The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 13, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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January 13, 1898
OMelasioa Baachad Aftar CarafaJ Ha
aareb aad Fall Koowladga Horn. John
DU BcpllM to the Ohio a.naior'a
Qaaatloa la aa lataraatlng Khmi,
Bob. John Davis, ex-member of oon
greos for a Kansas district, fnrnisheatb
following letter to the Junction City
(Kin.) Tribnnei
A gentleman who baa reoently been
elected a member of tbe state senate la
Ohio writes me follow i
"I deiire to prepare ft bill for ft 9 cent
fasenger rate on all railroads In Ohio
and waa informed by ft friend tbat yon
tonld give me the actual ooit of carry
lug passsngers per mile. Any informa
tion la that direction will be thankfully
Motived. "
It ia matter of gratification and en
eooragemeat that there la ft general
ftwftkeaing going on in all parti of tbe
tonntry on thia railway question. For
yean tbe uninformed and confiding peo
ple faftve looked upon our railway man
ager aa reasonably boiieat And that
transportation rates are basod upon the
oost of service. For years the railway
aaanagers bare striven to perpetuate
tbat delusion by strictly guarding their
"foulness secrets." in order to continue
their general spoliations. Though en
gaged in public business that directly
oonoerns all tbe people, yet tbey bare
Insisted that it is private and personal
natter and have made no adequate
official reports for the information of
tbe people. In tbe absence of such re
ports men are oompolled to remain in
darkness, with tbe bands of the robbers
la their pockets, or to gather informa
tion incidentally, by private corre
spondence or otherwise, as best tbey
can. This is wrong. Tbe very first
measure tbat should be passed by con
gress and by each state legislature
should be law compelling the officials
of every railway corporation to make
adequate detailed reports of every
: branch of their transportation business
for tbe full and complete information of
tbe people. In all cases an intended ee
ereoy on any important point should be
considered and treated as intended fraud.
Those of my readers who have fol
lowed me through my late series of
articles 00 "The Railroad Question"
will appreciate the nature of the tab
jeot tbat I am now to discuss.
The true answer to tbe senator's que,
lion depends upon tbe patronage of the
road. For example, it costs 80 cents on
tbe average to run passenger train in
the United Btatea, If tbat oost should
all be collected from a single passenger
on board the train, then he would pay
10 cents per mile for riding. If there are
two passengers on board, that reduces
the price one-halt If there are 10 pas
sengers, tbe prioe is reduced to one
tenth, and if there are 80 persona on
board the train the prioe becomes 1 cent
per mile, provided the additional passen
gers bave not added to tbe oost of run
slug tbe train. Up to ft single f nil ear
load the addition of persons out very
little figure as to tbe oost But above
that, when it becomes necessary to add
ft second oaten, there must be allowance
made for the nse of that coach (1 cent
per running mile), and an infinitesimal
amount of additional coal will be con
sumed. Both of these items of addition
al expense, when divided among tbe 80
passengers, will be an additional burden
to each passenger, perhaps of one-seven
tleth part of ft cent per mile, or an ag
gregate oost of 1 1-17 cents per mile In
all states and localities where tbe aver
age trainload reaches tbe number of 80
persons. Th state of Ohio will far more
than do that
Thus it is seen that with 80 passengers
on the train tbe fare should be slightly
over 1 oeat per mile, and of oourse with
half tbat number the fare should be
about 8 cents, in order to pay the cost
of running tbe train. Mow, tbe average
trainload in the United 6taUsis48 per
sona, approximately one-half of 80, and
the average fare paid in tbe United
Btatee ia 1-6 oents per mile. That oo
Incidence proves my reasoning to be
very nearly oorrect
Let as now proceed another step. The
density of population in the United
Btatee (besides Alaska) is about 80 per
i sens to the square mile. The average
h trainload of pawwngers Is 48 persons.
Tbe density of population in Ohio is 80
to the square milethat is, tbe density
of population in Ohio is four and half
times tbe average of tbe United States.
Thia should make the average trainload
of passengers in Ohio 1H8 persona, and
tbe cost of transportation would be ft
little lees than half a cent per mile.
In this calculation 1 have purposely
eliminated several Items on both sides
which may or may not Ulanceeaoa
ether. For example, the railroad man
agar claim that there Is wear and tear
Of Irak and equipments and Interest 04
money invested, whloa 1 bave not oount
sd. To far wore than balance this 1 re
Jly that the traiMporutias) of the United
lafc4 mails, al 18 timea the average
fraigel late, and the express matter, at
tit time the average freight pita,
have aul beta euwetwl lite avarag la
tutu trout ran; log the UulWd rttetae
stall Is aUmt 10 per owl pr mile of
the evst tot ruuiiiug the evrag train.
In stale like HUio the laevuie frtna the
I'ttlted Plates iiMkilt wtll ewrsg uaarl
half the nt ul ruuulug the train that
Saury thweu, and In tuaity tbe mail
ftlll pay tbellrui ef the trains,
Waving the .elite tiuvnse fnna wm
wis and stprvM mallet ta mtwt the
ums iutitiu444 e the oti.r at!, su
diet U la stale i4 Oak with a dauatl
if puvetaituaiuf N rs ta t square
mi, the ttlft t4 vairylag mm
Vld I ft I half a ewnt per mil
iHtt in all tal aUUu. bave
aut4 SHliiug ft lwrwM4 patfuuage
al tf 1411 tare, ta lla
tfatVt wt tis wr f)t4, It la
tneact the total trstul aiitdd aud the
M tiui4Me Uft4 eiaaily threefold,
There is not the shadow of doubt but
what that would be the case in Ohio if
some enterprising road would set the
I recently referred to ft case in Ohio
where three excursion trains of ten oars
each, carrying 70 persons per car,
charged about one-fourth of cent per
mile and made a profit of 10 per cent,
greater than the usual earnings of tbe
road. It was found in this case tbat tbe
oost per passenger was one-tenth of ft
cent per mile. Cases like tbat prove
what all railroad men admit viz, tbat
full oars pay best. And yet, very gen
erally, prices sre kopt so high tbat
very large proportion of tbe operating
forces of our railways are expended ia
hauling unfilled oars. Tbe rule Is, as
far as tried in this and other countries,
When fares are reduced tbat tbe travel
increases in much larger proportion,
and hence tbe profits of tbe road are in
creased. It is like tbe letters oarried ia
the United States mails tbe less the
postage, as far as tried, the greater tbe
public patronage and tbe larger the
Gofitof tbe business. Of course this
s its limits In railway management,
but they bave not yet been reached in
this country.
As to freights, the same rule based
on density of population) may be adopt
ed in part, but allowance must be made
for tbe fact that bundling, loading and
unloading, and tbe temporary storage of
freights cuts some figure at tbe expense
Of the companies, yet all tbat cannot
!nstify tbe present exorbitant rates on
ocal freights. Tbe cost of abort bsnls
In Ohio (say from 10 to 00 miles)
should be limited to 1 cent per ton per
mile in carload lots. For hauls above 00
miles the rate ptr mile should be reduced
as tbe length of the haul increases.
As to the senator's 9 cent per mile
iiassenger bill, it will be good enter
ng wedge, and it Is all perhaps tbat
oan be passed or enforced at first But
by all means there should be embodied
la the bill ft clause forbidding free passes
or more favorable rates to one olass of
persons tban to another, and another
clause should require and make manda
tory full detailed annual official reports
by every railroad company in the state.
These els uses will be popular, adding
strength to the bill, and if enforced as
law the good results will be very great,
even at first, and ultimately beyond
present comprehension. It would open
tbe door to impartial justice toward the
people a thing which has not been ex
peoted in tbe past Very respectfully,
Inflammatory Rheumatism.
from St. Lawrwne llaiadaaUr, Caatoo, K, T,
To suffer for years with a vrevailina
painful ailment, which baffled skillful
medical treatment, yet which was cured
by ft simple household remedy, is tbs
lot which befell Mrs. George L, Rogers,
of West Main street, Canton, N. Y.
"Thirteen years ago," said Mrs. Roar
ers to reporter. "I was attacked with
inflammatory rheumatism and a com
plication of diseases.
Yon can lodge somewhat of what I
endured when yon look at these bands.
Tbey were distorted, twisted and swol
len. My foot, too, is so mneb out of
shape that the big toe lies across tbe
others, the end touching tbs little toe.
"Notwithstanding I am aixty-five
years old, bar a pleasant home and
other comfort, life to me was lar from
enjoyable, for all other things pale into
inmgoincance wnon you are witnout
good health.
"1 tried different doctors and many
proprietary remedies, but no permanent
benefit was obtained.
Laat March 1 tried Dr. William'
rink fills for Tale People, and before I
had finished tbe first box I began to fool
tbat tbey were doing me good. I con
tinued using them and steadily grew bet
ter. "I have used thirteen boxes of the nills
and today feel better tban for the past
fifteen years.
"My appetite is good, I feel bright,
cheerful, and bave a desirs to livs and
enjoy society.
"I bavs been a member of the Metho
dist church for many years, but for eix
years was unable to attend. 1 am able
now to attend tbe church services regu
larly, and certainly appreciate that priv
ilege. "I consider Dr. Williams' l'luk Tills
for rale People a wonderful medicine
and am confident no other medicine
could have effoted tbe wonderful cure
tbsy bare In my eaae.
"1 am glad to state this, hoping that
Home suffentr may profit by it aod ob
talu reltol.')
It waa nature' own remedy tbat ac
eumpliahiMl thia eure can awl by Impure
blood, tor Dr. Williams' l'ink I'llls for
1'ale I'eople are eompoand of vegetable
remwdiea that exert a powerful iufluenoe
la purifying aod eartehing the blood.
Many diseases, long supposod by tbs
mudieal prolaeaioa to be incurable, have
succumbed to the (vottot Intltiaun of
theae pills. This universal remedy is
eoi4 py an uruagiau,
Vt4 aa tilMMialllata.
What the frlmuls of bimetallism de
nounce Is the rli-iiugtif the mints to all
vr wiling aud then uetng tbe com
mervial di prtvUtlon of silver bullion as
aa argument against silver mousy,
They vharne and statUtiee support
them tbs! thute I not enough gold
and silver la the world fur the sul
tiesttf baaluM. aud that the mints bave
been eloavd ta silver ft the purpose (4
dtMiug the volume of r1wplli
ftuwey, w u li lutes the puruhastug
power (4 gold. Tbsy Ulleve thsl the
twudkug eiruKgl Is the light weUlt has
Uwa waged ia all tbeeaaiurlee the at
tempt to guveraweatal powers fey
the tua and puwatfel ta lavrease their
luwuiasftt theeipeatft of the irnsn
Ke lutolligMt or kiat Man sspeuis U
aa' taws whlih will pat tauaey lata
the piwhate tif those w ha dvtftot Ufcur,
bat tttiewy should not be dimlaUaed Ut
Vulunt UUiw the amuattt aoaary ta
tffutd evra? hua kiiag fair appot
laaliy ta en ure ja4 wpiaisaUeaj fur
the prtfdtM t lif hi 4 bet iilLrtie ftad
lull. The single guld etaaiUrd Isaa ia
ttmnwttt (4 tyranny, the f of that
tqaahiy wkWh t ta baste of free taetl
Knii4.a rwuu Utgrge a Vtft ta
Great Rubber Shoe Sale
Commencing Monday Morning, Jan.
10, 25 Per Cent Discount on
Shoes and Babbers,
The Nebraska Shoe Company opened
a great shoe and rubber sale Monday
Morning, January lOtb, which continues
until January 16tb 25 per ceut dis
count on all leather goods, and 800
cases of rubbers at 25 cent on the dol
lar. Come and get all yon need. Plenty
of goods to select from.
Men's $5 shoes at 13.50; men's 84.60
shoe at 82.75; men's 84 shoes at $2.50;
men's 3 shoes for $2; men's 82.50 shoes
at 81,50; boys' and girls' shoes in same
proportion. Everything must go.
Ladies' fine shoes worth 85, all tbe
leading makes aod latest styles, for $3
In this sals. Ladles' fins 84 shoes, silk
tops, go at 92.50; all 13 goods will be
old at 92. Com and fit your feet. AH
our Oxfords and boose slippers, includ
ing warm linsd goods, at one-balf prioe.
We bar placed on sale 800 cases of
new, stylish rubbers at 25 cents on ths
dollar. Ladies' f 1 Alaskans will go at
47 cents; ladies' 50c rubbers, 14c; ladies'
foothold rubbers, worth 50c, go at 7c,
40c goods at 25c.
dent's 1 1,50 Arctics at S8c; gent's 11
rubbers, 60c; 300 pairs of men's 75 cent
clogs at 17c, W must doe these rub
ber goods out in ten days, Now is your
time to get bargains.
Men's 5 shoes, made by Hathaway,
Hols A Ilarington, 92; ladies' 95 shoes,
made by Wright k Peters, 92.50, Hale
began January 10th.
1120 O Street, Lincoln, Neb,
Geo4 AAflea.
A whole lot of our good friends and
coworkers sincere, honest and ear
nest men are evidently trying to per
snade themselves tbat tbo Populist party
is on the verge of disbanding "onlesa
something is done." Don't worry,
brothers. We have been working days
and sitting op nights with tbis reform
movement since 80,000 votes were cast
for Peter Cooper in 1878, It has been
killed and resurrected balf ft dozen
time during that time, but every time
"it rose from tbe dead" it was heap
bigger tban when it was "buried." It
seemed to do it good to "kill it off." It
actually thrived on being laid away to
Tbe Populist party may bave met
with ft setback, but tbe Populist cause
was never as formidable as it is today.
Might as well undertake to dam op the
Niagara river and compel tbe waters to
flow back into Lake Erie as to try to
even check tbe onward course of tbe
great principles which are embraced la
the one word populism.
Hor is there any need of worrying
about tbe organization. When tbe prop
er time comes, all tbe old time Popu
lists, who voted tbe ticket la 1893 and
1808, are coming together, and each
one is going to bring a new convert
along with bim. Tbey are going to
rally around tbo old flag, emblazon on
it some new thoughts and ideas, and
then with one mighty shout that can be
heard round the world they are going
to march forward and plant it on tbe
dome of the capitol at Washington.
Educate and agitate. Sow the seed
and spread tbe light. Work, bat don't
worry. S. F. Norton.
IT IS BETTER to take Hood's 8ar
sapariila tban to experiment with un
known and untried preparations. We
know Hood's Barsaparilla actually and
permanently cures.
HOODS PILLS act eiuily aud prompt
ly on tbe liver and bowels. Curs sick
Is Oar XWpablla to falir
The Roman republic passed into
monarchy through stages that are thus
defined by tho historian 1 "There bad
been ( 1 ) the decay of the free peasantry
and tho transfer of economic power from
the many to the few t (8) the consolida
tion of oligarch lo power in the senate 1
(8) reactions and factional wars; (4) the
lutufurvtio cf Caesar, fresh from great
nooease la Usui and backed by a de
voted army 1 (0) tbe formal Investiture
ef a single man with controlling go
thority la the state."
We are well advanced la tbese stag,
and already lbs majority of the people
reeliie It They are aroused. Tbe quae
tlua with them It Vfhat to do aud now
to da It Rome was uuluveulive and
eould but adapt I ulf to the changes
which cam with conquest and the wid
ening territory that had to be governed.
It could nut delve way to guv era the
new provtaeee. The growth of the mod
ern wurld I intensive. It extending
territory 1 ludaeUlal taavihlttery, as
liOltnilt ft thing la leant to govera at
ptvvluo. The Itvulalion golug la
the Uall4 fttaue I a great a that of
ttotwe and reqelree Ukswla iaveutUxt
ad adaptaltuM. If we are aueqeal to
tt, we atett end m Uuiae eeded. Anew
ekft isaet be aduptA W eel U It, aud
w shall It be established?
lW.Tiaf!t aJ taeb Ytu US
If yea waat to qlt tubMu as! eg
aeiiy ead turever, be made fail, etroaa,
Mfloetie, rail 4 new tU ead tirret, tale
Me-TtA the wwaierwytef. thai
eh mm Hear gaH
tea Mead la te ejr. Over 40o.lKJ
arei. Iy Ho-Te-Hae ef teat drs-wt
eds gnaraatee ta ear, lite at 8 UK),
8WhMaadea4aaa4yldtre. AJdreaa
Kterttsf feay Cm, Vale H t ,
Boarding- -
By Day or Week.
1342 N St.
? vv? vvvvvvvvf f vvvff fffvvve
tbm Baal MotWa Behind tbe Vnaraal B
tlramaot of Matioaal Vaak Xatatj.
The national banks are just now en
gaged in playing another trick oo the
American people. They are soaking
more privileges and more power with
less responsibility and more complete
exemption from all burdens imposed by
the government
They are seeking to avoid the 1 per
cent tax which tbe government charges
them for their circulation and are also
wanting tbe privilege of issuing note
to tbe full speculative value of tbe bonds
which are deposited to secure circula
tion. These bonds are the security which
tbe government holds guaranteeing the
payment of the bank notes, and if notes
could be issued on the basis of quota
tions in tbe market there is no telling
what might be the result.
Tbe wildcat speculation of former
years would pal into nothingness be
aide it
To produce an effect on the minds of
congressmen and tbe buiduoss public the
banks are just now retiring from circu
lation a few of their notes,
Tbe amount actually taing withdrawn
1 proportionally very light, but the
whole strength of tbe treasury depart
ment and snbNidized pres of the coun
try will for the next few months be
utilized to magnify it into great impor
tance. The comptroller of tbe currency, Mr,
Coffin, has cuilwl attention to the foot
tbat the retirement of national bank
notes during the first 20 days of Decem
ber reached the sum of $3,000,000. Tbis
is said to be tbe first time tbat the re
tirement ban reached tbis amount in
any one mouth, except in case of sus
pensions, which tbe department terms
involuntary retirement.
Under the national bank act the Unit
ed State treasurer is not allowed to re
ceive for the retirement of circulation
more than 83,000,000 in any one month,
and bene all deposit to retire notes
during tbe lattt ten days of December
were refused.
Mr. Coffin volunteer tbe information
that it is caunwl by a superabundance of
money and leaves the impression that
this action of the banks is a natural
business transaction, while the fact are
tbat it is simply a forced condition, the
result of a conspiracy by which the
combined power of the banks will be
employed in securing such legislation
as tbey ask.
Mr, Coffin expresses the opinion that
tbe national bank law must be revised.
That's tbe meat la this eocoanat
That's all there is in it
Watch out for a few months and see
bow anxious tbe banks pretend to bo to
retire their notes and just listen to the
howl tbat will be made by tbe politi
cians and tbe old party press, that some
thing must be done to keep their notes
ia circulation.
But not one of them will propose the
true remedy.
Why not let them retire every note
they have issued?
For every note they retire issue a
foil legal tender greenback.
If this policy was adopted, tbis phase
of tbe national bank conspiracy would
be ended in three days' time.
Tbey bave no real desire to quit tbe
business of iteming uotes, but they wont
to make pretctiHes aud thus secure laws
to their own notion.
If congress was bouent enough to
treat tho question right they would be
invited to liquidate, and greenbacks
wonld take tho place of every bank note.
Tbe national bankers bave the most
powerful organisation in the world, but
a thorough expose of thia conapiraoy
will do much to enlighten the people
and lead to public coudeninatioa of
their rascalities.
Everybody Bayt Be
Caecarets Candy Cathartic, th most
wonderful medteaj dlaoovsry of th age
plaaaaat aad relresblag to the taste, est
genti aad positively oa kidney, liver,
aad bowsla, eisaaaing the entire syitara,
dispel sold, ear fceadaehe, taver, habit
eat eoaatlpatioa aad biilioeeaae. I'ieaa
bay aad try a box ol C C C todey-10
85, 60 ear. la. Hold aad guaranteed ta
tar by all draggtala.
Mgewltt lat CaavtateeV
CatoaeA Jaa. ft, David A Date,
ceuaed ef having tli more wiv than
the law allow, aad who, as a result
ef hie arrest several month ago, ha
bad steady employment at the dime
BsaseaaM, we yesterday aftarauoa
iavtetdet bigamy ta the first ef
the asmereu .harts agalatl htm,
II wae fieed It. 000 aad Mataaeed to
aa tadateraileet t.rm la the peni
le ell try. 4 eeeoad trial ftr bigamy
we ItamsdlaUly begaa, after whleh
aa wUl be tried fr prjry.
Aha et reaat(a,
Watatierea, Jaa, ,iaoe the eg
itaUea euaesralag th pwWlleellee) ef
the list et peettiM a eeesweaeea,
CWsaralealeae tiaaa be resetted
era! letter treat paler. reeeett
tag a eaeeeUatloa at their pettsieaa
tae ee a ! la MUhlgaa eesleeea
Ida eettllcata aad sui4 hi d.slr to
have the saw resalUd, a be waa aet
entitled to the goverasseat aweely
Ha added be weald eadeetov to re
tars aH th aMay drewa ! II,
wbea tbe fatlua est greeted.
Job Printing Department
Of this office has Utelv added a complete assort-
ment of the most effective styles of type and
borders to be found in the market..
i Our Facilities
S For doing FIRST CLASS WUKK. is the best,
8 and those who want work done in an artistic
and up-to-date manner will not be disappointed
if they leave their order at this office,
i Our Work and
Will please you. Send in your orders. The
Independent Publishing Co., H20 M Street.
Phone 538.
Wholesale god lietail Dealers.
(or building god cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monumeoti of modero deiigo always 00 hand.
DIRECT. .... . t
Writ (or cuts aod price. A pergooej call preferred, Addreii,
Cor. 15th aod O St.,
The best
The best
Our Majestic Coal is rood;
I U lAl U Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds. Bale-Ties
14th and Hicholai Bts., - - OMAHA, NEB
N j
- ... w -'
V l MSWarAaratoeaUNawYwtaiv.
KBV. U D. nAS. D. D, Maaar.
rittobarf, r TaraaU, Caa.. M.a OrUaat, t. Maa Vath. K. V., Wa.kl.ataa. D. e aa r.aa.
. C (.hUaaa, III. St. keaU, Ma., .4 V....r. luia'aSal
TkwaMlkaMalaiBiw4tlaalaSaIM S(fIm tk arhool tm, aw4 k mihiIm.
toMfe. la Ktrf aarl al ! U. S. a.4 Can..). uefMa.. VJ .ZlIEt!&
aarf, ra.
l io. n 7
mimi.ttit... Tti '
A Neteasits ta Wa W times.
aiMT( tftaui fMMr tuitmm
ftaaeawi t a
ItWMtiia, I nn. U Waat "tS
4 I
ial akwk mm ate a. p m
ull, H-mmi tit, tit.
ItaatiwM .Sseasas hi-ri r ae
place to trade j j j
grades of Coal always on
our White Ash will suit you
Phone 335
Fuel Co., 1016 0 St.
Variable rrkUoeV?
feed Sew Mill, St
SMnole MWe
mnd Planer,
f noMes and
Boflere, Cora, i
flour Mill. W
Cane Mills, M
Ui-l UM V
H BaliM PreaaM. W
) CornShellere A
V and Pea Hollers, V
SAW MPAMIMf 4 wicuiir. JZ
tkiu riAiATja- fair. li
HI I. gib St U laai. Ma, . .r
im rc.m:m
1 J'' a raf ri es i
MSMa'ft ftMaaMaftVi I
ertllug ta ear a4var mn