January 13, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. THE JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Beautiful Pictures, 18x22 Inches, Absolutely Free. This unprecedented offering, together with the most remarkably low prices, have made this sale the most successful in our business career. The prices named on all lines of seasonable merchandise are alone sufficient to create a wonderful stir among the buying public, and when we add to this an offering such as no other house in Nebraska has ever attempted, it's no wonder that the business done here during .this sale has attained such mammoth proportions. ; ' OIIB ftPPPR every customr purchasing goods to the amount of $ 1 .00 or UUlY Ulidn more we give a beautiful engraving 18x22 inches absolutely free, and to every customer purchasing goods to the amount of $10.00 or more we give one ot these pictures handsomely framed. v t . These pictures are by no means the ordinary engravings, but beautiful reproductions of the most famous of modern paintings. They are finished by a new process which makes mem, in tone ana nnisn, rar superior 10 any or tneir ciass ever proaucea. nacn picture is 18x22 inches in size, and the assortment consists of 24 different subjects. As we still have a large number of the pictures on hand, (owing to a delay in the shipment) and it being our constant aim to do as much for our patrons as possible, we will Continue this Sale until the Pictures are all Gone. 4m The low prices named on all lines of merchandise are in them selves sufficient to make this an affair of the greatest importance to economy lovers; but as we want everyone to secure these pic tures we will give them away until the supply is exhausted. THEY ARE YOURS So?hing . Nebraska's Greatest Mail Order House. mm OOOOOOOO LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. 00000000 FAVORS AN INHERITANCE TAX Th Least Burdensome of All Foims Of Taxation. Tbe Wilson Tariff bill was branded "a free trade measure;" it failed to yield sufficient revenue to pay tbe running ex ponas of tbe government. Tbe Dingley bill was gotten up as a "protective measure;" and it also fail to yield suffi cient revenue to pay the expenses of tbe government. It is obvious that a pro tective measure to the extreme of pro bibiting importations would yield no revenue ut all; also absolutely free trade would yield no revenue. Just at what point between these two extremes we shall decide in favor of, has beea the leading issue between tbe tw dominant parties for a number of years. "A tar iff for revenoo only" and "a protective tariff for our infant industries" have been the wo slogans. Tbua precious time baa been frittered away, many im portant questions neglected, aua many encroach men ta have been made by cor poratious, trusts, combines, etc. Tbe constitution requires that all rev nues required for national ut shall be raised by indirect taxation. This brings into prominence the imposition of tariffs upon loreign importations. To produce a revenue Mere must be Importations; th tariff muetbsu(liuieut to yield rev- eune, yet not so high as to dincournue importations. It was formerly thought that in this way our reveuue were paid by loreign Importer. Hut tbe fact is that almost all our importers are our own chinos; also, an the jtitia are sdJ.il to the selling priv of th goods, the float purchaser pay the dutir. and hence pays our revenue. Thi is iudi- rct taxation, lb importer pave it, but be gt it bu-k from tit purchaser i4 the goods, Huiuhi the liuiiorler sell to tb hokwalrr, th wholesaler to th utber, tbe )obUr to th retail.-r, and th retailer to th consumer. The only that realty pays th li I the rttasumer, tr all lb other t it beuk, at', trow tb at it a wild la. A tax oa eonsuntptMift ta a tat a tb wma ol bung: a ti oa th huhum ol hvta ta a 11 ti th aaa hints U. As Hif ataa tU about a laittt h a art aiaa (sugar. br eiemplel, aad both mast Mr flth la etsteta t4 Ulsttoa ! btth srly alii. To Ui hw. (. iiMia4 wf th mt It leg uitld t mm b atttr jut, for tha the rs h uUl hmr thir itgatUI shar, tt all Iwrw ol Uie. th lurat hMMt burtt l a tat th etfe i th ti4. The bifMMrf ibr, w tt, Is tut taint, k h has pn IwtoaJ th rJm oi th Ut a t Tkepni. wb h at tai4. bir h hiMka fght to th rttfty (hwh hd4 at rvl eteepl by ttHiH of th sti, 1br t rst hy tk stele ha4 rui a trtM, irtilt(y t lh f of tily targ IvMsu, lweg l fcw ! threat we th af k4 a tf t ssmwuiiil ktM-U taw kw lkiUe UiatMe, Th I a rpM la th tarty lue. la lb ay ol dS Mat r abowU try this plan again. Many other countries do it successfully. Hut I fear that our present supreme court would declare such a law "unconstitutional." Aren't you 'jetting tired of this "nnconstitu tional" business? 1 am. That Is the trouble with a written constitution. Other countries don't bave such "iron clad" constitutions as ours, and hence laws that are made stand as laws until repealed by the power that originally made them. Itut our courts, by means of our constitutions, state and national, repeal many of our laws. Imagine an English court repealing an act of the Itritish Parliament! Judges are neces sary to construe and apply the law, but tbey should not bave the power to kill the law. The chief difficulty, however, seems to be with the court instead of the constitution. A progressive court will construe tbe constitution in a liberal way according to the needs and wishes of the people. For example, during tbe war we bad both income and inheritance taxation. But now, in this day of for tunes and coerespouding incomes (both unearned), tbe supreme court has de cided an income tax constitutional, and and it is feared it would do tbe same with a national inheritance tax. A ref erendum amendment to tbe national constitution and to every state con stitution would erinit the adoption of progressive ideas as fast as the people are ready tor them, and would tal from judges the power to repeal laws. An inheritance law would replenish our revenues without hurting anybody. Tbe plan Is pMrabl even to an income tax. I". F. Taylor In Medical World. OUILTV OF EMBEZZLEMENT. A I'ertlaent UuiIom. Why should a national bank be per mitted to issu mouey on a government bond when other owuer of such bonds are allow! no eueh privik? Just stop a moiient and think of that propo sition. If I own f I.") ol I'liiled Mat I bouds hy shoulj I not b allowed to stud thn to asblagtoa and gt elrro- latiiig ots to their lull valu? I th boud aay better security ha forward d by m baak? dag has prtKswJ th grand! steal Tor SUggest4. I Bdi'f hi !la th bask would oa th hobt enuatry hi lew year. No woadrr that th Nied ard OU t'ompaay ha goa Is to th basking busiaex la aalieipatioa 4 th tmg id tlg's plaa. Ik h big bkk hih kow hl4 th grtMt k, treasury kt a4 ultw tertiCkatea wttl k4 aa4 ea all th satall braath bkk. Thy wlU h kw alltiwe kKtaut4y la th etoaey beaia. k4 ts ateaet )) staai tk Vimh 4 y latereat mt it Miwjr, 1 her aratauHiu tail, a4 it ky U pMkl la b toagre aa J ! th lU. fh le. Sill kl BkJ It. It la UtIiM rvbbry. keen w Kbbsg th I1!'1 by aeM4 vl th land, bat 4.t st k.n h the do a aa4 Ut thetf huMt way h?w the sat a4 t th tttVJ thi i4 lheiktry,ib New Tim. Ex-County Trsasurer Whitney and Banker Mills 8ent to the Penitentiary Ex-county treasurer . S. Whitney and banker 0. D. Mills, of Harlan county, were sent to the penitentiary last work. Whitney was Treasurer of Harlan county for two years, elected by the populists and at the close of bis term, was found short in bis accounts over $11,000! Mr. Whitney was a republican banker and was tried and convicted of "aiding and abetting" in the embetzling of the money. The case is somewhat compli cated in its details, but by the reason ing ol the court, the principle involved is made sufficiently plain. The law Is no- held, and persons who aid or advise, or participate in tbe embezzlement of pub lic moneys, are equally guilty with tbe public official entrusted with the care of such funds. Tbe court does not bold, nowever, mat .mere "borrowers" are aiders or abettors, but does bold tbat under tbe criminal code "any person" who advises, aids or participates in ths embezzlement ot publio money is bim self guilty of embezzlement, two sub stantive offenses are held to be defined by the statutes. One is the conversion of publio money by the part entrusted with it and th other ia advising, aiding or participating in ins act oi conversion by "any person," and each act U held to b embezzlement. The court also holds that a return or repayment of public funds embezzled, win not preveut a oouvictioa lor em briileuittut and use lb hrethie ustration tbat U, It is btld that II pub lio funds ar embezzled and afterwards recover tb emtietilvr is not relieved from criminal liability any mora tbaa a peroa who steal a bore mni returns it Is exempt from criminal tirtmecutioB. t aw m tb iiiuttratioa ud by th court 1 he deeieioa on th whole Wagood on. It U supported by law and ill meet with publio approval. ItsenVt wuitmtoput a stop to th eoatlkual koitritktioa ol la 'or from nubile lleial who bar th custody t4 iiubiw luad. ' MAKOANNF electeu Ho Demonstrates His Skill Political Manlpula ' tor. as & HAD ONE VOTE TO SPARE Elected Senator for Both Long and Short Term. the Tt ttt a (,. durable, hut Ire mm ! VUtaet nKwt Miiih h keeper tre4. f I M delivered te tetvitl Huw twal lu, It Hvth lh, lht a if. I era we t t Olke ('aeeivw. lUtam I abt ta aJpl a la pr vkiiag lor aa lavoa tat aiatilar ta that aow la fur la FrawtUt. Although wealthy ar "t kuniemu ta FrvMia, r I,isntHs asst(y U HilWte4la that way trwut th ,U1 rreaiaa k.ee kte f )ue4 mt asirtha J1,HHK, 4wog th gre twastite aa tiHrtat rt t4 h rwpu H MrW. by taenia lt are tlrt lint ale, tsin. lwAfk, xe4 a, wry, IMial, Italy a4 fwttter. 14. It la aU ta kr ta kt tl th tWta liute. The I aa ikvs Ut la Ira, bat lis frutUM apply ttv t twfH.iiHe e4 iit4ii,i a4 l k !. Jleid trust th .itnpa aaeHMM lh Uum tat has gitsg gr-k4 ta kui. It already sttat i Mwath taetrsit e4 Sm l'U4. a4 that tUwtke tviiMite will ea.f Kt httet MUm thetr tH' k rr4e4 a ataiwt rrt.eth e Tle. Tremendous Crowd lu Attendsnea. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 13. In tbe joint session of the legislature shortly afternoon to-day, Mareus A. Hsnna was formally elected United States senator for the unexpired term of Sec retary John bberman and lor the sis years from March 4 next An effort was made in the house beforo the meeting of the two houses in joint session to cause postponement oi the final ballot until after an In vestlgatlon of tbe bribery charges made by Representative Otis, but the flfty-slx Republicans who , bad voted for Hanna voted down tbe motion and this ended for the time being the sen satlonal denouement promised by the anti-uanna men. The roll of the senate was called first, and there was no changes from the vote of yesterday li for MoKls son and 17 for Hanna. The house vote was: Hanna 60, MoKlsson 60. The vote In the bouse was the same as that of yesterday, except that Has lett, who voted then for Wiley, and liess, who voted tben for Warner, to day voted with the Democrats for Mo Klsson. Ooneral Wiley was the only Democrat not voting with the ooall- tlon, and he voted again for Congress' man Lents, . Lieutenant Governor Jones an' nounced the result of the joint ballot Hanna 73, MoKlsson 70. Lents 1. absent I, and deolared Marous A. Hanna elected Senator for tbe unex pired term ending March 4, 1800. Owing to the cheering and noise, the ohalr allowed the jolliflers to rehire before the less exolting vote for tbe long term was begun. The ballot for tbe long term proceeded without much Interest being manifested, and re suited as did tbe vote for the short term. Although the joint balloting for Senator was not to begin till noon, the legislative halls were orowded early in tbe morning and there was an overflow crowd in and about the state house. At the hotels the oppos ing headquarters were jammed, but the workers on both sides showed more plainly their weariness than on former mornings. The Hanna hustlers were P all night upon the watoh. Their opponents spent the entire night In getting some members out of bed and staying near others. . There were several collisions in the hotels between opposition workers and watchmen before dsybreak and their feeling bad not abated any when they met again in the state bouse. There were reports of attempts to ab duct certain members during the night, but no one was lost. There was less curiosity over the re suit of the joint ballot for Senator than over the well advertised damatlo performance in connection with charges of bribery, conspiraey and other wrongs charged by both sides gainst each other. When tbe House convened at 10 o'clock Representative , Otis was promptly recognized on a question of personal privilege. Ue made a long statement regard In? the Hovca bribery charges. He said it was due the House and himself to have an in vestlgatlon before proceeding further In the election of a United States Sen ator and offered ' a resolution acoord' ingly. On a motion to suspend the rules for an Immediate consideration of th resolution the vote stood 62 ayes, 50 naya On the motion being deolared lost, there were cheers upon the Re publican aid and In tbe galleries. The vote was precisely tb same as in all the toUs cast and in the two bal lota for ahort and long terms for sen ator yesterday. The fifty alx Hanna man always voted aolidly. Represent Utlve Cramer was absent and and is still very slok. Tbe other forty-el Democratic members and tbe six bolt ing Republicans voted In favor of the motion. ENDORSE SENATOR ALLEN. jscxaonian v-iud uecisres Allegtsnce to Nebraaka's Populiat Senator. The World-Herald, the leading demo cratic paper in Nebraska, in an editorial, says, tbat those people who have pro claimed that "fusion does not fuse" would bave changed their opinion had they witnessed tbe demonstration at the tiacKsonlan banquet that greeted me mention oi (senator Allen's name. In his splendid speech, Mr, Thomas J. noian aaia: "But while touching upon the sena lunui situation in Nebraska 1 am re minded that a contest is near at hand, and In that oontest tbe Janksonian olub must ume ua position, and 1 propose mm we utse our stand openly ana now, Ths Jacksonian club la unequivocally, unalterably and unreservedly, for tbe Hon. William V. Allen asournext United States senator. And in this approaching contest we now say to our populist friends In the state: You will find us loyal, unremit ting and firm even as you were in your united and splendid support of our democratic supreme judge, John J. Rulli van. True, we are a democratic olub, but we bold tbat there Is little principle and no statesmanship In nomenclature. No prinolple which Honator Allen advocates differs from those in which we believe. Our support, therefore, of this eminent and useful man Is no backward move ment; It is not unwise nor can it be un democratic. Because he who charges upon tbe entrenched enemies of the plain people and with our men directs his fire against a common foe. is a man nf nne soldiers. We would ask nothing more of Senator Alton in the future than what ne naa done in the paat. My fellow Jackaonlana. if one vane hence we would sit again at this ban quet table with honor, this senatorial contest must be settled and settled right, and Douglas county must be made to reloloe In tbe fulness of democratic rule." Here was a formal declaration by the leading democratic organisation of the stats lu favor of the re-election of a populist senator. Tbla ia an inrflnaMnn of the determined purpose of the bimetall lets of Nebraska. No party spirit is to be considered. Tbe public Interests are solely to be regarded. The democrats as well as tbe populists and th ailvae republicans are In favor of tbe re-election oi vviiiiam v. Alien aud blmotallists are not afraid to go on record. it must bo romombcrod. however, that no effort will be spared to defeat Sena. tor Allen. Tbat bs will be re-elected tha worid-liorald has no doubt. hnur. citizen nf Nebraska who desires that th splendid representation which Senator a Men nns given the state In the VnitA Slates senate shall be continued win An well to constitute bimsolf a committee nf one to see to it that tha auceeaene nf wiinam v. Alien shall be Wil m V. i ii Alien. EDUCATIONAL EXHIBIT At the Trans-Mississippi and Inter National Exposition at Omaha APPLICATldN FOR SPACE Must Be Made Before February 1st, 1898-No Time to LOW. Swollen Neck Also Had Creat Difficulty With Her Heart - Hew Cured. MMy deughter hadaswultcn neck and klso heart Iruabl. Allr tb rsle rtloa tb would brth sa bard eh eouUt b beard all ovr lb rtwm. Kb euuld hot trp tb flout vr vt ttuit hr arm without kdvt'tmt hf hr. Hrr limb r badly blualetl. Il fethvt Insists! that ek nittl tat IKhhI rrtil, aad w get ttr about tti buttle, M a weacurvd, and lr k twit aa r tsra vf kee eunvi." Mae, :a Two, ,V.Mk IV'lun, ObivK Mood's Itw Wl-ia r- tk ita Tiws Im4 rwifer, M st all IU M v Itood'aPUU t v 4 tu was I ttiai a. ika ml Limtlm VHmI Uku !, M Sr. M Aolii. Iw4d IImii..i .... .....k. "' ' l lt MM wl Um tlM a t a iiumim. w, a t i a., Read the advertisement of the A rm. . ... Ml strong wotblng Co. If you are In need pi cioiuing it win pay you to visit the large doming store at 1013 to 101 1) o. street. Mr. A. II. Armstrong does not aa veruse gooas at one price and sell them at another. A twentv-fiva tw cent discount sale at tbe Armstrong Clothing House, means that goods will oh sum ai iwemy-nve per cent less than the usual price. Patrons of thu who call at tbat store, are assured tbat inej win receive la r treatmnnt 1 . A. - . I . noDess vuiues tor trie money expended j ne Arineironir uotlilnir iinnu. i-i. caieu on ine sou in side of O street be tween 10th and llth streets. Hemera- uer me name ana place. THE MARKETS. Kansas City Grain sad Lire Stek Bard Wheat-No L HBUa: Six 1 saei No. 8, 88SCi Na 79c; rejected, 7677. Soft Wheat Na 1. 01c: Na 1 8Uul 90ci No. & 87V4c; Na 4 SOc: retectei Eorln WbsU-Na 1 81c: Na 3. 79&80c: rejected. 75a77c. Corn-MUed-No. SI 34U7: Na 3. "4Vc: a , 3Hc: no grade, 'iic White cora -Na S, 'Hz; No. 8, 2t'ic: No, 4. 24a Cattle Hecelpt. 10,114; calre 104; shipped, 1,980 cattle: 89 calvea The mar ket was weak to 10 centa lower. Dressed beef and export steers, IS. 809 4 85; native hclfcru, 3.t5 4.10; native cows, SAOO(&3.75; native teeders, tJ.CO 4 SB; native Blockers 754J4 00. HoRi-Itecelpti, 17.1)03: shipped, 885. The market wa steady with the cloae yesterday but It cloaed'Oearlv be lower. Prlcee rang from 13.35 to IJ.6U. The educational exhibit which will be made by tbe schools of Nebraska at the Trans-Mississippi and Inter-National ez position to be held in Omaha Irom June 1st to November 1st. 18 98. promisee to be one of the leading features of tbat great exposition. A great many schools bave made ap plication for space, which is free, but a great many more should avail them selves of tbe opportunity of taking part In this great enterprise. Teachers and school officers should bear in mind that applloatlo n for space must be made direct to th state super intendent of publio Instruction betort tht first day ot February, lfiDM. as space will be apportioned to tbe several schools whose applications are on file at mat time. Fill out tbe blank application sent ion by your county superintendent, or make application ae per tbe form below, and mail it to tbe state superin tendent at yotfr earliest con venience. The oonnty superintendent, who Is county manager, will, from time to time, furnish teachers with such blanks and Information as will enable them to proceed with the work of pre paring tbe exhibit. Bcbool boards are earnestly requested to lend their support to tbe undertaking and thereby encourage ths pupils of tbe publio schools to put forth their best efforts, Tbe schools of Nebraska are th pride of her citizens, and well may tbey be our pride and boast, for Nebraska stands at the head of tbe list of states, with the loast percentage of Illiteracy of tbero all. Let us make the educational exhibit one tbat will increase that pride, and one tbat will attract the attention of thousands of visitors to this the sre&teat of Interests, namely education. The following is suggested as a very appropriate form of application for free space; , . FORM OF APPLICATION, Siipt, W. R. Jackson, Lincoln, Neb.: Dear Bin You are hereby notified that School District No of County Nobraska, with tbe permission of tbe School Board, applies for free space for an educational exhibit at tbe Trans-Mississippi and Inter-National Ex position. The applicant agrees to see tbat an exhibit is prepared and sent to tbe oonn ty superintendent of schools, not later than April 1, 1808. Tbe number of teachers employed in school is ' i Name of applicant,,. uinciai position,... 1'ostottlce address...... Dated this day of 1808. Inconsistency of tbe Sound Money Popl. The November (1897) number of Hound Currency discuss "A Proper Paper Currency," and says that the only prop er parties to issue credit currency are tnose concerned and engaged In trade itself, from which all credit springs and where it alone really exists and by which it is solved," etc Would these good people have banks conducted without tbe surveillance of government? Would they have bankers be their own masters in tbe matter of pouring their notes Into the channels of trade? Surely not. It is safe to say that not one banker in a thousand would advise any system of banknote issue without some restrictions, some limitations, some rules prescribed by the State or nation to regulate the circulation. Every proposition submitted by these sound money people to reform the cur rency include tbe government's guar antee of tbe redemption of tbe notee proposed. Tben why not let tbe govern ment issue its own notes In tbe first in stance, instead of "going security on tbe banks' notes?" Ex-Senator Peffer. Grand Poland-China BROOD SOW SALE At EAST GROVE STOCK FARM. 1-4 Mile East Of FREMONT, NEB.. 4 Grand Herd Boars 50 Choicely bred Sows Tb nwlleat merit ol Rt Cirov llrd baa b a!ptaiadfront progrMlvetkdulat. abttr PulaaO-l bis kav vf bote m out irvisa lb kera tk Ikt uniag ensuine: Tb eoia aia' ikt'lttdmll thai rfrtttv of k lever' U1J. rWatkoa. T Sid, A. , I'irwttini, tluy Wike J. a4 tftr koted lanulw. ta svlJ.tum ta Slty ekutow, UkkebJy bnt sow, br. to o tk if4 bor pvKmfieg 0 U berd, I tiff tuarut my vi w boar. lilurti. in J.I J, I a Uarg. lus. bn.4 aad dti a ri II ta tb atr vd bug. va Utter ul alruag pis III sir wo eWv t k. rets a4 t sUk at Wve abuaiaa. aitJ km dea id taiy sko pig, lst kw li I Wf. iN'iitwt I kw e. ot tliwl eh sJ. I sp.ka vt a auud brKr a a graad beW ska bg . IUj Vt tltr-.. 4 Uy It UI d. St a rd litlpiM, IHievtw HJ, Uir.rst Willi tb vtker l Ud akta.fw tletlru4 pio. I etf afJ of great ksetit ImmI ewe vi tb krv ba here rtvwekd. Iiurtu usrM. ka ka ekarir d Ik kaa bad tk tr ul tk UI iSAt, Ik ko ba kMNi afeetl bt Jneae. turn A as 1 14 a gM4 tvtaMiat. VJ THE STOCK IS IN FINE C0ND1TI0H R A, M. EDWARDS. Proprietor. h cut. r, m. woods, AsviioMvr. n i of W itra fl kog. evea i rMKi aoi ,v bwf Teevav i7 aad grmit a. i hiif, a ksj C v iv a ..