The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, January 06, 1898, Image 2

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la tbi oloma will pabllch aonmaalraMoB
I a 4 lttl abareataf, raeld
fra abw-ntxr ia tblf pep. o ommaiO.
Mtioi hnnld onUla mart thao lot word,
A Man lltl? Tfiaii a Platform,
Kimtoii or Tint Ir.vKii!T:
I would lika to say a few word to J.
M. Hnyder oh practical olttic, I take
it for grantwl be J lionet and rery
much In earnest. I was a free soil dem
wrnt before there mm a rputlitn
party. I wlH remember tb time Mr.
Hewanl made bl speech in the ('filled
Htate senate when he cil'I there wa an
Irrepressible conflict between freedom
aud slavery, that tbtaj Kovernmeut
wnilil tiot remain brill free and half
slave, that flil wo the belief of UumSn
Mud all tliat took part In or&MtkUtit the
republican party, but when they made
tbclr platform on which Fremont and
Uncoln were nomliifl limy did not
demand the abolition of slavery but tit
rtrii:tlori to its then present limit,
Tim south believe! that restriction
nimitit tli doom of slavery, for If the
tarritorle were admitted ill f li Mitloil
free stotwa, that political power of
tit (re state would so reat that
ut,ru.iAv U t) ation would destroy it
the am a unfriendly hlatlon In itow
Wrivmi tli vain ol silver ttlld the
aouth forced tlwrfr Irrepressible conflict
a ikI slavcrr vn abolished mount than
tli most radical abolltiouist could have
hoped for, Hut row! th republican party
adopted tit abolition plat form Abraham
Lincoln would wot bar elected and
tli urobabiltty In slavery would mill
it, W voted with tit remiblienn
party (rom John (i Fremont inJanum
(i, J'dnlnw until w Itelieved tli party
wa owned mid controlled by tli cor
poration for tli corporation and was
. miik Itiif mor bomele wliiw siuve and
traiuii than it everliberatcd block one.
W wr iiret at tli ItuittillalinK
Mseiie that took tum III tb a al
Unties nd tat wiiivwitlon of tb WO-
uliMt jartjr from nW till Wl'i whleh o
wonketitfd tb ooiiilUt t'nrtjr that h oi
not th democrat eom to It ri u
with wwiocral ion. tli am part y that
ba robbed tb tat and bu th will-
iiiK tool of txiTMrmuon Ui dfat all
b'gUlallon to Jirerent tort Ion would
now till wiry olfbi in tb tat lunm
and tnot of tb eonnty oitta. Tb
iiooullMt oart r i coimiotwd of iim-ii from
all parti that tblnk otor of tirinclpi
titan partf nam oikj no imny ittai cnu
b orifanlftd by toentbat would rathf
bad a faction to defont than march to
uccwm with that grat arm of m uiu
ration that i now Mux organized to
flffbt "tb nmy ol tli buman m-M'
whidi will l deidd In tb tixttbr
retr, can turn thwi froin what tle m
lirto b riubt, Tb natiwo forth
middl of tb road popufbft to d:ll in,
will tbr blp fltcbt tbi battl or will
tbf ornanirt a il iow ui mnp r-i
eet tb republican part wbbm I opitowtd
to w 1
prlmnpi tnr aorocai. w nat
tb fatur will bring fort It no mo can
tll, bat If tb presidential vlectlou wa
to Uk plan in tb wtt fmr w m
lir uiu out of tn of tb populbtl of
Kbraka would rot for Uran agalnNt
an man that would acnpt a nomina
tion and w Mlr h would b lM;td.
W do not under timat tb power
that would b ayainvt u all, th faa
tioaal parti, a united republican
part, all tb corporation and trut,
tb fc-oiu tanaara moo powr 01
Amurku and Kurop, and If the gain
tb vu:Ury all tb force would bar to
bar their rward a the would now if
th republican part bad control of th
aenat, wbicb mean that all our bonded
debt, 1lrr and pinr motie, would
bar to b rdtiiabl in 110M, a InrK
nary under th prUmt of iirottlng
our foreign intereat, and a Ktauding
arm amf militia to correspond. .Then
the will auk th dinconttiM whatar
on Koinir tn do about it, w bar got
all w aeked and tb uprem court I
tilled with men that will declare all the
lawn you can rnnk) unconstitutional.
W belie v, Mr. Hndr, If rou and 1
could maku a platforni and enforce it, it
wouldn't It lika tb (Hipuliet platform
or th (.'hicaico demcjeratie plntlorm.
Hut pant expenenc taai:he that plat
form bar tN-en need a a trap to catch
yoUm, We would rather bar a man
with taltility whoiM heart beat In m
path with hi fellow men, than all the
platlorm that can It inmle with a mail
without principle to enforce them, Our
oberraiiou fetiche that nnm of part
le or platforni dou't chniura human
nit turn or the teltlnhneiiM of m men,
which Hie populiftt part u well h other
partic ha great reaeon to regret. II
m limine wan on firs and I had to climb
a laduvr to put It out, ami necim j
could not reiii h at one utrldu th top
round would let the hou burn down,
would l cotiahbred virj incouelKteiit,
if not criminally o. I not thin the to
it Ion of noma of the MipullitU. I'lile
w hav lulled to umleratnud tlipuu
liat I'arty on h money iietloii, they
ar In furor ol both gold and iir and
nier money laaind i th government.
Fiau Klarsku,
Iba Ut Wiataa fN
4 b tiaanawbtifa.aia.,
Hdi lb Kimball
J'lattu git btijatlur b
alt tithtr A mt t k ait i i
Kuiuiaait MaV(,"
) 114 th.HIMllt lte.
ti 4riiirM 4 an h
tlV4U4 kakMM
A no in,
, ' i 't'aTtfrnrf''" . lit ,
Harness and
Saddle Makers.
Stay-On Blanket
Itopiiirlng a ji:lalt.
Full Stock of
Harness, Lap
Robes Blankets
Lincoln, Nob.
Our gold and allver mln furnmh m
ploy men 1 1 o million of mmi ami on of
tit oet market lor wMrn protjuci.
and fuiiilahe coin to mak money to
pa our obligat Ion t hat are payall In
coin, lltna lemur ollli parteiftecs
to lead the mijt not get mt far ahead
of tli part that they araloet lghlo
T fVvnt nl lle,
from a K(.o,p, tandpolnt Mr, Htnw
art' reaaonfrtg would b both logical
and eoncluelre, iiut populit can no
afford to m that kind of argument
Tb cr of holier than thou, ma b
good argument for him who ha nothing
) to bobttcrup a bad can, Jiut ho
wbo ba right upon bl ida cd no
audi logic. If (huvi'f Clefeland, Cur
Dale and other democrat hav proven
U b tralUr t th wopbf that doe
not jualJf th a,'Uatloti that all dem
ocral ar traitor, if w judg men by
their act and not from our prejudice,
w inuat almlt that for problt, lion-
ef and Integrity th nation never ha
produced W, J, ifryan'a auperior. Fur
ther mor w bar no mora jut cau to
impugn th motive and Integrity of il
rr democrat and republican than w
bar thoa of populial wbo bar in for
mer year allllated with tho part lea,
I Mr. Htewart willing to miinit that all
poiuiliMt ar cose and Hill IJechay
if to UU'H aiircr amwwmu auu repuu
lican I th proper method by which to
mak ooouiiau. of tum, tiicn t am reajy
to kick, Hut oefor w proceed upon
that line, w want to know that they
ar different creature from all other of
(iod'a creation.
Ther I no oueationlitg th fact that
praaent tandencnt and Iiohm of reform
ar due to th bold and patriotic Htand
taken by W, J. Hryau a much a It 1
of that of populi!, .Now seeing that
tnaMiumiTingmrMae nariin arouaeij
to th x)1iug danger to tuelr lilwr
Ilea, let u a ponullat pror to them
that w ar boneat. Not, by nbualng
tbOM of oilier pnrtle wlto would aid u
in redeeming our country ami prrr.
Inif tlioa Itliertleaf
tiny, but by pioring to them that It I
not th building up of a party that w
are aeek lag, but tb aaf ration of our
country, and th preacrrntlon of th
noma of our mortage ridden (mopl.
lea, r a iner rwmicr, money ot rednim
tion In, and alwaya ha been on of the
greabwt luduatrlal roblwr known to
th human family,
liutlt l that curat to man to le In
tenaillod an hundred lold throuirh the
populiat standing aaidu and letting th
rarieucr ol luduatry mttKo it gold re
demption. Khali w aepitrat from uud
engage In th amall buaiiiua of plltiug
hair with our friend and natural al
Ilea, wliil i fetter of ifold ore belli i riv
eted upon th limit of our children, aold
into tioudtiK to tlw hngliati Jew 7 I Ula
I what diriaiou meitua. W are, juat
now, placed whera w muat chooa b.
tween two iuevitalilacouditiotia, whether
eltlior of them meet with our individual
view or not, TIicm ar the gold atiiud-
ard and eternal gold bond, t'orporat
iaau of pma-r tuoiiey of ptalemled gold
redeittiitloii, but never lliti IhI.mJ to m re
tlHtuiM'd III anything, a legal tender for
Itotbuig, or bimetulliaiii Hie unlimited
coinage and ua ofholh gold uud ailver
m money without diacrimiuaiioii, All
paiMr money iaaued by the government
reileemuliltt iu both gold mid ailver, A
redemption (lint, la ponaibl, mid legal
tender lr all d bt, W am told that
fo acipiiiiMw In thia, Utoibwlroy th
Mipuliat party, la oilier word, torap
lura tint eueitin citmbd would la itiaaa
(Miiia defeat, I'ltitad wacitn iM at their
gold atniidtird mid gold boml ualioual
lunik aiheiiie. Wln'i, tli la la done mm
hav the bvat of reaauii In b Imva that
wa ran get Urn di uuicrnl lmn to a
JthVraoiiiitu, popultatic, ItuniKiiil aya
tela, Th public IMllid la now lunced
Uhiii the iiuiiit tur.v problem, and it
w mi Id m l.oi Ii iinpiiiilii' hihI auuidal to av
tempi to Mitt'ti lli't (HMipla nit ol that
iiiviii, or to a Id It III other iplea
Hue a. ,So other alignment Caa Im inttl
until llii on parntiiomit iUi'tUiii l
wllUd, la but no other tau b aitia.
In. turilr iid iniirtiitiiily "tt!ed until
I Ida on t ritfhtixiliir Ilia reoaou that
all drn tlnlr aucwtvut Iuk.I-Ihi-ir
lile blond Iroiu tli I'liiful aiiM iv id
all uliuava. All (H puilala know Kit I lHI
Ivtttl that th limner H"Miu Mparw
luiiuat to all ullir iu a. NoitauppoaM
that wa nmka b Uua
' k'litirtu im.m ji," ui atniia ta la
bo hi M til hlla lllwr lala W (au
rwi.y um thai iw ti la any
mm4 all otln r riHleaiou, ail ttta aay
witi-ra will m al ba tl lot ara
riiuatiNl. I Mat ftfuti. Iro ui I i,
Jltal W4 wrl HmUI lltim l 'l N .
tftl !!. It,' oH ol V li. 'tot
will l oitttvr la Ui aad I ,
t wtkrr aif aaia "Mft ay billow
iIihiih and la in la 1 1 tm," 1 1da I
Irux, oiu, In. em I wdieUaiiHi, Mat (
ilu wtit U'lia that ha da koMaili' and
ilvliUtately lallniiiwd wttwt ' tl. U-t '
men, Mavaaibt IkU ly Iborouglily
tud)ltf Hi tiaa' lhkik ,
Aaiw b mi Hr lapuMina rula
arr raw barm I la totmtry bkakilliMii
lb aiy," o ditabt but wkat t'atkat
Snyder bonaatl belmrc thia. Hut
thouannd of other, jut a honeatly
believ that uudiaputod "republican
rula" at thia very time would be a
greater calamity than any which ba
aver befallen th country. Of what avail
will th party be when the great com
bine I unaaaiiilably Intrenched behind
Ironclad financial leglalatlou, and the
great corporate moiiopoliea, truat and
combine ar Intrenched Iteblnd pro
tect I ve leglalatlou and court of injunc
tion? Father Hnyder ay: "Kill u if
you cn," No, no, we have no thought
of audi a thing, Juat want, If poaaiblc,
to prevent you from committing auiclde.
Josutimn JIiooin.
t'ambrldge, Neb,
' AJIIarte t'oiniiiuiiliatloii.
Tit Kort Kearney Alliance mot on
December 7, J8U7. A goodly number
wer prewiut and tli regular order of
bualiiH gon through, A committee
wa appointed to collect th book of
our Alliance library and report nt next
Th following motion wa carried:
That w renew our devotion to th
declaration of purpoae of the Farmer
Alllnnc, and commend the aametolhe
coiaiderutlou of all the friend of liberty
and reform.
The following wa read from th com
tlf utlou of the atale alliance:
"iieclaratlon of I'urpoae I'rofouudly
Impreaaed that we, I he Farmer' Alliance,
iiu red liy tn airoug ami laiinnn nea oi
llnanclal and home Intereat. altould aei
forth our (b'clarat ion of In ten tion, we
t herefore reaol v to ! rl ve to aecure th
eHtabllabment of llKht and juNtiu t
ourelve and our poaterltyj to labor
lor (tie education ol tli agricultural
claaae In th aclenca of economical gov
ern merit in a atricily nou-partlari pirlt
to endora th motto: in all thing eaaen
I lul null v. In till tli I in a t'loiritv! f o ae
cure purity lu the elective frunchiau and
to Indue all voter to intciiigwitiy xer
cle it forth miactimait and execution
of law which will (dtprca t he moat ad
vanced public aentimeut upon all publd
oueatlou involving th Internet of tin
ftirmer and laborer; to develop a bet
ter atile mentally, morally, oclally am
financially: to couatanlly atrlve to aecure
entire harmony and good will among
ail mankind and brotherly love among
ourMclve; to eupprea peronal, focal
aectlonal and national jrejudicea, all un
iteaiiiiul rivalry, and an muuimij amiii
'I he above declaration may well be
called the im commandment of the
Farmer Alliance,
If j Jajjl IMimI-. 4tia tt mt.ii i cub itnum
B r"mf w m m v -m7 ptr ' fimrwt
imwl by th order wa when w Ignored
party line and party prejudice and
worked for reform and unity among the
Iteaolred, further. That a copy b ent
to th Nkmiunka Imm'v.nuv.H't tor pub-
lw;atlon. rKOUH k MI'ink, necy,
To Cure Nervous Dyspepsia.
To Cain Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know
What Appetite and Good Digestion
Wean, Make a Test of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets.
lateraatln; Itiparlenet nfa I llnolla
No trouble I trior common or mor
mlauoderatood than nervou dyape()aii.
'eopl navlng It tiling tttat tneir nerve
are to blame, and are Nurprlaed that
they ar not cured by nerr medicine
ami prfng remedhai; tb real eat of the
mlechlef la loat wight of; tb etomocb i
th oritan to be looked after.
Nervou dyMfteptlc often do not nave
an pla whatever in th tomach, nor
perhatt an ol th uual nymntoin of
Rtomacn weakne, ervoua dypepaia
aliow Itaelf not ao inucii in tliAHtouiacn
a in nearly erery other organ; in aome
:iw tue heart palititate ana l Irresu
lar: In other th kidney are affected: In
other the bowel are conatipated, with
headachee: atill other are troubled with
Urn of fleab and apiietite. with accuma
lation of ga, aour riaing and heart
Mr, A. W. Hhurixtr, of No, ul proaiiect
afreet, Indlanapoll, luil., write a fol
"A motive of pure gratitude prompt
me to writ thee few line regarding
he new and raluable medicine, Htimrt'a
tyapeitalit I ablet, I nave been a suffer
er from nervou dyeiicpala for the paat
four year: have uaml vtirloua patent
medicine and other remodie without
any favorable reault. They Hoii.etimea
tcav temporary relief until the effect of
tun medicine wore off, I attributed thia
o my aedintary habit, being a book-
eeiair wait little phyalcnl exerelee, but I
am glad to atat that the table ta hav
Vermont all tlicee ohatncle. for I have
gained iu lleah, aloen better, und am bet
ter la every way, 1 he above I written
tiot for notoriety, but I baaed on actual
fact. Iteaiiectfuily youra,
"HI 'riaH t HI., lndiauuiolia, lud."
It ia ante to any that Ntunrt'a l,v'i
a Tablet will cur any atomai h weak i
Ilea or illaeftae eii-i pt cancer theatoii).
m il. They rure aour atomach, ga, luaa
fllaahnNd ''llte, aliaplenalieaa, pal
Ittitiou, liriirlliiirn. coiiatlpatioii and
Hi'inl for raluable little book on atom
h diai'iiaea by addrwaiug hlunrt t o.,
Ilitratiull, Mich.
All drunlta aell lull aiiad pm knui at
n(t Mil.
IVm . tit tta ik MB
1 kiMiiluta U a -- Itiit a I u.irw
hrmt i tM t- 4i4 ! Ih lt ta
a il
., HII4 t4)
ikt I r .. t Mm m t ra
tb ail i..u w.i
,1 ii.l ... u. lit
I F4
th SmH
HhAfti.t tMfc
u. aiiMMHii iu. f, isati.
ft tuTHew lit Ufa I" w . H.fc. h
t u- 1 1 - v t r t I XT
LiLJr- "hi 'KJuPi
r nr. pr iiimrpp rn
A. II. WEI It, Aoent.
Corner N anl 8th Sts.. LINCOLN.
Phone 65. . . .
Full Assortment, Best Grade,
Lowest Prices.
One More Until For IM-MeUUUin,
Umon, Neil, Dec. 27, 1807.
Ewroit Iwdki'rnuknt:
Am many havoMocn fit to not forth thoir
view In regard to the political elf nation,
I am coiiHtralned to come forward and
offer to the public a now national plut-
form which should be enncted and fully
coiiHiimatcu und enforced prior to the in-
troductJon of any other vital Inhuo.
Flrafc 0(eu the mint.
nocouu r.uuci uy congreae, oy ex
ecutive and by judical authority that
tint preecur greenback circulatioii be,
now and forever, atuudurd money of
the IJiilfcd HI at hh.
Thii'dTh'iteilvcrcertlllcatcf ehall be
redm-mud by the secretary of the treaaury
wnen prnacnieii, iu ailver and gold In
etpial amount, l(i to 1 by weight of
standard dollar, only at such time a
the treasury Miftilu shall be sulllcleritly
large to warrant and iUHiify such re-
dumptlon without loss or dlsudvuutugo
to ine government, jc being th iuteu-
tioutocutor block the eudlns chain
when speculated In In the Interest of
speculating robbers,
Having unavoidably drifted during
ine reoeiiiou irom tlie orthodox tlieorv
of spncla standard biuietaillo money, we
are now siowiy out surely driruinr to a
Ingle gold standard. Nothing cun now
prevent such confirmation; except a
union of all opposed to such gold slim
dard, and then the con 11 let will bo hot
und fierce,
J here I now no use to talk about re
deemable or (redeemable nnoer moiiev.
The thing to do I to sustain our present
currency, u'tueein or pay our u, a.
bond in accord with the written letter
of the law und contract.
Jtit u now so to nature' store bouse
and dig out the material to coin constl.
tutlonal redemption money, Th peopl
have little confidence in conirresa and
still les in bank corporations. We have
no use tor turtlier nuisir ssue In this
generation. Under this clamor for Mingle
gold standard, the only question I what
shall we do to be saved? Jn my view we
have only to place this government la
the hand of an administration thnfc ara
and will be disposed to protect the wo-
tile's government against speculative
roooer and thieves. When the nation
wu on a greenback standard I favored
renin Inlnif on the same. It wo irood
for the masse, and properly carried out
wouui nave made a success. Hut the
American people are not constituted
that way, They bad sooner believe a
lie that they might be du in tied.
I accept the situation. One more bat
tle for bimetallism, then take the reaulfc.
Those wbo go off now on side issue
must boar the restious b itr. We have
Inherited these greenback. Ther are a
good thing, let u keep them forever, but
i" I u HOC increase tliern a ao lnrnvr.
Kuough of a good thing I sufficient. We
liRVtl llftf lllnir lllir. H iililumikinrwiiaa aiJ
- j view 'tl WUBftl bum
am sorry to say the same of every legis
lature tuu tar io Nebraska.
L. (J. Todd.
Cola Badeinptlon.
To thk Kpitom ok tub Imdki'kndknt:
I compliment II. G. Btewart on the
money doctrine of hi letter in the In
dependent of Dec. 80tb. Everybody
should know that theouo great battle of
this age I for and against coin redemp
non oi paper money, j-or reason
stated by Mr. Btewart, if cola redemp
tion finally prevail, the country will
have a long, dark and hopcles night of
slavery before it If non-coin redemp
tion prevail the people will have a foot
hold uud standing by means of which
they will take to themselves other good
thing generally, and an era of groat
popular freedom auu prosperity will
dawn upon us.
'1 he people's party I the hoite of the
country. If that party Is true to it an
nounced principles, there will be a grand
peaceful, termination of combat. Let
no matt lie deceived. The country I
teeming with pretended remedies und
I'elorniM and project to distract and di
vert the party Irom it great purpose.
1 1 a time lor every well wishur of his
country to lie watchful and at work In
the right line,
.No neutral should be countenanced
ussui li. L'very man that ia not out-
poken and active auainst should be
ouuted aa for eolu redemption in mak-
lug- choice of nil meii (or legislative
responsibilities eepevlully.
W hy Nut Join Th r.iiull.l l'rt v r
Kurroit or thk iMikftJiiiKXT;
I ciinuiit uuderattiid why fr ailver
republicans and demucrat du not com
Into the pupulist party, fur they au m
to ruli that it take a union of theae
parties to detent th corporation, ami
that Ih t'uriMimOoii are th ihjiiiiiiiiii
riieiuy id riht aud rghtHiuania of
lilM-rty and the riant distribution of tli
ruduels of Ulmr Hi ats ttor of iililuul
tHirruptioii id ll a imU and th aduiim-
ratlou ul law by In uueliou or "In I na
il on Ilia uneou.iituiiiiual -g. know
that th' partit rali a billy a tit
lupuiut ils that it will Ink all th r
iriiiea tu ilik-nt rirriitiiul.l i
rmlv ar thy sathrou- In hUh plutva.
aud wanttitiitly ran aurk ihrpr, moi
rtruiiiiiioo h tmtr It -fii in on
Ultval i tka w ma la
ttirs and I would ak II tn isii.ia is-
i Ike loiiitl trtjr lor Urn aiua
rvHM h a b irgHHiii
inn id it. thai la, that ua oill r'tn
lulti a Ixitty aad lav lkir ihiIhw
m rtudt lanH h tU ihiIiI
r..ff u.tii Ik.jr Ml twhiii t, A uiu
bxiil.l mil lw ir.h. lu wvatiowfti
a atlf piineipl . triv lv Muk
ii th Hnl rri p.mtkal prty,
r a o a a put ly tv in iw iri
nivt, it tu Ihi i. a tu sxaa
aad aa ika aiptil party tat
Wh. In bark abta and I as luiaf. 1
ill Mp iirmahU a w party, t tl.
ar lane br Ifcat will tut lor aar
tHle ta t r w.ia tit k, ad lh
i.Hy rfa oa.uir k to way.
UiM lky II it aifttt aotau
low they are placed by the leader. I
made a statement aimilur to the fore
going once to a party and they said the
populist would do the same, it mattered
not who wo nominated. I, answered by
saying, that if populists were that kind
of men, they would still be la the old
parties, for that kind of men never re
form. I am In favor of a union of the
reform forceu under one name, I believe
that should be populist, but I don't care
about the name, it I tho plutform and
the men that represent the party. Dur
ing the campaign, there was a republi
can campaign pamphlet mailed to me,
praising the populist state ofllcers some
what after their old style, which wa
both dlsKUsting and gratifying to me.
for 1 have learned to look upon men
with distrust that such parties und
paper endorse. I do tiot wuut their ap
proval, but I do wunt reform, and would
suy to them as I have to my neighbor
that wear golnir to have reform, with
their help If we cun got It and if not, we
uro going to force it upou them and
the time is at bund when I would just
a soon be known as a llenedict Arnold
a a gold standard republican or demo
crat, tor they are aolng dowu In history
witn the rones and traitors. 1 llrinlv
believe thut when tho labor nuestlou is
set tled that the great strife among men
und nations will pructicully be at an
end and that meu will learn war no
more, and the golden calf will be acom
modlty instead of a robber, Your till
the victory I won, John Long.
Jturtloy, jnou. Jan. 3,
Operatives in tho MtiHSHchusett wool
en mill are divided on the question of
striking, on account of the recent reduc
t ion of wugos,
Representatives Fornow of Adams
county, and Morrison of Thayer county,
were visitur in Lincoln last week.
Ii cuimcd hy torpid liver, which prevent (Illa
tion and peroilts (nod U fciinent and putrlfy In
the Ktoimtiili, Tlitui follow (JIutlnvH, liemluclie,
liisuinlua, nerveusnetii, and,
If nut relieved, blllom fever I ty 1 1
or blued iiolmmln Hoed' Yf III S
rilln stimulate the stonuich, M W
roime the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
lUpatliin, etc, lift cerita. Hold liy nil druKKlsts.
TUeeuly fills to tak with llooJi bursupurllla.
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Second floor CUtti Diji
Tli llnat mnA rhmmnn 5-". 1 r A
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once tor prt
And AKfncy,
mora griti
flnmuHHi than
f,guutr i
anr otlwr mllL
n . i ii
0t. Wbaat. Ao.. fin
anoimn lor any parpo.
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urtira ol Vin. knrm
iUnchinoiy. W iinltullU.
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aw preparation called UltAIN-O, mail ot par.
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OTar !4 aa mni h. Cblldrn mar drink it wits'
Krvat bunt'flt. 16 eta. and V& eta. Jr packag.
Try It, Aakfor OKAIN-O.
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Weak aud Strained Eyes Success
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No Atropine, no lost time.
1800 0 St., LINCOLN. N KB.
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Gallery Kstsullhd 1971.
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$nt Cabinets, $(.00 per Dozen.
BetlstMtlo OnrUd.
W k Crayon Portrait cheap end 1 tb
, notrtlU Btyla.
1215 0 ST.,
I Lincoln, Nebr.
Bonn from 9:80 to 13:80 .m 9 o 6 p.i
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cript lik tbi: "It sure
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