nARINQ TRAIN ROBBERS 4 THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT January 13, 1898 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. b this eotaaa we IU peblleh eoameiileatleaa f a worthy Hi sellable tbareeter, resetTeC beertber t tfcfa) MM. KOMBMtat- Mom fbeetd eoaUla am Um M words, faaaeerlpt wttl tot fee retsrsed, I we DAT received eeveral letters con talnlng very almllar argument. We publish the followiag from Mr, Hand, which ie tbe moNt compete argument we have received and contain all of tbe point rained In tbe other article. It baa another advantage which aoma otbar artlclea contributed do not po- aweee; It call no mmM, la not abusive la It tone, W will repeat again no articles containing slanderous reference to any person, will be given a place In tbaaa columns. Tbe Publisher, Editor wmt. I do not daalra a controversy witb brother Bryant, and ay only purpose in replying to bia remarks in thk ihiwkh vtnr of Dec. SO, la to clearly gat before your reader a few thought 1 have on the subject of onion of all reform forma. In ordar to win a graat victory in WOO. I asked friend Bryant why tba eeveral reform partlaa abouid not drop present name and organisations and valla to form a alngla party witb a naw name upon a platform, embracing all caeentlal reforme. if say tba anawar la aaay and tban in substance, talla oa It cannot ba dona, iiaaaya that bacauaa of differences of opinion on Important oneetlona, 00 anion can ta enacted, liro, Bryant, tbia la not an anawar to my query at all. My question la, why abonld not a union ba formed, inataad of attempting to win ondar a eonlader- atlon or fnaion. Yon aay, impossible, it cannot ba. Now my friend, If union ought to ba formad, if by nnion wa conld win. wbila wa sin certain to loaa without, art yon going to declare it impossible? Do you tall ua tba raformara ara ao un wlaa or ao visionary or ao prejudiced tbat tbav ara incapable of doing wbat la for tba beat? VuriUwmon, ara yon not almply gneee ingtbata nnion cannot ba effected? How do yon know it cannot ba nntll it 1 triad? Once lat resolutions relating to union, ba introduced and considered In connty and atata eonrantion all over tba land and, tban from tba reeulta ae conld better determine whether tbe raformara ara ready to organise a new party or not, Much a mora ought to coma from tba people, liutyonaaemto tbink foeion or eon federation entirely aaay and practicable. I uigbt, witb good grounde, aay to you, "impoaaibla, it cannot ba," i)o yon b litre for a moment tbat the Houtbern populiate will glra their eupporttoa democratic candidate for President In 10007 wbatcouree do you tbink tba populiate of Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, Ken tacky and Idabo will take in 1900 In re gard to aapporting any democratic candidate? Pleaee consider tba fact tbat just now wa bare two national or ganltatione aaanmlng to atand for tba populiat party. Do you not realiae tbat tba Houtbern organization elan da like a rock againat fusion In 1IH0? "A con dition and not a theory confront ua' Tba prima question la, wbat ought to be done? 1 do not aay tbat a nnion of ailnnder one banner, in one party la poaaible. I do not know whether it a or not, nor can 1 know nntll It la tried. Hut wa bare tried luaion, tbat In, vary ona-eided fnaion, and wa ware defeated, fthall wa again aplit on tba eame rock, or aball wa make tba attempt to effect a anion, by atoning tba moreinant tbia year in tba county and atata coo ven tioneoftbe populiate. free all rar repub licana and free silver dsrwmrat? Ioubt leaa, if aucb a movement sbonld win, the old democratic party would be again aplit. If Mr. Bryan should join the movement, In would bare to have be hind him the old moea-back democratic bead of bia party ao strongly in trenched iu tba Kant Tammany, Uornian, lirice, aa well as some of the Houtbern con servative democrats, would bare to be left joined to their idols, the gold stand ard, tha national banks, tba trusts and combines. They could not be expected to follow Mr. Ilryan if ba abouid ranks a break for union and succeea. Their bopa and expectation ara to bold tba old Earty together and control it and Mr, ryantoo. and tbey had their way largely in 18W5, after the explosion at Chicago. Unless another and greater split occurs in tba old democratic party, whereby tha old dead body of tha Kuet. era democracy la sloughed off, it ia Inerrable tbat thre will be no fusion in 100O. II tba new democracy will really come out and ba separate aud atand for tba reform principle because It lores them, Instead ol declaring for oue or two 0! our principle lust lor expndiea cle'a sake borrowing a plank or two to nanra battle on-then there will be ONI DOMOl IUSIOU. but nnt will.nut. The real reformers bare no faitb in the old democracy. It still stands for all that true reformer ara fighting ngaluet. I would stand lor the beat method of Biilllug the reformers aoaa to loaenoue 01 ins anil-gold standard, ami-trust, uirauwuin anu-monopoiistlo voter. mil any union or fusion tbat will still Anton Soldi tie Qfeet WeaMiMi tamtoa ri "I ik 4f.t.. I i.ul 4 it. fAlmball I 'Una ttMill a n NMM.lm( , M l4MI ( U4 Ivw ti 1 h.n tl iHMtHHMSlt " 4 t mtummtMt M S i 0M1 , A, 1IOMPI3, neutral Agt,, Owaka, ffek i ""i '.. ..... .. (, file UUItM duilaN lareated l "- COOK & BARLOW Earners and addle Makers. Burlington Stay-On Blanket Repairing a specialty, Full Stock of Harness, Lap Robes Dlan iets 99K villi IU M KiFNTM vT WWW I II hliblbllMI W I I Lincoln, Neb. leave ua In tba band or under tbc beat General Wayne fighting Indiana, or Oeu of tba cnemlee of tbc people and of tba leral Taylor's orders to Captain ttragg. nation, ongbt to be carefully avoided. The coming revolution ia bound to ba weeping one. The old parte! will not only be over-turned, but a wept away. Tbc democratic party aewel! ae the republican, ia doomed to destruc tion, rar greater governmental cbangee tban ever the populieteedvocated. will ba maoa, lo-operation through tba cor am man t, will destroy all combines, truete and monopolise organized for ptirate gain. no old political party can be entrusted witb tbc migbty work of the great ravo lution at band, Tba populiat party ia I tne lore runner 01 tneitreat new oartv 01 tne DeoDle that are to riae no and da-lsr liver tha nation from industrial bondage, Kearney! Neb, W, h. JliND, em fvlnl on Meaey, Editor BiJcooK-JliMMicK: J 'leas give plain and concise answer to tbc following questions; 1, Doe tbc Conetltution aa of wbat material money shall ba mad? 2. In paying balances, does gold or sil rar money pane by tale or count, or vy lie wrngni ana nnenessT S, la fJuglieb gold money lesal tender money in tne united Mates, or ia Auuiru can gold money legal tender in England? 11 nor, any no tY 4. Ia there any aucb money aa money of tba world? If ao, who mukee it and by wbat authority, and la it legal ten' der In all countries? 1. The Constitution 'of the United Htateedoaa not specify tba character of tba material on which inooey may be stamped. It declares tbat congress aball bare power "To coin money, reg mate tne raiue ibereol, and ol lorsiga coma." 1 na verb "to coin," means to stamp, to make, to fabricate, and not necessarily to press metal into ahape. wnen poiier la stamped witb tba proper wording It la money to the same ex tent gold fa; tbat fa, neither substance is money, but tba edict of government ao tamiied ia money in either case. J. In paying balance to foreign coun trfea, metals, whether gold, all rar, cop per or iron, ara sold by weight and fine ness, Tha stamp of tha gorernment counte for nothing In that case, except aa a guaranty that a definite weight of metal of a definite fineness entered into each piece of metal when it left the mint. Si. English gold money Is legal ten.b-r only iusida tha jurisdiction of hnglund, except In countries tbat regulate the ruiuo of such loreign coins and by ! make them li-gal tender. Tha same holda good in regard to American coin in foreign countries. The reason for thia is tbat money ia simply an edict of gorernment, and such edict is binding ouly where the gorernment ia able to eulorc Ita edict. 4. From tha above it will be seen that there can be no "moucy of tha world" until all tha earth la under one govern ment. Aa money ia the utterance of a government it is trident that such utter ance of command need not be regarded beyond the Jurisdiction of such govern ment. In answer to No. 2 wa miuht add that this country doe not need a metal to pay bnlanoca witb. For tba nnt '20 years wa bare exported commodltiea in xneaa 01 imMirta, an average of about HOO.OOO.OOO. Tbat means that ths balance haa been in our favor to that extent. II a man owea you an anuuity, so tbat lie must pay you 1,0(0 a year, you need not worry about finding soma metal to pay him with. The talk ol the necessity for a tiwtel to pay foreign but auoea with, when tha buUnoe of trade I ao strongly In our favor borders ololy on tba ridiculou.-ledge Hammer. lftMd-l'rarMlar. KlUTOH NktlHASK iMiErXXUKXT! I seem to bare drawn tba lira of tha whole battery Mbeldou aad Htewart get tne at ray shot. If we fall, "go and tell Nparta wa all lie bars," t'arljle aaya "history la philosophy, shaking by example," and It iatrue bera aa It la every ahera' Two yeara ago thary ererywheiawaa lor uuiontdall lra eilver lor, and wa shall h a 'rvidal. The lfVr ran ao high, (and nleM;:t-;, lUt moderate men, deliberate men tt arrelm! oa ewuveu ttoa Door, witb howl and groan. Ak l oiter II I got my ahare td it (rad Uaad. Well, ae united, now lor the r eulttd title ,,pbihmiihyklR,f by aiauipW." tl.t A debated raadutele aa.l larty, That -il.iU-4.pbf " .Irv. bUak, i 1 1 aa 1 opuiisi party baa, up to data, been a divided tmrty Irwin lha word git. rWastor ImtUr, at Ibta muui al, i brU trying to uaiie and eav aa, Hera la Mrk aa bate bad ike sattMUbeel aailiag i ear spot la Ik aioa,aad Nfcraka kuuly aawuthf rowano, tun ruMMr Taofartloaaarala aigbtj aa aart alaad to your guna-etery aiaa la ki pnelworb the whole Ultety boya lor all Ikera I la ll, wia ur dt. The oik.. taction aaya dua l ehiMit 111k that rail. fedga-auHkatla4 ana, aurlhal hiai tendrr gua, hor Ik rU.UM us, nor aay id hM Kthr email guus, Jael wi tkat Ire ailvar gia-araa i Aa fetal hay UrT? -..rrrrrv clear tba field with tbat gun. Yield to tbia and tba ticket for 1V00 ia now lit the field and baa been for mora than a rear. Tba DObulista will bare no ticket There will ba no populist plat lor 111, It will ba tha other platform. In the north, DODttlists fuse with democrats. Wbat re. publicans are and bare been in tha north, democrat a ara and bare been In tba Moth: both of them will continue to ba wbat they have been; populists can hone for nothing from either of them, Twice In tba Inst tbraa terms, tba democrats bare been lust what tha republicans will ba aad bare been whan McKioley'a time la all In, Two frauds even chances for sixteen years, and tha country going to destruction pell mall, And men claim ing to ba populist, want every gun but one In tbc populiat battery ellenced. tub rvTvuK. And ton promise as rictory in 1000 witb the populists split in twain, and tba two old partlaa with nothing but failure In sight for sixteen years witb a failure to elect In IbW, wben we were all united, taring ua In tba face, Out of tbia con dition and these facte, rictory ia to coma marching on to tba White House, Wall, tierbaoa ao. but if it waa a military eauiDultM. rou would ba annihilated u mI ,h-W.II mil via wm vtwh rww vimwi " wii www then must be douef Mtand to your guns. every one of you. Work ever gun for II it la worth, JTIII earth, sea and sky witb missels of death to plutocracy. on tbc itoid 01 Monterey, ara good modalc vo it that wa, The otbar fellowa must bare our vote if tbey aver get In. There la no hope for tbem without na, Tban name tne terme and like a tuacedonlan phalanx move on tbc enemy. Ac soon aa wa convince all tbc world that the only nope of our votee ia to come to our platform tbey will coma. They have to coma If we atand our ground. We can dictate the terms, and duty to Ood and country demand of us that wa do it, Tbia went of aalf rssfMNit. of manly dlirnitr.' aud bunting around to find soma oue to take na sdo sab - "Mute d"b7 no broth. Illtru'lti 1 m miruua Wua to Vmm rou land others from commlting murder. Fuse and surrender wbo may, Follow the greenback party to the grare yard if you will, but here la one tbat stay with tne whole platform not part 01 it only -no never II r ntocracy will go rlcht on and grow fat under free coinage 11 we learc rail road, land, legal tender, referendum. coin redemption and all the other out. Murrender meaue death. Nay rather "(Jirame liberty or give ma death" a manly death please. J. M, Hutuicu. HUtoklk; Are you going to The Klondike? Do you know bow to get there? Write M. K. Hooer, C, V. & T. A l., U Denver, i;oio tor a aoiignuuiiy Illustrat ed pamplilet deroted to this subject. LUCKNOW AND CAWNPORI. Mow tba Cities t tba Awfsl Matter faob Te-Uef, Of tbc tbree cities In wblcb the greatest cnca of tbc mutiny were en acted Lucknow 1 today by far tbc most beautiful. Where the cruelcit deed In the bitter tragedy of Cawn pore ware done a fair garden wa laid out, and Into this no satire 1 remit ted to come, say tbc London Tele graph, A cross of wnjtc marble upon a black pedestal stand to mark tne ltc of Nana Sahib' Ulblghar, or wom an' quarters, In wblcb, at bis brutal order, the English women and chil dren were done to death. Over the well there stand now Daron Maro- cbettl' lovely figure of the Angel of the Resurrection.: with the txt "These are they which come out of great tribulation," while the Inscrip tion, written by the late Lord Elgin, runs: "Sacred to the memory of a great company of Christian peoplo, chiefly women and children, who, near tbia spot, were cruelly massacred by the follower of the rebel Nana of lllth- oor, and cast, the dying with the dead, Into the well below." Hut, outside, Cawnpore la the Manchester of India, doing a huge trade In cotton, saddlery and boots. At Delhi the most strik ing and Impressive memorial I the battered Cashmere gate and bastions, preserred with Infinite rare exactly a It was after Lleuts. Home and Ralkeld, three sergeant and a bugler boy.blew that narrow breach In It, at the coat of erery life but one, through which Campbell' column entered the city. Lucknow, bowerar, I a rery garden of garden. It ha It delightful park, and round erary European bungalow re wide pleaaauncoa, In which gor geous crotona, wonderful climbing plants, hibiscus atephanoll and the delicate maure bourganvllllss make splendid color, Ilefore tha beautifully kept grounda of tha residency there stand tba handsome obelisk erected by Lord Northbrook, while viceroy, to thoee natlre officers and sepoys who remained faithful, with Inscription In Hindoo and Hindustani. Within arc other memorials, but the first object of erery visitor s pllgrlmsge are the residency Itself and the cemetery. The (hot-riddled crumbling walla of the former tell their own eloquent story, and It la with subdued and thoughtful leeliagl that one mounu the tower whence aucb eir watch wa hDt vary amall tablet marks ths room la which Lawrence died, In the graveyard are tha resting placea of thoee men, women and little children, bo died or ware killed, aad were laid there at blgbt by loving tuadt, so per Li.,,., wa the arleg la tha datlltne. The gardener la rbeiie briac a luvaly little bounuet of hwt and lavender blue plumbaga. In rase tha visitor de atrea to lake away a aovtveatr af 4 spul a moutMul, tragi, Hat mrsly one would rather tail it la rwi upon the ttuible alea rseordlflg la hie own vrd thai "Here Ilea Iteary law rear, wSa tried lt da hie duly. Mar the l4rd hare nr-y oa kta aoul" am .ihfi ilk, I.M I.HM Ml Wi 1 a itMf IIMm ei imi IUIS .witt (w4 - 1 ea lo M tka fnukl tftaaaa i ktfr, !, ,1 belie. HOHtMHMlMm an i THE HOTEL WOMAN. be Utdi Iaely, Alalts, Wretched Bxluteoee. A writer wbo know more about the way of women apparently than Bal zac and da Maupassant combined baa been giving tbem some advice on the subject of bom life, aay the New York Commercial Adrertlser, He I nothing If not sympathetic, and grow quit pathetic over the misguided fa male who prefers to live la a hotel where "no duties call her" and where there ia nothing "to exercise ber Inge nulty or derelop her womanly talenta," to Keeping nous in "soma corner In this big world which tbey can call their own, tbelr very own." Tbl 1 heartrending, but nothing compared to me state of mind of tbe hotel wife when ber husband leave her In the morning, According to tbl sain writ er "she turn back into the room and wonder wbat ah can do during the day, bow she will employ herself, where she will go. There ia nothing in her room to appeal to her to stay there. No home duties confront ber. mere I nothing In her Ufa; two- third of bercelf He dormant," In fact, so deeperat I ber lonellne tbat be I actually "glad wben the time come for her husband to come borne; glad to feel tbat she ba some one to whom b can talk," Wbat a remark able young womanl IJut the young husband 1 a badly off almost a bl wife. To him material consideration appeal. He grieve because "the fur niture around them la not tbelr own: nothing around him la hi; everything 1 by lease, hi for a time for so much money; and after be 1 through pay ing for It be leaves it behind" which ia at least comforting new for tb ho tel proprietor, Wben tbe writer (peak of "tbe gorm of evolution which prlng from tbe hearthstone" we take It a a direct aspersion upon tbe hotel radiator, but wben be declare that "people wbo atop and stagnate arc nerer happy," we would like to ask wbat about tbe person wbo stagnate and go on. There are more eplgrama, but the following should be framed and flaunted by flat owner and aub ttrban cottage builder the world orer: "The humblest cottage la a million times better tban the most luxurlou hotel ever planned by tbe bands of man I" Tbink of tbat, little Mr. Lone soracburst, and nerer again enry your millionaire friend wbo live at the Waldorf-Astoria, Why We Io Hot Mre a Hundred Ter Almost all person die of disap pointment, personal, mental or bodily (on or accident. Tbe passions kill men sometime even suddenly. Tbe com mon expression, "choked with raaa." ba little exaggeration In It, for even though not suddenly fatal, strong pas alone shorten life. Strong-bodied men often die young, weak men live longer tban the trong, for the trong us tbelr strength and tbe weak bare none to use the latter take care of tbem elrec, the former do sot. A it 1 with the body, so ft 1 with tb mind and the temper; tb strong arc apt to break, or, like the candle, run; the weak burn out. The Inferior animal which lire temperate lire have gen erally tbelr prescribed term of year. Thus the horse lives twenty-five years, tn ox flfteen or twenty, the lion about twenty, the hog ten or twelve, tbe rab bit eight, tbe guinea pig six or seven. The numbers all bear oronortlon to tbe time tbe animal takes to grow it full lze. But man, of all animals. I one that aeldom come up to tbe aver age. He ought to live a hundred year, according to the physiological law, for five time twenty are one hundred; but Inatead of that ha scarce ly reache an average of four tlmea tbe growing period. The reaaon la ob vious man la not only the moat Ir regular and most Intemperate, but the most laborious and bard-working of all anlmala. He la always tha most Irritable, and there la reaaon to be lieve though we cannot tell what aa animal secretly fuels, that, more than tny other animal, man cherishes wrath to keep It warm, and consumes him self with the fire of his own reflections. DUeavery ( a a Motive power In 1643 a mechanic wbo had for many yaara puxiled and experimented on the aubject, brought to the atten tion of Emperor Charles Fifth, of Austria, an Invention by nieaua if which ships could ba propelled by stesm. The monarch wa greatly Im pressed and would no doubt have be come the patron of thle great Inven tion, but one of his prime ministers, evidently jealoua of the attention the Inventor waa receiving, ao worked upon lha mind of tbe emperor that hla interest In lha Invention waa quite de atroyed. In H4I a man waa put Into a mad house because he persistently followed some of the great meg of hi (ouutry about, declaring thai he tti discovered a new motive poaer that would revolutionise the machinery of (ha as. Many rountrle nd people hate t tainted la be the dltcaverere of testa aa a luotlv power, but the ae ouHii, ahlrh are well authenticated, em la settle the question Busily, tr tee we r Weetera Kaaes is uverrua this year aim royutee. waa thought that hey had been almost eiivraii aud by the waifitr msde by Ike set Here tf the hew country, N poll from that levtioa ladltata that they are luulllplylag Imtesd of Ulmla tikis They have killed Ihousaiid i.f sheep, end even i lata ihe frta era' hea houMe aad kill their ens, i arc aa pruietlg agalaal their levaataa, for aaa voyote, it eve eared, will whip three otdlaari dogs. Weta fc Ike rtttaietlfcHe, The rarluua eountrU of Ihe wort ow se 1 1. too dlftetaat atata of ! tg a'ampe. MILLIONS. I all Annie Leery t Chaperon Green's Daoghter, Mrlvln. Betty Mr, Hetty Green, America' rlcbct woman, ha made all arrangement foi the Introduction of her daughter Syl via iuio iew xorg' iuo this season. Mia Annie Leary of 90 Fifth avenue will act a chaperon to tbe young wo man. Mis Leary I wealthy, and al though she ba bad many suitors ha never married. She ha been tb In troducer Into ociety of wealthy girl nd women. There 1 one requisite, and that 1 that they shall have been convent-bred and Roman Catholic. One of tb fJrt debuntante under Miss Leary'a protection wa Mis Crlmmlns, the eldest daughter of John D, Crlm mlns, who afterward married Mr. Jen nlng of Brooklyn, Mr. Henry Plant, tbc wife of the millionaire hotel and express man, is another of Mis Leary' protege. It la g pleasure to ber, a be is wealthy and docs not care for any emolunent. In summer she live In an odd quarter of Newport, down a little street in the old part of the town. Here sbc give tea, and the en tire plutocracy of tbe place, Including Mr, Aitor and the Vanderbllts, ar her guests, Laat summer she bad stopping with her Mr. Yznaga, the mother of tbc duchess of Manchester. Mis Leary 1 genial and kind-hearted, intelligent and hospitable. She re ambles Mr. William Astor in appear nncc. Her hair I dark, she Is rather alight and she dresses In half-mourn Ing, Her Tuesday afternoons arc de lightful, a one meet at ber house not only the fashionable people, but upper Bohemia a well. Mis Leary'a father waa tbc batter of tbc first part of tbl century, and tbe grandfather of the present generation used to buy tbelr bats from him when he kept bl shop under tbc old Actor bouse. He wa a great friend of the original John Jacob Astor, wbo sold him furs to make the grandfather hat of that day. The Aa- tore and tbe Leary always visited, and tb friendship is a very warm one to day, and Mr, William Astor and Mis Leary ar devoted to each other. ell la Herlend, Also. AAP0Lis,Md., Jan. 0. What prom ises to prove a aerioua aplit among the Republicans in the Maryland 'giala- ture developed last night when an at tempt waa made to caucua for offleera of tbc general assembly, which eon venea to-day, Twelve of the eighteen jiembcra from Baltimore city refuaed to take part in the caucua, and after waiting for an hour behind the ap pointed time, the other Rcpubllcana met without them. Tbe bolt ia a pro teat againat Wellington, who la urg ing Judge MoComaa for United States senator to aueoeed Oormaa ulo Qr'me When you take Hood's rills. Tbeblg, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, wblcb tear you all to pieces, ara not In It with Hood's. ICaiy to take !Mdr and easy to operate, Is true of Hood's rills, which are Iq) 1 1 up to date In evnry respect. III V Hte, certain and sure. All I W drtiKKlHU. 26". C, I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mans, The only I'llls to take with Hood's Humapurllla. DR. 0. C. REYNOLDS. Residence Phone 655. Office Phone 656. Surgeon and : Consulting Physician Room 17,18 & 10, Rurr Hlock, LINCOLN, NIC OR. Office hours: 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday hours: 3 to 5 p.m. 0 per rent efflo California and Other I'a. rifle Coast 1 ravelere. The above reduction applies to tba time en route, Hy tha Northwestern Union 1'nalfle route the time leonenlht, oris hours, !, than by other llnee, Thiaenvea money, liertb rale, and thir teen hour of wearisome rar riding, At Fremont eonnectlone ar direct with throuah tourlet and Pullman elwimre. rhalreara to (lenver, Ovden, Halt Lake ritv, Portland and Han Franeiee. Iirv leg car through to the coast, (let tick, el and berth reservation ol A. H. Field lug. elty tleM agent, 117 south 10th at., Lincoln, Neb, Nebreeha a4 Wyeieilaf HMeeeker' KsenteMHM, Jan. 1, Feb, I aad W, Mareh 1 aad IS, April 5 aad 10, tb Klkhora-North, weetera Una, will aell tk'keta to Mat oa It line la Nebraaka, and la Wyoming we of aad Mmlliig tna Juartioa, at nee lr plus I i for the round trip. No fareitit U Ua than I9 0O, (1tyom, 1 1 T v loth si., depot, aor. It and M. eta, MaiHila, T B4 a4 Atoeba fatal. TkeNof(kelera Faloa Paeifta la Ike dlret t rwat ta Ike !' Huaad aad Alaeka Htiata, kiitraisc aad aMreiHa traiaa atak dlrwt eaaeetHa at Fre atoat wilhtkrottgh toutui aWitaan4 rrw revUalag ekair sate ti Pwrllaad, tr ewrrevt UbfMiaUoa vail oa A. K., eitytkk.t aat, tlleuath wthai., iJaewIe, Neb, ui'S LTrt;-..-j Aki MtHiuM lOrtlilU .nm raveaeaeiat I fc t-.s 1 1 i's e ee n. Smm . U 4Cl,!iJ1, t UaavMia tea NiaaAsa t lfbl ispaar the DEBUTANTE WITH THERE ISA CLASS OF PEOPLE Wko are Injured by tke ee ot eoRne, Recently tkere bu twee placed In ell tbe grocery ilore sew preparation celled UI(la-0, made ol per aralse, that takee the place ol eoflae, Tke no, delicate etumteb receive It without dlatreat, and bst lew ess tell It from eoflee. It doee sot eoer ever Uj ae msi b. Children may drink U itk greet be Try It. at benefit. iet. and ot. per passage. lekfur OhaIN-O, When billon or eoativc, eat a Coscaret candy cathartie,curcguaranteed,l0e,35e 318 B Street, Lincoln, Neb. Receive all kind of Hide and For to tan for Robe and Leather. 11 idea tan'd on abarea. Highest price paid for Hldee. XXexxry XZolxaa, Propr, riM WATCH RIPAIRINQ. E. S. KING, SCIENTIFIC REFRACTING OPTICIAN, Weak and Strained Eyec Success fully Fitted, .... No Atropine, bo loct time. 1800 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB. Portrait Lai5 scaps UO80. 11th St. Oallery Xitabllibed U7k LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. rOtt tVlNB FHOTOORAPHH . , . OO TO , , . Kennedy's Photograph Parlors, 182 Bo. 12th Stmt. ine Cabintl H.OO ptt Veztn. atistoetloa Oaaraatete, We stake Orayoa F ortralte aheap and la the Koet arttetle tUe. PlUCTlCE LlMITKO TO DiaiAaca or the Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat .i-i DR. S.E.COOK, 1118 0 ST., Lincoln, Nebr. Bonn from 9:80 to 13:80 a.m; 3 to 5 p.i WHEN YOU WRITE JO YOUR FRIENDS who arc coming weat to visit yon, just add a poat crlpt like tbie: "Be cure and take tbe Burlington Route. It 'a much the beet." Yon are quite cafe in do ing tbia because our service from Chicago. Peoria. St. Louis, and Kansas City, In fact all eastern, southeast ern, and southern cltiea la juet aa good aa our aorvlce to those points. And that aa everyone who ia ao qualntod witb it will teatify, is the best there fa. Ticket and time table on application at B. St M. depot, or city office, corner 10th and 0 street. (, W. BONNELL, 0, P. & T. A. LINCOLN. HEB. W.mi Hi P. D. StteRWIN DENTIST... Coaaultlng room eWeoad flutir LINOOLU . . . BURf BLK NIB1A8K1 'X ITifl rises aa eei iT . f) 1 1. S t Vri U)U 4itH lulls . iu et.4 VVmeai 'si4 Afu,f SwikbiHirMrM,! ribt eel be ir i i m t it i 1 1 ., e !?.' e wm MrIIJU CIO. fU.a4 mm4 k. t,.k hii itntaMi . . e-n M , exie bH Sm MNH-a Haaaov, t-lfWMmj.mlM writlag to air a4vrti. uncoil TANNERY ryT" . m CC J