The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 23, 1897, Image 8

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December 23, 1897
(Continued From First Page.)
til eounth generation are born and
dead, nntil private capital will ae tit to
establish a sufficient number ol saving
bank conveniently located to tha peo
ple? And even if tbr war aufllcient
numbrofavlngbttnk, what guaranty
la tlmrs that they would be any afer and
las liable to break and squander tb
bard-earned saving of tb is-ople than
tboM that are now in eilsUmoa?
Hiitb. Tb sixth objection that I
buva noticed In that there is no way tbat
deposit In the postal savings bank
may be utilised or Inn-stud by the gov
rument; and here I might say that the
opponent of postal saving bank lay
ativM 00 thia point an their greatest ob
taction to tha bill. In reply, w call at
tention to tha fact tbat England baa nl
raady solved tbla problem by Investing
tlit postal savings lank funds in I-.ngllsti
consols, France ho solved It by Invest
ing in French rentes, and nearly every
other country bo solved It In practical,
ly tha aaina way.
There ara numerous ways that our
government can u-e advantageously
tba postal saving bank fundi. Mlia
might build bar own postal cum and save
tha $.'1,000,000 which wa now pur for tha
rnt of postol car each year, Thepos-
tal oara that wa pay f.'I.OOO.OOO rent
for each ypr'Mii be built for 1 ,600.000,
and they will lust twenty yeiire. Thus,
by tbla ona Investment alona, our gov
ernment cim save 11,000,000 the first
year and f.'t.OOO.OOO each year tlira
af Ur, or nearly sVIO.000,000 in twenty
years, tha Ufa of tha postal ears. Tim
funds can ba used In erecting public
building and save million of dollars
that wa now ara paying yearly for nnt.
Tha (iiiiiIm 111 lull I ba used to build a
poatal tab-graph system, or to purchase
t ha syelsm now In operation. Imn than
tf0,O00,000 would equip ft system su
perior In quality to tha present Woatwru
Union telegraph ayetem, which I capital
bwd at ovi-r $100,000,000, Jt would not
only largely ax tend tha number of tele,
graph ofllc, but also enable tha people
to wnd telegram of ten word from ona
and of tba country to tha other nt 10
cent such, aud Mill make a profit for
tim government on tha luvutmeiit,
Thar are dor,n of other way in
which tba funda tnin ba uaad similar to
tha above, My bill provide that tha
national debt ahull ba paid off flrt and
then provUb-a ampin method for otlmr
luveNtimmt of all additional fund. In
tbla connection 1 wih to quote tha un
answerable argument (d tha postmaster
general In Mply to tha same objection.
In hi annual report ha says:
"Tha system la p'onouuiwd Improctl
cabla by aoma for tba alleged reason that
thl country, fortunately, unllka tha
Kurotman examples cltad in tbl report,
liaa not enough of a national debt to
abaorb tba bidden savings of tha people.
There I enough of a national debt, If It
ehould ba used for thai purpose, to af
ford Invent men t for such waving during
tha next tea or fifteen year, after which
tha wisdom gained from experience may
be safely InlrusU-d with the problem of
finding other field of investment In thia
great and growing country"
Tha postmaster general una given thia
matter hie cloeaet Investigation, and
bera make a atateinnnt tbat wa have al
ready In the national debt a way to In
vest advantngeouMly thuea fund for the
next ten or IllUien yearej and even If wa
can aea no other way now, wa certainly
can within tba next ten or fifteen year.
It la not necessary to refer to thea ob
Jectlone further, because tha number of
paraona making them and with whom
they have any weight I extremely email,
ana probably nine out of every ten who
bave advanced theee objection are inter
eeted partiea. That ia, their private I11
terveta are agaiut the uoiiimon good.
Id tbie counectlfin 1 might refer to
ome of tha many advantage that the
ewtabllebment of apontal aavingabank
ayetem would be to our people. It would
furuUli, flret, a convenient pliuw for
mail deptmit, where the eucurlty wu
abolutely N-rf-ct aa good aa the gov
ernment Itaelf.
Wear a money making people, but
we are tot a money eavlng Hiople, It
baa been mild tbat extravagauoe and
Improvidence I the grcatoat defect in
American rharactitr. I do not think the
widespread extravaganca and Improvi
dence among our ieople I o much a de
fect of character ue it ia a defect of con
dition that eurrouud our people. Our
people are eiiergetio, IndUMtrlou and re
eouroelul. Hut the earning of a ma
jority burn a hoi through their pocket
aa raiiidly oa they are reoelved, iutead
of being accumulated and iuveeted.
The earning, above neceeaary ex
peueee. with a large majority are eo
email from day to day and week to week
that there I never enough for a perma
nent and valuable Inveatmeut unlee It
ia ytematH'ally eaved for eume length
of time. To make It poeaibla for thoee
wbo deal r to anve, oa well aa to em-our
age thoae to eava who hava m tendency
toward improvidence, it ia absolutely
aeexwary to provide not only a
ulllctent number of eaviuge
lanke. ron ven lea tly located la every era
tioa ol the country, but tlmre must lm
au doubt about the areuritv and atabiU
Ity ol aui U hiatttutloua. Nothing ran
upply ttii ad but poaial aavinga
bauk. The demand lr them in thia
aouatry, together with the iwrauiHi ia
oltiKr couiiUhw, pruvea Una.
rtm-b a evatetii aa my bill provide tor.
would make It hmmiIiW tot on huudrad
wtple tu aave their earaiua wbr ona
Ko diHM, wad would Htak 11 lmMiilila
ltr anj detaltor to ever' havnt.
Thia would aiuouraa-a aad tiniutal
aating, htrh woaid el oaly ba a bl
tn tu awry lauolv by laving upaoioa
thieg l-r a raiuy day, bat II woul l, be.
etdva, wakty iWi'twitor a Iwltef aiti
eaa. Il would tut oeti itwaa leal Iher
tuld w lo?a coul.if I l laa lnmiM ol
war wK but II would wwaa Ikal a
graalef pf aval id Ida itiaa garaiuia
would be a-Uiratad and Hotra w)a.
wttk Ike toi patri.iu4
l 4i Mtt't a
Heaator lUtUf ma le a v4f Mbi
povtltia tkat ltoji lr ia Uof d
fHtalal ( baak l, liaoa
oikaf aaawat, be iiatM ut thai
Itk ia a at iWm Ikar wottM br
agaia Itm . 4 lt-l i t.t
at adnata la ! wl i. tka ipl '
avteg twld atfi t'lf ll f oveiaa.!
hada. th attaint; kd ol It
hV pv4 id Ika aUt arda.
01 1 war ftatgkbot W taUertba,
A Tasty Little Volume of Poems Filled With
Appeals for Brotherhood and Dreams
of the Future.
Hatter dava are coming, while the earth awing evorduwnward.
On the 'Future' mountain top the morning light I breaking.
War and bate arc dying out. The race I moving onward.
IbiMnr dny are coining and the people are awaking,
(letter dny are coming. Love from mun to man I growing.
Unto peace and brotherhood the whole world now I tending
(Jod I over u. The fount of mercy etlll I flowing.
J letter day aro coming and the evil one ure ending.
Jlettor day ore coining. The wwit leaeon of the MftHtor
Have 11 uieuniiig now to ue, contain a bidden prominc,
Hlilnlng to u through our preeeut darkmm and diMiwter,
Jtetter day nre coming and the night I paealng from ue,
Jlett4ir day are coming; cadi will love and help the other;
All will work together, happy, proeperoue, contented;
Tide the hidden leon la Ulir'et taught 0: wo aro brother.
J hater day ore coming, when the rolgn of greed I ended.
Iletter dny are coming unto all the laixla and race,
The old century I dying; tha old evil weaken.
The new dawn of the new era light a billion face.
Hotter day are coming. Through the dark Hope elilne, a beacon.
Hotter day ore coming. Tell It to the hoolim toiler.
Hid him riee (0 manhood and the chain that bind him Mover;
rJmlte the tyrant, the oppreeeor, robber and deepoiler.
Hotter day are coming that v lll free tho world forovor.
Hotter day ore coming, 'JVH the eweet and joyful atory.
Take It up, ye million voice, till the world In humming
Wit h the wonderoiiN prophi-cy of gladno, hope and glory.
Hotter day are coming, brother, better day are coming.
From "Voice of the Morning," by J. A. Kiiokuton.
"Voice of the Morning," by J. A. Fdgcrton, of Lincoln, ha been received
and eurpio.No nil expectation. It I a boauty typographically, and In every other
wuy. Tiik InokI'KNIirnt can give no Idea of the volume, bettor than to ay that
it i, by all odd, the beet collection of vorao, put out by a Weetern author lu our
time, While the book I not political, it I filled with the Impulee and hope of tho
new movement. Tho young author U rapidly auniing the plow of tho loading
poet of reform the new prophet of tho now time.
Kvery reformer lu Nobraeka ehould have a copy of thi book. It can be pro
cured at tbi oflloo at the retail price of 0110 dollur. All order will bo promptly
We cannot attempt an extended review of the book thl week, but will give
next week a critical and unbiaand one written by Hon. A, K, Hholdon, with wboee
writing inowt of our reader ure acquainted.
Wa give below a few of the advance pre notice tho book In receiving from
all over the United Ktate:
In another column will bo found the publiMlior'a notice of a book of poem by
that well-known young author, J. A. Kdgerton. Wo know whereof we apeak wbon
we pronounce hi power a uperlor to the writing of any young author in
America. Hi poem are full of feeling and abound in thought. In many rtmpoct
they remind oue of Will Carleton, American. Hay, Ogdou, Utah.
The editor of the Itador, heartily endorse the above, for J. A. Kdgerton cer
tainly hae ability that cIunwon bim in the front rank of pronont day writer. Fre
mont (Neb,) 1eader,
Mr. Kdgorton ha won national fame a a writer on economic topic and al
so a a vere writer of exceptional ability. Hi poem dual too with political
topic, though la no noun partlan. All of them breathe a love of humanity and
a deire to lilt up mankind. Omaha World-Herald.
Mr, Kdgorton, though a comparatively young man, ha already written ex
teueively for publication and eome of hi poetry ba elicited flattering encomium
from men diMtinguihed In the world of letter throughout the country, There I
every probability that the new book will meet with a ready and cordial reception,
especially In Nobraeka, tho native etate of the author, where be ha a wide and
favorable acquaintance, Lincoln Evening poet.
The young author la well known. He bu been true to hi conviction of re
form and should be patrouixed by every reformer. Hoacon Light, Yankton, 8. U.
The now book bould bave a hearty reception and ready sale. It will bo an
ornament to anyone' home. Iowa Tribune.
J. A. Kdgorton ha boon an editor and author all hi life. A a writer In
rceut years, his production have appeurod all ovor tho nation. Kalamazoo
(Mich). Daily (iazette.
"Void's of the Morning" will be given a siiecial review by H. 0. Flower, of
the arena, In tho February number of the Now '1 ime. It will also bo made one of
the Serbia of the famou Humboldt Library of New York.
Tub Inuki-kniiknt i proud of the recognition being accorded its former edi
tor and wihe him a (lod-epeod.
The now book ehould lie read by every reformer. Lamar (Mo.) Daily leader,
The National Hank a.
From tti beginning the national bank
have Imwu an evil Influence in the nation,
lu the hour of great extremity our
government wna told by the inouey
c banner to stand and deliver. It then
and there obeyed the order ol the mon
ey power. Hy giving to the money
changer tba national bauklug system
the government not only atood and de
livered but by adopting that syalein baa
Ihmiu atetidiiig and delivering ever ainee.
Thean bank cauaml tha demonaluation
ol aiiver, the eoutraclioa ol tha currency
and the roueuii derlin ol prices.
1 hey eauawd Ihe tasue ol the (lewlaud
boiid and ara now working lo rvlir the
uiwulmt ka aud Miruisn notes which
amount to about f .Vni.inhi taiti. IVy
wattl ad psp r mou y 1mum la them ia
tha tr in ol bational bank wot ahu h
ia ia aubaUtto tu aak lha nrinnt
li lura ur In I hem nmt tt mou-y aa
avloaagiti. lhy aaal Ibegovaramaal
to laaue lor ibsir eoavaieai more
txtada, that lhy may buy tam, draw
lntral u Ikvm aad at lha same time
dvpoait thorn ail lha govrauaat a e
l ardy bir lh gin akH k by ak Ihe
gitvatatuaet lo Risk l I hem la lha
trta ol a bank ipr. Fur the worth
Wnmi prtvila ol kot.lii.g tkvM toavU lb
5otaaHMri aarwa lo aiak gmtd f y
IUr II .iv4 In I Ha busk.
Ilaaay lhal lha auojay sms4 In lb
bahks M a vb-aa at ! Ikal-ask. la
lam way lky hate rl a'uaa ai.
ta Mtlltwaa aad br aks a Iksy k
aitaa aolhiag ia lalata. 1 hi svta il
4 Ikal Ik oruat r aiva
lka aa a-aoaat id atoy Ul lu ik
( lalsa o4 k baud lb tKal.
tt lillfW: a aa a U'UMt ussiHg
laiai a-th iaj gu Ida gva
awal a w.t04s a b Una l it full
Vaiae a4 Ikal ls aotaa Utaista
kMM. to tha Ufw"t ias ol Jtt
iuowy aola at solar ti the aalMaai
btak ! napiMia I ha f bat lay of
voalta t wilb Ik lraf akoaHl raw b
ta.aty ana lkntl wl bitm
reuewml at the end of that time and o
run on an infinitum. Would this not bo
a clean gilt to the farmer of f. 1,000?
The farmer would continue to use or
rent his larm, h would pay no taxes on
it and would nt the same time have for
bia us the lull value ol bis (arm in mon
ey without Interest. For the simple
privilege of Holding a mortgage the gov
ernmeut would give the farmer the full
worth ol his prorty in money, The
only diflen-uce between this and the way
the banks ask to ba favorrd Is that the
farmer continues to ut nml rent his
(arm but mwivas no interval 011 his
inorlirage while Ihe banker ruts or
loans his bonds to ths government at a
good Interval,
The national baekararauwd lha adob
Hon ol th gold staudard aad eland aa
its stroug bulwark today, aud lha In
asliabU I.Iihh sutkare now art thaui
rlvm up aa th only toaiptut Itusio
eir ol lha eouulry aa 1 deniaad lhal
tha kwue td all par moaey shall ba
mad Ikrouah ihvin aad lor th.irlea
III. 'I try ak aoikig b lhaa lb
eomplalartitttrtd ul tha rurreiuy lhal
Ikri ttinf rrgulala Its voluuta sud o
liiMiopa sla 11 sa lo alairb I It a alia
ol lha kwiioa. Any Hauvil yvbirm
Ikal dora at eoab-aiplsta lha vr
Ihmw ol lb aaltoaslbsaksiaaol aorlh
voastdanag -Whu luualy Uutlaok,
Pol who know a goit lkti
wilt t to th Ni r.k ttho (Wi
irl Hargain HutdrssU, tn4 gat
thart MLk.-Ni:tllURKA IIIUC
CO 1 1 3rt O Slraajl.
Mhtsa4as VmI ok
Kuaaoso, Va,. la It A waiautma
! Will wa talfu4aaa.t U lha aaa
akU yaaiar lay lm U Uiaaal
-a... w
rk.a la Mhii
i'M'S t li Ta
af (. a !amfa w tUU 1 iU
amiioii iiiii 1
m in
Tha "Celestial" Emparor llallsvs Thai
the tear Is Ills Only Knropsaa
rrlsad Kaglsad's Powar All
Oons Oarrnan Trslolof Of
0ears llalng Dlaplsoed
Dalanos af fewsa
Piexitr, Deo. 1:3. The Chines gov
ernment ha officially granted to Rus
sia permission to winter a squadron
at l'ort Arthur. Great Britain do
inands a quid pro quo If concession
have been made to other powers, and
it ha been suggested that tha Japan
es and llrltlsh oooupy Wei-Hal-Wal
jointly, Tba situation at Kal Cbou
bay la unchanged. Ucrtuaoy remains
unyielding and tha Chinese councils
ara divided a to whether there should
b peace or war with Oorinuny.
China regard Itula as her only
friend, and uslc her advice alone.
Hrltlsh influence Is nil, as tba result
of th failure of the loan negotiations.
China U now negotiating a loaa
with Russia. Tha latter demand th
dlMinlssal of th lirltlsh railroad engi
neers in North China, and It Is proba
ble that It will bu granted. Tha Ger
man drill instructors will ba dismissed
at th expiration of their contracts
and will b replaced by Uusslans
Russian officer have already been ap
pointed to drill the armies of North
llKRMjr, Deo. S3 The Cologne Oa
fott maintain th accuracy of th
statement that th Uuseiun occupation
of Fort Arthur was connected - with
th visit of th llrltlsh warship
Daphne about a week ago. As a proof
of It It points out tbat there was
neither Kussian ship nor a Uusslan
consul at l'ort Arthur at tho time the
I 'upline visited the harbor, and it ar
gues that Uussla oould only have
learned of th visit through China's
8t. I'KTKiisnifHO, Deo. 2&r-Iu a
strongly antl-llrltlsh article to-day th
Novostl says: "la consequence of th
Ertnloa of England to compensate
rself for th Uusslan occupation of
Fort Arthur by th acquisition of Fort
Hamilton or Lazareff, and in view of
th possibility of th disturbing action
of Japan, Europe stands upon th
brink of grave diplomatic oompllcav
Hons, It Is, therefore, well to recall
tbat th relnfurccmunt of tho iierman
squadron in the Pacific parojlts Uus
sla, Franc and Germany to affectively
prevent a disturbance of th balance
of powar,"
Th Novostl expresses th hop that
th isolation of Great Britain with re
speot to th thr European powers
will "paralyze bar actions ufllclcntly
to permit th preservation of peace
from tha danger threatening it at th
present moment"
WiiiiiMOToJf, Deo. 23. It I under
stood that tha authorities here have
bean unofficially sounded aa to the at
titude of th United States toward tha
compilations In the Far East with a
view to learning whether American
InUresta in China wero regarded as
sufficient to warrant any active stsp
by this govsrument From what
sou roes tha Inquiries have come la not
disclosed. It Is well understood,
however, that Great Hrltaln would
look with favor ou any action by
tha United Htatsa which would serve
aa a eheok on th advances of Germany
and Russia, Xhe liritiah Interests In
China ara ten times greater than those
of Germany, Russia and the United
States, and yst, with Germany and
Russia firmly located on Chinese soil,
Great Hrltaln ia left in a sort of cut
da aao. It Is known atao that th
Chines authorities would welcome a
movement by tha United States and
that this had aeen communicated to
ofllolala hare.
Although these soundings, for they
amoaat to nothing mora a yet, have
not taken official form, thay hav bean
sufficient to gain a pretty general un
derstanding a to tha attitude of this
goTsrnmant. Thia, In brief, Is that
th Ualtad htatas has no Interesl In
th territorial estrnslou now going on
la China) that she wilt not land at say
of th Ht port of China, aa Ger
many and Itusila bare done, and tbat
her only conearu Is to guard eslab
Hsbad A mar Us a Interval la China.
fallla hlllaj as fal
thr, Loui. !, ti. Tba alsst storm
that prevailed fur Ihraa days In Tsiss
has proved mora disastrous in He af
fseia upon stuae Intervals of lha West
aad Nurlhwsal pot Itou t that Hal
late at first rat-tsd, 'ha fatal
tile Wlag proaoMaoad anoag raeaat
liwpof laliuu from Masino and th
alt! Iskaa l lha btg plain euaatry
fro Louisiana la loealttle
tally It per teat of th Mas tea a est tie
4ie4 already
Aa aaaa Maaata-I bf I ktaa.
Isa lasstiat tVa, U Da X
flai ls DrsWa. a gdsi stadaat I
yautt'gy al imKr4 nlvrily slaa
li. I, hat aHit4 a p.xttioa la lb
lis liia usttais'ir- t uim. aad b
will laa fv the '.! lakrasrt k
U a bar liwas t iMwiaaatl, Ata.
Vaa taar Hi Us 4
KaatM Cm. M, iva U Tea
Isar ia) tha paallaalarf was la avet
ia taiposed a ths lt;la4
bf fwry t the sumiast svtr t-daf
M btliiaf l' lU.rfarsld with ft
staU Ww f bla ast
Tommy Traoar and Jua Wslootl En-
Joload From Maatlog.
Cuioaoo, Dea 23. The fight between
Tommy Tracey and Joe Waloott,
acheduled for last evening, did not
coma off as advertised. The postpone
ment of the fight was brought about
by tba action of Judge Urentanto, of
the Buperior court, who lssuaa an
order restraining th fighters from
engaging In any contest in th hall
that bad been secured for th event
and declaring that if an effort was
made to have tho fight ha would In
struct th sheriff to raid th place.
A Oraal Imaihlng ol Olssa.
New York, Deo. ?3. An sight
pound dynamlU cartridge exploded in
th rear of the Arbuckle coffee build
ing, in Brooklyn, last night Nearly
8,000 panes of glass in th neighbor
hood were shattered, and that th ex
plosion was not attended with loss of
llf is remarkable. The explosion was
beard twenty blocks away.
A 910,000 faobaxe Milling.
Coi.UMnu, a G, Dea 23. A pack
ag eontaining 110,000 in cash wa
stolen from th Southern Express
offlo in this city soma time between
Hunday morning and Monday morn
ing of this week. Employes nre sus
peotod. Cousin of the President Uaad.
Washihoton, Dec. 3 a. The death
yesterday of Mrs. Charles R. Miller of
Canton, cousin of the President, was
a sad blow to both tha President and
Mrs. McKlnley, with whom Mrs. Mil
lar wa a groat favorite.
rink lluttarlua taw Upheld.
8t, VkVh, Minn., Deo. 23. Judge
Louhren has decided that the Minna
ota "pink law," providing that all
oleomargarine or butterine offered for
al In this state must be colored a
bright pink, Is constitutional
Rubbers Oat Into Troubla.
Rkddimo, Cat,, Dea 2H. Two masked
men attempted to rob th Southern
Pacific eouipany's station at Keswick
last night, but they war driven off
by Station Agent Huhuckman, who
hot ona of the robbers.
Two Kill ail and Two lojored.
Chicago, Dea 88. Two men were
killed and two were seriously injured
yesterday afternoon by a roar-ond col
lision on tha Chicago At, Eastern III)
nols railroad at Cayuga, Ind,
A rrrrOr,rrrO000rO0
f 1 ita.'aw fi
"BEAUTY" E(KJ 3 00 ( AT
NPflAI Pfl
X 200 Acres in Nursery
20,000 Trees in Orchard
Itosti biiahc, l''verKreus, etc. that
If you do, writ lor our Ifeacrlptiv
t atwlou-iiH aud rrle, wtik-h
mail I 11 K I l.l
H 4. 4' 4
buy Tor Christmas,
ll.i auul I l'ra I'attvra u'T
VI av to a I a or a I'araa whM ba as.ira wttaLWt
UA are wiaat . UUa IHtr slwk M krga, taf ft ivaa email,
la Kank Kas b tnd h Xlsswafis, ( at tu kttW Traia
ra, oil a amilU at Udoa o a-stWu-a, as Alt U ( lutsl, wusl tw
auwa, t Kuka, tii.iiaa, li tiiWHU-mb-4rt v all kmda.
Aad ry this; gurat4.
Ik ,! g ia tik aa vbastUlty as takaa II yo ara at mUM
Bond tta your mail ordora.
Thomas Kilpatrick & Co.,
1005 to 1609 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Worth While.
It Is aaiy DODRb to he pleasant
WbD lit Hum slung lilt a sonic.
But, the man worth abila la ona who will mill
W ban ry thing aoea dead wronic;
For the text of tba heart I trouble,
And It alwars cornea with the yearn.
And the am Me tbat la worth tba pralava of earth
Il tba imlle that itilnea through teara.
It li eaiy anousb to ba prudent
When nothing tempta yon to itray;
When without or within no voloe of sin
li lurins vounoul away;
Hut It'i oniy a neuatlra vlrtna
Until It la tried by lira.
And tha iinll that II worth th honor of mrtli
Il tbi ona tbat reilale deelre.
By ths irynlo. tha lad, th lullen
Wbo hud no etrenKtb for th strife.
The world's falahway I cumbered today,
Tbey Risk np th.lteniiol Ufa;
But th virtu tbat conquer pauion,
And th sorrow that bldu In s mill
It I tbwa that are worth tba bomaice of earth
Kor we ond Iheui liutom: In awhile.
-Klla Wbolr Wlloox.
Printing OiHus Cheap,
A good job and New printing plant
for sale awfully oheap. Plant is Idle,
Addrcs "Kyle, care Nkiikahka Indkpkn
hunt." Km It Vsrm to Trsds.
Valuable young orchard of 41 acre la
prune, olive and other fruit, in bct
part of state. Clear, and title I perfect.
No irrigation I needed. Change lu fam
ily tirevnnt movlnir. and hence will ex
change for Nebraka Jand, Addre A
0, Chapman, Lincoln, Neb.
I.iMly I'rliitor.
Steady position for comietcnt lady
compositor, Address 110, care Inimc
puniiknt, Lhicoln, Neb,
Nttbrnitka Nlaliilei for Sale.
Copie of Nebraska statu tos for 1B03
for sale at 11.00 per copy. Address
Jacob North 4 Co., Lincoln, Nub,
Wife Wanted '
Lady plouso don't bo prejudiced be
cause I udvertise. I only ask for what
want, find it I proper and right.
Give description of yourself In first letter
and 1 will when 1 answer. Unincumbered
widower. W. W. WaMS,
Marquette, Neb. Holiday Ititlss.
On December 24, 25 and 81,1807, and
January 1, 1MU8, the llurllngton will
sell round trip tickets at one fare, be
tween stations west of the Missouri river
not over 200 mile apart. Final return
limit January 4 th. Full information at
It. k M. depot, or city ticket oliice, cor.
Oand lOlh street.
duo. W. IIonnki.l, C. P. A T. A.
Call at
1010 P Pt.
New Goods, New
Styles, Low Prices;
1206 0 SREET
' rnwnt u-
Do you want tO $
Plant -
t Imrry Irwa, rlum A
Vlll.v.Slniill Iruit pluuta V
ol nil killda.shade trws J
, 1IUIUV VilUTTlli
You nro puzzllnc; your homl,
4 porlinps. us to what to