntleU I I tiu.1 uutil there an upward tendency to Ii.ulilte moral. kuuw oi no rwoMin why a i-roii C vld to the ndmlnUtrntion u! a public 1 j.itu ehouM lul dieehnrge He dutk- , .an h great If not n'eu r tl-Wny lbu ). i, privato bl, fr i the ou ttum , linr ol many m nrtwetwl, while lu A ui her the lulerwU of a N only nr IV ,. ....-ro.i. "tritiid pubbe hiorality thai witleol fci.UreiaM,h 'h j.fwat I" IM lUriieaftluttU ttrally nwbd. tut etlr all, H lhl' " I""1'- iv-m ,hh. olttowl tht- and m'rUiy i'l ml ra V r ilmrm ur than t ttaml laUl i.dw a4 wi'ratliy id tb 'pl hu m i Ur pl.lte erK nddahl- MmJ"a w gitl la tMfe' V, I , m kNM wllKuU t IM 4, ,.. a'lf what Ike iph a, II, 1 it U tMf tHii la ,Mtllk-y lKynrtia l.t tl". J'Wgaa'"!. taud a.uH tfcw. wfcW tfe L,,..iH4iM an t le ralieg rla-M at la "... ..le l th t"t ' ?Lfcr.-w aMUV UIU aee,,t,Ji.ti. L..I wia a.K and mim tmb. r.- "4 with taatWb hali. ullklMbi-na . . . Hue te4 that ierlaj tha ral teiW I M. (tp..bta !t.ie tltaleJ t,"d la wl aall'- aa4 the t'aku Ha -' irJi aha att.i4 the ku tn , ,w Totwsta4Ue 4v catea of popular right and parKamen tary power over the orown and the tol eration of dieHonter were called Whig, Liberal and radical have superseded Whig in Knglleh politic. "During the Revolutionary war those who were friendly and supported the cause of freedom were called Whigs, The word was used in contradistinction to Tory and Royalist, and was given in derision to a political party that ex isted from to 1HM. In my limited search 1 have been unable m Hod that the word "populist" has found a place In the dictionary, but I think it may properly be said to be derived from the Uitln 'populus,' signifying, as the pareut word siguide, the common people, the multitude, and comprehnudliig within Its definition all persons not distin guished by rank, office, education, or profession. The name was given the people's party in dorlslon. "The cardinal principles of thepnrty are these; The free and unlimited coin age of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 10 to 1, the issuance of all money by the general government as a full legal tender for public and private debts, without tho use of banking cor. porations; nu increase of the circulating medium to 950 per capita; a graduated income tux: postal savings banks; a lim itation of the national revenues to the necessary expenses of the government economically and honestly administered; government ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and telephones; a reduction of lands now held by railroads and other corporations In excess of their actual needs, to government ownership, and all hinds owned by nonresident alien to be reclaimed by the government and hold for actual settlers, 'I think the judgment of the enlight ened world is thoroughly convinced that there is not gold enough with which to perform adequately the work demanded of money. Thoughtful men recognize the necessity of an increase in the vol ume, not only In this country, but throughout the civilized world. The total gold output is limited, while the strain on basic money is dally growing, owing to the rapid increase of popula tion and wealth. It may be truthfully said that the gold output for monetary uses Is practically exhausted, lor after deducting that necessary to the arts and In making full weight of abraded coins, there I not enough to add materially to the stock of money, "JIow I metallic money to be Increased except by the free and unlimited coinage of sliver? The world's volume of silver money, as far as we can ascer tain, does tot exceed that of gold, each amounting, in round number, to about 1 1,000.000,000; and until 1873 they had stood for twenty-seven centuries within three points of each other, -lint why, it Is frequently asked, should we coin silver and gold at the ratio of 10 to 17 1 answer: Hecause na ture has not and cannot establish a ratio, and it must be dons by man. Ra tio i not a natural law; ana io to i being the relation that was established bv oureovernmnnt iu 1807, no reason exists of which I have knowledge why it should at thi time be cnatiged. 1 he re lation of the coins must therefore, of ne cessity, be arbitrary, as no two thlns can, commercially speaking, be said at all time to be oi equal value. "I am In favor of the (reo and. unlim ited coinaire of silver because, by the constitution, it I dedicated as money material, and because to deprive it oi free coinage would be an open, flagrant, and inexcusable violation of the funda mental law to the irreat and permanent Injury of the people. 1 am in favor of free and unlimited coinage because the commercial and Industrial iuterosts of tha rxiople demand It, and because the prosM)rity and progress of the country, the true ulms of all Just and humane governments, will not be compassed un til our basic money has been increased. I am In favor of it because it would set all prod lie live agencies at work and en large the scops of usetul labor, increase wages, and produce contentment and hnpplnes among the people, It would Increase Individual and national wealth and secure to tha producer of the loriner a rightful portion of that which his luunl and craft bring Into existence. It would bring to the striken homea of our coun try needed roxH ril,v, ami chase (rum their portal the gloom id deepair and till them ouce mora with the suusbiueol hnppliieS and )ny, "It Is not my tmrfHM to dWcuM, fullv r academically, the many objections mnduby thsgoli mouometnllUt to th dis'trliie td fr folium, although it will be proper for Mm to notion mmie id them in a aeueral wey, It U I that open in lu Is would tttmd us with siUrlrom tvvrywrol tbs world, anduadertbs ui. r ((,. w of tb tin hum taw gold would U driven out and we would gu to a stiver bant. This U an uusouud nnd rtttob argument aud eoMrary the prvewhats td hiUrr, ll silver wrs toiuwl n tbs IioMa of the l'uHd XUtra nl tb ratio ol Itt to I o t.rms id mI ilywith got I, the bullion vUe would liunuthaMr riw a I Mow I lb bullion value ot the I lt r, tr it mut b luoan to eorrwt rrmi4r that Ihevalusol Mold bullion i oilisWb! to I ha vote !' ii trr gold ttttjt "II vy rirt turns tr l on th roiMAM 1 1 gold, s I m !! d It, like ttlvw, br In a uiilo. Melilh vbsaani wt trliarr o4t ior and vwald not, Halr ai,y vinew U ba ntMtltw la m Mmls II would 1 rvndily wi tt the e.it.U, tistf lbs vIk of the tout imipm, wwnld lmtitllly iroUi- d.nlf Mwevn lb ii m Itwi ulm aid tbs ot. it Ibe ntowwnl lbs riwuin wae rml. lbs but Masnd mi woaM wmw h4 tvOMstwt. I bM rwW b(4d Ira a rwwu t. giv bullion rtiul4 In o!4 bt dvfil m lbs wtaibsla twvnttM nl ratiptt Mawsgw, bt abivba larg part id lb as I pal bt tbrawn on b niaiksl. as a ntfiu nMbty. aa4 by ibal wwans IhstmUt.. value J the Ui U ba Ibsa tb llkuia, tst rvatavt tha trntto and admit It to ths mints on terms of exact equality with gold, and Immed iately gold and silver bullion aud the coin would become equal la value in the markets of our own country and those of ths world, and the volume of basic money would bo Increased 100 per cent "Certainly no intelligent and disinter ested man would imperil hi standing as a logician by asserting that with our mints oKin to the free coinage of silver the Kuropenn holder would consent to ell for less than its coin value, less, of course, the cost of transportation and Insurance, because lie could bring it to our mints and Imvo It oolned into stand ard silver dollars of eqnal purchasing aud debt-paying power with gold. "We are met hero with the argument, or, mors properly sinking, 1 should say subterfuge, because It does not rise to the dignity of argument, that free coinage would bring to the United Htatns the surplus silver of Europe nnd gold would b3 driven out. This it is said would be due to tho operation of the Ornshum law, and notwithstanding it has been repeatedly met and shown to be unsound, it Is persistently nnd dog. maticully asserted, History is against Misstatement. VV bad free and limit less coinage of silver from the founda tion of the government to 1871), and sll ver bullion aud silver coin were of equal value aud worth iJ tier cunt more than gold nt ths time of demonetizat ion. "It is suld again that up to that time we had coined not to excisjd 98,000,000. but this is only a half truth. We bud coined a little more than 18,000,000 in dollar pieces or disks, but wo had alto gether 1150,000,000 in silver coin, tak ing no account of the vast quantity of bullion that had been shipped to Kurops to supply the demand there and of which we can obtain no reliable data, This bullion and even much of our coin went to Kuropenn markets as a result of undervaluation here, "Auothur fact of Importance in refuta tion of the dumping argument, if I may be permitted to null it such, should not be forgotten, and that Is, that after ths passage In 1878 of the Uland-AHIsou act and during the precise time our mints were coining silver under ths pro visions of that act and ths Hherman act of 1800. our supply of gold instead of diminishing and being expelled, 'as is now contended would be the case in the event of free silver coinage, actually in creased about 1230,000,000.. Oold mo. nometatlists overlook or ignore this in their eagerness to overthrow silver. "Uutl would like to ask any Intelli gent man this question: From whencs wilt the sliver com that is to flood tb country nnd drive away gold under a system of free silver coinage? I assert, without tho slightest feat ol being sua cessfully contradicted, that outside the western hemisphere there are not in the world SO, 000.000 ounces of free silver. The truth is that Kurops is now, aud lor years bas been, experiencing great diffi culty and depression In c jnscqtmnco of not being able to procure an adequate supply of silver, and when we shall be possessed of reason and patriotism suf ficient to induce ns to retrace our steps and again resume the limitless coinage . ..! ... .. ..I, .l .In.,, HI Silver, nn ri rfpuiv ui nun iwji biviv. every civillxud nation will be compelled in sell defense to open Its mint to tne white metal. "But suppose Kuropenn silver should be thrown on us dumped on us, as It Is said suppose it should be brought to our mints and coined into dollars of ex act equality with our own, what would be the result? Hurely it would be Amer lean money and the owner would be compelled to exchange it for American labor, or the products oi American lanor, aud this would bring prosperity; this would afford our laboring oooplea mueh needed and greatly desired opportunity to engage lu unbroken labor at profit saving wages. "Hut the gold monometallism blindly pursuing his false logic as fatally as a night moth pursues a lighted taper, as serta that the Kunqwan silver owner would ext-hangfl his bullion for A merlon n gold, and having raed A large profit on bis Investment, would return to his own country to enjoy his gain. Hut can this bi true? let us tor a moment ex. ii in I iim tbs assertion, for It amount to no more than an assertion, We have tio law compelling a iernii to give another n gold dollar In exehang lor a ailver dolUr, Huili nn njitveuieui, if made Int twm the holder of tlo tonus id muiisv, would be a matter til private poiilruet, with whuh the government eould not romtiiultoiHilly lmrure, but there Is nothing in the U reqmnug the etehamts to b nd. "Ho il is ie that s lvereould ti taken lu tm irvasury and ni loiul lor gold, but this stnUtiH'Ul I bhent mu tries 1 bem I no law rwqairiug or authoruing lbs rvrelarj ol tb tratiry to rfd.vui ilvr rota la got I, "I loot what would lb bolj. r of silvtr rMiit at our nonl Iroui tlaropvnn bull! m do will bis Bionry fi,r nMin tag i ' I will lull jou w bat M rouUl do, a I all he euM d. 1 Us toabl return with It to Untit ronsin, lu whbb swhI It wovild nitM lO m I tlt I Mlr IHOUV Sll 1 rf.UM l nouw bullion, or b Vtotl l purtbux and dip A ww wan atnsaUo'iurs I arte 1 to ,il4 abroad, b intuld vwiploy tn,i. nn Ulx tw nl ba ir t eaald inblsb ro,ln. inn tnl4iria in i" ttiuHirr a4 lbtbf ivv tbetWmnnd Ut Anwnaa tbr asA a-lau wm, b nl4 tlti sat sad nil lhrihom4 and, tbss. Wt JouM, t.oo m.ri(( at is wba bad U tint id snt4o UM.nl br tunny inoalb wuuid di -i bn tbianewa (fuviMhiU In tn twds'gvJ la a M'kid oar lata bw bonus mt .oi olhr mw. arjr MrlWi wba h bnbwndirtt4 Htf a Imss lint nM th v I J rd 14 I ad f w, m alt windor nnd lwmMM, il ibin wonM al babJM rnlbe tuna a ' W ml 1 1 nol bn a IriwMiet ti lb Hnalninrr, la lb Unv, tu lb UtHxr, Im ad wbn toil aa I UiM wbit aViwnd imi woibt "I'll dd HwnoaMlnlliet labm lb cry of 'sound monoy,' which moans of course, the gold standard. They assert that w must have tho 'best money,' which muaui, In their vocabulary, gold, and many who have long ago ceased thinking for tboinsulves,. If iudeed they ever indulged in the luxury, join In the senseless clamor and stigmatlxo all de siring ths (re coinage of silver as repudl atloulsts, cranks, und dishonest men, Ths most dishonest money that can be foisted on an uususiwctlng people Is ths tingle gold standard. (Jold has been ap preciated fully 100 per cent above Its nominal value by deiiionctlxatlou of sil ver and a short volume of currency. "It bas produced depressions, panics, enforced idleness, want and squalor. Ths populist parly insists that ws shall have honest money consisting of gold, silver, and rcdimninbla paper, issued by tho government In sufllcicut quantity to restore permanent prosperity, develop Industry to Its greatest capacity, and' afford all employment at remunerative wages, that they may discharge their duties to the country and tbuirTumllles In on efficient manner und earn enough by honest toll to lay the foundation of a fortune, ' A money that will enable them to do this is honest; a money that will not is not only unsound, but raukly dis honest. "Jlut I hav not the ths time (o dis miss the principles of populism as fully as I would like under ordinary circum stances to do. 1 cannot ask you for tb time, and 1 must content myself with general statements; 1 think that it will be entirely proper to direct attention to some things the Ignorant have supposed and tho vicious have asserted to be pop ulist dootrluofl, and that have no rela tion to the party, J'opullsts are not socialists, tho party Is not paternalistic It believes that schmtlllo socialism is a Utopian dream Incapable of reulinatlon, aud it bas no sympathy with that kind of socialism that borders on anarchy, and it has supreme contempt for anar chists, foreign or native-born. "This element of society must be re strained by the strong arm of ths law if tho republic is to stand. The populist is apaityof enlightened and just individ ualism. It believes In the equality of all before tho law aud demands the enact ment and enforcement of just laws In an honest manner for the advancement of society, Of course all government Is, In a comprehensive sense, socialistic, for no government could otherwise exist, but ours must not be socialistic in ths or dinary aoccptotlon of the term. "Nor does the populist party believe In a limitless volume of Irredeemable paper tfo.py. ft believes In the froe coinogiWgold aud sll ver tho money of tho constitution, supplemented by suffi cient paper money, issued by the gov ernment without the intervention of cor porations. Just as now exists, or as would exist if silver were coined on terms of equality with gold, and in a limited volume of full legal tender paper money, anticipatory of and redeemable in the revenue. To these ends and for these purpose Its members of congress have Incessantly labored. They have labored to better the condition of all, and tbey have at no time advocated de fenseless measures, or those that could properly be characterised as Utopian or Impracticable. "The constitution confers on ths con gress the exclusive power to coin money, It Is a sovereign power aud one In it nature calculated to advance or retard the Interest of all, according to the manner ot it exercise. Throughout our history no administration had the te merity to permit private corporations to issue and ciroulat their notes as money until after ths beginning of the civil war. It was permitted then only as a wur measure, and with the distinct understanding that at the restoration ol eaoe they would disappear, but, the promise not being kept, the volume of national bank currency ha beeu per mitted to Increase. "The populist party la arrayed In solid phalanx agniust national bauk note aud the usurpation ol the power vested in eomrres by tha constitution to Issue mousy. It is in every wnrelvable resiswl objeetiounble, It is an abaudoument of Congressional duty to tha sople, the nou I mii ml cannot be maou legal lou der, and the nytem turn over to lbs cor- Miration tha monetnry nliairs ol His nation, thus placing tu their bands the shiIu weal or woe, '.Vntlonnl bauk can, under the law. issue or ri'lirn their note nt w ill; they cna contract ur ipaud ths curr my at iileuMurv. aud always uroiiiotiv ol their una iuterval and to the detriment of ids latink tiMinr of contraction nud expniutiott la id vital iiHporlituen, A su ! il.'ti eiprtiision may lunste imvoi the hmii ol 14 tiinmul rufflly, w hits S radical aud sbtirp vtiulrac lion should bnpinlly mtata to bring lu lu train IimuioI prowrty, dtrwMii.tt (a pruvn, ll sol pitH nnd gvMrnl bankrupt, y, Tb pmr o last nioav i ol a-H"niiy, ilwMorw, nu lhat should X virv4 by lbs gorttnieal in lb inVr id all, pit n lbs owtvign "ar uot lia should bstresl by IHsgoivrn nnl in tb lauil ol lb tph, A wl ttoaht eiiHrs l irta oat to a divml dv'iioii m va no .ain tird bf oar kirin oi nvtvfitMu In thu li iiarir, or lbs t'aM l b-vy aal tmiu or lb l loKrfi id nsv olber eon, iiiitMnl U4ty that at bf lu muk nnd lb ins'ias nsd -ts y ul lbs ma- ntntioa wwniitl4 l lbs nowrain!, rvMisg d avnnaUis4 n wroa a4 t, vain rsnitia4 a tnvnr, nsd lh rpuUi'Hn nu (! " unlet i-nttwa m eoninill. ,i Ibmr ctwtisanaiv, a4 latlatf M tp M rvmois lbm, b t.l l H, M, RSMMII bf lb id lb limn, tm ila imtne, vnUmg bady bit n rsiurn Hi aiillHiaal M I la lb lrl 4 ait. 'I'upabst tkal mwasf WI W in vntl isitWwstlr IoUim pi wit ladivMnal as 1 naiamal initU,i. bl Ibnl bm sball b a saddwa taa lit a ttmtttss vulaat id r Mnasy put In circulation; nor that anything radioal shall be done, but that the gov ernment, prolltlug' by experience, shall oause a steady and healthy eipuusion of tho money volume to a point where tho greatest prowrlty can bo produced. We have in our own country, as an example, tho time Immediately following tho close of the wur, wbon tho circulat ing medium was over $CU per capita. Never in tho history of our country hud there been more material prosperity and general happiness than then, notwith standing we had just emerged from a bloody and devastating war. It is the hope of populists that ths volume of msaiey will bo Increased, and that it will will keep even pace with tho Increase of wealth and population, and that every dollar will at all times bo of canal pur- ohalng and debt-paying power and per form it prowr office In the commerce and Industry of ths world. "1 have not tlis time to discuss these questions rxtendedlv or minutely, nor you ths patience to listen, but I may bo permitted in passing to not a misstate ment frequently made that the populist party favors a limitless volume of Irre deemable pa (Mir money. Tho assertion Is unfounded and made through Ignor ance or meudaclty, There Is nothing in ths platform or traditions or teachings of the party that can lead honest men to that conclusion. On the contrary, wo repel the thought of a limitless paper money, Ws lavor a paper currency Is sued directly by the government, in creasing the circulating medium by safe and healthful means to a point produot- Live of the highest individual and nation al prosperity, "Tho populist party favors tho elec tion of United H tales senators by direct vote of the people; this I a cardinal article of It faith. Certainly no tnan conversant with the methods employed In debauching legislatures in the election of United Hiatus senators will deny that tlioro should be a change for the better, legislative elections aro foreign to tbs spirit of our institutions and tho rights of the masses whose Interests are direct ly involved. On every lino' of our na tional history, in every, tradition, in every provision of the constitution peaking of elections, the fact is appar parent that tho people are supremo and have the primary right to select their rulers, It may bo noted with pride that the present senate committee on privilege and elections have reported favorably a proposed constitutional amendment requiring tho election of sen ator by popular vote. "(loverument ownership of railroads, Hsgraphs and telephones is a doctrine of the party, That such ownership is necessary I think noo oavrsaat with tho history of railroading will soberly deny. Of course those interested ia pri vate ownership, their press, their agents, and their attorneys, will decry the doc trine and use the Influence they possess, or purchase, to defeat the accomplish ment. Hut I think no disinterested per son will deny the necessity , A railway is an Improved highway, and highways belong to tho sovereign power in this and in other countries. Railroad, tele graph and telephone companies have power to take private property for their own by virtue of the constitutional doc trine of eminent domain. "If they were not quasi public corpor ations they could not do so, notwith standing they might be willing to pay more than it Is worth. It is on account of the public service they are supposed to render that they are authorised to construct their line from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific sea board. They are in their nature monopolies; tbey aro few in number aud competition is un known among them. They are Indis pensable to all, promotive of civilisation, aud it is truly within the power, as it ii ttilhin tb line of true policy, for the government to reduce them to owner ship. .No oue will deny that congress KisseN then agencies, but those not familiar with the doctrine of eminent do main or the necessity of lu application. "We are asked by what right the gov eminent can reduce ths public agencies to It ownership. 1 auswer, by the same power tbey exerclsnd In securing private irowrty on which to construct their but the right of eminent domain. When ii shall U made to apsiar to con gress that public owuershin of railroads, telegraph aud telephone is "mwntiiil to tlis geinrat WHlfnre and bapplnews of ths peoplo, that body will ls found to hav nmplu power uuiler lb constitution to enact law to that end, and obtain litis by paying ths oxe.-r I tin Inir valus, u I hi n-o ruined u nu authebtie taauni-r. "Iiul il is oinetlmen urged that thi would Im palerualMnn, aud peirnalitit la abtorrttt to th Ignorant aud U grevdy. l'alsruallam raaaot nU min imi n patriarch, aud guwrnmsut owner ship U no him eouiilrd p4l runlilw, it flndsltsslmilitu itiila turnpikes, plank roads, canals, au4 other pubUa auik bmtt, oaed and upKratfd by tbstnt-, kUuy taia built and oprbl mil rond. nnd liriU now uwu and pr nim a railnay i ii.nut.iy. ll is not to b Moitn lnl bo pr cwnt id lb naiions ol lbs world ao oa and nrat lb milroads, tMrb and lU phon in hn inti-rU i4 lb npl and lo tbvtr rvl n 4aat and pront. liom nival onw,bi u by an a aw or Uutnsd but, ll b tMt lb snrlaMi witod id rlav oatrlioa. llU md Mnia that gonieet oniihtp wwuld rall la tlrwbwig mlu lhpbli.fia' aiai,oHinn,llinl noul I bn a awunvn li Ian got ntnl, iwnuna a lkv wonl 4 u lkir vol and ln(ta lo fatns ' panwf lb pmlftfoui wbxsi by hrwoM lhi n-HMnlntl. IUI Ibi stnlrnwnl k na ntMUK I ttr wunl4 a aa arnl tr dsit lr nt thin ur Unn tna4 tivtMi tb ami aednavi, lb ImuI, wr as iiiW goaaiatdtparl msnt atnpUtf lag Urg bilam nl Mm, na I nsUmasJ bonnslly ajsmuifl ltd sbn wont i rls th da a la n MOHiHisia. Uni, nty MW ttiuta, allef alt bat tCvati4 U't I'm.) TOLL GATEJUISANCB A Few of Thosa Antiquated Ob- ataolai Still R- EXAMPLES OF ANOTHER KIND, Capitallflta Who nv Tuslr Toll Oates and Tax Tho Poople. Ulgli-wayi llalong tn th l'pl, . TsiT-Hl'Miaar wonlS' not bs wolf, if llomso wr out htip,"--HhskMpMrs, Only half a century ago toll-gates were almost as common as log cabins, and all pious and conservative settlors declared them to bo as necessary as tho roads, Thirty years back every brldgo over tho Connecticut river, was a toll. bridge, maintained for private profit. There aro mun still living in Massachu setts who can remember when there vers tailgates every ten miles on all the great' high-ways in tho Htato. There are, at the present time, a few of these antiquated obstacles left in the United Htate aud Canada, but publlu sentimeut Is overwhelmingly against them, as the toll-gate riot in Kentucky prove. Toll-gates were never necessary. Private individuals should never bavo been allowed to own the roods, No man has a right, for the sake of private profit, to tie a knot iu tbs veins of commerce, It Is very fortunate, in these days of McKlnloy prosjierity, that tho roads have become publia property, for they are tho only part of American soil that the unemployed and exploited ' wage workeru can call their own, Fifty years ago the capitalists said: "If It wers not for us there would be no roads," and tbey sat still and levied a tax on all who moved about. Hut as soon as tho people became wise enough they took possession ol ths roads, with out any bbndshod or dynamite, aud an other remnant of barbarism was re moved. i Th wooden toll-gates are gone, but the human toll-gate remain. Any man who taxes the labor and activity ol others is nothing mors than a toll-gats, He may call himself a manufacturer, a landlord or banker, or anv other fair- sounding name, but if bs receives mouoy without rendering any personal service, he Is a toll-gate. Rockefeller stands between tbewbols nation and the oil fields, and take toll on every gallon. Whenever you bay a Bound of sugar you have to pass through lavsmeyer's toll-gats, ana ia front of nearly every railroad depot l'ierpont Morgan's toil-gate staud. , Every capitalist bas his toll-gate, and stands behind it like a mendicant friar, holding out bis bat for that compulsory charity which be call , rent, profit and Interest. Tbs self-Importance of tbesa obstructionists would be amusing if it were not so fatal to the nation's wel fare. They imagine there would bo no business if it were not for the obstacles they put In the road. They think a steamer is propelled, not by steam and machinery, but by the barnaoles that stick to the bottom. The human toll-gates claim to "pro vide us with work," but a firebug could olnim the same virtue. Capitalists make work and wo does a naught r baby. If work i a good thing, why do they try to escape it? If it I a bad thing why do they try to make more? They claim to have "superior ability," Mo did slave drivers. Thers is nothing else for it, comrades, TUB I'ltlVATK CAI'ITAUST MUST uo! Just now the monopolists ore rejoicing at their capture of America, but unless some of us are greatly mUtaken, belore ten year they will be Imploring Kurops to send over some HiHunnn aud help them get loose. Clear ths rood lor the human race i marching! Awtr with Till! TOI.HUTSS AMI M I Ml ii ox! Herbert N. Cannon, iu Coming Natiou. rVr lb IhIIUUis unit IUfraluui, "lu thi country lor mora than six ynr our party ba platform! th lu itiativ and rfersnduui, Ws bav ex plained th dm-trlne la 'nteatlug until th matter ia fairly UBd.Mood. I'er oantly, 1 am convinced, that II I th fundamental reform. Our political cam pngu ar bul'rt ar ul the tio.' Jt mmiu a r'ghi; frail lbs Hipl,' (.itteuin w i right; ' V gornnnl of, for and by lbs peopl,' 1 am br any propr pint tu sulurg lh ruhUot Inn iii.; nad rurtad lb por id uitl,w L.Klv,-.. I will t- g'nd li d i nuy thing I enn li orar4 lbs iniitdtivs aa I rnr n'luut, a I eoasi i.tr II on id lb grab m iornts id uur lnn." toagnaaiaa W, lltk la th ,Ns flaws lb WfM HoiMlHI lMb, Tha World H"rad St twik a4 ,tnntwrly rvaa f r lVl U UU-r lb tf twbM. ll sunlaia mom Ibna &iaJ pn4n as I la laadtn!iy aa4 abua tnily bo4. ll in aa iavnlnabln mm MUIin td garnt labirwatbia aad t o, m bnw4 aa I la ki. b' rn I hiitk", AeopJ m lh Jsal's ba bol4 b la um boam in .Nbaka. 11 yon bf aul alr-lr bi4hi a wiM'l tun bnil n 1 y wal tu lb Wwi4 llf ai I s4 gl a e imkm lbs S4ppt tbaiMit4. a. nt or W, A, H nw fa la aa a I ailwd atatw IWnalor lra la ial 4to, oa Uoadny 4 Ihia w.h. II w b twvpMit vi maty tifcral latiiia.