THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. January 6, 1898 I BRASKA INDEPENDENT 1 taMlidttloi tf u IHB WEALTH MAEEBI ai "HIOOII IMDEPBBDEMT." fVILUHKD KVIIY THURSDAY BY (b 3nbjenbnt pulUt?.n$ 0. USO M TBKKT, LlNOObM. NaNASKA! TlLBPMONi, 038. $1,00 PERYEAE IN ADVANCE. lAA, nil ummaulcaMiHil to. oJ uakaall lull, ; ordara, t pa,rbl to TUB INUEi'KNI'KNT I'UB, CO., Lincoln, yttn ClillA, "I am a believer iu human freedom. do Dot believe flod vr created one man to be the bondslave or tho victim of an other. Tha right of freedom la na unl- yeraal a th human rot, and wherever tb ray of tlje nun hln they nhouM full on free men, regardless of color or con dltloo."-Bonator Allen Iu tha United Btatae Hen at", December 8, 11)7. Blnce the auorem court auatalnod every contention made by Attorney General Hmytb In tha Ilartln cao, It would ba lntrMtfuic to know Jf tha Btat Journal will admit that Mr, Bmyth la a competent public official, Wa predict for Hon. Eugene Moore tha same pleaaant trip that ban been mapped out for Mr. Hartley, There are many irtitliur aminos bf the wayaido, but with a pilot like Attorney General Hmytb he will ba landed safely at tne proper nar bur. There la no doubt about It, Laud Commiialoner J V. Wolfe la to be congratulated upon hla remarkable .buttles aa a collector, lie baa auo- oeedad fo collecting f 1J0U.80 from Hon. Jack MacCall. ei-reptiblloan eaudldate for governor. Tha above amount paya ona-half of the amount of Mr. Maouail a debt to the atata for the ue of achool landa. Mr. Bryan baa returned from hla trip to MmiIco, Tuesday evening the Travel Imr Mun'a IJryan club tendered him a magnificent reception and an elaborate banquet. Many prominent tpeaker were preaent and the event wo one of the sreateat of the kind ever given in thieclty, It waa a eplendld exfWieelon of loyalty to Nebraaka'a moat famona citizen. Secretary of tate, Hon. W. F. Porter baa collested for fee and turned over to the atata treasurer up to December 81, - '07, f 4 100, more than twice the amount the republican secretary of etate Jol A, Piper collected during a full term of two yeara. Mr. Weeaner, deputy of aecretary of at at, eaya that the Indicationa are that the fee for 1808 will exceed f 5000. Thla la the fruit that one populist law la bearing fur the taxpnyere of Nebraska How do you like it? The latest deuealon of tho auprome court would seem to Indicate that At torney General Bmy th knowa aometbiug about criminal law. He baa proven him eolf more than a match for Mr. Hartley and hla army of attorney. It la quite immaterial to the people of Nebruaka whether Mr. Bmyth epelle hla name with an "I" or a "y", or whether be parte bla bair In tha middle or on tha aide but tbey will fully appreciate hla untiring . energy and faithful eervicein proaecut lag defaulting public official, Tha large attendant at the atata teaeher'a naaoolaliou which met In Lin cola laat week la to be accounted for largely by the greatly luoraaaed amount of tha achool apportionment. Thia money waa promptly paid out by the atate treaaurer to tha aavaral couutlee la the atate, and tha achool trwaaurvre ware able to pay tha taaoaere aalark that ware due, TblalurnUhed the teach er the ready money with which to pay the el pen of tho trip to Lincoln, Ilia tachr of the atata appreciate tha enVWat and rompt work of Treasurer llerv and Htal Huperlutaudeat Jatkeoa. Kvary Nabraakaa baa raoa to f proud ol the credit ol kl atata. It kaa Iwaa W(iitdr(ully improved duriag tho laat Jar, Laat mk rWralary 14 Blal lloa, W, IM'ttrtat 1J ki floo ar ran I for a quart? id a yvat'a aalary, la the rWarity lavwtatoat auaipouy, ot able Ikat famoaa tpul.l,a Lk. taet Oomaor IU K. Mutira k ri (Wat, for ot TV I'taa l rpaUMaa oltlfiala rtaaM thatlha etata'e vrtlit U Hvk twllvr ta ttutUt kaada Uaa aadwr tka t4,atr4 4 rvpuMh-aaa K I,WihMt tlottraor It, t ItkKtra buya warraata aM-mltag l akat try are wrla, Ladr rapablaaa admlaMialkiae Im ai4 aUmt 0.1 tat the Jilr M arraala, at Ike rv,at tlw ka la pay. lag tiHI. Tt at a tha dullr Km tft aawta kiad w) warraata, t'aa pa m tk a(t if t'a tkaaga? aiNa naara tlaiut oagkt to aaHrt the HaaaHaa liada Autk'aaa kave Ikirty atltliua dolUra IttmWd tkr, Wall, U thai W guoJ UigW Die laittj (ttataa ougkt to U aaaeaaj IN) Inland kaaataaa Ike lrltke) Ufa vt ft l' -t tav:t:J TANDINO CP FOB HEDBAaKA, Standlna uo for Nebraaka" la getting to be quite expenalve to the publlo oflloera of tha atate. Treaaurer Meaerve very properly Inalate that ao long aa be la In the market for the atate and will pay par for atate wurrante, that publlo offlcera ahould preaent their warranie to him lor oHvnient Inatoad ot aulling warn to brokera. Aa the brokera are olferlng of one per cent premium, it will readily be aeen that tha bualneaa of "etanding op for Nebraaka" laaomewbatexpenaive. Aa an Inatauce, laat week Governor Hoi cumb received a warrant for 025, a quarterly payment ol bia aalary. He turned It over to State Treaaurer Mo aerve for inveatmeut of the permuneut achool fund, and received from the treaa urer 025. If the governor bad dealred to do ao, he could have aold tha warrant to brokera at of one per cent premium, In which caae be would have received t020.00. or 14.00 more than he received from the atate. In other worda, if the governor ahould purauo the plan of eoll Imr bia warranta to the hlgbeat bidder In a vear'a time Inatcad of receiving 2,C00 for bla aalary, be would receive fJ.51B.75. Under the preaent popullat admlnlatrutlon the atate paya Ita 0011 gationaiu warranta that are "better than gold." No atate can boaat of credit better than Nebraaka'a. Under republican adminfatrationa rtubllo offtalula were com willed to aell their warranta at 0 w r centdlaoount Under a republican ad mhilat ration the governor, iuatead of receiving f 2,600 a year, really received only f 2,d50. Quite a change In Nebraaka'a credit How do you like It, ritKK TO BOUND CIBBJCNCYPAPEBM. The American Prea aaaociatlon at Omaha, Nebraaka, baa been aending out earn pie abeet price liata of ready prepared plate matter which it carrlea In atock, Under the heading "Politico!, Induatrlal Matter, etc.," the American Preaa aaao ciatlon glvea the following liat of pagea which tbey furniab and the chargea for each page: ' i , V() Diri.orrallc-ImuiJ od la two wka,la Ore- faoDla'i l'rt luoad one In two wwk. Y.i I ltd tif mmniior ol tb nation! ommltUe. Ilrrlr- Prlaa . , . , l.aliof A una lortulifhllv. Edltid br Jo. It, Iieb.nn, known In labor circli. In Urorlor., aunnd Cnrrurv-lMnll onm In tnr we, In llrlr. &ul MUfl'MKIt KHKK OF CIIAItOK by tb Mound (JarmnRjr Vommlttv 01 tin HWurin UIUO, M wniimi iri, nuw i ur (it., t. The New York goldbuga have thla aound currency matter prepared and Bent FRKE OF CHARGE to every paper in tha United Statee that will uaa it. Do you think that they are doing it aolely In the Interlat of the working man? Have tney no aelflah purpoae In their mad tfforta to faaten the gold atnndard upon the American people? Matter published in the Inukpekdhnt costs money.' It la not furnished free by a Wall atreet corporation. A IlKCOKOTO lie rKouuor, TbeatateofNebraHkain all ita previ oua history, baa never had ao able, con, acientioua and fwarleae a treaaurer aa the preaent popullat official in that po altion. Hon, John D. Meaerve hue made a record for himaulf aa treasurer that any man would be proud of. He haa kept every pledge that he made to the people. Thia la not mere aaaertion. The flgurea In tha treaeuror'a office and the auditor'a olflne prove ita truth. Upon taking the offloe, one of the ttrt tulnn that Treaa. Meaerve waa com pel'"! to do, waa to announce to the world the e norm oua delalcatloua of hla predecMora in ottioe. Huob anuouocementa and proof ot iraud and stealing of atata fuuda would, under ordinary circumatanea, run tha atate'a credit down, down, al moat to mro. Hut what waa the rault, Traaaurar Meaorve took bold of theaitu atlon with a Arm hand. Ha atated to theholdore of th atate'a obligationa that notwilhatanJing tha eoormoua da (aloationa every dollar of the atata'a In dlitHlutM would ba paid. Ha bgau tha work ayatematially and proaacutad It vigurouaiy, takiug no cuaura, but r quiring aafa and kouaat dealing la every Inatauoe, The flrt thing waa to Had the exact amount of tha loaara which the elate kad auatalaal and charg It off from the rworda, la order that tha (MHtka would enrrwetly ahow theeoa dtlloa of the atata'a fluanev, Ha lottnd: LtMMm by lorntr a Inilaiatratloaa, .T,04l.,n.V tla.ral fuad warrant ailMpifopriaM IJtil.Hti o. a total t. H73,!U!U0, IU vkargwd Itiaauiu, akkk U Itkat to tk atata, 1 from the bovka iato a eprle aatmat wka-a ka deaijaat) a tket"aupa44 ai'etiuat," Ilatitti doaa tkia, ka brgaa to put a brake mi the t4itra, and U ! tka Q avi yr eadiag Navaattwv SO, I vT, ka ra;Mtr4 kir pay aat oat ol the atal fuad tmljr H,i,tiM ,n, kati la 0i,ttl? ttS kwa thaa waa rakalrot lot pa awat bf tka fpbUa tiaarr, to tka emHaJiag rwk la Itul It la pioKf to atjpara aij auk )UT M tka Nea that a Wi4t it ak waa kM tkt yaara, In aiiaraa tka aatoaat ol aiMMidUr aad warraaU miiawraj kt gpt tka vU yaara k tka twittar wwwte tkaa Kit tka tva are a Waa tkara la ao ki latita aaaloa. Tka eetl atviuat tkrfkr ataaila aa Mki IhOa-IUg. hy IWe,....H t,i,t3t M iur-t.y r,n.w, i.oji.uMat Halg to Ut pa j wa ., "'r.l la calla for outatanding, unpaid general fund warranta. He kept no money On band that waa not actually needed In the tranaactlon of bualneaa. Dy ao do ing, be baa reduced the Indebtedneae of the atate uat about three quarteraofa million dollara. The reductlona are dis tributed aa followa: Fund. Reduction. Bonded debt... .....f 207,000.00 Floating debt (gen. fund) 4Bl,801. Temporary Unlveralty...... 41,620.78 fVble minded 17,G27.o;j Total reduction f 74B.015.fl4 Mr, Meaervo alao took charge of the permanent achool fund of the atate. Thia bad boon a fruitful vineyard for the republican. Thla money bad been do posited by preceding treaaurera lu favor lie Lanka without charging but little In- tereat, Tho greater part of tho Interest that waa charged, waa pocketed by the treaaurer or bla political frhmda. It failed to get loto the achool fund to ba divided among the achool children of the atato, Mr, Meaerve changed all thla, He Invented the permanent achool fund In the beat maimer poaalble, Aa a reault of hla wImo and careful inveatmonta, the two achool apportion menta announced and dlatributed by bim, have been great er than any in the blatory of the atato. The average amount of tha aohoolap portionmoota for each year from 1 BOO to 1B90 incluaive, waa 50O,2O0.28, For 1807, It reached the enormous aum of 1780,501.03. The natural effect of auch management of the atate'a of falra, waa to improve the atate'a credit. The price of warranta in the open market began to riae, and In the year have rlaen fromaeven per cent diaoount to throe quarter of one per cent premium. 1 0 day the atate'a paper la worth more than Ita fuce In gold, It la better than the "aoundoat currency." Honor to Treaa urer John I). Meaerve, 1 AUTONOMY poll CVIIA. The full text of the decree of autonomy baa at laat been publiabed In thla ooun try. '' That which we bad before eurmlaed to be true of It la now aoen to be an un questionable faot; it givea eoormoua puwera to the Governor-General, Inaures practically a balance of power to tho aeventeen membora of the Upper Cham ber who are to bo appointed by the Gov eruor-Goneral, by muklngthom life mem bar, while the other eighteen member aro to be re-elected one-half every Ave yeara at the leant, and oftener If it pleaaee the Governor-General to dlaaolve the Counoil. Without going into the particular reatrlctlona of the decree,' it may be aald gooerally that there are ao many obatocloa to free leglalatiou on the part of the propoeod Cubaa Parlia ment that one can well understand 811 gasta'a frauk atatomcnt that the first concern haa been "to affirm and strengthen the bond of sovereignty," and to aee to It that "the central au thority la lu no wiao leaaened or weak ened." Apart from the limitations up on free government contained In the Jlo cree Iteult, it is to be noted that the do creu la still to receive the approval of the Bpaulah'Cortea, and that it Unot absolutely certain that thla oppiovul will be given. i Moreovur, there is no guarautee whatever that the decree, evon if ratified, may not be withdrawn at any time In the future at the will of the Ministry and the Cortes, All those thinga conaidered, it la not remarkable that the Cuban loadore look with sus picion an 1 Incredulity upon tha whole plan ol autonomy. THBS UOLI) COMMlMHION'a KBPOIIT, The report of the eelf-conatituted In- dianapolia monetary commission oon taina two important admissions first, that tha United Blatra poesaeaad tha bl metallio standard '.from 1702 dawn to 1B7S, and eecond, that the value ol e.l ver did not decline until altar tha art ol demonatliatloa, the ailvar dollar of 173 being commercially more valuable than tha gold dollar. Thia admUaionwhan eouplod with an other tort that la (he world at large front lo0 tollNia thera wae uo ap preciable varlftUoutwiu tha coinage and eomniareial value of gold and ailvar, U vary euggrallva ol the ral eauae of the Wiiae la tha value td ailvar tullniu a Hiutar with gold, Vka etlwr waa iiam.ttd at tkaMiiata it waa d-ak) ita UrgMt aud uit mprtiut Uaa, aklU th at plAWK aa addttioaal barda oagold, Tka yliow aiatal waa la grtr dmaad aad baa ator valuabl. Tha wkila ntalal waa la is dcaiaad and uV pmriaWd, Taa two tuatala, wkkk kad aialaUial aa alwioat awvaryiag ratio ki arty tfM ), lu draw a-art. II It waa at IrnuiUtkia tka! gait ra to tkUabrluaaia ditga, akat wa II? The Uaaaal ul Ike adiovat vi m1 aala't lrUaJ tt Ma'!iaai Mlkat tkia Wfiiaiattaa ahal be iad,a Ty aafl, wilk ta tMN,ar t i nf Iim Ukia4 tkvtu, that k kta amtaU at agaart4 at tka tmat oa Ik a ti taa ttMltnl pt tot to tt?S, gul a4 ailvvf wiilaaia ttalkt, Tly a4 kaikiag aw, alkig WHlrad, alyarlra t tk eadtllwaa wakk ar4iag tt Ikva rHit praiatM tmat t:u4 4 wa tv taTS, Tat U tUia la at tka alaipate kataava k4naUltta aa atwaatlallUla, la tka awpaattMM ike eiM lt rwaiaa, aakaaboaa aHoaala th Hky kl. lata !, tkat atvty uttaJg toted of tka t altd Mtataa la tv tk Matlkwa silver dollara. Thla la the contract with the bond holder. Thla la the law a It stands upon the statute book of the Unl tod States. The allver men object to any change in the contract or the law. If silver baa depreciated In value, It la due to th machination of the bond holders. Let thorn atand the consequence of their own acta, and reap the reward of their own conspiracy agulnat the poo pie of the United Btatea. TUH DIBMKMIIKKMKNT OP CHINA Comparatively little attention has been given to the recent troublea In the Orient by the press ofjthla country, ex cept aa 0 matter of news. Tha commer cial effect of audi a violation of tb laws of nation as la proposijd by tho great powers In the case of China, baa scarcely been mentioned. Hwiutor Teller of Col orado, a man of wblo expcrlonca and well versed In International law says in un Interview Just published that tb op orations now going on In the Orient threatens our commercial Interest and eventually the very txlatcuce of our nn tiou. liusays! "If thla dismemberment la penult led our treaties with China will fall and wa ahull have to deal nnnw with tlio pow er who take possession of th ('hliiose territory. Russia will get th biggest slice and If she la not particularly a competitor of oure now, alio will then be come one. "After tha dismemberment ba 00 ourrod we cunnot say to the govern merit that have taken possession of China that we have certain treaty rights, They will reply that there is no China and therefor no treaties, Hut that la not tho worst of It. If thla dismember ment occurs, th people of what la now China will become the producer for the whole world. A competitor In produc tion ami tradewill b introduced against which we or no other people can success fully contend, The economic conditions ol the whole world will bo changed, "The people of China have a greater power of production than any other like number ol people in ine worn;, ah mcy need la to ba aroused to th effort and to have their effort properly directed, Inspired by enterprise and energy of Germany and Russia, tbey would pro duce ao cheaply tliat uier wouio ue no competition with them, Tho commerce and wealth of other nations would shrivel up, Russia with her dominion extended over tho greater part of China, would practically overrun theenrth, "It Is against the Interest of nations, perhaps even threatening to our tilvillxn lion, to have China dlsmembored. It would be hs destructive to Great Hrltiiln as It would be to us, When Ids said that the United Btales cannot Interfere, it ahould bo understood what a failure to Interfere will Involve, Tho dismem berment of Chlm. moans the cutting off of our commerce In the Orient and the introduction of a competitor who will deprive ns of tho commerce of the rest of tho world and even supply our own peo ple, "We cannot permit thia without sink lug to tho position of a third or fourth rate nation, helnless.deirraded and with out influence among tha nations of the earth. We would have to submit to the domination of an absolutism among the nations; our own Institutions would take on a decline and the civilization represented by this government and the KimlisU government would cease pro griss. We would suffer mora than anv other people. We have more involved and would be more diroetly injured. "His folly, then-fore, to Bay that we ahould have nothing to any. It la our duty to prevent thla dismemberment ol t.'hlna, oa It 18 mat Ol tirons nrnum. We should ioln with Great Rritain In a notice to Russia and Germany that the dismemberment of China will not be permitted. 4)ven without Ureut Hrltain we should give auch notice. Almost our very exlatfnee aa a nation Is Involved. W ahould have nothing more than a more exlatonoa ahould we permit It." It la plaluly the object of tha govern miuta that are taking poaaeaaion of China to levy tribute from the Chlneae people. At preaent the Chinese govern ment baa no bonded debt. Aa aoon as It become a part of tha Kuropeao na tioua It will be neovaaary for the Chlneae to pay thair ahare, and probably mora than their ahare, of tha lutareat, dabte, and currant expenaee of the Kuropaan powere. They will be dratted Into tha Kuropaan armlee. If they do not tight for their libartlea now, they will be com- Mltd to fight uuder aoine other bauuar lohalp tovnalav aoma Other people, Thla nation, with Ha "vigoroue foreiiin policy" look oa without a word h'urutwaa nation violate our tratue andenalav th kumau rac withla a atouaa throw of our seaboard, without ao uiut'h aa a proteat Iroiu thla enligkt aatnl aatloa. Wkal eould Im etpevtml (row auch aa adialaUtratloa In d-Uug with atatlvr ao dtaiaat a China. A a aalioa wa kat right that ahould I rapl4. Our aiarvnaut ahould IiIm-Ph) ta tkait tradiarf wilk all tka world, Cuba and Ckiaa alik Urtaaay ot Itaaata ut a ay vihat hatuta ekuuld aol ba atlo4 to ilat liaalt, laau't ur atarvkaat aad alt but trail war Hag la th dual, a tkr kave doe by vaUriag t kiua'a b'tl. HARDY'S COLUMN, I'attiM Hroa-l lra 1 rwt-Vk la l'iW.w-t'oU'a 'attoar-l'eia m.f -("kaaa td Ik Ut of Uuvtrw at Mmim tiut a4 lUrtU !.ka Tkuraloa lu.uat4 l'watla abk wlllaaa Uka4. It w ektM l latit4 lt la'k WoaM tt Mf oa alt l'allv rtaa aal kow la rtit lhw..u We trty W4ig agaiatt arvag, V NV kv Ua akal ta U t W-, ol aWra larval avW Mat l ta aal litadoelilaA Ik llm J. ft, IUa JartMMt, ta a amk taa-W at II Oml a to, IVUearavU tul tIH,V mH kiml a- '-"-t leaa than four or five million armed aoldiera to resist them. If nothing else will do them, we wilt defend the consti tution aa we did In 1801 and 1865, and there are men who will bring Mr, Uryan and bia cohorta la aa prlaonera of war a they did Jeffercon Davi then."-Frow the Wilmington Morning New, October 2Utu, 1BUU. ' V We have no sympathy with the people wbo fight the authorities for letting the prisoners work In our penitentiaries. If one person in three thousand, that 1 the proportion of prisoners, can throw all the other out of work, tho many can not no much, Indiana haa taken the work away from her prlaonera and they are now begging for work of some kind. The men who set themselves to work are not the oneu fighting tho system. Ills the fellows who want to do the work for wages for some other fellow who must furnish the brain und capital. There Is no possible way that prlsuneracuu affect the wages of one laboring person in a hundred, Werk on the farm, iu kitchen and dairy, on railroad and slope, in tho mines, in the olllcea and iu the profes sions, all these classes are relieved more or less from taxation by making the prisoner work at something. We would rather make the prisoner work und earn their own living, rather than be com pelled to earn our own living and their too, Prisoners can and ahould bo made to pay their own way, V It la reported that all the cotton fac tories lu New Knglnnd ore about to follow the Fall River factories In cutting wages of their operators. Twelve per cent is thoimht to be necessary or shut up shoo, i iiat la what the working people get from tho high protection IJIiigloy phi. e e What will th cotton worker of New England do? They can't compete with the nig of th south any easier than they can with the pauper ot Europe Like a poor, weak horse, they have always had the long end of theevener and the farmer have bad to pull at tbe short end, New to make them pillion an eveuer with the colored workmen of the south la hard hearted neaa. To think of making a flue-haired New Entrlandor work on a level with people in the weat and south I enough to turn tbe moon to blood, How pard it I for office bolder and office seeker to favor economy. No great difference a to what party tbey belong, They are not willing that any body's salary should be cut or the num ber of nnrler clerks reduced. A reform party has got to reform or go out of business. 'J he Pack Pone of reform ia economy, It la one of the ena',est thinga In the world to spend another persou'a money, The aalary I never too large or tho work too small, Tho seat of government is about to be moved to Washington, The New York Central railroad, the Lake Hliore, Michi gan Central, Missonri Pacific, North Western and Union Pacific have consoli dated and located headquarters at Chi cago. The Oregon Bhort Line, Central Poeiflonnd Bouthern pacific are all to be added. Thla combination will constitute the government of tbe United Btatea of America. There fa but one way to checkmate thia anaconda, that ia to cut bim in two at the middle by building a government road from ISismark to Gal veston. The territory between the Mia alsslppl and tho Rookies are entitled to a part of the river and harbor appropria tiouaand we will take ours in railroads. The supreme court will probably say something about Hartley and Moore bo fore the new judge take his seat. It bus become a republican necessity, that those two men go to the pen. If they wriggle out of it, the republican party ia flayed and quartered. On th other hand, If those two men are behind the bars, there will be a small fighting chance for then) at next fall' eleutjon. W ex pect there will be aoma small crawl out. A banker will select a jury, sevan of whom will be baukera who have bad aoma of the muttou, aa waa the caae with tbe Hill jury, and they will go clear, No wonder John Thuratou Is disgusted with hi oflic of aonntor. II could ha? son luto McKlnlry'a cnbiuet for four yeara or onto the I'nIM Hute bench for life, only it would not do to vacate hiaaeat In theaennte, The reason for that la a pop would be put iu hla place. Power In the eenate Is more needed than oil tha throne or bench, V Fourteen of th nobl thing that MeKinlay ha douaeinc the 4th of laat Mart'h, ar th pardoning of lourta-n bank wrwkar. Ot coura thaaa flu kaired kuUI bug muat nt b kept abut up. Tby ar th Peek lion ol th pnrly, W know bow that i her la ,hrka. Iluw aiilortuual br Mlir that lie. kt lU-y wa ot pnxidoat at th lima be wa ia priaou. a tl Lutkft Li A Ik.kliuh I laBH . ifccii.l.l I. iMratad. tail Waluday aadaol elwtml iainHoai, iiamiu aiiwiat low ihI a thlug ta U Irua, II koa Ut. It ko ta aa aiokrjr ia politer ka aay tlftr Uta. Iltn for k ka ad attrtit. II unl uiu ail) a run miliittaa altl I ii II ka U i!!vi4 it ai l ua tk Mrktaky .liumir. Una ka-l'y. A ailvar avaalut boat Oktu at awl bad thing ta ks TkUt b,if. i4 rhalar i! hull llaauaul k 1 1 n ta ilia u,.i 4 oa J4, l, I k, i Ik .la,(i,i ttMwtieg v4 k iar. It U k4 at la, ta tka tUldl gotaf Kla4 ka ea'Nl y, ll ta li.U.1 iKIb.1 IkKl II Bill La 0..1 Utt'X bWy oa eAetaat t! Ik a. k-M, U ka kw avaiMuliJ t , .. . " i" i'v mm awaars mvmt Ifaitt liliaai a lihHs II vumi t-t- 1Ui tiaral !( .( llhaui ad Haal tial tlia nlOhUv tiaf tattf alia luflkae I ha i.tnuiuii,... i4 ai.'t'iluatiM , ik aalmaal euarvl i ia iraa Ntit'pl imhmii, U ta HiaaaMM da eut pm aa aa I ar tkia liutinaaa It I tatttHtavtl lu laJua. aatktirttwa nJ ataay aai a 4 1-4 Off...: Now U the time to buy Shoes, We will sell you anything in our immense atocK oi Bhoea at 25 Per Cent Discount, EDITORS' IDEAS, If Mr. Hanna hopea to aee through tho scheme of those recalcitrant Ohio repub lieaue bo will have to use something better than tbe X-raise, He will have to use D-ralae or M-ralso, Paltry X' will not go in a case of tbi kind. World Herald. Tho national bankers are our moat favored class of citizens; tbe govern ment pay them Interest upon the bonds, a good interest too, one that ia current tho world over for auch securltlea, and another interest ho receives from tbe borrower of bia notes, which the gov ernment give bim, American X Ray. Gov. Holcomb is looked upon a one of the best executive official In the United Htates, and if the reform force of Nebraska should persist in making him the standard bearer for governor again next fall, the treasury looter would cringe and snarl, for victory would be assured tho entire state ticket, Ordinarily we are opposed to a third term, but in this instance, we believe it tbe display of good judgment to renom inate all of tbe preaent atate official. Western New. Iowa for a long erle of year baa been under republican control and management. The official announce ment, just out, abowa that Iowa will have a deficit in thia year'a revenue, of over f oOO.UOO. Nebraska i managed by atate "lunatics." Its atato treasurer has paid off during the last year, f 500, 000 of old republican debts, and at the close of tbe preaent year It will have a aurplu revenue of about $2,000,000. It ia auch facta aa these that are de pleting the rank a of the republican party. ('lay County Patriot. The devil once bargained for the soul of a young man. The devil agreed to furnish uli the money the young man could spend, and if he did not speud It aa fast aa it oame bia soul waa to be tbe forfeit. For aeveral yeara tbe young man manigod to keep ahead of the game by the aid of wine, women and fast horses, but finally the fiend sent him a tremendous aum, which seemed utterly impossible to get rid of, when the young muu, aa a lust resort, started a newspaper. At tbe eud of tbreo months the devil began to growl, at tho end of nine month be waa sad, and at tho end of a year he owuod up dead broke. Tbe paper went up, but a soul waa saved. Custer County Chief, SMALL HAPPENINGS. Tllft .flllluMU nt ttlu iliutpint. nnnrf In f .KIlPHjltiir nminr v. hin nr.laniil ir,n,l jury to meet Feb. 7. Prof. W. A tha ae lino I Imp tha hliml VJ,.u.b City, was in Lincoln attending the 8 late- A mlUnr fYirn.ill It a tutnf .! fm k aia IflUIUi'U II VIII VUO eaat. He viaitad Washington, New Tork eu . aa t a sua ounnio. ne went to inquire Into ma amuuiug oi insurance companlea. call for general fund warranta from Noa. 8o,B6J iot,051, amouutiug to $27, 000. The call takea effect January 12. TWO OUr loud of fflWldal lllt In nn,lk 5n,too iMiuuht for ll.ftoo, but th Paiue A War M Clothing Bloru la the plae to get vary gttod gooda at ouly reaaouable priera. Laat wtk, land eouimlaaloner J. V, Wolla. aueiiMulu.1 l,... ai nn.i u -----... H nw from Hou. Jat k kiaelall, which iaone ballot tha amouut tha ei-rvpublirao caudKlatafor govaruor owe th atata lot deliuqueal duaa lut achool laud Iwut. a. Ha bad bera delioquiut aiui IUO. Oil amiuut of tha ri that kit .l,..,l. staadard vie hav arouawl t,a ra- uui.t'a camp, Ktnrj (laga no-utly latulvrvd kl rvaluuali,,u i.. 1'..,,!.... klt'kltlloV. II u uui.,1 II.. I ll.. prwldvut tloairvd bltit lu rtai hi tmai. ! k aatlrvlv avrwl abn,. -..1.1 alau.Urd vWw t.raa4 ia rWralary - uwaaim, Tkar k t kwtft tetralaaal tiliabJI aittftig IkatUik M k atata audlut omtBikaaw yr, W, t. rw ru wmirii tain ieauftf dfpalv, k4 lw ktaiU t.,u.i l.k ...I 1 vv - - - , w " w , , .tMHiu, hit HM-rljr ttva l rank, ka Wa MoavM.iM.r t. caaii irHaurvr, la ptat4 J. J. ktetiaakaiM. wkuuka lk4uilvkMk ta Ik laauiaav 4o (ariwiaal. It, U. Tkoat4. ba a.U i,r,,iH Hauu..m,ii,v l.laila city ttWla ' wt aad mp Ida aur (,,r T J.ait. k fll.taaj t,f la.Mil. iw.mij. ffv, jkl0 tl..Jtt,iaaitllm h-M WM t. M alia i.i.iHMUIiua urn I ..I an. i,t Mi. kim g.t ki ka.l ua th l 'atla aa y, a. Ik Uat wop.t. tlba k oaitHiMMt, U ,r wi atataw La,, ( ,4 fal4 ky tk wty k t,,, I di .l. Tkar ta oat r un ral,nlk. IP,. , t IMk, fu ur.'t.luw auj TiX M" d.'ltaf4. lW i.'tk trtaiMaur,