THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT December 30, 1897 THEIR GRAND RECORD (Continued From First Two.) ' I noticed tbat when an ehort wa mad to nllp a bill through cwugnnM under tha Innocent title ol a definition ol what constitute contempt More the court, that rtenator Buth-r a ln nrt man to ri(NM the hidden Manning and tha rat purpose behind the bill. II bowed tbat tha effect ol tha bill wa to Iriereana tbe power of tue Moral judgo In Imprisoning mo lor contempt and tm it would IftfttJiM tin uiontrou and oulraoim action ol tlm Moral court lo Impriaoniw debtor without a trial by Jury. Tul bill bad ben supported iinun Jmounly by tlm Judiciary commit tea ol tb aeuata, a committee uiooe ol lawyer and a couiinitte compoed of wvu rHpublieun and nit democrat. II tin-re bad Un a populwt on thi com mit to It I " "a tbat tin bill would new bavs b-eu upiorted unun ImouMly. A 1 underhand It, It 1 in cooiinittw niHotliiK tbat bill are scru tinized and carefully conidired, section I. aul liilfi. whllu In OIK!ll HHHHioll of COU- Htm other member, on account of pre Of Other IjUMIWM r uommj lorwtd to awDt the report and Mute- went of tha membcra of a Klven com- - mitte wilb rwuii to a Kivi-n om inui tb report. While rVnntor Butler wa not on tin committee, bi action howd tbat b not only carefully einmiued tb bill when it waa reported, but tbat lie I a bolter lawyer or ela a better friend to tbieopbj tban tbow wbo nxe on tbe committee, lie promptly offered an nmendriieut to tb bill xprely declar ing tbat in the caae deacriued la the bill every man should have a, trial by Jury before being Imprisoned ou a charge of contempt. He pressed hit amendment no vigorously aud m posed I be dark and bidden purpose of tbs bill wilu such frcs tbat 110 ou attempted to reply to bliuand tha amnnduniut waa adopted. In tli Ik connection 1 wib to call atten tion to the fact tbat a low mouth alter ward the demiMiratic oarty in national convention eudorud thi amendment ol H.mutor Butler's In their national plat form though tby did not kIvs In in credit for it but attempted to claim It u their own In spite of the record, 1 wish, ulao to call attention to the fact tbat ha wan I lie timt aenutor to in troduce au amendment to tin coimtitu tion providing lor an lipoma tax. Otbere it neoiiiN bad been natift'led lo t rWu tm tliMHuprema court lu dwIariiiK tlm incooiu tux law uncoiiMtilulioiinl, but no one bad taken any action to rem edy tba wronj. I'uder ibe rule tin amendment wnt to tb judiciary com fnilte, tbe Mama comiiilt,t relerred to b'v, and tba record nliowa tbat Kena tor ilutler ba inada Irefpiout effort to got a report from tbat committee on lii ameudinent but bi not yt auc ceeijod. Wby bav not tbe democrat on tbat commli te forced a report ou tbi amendment? Tbey could Kt a mi tiorlty report at leant m a to briiiK tbu matter btifora open con((reH. 1 wilj alo to call attention to tlie (act tbatKenator ltanoin apent twenty four yar lo tba enat and never, mi far a I remember, did or attempt to do anything for tba peopla of tbi Htate ex cept to get a few river and barbor ap propriation. JId did many tiling aj(aint tba int -rente of bia ptMple; namely, b voted in WJ2 to re-cbarter tb InlamouN banking ylem; uKain wbeu b voted to reiieal tba lat mlver law on th atatuta book under tba die tatea of Cleveland aud in order tbat b night dUtribute ollicea Irom Cleveland' Iila-counter II lor no otber conideration. (at ll tb democratic pre of tbi tal baa never crilicwed biin for tboaa tiling; tbey bar been a nilent .about them a tbey bar about tba many good thing that oenator llutler baa dona, lint w all remember bow they would announce with great headline and Itourmh ol trumpet tvery little appropriation tbat b got for a river or a mud creek. Now what doe tba record bow7 That sena tor Duller nerured larger and mora ap propriation for the river and harbor of till atate in the lat river and harbor bill tban awmtor lUnom ver aecured. , )f senator Uaiuom wa doing a groat thing tor bl state by getting then ap propriation, then why haven't these pa-mra told tbe eoplo what a great thing senator llutler u doing by get ting more and larger appropriation? 1 Winn alo to call atteution to the fact that senator Duller now baa pend ing belora cougrosa two important bill to perfect aud improv our potal syn tem: Una providing for the etablih ment of a potal telegraph which would break op tbaoppreiv weatero uulon telegraph monopoly aud plana a tele graub or a telephone at every poHtolllce id tba United Hi ate, nndenubla tba peo ple to send a telegram for ten cent any where over the country, liiNtead olfroin twuutv-flv cent to one dollar aud ovr, according to the dutunoe, as w now lav to pay, lie ha alo lu trod need a poatal savings bank bill providing for tbaMtablmbment ol a postal savings bank at everr money order pot olllr in the United State where the eopl cna depoeit tbelr small savings, from on cent up, reoelv iuterest on the same, and bava tbe security of tbs government behind it. Nearly every country in tbs world bu theMepoNlal aviug banka ex cept ours. 'I hey Hiuourag the ieopl to lay up their small saving not only by paying them Interest but by giving them alMuitute security aud luuriug them tbat tbry will never lose them a tbey are now frequently doing through brokeu bauk; and beside buu lrtnUol Ixmpls would savs aud tle-Hwit In the auks whoraauot do so lu the private and national banks, Jut tutor roii gres adjourned Meuator Hutter lulru dueed a IWMilulins tlirei llMg the svr tary ol slats to send an oltteial cirrular lMr to all id b diplomat H rpre4u tativva (il tbi Koverumeat abroad dt- rMilng them to send lull iuloriuation a to lbs nature, prat-th wl oiwralion, sut ont d asll aviug bank, HMlat tele atrsph and teU-pbuus inlorigueountri, 1 bavs now bior me a ropy td tberir- rnlar letter wbnh lb s-rurv of stat nnt out nnde data td July IT lb lo all loMgn rountrMM, and Ik laMraiatlon a will rMv la reply lo Ik utiona at rl will It Uid b lore rung-HM In I waiter, wkub li senalur llte will He In trung Iheae ImiairUnl na4 Hier llomiu bills, lis ny tilkvt senaltif taken atia alite I In lm" u I wu la mil ntionitttn In lb bwi alsa Iknl II was rWnif lslWf wbo d lnlsl lbs tnlaaiim I bill, TM pnriHwa ol lb will wm u tiiwriutttt al against sntall swanlry n'p and la lavwr 4 lb big nttriiMiliian aadiea, hoi unty tfanl, Imt Its larlber i.uriMM ana la prevent Irom giting ifcruugn lbtads sutk oukM t i Financial School and other reform liter ature ftnaiot the gold standard and mouopoly rule. Tbe gold bug and mo nopolist know that if they cuu keep the people Ignorant that they can fool and divide them and thereby continue to rule and rob them, hence their anxiety to pa tbi Loud postal bill. Tbi oan gerou bill wa pawned through the House and wa supported by many Democrat. When It reached the senate aud went to the committee on post-olll-cce and poet road, Senator Duller, n a member of that committer fought it and held It In the committee ami pie vented a report, (though a miijorit of the committee wa In favor ol it) lor over two month. W hen at lust the bill whs reported to the senate, ho Died a strong aud vigorous minority report, and made a speech which wa such a ter rible arraignment of the infiimoii pur pose of the bill that he succeeded in de ..uiniLr It. I might also cull attention to the fact that while tba tarill ha been made a leading party iueof the peeple' parly, for in fact tbe miopia' party wa organ- l.'id to protest ngaiiist the robbery of the (xiople by the gold syndicate and the comoineu trui auo monopolies ii the two old parties fiermifted and were partiua to, while fighting sham battli1 with each other over the tariff, and while tbe people' party congressional caucus passed a resolution to this effect at the beginning of tha extra .session and stated that they would not help either one of tba old parties to revive it a a leading iue to sidetrack the vital Issues, ami to this end declared tbat they would refrain from voting on the Dual ballot, yet no member of congrns wa more alert lo the people's interest, while tbat bill wo pending than wa Senator flu tier. The Itecord show that both by voice and vote be opposed every unjust provision and every discrimina tion in the bill, Not only that, but be offered and tiressed a number of Impor tant amendment. 1 remember now that be wa the only senator who offered an amendment to put the ingredient of fertilizer on the free list, and came with in one or two votes of passing it. lie offered the first amendment to put cot ton bugging and cotton lie on I he free list aud took the lead in passing an ttUieudmelit to fill effect, ' ISut space forbid a more lengthy enu meration. Kufllce it to say that when Senator Tillman made a sss'ch about a week after the adjournment of congress at Moore villa 111 this state lie took oc casion to pay a high tribute to th work done by the populist la general, and Senator llutler In particular on tbe tariff bill. He said, to us hi owa language, which 1 quote from memory, a follow; "I wniitlo say on behalf of Senator Hut b r of your state that be was found 011 every occasion fighting tba tiusts and the greed of every grabber, like the devil, Just as did," 1 hese are a lew ol the many thing ol national Importance that Senator .Sut ler ha accomplished in lil short but brilliant and record; these are soma of t he lending question which be himself lias introduced and taken the lead in, to say not hing of the large num. her of locul aud private bill which he ha Introduced, pressed and passed. Jlesides, the llecord show that he has always been on hand and taken a promi nent and active part in every light where the interests of the jieople were at stake; tbat be supported with all of Ins (lower every good measure offered by any one else, that he opposed vigorously every bod measure. Now, therefore, a a citizen of the state, a bi countryman, as hi play mat to fjoyhwJ an! sehool nays, I trust that 1 can with pardonable pride ask if any man ho ever in five or ten year lu th senate accomplished so much 7 It seems to me that every news paper in the state, no matter to what party It belonged, would gladly publish these facte as a matter of stat pride, if for nothing else. Dut on the other baud what do we see? hither out of partisan littleness or because they are muzzled or controlled by monopolies (which Sena tor Kutler has so vigorously and sue- cessfuliy fought) they not only refuse to give him credit, but denounce him and misrepresent him in every possible way. And this Is why I ask space to publish the above. No one cnu aipl'clute the work he bu done uules he has rcud each day the Congressional Itecord Sooner or later tbe people will learu tbe truth, aud us tbey do theinllueuceof these partisan aud monopoly pajier to misrepresent and abuse a man and to prevent the truth will, I trust, be largely destroyed. Our ropullHt member ol the house had no opportunity to do anything in the legislation of congress on account of tba gag methods of liar Heed in Mus ing to appoint committee, but I am confident tbs nublla may look for a fine record from them also at the nxt ses slon of congress. Very respectfully, r . Al. VYIIITK. Iteiireseutativ drandstaff of Webster county made this olllo a pleasant call today 1 hurmlay aud say tba pop ol hia county nr well organnedand am ion (or th conflict that comes with the next election. farmer' fur I'eslal Ksiihs, Much lia been heard about tba de mand of organised labor for tu stabliah mwntof a postal snving bank system. Organised farmer nr no less emphatic tn asking th government to provide safe depositories for perou ol small menu. Farmer nr not ao well organ Ud n lbs work lug men ol lb el tie and do not com together Inronveutlon aud association so lrtKiiriitly, hut wbeu Ihey do postal savlug bank I gener ally on ol tbubei I diM'UiwMHl, AlthniliMollh Mtemgnn Mai Association ol Farmer' I'luUnl Lans ing recently a strong demand wa nn I lor th establishment of I lis postal sav ing bank system, to which nil lbs del gatsaprvsenl gnv their npproval. On lbs day previous lb stat grnng bad akn siuuUr lioa. A demand wbalt lbs work ilia mwu and laruier unit la making t on to wbica songrsM should give liwd,t'bhagi tier or d. lb Farnw' and Itefrhnnta' lnur auc ronipaar ol l lsi-ils, Vh snt lo lw irtiu in rmM in iajih an hi wlla I'fumplhes and d'patrk. Soul h laai t"t will ilto lb Wl rkt ho0u., Htt lUrgftiA ItuLlirf ) n4 l lhr attok.-NKUlUIKiV IIIOB CO., USA O lrl. TDK EASTAND WEST' Subject of Senator Wolcott's Speech at a New England Society Festival. A NEW PARTY ALIGNMENT, Tbe Far West Will Assuredly Join Hands With the South. A "Conviction" 1 Mur than a Craze Last neck the ninety second annual festival of the New Kuglaud society wa held at Iclmoulw' in Now York City. Four hundred member of tbe society and their blends, including' ninny dis tinguished men, were preseut. Among those who sat at the guest of honor table were J, J'icrpont Morgan, Joseph ll.Cboate, OenJ Wesley Morritt, James Wbitcomb lliley, Klchurd Olney, Senator KdwurdO. Wolcott, the Jtov. l)r, Ly man Abbott, flov. Frank H. Klack, Hen ator fJworge V, Hour, .'resident Charles YV, i;ilot. Geo. Nelson A. Miles and Mayor William L. Strong. The dinner wa made up of good, old New L'ugluml dishes, udd during it dis cussion a quartet, assisted by t lie greater portion ol those present, sung popular airs, The speeches began at 1 0 o'clock and Dr. Lyman Abbott responded to tbe toast, 'Forefather's Day." Gov. lllack responded to tbo toast, 'The Htate ol New York." Fresideut Charles W. L'liot of Harvard university said tbat the puritan spirit survives and that the deceudant ol the puritan are now doing Just such thing a the puritans themselves hud done. Senator Kdwurd O. Woloott of Colo rado nxMiived hearty apulaus when he arose to respond to the toast "Tbu Fast aud the West." , Mr, Wolcott begun with a humorous refercuce to tbu political resignation with which tbe exiles from Now I nglaud bore their banishment; then spoke upon present political conditions, and con tinued: "For more than a generation we have waited for tbu day when parties would divide solely on national questions, aud when the old sectional Issue growing out of the wur uud the race problem would be buried. 1 be time came. J lie parties met on a broad economic que tion, aud lo, wa emerge from the contest threatened with mother bitter sectional division. Tbo lar west, largely the child olthw cast and pulsing with Its blood, join 1m uds with tlm south, 'ihu new alhzumuut Is not only debtor ugaiust creditor, diss against class; but in a land jiervttdeU witti equal oevotion to what its (icople believed in tbu truest welfare of the whole country, great ma jorities in one suction face equally great majorities in another. "So universal a iceiing a mat wincn pervade the great west cannot all be wrong. lou cannot dispose oi a con viction held by million of intelligent people by calling It a cra.o, aud some day you may flud it worth your while to look for th truth where it I usually hidden somewhere between extremes. "Somehow it Is not readily recognized iu tbe west tbat tbe ability to reorgan ize a western raulroad and swell Its stock aud securities seveial million every time it 1 foreclosed, necessarily Indi cates an equal ability to determine the wisest economic policy tor tlie lurmer wbo live along the right of way. And mini wbo would no morn dream of in trusting their banker with the duty of formulating their financial view tban they would of intrusting a muu of whom they bought a shotgun with the com mand ol the unities of their country, are naturally inclined to fear tbat In this part of tlie iiionil vineyard there Is a tendency to ussiime that the posses sion of great wealth means necessarily the iiossesHion of great wisdom. "Ilie century now ending bus been lull ol growth and glory. It ha witnessed th republio rise from iulgniflcauc and poverty to wealth uud greatness. Most ol u here tonight can recall the dark day of doubt aud from them have seen the people emerge in triumph a na tion ol freedom, all Iree. A continent's width may divide us, but the same Hag greet us at tbe dawn, the lorty-flve star all blazoned alike upon it niur field, all your and all our. Induyaol pence a in time of war the altar ol pat riotism I an altar olsnriuY, aud plsoaa tiod we will start tlie new century on its Jouruoy to the star laden with the hope and nNpiraliou ol a huppy and a united ssiple," 1 Ins siieecu by nenaior wolcott has caused very much com men t by the east ern pn'Mrs a to the senator's prohnble action in the tut lire, it is generally eon- Coded that li" will quit tbe republican party, giving a hi reason (or so doing, that the republican party has de serted it platlorm and abandoned the demand lor 'luternnltounl bimetallism." l b Chicago tribune, the loading gold bun daily in ( hicsgo In It 1mu of ! eeuibvr iid ay editorially: "III reiMirtml by vnriou Wnehluu- ton correspondent that wbeu t'ougr rvnssemblea niter th holiday Hen tor Wolcott of Colorado will deliver a "u- sational sMrb," in which b will sever all connection wiih th republican party In which b bus Mongml all hi life, II I reported nlolhat b will nsslun n the reason lor bi departure lbs aban donment ol lb e hum id "international Mnivtallhou' by th rvpuMican party ami d Urntlou by rWieUry tiag aud other lending nuam ier thai th country ntul twfoitiuntled tlill more thoroughly la lb gold standard ol nmnay, 'IIimm d InraWoa b t id lo null ' Ir bcry to lutefuational binivlallism " l then argum lent lb republican parly I" t'us toil i1kU and ha iii' n sfforl la sm ure Isiefun lionnl bimetallism by appoistm ih (. lersatloaal ouuuiMlun ol wbwn hna lof Wolooil wa fbairwan, rUwmg wild lb following stgniA -tanl aragraib 'nternlninal l.liiieUlli.ui ' Ik ntisurdly impiNNiilil term itoiit't4 id t urolwbv Mrynn or Mholl u ddf Una Jullu I r, HmIo Woleutl nsl know II. Put Sm mm k pMl ul ki alnt allll iMJJ nn l da' I. n nonnelal lb old ralnt ol lt t. a iirna worla fJ.oU wf ousre wore In gold tban it is now, and that his term iu tbe epnate expires in 1901, and tbat something must be done to retain it. If the sentiment of Colorado remains as wild and crazy a it is and be adheres to tbe sound, sensible republican is afraid he will lose bin scat and some populistic crank will clutch it. That prospect doea not please him. He likes senatorial life. It makes him a man of great consequence iu the public eye. It secured tor bun the exceedingly pleasant trip Jie made to Kurojsi this year where he dined and willed by crowned head and high dignitaries. It is quite possible that he thinks the only way in which he can keep his agreeable uud important position is to cut loose from the republican party and kick away the ladder on which be rose so high and Join thp Colorado party which clumors for the impossible iu logic, nat ure, and commerce." The Tribune is following the well beiiten path of the gold gamblers and iinpeuclie the motives and intention of any muu who dare to raise hi voice lu protest against the encroachment upon the right of t he common people. Wlist Hi Farmers Wsut. KniTon Inpki'K.nhknt: Ckntiiai. Citv, Nkii,, In several of your late Issue J have noticed articles from tliomj who are opposed to "fusion" so called, and favoring a "mlddlo-of-tlio road" party, I have canvassed among t he furmers near me, and taking their sentiments us the wishes of the masse, I wish to say a few word relative to tbi proposition. It has been cleurly nhown In the past that the Independent party alone cannot carry more than one or two state In the Union. United with (he democrat last year, they elected Mr.liryun president, but be wa count ed out. JnlHD'l, a union of force in Nebraska elected Mr. Allen United States Senator, The best muu ever went to the senate from Nebraska. The Hon. C. I). Cnspcr made it possible for us to do this, and hu Is di inocrut, and a good a man us you can find In the state. Shall we tell such men that they cannot share with u In the denning out of the rotten state olllces because he Is a democrat? The union of forces elected the entire state ticket In 1 H'.Xi. Shall we kick out our Attorney General because he wishes to be called a democrat? He 1 making it hot for tlm boodlers. We would buve been totally defeated if we bud told the silver democrat and republicans that we did not want them. If we want their voles why not be mini enough to give them u share iu the administra tion of affairs. Such men us W, II, Thompson. I'. 1). Cuspcr, General Dates, of Aurora and V ouster of Merrick county, cannot be Ignored aud pushed aside. They have a I urge following and are in en of honesty and a lot of good brains. We cannot kick such men out of the line and win. 1 don't care what tug you put on these silver democrats and republican's back. They are our friends and are hon est, and that I all wo furmers want. Must we turn down the gruudest Itoman of them all, W. J, Dryan, aud put up three party tickets and let our eiiemie win? Hits be slopped over in any place we have put him? Dead all his speeches and see If some of these little "middle-of- the-road" fellows can find a mistake during tbe campaign of 1 H'Jd, McKinley never, during the entire campaign, spoke an encouraging word to the lurmer, Ills entire plea wu for the producer to be kept at the mercy of the consumer, Mr, llryan spoke for all. Shall we turn down our friend and elect our enemy in 1 1XXI? We have t be best governor everelected in Nebraska. Shall we kick out Stf.OOO or 110,000 and elect a few more thieve to take the place In the ( upito!7 Some ol thoe "middle-ol-the road fellow may be out of a job and are dis gruntled because the governor or the other room mate of bis, could not find a place for every voter who asked lor (lie or expected something lor hi vote. 1 am not looking ,or pie, ami I waut to sch every IioiichI man iu the state, no matter what party he claim u his pre ference, united under one banner, fight ing that devil tlsh (nail street). Next full I wish to see the same state officer nominated aud elected. If we could slip iu a good silver republican like VVoosteror Ueneral Dates, 1 will go to the poll and vote a early and often a the board will let me. Hut the tanners out here, say they want no more middle-ol-the road fellow around them. They have bad Dill Deck and Marsh (Older and that Is enough for them. Next fall, we must unite aud elect a silver majority In tbe state legis lature, every man pledged to vote for Hon. Wm. V. Allen for Senator. There fore, we don't car what tag the candi date wear, he I my man il be Is lor Allen. Nothing would please me better tban to see that hot headed old demo crat Casper gel a good Job to pay him lor what h did lu senator Allen' behalf. He Is no Hartley, and has back-bone and brain. Tho who advocate th" middle of-the road scheme, nr not the friend of those who wish to sea an honest ad ministration ol affair in the state and United States. They simply want a nomination for notoriety, for tbey know they I'll II not Im elected. I like llryan, Allen, lloleomli mid th other Nebraskan w have elected. A tw hav slopped over, but a vnt ma jority bnv good blood aud are th Hvr ol any men ever ma l, I care not where lb mud wa selected, All ol our oftlivr bavu tewu elected by tb aid ol a union ol tor,- on certain lines, slid I will ft ll I meet ,ludg Suliu van in Lincoln, that I won't bav lo tukeoff my bal or s,y voi.-d lor him to get a kiu4 word nr a hand shake. I MlUOMIIig i i.iio'ieiMS nr reuior when I went lu lb poll and voted tor hi in. Now I ak all reader ol IhU article, il tt would Is ngbl lor u a a o pis, ad vocating eerlam iriupui in common, la turn do a Ino: Mllivan l-wt au be wa a di'iios rat, and nominal a ball do n vaudidatv and eh I won ot lhni and 11 war wont kwii a dowa a Ww ysar lonaerf Keep lon-lar an I pxk iul yuur U l men, gis iwh party a boa, and rU-an toil all lb thieve la b I tilled Mates lafmef blV thW l our only ah alios, H.p.rttuily, M l. It I UK Tbeatnl Teachers' Aw-iUon Uno la aion la Ibi ity, Ik atWa ln ka reached I lint, and I lb largwl In lb tutor; id lb aMMwlatto. lUana'a thaw li re station talk United IK at nt lonu Ohio, are roii briakter. I a nMikt(n bat pta'twaiiy gtv f In Igkt. PURPOSE OP SAVINGS BANKS. To Encourage Frugality and Wis In vestment by tbe Poor. In Lewin'a "History of Savings Bank" occur the following quotation, indicat ing the chief object to be kept in mind by those wishing to benefit the poor by helping them to safeguard their small accumulation: ' "I do not Imagine that there cau be any more important end and object of a state than to encourage frugality, and the investment of the saving of the poor, and there is nothing which I should be more tempted to step out of my way to encouruge 11 1 were a legislator; but 1 think the great test uud object of what ever Investment 1 provide especially for them must be extreme and perfect cer tainly. Increase in amount of Interest or profit I a nothing as compared to escurity." This quotation gi ve tho cut rent Ideu a to the chief purpose which a euvings system should subserve and the greut object ol the national government in es tablishing such a system. For realizing thi object nothing yet devised can equal postal savings Jmnk. for, they make the security to the depositor coextensive with the stability of the government it self. The mutual saving bank of New ICnglund are very creditable institutions and probably serve the needs of the per son of small mean in those communi ties' a well a any private institution can. Still, oven they will not compare with postal saving banks, either In- the convenience they offer to depositor or In security. They would, Indeed, pay a slightly higher rate of Interest to de positor than would a postolllco bauk, and those seeking the higher interest rate could avil themselves of thi ndvunt age. Hut to most persons of small means thi is a very trilling matter us compared with the absolute security which the postal savings system afford. Chicago Itecord. BILL BECOMES A LAW. No More Seal Skin Can be Brought Into tba United States, The president has approved the bill prohibiting the killing of fur seals in the waters of the North I'uciflc ocean punned the day congres adjourned for the holi days. The act prohibit the killing of seals by American citizens, except as they may be taken on the l'ribyloff islands by the North American Commercial company. It ulso prohibits the Importation of seal, skins in to t he United States, raw, dressed dyed or manufactured. 444 ALL tjhis nviv- THREE "BEAUTS," "BEAUTY" NUT "BEAUTY" K(H1 BEAUTY" LUMP.. 'J $ 200 Acres in Nursery 200 Acres in Nursery 20,000 Trees in Orchard x zu,uuu i rees in urcnara COAL a nr a oii Thrrr !rrT...;r?r- ":" PEACH TREES It irnt IiiibIii. Evfrarwu. ele. that ar M you do, writ" lor our leriptlve CataliitriiH aud I'rlce Llt, which we mad FUEL. Addre, Y0UNGERS & CO.. MM M 7ME MM HE NIL You f. i t. t 4. porhnps, ns to wlmt to nun; 1 uh , iiuivM, irr irn-inmt, m A 4 vmj thina (iiaranUwd. . . tba mon gnn la a skvi! M lasw II t not mIIb4, Bond ua your mall ordors. Thomas Kilpatrick & Go,, 1505 to 1500 Douglas Struat, Omaha, Nebraska Da not Favor Postal Banks.' The postal savings idea is not popular In New York banking circle. A canvas ol presidents of prominent institutions developed that -fact clearly. At the sam time very few presidents were will iug to express opinions for publication. All practically agreed with President E. S. Mason of the liiuik of New York in tbe tntemenl tbat there are already so many bauk I- existence that rates tor money lin ,edn cut to a point where there is little profit in banking. WANTED. Printing (Oil o Cheap. A good job and News printing plant for sale awfully cheap. Plant is Idle. Address "Kyle, care Nbhraska Indepkx- DKNT." Morning' Iterire, Attorney at I.uw, Itooms 82 to 80, Urownell block, 137 South 11th street, Lincoln, Neb. Set tlement of estate and all kind of legal business attended to promptly and care fully. Fruit Ferin to Trsite. Valuable young orchard of it acre in prunes, olives and other fruits, iu best piirt of state. Clear, and title is perfect. No Irrigation 1 needed. Change in fam ily prevent moving, aud huuee will oX change for Nebraska land. Address A G, Chapman, Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska atatale for Hale,, Copies of Nebraska statutes for 1893 for sale at 11.00 per copy. Addross Jacob North & Co., Lincoln, Neb. Iff ttw wnnr ROCKY MOUNTAIN MOWS Dr.HVr.R, COLO. TnB Kbst tf FEKLY PumisiiEt 91.0 Par Yr In Artnc. LEADS the Sliver forcei of America. LEADS In Mining and Mining Stuck BeportL LEADS lo Special Utparlni'nti. LEADS In developing CaloriJo'i wonderful resources, LEADS a Newstness, Brightness, Compre hensiveness. LEADS la Commissions to A cents. (Writ tor Trim.) The Great Silver Daily The New publlihm tht representative pv (dally nd Sunday) writ ot tit. Louis) eartooa with every Imii. 0c mouth 1st Bioiithi In advance, For eample copy of any Itsae, adartae, Xb MEWS PRINTINO CO., Denver, ilH rr,00rOO0rO Call at T ll C K li R 1010 P Pt. New Goods, New Styles, Low Prices .$3.00 . 3.60 . 4.10 1 SCREENED AT IAUD. 1206OSREET YARDS 6TH & M PHONE 440- Do you want tO nam- Plant lnt,.ppi'ir,'irHiH j. viii.Sinall fruit nlunt V f all kind,hadH tr' A Home Grown? GENEVA, NEBRASKA. A nro puzzHtiR your bond, IMS ornnps, ns 10 wmu uy for Christmas.