Dceember 30, 1897. THE NtiiiKAbhA iXULl'LhUL i . Indepeniie.nt. COMPLAINTS WANTED. All our catalogues for the fall season are now gone. We sent out seventy-five thousand, all told. Out of every hundred persons who redeved these catalogues seventy-two have sent us orders up to date and we have not heard of a single instance of dissatisfaction by any name or of any kind. If there is anybody amongst the fifty-four thousand who ordered goods through this cata logue and who is dissatisfied we want to hear from him now. We want to know just wherein he has cause for regret. We want to hear com plaints of any nature, large or small. We wish to rectify whatever may seem to be wrong. GOVERNMENT BUILDINO NEK LEU Kx-Msyor A. H, Wir Bxplsln Why Senator Allan'e bill Should Paw. In reply to amplest from the Iok PKNDKNT for hi opinion concerning the necessity for a now government building in Lincoln and the probable chance of passing the bill wkleh Hetiator Allen hue introduced providing for the necc eary appropriation. We are in receipt of the following communication from Hx-Mayor A. II. Wier. The article cull for especial consideration when it In re membered that n mayor of the city of Lincoln for four year Mr. Weir con ducted the affaire of the city on a more economical bnsi than any mayor in ite history. Mr, Weir writ: Koiroit Inpki'KNIibxt: In reply to your request for my view in reference to the proposed government building In thl city, will my that I am heartily in favor of the proportion. I know the general feeling among the member of the people party in refer, ence to expenditure etc. and that the propoHnl will meet with more or lee op poult ion becnu of thi fact, but audi condition ought not to Influence polit ical Intercut when the question U one that relate to an actually needed public improvement. I am a much opposed a any one to a useless expenditure of public fund. There bo been altogether too much squandering of the public money, and I left the republican party in the In tercet of a morn economical government a well a other public re form, bat I am not willing to oppose any improvement that i called for by real public necessity and i Intended for actual public bemfit. I do not believe that any one familiar with the fact and condition in Lincoln, will seriously object to the proponed new building, utile It lie for other reaeou than those of political economy. It me briefly state ome of the feet. When the preneut building waeerected, the citv made a donation to the gov ernment of the entire block on which it etaudtf. There tin not beeu a day iuce that time when thi blosk ol ground ha not been worth more than the build ing which the noverument placed upon it. Therefore the city nctually built thi budding, by donating property worth more than it eoet Therefore from thi standpoint the city i entitled to Home consideration from the general govern ment. Again, auy one familiar wiith the pre ent building know that it I utterly inadequate for the accomodation of the volume of business now required to be trammeled between It walla. Kvery department I crowded to it utmot capacity. Note the frequent change In the pont ofllce department, made In ordertogulua little more room and convenience. 1'urt ol the 1ml I way ou upjier lioor have tteeii partitloneii on to make mom otlliee room. The I'uited State i)ommiNioiier eay that he ha len unutile to bold court there for wunt of room for ome time, Ak the euetoduin Mr. Hurks, if the building i adapted lor IU prewut biiei iirs. .ook at uy of the requirement of mrli n buildiiig for the u of a my Ilk our, and ee how far it i hort of fulfilling th requirement There U today 110 city in the union that li U such a building more than doe l.iuaolu. i( eours we i nn get along with the r-s ent buildiuif lor a time, but that d not alter the lut't that we need a lartfr building and ought In hnv II. Tb iiiimI oi.imwiKiiu ii tin eutvrprU will develop muoiig the MilllUl Interval III tolvwl. I alrwtdy br Intimatiouslbal it t a ,iev ol political Jobbery oh lb lrl id Iteliftlor A II u In cur friend tad luflueae lor r-U'tion. I am nld hl I hav a higher opinion of rWualor WUm tbaa lo atinbiti lo litia inea uit aorthv HMtlm. II stand lodrt.f lb rHgid ir i ability and deuilum to hi PouMtry 't Iblefeat, id y ttian In lit t mud Mai. rWimt. lit career ka lwa urpri lo ' o parly d to Ik otnlry at Ur;. I hrd a ifiiitnul ni'utiik r thai hs t lb taw! brilliMUl bis a la Ik i.t Am tH uluin of Ibis lrs !- aiil klm tty b lb utitrtik ol m,IiIkI pxmlttuaf . Um any to skua iiMtid abdily and If kw wurtk etr honor hm I duliiittU', kr are elf rdt e lot t iwrpbtg inutlu iwnl Mm. ri'nalir AlWn i In h mm w lt tia lit iint la kt tat, aad luf Ik kwt Coru k k aad la lo kM Ui a kr bf k iltalrtba lMa id 'Uli pin at, akMik t ar tvi Uuittba, Neb., Dec. 543, 1U7. go aomewhere whether we get them or not. I eiidore fully the entiment that prompt economy In the admlnitratloii ol iiuMic una r. tut mucn larger eum will be voted lor object lee deerving than the requeet of Lincoln for n new irovernment building. Ho lar a Lincoln I concerned, I ho government ha prac ticed economy towunl the city long euouurh, IM ome other city enjoy the bcnctltMof an economical condition for a while. I am in favor of thi building becauee the nubile intereei of the city demand it. There I no adeouat accommodation lor the large amount of public buine now trariHocuJ In thi city. I em in favor of It. becaue the gov eminent ha oructlcally extended nothing for the city in the way of a pub lic building. They built the prewent structure, but they received property worth more than the building i worth or ever ha been worth. I am in favor of it bi-caue I believe it i a right and proper ue of the public fund, find it cannot be oppowed on jut and reoMouable ground. It will not be loua until udi a build fng will be an aoolute ueceity. The condition for nccuring it now may nevei again be equaled. With Senator Thureton In thn prominent poeition he occuple M Mie lender ol tne repulilicau id" ol the eenale, Kenet if Allen a the unqueNtioned leailer of the parly that bold tbe balance ol power in the wnate, Mr, Mi'wr In the houee. with a it I claimed very cloee relwt Ion with Moeiker Keed, and theentireelnieka delegution in position of Influence and oower, eucii a they never iowHed before, purely the coudil ioneire bivorab'e, and 1 hope that no miri wno live In Itncolu, and i dependent on it bueine and enter priee for hi NUMteufince will raiee hi voir; in oiipoeition to a meimiire iheti dcMtlned to have a weiuhty influence upon it future troi-rity. Thi building i (mi actual need of the city' buMincM today. The condition of returning properity will make thi ail the more uniierutive and lam glad to give to Kcuator Allen my beet effort and whatever influence I poeeM to aid him iu securing for Lincoln thi much needed improvement, and hope that po litical jeulouMie and aniiiioiiieH will not interfere. At leaet J hope t lint no Improper motive will lie ascribed to the ditiiiguihed eeuator for hi effort our behalf. He, iio, 1W07. A. II. W'fciu TWO FIRES IN DAWSON rront trt Thrta4 With Uoitras tlou Gold Mkr I,nron th la. Hah Fma.kco"o, Iec 80. Ac cording to new received her from Dawson City under dat ol November 23, two Front ttreet log house wer destroyed by flr. No vember 22. One wa a lodging house and ehureh. The lodging contained food and outfit for men, and nothing was saved. Th Are was caused by the overturning of a lighted caudle by a drunken man, and a similar can started another three days later, when the theater and two saloons were burned. The snow upon the roof saved the rest of Front Street from destruction, Provision aud liquor valued at IIO.O'NI were destroyed Tbe Yukon fros Xoveiulwr 10 for the wlnUrand sloe then about I..KHI persons bsve started over the ice fur Fort helklrk Mtir4 ! HoIiIxmI, 11 UT II HI, OUI,. leu 111, At Med ford, Frank Prak wa dttHyd from town, brutally murdered and robbed of IHXI Two iiiKii ami Hire women who action are suspicious ar under rrt for lb crime. THE MAIIKBTa MsasM ! Ural 4 Us llr WMtl-Ni L a( N 4 i , .-'. N t i rti It klt Skill . K I. i M a ftOe, H t M, 4 . t tt4 1ltl. SMlH Wklil-Hi ,!, H- 1, fs (I4H-UII.4 St i J, K I tlV. S 4 it Wsim ufat A i, N JV M 4 ! I sills - Htiss, ttlTtl?t4 lSln4 l,stslls, IvSitSlV, is imii t4v It !) kiiksr shiii as4 ism4 . Mt'Nt l SSIIf fctllt4 S, BU St it 141 ft, asiif r4 M I'Nti iH lt MwMis. 14 4i I s et.tuis, ikiiMl 14, Tw isitk iJr la kt la (! , M( tis4 4ik fill lS4lNI a4 UUwkieH taeoiae lUa4ttk Mk AT THE ' PENITENTIARY Report of the Investigating mlttee upon This Institution. Com STARTLING REVELATION Crmparatlvo Statement of Colt Under State and Con tract Management. IrmrU That the Journal Oritllled, The report of the legislative Investi gating committee upon the Nbrnka state H'uitentlary, wa filed lat week by Fred Jewell, expert nwouiitatit, and Kenator C. W, lieal, of ('nler county One statement iu the rejiort stand ou like a mountain peek of fact in tbe multitude of minor detail lo command the intnnt attention of every taipnyer In Nebraska. Til statement wn care fully omit ted by the Lincoln HfateJourn a! and other republican paper iu thi state, which publiehed an absfruet of the commlttes'report, but thi omlelon will not prevent the tropic id1 (he slate from knowing (he bu:U, Th tatemeut i iu th form of a comparative state ment of the cost of malutulning t he con vict under the old system which pre vailed during the Mosher Htouf ttor- gan contraet and the cost of main lain lug them under state management a at present. Here ft Is: AvWo. Vimtitl krl'iimi AtnM llltlnm 1'rmnr Mltn r mt piU snm, mould H-rmn isdt m f i.m.4 $1,01 1. o i7,e lK, ll ifM.7l7.3H 4.M4J1 II HI a lis M,,mm.w inM wm-i Wi 7s.Me 1,77211 lesw W M 1,VM1 iJtm.tA H US April AtU to Hof, SIS, W7, svros ihiihIhs, A verage cos per month to the tat for each convict for above yeor under Mosher Hlout Mor gan con tract,,,,,,, ,$ J, J Under mate management and control.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 3,38 Tbe committee add a "note" to this comparative showing, stating that their reason for not including the blenlum of 1815 0 In the statement 1 that that period wa partly under th contract system and partly nnder slat manage merit. Hi) i not really a MUlflclen reason for its exclusion and for th pur pose of making t he showing complete. w have secured the figure for IMKi-li and aplierid them; l or iwrwii Average number prison ere, 31 H; average cost per mould, 3, Yl't Wl; average cost lor each prisoner per month, i',?,ftl. J ake the entire tieriod 01 ten year an the rates of cost of caring for convict In the penitentiary of Nebraska under the old system and under the new sys tem is a A to 1, J hi I act ieak more than hunnred of p:ige of comment. It should fe pbwsef 5etor every voter ami every taxpayer In Nebraska, and if re publican newsptters riinse U iwm It helore their readers, populist shouh see that their neighoors are made to know it regardle of party I he committee makes a further llnding of the prof) I of the contractor who have been working I he con vtet of tin stale the past twenty year, Thi state ment 1 not important lor any purpose ol recovery, out I Interesting In view ol the tremendous change mad by the cancellation of the old contract and the abolition of the MosherI'organ regime, This finding i Irorn official statement of tbe contractor and state official on Die and i that the contractors made a net profit by $'JH 'i'S annually on the labor of each prisoner and in th eight een year from 177 to lH'J.'i a tote I leicitimate profit of at least ll'J,407.77 and beside thi the con tree tor succeed ed ia lobbying through bill for repair and improvement, which, under their contract, they were bound to pay for themselves, to the amount ol lit, ;)!),'1H2, making a total of f .VPl,Mf;.r,l in the eighteen years. As affair go In the commercial world, it is 01 course nothing against the contractor that they drov a good bargain with the stat arid then carried It along for twenty years, but the change In exisms of maintaining th prison, will oiieu the eye of a good many Nebraskau who have heretofore lieen party-blind to tb fault and abuse of management of state affair, These are the luaiii feature the Jin porttmt Item of th report. They are the one the tropin ur most concerned In and ought to give the most nouslder ation. They point out the radical differ em- between lit old and III new ienl- lentinry management so unmislakenbly that no one can miss It, They area solid refutation of the campaign pre diction of monopolists and corieiratioa it regarding populist admliiistriition aud nu impregnable challenge lo the Un I rumiiel end Jo JoIiiumhis ol parlismi I tack t d iy. Hilt belde tl , there Mr M great many minor item in th report thnl ar lull ol Interest and mniug, On of the I (be saU ol slate proerly, seven shot gun, On ripetienr carbine, ou Kiiriiitilteld rarblue, umhI by guards, by . II. I torgaa, contractor, lo lb slat In bis axttleiiM'iil, The vshis ol this prnrly a paid lor, wa 11.17. wke li amouiil 1 rorly reuverubi Irum Morttan, who I s'lll 111 l.lueolu, Another of lb HlygriilMi. long reog u 1 -i b eiisloin wii'ler lb old niNiing iua I, Is thoroughly tiMd bytlir K,ft i4 I bi lneUgn!ioM. It I lb prarltt ol lofimr wrdeu in itiarging up r diwia br rouvtynig prtoinr and up r tiiwia lor roiivtying prioinr ani lu harging ba k hire lo and Iniui lb (euiisaiitiry, wb, a a matter ollwi-t, lb iri- wrmtl in lhslrl earaal anip.uid ! lolasaly i, IhI 1 1 ilma ba k at a ol lbr doiUr, 1 lis itilloH id f diUI i bargoa l,r h anln l"f slleii'lMi 1011M wtih iriwH r, lui'r wi "f w P't-oiossa ui. in.. i. ml, la 11 (IAIN .li, r, .',l, lit lb sourl Md thai Ik sab art id Ik wards ass li, by Uw at ILVmi and ki living, and U assail b waasalilM lo, Uod Ikal, a lo be reimbursed lor tuoiisr aeiaaliy si ivM.U'd, fxilwltbslaadisg IkkiiWisiou. bit lasalf isars, btitk rut.iuaa and l,tasrr4) aardvaa, (lb taller uadr tluv, liuyd adatlsisliaiu.s), k charged and co!loctel from the state per diem, hack hire and mileage charges never contemplated by law and express ly lorb.iIJeii by the decision ol the hu preme court. Here i a sample bill of that kind made by warden A. D. I5eemer, and paid by order 01 the noaru 01 rub- lie Land and lluildings: votriiKii mo, H4,OH3, vm. 5lb, 1801. For conducting Oreen H, (jravelv, irom lemlteutiary to Lincoln, Neb,, Jan. 17, 1804, sell and guard one day f 5.00 Mileiige .', 0 ton veynnce,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.. ,.... ii.00 Total ,.7,00 Actual ex inius a shown by alt) davit of firavely, wa street car fares to and from Lincoln, a total of , 1 5 Over charge,,,.,,,. There are score of these overcharge made In fae of the plain decision of the supreme court, allowed by I he board ol public laud and building In dellauca of law and paid by the slate treasurer, Th amount which the committee Hud and I he recovery of which they recom mend from ex-warden and ex-slate of llcial are a follows: From H, W, Dyers, warden and slat officials , I 11.30 From I mi HopkiUN, warden and stale olllcial,,,,,,,,,,, ., HUM From J, I', Mallon, warden and slate official , H0.40 From A, l, fleemer, warden aud late olllclnl,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,.,.,,,-,, 148,88 lieside 1 hen (her are considerable amount which Ar outlawed and there, for not subject lo recovery. The el en ling of f 10,000 appropriated for building a new cell bouse In 1801, the in vest Igation of I he same by the leg islature of 1803, the iuipeuchmentof Allen, Humphrey, Hastings, and Hill for their part Iu the transaction, their trial before I he supreme court ill (he summer Of 1803, the decieioii of Judge Norval and 1'ost which virtually found them guilty, but rcum'd them lo office; the minority opinion of Judge Maxwell which found them guilty a charged, aud Miistained the Impeachment; and the subsequent defeat of Judge Maxwell for reiiommailon In the republican tal convention because ol hi opinion ur all matter ol familiar history in thou sand of home over the slate. There view of the actual fact of stealing made by the committee Iu this report will no doubt seem "old" and tiresome in cr tain quarters, Hut It tin liar It proper pine and th repetition of it I also timely. The jeople are prone to forget. The foci in th penitentiary Mtenl and their subsequent whitewash ing by th supreme court areo llagraut I hey cannot too often be repeated. These feet -open and eori'ieded by ail parties now are that the board of pub lic laud and building took f&OO of thi 1 10,000 and spent it on a junk ting trip in open violation ol tb law and act ol appropriation, that by systematic collusion of W, II, Horgau the agent lor the stite with th contractor, th stale wa defrauded out of most of th bal ance ol the money aud ha nothing but bare unfinished wall to show lor It forty thousand dollars. The parties responsible for this transaction have ben turned loos by the court and there Is nothing for the people to do but griu and bear and remember it. One of the new aud striking feature of the former tsmitcntinry management unearthed by lb committee is the action of ex-warden A. h 'wt who on June I, 1801 mad out a voucherforJ.lt, Htrnck for 73 day carpeater work about the penitentiary atVXOO per day I40 which wa allowed and paid to Jiecmer, lUmtwr, however, paid Mtrar.k only f 75 retaining Ilia balance, Hieurier also make out and cured payment upon another voucher for Kfrack for ol day worK, fJOV-all ol which he kept him self and that the aggregate of these two claims I for 1IM day work and all per formed between slnrcli l, 1 mm and June 1, 1804 (a period which Include inly 7! working days) and that ol th total of I'M 8 received by I'.eemer, fa paid Htrack only 97ft. There ar num erous other minor Item In th com mittee report which go to make up a total ol r,r,a,,0 which th committee believe Miibject to recovery and recom mend suit upon. Hi not probable that much of any thing will ever be recovered of the sums found Justly due the state. At least the previou experience of tbe sluts in seeking to recover on official bond in not hopeful for recovery of thi money, it I nothing against the value of the in vestigating committee' report that sucli I the case, the real value ol any Investigation I not uieuNured In the amount ol stolen fund recovered, but In the exposure of faulty systems and corrupt methods, in the awnkening ol tb people so that they may be pre vented. Verv liltleol the million stolen by the Tweed ring Irorn the tux pay ere of Nsw York City wa ever recovered, but the Investigation saved them mil lions of dollar. And If th eopl of tbe stat of Nebraska leurn enough of the corruption and venality ol past stat administrations to rure them of par tisan bliudriess whether republican or eipuiist, lo make them deinaud and secur strict obedience of law from pub' ic servants, and to amend the laulty system under wblcli much of tlistnte usliies lots tieen done the present In veshgittiou will have amply repuld It Cost, Msnlti atS illf Iu Mwny UifWrnl , Ilk nils, lliiit, ruiinilikl m,I, tail rlwuiN Slut ImiiU sml uthrt ruitl4M. S. i! If t is wleiliy lies lfm II, la " I.MIM. It riles tIUMluUlr Slitll tlM ll rMhj 1 1. rl iibius ltiMi m si lli ImI Ins lbs bkaxl lr llil'ifMirili. 1leHtelelvliiiiUiy . illMtoiiWilt lr U ig snA.'f oi Iknm fc l'ifuU eft Ililw lU sl Nel t ! hhii, )iuilft Il( Sll brflUIHUijf u(hI ky m mm ff I II I t I I fr I t I C I I 11 (I 11 If II V U U r VrJ $ Sarsaparllla 1ImI1i HhmtJ rn AM!fMttt It I'lal-AKtlufelf I lluMiAl , I II M. foots" I1 I. I tmek,Hil s III a tij ! tit. Jud lottls, Ulorstf (or Ik rrw m Melusl Isstiraiii ( u, nl ,iwela, r I ur I Iki itioraieg ftom a Irip In 8if. leg. ! , where k wn ! bmk Hr oess kgal busiMM la k ilert ol Ik I RUDGE& MORRIS CO 1118-1126 N st.f Uncoln, Neb. The Christmas Climax has been reached, We lead the van. Our stocks are the largest, newest and most var- led of any in the west. Our qualities are above reproach and our prices cannot be touched. When in the Capital city do not 1 fail to visit this store. In fact, a saunter through the Rudge & Morris House Furnish ing Emporium is alone worth a trip to the city. - "-"' ' n.i 1 ,111 1. - Plated Spoons (Pf PTC buy a set of triple ipl.lO plated Hoger' Chev alicr Teaspoon. 01 CA buy a set of triple ipO UU plated lingers Chev alier Taidespoon. tf I C buy a set of section ip 1 ,M v al triple plated tlpid 1'easpoons, df1 CA buy a set of section- tpa.WV al triple plated lip- ped '1 ablespooiiN, Plated Knives Qi 0 A A buy a set n( Wtm 7d.UU Kogers' triple plated Knives and Fork. , dQ t(i l"iye e"t of l(og Hro.'l847trlplep'd Knives and yorks. & C A A buy a set of A ntl'pie Pv,UU Ivory Handle Knives and 1'ork, tfQ AAbuyaa set of Fancy 90.UU Anthpie Ivory Han- dlwKnive and Fork Chairs (HA CAbuy a net of can seat, bra arm, oak chair, 4 A A buy a aet of extra IpU-UU heavy caneie-at brace arm Oak chairs. dA A A buy a aid: of leather 7v,UU cobbler sent, brnc arm Oak chair, 01O A A buy a fancy on sr. 016 UU I' red Oak back. can sat st chair, Rockers . HAS I.,,.. u (..II .1,,,, -..11,1 Y buy 11 full Nf, wM Oak, cane eat, ladle' lUick ker. (t11C buy a larire, heavy tp 1 , 1 1 Oak, cane seut,ladies' llocker. 0 I C C buy a svil id Oak, lereat. 17 1 ,U v leal her cobbler arm Jlocker. ' tfQ I C buy an extra heavy ipu.lO Onk, tuAMi't seat, r seat. arm Itocker, Farmer' Mutual, II goe to Omaha toniKhton similar business, Tbe Increas ing volume of busines don by the two companies, keep th Judge bobbing around. INTERVENTION JUSTIFIED. falrna Ulvs Ills VI w on th odlsgof HsUsf to th ( olsos. Nw Yona, Ihsa. CO "Governor General Ulsnco's acceptance of Presi dent Mc Kin ley' request that tb American publlo be pe rim tied to rell v tb sufferings of recoucentrado in Cuba I tautarnount to acceptance) of the offer of Intervention by tli United htatss In th oonfllct so long in progress between th peopl of Cuba and thn 8panlsli govrnrnnt,w said Thomas Kstrada Talma, th chief of th Cuban junta In thi city, to day. "A th administration believe that th peace In Cuba can b restored only by political Intervention, It can not reject llm favorable opportunity that thus presents itself to Intervene, for tl purpos of ending th war In Cuba, Th deplorable condition of th raoonceulradoii baa been caused by tb cruel warfare waved by Hpalo and th government, finding itself un all to relievo the sltuatlou, ha ap plied to tho I'nlted 8tat for aid. J'rssldenl McKluley must s by now that thers 1 mi rhaiie for 1 si see to I astabllshed In Cuba without Inter vnllun, and living up to bis word a given In bis previous MiestaireB, must InUrvsn and Xpalu cannot rationally nd ronslsleiitly rejuct luuli lntr fsullini. JAI'ANWILU FIGHT. A t'wtll lt Mslt I Astltl ta lhklH Nl I-osiKj. ia sa A aiwetsl dlspttt h from tllianiihal, saysi "It I reported that a Japan Deal of warships li walling aar IMa Uland, ouUld Na- gatakl, fully iiul.pi for war, aud only awaiting lustruciltm. Ihl lw elud lb Yashlina an.l I ujl, two uf lb llusst vl In lb Jspausse navy. laud lh Uih Vmsii, Ibal wa p- Ur 1 fr.m t blua 1 h Japan llvsl, It I undrtHil. U a ting tik el luiteh wild lb MrUlskk uadrow uudr Vis AJwtlral Nr AUisudsr Uutler, otumsudsr la ebl( tea Ike I bla sis Hum. "JPn will eerUlaly epi r nishssI IUmIsh ulia ff VI Ailhsr, Tb ud4a dlsstdatHat of Ike Jstae ill! was ewtug t tk war yf. f; Dinner Sets tf A Kfl ''iy 73-f dec decr- j ' W a v v fated semi-porcelain 'i owner set, tf C CA buy a 100 plecedec 1P U. V U orn ted Meml-porcululil dinner et, U d7 CA buysallO 100-plec j iri.vv semi-porcelain dinner set, decorated, iLot nn ,m' loo-piece iruv.vv iiaviiano dinner set. Knives f s 25 buy a good two-blade boy' knife. bursa Ihreedilnds isiiirl V 50 C bundle knife. 75 bur a wurrnnted thre C blail knife. r 431 buy a 3 blade, pearl bdl warranted knife. C Razors . . f Cl RA "J genuine Mlar ' Ml.OUKafetyltaisor, 0 CI RA geniiin Ktar J ' pO aU safety raxor with 2 f, blade leather can. rt CI Rrt ''M"'l,''rtwiKl i 1 , w U ish ra zor, warraa Uni, f ' tf A A A buy th lawt raxor ; 52 00 inane. fj Skates . . . "MO buy a olld steel pair skates, worth COc. buy a pr Klipiier Klub 0 an k VVU Mkaies, uiued top, 1 1 It tff buy a pair nkkle plated t'. Qi club sk ales. tl tf f C A l"y a pair of hard ' I ,UU eti'd sbsd nickl pltd A mItkIa. f n 1 - A - 1 x AC buy in bo sled HVU WIIUI fi KA . buy 1 f, OVC aledj witu steel Mboe. a good strong , larg ix. 1 I7C buy n coaster with spring J ' I vC steel runner, r. 0 4 C A 1 1 bay Hi bet Iron pl.ilU led In tb market. III Tin fall Haak Jlbb4. Nile, Mich., Pea SO. Lawrcno Walter, an aged 1rmt living thrt mil north of Wsylaud, Co county, had no faith In bank and placed bla savings, consisting of about 12,600 In greenback, 14,000 In govrnmnt bonds, note, mortgage and other valuable paper in a tin pall, whleh h buried beneath the floor lo bl bars. If had been In the habit of visiting the hiding place every day to see if hi fortune wa eaf. Yesterday morning when he made the customary visit ha found that robber bad been thera Wa m Tragi Jok. St. Loui. Ma, Ilea SO. It wa de veloped laat night that the shooting of Katie Dosenbach by Marcus Nas sauer at Clayton and hi own sui cide war the result of a practical joke. It I claimed Naasauar'a friend bad constantly told him the girl loved hint deeply, and she herself entered Into the spirit of tb fan by telling him she wa about to leave for Oregon to be married. Driven to dpratlon by the thought of losing hr, Na- sausr called at her home and shot her and then blew out bl braina FLAMESTtTnrCATTTnQUAKE nhl Hssr4 Hani la rf a frls nrsl lh Tw Stiakts tales. I'oar AV I'Hisi , llsytl, lie 3d. At 11 o'clock last night a Ore, which wa almost unchsoksd been us of lu! of water to supply the . pumpt, dtroyd tM homes, Inolul. lug a number of warehouses, a hotel, lh Chureli of M. Joseph and IU par oiiakf, About j.ooo Msopl wtre rn dr hoiul This iiiornlsg at D id tt'lli tbsra w an rUijiisUs, lasting half a inluuta and anting ktlght crask I lh sarin. a4 tbuir-lsat Mm, , r Iii is, Xl ii, twe, ia. A roMkan) thai had II U Inning at lb lime vf lb eivll war rutld la the uisrtlsg ytiUrdsy el Irvdsiiek Vsln, hlala Trrr of fularado, end a MtilllfHiair kanksr wf Nni, Id NU Koiuia atrk, IS at this etty, Mr Hals a, what a 1'Uh vUraa, rslsrssd la tat eity attr the war, tftk la hwilltx and jkt, II wa4 aars I Ub la ksallk If Mra U av aiorskj, Mlksr at hi trUe, lt weal W and fla4 praaUne ad a fertuaa