The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 06, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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January G, 1898.
TM AwUfsc TVsr Ict, From WhUA
riutorr wi r-it white fee.
1 OrM Is rptfr- A tbe4ef( hhsrp
mr4 In a Vutmj lA
IJobB Clark KWftOi i 2Mnrf rn.)
1 iUo ot)l7 Lfgotteit awl drly
Moved eon rf vinr, the off.rlog i
ofr dting'toouaud tn'recrool Man tl:
The total txmdfjd ladoUnf!f.fl arMnfr
ootof civil Mid ntn;htloiial CuOct
tluliof tie grt loe.ljig power of thft
worldI ulnittd about 20(000,000,'
000. liofloce f or 61 booreju tbo p
I)ttlllng(f(rrtti9 c'njxidcrtb proemiM
of thlaiutokralloijJ'Hibui'; tf to tf
ante the horror of tbi hr!J w;lKb tbo
ktid ktiKtlb of lim who rest tin
der it, ftud tbftn difelr ud die.
Twmity tbfrtiwnd wlllioi of dolknf
HlU.iutn, vUlnuthuiMt, yhilowh
jbnr, invtuhirtu, jotmllt, iioutb
jiieuee of oltilizaUoii, oti and all of
yrti, bow do yon like the exbJMtf 1
it uot ioffl'r Wbo it goiitf ty jy tb
wxitiot? Tb 4J. WH wltbout
llftlaf fmyd of turning in Halt downy
Mn, will flfctbcjr thin iufamou bewmt
during nil lb twuitiotb (muturjl Tb
II b fceeo ibe Imnwraorifel poller of
(be tauuef pometiotoumt ware fttiwnfl
tbe aetlone, to cdfre on the eoufltot un
til both partita put nafot tb hdyw
of iipndSi Urkmptcy, w oy up
th prwIlKkoedebl of lotii witb ft pall
fal of tfold, to rlo tb debt to per, to
iim-pl patriotic pfodftMifttk for pre
ferring tb national botwf, d finally
to hire tbe preeee ud pulpit of two
continent to glorify tho crime.
And now fitnim ft imrrMou rot o!o
, tion. Tbe war debt gambler of the
world bare eoddfinly and 1 lrrj t J jr
changi tb'ilr game, '1 by are no linger
tho rmitri of war, fcw b and mcral
tboy bavo taruod Uut and Wx;in tho
cbainploua of order an1 padJb:afioo.
tii Jaroo liotbdcbild, pbiknthroplAt
od boatttcUir, baa Jiul tb Hodety
of Friend' I 'U.a Morgaa tjuAU aUt, fol
lowing bis irunipH btt duliitUd uwbjf
tb bftnniir of tbo l'oaoe mxkty t hum -lrd
atront and Wall atrt bava oj- n.4
beadqnartera for tbo diMKitiiination of
tba principle cf tb goajl, and tbo
Stock Excharigo baa Xmtitm tbo ebb.-f
aoxiliary of tlt HlUnt Army t TM
turn in bniuau affair U tuA only won
dorfttl it la inirMulona.
" Tbo poworfol oonyriri of tbo cbfof
plntOpratanf twooontincnta Ui thtt prin
cipla of WiUiain I'ran i an nvtul not
to bo paaaud without fioto ti ftvlmirav
tion. It la only onco in awbilo that tho
malevolent power cf tbia world g t
oonwirsbco In tboia and ao fall in lovo
witb tbo boiiiao xv a. Hf b a tliiug i
well ealoalatfld to xcil wic,Um. It
reqairt at luaat to IO ozpbtinod
'tlitbcrto the ruonny ftotntTacy of tbo
world baa alway Uxm antfoua h,r war.
It waa by war lu(kd that iho ututicy
cower came iulo Ijoing, bud by that
Agency it lia tuotuUA to the ti rone of
the nttUuua. liutllo I a barn to the pin
tocrjtio empire tb ouo boautlful and
iupirin fw t in binary. War baal
way duiniindod tmvurtHm. War hu to
be upporUl ivilh wliat orator tall
"tho niuewa" of war. War nut bo f4
and nippliud and rtri'ijftht.-uti at an es
pondilore that would Ui apimlling to
tbo boinau iniaftinatinti if it were not
eo glorlou. Ib;m whn wur t'plnw
bommitiK Ix'Kin. Tho bond o(Ti(i
tahlibod, and for rthyluk the bond
oflloo 1 tbo ojm '.a gute into tho boule
ford of KlyMiuut.
It i by tbla method that the great
WAV dt bU of the world have btwn creat
ed. Tbry bave bw-u cnUxl fur the
bouvlltof plutoonw yat the t um of
tbo toiling milium. To thia toUnt the
atibeweof war bAabuniuinlml jx rfix tly
Witb the pnrpoM of Miyhx It, The war
god and the god of gold bave Ui a
lr of Hollo brotbitrK Tboir dominion
La botsit ciUiudcd and oonflrmwl until
at laat every grout nation of the earth
owna tbrlr away, That the god of gold
abould bore at the vUm of the nluv
teentii nutury udluitly dlavolve hi
trtaerbip witb the god of war and
Join the ftN'My of Krtuttl l, we re
peat, ft thing eu luam loo a to arouie
oveo phihiMpbr from LU reverie,
Albeit it t ft gl thing to Iwbmg to
the tkx4ety of rh mU tf cue I liur e
la bl !wju,u Ibe aruHu ui the
Hat by abould FhyUi lf Uwma ft
luau of The raii U uo far U
twit. The r'l U that the grrt game
of luaktug War fi r the Uom of u
I Inn I and uiriMilhil UudhtthlM
baa imii) u li )iot plrtjr, The Ihom
I khaulnl, tiv aiMilhvf taut ran l
( without t)iigr lo the plutotnittUt
gtubUiho tvo biug gihrn (he
bar! of the wrbl WIIU tlw blly
kkleofwar, 1 he 1 t.v of Mtuklug
war d I ?e m gvi lo ftttilof utthuul
IfOMlMg llmt IU ti'Ul WtthUlUAU'
klh'l, bthr lut-Uut U lujeit, kl
IImi aMiuti thiir UtUiaa4 iwUtut
tbvtr i t Mlt.
NVh ur ile hlmk i. be U Mot ft
kI. He atuie nUm be baa gu far
ut'ii'b, Hi wile bae imu latii
by ii4 if aiM!ll ttlvU fttld
ttobttuu, livtatiy b iul hint the
Mtxt uultll'l ftud the MMtl dlntUlg
be piU a Ibe KM! 1 Utile tf all Ittluj
rfaii ft A 11 1 tue'hr be
lag IM Tl ali 'J til4 lie b
ante klad of ftarraali' b
rtM ullkabaaHvT ' n
rMwe Mear4 llalw ee uaglit fw
fteuH Ike llaeeluot lIade laeM
AtnoiWttae bave Iklrty MiIIIIimi dulUrt
IftvwUt) tkure. Well, II Ibat le hh logte
Ike failed Plfttee ought lo Ut aaaeaej
t Keslaad bNiaea Ike ItfliUk ktrt
f l1'"; tft'?e lit-! rf
iibybiok per''irfc that bo cannot fui
thorincreBMibi holding by thoroathod
of wrtbt i, bo cannot further en
large hi bond without AuuMt, Jf pr
coiv that the very proet by wblcb
be bft 0Hi&d bl tinfewned (r:ann
if about to turn the other way, Gladly
would b involve not only cm nation
or Mvcral nation, but ell n&tiou, in
bloody war, if bo wight lafdy got
tbwohy acotbw bond. OJadly would Jjo
not only one poopje or wvwal pw-pl-,
but all pfioplwr, d';Vhtt'd and
rolnd, If be might alt on the throne of
tholr d;vattttloi and build for him If
out iA thit blofid and VMaltb anotlur
twiipkand nnofhwr tr;aure bouse, iht
he pfrreffivo at the yumui juiuiiunujt
burriau afTair ibat bo ha played hi
game to the point of danger, A (thwlowy,
aburp aword be bwjn drawn by tbo
aintwy band of manklud, and tbl
w'rd I laid Attm vtut tho fw
f Bhybxk, He mm it and fft it, and
for tbi UWAi h turn v nrM.nuk r uiu
ay to tbo world "Wanklnd, I am
Jour friend. I am a frlond of bumauity,
winb tbo nation to devoto th' Ww lvi!
ttf pwojoable cntwpri' I wJh to o
the 'bolnK intt' of yoo all pro
Ur,W and ubtfg')d, JTatlon abould wot
fight any taws. Jar i litu r than
war, l'caoo pmwt; bualn' and in
dntry, I am for p w, and tot thi
bave I joiiod tho Tti uA"
AlUr tbi HbyW:k turn
ftxldo and inuing in the dim light of
hi ofl'JO aay mfiUt wt "It thy flgbt
iny more, tbo inUrrcut on my bond
I oannot be pld, h fnU, tbo inurgnt
will fimmtf turn vym me and my
tribe and dotroy our bolutM, 1 mut
I kp my influorwi witb tbo ctompti
I ble Clirintlao nation, el th'y will
oae to aupport me and my rnUrprioe,
' My tiwdntstm i t live by tbo Uteit of
. other, Tbl I bave to V undr tho
prttUum of patriotio aatifloe, J'ity it 1
j that I cannot wurago war any brfgor
that I AMOblig'td by the nnfavrablo
atate of my bowln to b4d book tb;o
nation from continuing to cut one an-
other throata for my imtit, but aucb
I The revorie of HhyUk continue tbo s
j "I noto that r:kh lad!r in aevral
. oountrio for the aako of holding thoir
j btftdorahlp ar appealing to the war
apirlt and inciting their r-tpw:tive poo
ph etoarm. They are fool, 'thf jmm
tni to know that they cannot make war
, without mo, I will riot hrt thorn fight,
j for it ba U nun Amwim to tho
j 'bufn interest' of the world, I will
j bt the fwl patriot tlow llttlo, for
. that i iMAnumrf in flection year, tmt
btUx week or two of fctwb orao-rb;ol
txtiftMm I will plff k them by tho tail
of their au atd tntf,'Omtu down,'
And they will come down,"
j Tbl aituatiou i horribly arnulng.
It I enough V cauao ft b udder in the
heart of humanity, Ttio loouey jwwer
j of tbo world i in allluneo with the
govcrnmont of the world. Theae gov
cmutcut think, not without reaon, '
that without aoob alllaneo they cannot (
aurvivo. In all of thctn that are con
ducted by irty the money power i in
' league with tho party that in, with
the dominant party. The dotuiuuut
party ubl8 by mean of opularfn
thuftiaxm and plukicratlo oj imrt, Tho
party 1 obliged to kludlocuthuMiuMii or
pf?lh. Lven iu toonarcbiea, audi a
(ituat liritaiuand ( Mr many, there rnunt
bo u p rpetual rally of the joi-lo to
the utaii'lard t the party lu ixwer, Tho
nwwry cnthunluMui ium of tho proi
uet of war and of warlike itgiUtioii.
The party i there-font for war, The
Irty leader of every country are aux
iou iu promoto at lent the plrlt of
war in order to gain jxjmlur tavor by
the prrHilatiifttion of fthaut pat riot inn.
liithertu till thing ha Ueu uiethol
mokt pleaNliig toHjyliKk, I lu, a well
. a the party autocrat, ba gone to hi
clnaot with thankftgiviug and praino at
the clowi of every day which by it
' evtsut ba fanned the incipient llamea
of wur, The fact la that there are not
in the whole world any better friend
naturally and hUtorhally than tho party
g4 and thu god of gold unlewi it
ahould be the god of gold ami bl bod
fid low, 11 Wootlon beaded king.
I The triune alliance of dtrmngogue,
tb lock and king hue Ueu brokon lu
tbeae ItMt day if the emonloii of fi,y.
luck from the league. Fhylnck ba el-
j way Ueu the great guniua iu the inter
natiouai trmllng houte of king, parly
end company, lie ba Uu tlie tileut
partner and ba dcue the thinking for
the (H'Ueeni. A to prluolpltt, he dm
uol ktmw what IhatU ilealwayMpell
II priiuilpal, III Interwt lie that way.
He baa t nled In rucciit yrar the on
win lag pond I tb n lu (he world ami ba
I luadtf up hi lutiid lo Iioum bliiiw If
againt the portcudiiigto-iriii, UI gtt
lllig tdy Whetl tba lollil oniue lo
drop, like ft tral larva, tutu hi uh
liruaM aUwIa and pull down thu iru
dm l over li hd, lie tutttid lo bmva
(he film of king, -uy and compuy to
uljut It luMlilin a Ut It may,
j be ll al Ihe mulief let le of the
Ml W lit U ha mi hand on Ibe Uble.
lit thai baud he bohU Ilia ttiif of lu
l iHaliiial 'Mi bti4 and natury.
With lhe tiling be utttt (be pau
if tiuhftMl Utile, 'lb lilil bl
lu u to vlni aiuund lh rt! if Ihe
1 Woild. The iiit ling il Uii l
j WUU llod Imkthi bilwldle hi
- tvliu tltl. Pal bUHUr band I
tnd r Ilia UI I In lid baud be held
IhetMlug if iliphaiiMy and - liila
Ul b lli( llvlit hi etllm 11 Ilia V It I of
Ibe (Millt. And Willi Ikl bemt, wUio
u Iho ib g of war I aU'Ut lo nug,
be jitai kiwi batkaud ; ")uwm,
It I In lit light if lhe f I aiol
jiriui tiihe lhl Ihe IIIIim iioullu-
! and ftiiutiiiaihit 1 1 Itue, bid iu ibe
' balU(le bell and n led Inan ail
Hie wiiioltng lrd of J' MiuahMO lu
araiid AhiI, are lo be lulf'
lhrid, 1 Iimm htuiiii elgalfy nothing
luftlUnV: aioi t piatt t ml,
)UT-lUtf, by lt. iWge
'e have ua Ie4 lu
Kavleg b leipe r,jfbk i r
Meaayji ' -ftbftU
under Milium and Knottier it whenover
it portend ft real conflagration.
It i in till muM that tho liat Ion
bave town goig to war of Into, VvaiifM
and Llum.lH bave been getting ready to
arum imumuy, l.tland and KokkIii
bvo UiH on the eve of bonliiitie.
Kiglund and (ii rmuiif have I mi about
to try the dwlalou of tho .sword, p'jg
land and lUu United Htale bave put on
the panoply of battlo, Thu United Htat(j
and rpalo bvo iim n war about Vxihn
hi tho uewwpapi'rN and tho aenula Ho
on to tb end of the category ;f rumor
and outgiving of imminent and uni
versal war,
TbJachou'ir han;our)ted to nothing,
for the imploMnd o1m nun that Hby
im;k will not aupport It, Ho far a party
it 4tM;tni4, thu mm tit tbo war trumpet
hu avalhwl but mutt. iJecp down in
the bottom of tbo agitation nd turtiniil
of the tlino imU'i-n tho conservative
fto of tho penee loving Hhylock, wbo
know full well tbaf hi bond iaalreiuly
a large u thu world will carry, lie
know when bo ha auflicieutly atruluod
tbo credit and tho pallene-o of mankind.
Ho know what wiJl come if ho at
tempt to retew tho war play among
any of the great nation, Jfuknow that
VtuwM can bear womoroi (bat (Germany
ba enough; that Kuhnia muMtuit for
her own intercut and for hl that Kng.
land dare not add to her already intol
erable burd that even the party rid
den United fctate, with ail her patriot
Uui and democracy, i at tho end of tho
Journey td debt, and that any further
ftdditiou tit the American iucubu will
end oither in the atrangnlatiou of lib
erty or in theiufturrcctiou of the people,
or both.
It I or tbi rcaMon that Hhylock,
pbilanlbroolut and UtinttwUir, ha
gbangftd hi irnmcmrrlal llb'y, It i
for thi that, from being tho promoter
pf uoivcrMil wur, be ba bee;mo the ad
vocate of uuivornal peace, ii couro i
trb:lly logical, Hi defection from tho
international parly of war and politic
P tho party of utrlet bunUmn i in p;r
fiict mxitilaiUn with the noble priiu i
pic by which lie bcvcr been imipired,
rbybx k i for bimaclf. Ho i all thing
to all men if by any mean bo may
gain ome, To him it I a matter of per
foot iudlffcrenco whether ho be accre
tary of war or aocrctury of tho peace o
ciety, He join tho one or tho other ac
cording to tbo ruH of exchange and tbo
extent and variety of hi coupon.
It i for t)iei reau that Jtothacbild
ba U'mum a Friend, Hi conversion i
not at all iucounlMtent. Ho can per form
tho peace a t a well a the war act,
Iudecd ho can (wrform both part at
once. In the oame day ho nubwvibi: for
tho building of an amcnaJ and for
now edition of Huuitmr'u jwh on
"TbeTruutirsndeurof Nation." To
blm it i all one whether the world
bbxon with garden, ripen with
orange, amile with harvest of wheat
or whether it i trodden into mire and
blood under the raging charge of cov
airy and thu explosion of horrid hcli
that i, it i all one to him if hi cou
pon are promptly paid and hi boud
hhylock U now immUt in good
atandlng of the Hocioty For tho Promo
tion of Universal I'cace. Hu ha Invilid
Morgan and lizard Frerea and C'ur
Ijegin and Havemeyer and ltockefeller
to Join, The invitation to Pullman ha
Japned. Hhylock i doing good -rvlco.
it in to bis interest . Hu U willing to
preach, and ho preacheii. The spirit
move him. Ho in lirmly jx-rsuaded that
nation hi;uld war no more. 1I doi;e
not intend that any ahall light, fr tbo
reason that that would muku it necea
nary for him to lend them hi gold. Ib
cannot lend them any more gold for
fear he will never gut it back again.
Hi old policy of involving mankind iu
wan in order to have bin moneys doubled
v, w ..., omiuui lUHiresi naa
exhausted itself, and time, are hard. It
wiiij reiimuis W wi wuat new scnemo
Hhylock will invent iu hi present char
acter of philanthropist and vecretury of
iuo yearly mis ting.
A Case of Ny titrate Catena in It Went
Fof m Cuitd.
lovalid would do well to rnd the lol-
lowing ltter recently written to lr.
lUrtmin br Mr. Ab Miller, of Htihst.
villi, Indinaa, Not only read it, but
I louder on It. Not only ponder 011 it,
iut net upon It. II wnUsi; "A word of
iiraiM lo
IliedH'lll.-s. I lie..'
gnu laklmr V
ru n the ydth of
IVbruary, ll7.
1 2.11 ...
TS out, Myweliiht
1 v "T Meant pouud.
Nsn I wue k and
" ' V W ' 4 almimt rn lv li
f V V S Kololb I bad
7 : V ' ralarrh, aslluiia
I .T ,'v and aldiiey irou.
,l, I have tsk-
en lea UlltiM of
IV 1 a ua and I Mlak lot pouaU. I ll
a II Itould ibi as tmuli wmk a aay
man on tarlh. I dad I'M tn
dia lors, oiit o kitt M u.l(,it s
ere in Ik stats. Pal ana id llim did
me any gmi I, At 1mI I im Vm ae.
adlHlewil. Ibrft I kW Inklarf It an I
tl ! DUIwd Mm, W. I riMiu'iidd II
li my Mnel.b.if ud il i doti.rf Mi wuta
lor lorn. l hat kiiiI li.iir puend
Iroin ll. use ol thrva hot 1 "
K in lu k V ru a Urn lUaului lur
lag I oMi My, t iiluMihu. tiiii.i, lif lrt
liwk tit Mltnh wriiuu by Ur. Marl
Ak ar druMtfMii tor ft trv IV la a
Alioaaa Ur I " V " .
itiisr t i'uir
Ved who lUtllk al'4i H4 of Ihe
Kl wiy lo gotiru people ate Imlnod
NllisV thai a louih fun a we iitakw
f a guvviitimMt id ailitity it Uai
u iliiMniil If plat' IS' , the Iosm
bsi It luiu li'k em 1 1 bae
Nelltiil bf Ihe pi ami ftuf.4leHle
ihau Ihe man ibal It l"o aud I
auiM h k 1 he Mewl lynutahml iple
t baft ft IbiMie who i prang l.a 1st
iM- - Boarding-
W Mauca W
4WBy Day or Week.
1342 N St.
Tii Mutlxrit ,NrniM llllli
It SWIill HiwUily i YAIM.
There arc f;isli!oim In maladbtN a
well a in drc, and frejucntly tho
nuiltt'lle are 11a little msw a tho "Jut
ct novelty" In drew, only they urts
both new to our attention, uud there
fitru one of apecbtl Importance,
VVn are inellried P tliiuk In the
matter of dlMrnw, "nrvea" arc chiicc
lally absorbing attentboi at prenent,
and or! considered julte a feature of
the prcNcnt age. VVe otiiwlvrm ar in
clined to think Ibat modern reeve arc
very uiiudi like tiicir nUUse brethren,
W'm have only to opon tin pag -a of the
Jlgbti'r literature of Je. th in a cen
tury ago to read, with a mixture of
umuaeiueut and contempt, of the "va
por," "woon"and "nobbing" of tbo
female element of eocicty, uud of the
nervoue Irritability of the atronger
a'X, Under tho light of our preeent
kiwwledge we trac-e the prevahouie of
neurotic and hysterical condition
piite unconsciously placed laifore uh,
and treated very mueli a a matter of
Iteuring fn mind that we live in an
age of prcae'ire and hurry; that nerv
ous tendenclea are detected ami cIuhsI-
lled in an utihesitatfng and relentless
fashiou, rjuit unknown when "vapors"
and "swooning" si-emed to be the
correct characteristic of "truly lady
like helnifs," and thu broken head of a
post-boy we but a mild indication on
the part of a young man, we consider
that modern minds may with reason
abate some of their "nervous" fear u
to the degeneracy of the age.
Jfow a
'nol il trait Wur
l;f'j! Work or.
Hick ISeckman ha a unloue fly
trap at hi placo of business Jn Ala
meda, Cat, There is not another trap
in Alameda like it, and probably not
another lo the stite. The trap Is an
effective one, tx, and Mr. itcckman
declares that he ha never seen one
that could beat it
On tho counter in Mr, Iteekrnan'a
ahre Is a transparent glass Jar rilled
with water. 1 his I the home of two
festive bullfrogs, and they are the fly
Thwre are perches In the jar for tho
eortvcn eficw of tint frogs, ami heru
they Jive, apparently happy and con
tented, A sucill rilatform aurrouuds
the mouth of the Jar, where the bull
frogs sit and masticate the Hies which
alight within their reach.
The frog never moves a muscle,
while cut'-liiiiir Hies. Uet it iret its
eagle eye" on a little fly within four
inches of its mouth and it Is Melted up
like a (lash. Thu frog has a tongue
like a snake and it darts at its prey as
qult'k as a wink,
The frogs ure great Mts and they
never attempt to leave their homo lu
tins glass Jar unless a rain-storm is ap
proaching, hwI tle-n they want to get
filltwlf Mir 'f'ltjttr tiirtj11 tli.e eu I n In 4liA
, r, Bn, Br U.iu.t ,Ueatra of a
,.ulng lu the weather than a barom-
CATAItlltl IN Till: II KAI), thnt troti.
I.lesonm and disgusting disensn, ninv be
entirely cured by a thorough eourwiof
Hood's Karsuparilla, the great blood
HOOD'S l'lUUKciire nausea, ick bend'
ache, IndigiiHtlou, blllouHUisa. All drug
giata, '1m,
lt' t unit' Wiirlil. IimIimI.
When von 11 iv skipping gaily down
he path is mIicii t-utch your ton
Hid tlliublf, On (h,t other hand,
tiilishliiK eoiios iinly whi-ii the
i ootids tiri'sk. Ihe man wlm gets
he iiehl.Ui out of hi shtw Is Urn
1 UIM.y rt, 'ci,,, f,.nw wlm never
ihii a pennio 111 ni sinte is merely an
udlfTereiit onu, Ymi must g.i hungry
scssloiMlly to know the real ileaiurt
tf a gissl dinner. Misfortune clears
tay I Iim sui plus of g'sxl things and
tiriens Ihe senses fur Ihelr eiljoy
bent whi'U lhiy iHiui again,
DeftHTvUeoelpit ami Butek Tt Lift
It yea aat lo quit tobaeeti aaing
aiiily aud l'irrr, I made Ml, alrone',
maMH, lull ol as lit and tiger, 1st
Nf Tit, the uudaiirf, ikal
makse wk m trieg. Um ai
ta HiuaUla le day, Dvr imi,imiO
rar., Pay 1 ol tour ilruK .
adi luwraalne In ur. fc"e or fltsi,
tiHtlaalMia'l mwiW Ir, Add
tttsrliag UstMsvty t'u, I hlengit or ,St V,
. um mm
y"U4 1
Tiiaat Maftat
OfteMiMtft Aft
j.tll. I I' Ml-'l MUf '' lv,.!.
.m i p
tr-m' s4, 4 ', Is IS
i, ho.m m in
SttiKtili: Jfctrltti
.. h
I p
The Farmer's Exchange
Will Have on Sale This week:
1 BO lb ck best Pancake flour..... ....$ .75
lauek best Half Potent 1.20
1 sack (rood Uread Flour... ....,.. 1.10
1 suck finest 1 1 fuh Patent (nothing better) l.JIO
i can Kiigar Corn..,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.,,,,,,,, .,...,.,.,., ,25
(1 enn best torniitos.,,,,, , ,.,. ,25
?l run best 1'in i'ouclic.,, ,., .,,.......0........ .... .25
SOlbegoodHinnr , 1.00
JOIbsgooi Coffee,.., , , 1.00
1 Ih Hat He At Tobacco .20
1 lb il. H.Tolmceo.,.. ., .40
10 lbs band picked Unarm,, , ,., ,25
1 gallon Hugar JJrip Hyrup,,..,. ,.,,. .. .25
1 bucket " " " , 45
JO ll.s Uuckwlmut Flour for , ,25
H lb pure " " , ,25
1 barrel Wiueaap or Jenaton Apilos, ., 1,75
All Ciuiulm Clicnp ut :tl Nofflirriiiih Hti-oot
4T. "W. ZZV.Xl,rXjZ3-Vf Agout.
Wholesale and Jlctail Dealer.
1 lot building and cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monument! of modern design always on hand.
DIRECT. .....
Write (or cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address,
Cor. 15th and O Sti., LINCOLN, NED.
The best
The best
Our Majestic Coal Is good;
Lehigh Valley Is the
Best Hard Coal . . .
vilfSsWaVy smet Union
UI ill 1 WUALraiLB
Hay.GrainandMill Feeds, Bale-Ties
14th and Nicholas Sis..
This Mill is
nia'le to tvr
(lite our liitfli
grade of work,
nd i sol'l t
deloach mill manMcIuring co.i
MKT. U II. IU, I). I, M.M.r,
PllUlirg, rH Tomsts, r . e Oris, I , N Vek. R. T . Wsislns, 0. 0 Prs
Sm, (si., I sl.wis lll SI. Lust, M, ssd lstM, t iuJi,
Thra sr lnf (mwHIiib s eiM Ik .kHil ., r4 hf rxisistlns,
d.s'S, M ksd s.i ai Ik mi '. UsntssM lltii h.f sism
iMllwtl IS rl fl IS II. S. ! I ), ? M W MSl Ul lklM Iltf4 thH
H.tH iluss. tM fitwl tns At4r sll sttltrIUs l fll
leeAi tTFl T V 1 !? 1 ft "
UaVtUlliUI VlJl'li.r W I.,,,
UuJSJl.lS. ti SI I SI MS kt Sibl
A le Wi Wjme.
'(Mtt ftpak ft M !
i , US
. 4 Baiaxtos. tt-i k4
ISO 0IMa)llia HttK M I''
nlw(l Kk S .! i'l
ftVlKSll, Mr, e4r HI
llii.iH ,Htst i'H iii ee
ftm, .nan, ,iftasJwW ft m!Vammt!n
place to trade J j J j- j
grades of Coal always on
our White Ash will suit you
PhntiA QQC
rnUlie J JD
Tu Co., 1016 0 St. I
I'l.ANHUH end
CORN, i'V.HU, sml
I'I,Ol k MII.I.H,
WATKR Wlllil'.I.H,
COKN tOir.f.I.I'.KS,
J'KA llfl.I.l'.KH,
erl'RICI'.li I,UW.
LarohCataluud fSKR.
Mm OtSM, I'M W.linl,.n St., N. T.
hwi I 'ttwe. III IMIilit.NI l.Miti.Mn,
tmns is Mi I
,mh t.i ,.m h. uioilimiit,
Ilk. i ... luuL t mm lL
n4 ffMYRQYAl
Mn SMlHMlM m S
,k 1. . . tt
M4IIS) rMsRWkftf,
lll(IWKt'l.t. Ill
ertlliifj Ia our e ltcitiwie