The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 13, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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January 13, 1898
81 A I
CaxsalhUtivUsf "THE WEALTH MiKESS" sal
Ce 3nbrenoent pubH)in$ Co.,
1190 U tTBEKT,
Tbliphoni, 538.
Attn all omasslcaUoss to, asd tasks fell
rtu, sjosay orders, su., pr abls to
Tb power of money-ask Mark llanna
about It.
Presidential pi properly peddled put
plutocrat In tb Senate.
Tb republican party In Ohio, ha
failed lo It effort to "partly" itsen in
Tb republican Id Oblo did not bav
-i.t... (nurmndnnce enough tore-
tire Mark llanna frornth United Btate
mi II-. u,ti la a nartv ol OtStt"
Inallty. It la a party of principle and
will not btcoowni onwi mu, lWiu.,
are enacted Into law.
Tb effort of the gold nien to Increase
the obligation of contract bar mad
... - - at. a
it all but ImpowlW lor in oenior w
fulfil tbelr contracte.-Cblcago Tribune,
January 14, 1878.
Auditor Cornell latest rule concerning
tb fae of aberiff la an boneat construc
tion to put upon tb lawr It I In accor
dance with the Intent of tb legislature
tbat passed tb law, Mr.Cornell's ruling
will ear the taxpayer of tb atat
about 3,000 per year.
i Superintendent H. E, Dawes, of tbe
school for tb deaf and dumb at Omaha
,; baa mad many aplendld iroprorements
i In tb conduct of tbat Institution, If
I ba shown bimaelf capable and entirely
f worthy the confidence of those who ap-
f pointed blm to tbe position be now fills
y aoably.
f Tb bonor of electing Mark llanna,
1 tbat great friend of tb common people,
I to a aeat in the United State
long entirely to the republican party.
- Let tbe republican wear tb crown and
i be responsible forth bra v and noble
1 ' stand be will take, and tbe vote b will
I cast in dofens of tb American people.
II Is McKlnley' own oo-a typical rep-
resentativ of the pmnt adralnfstra
tion. " .
State Superintendent Jackson is busy
preparing for the stateeducatloual exhib
it at tbe Trans-Mississippi Exposition
' Tb teachers of th stat are and should
heartily co-operate witb him In this
work. Eastern visitors should be shown
that Nebraska suhools are tbe equal ol
suy In tb United States. Kvery enter
prising school and enthusiastic teacher
will have an exhibit at the Trans-Miss-isaippi
It la the Intention of Kenator Henry
M. Teller to re-iatroduce the Matthew's
resolution which was passed In 1878 de
claring tbat all government obligations
are payable in silver or gold at tho op
tion of tbe government. This will force
tbe pretending bi-metalliets to show
their band to come out from thuir bid
ing and expose tbelr real position to the
gaxeof tbelr constituents. Mr. Mcklu
ley voted for the Matthew's resolution in
1878. Do you think bs would recom
mend that such a resolution be passed
by Congress at the present time? Do
you think tbat he would approve and
sigQ such a resolution exactly what be
voted lor In 1878-if It should be passed
by tbs present congress? If not, wbo
are thus that have deserted the prin
ciples of tb republican party? Wbo are
they tbat lave "rhasgad" lu rwtwat
year republican or silver republicans?
Heuator Woleotl owupUs n Import
ant position at tb praeaot tiai. II Is
on of thoss who kav stoutly inaiu
talasdthat Widat MrKintey mU
lav or of blnwtalluia by laternationai
agrwitivat, While the ssuator was In
tturoi ogotiatlsg for a eouWrsae to
brias about aa tatoraatkiaal agriuat
toeoiasUvsr, k a Utrajr-4 by tb
prvaldsat wbo appiiatl aim. While
(irt IV'tala wa UliWallsg uk hf
aasssf la )'ras aa4 th 'ait Htal,
freaidaat Mi KiaUy seat a tuMKt lo
rvisgrwM uii4 tbs appHutiMat vK
a mmiHiUMJoa lo lurwutat plasslor put1
tisg Ike 4iapuli g04 alasJard
etiva, latu ifiut. Tki b4 tb
jflt il dw-ritig rWaatof WiUtt
abrvd, a ad paltisg kirn t lk ndwa
bias allltads tlastsg fur mhusIMbs
kiatwa 'alry Ut4 not waat, iHms
BVaalor WpU.u Hill Ulisv kat Mr.
IfsktaWy I uMtly la laur tdtlnlal
ss by laWraalkmal Maal? Haul
Ul a ttUiM It ea)iHtf stt b a k) pw
ttWat adatlsUtratiuaf Is Aatsttfaa
fvpl ar laWrt is lint tut Hj.
al(f WiJsttll aaausas bU w.iUmi,
wlks It tadspea-toat blialaiiUai tt
kit Ik guid aUadard. 1km I a
Wagst aay kali way grwasj.
It make verv little difference to Amer
icans, what kind of money is used In
Europe. United Slate coins either gold
or silver, do not pass current In Euro
pean oountriea. Tbeyare weighed and
sold, the same aa any older American
nrmtnt. What difference to Americans
v : ... , .. i l..
whether an American floiiar isequano
iht. KncrllMh shlllinas or to four fcng
lish shillings. When Americans want to
hn KntrllMh or other European goods
It I necessary for them to trade some
commodity to the Englishman or fcuro
pean which be prefera to tb gooda which
b already baa. It may be Nebraska
grown corn or steers; or It may os an
mrlHn heiress, depending entirely
upon tb tastes of tb European desiring
to mak tbe trade. Tbe con vers is irus.
KiKiMiinen or Kurooeana cannot get
American producta until they bavs
somtblng to offer in exennng wuicu
better eulte the tastes of tbe American
purchaser. Wbattb American people
tiu,l ! a dollar trood wbererer tb imer
lean flag floats-It cannot b better
than tbat: a oon aa It passe irom
under tb 1'rotectlon of tb American
flair th American stamp I Taluele.
It then become a commodity, not won
ey. What tb people want la a dollar
which will buy a much today as it will
tomorrow, and a sufficient number of
dollar to keep price etabl, (fold la a
balloon dollar, constantly rising (a pur
chasing power, wbll property, which It
measure, I falling, to conform to tb
shrinking Yolum of money. Olvttb
masse plenty of money good in tb
United Htate. and let business prosper
and employer seek labor Instead of
labor secklnfr. employer, and we will
again bar A country which will be
worthy of tb great aim of tb father
wbo rescued It from foreign rule.
There baa been much written and said
about the corruption of Tammany, tbe
great democratic organization of Aew
York City. A large part of tb critlc-
ama ar deserved, but as la frequently
tbs cos when put In print tb crime of
tbia organisation bav been 'greatly
magnified and exaggerated. Tb spirt
and foundation of tb organization la
purely aelflsb, It la organized and per.
ated by aelflsb men with selfish rnotivea.
Their aim I to thoroughly organize and
win election In New York City In order
that they may harvest tb fruits of vie
tory, When Tammany Is in power,
every public official who owes hi election
to tb influence of the organ I tat Ion must
;my tribute to tbs Tammany treasury
to help to defray the expenses of tb
magnificent organization and political
equipment which it maintains. No olll
cer i too great and non too small fo
escap the Tammany assessment. Tii
assessment art graded however, those
receiving tb larger salaries pay a greater
per cent than those receiving smaller
salaries. Men and corporations wbo
enjoy special privileges, granted by law
are also required to contribute liberally
to the support of the Tammany organi
zation. Tammany' principle Is "to the
victors belong the spoils" and every
officer put In power by any other organ
ization is removed from power at the
earliest opportunity and a Tammany
man is appointed us his successor. It Is a
bitter foe to civil service reform. The or
ganization Is charitable and every year
contributes largo sums of its "ill gotten
gain" to relieve the suffering poor of New
York City. It does not tax those wbo
are unable to pny, It contributes liber.
ernlly to those in need.
That Is not all. It must bs said to
Tammany's credit that a Tammany oill-
cial never "defaulted" when bundling
public luuds.
In a speech In congress letter nl drov
er nor in defending bis civil service bill
took occasion to severely denounce the
Tammany organization, in vsiy general
term without pointing out specifically
any of the corrupt acts the organltstlon
bnd been gulltj of, This brought t on
grsssmaa Amos Cummlngs ton defence
of the record ol Tammany 1 1 sail. In the
course of bis remarks bs said;
"Tammany Hall mirrtiitt, eh! I appeal
to tb reHru, aud I rhallvua ths awr
Hon. Th very reform ailmiuUtraiion
thai has Just gone out ol power in New
York, through lh courtly ol a rejiub.
Iicaa Wlture, spent f
gating ths swoun Is ol Ihs almiutir.
lion thai wasslseted by Tammany 1111,
aad what wa Is rsnult? Tby sul
i50,(MH) invMiligaliug.attd I hey aria
ally AMrUlttl Ibat laiiiiaasv Hall
waartirrupt. Tbr was a dsttt'tency ol
la iouu ia in ritisier omne,
'TImmw ar iaft that vannul bs rhal
ragd, Mr. I hairmaa. Ihvr was th
Mtuw inatlSHluu rimHiillMM-a ihui.
nuvlMsni,! la New )ork by a rvpuMwaa
legUialars lo ervals elorw aud Ihrtiw
splh as4 and lo Bll lhf rd is
ana ditsl so thai this Morut
aduitnUlralKMi no M rm into Htwri
and I a4 aul sMNik of tu. id Ih lea
lurvs ahtta k4 la tats ruluUua, h
a SulalalH id I ha g! risawd
ItagsliM and p4 foapirog Willi lsir
laataWa, aad al imli m kanalMlwd II,
HI actually ilvsaM lbs iu mm
aoilve aa4 JSO.lsMl iwa by las mhi
Htisaioa? aav-ovai ta isisaiisaiisg
Taatmaai Hall, lhy wt stna4t4 la
git asr a (wa I'Ui i BMtiik ,
NsrkaplkitlMwlNw foik Cti
ka4 rH br supHtrlia Mr. Vaa
Vlk, IbataaJidate 4 TawMaay Hail
lot tuayuf, W aka ar u iar a ay
should viol ubi tot) kartkly of Ik
urfaaitatUta aalil Ik liUaa kas
soaislhisg Mors Uslaallal to it lhaa
km rataor of Ik rpKl of Ik Asataia.
I4 lr,
One of our subscriber at Bloomfleld,
sends us a clipping from tbe American
Farmer, published at Indianapolis, tbat
Is indeed "strange news" to aome of ua
Nebraskans. Uelow we give It:
Tbi la strongs news that comes from
Nebraska, one of tb Htates tbat baa
complained so loudly of bard times dur
ing late years, ThsHtate bas produced
this year 2.0,C00,000 bushel of corn
and Iti annouueed that of this 200,.
000,000 bushels will be stored for sal
next year when prloea ar better, Tb
reason given for this Is that th former
of the state ar not forma lo mill In order
to obtain ready cash this year, Aston
ishing a It may seem, they bav more
money than they can eoitvimwntly ln
voxtt It bas ven reached th point in
that late) woe-be-gon Htate where th
country oanki nav qnn HoiiniwKu'
vokHh. Having more money In their
vault than they can find borrower for.
they cannot afford to pay even a email
per cent, on deposit. Most of tb banks
It la said, bav 05 per cent of their de
posits in their vault. The Htate flank
of Davenport closed it door and
wound up Its business on tb ground
that it could find no borrower for it
surplus cash, Tb great question wltb
tb larmer in tb Htate at present I a
to the investment of their surplus cash,
This Is pleasant nw to bear from Ne
braska, and It I hoped that tbsdrsad
ful day of th last four year may never
return again,
A Josh Hilling truly said, "it la Ut
ter not to know so many thing than to
know so many thing that alnt so,"
Our subscriber desire u to "answer"
tb clipping. It need no answer In Ne
braska, and hardly need answer for our
subscriber anywhere, Condition ar
about th same over the entlr country,
Tb etatement that tb "great question"
with tb farmer anywhere In th United
Htate Is "a to tb Investment" of their
surplus cash, I too ball-headed a II to
try to scalp, Tb reason why farmer
ar refusing to sell tbelr corn I tbat tbs
price 1 below th cost of production,
and most of them bar reached tb con
elusion tbat tber I do use trying to pay
debts, selling their products at or be
low cost, Tber was a good profit In
Nebraska' wheat crop and most of
tbat has been sold,
Tb Htate Dunk of Davenport quit
business because tber wer two banks
In on small town, which was on too
many. Dr. Hall, Hecretary of the Htate
banking board, a banker himself, and a
thorough student of banking from tb
tandpoint of both expsrleuc and
theory aptly explain tb present situ
ation of th bank in this state, by say.
ing there ar two reason for It, Tb
first on I that tb people ar afraid to
borrow and tb second is that th bank
ar afraid to lend. Most of tb people
wbo bav gon into business enterprise
aud borrowed money of tb banks dnr.
ing tb past ten years, bav lost money
or gon brob entirely, Asa result very
few men will take tb risk lo go Into
enterprise now. In other word th
profit from productlv Industry (when
ther were any) bav been away Mow
th current rate of interest. Tb bank
also bav ceased to loon money to a
doss of men who wer trfectly good a
few years ago, and many of whom are
good now, because they do not W sure
that they could get ths money back
promptly in sixty days they rquired
One of the remarkable facts about the
condition of Nebraska banks, as pointed
out by Dr. Hall, is that the item "red is
counts" has almost entirely disapjieared
from their si atiiments. Ten yeursago
the banks would loan out all the money
they bud and then send ths notes they
had to Omuhn, Chicago, or further east,
to be rediscounts). When the crisis
enms, a good ninny of these banks broks
while others wore so badly pinched that
they do not want to repeat the experi
ence. Nebraska and Kansas were twofort un
fits states but year In having a large
crop of wheat, which brought a good
pries on account of a world's shortage.
Their people am energetic and enterpris
ing. Their soil Is fertile, Their outlook
is mors hopeful than than almost auy
other part of tbe world. Hut there is
stern ecouomy in most of their house
holds today, aud In many of them more
than that, iustend of money that they
know not what to do with,
4 new rule just aouoimced by Auditor
John V. Cornell will result la saying v
s,al thousand dollar lor tb taipayer
of Nebraska. Last wstk Hhsriff Dow ol
Harlan county brought l'i eounly
Trmtatirsr K. H, Wkitaey and Uaaker H
D. Mills to Mueola lo th penitentiary,
Hprutd th usual and customary
bill to lb slats auditor for Iks expert
lor lit trip aa4 ths board of I lis prison
f during lb lint k ka4 them eonftnsd
lath Harlaa soualy jail. II bad fig
urd Ik harg for board at eal
pt day, th earn rate thai baa la al
lowed Mad all preceding B.ltitluMr-
lioa. Attdilov IWhsII he dtsuvrd
Ikat this I Mfttrarj tub, HskuM
Isal adf th law abort!! arMlitt4
akaglh state at Ik TI t pf
day Ml whir pftsoavra are p li
dayU4or Uisg Uwaakl tihia
toaturi, Wker lk ar ki. uuh
lhaa Ikat Ik sbwifl la oalf esliiWd la
barge al Ik tat id M pr ir
ost wlalrd4 of Ik uld rate,
Th total aui ral oil Irwai skstil' r
reipteraab Mbwis ak it I ri
ka'll laal Ik praitlM ka Ua alotoat
uuiimai lof skefifl III keep ll.eif .rla
(tnr lb lull Hwll ol Ilia aad Ikat Ik
BBftibsf asat l Ik rikailar; Iroia all
tbe counties of tbe state bas run a high
as 400 and 500 in a year. If there are
400 kept thirty day at tbe additional
expense of 75 cents per day each, tbe
total amount paid out by tbe state
under tbe old rule would be f 9,000 and
under t'i uw rule it would be some
thing over 10,000; or a saving to tb
state and loss to the sheriffs of nearly
f 3,000 per year,
Another credit mark has been earned
by Hon. John F, Cornell, tb farmer
Tber bus been a considerable demand
for space in tbs column of tbs Inukj'kn
OKHT, by Individuals desiring to express
their preferences for candidates for
governor at tb nut election. Ho far,
w bav rejected all communication
bearing directly upon tbi subject, for
th reason tbat w believed it was too
early to begin th public discussion of
tb qualification of probable candl
date, Ere speech and open discussion
ovry public question, , bo always
been on of tb principal tenet of tb
populist party, It I better for tb
party, better for tb Btate, batter for
tb candidate, tbat tb public should
know tb good qualities and bad quail-
tie of a man before b I nominated,
than to proceed to a nomination and
tak chance In finding out bl character
and qualification afterwards. Open
discussion will Injur tb chance of no
worthy candidate, It may prevent tho
nomination of an unworthy candidate
if tber b any, Tb public ba a right
to know. Their only way of knowing,
I by public discussion, When thorough'
ly acquainted witb th facte, th people
can be trusted to do right.
, Communications upon thla matter
will b published in a, separate depart
inent. They should not be long and In
very Instance must be signed by tb
author. Any article abusive and purely
slanderoi', written for spiteful purposes,
will riot be published, Tb public I in
terested in facte, not mere story tolling.
What fa th boat policy for tb good of
tbe party? Hhould tber bo co-operation
between tbe three partle aa there wua
last fail? If so, should tb ctudidat
for governor, b a populist, democrat,
or silver republican? Hhould he come
from th city or from tbe country? Wbat
other qualification should b .possess?
Who is ths man that comes nearest
meeting all the requirements? These
sr questions in which th people of Ne
braska ar greatly Interested. Their
open discussion Is invited.
Andrew fbsun'f Memory,
There may bav been greater men In
American politic than Andrew Jackson,
but none more patriotic, none more
courageous. Ther was never a presi
dent wbo wa closer to th people, both
In theories and ill acts. He was a strong
partisan, for political feeling ran blgb In
bis day, and tb Democratic party bas
alway celebrated bis birthday, and held
tbe nam of "Old Hickory" as one of its
patron salute,
The obserrunce of Jackson day I par
ticularly appropriate at this time. The
stund taken by the party which claims
him iu its lust national convention was
so nearly In accord witb Jackson's act
that it can gather inspiration and eu
coumgument from recalling his memory
and dwelling upon that period of na
tional history in which he was a prom
inent actor. 'J he great fight of Jack
son's life was against the money power,
as then concentrated in the United
Htates bank, Jackson saw the power ol
ths bank and Its uungers aud resolved
to destroy it. He arrayed against him
all the money power ol the country,
small then to what it is now, both in
tbs millions it poMeesMed andintherami
flcatious of Its Intiueucs. The question
tnrned on the rechartering of the bank,
When Mr. Middle, president ol the bank.
called on Jackson aud asked for a pledge
to sign ths charter bill, Jackson declined.
"Then ws will defeat you for re-elect ion"
said Diddle, "If you huvs th power to
control a presidential election, replied
Jackson, "It is tim the United Htates
bank went out of existence."
Jackson won the tight and the money
(Mrwer went down In dsleat. Hut his
predictions that It would again attempt
to enslavs ths opl hav com trus,
and th nation Is again In th midst ol
a struggle vu mora gigantic and not
Im Intense than that of In;iil-3il. Not
Ihiino rat alone, but th entire people
ran profit by Imitating th splendid
heroism and patriotism aud determin
ation ol ths mail who first throttle! th
mousy poser and relegated It to m place
subservient to lbs will of the nation and
mads It a fnclor ia our progrs and not
a ruler ol our det!(. Ilorb Mountain
One f.l l4.
'IWr !" IWmmI lrwh)4.
tolas UN StJ silk l4 ! !.
in,kms lunif Salllnt ',"4 ks
I has itt l kw Hmn.
"Si a . ' ski, Hml4 , Is
W Ik MMild tulSlf k ki'
l.liS, (kit,!- tkklS
tl !.' 4 kf k f.
eUl at" wl tastsa I'll kof M
W kl s Ik el ikk"
lhtt a kK-k vt kttMSUWS
1 kl la ik mmt Sllwl kMie Is,
f kl -k. to, ait a im.i
Ja.l nafc la fcaf wat kr4,
1 ka ta4 , lak ail a, Imei"
It ska! Ikeil (aa, il tai4
"I k I, tail ajMSIsa,
1m4 la tl ik !
Bl aa aaa iotas ih4 knilf Wnaanais
kla lka Sal u
Itataa.J lu S tkl4 t aal !!,
Savakl ka Saaxs, hmihw
Baal kM aa kf saj un.i.
IkssHai ess t-i la4 I 4 , It,
laarsra la
IH Ik VI rusiaUer of Ik l'alt-4 dlala
fUaals, B) arwIaayMa, akila d ks BNa
aea ho lit (! he lloas nl llati
rsasatatlrsa 111 ar Ha,
era, II will U sa-i, kwat wr lhaa
lait-lalra al Ik Htsailwranip al wea
araafb i4 uar kaluaal sg(sialar
Noaeol Iks parliainval ti I tmp last
so largs a MKtflH.a id la ir amneg
It mabs(b.
Simpler Spelling Cotton Factories in
Tbe South-New Wheat-Talking Cur
rency Reform A Split Party Cream
ery No Treasurer' Bonds Unconsti
tutional Appropriation Not Legal
Our Uuiveraity,
W are not at all sorry that tbs or
thography ol many of our awkwardly
pulled words Is being simplified. Wagon
wa once spelled waggon, plow spelled
plough ana lots of word ended In ct
that now end with o, Evolution evo
lute very slowly even where there is a
necessity to burry.
There are several things to be taken
into account iu connection with the cut
of wages iu the cotton mill of New Eng
land. A a rule, their operative are not
Yankees, Doer guzzling foreigner bav
been imported and tbe Yankee have
been pushed out. Tb colored people of
tbeHontbar much mor nimble and
turn off more work aud are glad to work
for a dollar a day. They can afford to,
for it costs only about half aa much to
liv In tb Houtb, tb way the colored
people do. House, fuel and clothing
will not cost a bit over ball a much a
in New England We expect to see manu
factured good made by our colored
people in the Houtb, aold In Lowell and
Manchester, .
New Argentina wheat baa begun to ap
pear on the European market, It la
good, and they bav a big crop. Now
let Australia speak, and American wheat
will go down on a counter to goldstand
ard prices,
. e
They ar still talking about currency
reform. It means nothing leas than put
ting tb common people mor complete
ly into tb band of th wealthy class,
Tb wbol psopl ar saving too much
interest on th six hundred million of
government paper now circulating as
money, Tb banker want to issue
tbat paper themselves and pocket that
Interest, Then too, they want thing
so In their power that they can control
th money market and so control every
thing. The only safety for ths people, I
in letting tb government coin all th
gold and silver and issuo all the paper
money and in making no money re
deemable in any other money. Govern
in en t money and no other is what we
bav got to come to, and the quicker
th better,
Th republican are still badly torn up
In Ohio. The silver and gold bug fac
tions will never pull together again
wliwlliup HnnriA. aiti fhnra nr tint.. Hit.
vsr after silver flies, and soon uotbing
but a black spot will be left of the once
grand old party.
Tb cream separator is about to
revolutionize butter making. The cream
can be separated from tbe milk, stored
in cons and need not oe sent to tbe lac
tory oftener than once lu two or three
days, It ha to stand awhile anyway
before churning. The milk can be fed to
calves or hogs, and the butter-milk cun
m brought horn in the cream cans.
One butter factory in Lincoln could
ktatherlu cream for fifty miles around
on the several railroads; good butter
can be made aud a good price received.
We begin to think there is a better
way than requiring treasurers to give
bonds. Douds are seldom ever paid, no
matter how much money is stolen and
voters vote for men they otherwise
would not, thinking that bonds will
make them honest. Duild a burglur
proof vault and require nil the money
to be kept there until it is paid out on
debts, l'heu let the opposite party from
the one in power, appoint men to ex
am i no the books and count tho money
wnenever iney ctioose to drop n. Let
these examiners have power to call a
bait if thiugs appear crooked. Then
make embezzlement of any sum. punish.
able in the peu'teutiary for life without
reprieve or pardon. Uncle Ham keeps
bis money in a vault until he wants to
use It to pay debts. It is claimed tbat
it would bs better to loan the inonev
and let It go back into circulation. No
great amount should be tied up. Stop
taxing wouui ue a sale remedy, There
is no need of but two funds, the school
fund and exum fund. All debts ars of
equal binding force. There is no need
ol a sinking fund. All debt hereafter
should be made payable in installments,
tneu tnousaiids ol dollars would not lay
Idle, Any bond bolder will taks pay on
bonds II you will pay Interest up to the
Hum ths bond is dus tovether with the
Principal. IVatter do that than have it
(ay lu the treasury to b stolen.
Tbs republicans bav Just discovered
tbat our governor bas taken bis hous
rent mouv that th bvialaturs annroi
riatsd lor that purpose, Just as the r
publican governor bav don for year
and year, n do not twiievo tbearov
srnor ba any constitutional rbibt to
taks Irom ths slat treasury any mors
than IwsBty flv hundred, ths amoual
siwinwl la ttis constitution. lbk-;is
latum making tb appropriation, dosa
Hot over rid th Milistllutlo. t Iks
republican ar not lb on to ki
about It, lor they slarlod il and kpl II
p, Muvk Was ruastataal ia i ur lb
Journal to kkk, l rvmeiuber a tw
ara a-o, lb Journal eoutpaay slufM
a prlutisg bill bsvoud Ihs stipulations
ol Ik rouirat't. Th Auditor rlu4 to
iaao Ik warrant. Tb amoukl aa sii
orsiahl tkmaH4 dollar. 'Iksroni.
paay applied la Ik uiu eourl for a
inaadawu ailiiag tb auditor to
tew a aarraat, i b Mrt, altr haar
lag lit m altar, kl.b4 IK voutpaay
bad hawa pi4 la lull. A bill as alia.
ard latt4ut4 ta Ik Mil b ialalur,
Ik B'i''oa Mtad, lb a Ik audi
tor aau4 lb warraal aba-a. kk!4
krluaa4 ludo, AH IkoMgratailto
ar aboil a,stitatk.aal aa4 lb
roar! ha u davla bsr II ka kad
a oi'1'itftunur. lkugabat buaatv
skoaU b istuaatf by lb auditor aatil
lbs sunn aWtite. , ibti m aa ap
propria l uia Mia4o, t
i am mum ni a,( ru44 m war
'Nuu I ait.raiti. V am proud thai
lb da4 lauguaatm am fa I filing pi.
I Ik hi l-ita laiwaiborl la
We will sell you
anything in our
Immense stock of Shoes
14 Off.......
1213 &
spend much ol it in learning to talk and
write as the people did in the dark agea.
There Is ten times more satisfaction and
utility in knowing a robbln from a blue
bird, or a roes from a piuk than in know
ing Greek or Latin. W are proud tbat
o many of our girls are planning for
elf support. Tbe day ba gone by for
girl to curl up and wait for some man
to come and marry them, and tbe first
on wbo comes, accepted. The atand
ard of girlhood will aurely raise the
staudard of boyhood. Tbe young man
wltb a whisky breach, will stand a lim
chance among college girl, be
cause foraootb, they are capabl of self
upport and if it ia the last chance, it
don't worry them. New avenue of em
ployment ar being opened toberandsb
is qualifying herself to walk In them.
When eh return from college, it 1 now
just as much expected eh will do some
ting a tbat her brother will. It is all
right to learn telegraphy, book-keeping
and short band, but it is more Import
ant that a greater number learn farm
ing. W will be glad when twenty-five
cow ar kept ou the atat farm and our
boys and girls are taught to mak
butter and cheese tbat are fit to eat.
Poultry 1 one of tb roost profitable de
partment of farming, yet but few know
bow to handle bens. Not loss than a
hundred ben should be kept on the
state farm and the profits recorded. A
chicken I prim for market at th end
of four months. Not so with pork or
beef, lie keeping should be taught and
twenty stands of bees should be kept,
Dues provide themselves with postur
and witb winter food so all the Increase
of numbers und of stores, I clear profit.
It ba always seemed to us tbat a herd
of hogs could be steered clour of cholera.
Wo never beard of the disease buck in
York state, where we fed boiled potatoes,,
beets, turnips, squash and pumpkin
witb a little provender mixed. W can
grow boots, turnips and aquashoa to mix
witb corn. Then we would like to see
a thousand loads of stable manure put
onto the state farm that is now thrown
away, in the city of Lincoln.
The knitters and other bands emnloved
at 0. Jl. Tlltou's hosiery mill at Til-
ton, N. 11. are on a strike against a 12'
per cent reduction in wages.
Notices have been posted In tbe cotton
mills of the York cornnrationa at Kiin.v
Maine that a reduction of 10 per cent
will be made in the wages of all employes
to take effect January 17. This corpor
ation employes about 1500 people
notices have been posted in the cotton
mills of the Eisherville Mauufucturfnir
company at Fieherville, announcing
that the wages of ths 500 employes will
be reduced on January 7. The cut will
bo about 10 per cent.
January 12 the bouse committee on.
baukimr aud currency listened to t he nr.
guments by tbe self constituted mone
tary commission in favor of the proposed
plau of currency reform.
Joseph J, Williams, independent dmn-
ocrat was elected mayor of thecitv of
Memphis, Tenn., at the election held last
Preitiiliirifc MrIvlnlnv koi na ....,! P. II
MnrritT rif Kin,.,-, In t lu, UiinB..rk. .f .....
- -" vw .w nui tojiii VI Vila
toms aud collector of the port ol Lin
coln. The deficit in the national t n
for six mouths endinir I)cinlu.p HI la.
llt.aOO.OOO. If the sals ol the Union
I'acitlo would be counted, there would be
a auriilus cir !lf SSJ au An.
, - - , 1 - , " " UV UUH
have a railroad to sell every six mouths.
A pea-shelling machine has been put
into a big cauuiiig factory at Frank liu-
uin.. v v it ai... .
Tiun, ., . I, j inn uew process three
IllHI'lllnva (IIUtPMtu.1 liV Anln...l.l....
sons "shell as many bushels of pens as a
hundred hands used to." The new labor
dlsplacer works automatically aud will
be oerated by one srou alter a few
improvement hav been ntdd.
Th I antiera and Merchant Insnrance
ComiianV ol Lincoln nra tnakl,.,. .
. " -' 'H n tv
ord lor prompt pay nmut of louses that is
truly coiiimendabl In any insurnuo
company. They endeavor to avoid all
Thagovernorof Missouri, a a Thank,
giving offering, railed Henry Jackson,
negro coaviri, belom dim aud offemd
b ui hi lilwrly. Th nsgro surpriasd
blmby aying b did kotdealm a par.
don. II bad no bnuie or Irieada. aud
be waa alraid that il h kad lo h av tb
prisa now h would Irww to d.ath tbia
wlBter, iUbewwcbad lb SleruUv aot
to I'ardoa blm Ulors th biurtb ol at
July, and lo tbi lb gowruor mkly
gare aw iriuta,
Aeiwvling lu b N. Vork 1W1J.
wbaa ha mivatly Inva.tials4 th
Bi atlr, Maakallaa Istaad is uaiw.lbr
aa asloutaktogly small sumt-r ol i.
...a, Haa-balUI lb lead la oaaad by
ITU lawih-a, aitb, sajs IN, lUald i
v-rr hm owaiag lb tabs kalf., tial
id a,lHH,lHHI Maidtat. IHHi
4 tatam.1 wkautar la lb Ulaad mi.
aa MBlsra. 1
Hlat NaparlBtaadaat Jarksoa
kaa r
lurasJ iroui a. i,,i i. iiu.i
eouatsM, abar aa ad rHv4 u
era lusttiMia ftiaiii,a m rikttf
-. a suftaiaat
lara(r allvadad auito. i
OMaonul I fiHlHi at 1,1...
1 r
I baas.
a-lia maail t . k hk ak..
pumuiia aa4 HiaaUtia4 on al ,1'
pattaMtWaad tamtiatiwk,
4 wksw lu MUUk trmfimwialiast
tibrart-a la tv laaaabiu I. ikI.LV
ia lb tat-l Kaaa4 ul ti. bt!Tk!
amall 1.1 U Ix.iuhi m4 mtmm
lia. i u st.'H la said la bk,
ky k,tk IU p$.uli. aa4 dsat.wtatk
aial aiiMiikk