January 6, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. EDITORS' IDEAS, A Preventive of ratntly Jar. With great tuct Floretm Hull Winter 1mm, in the .January Wonittti'i Home Companion, bundle the subject ol lam lly qnarreld under tho caption, "A house livl(ldd ftKlllllHt Udell." "Mont family quarrels are frlotional dinturbnnoed that the oil of affection would smooth out if wo but knew It. And niont break between married poo Jilo could bo koalod by tuno, If they would but Rive time a chance. Hetween a man ami woman once bound toother by thid tlu there are momoriM potent enough to draw mem loifeiuer inruiiKu Kill's of dincord, if they have only been churches and eolleurea to relieve hlra of some of his riches. Oalvcotoa Indejien- dunt, The croldhuiM muf make nil the fun thy can of Attorney General Smytho beoaiiHe he part hi hair In the middle and Rpells Smith with a "jr." but they can't dispel the fact that he id carrying out bid campaign promise to me toner namely, sending goldbug defaulter to the pen as fan a the supremo court will permit. rupillion liirum, When it cost 125,000 to get elected to congresd, f 100,000 to get elected to the senate, 1,000,000 to got elected to the presidency, II tlie poor nut wen inioriiieu wise enough to be loyal to one another and progreddive workingman cannot dee In the respect ol silence ad to what bn longd to themselves. It dhould be in the marring dervice, if it would do any good, thid vow of (silence about ouch other' faultd. The old formula, 'for better, for worse, mean nothing to modt who repeat It. Tliey mean In their henrt not to put up with worse, "Hut we have to put up with dome thing wherever wo are iu the world, and the iiodtloii Id, shall wo not do better to stand by our choice iu life, like brnve doldier loyal to color, and earn the respect ol the world, rather than exhibit the mldcrlwi our poor judgment has brought upon ud, and gain only oppro brium In conaeiitience? ror publicity denoted trouble.'' Womutis Home Com panion. The Impediment In the Way. Whatever may be Mr. Wolcott future relation to tho McKinley admlnidtra tlon, hie effort to withdraw blttidell from ltd support to the attitude of op position will be attended with dlfilcuL tie not fully understood by the avorugo observer. , , ... Jo cade of the change, Mr. Wolcott will not be subject to the churge of inconsist ency upon the financial Iddiie. He had maintained (roin the Urst that he is a blmetallidt an advocate ol the free coin age of dllver at the ratio of 16 to 1 through an International agreement, if poddible, but by Independent action if neci-ddary. He Justified hid support of McKinley by the Ht Lould platform, and hie beilefln Mr. McKlnley's honest ac ceptunce of Hi declaration for interna tlonol bimetallism. Thud, dhould he abandon McKinley on the ground that effort for an International agreement having fulled, he must now go to the support of Independent bimetallidm, he can successfully maintain hi own con sistency throughout It all. The great trouble with Mr. Wolcott will not be that he Id chargeable with Inconsistency, but that he will be open to the charge of ingrutitudeupon a gigantic scale In hi dealing with the president. The Uocky Mountain News. I'rcnlilxnt Working for Hanker Prodldent McKinley recommend that the ffoverument leiral tender note r amen buck d I be retired and the banker bo allowed to indue their bank uote in tholr place. What 1 the purpode of tbid? id bunk paper botter than gov ernment money' 1 a bank stronger and more reliable than the whole gov eminent? Id thid the way to eetablidh "confidence" and restore proderity7 Have the people more confidence Jn the bank then they hove In tho govern- t? If do. tlieti we dhould stop elect ing presidents nud other officer and let the bunk rim the wiiolu government 01 roct. The h-iml tender noted ol the United State nro the best money tho jtooplo have. There id no legitimate reason why they dhould be retired or impounded and tho credit not' of the bnukd dub- etitnted therefor. Don't let it bo done, Tho I'uucudian. that hi opportunities in thid country are equal to the rich man, It must be MWtttide no id "prejnniceu nguiiiss m nob." Knox County Jlccoruer, Cotton and Sliver. Cottou manufacturing in Mexico Id flouriehinir. but iu New England the wage of 40,000 operative have been cut 10 nor ceut because 01 poor uudiueds, In Mexico tho condition of duccoM are mndo uoddible because of the fre coin aire of silver and tho premium 011 gold, which serve h a barrier ugaiust iin nort from irold couutried. la discussing this qudtion the Mexican Financier day: "Mexico' importation of cotton cloth from ICttgluud during the iiaet ten month have declined 7,802,000 . . (. yttrtid, or iv per cent, coniradieu wun Import lor the sain time lat yeur, and in.iiort from the Foiled Htate have decreased 1,531,133 yard, or 25 per cent." New mill are iiolmr ud In Mexico, and thoee now in operation are reported to U making from 40 to 00 per cent profit on their product. Another Important factor in the caus ing ol poor budlnew (or the New Ftw laud mill I the retaliation ol Cauada for the I'iiiKley bill. A proof ol thl utatemeiit, the following monthly record ol export ol cotton good to Canada iuca the enactment of th lUtigl-j law, in eonipariaon with the eaine mouth lal year, I igninout: Kiiiatt ut ! tiuih t t'i'1 (jranUi: . , M.t.?t. i.t A M9 I'M' , .tM imlj tklutM (, ... Tbk I not alt Fxporttl the r... act of America rniua gundeta f laa nmiitrtat Kcuerally kav largly Uim tilt, the iM nl tee tariff lull, The 1'itUbur i'tMhii that tor H- it n.Ur ul ikloUr ut lbi jrear, unJr the it"T land, lhtptirt amuimiml to J,U;,n7, tta lor IU au tieth diet ynnr, d 1 r the ili (arm, tv ore I l.f.i r uvmt'.j a iiiiIhim d U Ihu Ikeeult" ta.ltitrt U da'le a. ti tu iui'Mm wtt-f, '! iatiVf tariff .ieU ijkiU tula H'U J l)mi a bile thegoUl etaaJaH ib)ail J tral au !' -t kaaii tMptvli, ttti K'l4 IM fiat i. I J'll,Uli.lMMl, an 'I lut IW I lraim al lata i4 I I.Mdl.ldHi M.oath, r IMu t xi a dajTi vt I i aour nr 1 1 i ; Mlt.iauU, r 61 real ttrf '' l Iimhi, Oai h4h. KttadaM a4 0a. a wtiWr the l t toe A PLAGUE OF THE NIGHT Itohina Piles and Other Beotal Trouble Easily Curod by a New and Bare Method. A Itemarkeble Number of Cure Made by tha Pyramid 1'lle Cur. About one pereon In every lour Buffer Iroin ome form of rectal dldoado. The modt common and annoying Id Itching piled, Indicated by warmth, dllght moid- ' ' , . it . I I . 1 A-l. ...... I turo, intend, unconiroiiaom iicumn iu tho fiurt affoutod. The udual treatment line boon dome dliiinlH ointment or salve, which nm time give temporary relief, but nothing like a permanent cure can bo expected Irom such euporuciai ireaiinenc. Tim onlv tM.rinanont cure tor Itching pile yet dldcovorod I the l'yramld File Cure, not only lor iicning puod. out ior every other form of pile, blind, blooding or protruding, xue nri appiicanou a-lve iiiMtant relief, and the continued una for a dbort time caiido a -fiermanent removal of the tumor or the dtnall pur alte which cause the intemie itching and didcomfort of Itching pile, Manv tihvdlelan lor a long time up podod that the remarkable relief afforded by the l'yramld File Cure wa becaudo it wa Ruppoeed to contain cocaine, opium or elm liar drug, but Much id not the coee, A recent careful auaiyei or mo remeay bowed It to be abdolutoly Iroe Irom any cocaine, opium, or In fact any polnonoud, inliirlou uruur whatever. For thl readon the l'yramld File Cure 1 probably the only pile cur exteiidi voly recommended by phydicion, becaiid it id o aafe, do prompt in the reiii.i auora ed, and o far a known the only poel tive cure lor pile except a eurglcul oKir ation. In one year tho l'yramld File Cure ha become tho bedt known, the enfedt and modtexteneively eold ol any pile cure before the public. Nearly all druggidt now doll it at f0 cent and 1 1 per package, Addrodthe Fyramid Co., Mardhall, Mich., (or book on cauo and euro of piled, and oIho hundredd of todliinoiiial from all part ol the United Htate, Jl diifferlnn from any form of pile aek your druggidt lor a paeknge ol Fyramid File Cure and try It tonight. delected I'leanaotrlen. 'Not What Hhe Expected. -Young De Merrltt Mln Winnie, there id a little qufldlluu I have long been wanting to ok you, but ovary time the word have riwen to iny lip there hu been oiue interrupllou. l)o you MU Winulo Do not Lonltatt), Mr. l)o Merritt George Young Do iMerntt I wa going to auk you, do you think a pujf dag ha braliiH. HarjK'r'a lin.ar. An Unfortunate Mistake. Hnvng Ungtfd After all, it pay to bo perlite, purduer. JiKiiwo Jagg Not alwuya. Tho other day I wu nctiu' deaf and dumb, ami when a man gave a dollur 1 day, "Thank ye, lr," and ho hud me ar rested. N. Y. Ileruld. And lie Dyed, Too, Mr. Jouee The newhpiiper tell of a imin who lost bin wife, unil iu I.-m than two month hid hair wan a white a duow. Mr. Jone That' nothing o Tory 11 - a woniierini. wnyi 1 know ui a grny lieuded man who lost hi wife, and la U time thaa that hi hair wan u blaek a jet Fharmaceutlcal Kra. Hi Kxpectationa, Old (rcue You want to marry my daughter, ehT WVIl, uhat are your pronpectt, young limn ? Young Knurve I hope to coiue iuto a fortune oina tiay. 'Wlioao fortune f "Your." lllrinlngham Leader, Not a lUd-"What are you ktoriic inv about, Juth?" iniuirt Mra. t'bugwater. Nothlnfr rtNtred Nr. (hugwater, throwing hi hat tin the lounge, "Nothlug, only I've nude a fool of iiiyavlf Kifalnl That' hill I got a thrvfivut pUi'a la change Mime where IhU morning, and tlud pH vl It on a ul var tHuiJm tor a littut m hlle ago for a illiue and rhvatrd inynrlt out of t -ut f-rno," be iHin- tliittett, iuiHUrling hi Uae. "I yuva - hum -If all right, amdittha," I IX Hjf.iTrlbua Hmt Clover in Hie doulh. Farmer' Hulletln 18; Until recent ly It hn been thought that red clover could not bo grown in the Southern etato, but our experience ha been that on suitable 1 jIN mid with proper management it will grow fully tt well here a In any of the Northern tatc, and that, while It doc not taut a long hero, It yield I heavier, and on account of ltd more rapid growth, the quality of buy I belter. In North Carolina it ha Miicccriled well and bun maintained a full tand lonKr than in niot other m:tlon: while on the nndy while doll of tho Florida utatlon It turn done but little. At the IuU luna gtuthm It hn made a vlgorou growth, affording two large cutting during the firt coon, but it noon mic cumb to the encroachment of native grae. At tho MIh1mh1ip1 dtatlon on rich creek bottom and on black prairie valid it him given excellent redtilt, making 2 ton of buy tier acre In May, another ton In June, and In favorable Reason another ton in Heptembor, though the ludt cutting ha been unre liable on account of summer drouth Where niioh yield can be made it I one of the best crop whicn can , oe grown, but there are many localities in the South where it has not been rouna profitable. It requires a soil which is rich and in fairly aood condition to secure a "catch" or the scea, ana on many soil where it make a promis ing start and yield two or three cut tings it soon becomes overrun with the native grasde and i choked out. or dinarily it will not Day to grow it more than two years on the same ground, as by the end of that time it will have done its best work in fertilizing the soil, and the land will give better re turns If the last crop of clover is plowed under and the Held planted to some other crop. A the plant pro duce seed abundantly bore and are not Infested with the Insects which have recently done so much damage to the crop In the Northern state, there eems to be no reason why the seed crop should not become of considerable Importance. Ited clover is a universally recog nized standard In estimating the values of all other crops, when grown either for hay or as a green manure, and we have made special efforts to tet it on as great a variety of soils as possible, and do not hesitate to recommend it for all rich soil which are in good me chanical condition; but It is useless to tow It on burren fields, or on rough and poorly prepared lands of any kind. It seems best suited for growth on al luvial and black prairie soils, and hn never been satisfactory on tmudy or white llmo land. August sowings have glvvn the best satisfaction, as the plants from such sowings are sufficient ly strong to keep down any growth of wild grasses and weeds the next spring. and will give a heavy cutting of hay In May. If sown In February, tho more common time, ino nrsi cuuing will be principally of volunteer grasses, but the clover will give two good cut- tines later. Howing with oala iu Feb ruary Is often successful, but the clov er Is often injured by cutting the oats, thus removing thn shade Just at the beeinnlng of the hot weather. Sow 1 bushel of the seed to each 5 acre. TRY GMIN-OI TRT GRtlN-OI (a r tiMlat4) titer, tidar 4 uwattvaf Kiaa.aaaUaer grilQ lt l.ttt tU lwteaee Y ia oxt M' W 4ing tur U4.i."-I Mt al Iba itw f 1 1 ( 1 1 (U taliirt tu4 ly 11 . tiMiuuhi. I ut, iii 60 rMl i'l.U. k r-"W tvl mt WIlU gol4, thu ly Ihd laiiul il. m.u. itMU ai i4 lUvr the g 1 I llxlf M lU.ulImt lit . cbauta taiu '1 1 nu l i eiaMih' wvttl f II I g 1I l ut.U4 11 t-u( l and A u i a ill li ut U aai ) jrvaratr .l tUu iU U jay lug tur ii U al the tai if t f vrry bwiml tu h g.ivnutL What l liui if i itr iattn ibu u Itaavlall Mb.tditu if njually I t 4 kUoding, wblla tboM nf ki i vttt ottlraittng le H ati4 tUir tar- .i.... ... ... . . . ;.M.(t m ' M Hory fcnimtdk4Un lwki-ft'ilMt, "ikktiM U al lb tat f aUut 4 Cr it a yt M ih lt II yti, UaWUliltt, kl"M J.t. M kt eaJe f f ,.4 im aia w?ert-J-a .uMiMMl am ,l A M Intake, Farmer frequently make the mUtake of buying land adjoining and loading thcnidolvc with a debt which burden them all the best year of their lives, aya Dratnago Journal. When the pur chase wa made they had a few hun dred dollar at command to make the first payment, and from the day of the purchase the deferred payment draw Interest, and, like en eating moth, night and day it draws upon the life nd energy of those who burden them selves In this way. If they had takea the money with which they made the first payment and applied ft In the 11 n derdralnsge of the land which they jwned, the result would have been far more gratifying. Hy tile draining the crop product could have been Incresed from f0 to 100 per cent, which would hav added much each year to their In (H.me, o that In a few year they might have had th money In hand to luiy h Und desired, and ft th same ttm ben fre from the burden of lebt, and In every way better off, ttofii'lent Frrlllily,- lo a stat of na ture fortuity I naturally maintained. Plant that grow upon th soil die and Way uiHHi It. Thus, thtM tinmen! if fertility which bat U'u withdrawn 'rum th toll ty plant In their ir.iatb ar rturbel Iu K by their tth. la th pro of rcultur, 'V removing trp, take away a pnuUIr ff lh element, yeir by r. If thl l iMiiiimtu.l, ait I n.K'iiu rr(uiuht ta th sll, la th toure f tint It l-oiiir liiiti.mrf he l Th ! l-'jf I'tnt fo I tl'li Intel, sal I iioiiii I choin -l la ra aiUUl .mi er by ir, 11 pr.Vii a erup, .. ihi la "ruH ut " In in1 way may lunula lar t)itaailtW tf cut Hieei ! f. rtlii'y, belsg delli!nt Mr la , M 4i.ttrm th Utur ,r may Ht keep uki the fenllliy ( k ttil f.r tn r tllU., ppircc ;-r- i5! 1 lMVjLwJ Get customers, but Js 0 Get customers, but QUALITY KEEPS THEM It's not so much how little vou vav as how much you get for wnat you pay. BARGAINS THIS WEEK 3e 1 3e eTet e A 2U 3$m$i'$mS$2m$Smt2$A2l! GREAT 1-4 tO Remnant Sale n Dress Goods Oil After an immense sale of Dress Goods we have on hand over 250 Remnants t In fancy and plain weave. In the most modt dedlrublu shades, in length from , two to even yard. Thoo w intend to clean out at onco, You can no doubt gut some ol the Greatest Bargains ever offered to you In DRESS GOODS It will be to your advantage to cull at ' onra and get the first pick out of these choice patterns. Childrens 1 A nf f it un Cloaks 1-4 off Children's Wol len Mittens. Sample Line . . Underwear Odd and end In Ladled' Children' and Men's 1 ' (ft e - e m 4 off Odd Lots of Corsets 1-2 price. Duck Lined Coats 89c. $1.20. $1.49, $1.85, $2.35 lingular prlfl(ff. 40, $1,75, f .25 kfi.lo WWMWWIWMHWWWIW.mWWmMWWIIMWII.WW Shoe Bargains A Job tot of baby shoes, i 2, 3 and 11. to clone out, only, I'd kid, button and lace, pointed Cuild'i and square toe, patent tip, H to 11, regular 1,....... MIW kid. button, ooluted and square toe. patent tip. Ito2;OTl in ), tins w'lt,., ...... y lit A 35c 89c regular price 11. at), tin wmiK Miawe' kid, button and lace, coin and square toe, patent tip, 11 to 'J. (ft 19 regular price 1 1,50, this week..,....y Ii&U Ladle' kid, button and lace, pointed toe, broken size, regular price (f f Art I2.C0, to clone out tl.JO Ladled' kid, button and lace, patent tip, needle toe, 'i to d, regular 01 ifj prioe .'J, thi week,. , ,..,..Ihi7S I Mis' Alwkas, 11 to 13, regular 'toe,to close out, only...... Ladle' Alaska' 2 to 0, regular toe regular price f 1, to close out, 50c 50C Ladle' and riImoh' rubber.,,,, 2 1 C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;o Fred Schmidt & Bro., w 921 0 Street, Opposite Postoffice, Lincoln, Nebraska CONdUMI'TIOJI CIKRI. A as old pliyiielan rtirl trim pwtlm, ba4 plamrl In hie hand br en K-t Ik'IIu rnlnnliiii nrj .lit formula for a elmple f-KlnMa rnmmff fur lbiB'i aod pertn.inl. cure of ennwii . p Hoe, eriiurhltle, eatarrd, aiiaiiia.asd all tbroal aid luua altertatlona, alwo a poeltlte and radk ral en re for rron. dljlli,r and all aerroai oeiplalnta. llln twtwil IU wondwrlal (era. pueera la thoan(U of town, and dMlrlai to rtncTt hmew nff-rlne, I will eeud free ol rharye to all alio wlah It, Oil reetpe, In Uernaa, Kr.nrb or (iiiKliab, wltb lull dlrcetlnaa tor pra pRrltiK end B.lim. Dent ti mull lit addreewloa with m am p. namlue; Ihle paier, W. A. Moiia, uio I'oaera illock, UocbeaUr, M. T, Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company, LUMBER. WHOLKdALK AND KKTAIU Ofllce 20th and Iiard 8U. riione 478 Writ lor I'rloe. OMAHA, tilt NEH. Dr. Ketchum Eye, Ear, Nio, Throat and Catarrh , fMMlaelea Caretally rutea. All leea reaaoaabl Offle 4th floor Itlchard Illoek, Unoolo rA8T TIME, TFR0U0H0AEB. To Omaha, Chleavo and polnta In low and llllboia, iheL'.MtiN I'ACinU in eoe i.m'IIi.ii with th I'. A S. W. ty. .fl..ra tie m erriea and th aatet lime ( all i f write to m lor timararda, rate ts K. It. M iMMM.d tlw. A . Dalle ta Naa'MeaMeat, Jua ldMk lUluwrie altllaae n leal aa Ik. U'ktUr ul Nuteaab.. tf, W ( A. , a ) ul Ih. Hae ! I aallr eilr,Sci lata- W'lw ul aua.UtMwei fur Ike f il. m ae ia.l ae . iua a-liw k i, aMia ailHi.l . Iluaaail la finn i uh 4.i ll.i-ri. HV.Hlkli lkl ful.if w ike awaiiaai a ul m , ..a..wMf ai fu. viea, llai.k I, iMi, al k iaMl al I w. kralle Mh I ui ., Im Utl nl... la Ik k.K'Uuf Ik. 1 1. ka ..! kaek ul iau a kcli., !-. .4 4 . a. a aa ...ki !! la Ike ink 4i IJaif ua ., a. m albaar k, luia liK I laeli. WEAK MEN CURED AND BHOUUMf TOflHItlf hy mit lull tr.ainit.iil ut 1 iirkiot. i'miui.h fix kf, uu. MkIiI UaM', Iwy Iwwwt, kwra or Ifmin truiti'le. I'mtmI . fwrfiwi a. y.ti avwr wre, Wm maka nut own mllt'liu'. ami you nan rlrn ar.-t txir well. Wa laaue wrlt..'n ai.ara.i.N. will, full iura di.igle lli.x t! Wtir ln"'l . .M'a I'Momnr mi mum c:i CD CLCC3. Kniiitlxnj eured lr Turkinb Hrfmllla Cure, nf fatla. rull lrtrnint wild miaimn Urn, UV.IWi aiiiwle Uuiaa, HUM. HAHN'S PHARMAOV, nih anil Krnm,on, dee Mkntiok tiik Nkmkanka l.NiiKrK.MK.NT when writiiift to our admtiderd. Kemoral of Mleaonrl T'anlflo City Tlcka Ofltne. The Middouri 1'aciflo city ticket office ha boon renioved to 102'J O street When you are Roinx outb or eaat re member that there are two laet train daily Irom Lincoln to Kansas City and 8t. Loui via thl line. PROTOENOE FDB COMPANY, 49 Westminister 8t ProTidanoe R-1- Wanli all klade ol Raw fara, Sklaa, Olaaaaa, aaaera,ata. r ail prtoae vaaraBtaed, Carnal aa lertloa. eoarteuae Iraaluiaal. luioiadlata ratnila lanoe, Sbipplna Taaa, Hopaa, laraiabed Iraa. Write lur latwel prlea elreaiara Win, l.aaea, Alturnejr al l-w. Ileal U ll iigri-Th klik prl. f wheat la lluaari k Indael the .iiil.i.r f til aHur a uiei ht ihltif ( u4 turn ,,,, 'iB a roi'iruuu aa lui vt , at i iellltt tt Ulelrea if tha bMir tmateati th n i4 a ttttaitir ut Kre smarter wheat a4 pa aaria ta Ruri aian ut half a4 klf TVa Mil, lh flla, Ufk te hfA. IrrlialluK I epaUe, N It rt Ken eroerl rlnra kaMMturl ra-ll! ail? i-kl olflai ka r.iiitnl trout lilOl O at rev, t No. J tlatleat, On'akit NewjM4nor la Kebrnkv hi Omaha ka kaa hi- 'lo'ld'Herald $4f:r year In idtance . , , . , akaetleitoea aill ka i.i i to. ae mm, lal is a. ikf naa ka al k tka kMke.a 4i. NOTICI TO NOM-MKdlUKNT. riral Pub. Pee. ft, tr. l aat fab. J.a. ft, '. KllaT. Noble, II. X. Noble, hie dm eameae. kaoaa, Kaaar M, dbaa aad II. It. Shaw, kia Srel name aiikauea, Variola U, I'aaaall aad II. d. Halloa A Co., dafeailaala, 111 take eolira Ikal wa ttw llai Oar ot ta.riur, lKI, Job a K, iaia, pialati kaiaia, nl kla paiul.ia la Ike d elrlrl eoarl ul l.aa'aalr e,ikMi, N. braala. aeaia.l I arllua t' Marlajr, adwiauikral.M uf ike alaUtif Jow k K. Maria, I0eraaaa,a Mar? K. Uariar, kilaT. NuiHe, II, K, N)ie. kn ' aaaieaatauaa.raaarkl.dkaa, II. II. akaa, k'e a aaai aakkuea, Vlraiaia M paeeeil. Mxranr. k Aroa, llaarf l. Out, I'aal II, klaria,raill..al! Uariar aa-t II. d. Halloa A I w ilalaailaala, laa ui'l aad aaf ul ak. k l hirw.uaa) a eartaia wuilaae. U4 aad 4.iir-J h Ike .a' I J.hmi k K, Ua.iar aad Ua'f K Maflar, k a aila in lk It alma di.te daalixa I uaieakf. aad I f a titieaMe luaaiOae. aixia il' aaa aaad lu tk. plaiati. apua Ik. K.l luaiaa Vat(,t nal ealat a lil la laa, raalar .ai , k.h.aaka, lu.ai. I ul aawha. kie ii, lakl.Nh ki..r hhi if , la II ' 'a'. illiHolu to.,ii a.f .i.ola, la e'iaa Ia kl iJ uu. nu taia pftwMr ao.a, ilat'd lr Mk. Im. k.rika turn ul IHmiw ul Jx aad k ',! Ut lait, nk tka t ( Ikarw.e ei f la Ik a laa Mkwaal a..ra a., a i Ik.ioiuaiia k-J aJ tka laa ,. k..ie tl aij ti ua aa .ilea- alua uf Ik llaia "I vl wl ul aald krlaira. im . Ik- tta uf IM aak, paiakla i Hli4itHk( k.a.lk tb.a.fw al Ika k era ka'd. aad lartk. Iul Ida a. uf Ik aia la alj ta.l aaaaKuiuif .aea a. I M eaat,a e tka aaua ud k'aa. iaaa It, I tlt, urOM,wM li ... tw Ika .a, I. a. I li.ia p a a el'k aawd dwwfk k V.'taf l4 Ml , Mal t.i ka aa.a..(ll a lik'Ua A I'u kttiaa ka.a l 'a la .aid laaaaal a tka.k a atataka I ke ta da aw.a aa'4 aad euif aa, i M.aM wf i k.f a aa I ta piat latara.t k.a hua 4al H ad tkalKb-. aawiaf a aa aad laiaal fu. lata ka.4 kt aiatati. ta .! kia eu.a IWa, IMajail kta kxa aaa a tail Ika la ua ai4 tuaa, !.. nuu. Ikaa lk k'd al, riaea lie aka lai al piatai 1 iktaexl ka aaa a aad pateklu. Ik. kt ! ei Ikal aad tae aiaf ka ki..4. aad Ik. ftmrn'm-m a.a ka a4 tl. l Iti i,,iii J Ma'ati tk.laoa, aad tkal Ikaaa ul plaial I a ka takatuatad la Ika eaa. aa- .iuw aukM M Ikal uf It, . Sa tua A !' aad k. faaarai daital Va. aid .k al l ae eeaaiMul ka tuiH aad raMikaa, .a a aKa tke Mt d at Jaea .laa Pake Ukk t.l 4kf WMatka. mt. "u a- 1 a. r alia It, St Alt'!, Tho Now. Union . ELEVATED LOOP-'a-SSlsss IS NOW Ol'I.f. It rans on Van Buren St.. Directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. 1'aaaeniier errlrlnii la Chlengo caa, by th new I'nloa Ovated lump, reai bauy part of theeiiyj or. lor a nvnt far, ran b taken liniiieiliitti-ly to any of the large store in the down town dlatriet. All l.'levte.l Train will atop at th 'lUtfk leiaad" Hiatinn, Traia fary fiiiinila, Tbuiii'ilili.aran only b ol iVrwl by th "OraAt took Iiland Boflta." II yoa will aKud J wit dtantplor itoaiai; w will mail jua at nut' a bird' ey view ul i ItU aiiti, Juel laud in five rtilora, aliii b alma yoa jdetwhat oa want In kau about t lik'Mrfo and the new Jjm'P and Llaln hjretem. 1 hie nntt ) tei alnitiM bate, Bethr jfuii lira out nM hat ny and eia lormita to It, nr ahelln r ;im Mti Iu I I ttleaga aadiiaor your liWttile titlem'la ntaktnn tri, Ad.irka Jua hsk Tld, H. r. A., t hi aa. kledika What diwa il vnalttf l IhefaT Wlva a4 abimMtta "f U kt kiiil4 tiaa take? k.fa ara Ik Hiia? Il.iw iMUih kk Ikry priitlutanl? la rk ilf.alilalf What wa" era paid? I litiiiif iairet kat ar ua vhaiiiva ul ' mkiii( a inkef" I itplet aad a,iieta Uirr ribe ti tk aUiik gtUib all) be IhMm I l lie liuriiaaltta Uai'e "kJtia.lik K"l'Wr," ready lr diatntiHttoa, Hitaea Hea il prat I U at iaturatalMa and at ui tibial mp ul Alaaka aad Ik Kta dke( rua at trlmtoa liuatn twl4 nftVa, I awal t ri'l id Itiar at la eUotrehy J. I'raatla, ll' Paaaawtaf it, Itarlialoa Itoal, tiaiaka, Setv 0l year Mflltf H f' 'A