The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, December 23, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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    December 23, I8q7
- r
Hpaia owm Rothschild and other
British money leaden two band red mil
Hon dollar, secured by the reueuue d
rired from tb Island of Cuba. 8paiu is
bankrupt, aod if the United Htate no
knowledge the independence or eves
the belligereney of the Cuban patriot,
that rant amount of sacred money will
be forever lost to those eminent citizens
of Christian Kuop. Therefore the
blood war must go on indefinitely.
Men mast be mercilessly butchered,
helpless women and children must be
left shelterless and starring, and fire and
sword must desolate the most beautiful
and fruitful island in the world. The
president of the great republic says we
must not Interfere, that Kpanisu bar
barity must not be checked and that the
most barbarous warfare known in the
world for two hundred years must con
tinue for the present. Is it possible that
the Interest of tb money lords of
Oreat Britain has anything to do with
the action of the president and his gold
bug followers in cogrss?-4ntral City
The government can't issue good
fiioneyjlt should be restricted to endors
ing the notes of corporations. In other
words the financial policy of Cage re
quires the government to guarantee the
payment of the banker's not, Nice
senem for the banker, Coleridg
The census of the Hawaiian Islands
taken by the present government last
year shows the inhabitants by national
ity as follows: ffawalians 81,01V; port
Hawaiian, M,4X!5; Americans, 3,UHf;
British, 5f,2oO, (Wrnens, ,K'A'i; French,
J 01: Norwegians, MH; 1'ortugese, 16,
101; Japanese, 24,407; Chinese, ulfilh',
flout h sea islanders, 4J6; other national
ities, 000; total, 100.0.0, What a fine
aggregation it would be to bring into
this country, where w have been com
plaining about ignorant immigrants,
and using all sorts of scheme to keep
them out, Adams County Democrat,
Mr. Mullalieu, ex-chairman of the re
publican state central committee and
whom so many people thought was
ruelly treated when he removed from the
saperin tendency of the Kearney reform
school, has been promising that he
would explain bis recently discovered
40,000 shortage to the state, but up to
date the public's ears hare not heard
the melodious sound. lie should not
forget his promise. Oakland Independent,
Htate Treasurer Meserv' statement
ol the school monies collected by him
daring the year he bos been in office pre
sent some startling facta. The amount
for this year shows a remarkable in
crease over the amount collected by his
republican predecessor. The amount
for 1807 exceeds that of 1800 by W7f
'Z'i'A.fA, and exceeds the amount col
lected in 1805 by WWUH; it
ceeoe, too. the amount collects! in luv
by il8O,,i'l2.04. Figures don't lis and
in this Instance they thoroughly nunc
tur a number of the sweeping claim of
our brethren of tb republican press,
ueneva uazette.
I A tm sa ti.atmll.i 4 1, (si a fn.aaAfna .
v am wiiiiiw wuiuj&f v wtw fnv'
le talk about poor Mrs. McKlnley aj-
ng, liut now about those poor tUoao
who are dyinir at the hands of Win, M-
Kinley? Yea, not only dying but suffer
ing the pangs of starvation befor
fleam. iwxi uoud ivation
Tti followiiiic "ad" of a Kirkevill.
Missouri, grocery firm is a good tern
iterance sermon and needs no comment:
"Any man who drinks two drams of
wbiskey per day for a year, and pays ten
ente a drink for It, can have at onr
store 30 sucks of flour, 220 pounds of
granulated sjiitar and 72 pounds of
good gret 11 coffee for tb same money
andgntlZoU premium for making tbs
change In his expenditure," Chicago
Tiie Ncbhamka IsoKi'EMfiKMT vsry per
tinently suggosu the folly of appointing
Expert Helbig by the Investigating com
mittee, who has begun action to recover
$20 per day In addition to what the
ominitte agred to pay him. Mr.
Helbig is a republican, and those who
secured their positions by th grace of
populist voters, should exercise better
juugiueui man to ue -plowing witu
straugs heifers." Western News.
About Stuart'a Dyspopsia Tab-lots.
They t'ers etuMiarh Trouble slid ItiiHg
Una aer war, Whstliar uu liar rallh
Is 1 hui or Nut.
All physlnlans agr that the eliiuut
ol faith has a gmat dal to do In thseurs
of dlssass,
hi 111 tx'lud and oonf)dn in a family
iihvsleiau, or the sums (mundane ami
litith In a patent niwilu lne, bavsproduned
wntti..r(ul uurus in alt ng.
This I MNiially true la nervous
troul4s, and no (! Id offi-re an proline a
harvist for tli ((Hack and charlatan a
ths diMass arising from aakorruu
dow axrrous vifiii,
Nswrthnliwe, 1 lis in t (Hiniumn ol all
41wsmw, IimIim-sUou and sluiuai h
troubin, alma in turu faue nervous
diMiaMHi, hmirt lrmlits, rnnsuuiptiou
and of fbsli, rUires sunicthtsg be
!! faith to sure,
Mi re la. Hi HI ant digest jruur food
litrjuti, Mill ant give ton an atii,
sill aul IhifruM yuiir rtb aud mrmKili
m jrottr ana an I harl, but Ntuarl'a
;ali TabMs till tin inlitu,
Iimuimm tliry ar sMMtHHd id lhl
MUStS Ol dltfmiliiift, tlir contain Ilia
)UitiMi, at Ids and i'Ioms UM'r in
ths daliue, ami HxiiulUliiiM td alt
IoiImboiuii luwl,
Vlmill lfpl4 Tsl ixls Mill
iiid H lsf. la a ) tr or Un is mit
boalod In li drw, and t jr will du it
imiili w-irswHtx-iitrsly al.n UUu iatu
ttisstttniai h alur al ahttbr yoii
have laitH thai they alitor hm
'th't isflniirate the stuuiach, inaU
ursblMid aud truu NrM, la the
uiijr w-that aalttrs ran U iit.aad
that is, from plenty of wholesome food
well digested.
It Is not what w eat, but what w di
ffut that Annm ns ornod.
Btuart' Dyspeieia Tablets are sold by
druggists at ou cents tor iuii sizeo po:
Little book 00 cause and cure of
stomach troubles mailed free by address-
. ... . . . a t ti i s
lug muari u., siarsnau, mien.
Cbarle Q. liawes, formerly of Lincoln,
Nebraska, bas been named by president
McKinley for comptroller of trie currency
His nomination was Immediately con
firmed by the senate, without vn tb
usual formality of being referred to a
Th Lincoln street railway wa bid In
by tbs mortgagees at ths forcloural
lost Friday for f W,000. A nsw com
pany, to b known a tb Lincoln 1 raft
tlon comoany. with a capital of 11,0155,.
000, has been organised and will operate
tb system.
Norman Helby, of Rush county, Indi
ana, better known in ouitillsti circles as
' Kid McCoy," is undoubtedly th mid
dlewsiir bt ehamDlon fuitilist of ths world.
Lost Thursday night h met Ian Crea
don of New Zealand in th arena of th
J'urftan athletic dub at Long Island cit
aud after fighting flftesn lively rounii
made tb foreigner throw op the spongs
and acknowledge tb booster's superior
Uy stipulation, Hon, John O, Yelser's
case against tb Nebraska Telephone
Company, has been postponed until the
tw February term,
Henator Allen has introduced a reso
lution in the senate, and secured its
passage, calling upon the postmaster
general u luiorm in senate 01 an rail
way and steamship mail contracts mad
by th Tutted (4tats now in force, the
names of (jersons or companies wwi
whom they are mode, th service to bs
performed and the sum to be paid by
th United Ht&tee,
Hon, J. N, Oaifiu, mker of th bous
of representatives was la Lincoln Moo
day, He paid th Inditiumdent office a
visit, and incidentally Wt a dollar to re
new his subscription for another year,
A man calling at a hotel left bis um
brella in the stand in the ball with, tb
following inscription attached to it:
"This umbrella belongs to a man who
can strike a Wow of 250 oounds weight,
I shall be back in tua minutes," On re
turning to seek bis property he found in
it place a card thus Inscribed; "This
card bas been left by a man who can
run tweiv mile an hour, 1 shall not
corn back,"
The Cuban insuraenU executed Colon
el joaouin Ituir, aide-decamp of Mar
shall lilanco. Colonel Kufz bad been
sent as a peac envoy to request th
Cuban to accept autonomy. The insur
gent held a court martial and decided
to put him to death. He wo executed
with tb Macbet.
Th 10 per cent reduction In th wages
of tb Fall River cotton spinner ha
been followed by th announcement of
a reduction in wages by th Royal Weav
ing company of Central Falls, R, I, No
explanation of this retrograde prosper
ity used be expected befor th congres
sional elections next year.
As exemplifying tb magnitude of
American commercial operations ft is
worth recording that Leiter Monday
sold 6,000,000 bushel of wheat in Chi
cago, engaged freght ear on tb Penn
sylvania line to transport it to tide
water, and chartered five steamships to
carry a part of it to Kurope, This is
believed to b tb largest operation
of tb kind that was ever made in any
It bos been developed that tb bill rel
ative to pelagic sealing, which bos Just
passed both bouses of congress aod is
before th president, contains a provis
ion of far-reaching importance that has
thus far escaped attention. This places
an absolute prohibition on th further
bringing of sealskins into tb 1,'nited
H tales from any source whatever. As
the United Htates is ths largest market
in the world for sealskins, this complete
stoppage of tbs trade in this country
will be a sever measure against the
British and Canadian Industries which
take and cur tb skins and then dispose
of them largely in the United Htates.
Governor Holcomb bus approved
claims on the trans-Mississippi exposi
tion appropriation for space for the var
ious department. The claims aggregate
I1H.430.75, divided as follows between
the various debarments: For the apiary
2.'0; live stock, .',0(K; horticulture,
f 1,845; dairy, 1750; poultry. 11,250;
la addition to thee claims, the monthly
pay roll amounting to i;2.15cnte has
Imwu allowed, making a total of f .').',
100.22 drawn to date on the f 100,000
aixironrliition. and ths exposition
sxiniMs have ut ciMnmiini-ed. (iovern
or llolnonin huld the claims lor space
several wevka bufors hs approved them.
They were snt to Auditor Cornell, who
will Issue warrants.
( ATAUItll S Till: HKAD. thattrou
hlffsoms and diegusting disease, may be
entirely cured by a thorough course of
Hood s Harsaparilla, ths great Wood
IIOOIi'M MM Hcnrs nauMa.sii k bead
erhs, Indigestion, biliousness, All drug
gists. y.iu.
1 . . -lT.
-1 4 - Jft
. 1
mw tr ovek.
I - .,.),. i ta S.n.rit
, t a . I I I lf . IMS
. 1, . I. I 1 ,,.:... 'I III ll I'liMSi
it- ii- 1 1 m m-i J'' wit
-... . . . . .i! HU ! g''lll la
i- i 1 , iii " I vir
. 4.. 1 i . . ". ! ' tr
. ' 1,..,. 1 . 'i .. i !'
, U.l ll.l.l I I lr H I l I I
. , i n 1 1 . j. - 11, i.i,,.. r
ii -t ii i ii i t t n ivsri.
i n, tx l ' i ! . toft
Slatsss an Jstsam front ths Us mi
Wit C'nrrsal Inaplciint of aa I"
srsoasl Mslure y tills a lUltmt
Bora With a tall.
Minister And so you think you are
to ue a minister when you grow up,
my Jittle man,
Mttie Man Yesslr. Mother says
I'm Just cut out for a minister.
Minister Rccause you love to do
Little Man N-o; becausA I'm always
fettlfT turre throat, and bdu' ordered
away for my health,
Uua4 Air, fist"
Citimann 1 presume you find the
country air very lrw-lig.
Friend (who lias just moved to th
suburimlToo bi'S4'Wig; that's th
"Hurts your Jungs?"
"No; makes ns hungry, and w liav
to com bai'k to the city for something
to eat."
A Nad jrsfs,
Dora (at the eeo-eblej Aren't you
engaged yet?
Clara (dlsofisolttU'lyi -Jmlecd I'm
not, and I won t ever be if I stay In
this foggy plow,
"Why not'"
"1 can't keep my bungs in curl long
enough for a man to iroxmv,"
P,ni ;rbsite.
Mr, Hsysed-Weli, them city fellers
bents me, 1 hey wears garters.
Mrs, Hayseiel -Hakes alive! What
Mr, Hayseed -T beep their socks
from falliu' down over tln'ir tnwn, 1
s'poee they air te lazy t' wnsli thalr
A rshlonshl Ml.
Mamma-What under the sun are
you Aiinn with little lot's clothes
Little Hh-k (desiendently) Wall,
Dot sabi she wanted U le in th' fash-
Ion, an' she's gone off with all of mine,
gll a VlSsren,
A a AagliMsals
A mfls bs of fortune's frkj
III p-li qui to KikINI) mmuAn;
He sHKtlmes of bis umui spesk
As , d snd .
Misnwblls his fsther-poor old msnf
Keep hi 111 In null and collar,
And put lut tlirii. a well as lie can.
With twA eld V, t
One Or the Othsr,
Clever ton Not long ago I mad aa
agreement with a friend to exercis an
bour a dev for a year at tb gymna
sium. I ll b banged if It wasn't de
stroy d by fir last nigh'.
Danhawav Ali-ahl Which on of
you burned?
Ill Islni.
WI...I la Aiir ,.l,l trUnA .Talblna
doing?" asked a Congressman of on of
pis isuow-ianorers."
"Working a claim,"
"Hs isn't mining, 1 hsr
"No lohbvinir."
A Kcv Maasasntsnt of Tlnui,
I'asMintfor "How Innir will it m !.
lorj si got inioiMsw yorK, jorUrJ"
rorter " 'iiout a ouartiili ot m. dol
lah, ah."
Not iNt-lluea le llasulo.
Collins "What do vou InLand to !.!
lor vour I'Oiiir-
lb'.llins-.' Oh, I'll sell It diss p, Any
thing you'll gtvs,"
A fsatsls f'osdartor,
Mrs, Csrollns Murss runs I ha rus
inn house elevator In Han Francisco,
H, Hhe Is th widow of a sailor, and
hs rsres for and educate her family
y means of her work. Hhe was an
olnted under e-President Ilarrlsou'i
ilmlnlMiratlon, and was deposed dur
ik Clevetand't flmt term, but Baa
'rsnclsi o demanded hsr relostatanaot
Sk fnui irMr t4r loahno tus s slef
IUH4l.ll, U MS Ih4 Srlkk ths
! Ill M,Rai. 1 k ,llU. Sf Sl l SHk lk oll m tlx inn. All Wr 1
ltl OS4ISII ! H' Sl Utu oJ
Mi M 4: H Is ! ( s'ia
4 is aiii SriKou k fwti 11 sua
i iii,m. it is so. ui . IK s4 a
Mis reM el
ColiariMMi lis Viiln.l lu Inks a iiullilur
tai'slmu until U'sdumiday January ft.
Ibis Is eouddpfahly ui.e"r than lh
iiiiI hnli'ltty vai'atmu, i ha stira ses
sion iIimuhh id N'srlf all IiiiihiMuhI
and irvliig buiies Is ths rnM thai
Isgiv-n birth si trains I. h t i id Id
tuasl strtlui i t nan,
A s ai4 aki ' riM-4 m f4ils k4
l lalia4r S t-t l S klwl
t f .wls S 'f1 f'll tal
M IM f ! S'-t SBiaiva I ui
Iiai fcMSMI, ink, Us. SU Uiasl
S4 IS S ( 4 141
I - l S..I H imwi.N
-ar.l Nimi l-4 lis v4mII
lit Is !. s4 Smio
l i4hm sis. I sni a4 hm m
la t ' 1 o,ai
s,ak ( fex11, ' 'll
1. n ;is
wma k k . a f r-v
Of beautiful, useful and Interesting: goods suitable for
It's the early applicants who get the choicest goods
. a tW je-a"k e'VL -4B-w " t Ax. rW.
I ' !
4uii..a lu i
Ili'lllltn"! Slt. a. all M44.'
SO IK'S tSr, W, Al PSIMil
tw r aiwii Mostt a. I , '
for Holiday Presents
Nothing is rnor mUunm aud appropriate
than such useful articles as
Handkerchiefs, Neckties,
Mulllers, 8ufenders, (Jlovos,
Mittens, Caps, Hoods, Kascluators,
Hhawls, Kkirts,
Table Linens, Napkins,
Towels, lied Hpreads,
lVketbooks, Albums, Toilet rlets,
Hmoklng Hts, Jewelry Cases,
1'ooket Knives, I'erfumns,
Finger Itings, Hleev lluttons,
Watch Chains, Collar Muttons,
H!ttrf J'lus, V.ur Drops,
Shoe Selection
Is easy lir. Tb tyl you want, tb dur
ability you want, and th price you can af
ford to pay are all considered and provided
befor you ooiue,
28 pair child's kid button, squur
toe, Xto 11, regular DrloeWOo If A
J puir Missus kid button, squar
toe, 1 IX to a, regular prlc 1, A
thl week, per fiuir,, QC
M pulrchild'skld button and lac
coin and squars toe, patent tip, (tt 11
toll,reg.l,yti,prpair. 2)1 ii
4H pair Misses' kid button square
to, patent lip, J l to a; reg- . Ill
,A A A
Ular prlc S
I7 pair Misses' kid button and
Inc squnr toe, pa
11 to 'J, reg.fl.CO; per pair
tip, llXi
l,ar; thl wekpalr
paUmt tip,
4CK4 4ff ock-oo oxoo
Dress Goods
1 0 piece brwadwd dress goods,
'in In, wide regular price
turn week,,..,,
Toys, Toys
10 pieces brocaded dress aood
84 in, wide, regular price, 28o
IV pushes novelty dress goods Hi
in. wide, regular prlc DOc AC
this week , 55JC
10 pieces novelty drisM goods,
regular iirlc (Jo and 45c;
this Week,,,,,,,,,,, ,,..,,,
10 piece all wool Novelties, 40
inches wide, regular price fOo
High gral novelties, regular
price 00, 76, rllio A A f.Q RA
aud m, this wk .flU 00(fi
and 84c
Men's Velvet Embroidered Slippers, Special this week:
69c, 89c, and 93c? regular price 75c,
$, $1,25 and $J,50,
FRED SCHWIDT & BRO., 92,ttK!S,p o'
Its. Ieso, AtUttmmf at
rft fu,lm, w.'rr, fan, Ja, n, 'M.
111. m arAi.i. u v tr,.i,i 11. nM
... I W , , r ," . ... m. wr'r ri m W rrw mtmtuw i
, Cmiw M, Sb ss4 II, II. Hbsw. kl
Art saw snk ,, Vf((lls M, PsscaU s4 II,
S. Hollos A ; SafaalfooU, lll toll tlf
Ibol wa Mi Zlt SsriH Itmmmlmt. 1W7. 40S K,
lot. blolatlirLWals. i4 sis battlios In ta
tiairirt cart of lwstr aosiilr, Nabrsvks,
ssslwatilsrltos 17, Marlar, s4lsltrstor of Id
aUI of Joe a, Msrlsr, (domaaail), Msrf
K. Msrlsr, h it, sih, 11, k aunio, si dii
4. .. kJ I , I, ML..
kiSrtsswsskows, Vlrslola U, Iistti
floraar N. Ars, llasrr O, Am. I''il II
Marlar, l rlt (. Msrlar ss4 II. , Hollos A
:o, dafoniianU. ths oiiiantssd orsrrof eiiieb
Sratw (oraaliM a MrtnlS w,rUa, iatii4
nil iloliiforaxt Ut llw sM ioaaub K, Msrlo snd
Mrr K. wsrisr. . 10 in iisiiun Sim
Mantlus iaibaiir, ssi ff s 4Vssom ,niif.
atlou dnlr BMlirn4 lo lb blslnllff. Slum tb lol.
lowlns J-rij'l rl aatau, itsil Is l aa-
oataroslr, kaliroali, lo-slt: tAtt ssnilwr
iiiii. labi'xs ssoibar vs m. lu niiiwiai
s4liUia to tb ilr of Annuu, to iirtb
narBixiil iii on artsls sromlaaiira oola, Sota4
Jnlr llib. !(, forth um iii l, sel ds
l pfll AUSiial lt IUII, WHS lb Istorwl
tbaraos iorliti to tb las lstrt auu,(n
! tbarato stts,'ba4 tb las oiio'is aulas
Kivan lut ranawal of il smoust o ss !
ion iH tb tl iw m iiareiant ul mis orisirinsi ms
frlbis ot $:a,id) aali, pajrolila 4ukIII
wft, SMS r sis tnoniii iiiaraaiurr snui
ahula or oala. s! fartlwr to aorraat tli aaiua
ol tb par Is ll Isat siaslWinad amj,ona, i
10 aiMUinia 1 a' noma in na.iiuin, ona r
Imrla. aa ,. o tn coiifnrui to lb bob.
trai l ol I lila pialallfl olili aalil JWih K. Marlar
and Mrr V., Marlar ; Mia asm l II. S. Hsllos
A . bavlas lis lnrli la ioIiI rssl ns
una tbroMSb mlalaka.
'I bar I sue it aims li BiiU sail Mnirl-
, tli nut uf M1 WSS'I Us par'oaiil InUroal
IbartHia (nun Aat at lHA, sail Ibtluribar
am ill a u aai lalaraat for lata iil Uf
pialsilH. lo proioitt bt miritr lla,
liafamt liatiiia Itaaa mail is esyls Ibo la
Irraal all loan, for mora Ibas oa rar, lb
iliiliN ilw lsm lb a bill amnust "I irtsi'lisl
sail laW b so ilua sail iaralil,
I ba blaiali nr Ibat salil siurla msr ti
lnra. liiaMl, fsil lb lirastla mar li oulil lo sslls
l lb aimtsal S I.IbIiiII" Iharana, anil that
baaaai of s alaHS siav M ulMlilulaS lata
raaaaal iwimimI tula M thai id II, S. IIsMhS
I n. ami lur ral rallvf,
tua. aail ab of tua, si rwMlrl to Bnr
ii iiiiia, os er bWorsIb slai tla ulju
iaia. Ibl. tlal irf Iwtwiilwr, lf,
Of His. I .Kl;, hi ll-r.
la M..i.har sub lb slsl ul lb ali uf
baina.ha. la taib a uil a4 iui.U.. Bo
tha la bu sl' Ibal aaata I,a4 sill b
aaif SI lb om ul Ik atitaMitaxlu, M b
laa.l. aa ka'inia aain la a , 4mit ,
I mm In, Imalahik aniillr tl Ik aaaitar a4
l Ma.kl, a. lu, tk In, lb I
aua al l.lM', llaaiiaaa. aail Suflu k, IkitUI
attiiairial abuul SI kia-f , Iba alii Inaaali al
tebol al lithaia, )ba laalilal lu, bal. aa'kilH
aiktt nirli. tS h aitiar' aaS aaiutt
iiH,a Bt Instill ISBa4 Sa! tiil4 Iba but ul
fca lfi.l al I. !. Ik ii'am'l Ikaaalrlai
MM a I M'H...l, S. iba ala'a -n.iiai, at
tat ul a l.liadn ak4 bk StutoM b
wi-J ti f ai t,i,u. In Ik vi ila4,ala ol
4 -il laatilvilus, i 'J lHlttaa
ui, a a , ' " S
a 1 1, a m a-tHOl Mi Ik Ui4 (kail mu$
hkl All kwl, lu b o.i4aia Jai'X'S1
Iuii) SHI b 4 Balm I Ik . tit Ik
Miaaai'iliitl l (-uli i. iaaU 4 k i lit, a 1.1
Ul .'a ik 4f 4 h.,i. abtai i ihh I ka
tM4 tMlf Ik lk Id h a'l bt4
i t ul It,
I lacola, M.b I'm. I. Mil, Saaralaif .
Or, Kelchum, liar, Nosn, Thrwit
snd CutArrh ,
rlMH('ltll rlu4 atlSwt faMuSBbl
0mi-s4ila.Mir III. Iter. U IU, Uaetda
.ivat m tmi as
Sr tU lraliiii ul TurkUfc C,.li
lor St, Sllil Umh, lla, nm, Sarr
r ral trvuiil. IJuiaiJ aa parfat a riia
srarwara, W sub mir awtlrliu
so4 rwaasralrwssUlnsaU. Waboa
arlio auaraaUa oiil, fi r,lr. Sluals
IJl.l.H Sfl,jwallj0'a i-S4ll4T
syf:::u3 c.i
i!3 clc:d.
BmuUuo ar4 bf Twrklah
Sriiblll Our. sarr SMI.
Villi traalwaol Silk
t,tM4i BQtoSuiaaTsaal.'
IfKNTtoa rue NkiiHASKi IkOKi'iNURNT when writing to our advertisers.
Soa'tTobaooelpit and tmU lou Lift
If you want to quit tobacco aslng
aslly and foravsr, b mad ll, trong,
magostia, full of nw Uf and vigor, tak
No-To-Uae, tb wonderworker, thai
makMwaaK men strong. Many gala
tea pound la ten days. 0rr 400,000
cured. Buy No-To-Da of your druggl
under guarant to ur, 50 or 1.00.
liook 1st and sample mailed fr. Address
MUrling ftmdy Co., Cbloago or Nsw X,
Hemsval of Mliaourl I'aclfl) City Tleka
Tb Missouri I'acillo city ticket offlo
ha been removed to 1030 0 street.
U'henyouar going south or cast re
member that ther are two fast train
dally from Lincoln to Kansas City and
Kt. Loula via this lins,
49 WMtmioliUr Bt Pwvldeno R. I.
Wssl all klBilt of Ass rara, Mils, fllam,
aara,t. rsll rla ssarsaUMl, I'srolal
lartloB, i,arlooB lraataal, lsta4lBio raiolk
laM, Sbliilaa Ta. Muoaa, luraik4 tra
W rile lul I la brie atftsists
Tla and 0 Bta, IJaeola, Nb,
Call and a a or wrlu tor bi prlasa,
T nioti. f'titoBun aiidiMilutala Iiiaa
and Illinois, llist'Mti.H l'A U IC la roa
brrtloa with th V. . "i njr nor
lbs bt rtks) aad lb lastt liaia
Call t writ to m br tn sards, raios,
at, l' t, Mi-ssiis,
ua. Ata
VUal d.M II i...t la set H.fT W k i
ltd how ImuIi nu ki? W list bIhimI.I
Mis lake? hl ai Hi" UnHf? lluw
math bat iv rilaiUf Is anrk
ihiuiiiulf n bat " are pi.T I
tHat tioai? bat ar nas's
rhaiii'M ul "tiiakletf a sink?"
I tni.iii.u an I 4Hal tuff r.lis ti
th atiiiv t i liiiiiB sill Iw limn I la Id
Itariihalna Hui s "Kinaa ts uiilr.
bus iailv I. if ditilaliiiit, hitiw
a id plat thai inliiiiiisii'ia a I aa
bl lo ilil mm it id Alasa and Kli
tl kai t ra at Ituftiaslna Itout lt kt
nitl.s, or anil na rmvipt id luar esU la
staiiiisbv J t raniis. tira'l 'aaaaf
Ht, Hulling-i.ia Knuts, timaha, li.
" AlMUwaldflslda.
If you eonUmplat a trip to Bk If lah.
ael's Oral City, Ft. Cudahy, or Forty
kail or ia fact any point in Alaska kit
m qnot yoo rats and sajling. I
bav th my latt advioe front Forw
land aad Beatti. 0. W, IIodbsII, C. P.
A T. A,, aornr Tenth and 0 strscta.
Borllng toa Root, Llaooln, Nsbruka.
SI ira nn umir L
Tli U-t stiil Cbrs
iiihiii Kiiun. run
airriwiii. Will tiot
I I'Haaa luaiwt..
li'jMaiH, b lj
am grata
f Baaaaai Ibaa
an aiiia, aiill.
a, vraha4.
IMa. W Uat. Aa-Sao
saoaab tot as, rwpwi
BUd solf bf
StcressMa&Qt.ctt Co.
JolMiar a4 Maaulattr
virara ef waaniia. laiia
Maabia!,, WiiHlaillla.
Wyatt-Bullird Lumbar Companjr,
Offlo 90th and hard RU, I'kob 478
Writ for 1'rio,
OMAHA. till KER.
Cuaaaliief room btinvt t)T V
( A
IS las MSif
lIO lAlittT
ax tsbtis st4
Frlviti DlittMt
ibmo 4 ti
SU J aaj, ktnai k
bl I aa,a la. I Im.
a I 4,Ka)
lbrn. Hwtaa,M
Mil t4 Nitsai Its.
t st A MA a a N